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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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susan garalia and i'm with you at the you think i'm the number pretty book is really busy. yeah. the the, the, these are in the military says it's now killed at least 90 palestinians during its ongoing attack on the al, she for hospital complex in northern gas. the vouchers here alive from the for you back. people also coming up here from doctors are watching guys as hospitals during his rascal environments. they describe the
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whole re 16 stay with one child never say get had been so bad. he could see his facial things. we knew there was no chance of us of only thing that but there was no moving to get and is there any yes or i can afford distribution center in the north of guys, a strip kids at least 20 feet policy and 8. why? cuz the and prize upfront during south don will have the latest on food shortages with thousands of people who fled fighting in neighboring. so don thank you for joining us. these really ami says it's skilled at least 90 palestinians during and ongoing rate on all she for hospital in gaza, city explosions and gunfire shaking areas around the complex. is there any soldiers rated the hospital on monday? they say they've interrogated more than 300 people in taken at least
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a 160 back to israel for further investigation. guidance, health ministry says the situation inside the hospital is critical and hundreds of displaced civilians, patients and staff, a trapped inside. let's get the latest we have have the sound hotel isn't occupied, is use them for us. talk to us about the is really reactions to this continued rate on. now she found the death toll that is rising of the that's right. these really are me says that they have a rest of 300 palestinians and if we use 90 other pulse against have been killed in this ongoing rate of ship a hospital. these really army has released the statement this morning saying that they are continuing what they're calling a targeted and precise operation while trying to keep civilians out of harm's way to minimize the damage to the facility. but we do know that people have been,
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be in, they have been arrested among them journalists as well. people who are sheltering, they're saying they are quite fearful of the ongoing rate. i've looked there also airstrikes happening within the vicinity as well. these really army is stressing about how much is using the hospital for military means and purposes. this is the 4th time i will ship has been rated. and you'll remember, most notably back in november. these rarely army have a ledge that how much was using as ship as a command center for their military activity, their headquarters, for all of that type of military activity. but those claims were never brought to fruition. there was never any evidence brought to prove those claims brought forth by these really army and, and this is happening as is growing international pressure. i'm done on israel ford's operation in guys uh for its brand operation on rafa. what, what is the reaction from these really government?
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i was just in the last 24 hours alone. you've had mounting international pressure from some of israel's biggest allies. you, canada, germany, the in the united states, the united kingdom as well. you have the americans who say they are looking for these really to send a delegation to washington to discuss this pending ground invasion instead of the last to which these really as have agreed to canada who passed a non binding resolution into hold sales of arms to israel and these rarely as have reacted to that as rules for administer, saying that it's a shame and a disgrace and that it will prevent quote, as well as rules, right to defend itself. and that history will look back on this moment. not fondly, but then you had 10 of his foreign minister say, even though this was a non binding measure, it is something that is real than the united kingdom,
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the foreign secretary. they're saying that the goal should be to obtain, not just to cease fired for a pause in the fighting, but a sustainable cease fire that will lead to something more permanent. so all of this pressure has been continuing to mount on israel as they've been prosecuting a war that has seen the death of nearly 32000 palestinians come to sahu dean occupied these through the same. thank you for the update hung down not lease 23 palestinians working to distribute aid in northern guys. i have been killed by these really strikes well pains vom targets goes to the coates round about way supplies for the north are distributed intersection is on the slide, dean road that links northern and southern gaza. several attacks have been carried out on palestinian seeking 8 at the same location. last month. these really forces open fire on a crowd bank, killing 118 people seeking fort. are. these are the ami as also shelves, a u. n. warehouse meant to receive humanitarian, aiden jabante. i know them gaza,
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at least 2 workers were killed. the facility was preparing to receive trucks carrying desperately needs a intended for people in the area. out to 0 is honey, my move is in by 5 with more the attack i'd be coates round about. this is another, a tragedy of a delivery in 2000 the northern part in the situations that we witness. that early hours of last night was a group of 8 workers organize a coordinated by the clans committee in gaza. and the northern part over the past with the successfully managed the delivery of to can boys of a to trucks to gauze in the northern part. but we were looking at as they were waiting for the truck. so arrive at the way it traffic circle the where attack by is really playing at that that's swap the the, the areas that we're waiting for. killing almost 24 people who all the transferred to the hospital that's in uh. gov of squared. that's the central part of gauze and
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city as reported by a highly hospitalized the, there were multiple injuries as well, different kind of injuries, either in the back or in the domino area. and what we're hearing of from the hospital is the fox compatible with the report about the hospital and the difficulty to treat it properly as it is just lack of supplies, make it very difficult for the doctor to intervene and to provide the proper medical intervention to save lives at this moment, giving the short digit stream for additional medical supplies and is sufficient. me to go with stuff inside the house with us to the world. health organization says doctors and guys are suffering mine nutrition, weight loss and exhaustion. i would catastrophic food shortages and working continuously to treat the injured but without enough food. the struggling to get through with that shift. victoria again can be a resource dr. bashaw,
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abdul called that hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in gauze us and surviving on a few plates of rice and this low model because of the noise bed. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to share between 2 doctors consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables, no protein. it's not enough for adults and working these hours. the head of the emergency department is worried about his team's ability to keep going. he says, die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the money, we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin, the comp. what like this and especially with so many injuries coming in, they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for who. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they tend the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become
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a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources. food. the we're suffering from nutritional deficiency, fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high without adequate nutrition. there's a high risk of health workers folding sick. and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g. there are several doctors with 1st hand experience and guys i have spoken to journalists at the united nations. they recount to the difficulties medics face trying to save lives in a health care system that's collapse. i'll just here is gabriel is on to has moved from new york of all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here un headquarters on tuesday recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there. for some of them, they really wanted to put
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a human face on the suffering that they saw firsthand. what i focused on the people at this is the other. she's 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had tell her family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained a 3rd degree burn has 140 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple things like pain medication and even an inhaler in this small bile of medicine. here is a medicine that we use for sedation, metabolism 1st set. this is something that we could be using for our patients for their or in pain who are trying to. so we're trying to reset their fractures. we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is
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something that can help something this small. we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall or someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect, may have been as bombs or dropping in the air fills with smoke. not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years, says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit, especially when it came to young burn victims. the most devastating buns in small children. one child, lo, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us, of only things that but there was no moving to get that says not any wish you never to be going to die. but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the and those
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into the farm and to dine. many patients and hospitals and gaza have open was that cannot be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? the, the longer this work goes on, the, the longer these wounds have to rot, i mean, really, right. the infections are getting worse and worse, and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans, but also increasingly from trauma. next month, a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues since october, when israel's war on kaiser began gabriel's on the i'll just need it at united nations in new york. the
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fee not allowed to use more than 18000000 people in, so donna, facing acute hunger because of the civil war. many can't be reached by 8 agencies, while others have sought refuge in neighboring countries. the un estimates more than half a 1000000, so the needs have arrived in sa. so don, since the conflicts began between the army and time military rockets support forces last year, bottom web reports in the transit camp and the board of time of ranking sausage on c o. 2, then civil war has forced about 8000000 people from that homes. and left more than twice stop facing a q tongue whose mothers and seeking help for that children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank is south to down. yeah, court capital accessing was among the 1st the fleet of fighting almost a year ago. she's been in the camp ever since. and k bus here. it's in the tongue.
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she says her husband died. the, the red shows me a chinese um is far too fading for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and cross border trade before the war. now the traffics one way and many come and see 100. most of the people arriving here a hungry it comes from cost to sit on it to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well, the program is registering the new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then to your everybody. and it's a, it's a base of displace people see you and says it shows of funds to be able to deal
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with this crisis. here you arrivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south c denise. but a growing number of suit and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received anything. and since i arrived it's my 2nd day of waiting. my doctors are very hungry. i'm not has better luck this time. so suit ounce cartons, he's losing 5. he was oil revenues full because of the war. food prices going out severely. mountain there is children, like near time, a treat to the terms that come by irish charity. go with the nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is a people who stayed here
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a long time waiting for the location to this time that children, that really the tutor you know, the condition, the coming what yeah. quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be be located. hi mary, you're in south see the on stuff is on the conflicts flooding, more displacement, she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web al jazeera rank south seat on still head on al jazeera, columbia calls office. he's fine with a break away function of funk rebels after an indigenous school visit time. and republicans in the us household, a hearing over the chaotic exit of american troops from afghanistan and a bit to pin down president biden. in an election the
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that remains the likelihood of a bit of flash flooding from the biggest shaft and southeast asia born years to the rich. so the way, see, maybe i'm once again eastern john for the increasing likelihood of shares and threw me in my song thailand. a single impulse for the whole the islanders sumatra boot kits. 36 is still on the high side. but having broken a march record a couple of days ago, it probably fails. read to the to increase in shelves. seemed likely in the southern television. nothing usually big, but the big rain to the south of that is the remains of a tropical cycle. there's folding upon there, but it still got all the energy that they brought with it. so not a springs are about 3 days of rain coming your way with a huge dropping temperature and obviously consequent funding for the south and the constant. this is not too cold front was dropped, the temperature is quite considerably in victoria and new south wales. the sun is
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bringing inside the african in past the temperature of such he wants to study study or west australia. now looks pretty dry, which surprisingly is a change to the last couple of weeks. in new zealand, you'd expect that to be rain coming in. it does cover you ever so slightly otherwise a fine looking thursday and a pretty fine looking friday the right in 60 days. and you'll notice mostly off show the this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things come and discover the natural,
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historical and cultural beauties. the . the, the, you're watching l g 0 live from doha. recap of the top stories. the is really ami says it's now killed at least 90 find a simian steering an ongoing rate on out chief a hospital in gas, a city explosions and gunfire shaking areas around the complex is really sold just raised at the hospital on monday. and is there any asterix in northern guys? i have killer east 22 palestinians working to distribute food or pains here we can wait round about which makes northern and southern gas. the world health organization says doctors in guys that are showing signs of mine nutrition,
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they're working around the trunk to treat dangers by without any food, enough food, they're struggling to get to fish. in other news, columbia, as government is resuming military operations against fock rebel function option to attack on indigenous community present. gustavo federal said shooting what the shooting was a violation of a sci fi deal. as that, it's on that i'm getting ready for some burger to. the attack is a blow to the president splashed and one of the wells longest running, conflicts vicious attack on an armed civilians. members of a rebel dissident group opened fire and this indigenous community in the western county region best sunday when local to resisted the arms groups attempts to forcibly recruit a young student at least 3 people, the wounded when renowned indigenous oh tory t was killed, leaving kirk community long ravaged by on conflict once again in disarray and
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things have to medical and there's a lot of uncertainty, anxiety and fear regarding desperate they're 12000 people in the indigenous reservation and people are stuck in the houses kitchen, not going to school. everything is still because we don't know what will happen next to the question is now for the government, what will they do? we're trying to attend to buy. so security and social emergency, the president gustavo pedro who has bet on negotiating peace agreements with remaining arm groups in the country took to social media to announce that the attack was a violation of i'm going ceasefire and ordered a resumption of military operations against them instead of the start of my us and that is or amc is the largest listed in facts and the former 5 rebels who refused to join the 2016 peach deal to explore say that since the accord with signs columbia no, to read these have failed to take control of the countries most volatile regions,
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allowing remaining on groups to expand and fight for control of illegal activities like direct traffic inc. and will, you know, the government is engaged in peace negotiations with this guerrilla group because they argue that they have political agenda. but the truth is that the agenda is on chia and they don't have support among local communities. and at the same time they took advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen themselves militarily. and that's what the president has now understood and is trying to stop. the government says negotiations with this group will continue despite the setbacks, but the next steps are clear. on tuesday, the country's largest criminal organization declined in gold for and now they will also start talks with administration in p. and there's no doubt that the suspension of this cease fire is a political blow for president petros plans to consolidate peace in the country. and one that unfortunately pertains and increase in violence for dose caught in the
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crossfire. allison that i'm get to adjust the ball, but that a gang leader in haiti is riley supporters to regain control of a neighborhood in the capital is a kill. alexandra led a crowd before the appraise. after his escape from the prison along with thousands of others earlier this month, wines gangs of seas control of much of the capital. rice groups have accused the gangs of committing atrocities, including killings and great charge in tina. now where it's a 100 days since president, have you been a started work? it's been a tablet timing office so far off to a volume to reverse decades of economic decline and chaos. have a simple report on the capital of witness cyrus on the continuing resistance to malays cost cutting reforms which are hitting the for and it's become on all to come on scene seems cubby enemy, late to coffee, is a 100 days ago flashes between protestors and the police on the street, so when a fight is protest gives demand more food assistance for soup kitchens. as
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a nation has left families struggling to make ends meet. the only do we know that every day, but those who can each eternity one today, we have at least 70 percent of the population under the poverty index. a many more working people under the indigents index. this is unsustainable. quality weights, i run the wrong scene item. the main reason nation is over 50 percent since we they took off his last december 1 who tries to carry out reforms that he says will stabilize the economy. have you had any they took off his warning people that the situation will get much worse before getting better, and it has the government evaluated subsidies on electricity and transport them in places like this one. it shows, it has had a huge impact on people's purchasing power. hold on what you said to him, what a site is. he says the situation is difficult for everyone. there is no doubt.
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there is hardship every way i am embarrassed to increase prices. but if i don't, i go out to business. i have children coming here to beg for food. but i cannot seem to be nice. reform plan has been focused on a mega bill that failed to pass the lower house. and a decree with over $360.00 articles to introduce sweeping reforms to argentina is economy with that in going through. it was rejected in the senate last week. and even though it's still valid, if it is rejected in the lower house, it will complicate the economic plan even more. president relate, has one very strong thing, going in his favor that he has a clear objective, a clear vision of what he wants, call it liberally, libertarian free market, reducing the deficit, not printing any more money. and he's very clear this. he's not very good at actually going. he hasn't done this before. i have yet to be late, who calls himself
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a lie on both the cutting down government spending has left the budget surplus for the 1st time in years and that inflation has started to go down in february. but those protesting against him are concerned less economic plan has come a bit of expense very so i'll just see that when a site is the former president of brazil j to both scenario has received his 1st indictment in several criminal investigations is facing his being charged with criminal association and falsifying his own probing 19 backs nation data also now is accused of getting false information to make it appear that he and his colleagues had received the vaccine. when he came back, he of has more from the edition. they're the most serious of all the inquiries going on right now are about his as a legit role in masterminding. the january 8th uprising uh in
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brazil you the capital uh was the matter supporters. strong congress, the supreme court, and also the presidential palace one week after the current president reads the nice too little about sue, but took office in january 2023. and the reason was that they believed a allegations made bible sonata wong with some campaign that the electoral system could have been read and that he, there could have been a fraud which was never proven. also, he both so narrow is also being investigated for his role in allegedly applauding a cool. and this is to have, the reason that he's being investigated is that his former military aides came forth and testified that he had planned to ask for military intervention in case he lost the election. so all these investigations should end in
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july. and that's when people excites that both. so natalie is likely to be in prison. monica, you're not, you're all just sierra rio de janeiro in the us supreme court has received donald trump's appear for criminal immunity, for trying to overturn his 2020 election loss. judges are due to hear lawyers arguments on april 25th after no, of course rejected them. the former president has been charged with election subversion, but argues he's shielded from legal action. critics say who's trying to do to delay his trial until after november when he helps when i return to the white house, the republican chad house for an affairs. a committee, meanwhile, has been holding hearings over the exit of american troops of my scottish stine, in august 2021. hundreds of afghans died after the fall of the us back to government and the advance of the tiny band. general law committee was among those who testified. he was chairman of the joint chiefs of staff at the time. the
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hearings come as the race for the white house, intensifies patty go. hand has war from washington on how the withdrawal could affect presidential elections in november. pretty much reserved from pretty angry republican representatives and pretty angry democratic representatives. the generals for their part are pretty much kept there. cool. and in fact, they came out and said, look, we've nothing new to say. so we didn't, they already testified before we took off our uniform and retired. so what we're seeing here is the republicans, they are trying to really put this at the feet of president joe biden said the withdrawal happened on his watch. well, the democrats are countering, well, it happened because the former president, donald trump's, the republican, he made a deal with the tell a bad in the so called doha agreement. that would set a date for us troops leading in exchange for a bit of a ceasefire. no more a tax on us service members, but they were conditions. and so what we're hearing from the generals is this wasn't their fault in the sense that their recommendation was to leave $2500.00
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troops plus contractors plus nato allies in the country until the conditions of the job agreement could be met. so here's what they had to say about that. it was my view that absent those conditions, i was not in favor of a unilateral withdrawal of us forces because of my assessment of the associated costs and risks. the fundamental tension facing the president. in fact, to present was that no one could satisfactorily explain when or even if those conditions would ever be met. it's a really unusual and usually these kinds of hearings happen on like an anniversary date or some way to connect it. and that's when they get more media play. so why now? well, we're behind the scenes. republican age are telling reporters that they're trying to deliver in their words a body blow to president joe biden. they know that this is a weakness for him is run through re election. in fact, if you look at the polls whose numbers really started to dive below 40.


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