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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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a, these business uptake these me roy thought of on the dashboard to use the the hello until mccrae. this is the news our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes is rouse right on kansas el chico hospital continues. it says 90 palestinians have now being cubes. fears of male nutrition among costs as health workers. there's concerned it's affecting the ability to save lives. doctors who worked in hospitals on the is ready phone 5 minute describe the hardest i experienced. one child alone . never forget has been so bad. you can see her facial buttons. we knew there was
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no chance of us of only think that there was no moving to get the cries of hunger and south to don will have the latest on food shortages of the bus. thousands of people, the 5th fine thing and neighboring sit down in school. what school bring you action from the miami? it's in tennis to somebody to how it is for ton from an 18 months. i think that ends in the feats and the rena sutherland is set to play in the tournament after the passing of how long to impart the consent in cold. so the we begin and goes away. explosions and gunfire shaking areas around the sheep, a hospital to dies to israel launched a major military operation. the is ready, i'll meet now says it has killed 90 palestinians over the course of the ride. photos haven't made showing,
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and people being tied often to times inside the hospital as well. so is it hasn't irrigated more than $300.00 people and taken at least $160.00 out of gaza for further investigation. causes health ministry says the situation inside the hospital is critical and hundreds of display civilians, patients, and stop still trapped in size. one moment will speak to humble salutes for us who isn't occupied east jerusalem. but 1st, let's go to martha colored, who is in jamalia in northern garza and the is riley forces for us and still ongoing. uh, near l. she can just bring us up to date with exactly what is happening there right now. yeah, sure. uh, bootable has into that 6 month and the assault has getting more than 30000 is about to send you this including 13000 children and allow me to mention that those numbers. it doesn't include that people who have the last on that the robin's it
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delivered to the guy that is being suspected or something that was of the channels anymore. 2 days ago. and his writing special forces broke until she was with the kids the as, as the boss, is there a little bit too many of them among those 4 account is say again, the person who was responsible for a coordinating efforts between guidance, exams and the other one and he was successfully secure, what is some of the drugs to, to be the, to the know from does a of these, uh, the zoe, the on the 1st be able to evacuate under the own golden, showing the silver. so now and the, the, the functioning didn't stop from yesterday. the people who evacuated safely to the, to the south side of gaza. emphasizing that if i'm kidding, the intensity of functioning is, is increasing and there are thousands of people that were killed at the end. the
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streets and you can find the bodies in the streets. okay, thanks so much. melissa. melissa. okay, there for us in jamalia in northern garza. okay, welcome to salute. joins us now from occupied east jerusalem. and honda has it been anymore? it is riley reaction to this continued right on. el cheapo of the will be is really army has released another statement this morning saying that took more, it's around 90 palestinians were killed and $300.00 arrested and detained, to taking it for questioning. now these really aren't, these statements is still asserting that how much is using the hospital. busy for military activities, they are saying that this is a precise i'm targeted operation that they are trying to keep civilians, medics and patients out of harm's way. but we do know from eye witness accounts and from journalists on the ground, even that they were be in and arrested,
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their equipment destroyed, confiscated, and journalist obtained as part of this rape. one of them, our own colleagues from others is the, the arabic is 9 and the wound of the so the is really army. remember this is the 4th time. they are reading the medical facility. and most notably back in november, they had claimed that how much was using it as a military command center and headquarters. but those claims have never been proven . so this rate is now entering it's 3rd day and all those largest medical facilities that is under immense distress and a thank you so much home to home, to sleep. for us there an occupied east jerusalem in the world health organization says doctors and guns, suffering, male, nutrition, wipe, loss and exhaustion, and it catastrophic food shortages the working continuously to treat the injured pump without enough food. the struggling to get through this shift. victoria guy, something has more dr. bashaw, abdul called that hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing
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a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in garza and surviving on a few plates of rice and this low model because of the function knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to share between 2 doctors and consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults and working these hours. the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the menu wishing malnutrition among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin the comp. what like this, and especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for hold. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they turn the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far
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from being an adequate sources. food. the we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high. without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health workers folding sick. and that's the last thing. goal is is collapsed health system needs. victoria, item b, l g 0. the several doctors with 1st hand experience in the strip have spoken to june, list at the united nations. they were count of the difficulties mid expires, trying to save lives in the health care system that has come collapsed. hope to 0 is gabriel. alexander has moved from new york of all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here and un headquarters on tuesday, recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there . for some of them, they really wanted to put
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a human face on the suffering that they saw firsthand. what i focused on the people at this is the other. she's 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had tell her family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained a 3rd degree by is 140 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple things like pain medication and even an inhaler. and this small file of medicine here is a medicine that we use for sedation, metabolism 1st set. this is something that we could be using for our patients for their or in pain who are trying to. we're trying to reset their fractures. we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is
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something that can help something this small. we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall or if someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect, may happen as bombs or dropping in the air fills with smoke. not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years, says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit, especially when it came to young burn victims. the most devastation burns in small children. one child, lo, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us, of only things that but there was no moving to give that says not any wish you never to be going to die. but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the and those
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into the farm and to dine. many patients and hospitals and gaza have open was that can not be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? the, the longer this work goes on, the, the longer these wounds have to rot. i mean, really right. the infections are getting worse and worse, and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans, but also increasingly from trauma. next month, a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues since october, when israel's war on kaiser began gabriel's on the i'll just need it at united nations in new york, or at least 23 palestinians working to distribute aid in northern gals that had
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been killed by and is rarely striking full plains bones, targets close to the quite round about with supplies for the north of distributed. the intersection is on the sell out thing. fraud that links northern and southern gaza. civil attacks have been carried out on palestinian speaking. i at that time location. last month was ready for is i can find on a crowned day, killing 118 people who was seeking food. oh, honey mcclure joins us live from bro finale. can you just tell us more about this latest attack on these? i was at the quite round about what do we know about to exactly what happened there? yes. well, so far, according to the hospital we're looking at are 23 people are being killed. the multiple other injuries with still more people in the area of the ships increasingly difficult for the civil defense crew member and paramedics to get to the ground and remove the injury. they've been there for hours right now,
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but this is what it seemed to be a deliberate attack on the aid workers this time. not, not paid seekers, but those are the group that been organized by the clans of gaza and the northern part of this trip to secure 8 same square. a door for the delivery of a dues is carved population in gauze and city. and the northern part in doing so, according to our statement made by how much and the clans of gauze and the northern parts. they said this is a deliberate tax in order to prevent the delivery of aid to the people. and data center 10 byte is really monetary to create a state of k as across the northern part on java cities, part of the engineer famine caused by the ongoing strikes across this trip. meanwhile, the ongoing intense bombing campaign continues to pound across the gaza strip. just within the past hour, a talk here in rough i city cause the this a force be both an adult and
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a 3 children old reported to and the job has to done in over not have talked to the student from area. we're looking at a $27.00 people to display families in one residential home where it's targeted as the building completely destroyed and it still more people under the trouble is being removed by paramedics and civil defense, the crew on the ground. okay, thanks so much for that update, honey honey mike made for us there. in rafa us secretary of state entity blinking is due to arrive in saudi arabia in the coming hours. his 1st stop on a diplomatic to will be to that as he aims to strengthen the chances of a safe spot and doesn't care what i'm doing. now, by out diplomatic, it is a james buys and james, we know that they have most ed was here in a couple of days ago. but foot for negotiations, we are that yet right now. that's still continuing. it seems to be an important moment as you know, now, psychiatry blinkin who was for the rest is coming to the middle east region. and we don't know the full details of his identity. but as he's in this region in doha,
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those key talks is you say, continue. those adults involving the us involving egypt and costs of the mediators, but also involving israel. israel is at the table at the moment, but at the same time you have these ready prime minister beating the drums of war instead of even jerusalem saying i quote, we had determined to complete the elimination of these battalions. and rafa, there's no way to do that except for going in on the ground. so it could go 2 ways . what is a dreadful situation to get fall was with a rough or offensive, or we could potentially have a successively spot to work some that talking not a one week spot like we saw at the end of november, potentially a 6 week cease fall, but now the united nations then, also at the table for these talks, but to a, when a student has the special coordinator of the united nations, he's been in, doha has been meeting some of the participants. and i asked him to judge this particular moment in time. oh, it's a very important moment the we are in
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a type of situation where the war need to come to an end as fast as possible. we are seeing what's going on on the ground on a daily basis. and we have a lot of questions and resolved that is in focus here in the over the next days and week. so i am hopeful that the 2 sides send the mediator with succeed in finding a way wherever we can have the release of hostages and oppose in the ongoing activities on the ground. it seems to me that all parts of the international system on this conflict right now was sounding the alarm. you have the secretary general, the united nations using that very rad power onto the you and charge the optical $99.00 to convene the security council to demand a see saw that didn't work. you have the international court of justice, which is so concerned about genocide that it paused what is called professional
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measures, which is rather completely ignored. and now you've got the ip c warning that the fireman is imminent. what is left? what's going to stop this war? let's go back to where we are today to ha, let's go back to what used to be discussed here over the next day. and we this is key to getting to a different place from where we all know. it's a key for the palestinians and gospel. it's a key for the swell and the war with only stop if we managed to resolve the issue of the hostages and getting end to these atrocities that we're seeing on a daily basis happening of the un special coordinates until when us and that to them and that was an interview for our talk to out to 0 program. you can see all of that interview 1st, broad costs those day 14 study gmc and repeated this weekend. if you want to catch
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what is a very interesting interview with the u. n's mine who is in charge of the middle east peace process. obviously something that has not been happening for many years . no indeed. just on that and the potential see spot that the 2 of you were talking about the other, any other ways to, to get to one. i mean or have options basically being exhausted at this stage when it comes to the united nation. i think that if i raise this, they'll be a lot of people, they'll be very, very skeptical. but there is the un security council and there is fresh things going on. an un security council, i'm hearing of 3 different draft resolutions. there's one we've known about for some time, which is a u. s. one, which doesn't cool for us the spot, but is quite critical of israel that's gone into blue now, which is a technical to which means it's ready for vote. mm hm. but the us doesn't have to put it to a vote, but it could at any time soon. now, then there are 2 of those. there's one that stephanie in quite a finalized form, and that's from the 10 most of the 10 members of the security council with all the
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permanent 5. they've got a resolution. i'm told this talk in the next 24 to 48 hours of moving forward. 2 of those, the 10 that were a bit of worried about upsetting the americans. so this will cool for us the spot of this resolution. it will cost per se, swap in ramadan. we're already in wrap it down. it will cool for us these 5 for the rest of remedy. i'm for the, the rest of the to an officer of 3 weeks over i'm it, i'm the 2 countries i haven't been told by the diplomats, i've been speaking to they all, but my suspicion is they all south korea and japan which are very close to the us, which don't want to upset the us and then i'm told off to that there is also the french thinking of coming up also with the draft resolution which would look at where things go. ready from a c spa and also how you try and get talk sausage on the 2 state solution, which of course we know from this and this and yahoo and these ready government don't actually believe it. okay, well we have to wait to see if any of that plays out. thank you so much. jen. spies at diplomatic. it is a, it's okay, well there is plenty more here on this news out including columbia coals office
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$65.00 with a break away faction. and fox rebels, up to an indigenous group is attacks and entertaining game. and the n b a is deemed to hold off in minnesota, come back highlights, coming up later in sports, the more than 18000000 people in sedona facing acute hunger because of the civil war. many comp be reached by 8 agencies, while others have sort of refuge and neighboring countries. but you in estimates more than half a 1000000. certainly these have arrived in south so down since the conflict between the army and the paramilitary rep and support forces began last year, malcolm whipple pulled from a transit camp in the board of town to frank from south so down to down was forced about a 1000000 people from that homes and left more than twice stop facing a cute hunger whose mothers and seeking help for that children. having arrived at
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this transit camp in the board, the town of rank himself threw down. yeah, caught capital accessing was among the 1st the fleet of fighting almost a year ago. she's been in the camp ever since. and kate, bessie, it's in the tongue. she says a husband died. the, the red shows me a chinese armies father to fit in for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on su, done for food and cross board of trade before the war. now the traffics one way and many come empty handed. most of the people arriving here a hungry it comes from cost to sit on or to be cut off from food and other
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essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well, the program is registering the new arrivals taking fingerprints and then so you're everybody and it's a, it's a base of displace people. see you and says is source of funds to be able to deal with this crisis. here is your arrivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people who arrived here are returning south c denise. but a growing number of suit and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received anything since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting. my daughters are very hungry. i'm gonna have better luck this time. so students, currency losing 5, he was oil revenues full because of the war. food prices going out to the mountain
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. there is children like near tang tree to the transit camp by irish charity. go with a nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is that people who stayed here a long time waiting for the location is this times that children that they need the tutor. you know that condition be coming with their quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be relocated home every year in south sea. the on stuff is on the conflict flooding, a more displacement. she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web address, era rank south seat. on of more on this we are joined now by in the ashing who is the ceo of saves the children. she joins us from rank and south so done. thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us here on to 0 is we see the 18000000
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people, the facing acute hung up because of the civil war of been 230000 children. the pregnant women in new mothers type stuff, ocean in the next few months. i mean the scale of this problem is just sort of massive. how do you go about trying to support that many people so i guess one of the biggest challenges that we're facing it right now is the scale of the crisis us. you're saying and us we heard earlier on the news. we are most of the trying to the scarcity of, of the funds for the many turbans for social service phones, the scottsdale, food, shelter, water, everything is gas here. um, people are really suffering. and what i think is really important to know is of this is one of the worst humanitarian situations globally right now, and the fastest growing. and so we don't have the attention that we need from the rest of the world to be able to highlight the situation to respond to what people
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are experiencing right now. it's not something that anyone should be having to lift through. yes. you touched on a little bit, davis bingham wants to use something to conflict. talk to children directory. yeah, sorry, it's been almost a year since the conflict began, but it does feel like it has almost been forgotten about by the international community. doesn't that? because is obviously the warrant guys are in the ongoing more in ukraine. what sort of impact does that actually have on the grounds? the thought and trying to get the funds that to help everyone to the so we are currently globally in a situation where we are not able to locate the funding needed to, to most of the met emergencies that we are seeing around the globe. and yes, most of the attention are to the big ones to call some ukraine. but we cannot turn our, i mean, we can't turn our back to the people insulted um, and in many of the other difficult in crisis as globally. so we need to do what we
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come to raise awareness when i spoke to some of the children here earlier today they, they share a story is about how they have been seeing relatives that are in parents been killed in front of them. have there been really struggling to get to safety? and finally, they are here feeling safe for the 1st time in months. and we need to ensure that, well, not just protecting them here, but we're actually giving them something that is looking like a future. they're asking for education, they're asking for a safety or they're asking us to, to provide them some kind of future. and we need, i'll see you monitoring a community to do everything. we come to respond and that's a global community to make the funds available to do so, i guess it will does come down to money how, how many people you can help the, how long? how big of a funding gap is the right now and how do you go about getting that additional money so mean how we are currently looking at the situation where we have uh,
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when we look at the homeless homes from where we have less than 20 percent of the money available, which is the forest ferry, dire situation, a situation where say the children and all of that you're going to tell me or respond to so doing your best to, to cope and for the people to cope. more importantly. so what we are trying to do is to draw awareness to the situation, to make people aware of what is happening, trying to influence a global community, the un, the big donor across government to make sure that people are responding to the need . it's let me see on the ground because this cannot continue. people are solving in rank where we're trying to are more than 1000 people are coming off as a board or every day unless you heard earlier. many of them have to wait for days to get the support that they need, the doctor's thoughts accessible. we have to you minute, you mind that you need to do that or yeah, you want to. so we had from a woman in the story that we probably just before you came on,
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who has been at that camp since the beginning of the war. she had a child there. i mean, it's a transit campus, obviously not designed for people to stay there in the long 10, but this just simply nowhere else for a lot of them to go, how big a problem is that, that you having to provide people and the long provide for people in the long term capacity i think it's really important for people to understand that even before the crisis instead um so, so don was one of the biggest humanitarian crisis globally, 75 percent of the population themselves. of them are in need of the human determine the systems and that is the countries that are receiving all these new recipes. so i think that gives people a picture of how the situation is and how you to pick ups is there are gaps when it comes to everything. that's not enough of anything. we need food, shelter, water protection, children need access to education. yeah. and just finally, before we have to let you go, well,
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what are the long term effects on these children? you know that who are continually being displaced, what sort of future do they have? we know from other places in the world that's perfect. so displacement and living as a refugee how long something comes comes, there's an impact on your life. that's why we say that children are also trying to provide what we call child friendly spaces, which is in showing that they get access to counseling to try to cope with the situation very. and we are doing what we tons of much more needs to be done. they need to get some things out as like a normal life. is that something that is closer to knowledge which includes education and i'm of a, a lot of other things i just for people to know we are currently experiencing a heat wave and rank. so when all the things that we spoke about and all of the things that you heard on before from the different people, the situation,
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i'm afraid we get even worse due to the incoming rain system and due to the heat waves that we're currently experiencing. so the time to act is now and a thank you so much, we really do appreciate your, your time and the work that you're doing there and get ashley and ceo of safe. the children think it was still a hit here on al jazeera. how strong you in china rebuilding relations on to use of tension and trying disputes relates to undocumented mixing microsoft to a law allowing takes us place to risk them is put on homes and someone else's back from dusting, fan, but her return has raised some eyebrows among fellow professionals that's coming up in sports in the gym the
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us now the atlantic is still feeding weather into europe. but notice the direction of these cars moving more or less no fee. so it's now july's wolf to come up from below is a good part of firms. for example, i was enjoying reading the bomb sunshine powers could be up to about 20 degrees during wednesday at mid to late stalls. what was it was in spite impulse cobra shouts building. but for most of europe as walshe, sunshine, there's difference down the bottom right hand corner is still causing that forbid of snow and remain here. i'm probably torque here as well. but in between, what looks like early spring now given what's coming in from the atlantic every now and again, it affects myrtle co. now here it looks like this spinning wheel come in and increase the wind at least in medication to shout to near rebec. otherwise looking fine here, the season will bring to her machin has picked up a lot of dust recently and the warnings of the dust or dust storm is actually north and the cameron come rooting for the next day or so. but in canter to that, the shelves are moving. so you know, it was with the sudden nothing much coming out of them, but maybe in gap on it will be particularly wet. juba is showing real. he's in the
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haven't in science who then the average he has about 37 and we're looking at about 43 sometime the next couple of days. reco it's $43.00. and surprisingly all the schools have been christ. the, [000:00:00;00] the meal just here, a reminder about top stories, the salad, the is ready on me says it's now killed at least 90 palestinians during an ongoing right on the ship. a hospital in kansas city is where the soldiers began. its latest rides on monday. a mouse has described it as a mess of co sign patients into this place. people are among those kids is ready as
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trucks in northern guys that have killed at least 23 palestinians working to distribute search for plans. have to collide round to buy a round valve, which links northern and southern garza, the world health organization says don't, doesn't gaza showing signs of meal nutrition working around the clock to treat the injured but without enough food. the struggling to get through the ships early and my colleague molly and so you had spoke to dr. nick may not. he's a consultant surgeon who's volunteered for an emergency medical mission and cancer . he described the situation patients biased during his most recent trip. the and i've been going to garza for nearly 15 years and i thought i would be use bit. i'd be prepared for what's all i was going to see when i went into gaza on boxing day. but what i sort of like the hospital was the single was series of cases i've ever seen in my career was adult to i'm a polling technical situations. we found ourselves in
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a great locker results is. but most of all the most deporting injuries predominate on children and women in an i spent most of the 2 weeks operating on severe explosive interest to the chest and abdomen. and the majority of the patients all place on women and also some civilian to children as well. can you expand on that? what was the hall? this policy you will experience when you look back? i think seeing some of the, a pulling lee in just children in particular. i spent some time in the emergency room with alex all spell as well and saw some very small children was terrible buttons, multiple traumatic amputations, and no real room to deal with these tragic cases. the result is we're very limited on some days. we had no multi, no strong painkillers give these patients. and i remember things as one small child who had terrible buttons to her face so bad that you could see the buttons of her
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face and she clearly had no chance of survival. i'm was going to die, but we had no pain relief to give her. so no, certainly. well, she certainly going to die, but she couldn't die peacefully. she died in agony. uh, there was no way peaceful for her to go. she was ended up lying on the floor of the mozy department and this was one case, but we still multiple cases like that and they were deeply deep be tragic. so the you in is calling on the international community to take action to protect civilians and me in the special ripple to if a human rights to me and not on andrews, says the military june to is blocking humanitarian aid and attacking civilian villages. looking for more on this, let's go through tony chang. he is in my assault on the tie side of the board with me and my and what else do we know about this report on the human rights abuses as well it was it pretty grim or pulled a rule, but he did say there was
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a small ray of light in it, and that he was referring to the actions of the, the gomez and the resistance groups that started and defensive in late october of last year. and then they had fairly stunning success against the ministry to into they post the matter. hundreds of basis, they've inflicted very serious casualties and re gained quite a lot of ground. but he said the impact on civilians was massive. he talks about 2400000 people being displaced. that 18600000 people needing humanitarian aid. and he compare that to the 1000000 people who needed aid when he 1st took his job just off to the military co said it was a very grim picture trying to get a to one of the things i think he's trying to push with the united nations and the international community is trying to stuff the military to enter the oxygen they need, particularly um, as he talks about their reports,
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that he put together identifying alms coming through senior pool. he said all the singapore and gum was made aware that they dropped 83.83 percent of the military exports to me. and marty's encouraging the international community to do the same, he particularly picked out the running muslim minority saying they are suffering particularly. he said that the moment to the number of wrangler who tried to flee the country is higher than that is a high number. and they have been since 2014, but it also, i think if any one of you and who was hoping for a little bit of a pass on the back, he was pretty scathing and his criticism of the u. n. and the international community in general saying that those inside man, i'm very disappointed with the lack of action from the international community and wishing that this stage, seeing what's happening inside the country, they really wish the international community could to move. in date, the 25th i will say who that the house of child formulate on santucci was put up
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for auction. what's the latest in regards to that? yes, well, this is a notion we've been expecting for several weeks since the supreme court to me i'm a ruled and a dispute. the uncensored she has been having with her a strange brother. they have ruled that the house is who's to sell. if he wants to, the auction was to be held today. it, there was an estimate of $90000000.00 us dollars, which is a very high price. even then. yeah, i can go on mazda largest city, which does have very high real estate process. however it was not to be so. busy we understand that nobody turned up to the option today. uh, that is probably because anyone who brought it is expecting that, particularly for such a high price that they may well be a change of government in the future. i think also a fact that there are a lot of people who feel that even though the supreme court has ruled certainly isn't own sense or she's brothers to dispose of as he wishes. but i was speaking
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early this afternoon to a political ally of i'm sen, sushi, a full a l o n l, the politician. from her policy, he said that they are fully expecting the house will be sold at some stage. the middle tree june said desperately needs money and this is one of the assets they can easily dispose of and take. okay, thank you so much for that. so that's tony. ching, for us there on the tie side of the board with me and indignation, fishermen is scrambling to risk who dozens over a hang of refugees off the high tides capsized. they both of the problems of odd chain. at least 6 people have been risk. cute. thousands have been trying to flee over the crowd of came some bug with dish to neighboring countries that are you in estimates around 2000 were hanging have arrived and engineers just since october of to use of tension and trade disputes. the strategy are in china, sorry that wrong cause to patch up relations. and what i solid 4 years ago off to the previous australian government backed cools for an inquiry into the origin. zip code,
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19 edgerton brown reports and wanting to use his report contains scenes of flash photography from the beginning or the head shakes and smiles belie the high stakes . the deal stadium government faces in managing its relations with china. australia is foreign minister penny wong, conceding the talks with one, he was unlikely to result then many differences. all of them enables us to manage all differences. it doesn't to eliminate them about this government. it's an interest of astride him. will always seek to manage those differences wisely. as i said, in the outside of my meeting, kind of will always be trying to astride it will always be a strong. yeah. there was no joint media conference, was only comments ahead of his talks about china. he said never into fee is in australia is into another phase, australia should do the say, i'm going to jump off on when it comes to china, sovereignty,
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dignity and legitimate concerns. we of course, hope that australia will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties. awful. regional security remains a contentious issue for australia. but i'm afraid fiction is easy. prime minister anthony open easy hope for a 218 percent terrace on australian wine will be lifted shortly. punitive chinese terrace, most of the exports have already been removed during the high to the diplomatic, pulling out how straight enjoying this chunk late was jail. to move in 3 years on ill defined allegations of sharing chinese state secrets overseas. last month and australian academic young hang june, accused of espionage was given a suspended sentence. let's try it into a shot at the sentencing paused, and i'll make it to him that the district and government will continue to advocate
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for dr. young's behalf. since changing ping became china is lead to 11 years ago. he's made one repeated pledge to find any challenges to china, 70, a 70 in full se analyst by intimidating taiwan, claiming ownership of almost all the south china sea and establishing a security presence in the south pacific, which china now has the largest diplomatic presence in the region as well as long as he has been talking afraid enough delays. here is us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances without allies, south korea, and the philippines. many smaller nations in the region, though, a wary of both united states and china, and don't want to be forced to pick sides. remote analysts say, could be the beginning of a new code, will adrian brown out to 0 weddington. it's a law allowing the us side, it takes us to arrest and devote undocumented migrants across the border from
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mexico has been put on hold by an appeal schools below. we intend to effect off to being approved by the us supreme court. but despite that development migrant say that i still wore it, i'll just say it was, how did your castro reports? dozens of men recently arrive to the united states from central and south. america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. do you know me like that? and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. as before, empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they cross the texas mexico border illegally. my name was on each of the at the we came to fight for our families not to harm anyone. i just want to work. nadia s before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in
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prison unless they agreed to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he ow smugglers. $32000.00 and fuse for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state. migraine crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that a power states to defend themselves. the white house says as before, is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney and november, says it also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people who are here with documentation, and some people are driving in the same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler in charge them with felony and river family parks. immigrant families
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near the texas border say they already live in fear. 18 year old ana is a us citizen, but her mother is undocumented. she always shows me to work hard on my studies so i can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. heidi joe castro elgin's era. the colombian government has resuming military operations against the fog ripple faction following an attack on an indigenous community. present. gustavo, pinterest, of the shooting was a violation of a $65.00 deal. as i listened to run pnc reports from bogota, the attack is a blow to the president's pledge to end one of the world's longest running complex vicious attack on an armed civilians. members of a rebel dissident group, open fire on this indigenous community in the western county region that sunday, when local to resisted the arms groups attempts to forcibly recruit
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a young student. at least 3 people, the wounded when renowned indigenous so tori was killed, leaving her community long ravaged by a conflict once again in disarray and things have to medical and there's a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear regarding desperate they're 12000 people in the indigenous reservation and people are stuck in that house is kids and not going to school. everything is still because we don't know what will happen next to the question is now for the government, what will they do? we're trying to attend to buy. so security and social emergency, the president gustavo pedro who has bet on negotiating peace agreements with remaining i'm groups in the country, took to social media to announce that the attack was a violation opinion going ceasefire and ordered a resumption of military operations against them instead of the start of my us and
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that is or amc is the largest listed in facts and the former 5 rebels who refused to join the 2016 peach deal. expos say that since the accord was signed, columbia notorious these have failed to take control of the countries most volatile regions, allowing remaining on groups to expand and fight for control of illegal activities, like direct traffic inc. and will, you know, the government is engaged in peace negotiations with this girl, a group because they argue that they have political agenda. but the truth is that the agenda is on chia and they don't have support among local communities. and at the same time, they took advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen themselves militarily. and that's what the president has now understood and is trying to stop. the government says negotiations with this group will continue despite the setbacks, but the next steps are clear. on tuesday, the country's largest criminal organization declined in gold. so and then they will also start talks with administration and b. and there's no doubt that the
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suspension of this cease fire is a political blow for president petros plans to consolidate peace in the country. and one that unfortunately pertains and increase in violence for those caught in the crossfire allison that i'm get to adjust the board with that. this to jim tina now with it's 100 dies since president how the i'm the lifestyle of work. it has been the turbulent time and office so soft of allen to revisit decades of economic decline and kyle's today. so by reports from the company on the side is on the continuing resistance to his costs. cutting reforms which are hitting the pool it's become, i know to come on seems things come you gotta be late to coffee is a 100 days ago. flashes between protestors and the police on the street. so when a fight is protested was demand more food assistance for soup kitchens. as the nation has left families struggling to make ends meet. the only do we not eat every
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day, but those who can each eternity one today, we have at least 70 percent of the population under the poverty index. i'm many more working people under the indigent index. this is unsustainable. quality weights, i run the wrong scene. item, the main reason nation is over 50 percent since we, they took off his last december 1 who tries to carry out reforms that he says will stabilize the economy. have you had any they took off his warning people that the situation will get much worse before getting better, and it has the government evaluated subsidies on electricity and transport them in places like this one. it shows it has had a huge impact on people's purchasing power. hold on what he said to him, what a site is. he says the situation is difficult for everyone. there is no doubt. there is hardship every way i'm embarrassed to increase prices. but if i don't,
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i go out to business. i have children coming here to beg for food. but i cannot seem to be nice. reform plan has been focused on a mega bill that failed to pass the lower house. and a decree with over $360.00 articles to introduce sweeping reforms to argentina is economy with that in going through. it was rejected in the senate last week. and it was, even though it's still valid, if it is rejected in the lower house, it will complicate the economic plan even more. president relate, has one very strong thing, going in his favor that he has a clear objective, a clear vision of what he wants, call it liberal, libertarian, free market, reducing the deficit, not printing any more money. and he's very clear this. he's not very good at actually going. he hasn't done this before. i have yet to be late, who calls himself a lie on both the cutting down government spending has left a budget surplus for the 1st time in years and that inflation has started to go
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down in february. but those protesting against him are concerned less economic plan has come a bit of expense very so i'll just see that when a site is facilitated here and they'll just share all the action from the one in the champions league. as chelsea take control of a quarter final time, that's on the way with the gym or in the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business lights has to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the type of school now here's jim. thank you tom. we start with the miami area and tennis and well, number 2 arena sa blanket is set to play in the tournament. following the death of
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her long time, pano constance in coats of on monday coats of was in miami when he died. the statement from the local police department said he died of apparent suicide. no file play is suspected codes all see represented batteries. the 222010 winter olympics passed away. at the age of 42 saw blanket set to enter the tournament in the 2nd round and to shut georgia to tell you paula pedrosa on friday, the 2nd see to defended her australian opened title in melbourne in january. another former australian open champion, caroline will snappy, has offered up her full support. it's such a terrible situation. and it's a, it's so hard i. i reached out to her and i had told her that i was here. she wanted, if you needed anything and, you know, i love arena, i think she's such a great person. she's always so happy and out there and see or go through that it's, it's hard breaking. and so, you know, i just, i,
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i can't even imagine what she's going through right now and everyone grades in a different way. but uh, you know, i saw she was walking past today and, you know, giving her space, but i, i'd let her know that if she ever needs anything that i'm here, we're here for her. so that a holler has lost in the opening round of assess tournaments and it's being played to return from a dicing band. she receives a wildcard for the event, which is something cadillac, mostly after he just heard from the police. it should not have happened to him sized and reports i missed the other 2 time grand slam champion. somebody know how that is back and well her to installs it in the feats. it was a personal victory for the former. well, number one, the last played a competitive match back in august 2022. that match was at the us open where she tested positive for a band substance for your band followed, but on appeal. she was clear to return 18 months later as it was called,
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entry at the miami open. i would say that these days going to stay very special for me. of course i had many results in the past big results, but here is something more than dennis. it's something personal and i really love to see that people are appreciating me, besides pennies and beside everything that's happened. well someone who didn't appreciate it was caroline personally yankee, a fellow, a former world number one was the ascii police of well called system is being abused and it's cold in tennis, will thirty's to produce a fist fights. simona situation has obviously drugged on for a long time. she got her suspension reduced, it was and they a clearance. so it was a reduced sentence. and again, i just told write that for a clean sport and that's, that's all i want. i want to have good role models for the young generation. it's
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a sport that has a lot of money in it and lot of competitiveness and a lot of competitors and, and i want a fair, fair fight tell i wasn't ask you was here earlier and she was saying she doesn't agree that people who have been out of the game for the reasons you should be given a wildcard and competition. i just wondered what, what use reaction is to the i why she said that in the past couple. yeah. but why? why she said that because i didn't do anything wrong that isn't cheap. i didn't dope, so it's better if we needed the decision from task that's it was a contaminated supplement, was not building, and then it never, never had something to do with doping. so i never looked sorry. i'm not that you that 43 year old venus williams was a wall called entry to a straight search to fi 20 serving to raise further questions as to whether tennis is indeed a fair flights thompson's aus is 0. for the 1st time, the m l b season has gone to way in south korea,
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with the la dodgers up against the san diego padres will bring you action a little bit later. how does the game south korean police conducts with an extensive search of the stadium often reported booms threats against they'll just all show, hey, autonomy imagine news agency in the country said south careers. a consulate general in vancouver, received an email from a man claiming to be a japanese lawyer wanting that's an explosive device, would be the destination during the game. around a 150 police offices use dismissal dogs an x ray to texas to thoroughly check the venue. but no explosives were found in the area initially. okay. score to 35 points and may 16 rebounds as the demo does. how does it come back to the administration savings for the sites is anthony edwards had a chance to send the games over time, but the list is 3 points from what i said above us as it finished 115112 to them, the give me a 2nd in the western conference the i o. c has announced the russian instead of russian athletes waiting to be allowed to take part in the opening ceremony of the
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parcel and picks in july. they will only be able to watch the parade which this year takes athletes in boats down the river, sent athletes from both countries were found following russia's invasion of ukraine in february 2022. however, russians and by the russians who qualify for the games come compete as neutrals chelsea's women's team have one such and the champions league semi finals off to a convincing victory over i x england international. lauren james gave chelsea to leave for the goal that was originally wrote out for a 5 spots off to a quick va. i'll check the goal was given so it took this good men scored another 2 goals for the please. 2 on this one, the retail. the 2nd leg of the time takes place back in london next week. that is what you'll support for me. so now i will have action from that and it'll be a game between the padres on the door just like the room. look forward to it. thanks . so much to man. well that is over may tell him the price of this news um,
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but funny betsy, by my colleague, we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us the a booth cold occupation resulting in a hurry stick a time i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify these rails, the cell phone garza, dozens of children, bounce him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th on tuesday or i'm counting the costs come the conservative supplements 2024 budget. and when i have a bunch of sites as egypt, i'm not spending ends of dollars in loans and investments will not fix the
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country's economy. and but going, it will contain descriptive time, say they can come by counting the cost on the houses era. the, the, the, the building they gotta be to the, there's a lot of these are like the cobra. just go dig e or nothing by not just your yahoo. go away possibly to g d or you good. good. see, oh i can go i gave you the age of gigi, the yankee this is a region that is rapidly develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts for the collapse people. some of those who talk to elsewhere is saying that they sled after hearing that other
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villages had been a talk. what we do and all just sarah is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the i'd be tell it as it was at the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell this story. the, the these are in the military says it's now killed at least 90 polish to me in steering it's ongoing attack on the house to the hospital complex in northern got the so you're watching l g 0 live from to have with me for the back to also coming up, fuse of mine nutrition among guys, house workers series concerned, it's affecting their ability to save lives. doctors who was teen hospitals,


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