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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. these early mid latrice is now killed in 90 palestinians and detained hundreds during its attack on the l. a sheaf, a hospital complex, in northern casa fields of mill nutrition among kansas health workers. this concern is affecting their ability to save lives. one part of leadership is knowing when the time is come to pass on the pass it on to somebody else. and then having the courage to do is that times no surprise,
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resignation is islands. prominent assembly of veronica says he's stepping down to personal and political reasons. relief undocumented mexican migrants and the us of to a law allowing texas police to a risk that is put on homes in sports and major league baseball season. eisner's, currently on the why is it reaches south korea for the 1st time? the at a delta is on this $700000000.00 mountain show, have tawny meat against the san diego padres who are bringing the latest this out the . we begin this news out in gauze, aware explosions and guns. i have been ongoing around the i'll ship a hospital to dies off to is where i launched a major military operation. these are in the army now says it has killed 90 palestinians over the course of the right. now photos have image showing people being tied up and detained inside the hospital. israel says it has interrogated
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more than 300 people and taken at least 160 out of gaza for further investigation. because of the health ministry says the situation inside the hospital is critical, and hundreds of displaced civilians, patients and stuff. a still trapped in size, the palestinians who had been sheltering and l shape a hospital size. ready. so just a time that the hours before ordering them to move south that uh we will see a man called abusive instructed me and other men to take off our clothes and get down. these riley's kept the women at all, she thought, but took us to another building nearby. we stayed until the evening. they investigated us, took out ideas, and eventually returned us back to l. c. 500. they kept some of the men work on the rest of us. we are told to follow and it's rarely tank until hide around about. from there we were free to go nowhere. besides the simple i axes ready times for firing to despite the fact we were raising white sheets, these ready soldiers spoke to us in english and we didn't understand them. i'm
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diabetic. we spent 3 days without food or water. i'd rather have been killed than suffer without food, all just the days. the size i came from i'll she saw the journey here was terrible . i'm injured and i fell 4 times. it was almost a miracle to leave a sheaf it and come here. but i am in excruciating pain. it's intolerable. in a moment, we'll speak to him or on con, who isn't occupied a story soon, but 1st let's go to honey mcnutt, who is in profit and southern gallagher and honey, what is the license you are hearing about the situation at l? she for hospital is rarely forces as i still there of the yes, tom i in fact that is really minutes are right now is operating aggressively not on the inside the super hospital complex and its vicinity, but that has extended to the surrounding neighborhood where we're seeing more intense bombing campaign going on on artillery selling tank showing of the
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residential buildings at the vicinity of the hospitals. we, we've received report confirmed reports of at least the 3 residential buildings. why fi but we're still inside when we're not given the opportunity to evacuated from these residential buildings. the numbers of people inside these residential building counted by the 10s, according to the report that we received. but inside the hospital, this really minutes, are you still repeating? it's the statement that made earlier yesterday about the, the fact that there are the presence of how much operative and, and fighters inside a ship, a hospital. but again, without providing any sub essential evidence of this equipment is still operating aggressively inside the hospital. conducting these aggressive stairs building the building room to room mass, the rest of it close to a 100 people and according to a statement by the military, 90 people have been killed. and the statement goes on, describing that these 90 people eliminated because they are how much member again,
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without providing any substantial evidence or to have the ability to be verified. there was a positive statement, similar to this one, and very contradictory to what this really military has the previously described as an end of the military operations, the major ones in gauze to date, as it killed the close to a 1000 of how much elements in the city and the northern parts, but similar to the same claim without providing any substantial evidence. the hospital right now is at a very dire situation. not only we're seeing the facilities are being severely damaged, but also it be the people inside it trapped inside the hospital. the injury is a medical staff and evacuated by the 100 on a trip, because then this permanent shooting of the, from these ready military. okay, thanks so much, honey for that update honey. mike, mood for us. the in rafa a can we're going to go through and run con now who joins us from occupied east
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jerusalem and uh, as honey was saying there and were on uh, 90 palestinians killed over the course of the right. has it been any more is ready? reaction to what is happening at el cheapo. the already official reaction we've got is what you have just told us about those 90 palestinians who have been killed or was hanging 300 have been arrested a 160 of those facts has been taken into is really territory for interrogation. these rainy's saying that this is an operation that they going to mount in the way that they going to bounce it. they know, so coming to any type of international pressure when it comes to going in to that hospital, number of civilians are actually, as you had my colleague, honey, just people that were actually sheltering in that they were interrogated before being forced to go south. though the south rafa is supposed to be a safe place and to be blinking us extra space is due to arrive in ok. enjoys them
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in the coming days. but there's a huge disagreement between the americans and these. right. and is about how israel is bouncing. this operation, israel says it wants a large scale ground evasion to go into rough of the americans. as i saw, other ways of doing it. and on to be thinking is going to present alternative ways to these ratings. but these, right, these have been absolutely clear. they say there is a disagreement between us and the americans when it comes to how we fight as well. but the ultimate target, how math we both agreed on. so there is a disagreement. they saying that there is a disagreement. what's going on in our ship? our hospital right now is consenting to the americans because it may be the blueprints for what goes on in rafa. on a much larger scale. i did. okay, thank you so much for that and run and run con for us. there in occupied east jerusalem or more on all of this met skill that joins us now. he's an emergency dealt with a bit of associates experience and palestinian healthcare. he's with us live from
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dublin tonight. thank you. once again for joining us here on l 20. uh no f as in regards to l sheep, i understand you've been in contact with some of the medical stuff they have since this latest right up again, what have i told you about exactly what has happened over the last couple of days will have communicated with the one that we saw who is a senior research or an internship father, the brave doctor. and he reported the yesterday that they have actually out of state fighting for the medical doctors. the policy needs working in shiprock. and one of the nurses, one of the doctors doctor, was even more harmony was shot in the chest when he followed the orders to leave the hospital. he was later being operated up and actually out of hospitals. so these attacks on she fought on a p, did a tax as we have seen before, these really occupation army do not discriminate between them. but say some
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fighters from the policy and sign on the medical staff patients. i don't know that the teams and the refugees and the hospitals, so to consequences of this. number one, the function of chief hospital has a game completely solved. number 2 people, civilians and medical staff are being detained, killed and attacked, both of which of course, great work crimes. and more importantly, it is illuminating one of the last medical relations serving the people in northern gas us who are the part of the population who have the highest incidence of starvation now and are most exposed to the diseases the following problem with the sock foundation. so they really need their medical supply and support function far. of course suffice. kohl's. yes. so i just want to go back to the, the, the, the, i believe 6 medical staff that you said had been to time. can you just went us
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through what you know about their experience over the last 48 hours we'll say to yeah, i just read to you the message i got from the wrong it says uh on the 2nd of all she found latest invasion by these really army colleagues who have been permitted to leave the hospital reporting that the soldiers break into most of the hospital buildings and ship. he mentioned that they addressed the mail medical staff. i've left them for hours in the cold weather. they scanned their faces with a camera and took them one by one for you. amelia didn't investigations many when i rested and were taking to no place somewhere for us to leave the hospital of this place to the south half and they get and others were ordered to go back to the hospital. for now, i do not have any information about the patients in the hospital soldiers a sold didn't violated, or medical staff on workers in chief. i left been without food in water for 2 days and taking into consideration that the throwing down and fasting. that is of course,
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uh both the very domestic kind and they just so uncle, that's his message. then i have the names of the 5 doctors will be another student . i'm the nurse, i'm the doctor, doctor of a c mohammad who was shopped in the test. so by and large, this is telling us a game that these really occupation army own limited kind of tech civilian hospitals without being stopped by the un, by the u. s. by the you, by anybody they keep going with these attacks on civilians and on the health care system in augusta. and we know at the same time that people are starting and, and that's children and women in particular, pregnant women, i'm like, taping, women are extremely exposed to diseases now. so what is killing people in the north? so guys are now is not 1st and foremost, the bone being, it is the triangle of starvation like a water and the seas. and this will leave slowly, all demanded by the lack of a medical services in shape hospital, which by the way,
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once one of the 6 remaining operating hospitals in the north delivery system, i think about the sol killing of the people in the north of gas. oh, okay, we really do appreciate your insights. uh once again, that's the med school with the uh for us in dublin as well as rel, strikes on the new surround refugee camp and central guns. i have killed at least 24 palestinian women and children. with this aside, the don't attack as people was sleeping completely destroyed the residential area. dozens were injured and risky. was a trying to reach all those missing under the rubble. and, and is rarely a strike on another refugee camp in central gals that killed at least 17 people. they included an entire family in the bridge camp when the society of i bakery was destroyed in the attack before doing. and now the bakery is critical to fading the whole neighborhood. at least $100.00 and full palestinians have been killed across
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the strip and just the last 24 hours. the world health organization says doctors and garza suffering, mal nutrition, white loss and exhaustion, and mid catastrophic food shortages that work and continuously to treat to the injured bunk with and without enough food. the struggling to get through these shifts victoria guys and be has more a dr. bashaw abdel carter hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex, the hospital in gauze us and surviving on a few plates of rice. and this low model looks like about the, the font, the noise bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to share between 2 doctors consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables, no protein. it's not enough for dr. working these hours. the head of the emergency department is worried about his team's ability to keep going. he says, die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the money, we're seeing malnutrition,
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among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin, the comp. what like this and especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for hold. at the hospitals make shift kitchen they to and the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources. food. the we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of that go sky high without adequate nutrition, does a high risk of health workers folding sick. and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g 0 is bringing it all just there, a senior political analyst, my one the shower and festival. if we can begin with the situation at l shape
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a hospital, obviously the ride has been going on for several days now, i believe is the 4th one on el cheapo since october, the 7th. what do you think that says about israel is as an illuminating him us one of it started goals at the beginning of the school? i think it's more of an attempt at limited think anything that walks or breeze in gaza that resembles anything that's associated with homeless. so for example, we have apparently, i please from these randy sides or kinds of reports that tell us that anyone who has ever worked in any ministry or is that out to anyone who works in any mysteries under how much would be subjected to and is ready punishment of sort, bombing, killing, assess initials on so forth. so it's an ongoing drama and it hasn't changed for the past 5 months, so there's no, nothing new, right? it's more of a same however. and this is really important. if someone would have asked me, why don't you write this a fiction?
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i thought i should be right under the magic treasure deal. so i'm drama about the situation of war. right. and i would write something like they bombed them in their homes and then they escaped. and then they bomb them where dish, where they search for some shelter. and then they escaped and they got to the hospital and then they bump them in the hospital and then they bombed them in the cemetery. if you'd like, something like that as a fiction. people will laugh at me. there's not believable, not even in the worst case scenario, but it is happening in real time in real life are in gaza and it is unraveling on our tv screen all around the world. it just continues to go on. such a nightmare that you cannot believe is actually happening. well, the not me, i could potentially continue in vasa with newton, yahoo in his wireless. so pushing ahead with plans for ground invasion, they despise the u. s. and cal tire, in many, many other countries around the world,
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pushing back on that and warning them that no, not to do so. i mean, do you think that there's any sort of international pressure that can be put on as well to actually not go ahead with this very is already right. i mean, pressure diplomatic pressure. so when the german chancellor appeared intellus eve, he weighed in and said, you know, you shouldn't really not like that, not without a plan by then the president of the united states has also said you should. and you know, you should have a plan of attack as it were, right? so these areas have been discouraged, but nothing, you know, the prime minister was right and has been done. it has cabinet that has people that we cannot listen to these people that all see there is an old saying, it is right. it's actually says the very beginning of the time, it is right. it goes like this. the degree of you know, the non jews and can say what the wish is right would do. but it must, it doesn't matter what anyone says, as long as there's no pressure applied,
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as there is no leverage applied as long as words are not backed with beads such as what kind of the as attempting to do. like i think arms delivered is that there isn't that much canadian arms that gets those right. 1870 percent of. that'd be additional. the bombs used in guys, i guess what americans and america doesn't seem to want to freeze got or, or, or, or, or, uh, reduce it. so i know i just one last idea just to share with you about the episode . detail about it. all right. i've just tried the headline out of washington. that's as a motor cut might give it is a more arms mm. as of water in a way to convert it to do otherwise under fine and make is that what you will it the same time? i mean, you're talking about pressure from the united states. we heard
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a lot about that tense fund cool that joe biden had with newton yahoo a few days ago now blinking the secretary of state is heading back to the region. what do you think is actually going to be next for the bilateral relations and potential cx 5, we know that of most on this and so ha, or for the last few days. so this, this man, right. this political animal by the name of benjamin. nothing. yeah, he's quiet, he's quite uh, you know, quite a political operator. so the fact that these survived for 3 decades and these are the politics and became the longest serving is really prime minister is not by coincidence. aside from his, you know, for sure, stick, fanatical, ecology. he's, he's an incredible political party. right. so now he's using america's criticism, a visit or a motor cars, attempts at weighing in on the question to refer to rename america for any future
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affinity. i didn't guys just like as he did with his coordination part as before, just as he did with his various assistance before just as he did with his genitals before. so i hate keep shifting the blame whenever he fails. he is very smart. i was shifting the now the time has come to shift the blame on the united states. and president obama for holding is right back. this is the same america that provided more than $14000000.00 in a, in addition to $40000000000.00 laws and aid to limited amunition on armaments and surface ticket. this weaponry and shielding is an international every in south american is now being planned by the is there any prime minister for holding it started back, right for not committing to as well. so defense and basically for, for forcing is all to fail. and it's what against how much it's beyond me using a bite and as, as the full guy for all of us are definitely not that. yeah. with yeah,
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exactly. okay. thank you so much. my one once again, we really do appreciate it. thank you. okay, well much of the small amount of food entering cause a comes in 10 cans. one, palestinian has decided to send the world a message and an unconventional way. i'm home that explains a mistake from the field refugee comes to the wi fi fi wants to be noticed around the world, the mixture shelves, the guns that she hopes to increase awareness about starvation and looming funding policy at least. and what i love, i'll go behind this creative book, is to send the message to the whole world. and that's the only age, deliberate to goes in. the news is canned food, ways of causing misery to children here, mainly mal nutrition and diseases. all i wanted to tell to, well, this is not our life. we have out traditional cuisine. same is around the world. but for months we are still having
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a few. she didn't do it alone. children will be one of the main victims of is rides . what on god's played a big part while about to the is the of the comes with divided by all the children of the enough he and refuge account in the model. it is made up of $13000.00 cans, connected by volunteer children valued together. we opened cons. i'm with dick and cement inside and built the time during my district. you also saw of the reception full palestinians escaping is rise, destruction in the north. what if i did? i'm wrong. we're living in misery. this tent symbolizes us suffering. we have trapped between a rock and a hard surface. the relief a being delivered is not enough. all children are stopping and falling sick with suffering on many fronts, lack of shelter, lack of food, and above all, the lack of security. it's a small button to find piece of thought that a few wants to bring attention to the palestinians. blind hands and what kind of
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a 0 the veronica is dipping down is islands prime minister and leader of the governing and seen a guy on the policy. the announcements comes with veronica only 2 years into the 2nd term is premier. he's been lead a if seen a go since 2017 when it became party leader to shut back in june 2017. i knew the one part of leadership is knowing when the time is come to pass on the bass on to somebody else and then having the courage to do us that time is now. so i am resigning as president and leaders and the guy was active today and will resign as t. so as soon as my successor is able to take up that office here. well, for more on this, for a gentleman's has joins us now from london. and very well more you hearing about all of this. why did he actually was on well, 1st of all, this came as
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a massive shock to anyone who's been watching irish politics. because that could be no leaks that were no rumblings in the media. nothing really suggesting that's today. lia veronica was going to get up in front of the cameras and and announce that his resignation. he said that the reasons for doing this with personal and political. he said, as we have just add that one part of leadership is knowing when the right time to pause to pass and only says that time is now as good as any. he went through a list of accomplishments that he put down to the governments, such as taking your orleans for almost arity to prosperity, from unemployment, for an employment to take it through the pandemic. preventing a hard border on the islands of cuz islands that breaks it, negotiations, making it a more inc calls and more important country, but essentially said that the politicians lead is all humans and they can give
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everything. and so they call them give any more. and then it's time to move on. you said there was speculation about see what the real reason is obvious, that those all 3 reasons times upon move on and give the jump to someone else. now of course there was a background sort of this, which is not a policy for you to go that's been posting pretty bad the recently it came stubs in the last elections. and that has been part of this coalition government since then . 10 of the parliamentarians of that policy have left recently and of course there were these 2 referendums which the government was championing during the months referendums and liberalizing park south orleans constitution and referendums that the government resoundingly lost sight of dogs may apply it in serious decision but again, a real surprise many people have been watching. okay, we're like, what happens next? what's the process to find islands next, prime minister. and is there anyone that is the most likely to, to step up to the role as well?
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we don't know yet about names for who is going to be next. uh, whatever happens is going to be quick because uh, the schedule that certainly of a reca renounced, was that in the next, basically 2 and a half weeks, the policy for indigo is going to choose it's next leader. and then the goal, which is the average parliament will vargas and finally that presumably as the t shirts, which is the irish department of stuff off to the east to break. so we're talking about a very fast turnaround. now live reco says that he's going to stay on in his role as for the time of that process to work its way through. what this doesn't mean, at least at the moment, he's a general election. the tool from the rug and other parts of the coalition, they said this power sharing, organize
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a list house that sharing situation that they have since 2020 he's going to carry on. that will be the because for general elections, but i think it's significant fast. this announcement, the decision that veronica has made was discussed with the lead is of the other policies in the coalition. and yet nothing leaks to the media. and that suggests with environment at least, but that coalition government is stable indeed. okay, thank you for all of that. right, we're a challenge for us there in london, a fisherman and indonesia have gone to the rescue of are hanging refugees out to the boat capsized. at least 6 people will risk you to an entree, proven thousands, an overcrowded refugee can. some banga dish have recently flipped to neighboring countries. now the united nations estimates around 2000 of the muslim minority and me and my ever arrived in indonesia since october as united nations, as cooling on the international community to take action to protect civilians. and me and my, the special russell to a for steven, right, send me a mouse,
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is the military june to is increasing its attacks on civilian areas and urge countries to ties and sanctions if we can restrict and cut access to revenue of the hunter. um, through these it targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down a variety of ways that they're getting access to these weapons. and by virtue of, of the money that they're updating and then we can stop their ability to buy these weapons with tony chain records from the city of may solve on the border between thailand and me and my of the un special wrathful to tom andrews, painted a grim picture of what's happened inside me a month over the past 12 months, but he did say there was one small ray of light, and that is the offensive by ethnic um is, and resistance groups since late october of last year, which has
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a teeth unexpected the military success pushed the military john to bay. none the less, he said, the impact on civilians was huge. 2.4000000 people displaced from the homes. 18.6000000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and assistance that is not getting into the country. at this stage, he picked out the hangup most of the minority in particular saying that they are trying to flee the numbers not seen since 2014. and they are being hit hard the most groups in this pushed back by the military, he of the international community to try and strangle the military genta by cutting them off for them from financial and military supplies. but if anyone is looking for a pass on the back, he wasn't getting, he wasn't going to give it. he said, the people inside me and my feeling desperately forgotten about and bitterly
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disappointed by the international reaction to what's going on inside the country. so anything else is there on the time? yeah, i'm about a crew members have drowned off to a chemical tank of cab size off the coast of japan, for others will risk food from the rough seas. the south korean ship head around a 1000 tons of acrylic as it on board pollution experts and looking for any sign of a lake cosign for the with a now his role but, and the currently active, middle east and with to navigate as the change of season the weather is making itself so it's been very, very active system on its way across the whole, the middle east. you can trace a line that wraps this over. i got 3 drawn back towards your rock. there was funding in saudi arabia. this is just one example in about in the middle of sound to you. i have extensive flooding at low levels. you can see but the pump, the worst of these to the north of that. certainly we saw some funding on the streets of, for example, q rate, which is maybe not much on usual, but that's not the 1st time in the last week even. but it was most so the sol,
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significant weather. and to the north of that in the hook flooding. now this was to venture right and it came down more if i and once this is an active system, as i said, and this is just an example of the damage that was done yesterday was indeed damaged or this extensive flooding. i'd like to say it has finished, but it hasn't all gone away setting the focus has gone away. the focus has been moved for the know for the places like took many steps. and you'll notice the blue center. but if you come back to the bill, most will, for example, there's still a chance of showers following an evening around. you can see the line which is still the cold front, moving out towards snow and this kind of stuff. however, having gone service left behind when the right the now which could pick up the sun and test. okay, well, so the head here on al jazeera house treasure, and china a rebuilding relations up the use of tension and trade disputes, columbia coals of to cease 5 with the break away inspection of stock rebels to an
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indigenous group as a tax. and simone to help is back from her ducking fan, but her return has raised some eyebrows among fellow professionals that are coming up in school, the gym, the a political, the bank, pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to intimidate and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, ask like a narrative from african perspective for symptom of,
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for state info. to short documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa, direct on. i'll just be around the the, are you watching else? is there a reminder about top stores? the cell is ready on me, says it's now killed at least 90 palestinians during an ongoing ride on the ship. a hospital in kansas city is ready. soldiers began to alexis rides on monday. a mazda is described as
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a mess. ago saying patients and despise people are among those killed as well. strikes on the and this around the refugee camp in central cars that have killed at least $24.00 palestinians, women and children. witnesses side, the residential area was destroyed and the toner attack. thousands were injured and risk you is trying to reach others still missing. under the rubble, the world health organization says doctors and costs are showing signs of mill nutrition. the working around the clock to treat the injured boss without enough food, the struggling to get through the ships. are you a secretary said anthony, blinking through to arrive and saudi arabia in the coming hours. his 1st stop on the diplomatic too, of will be cheered as he aims to strengthen the chances of a safe spot in gaza and joins now by out. diplomatic. it is a james buys just in regards to the safe spot. negotiations understood most said
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was in a few days ago, technical groups are still working on the go, she actions, where are they at the as i have never heard anything more about any potential to know. we know the country mediators say that this somewhat positive about the atmosphere. you, as you say, you have the secretary of state now in the region, and you have 2 things that could happen already. a very, very grim situation in casa, you could have things get much, much worse. you could have, this is riley, offensive on rafa stock suit and set. and the prime minister netanyahu was cutting, present bite and tending others that they all determined, as he says, to complete the donation of the battalions. and roughly he's talking about how a mouse and there's no way to do that except for going in by the ground. so that's the, the, the, the drums are bolton sounding from tel aviv on jerusalem. and yet to have these talks going on here in the hall now, is what these, right, is it doing? is it a negotiating tactic? it's not entirely clear to me, but it could go one way or the other very, very negative. or we could potentially have
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a cease file that could last for about 6 weeks. now the u. n. adults involved in these talks, it talks involving the us israel, which still has people here of egypt and cancel. the un has been monitoring the situation that when the special coordinator for the u. n. to a when his lunch has been here in the hall meeting, some of the participant participants, i asked him to judge where we were at this moment a oh, it's a very important moment. the we are in a type of situation where the war need to come to an end as fast as possible. we are seeing what's going on on the ground on a daily basis. and we have a lot of questions and we solved daddy's in focus here in the over the next days and week. i am hopeful that the 2 sites and the mediator would succeed in finding
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a way wherever we can have the release of hostages. and oppose in the ongoing activities on the ground. it seems to me that all parts of the international system on this conflict right now was sounding the alarm. you have the secretary general of the united nations using that very rad power onto the you and charge the article 99 to convene the security council to demand a see saw that didn't work yet the international court of justice, which is so concerned about genocide that it passed what is called provisional measures, which is around this completely ignored. and now you've got the ip see warning that the famine is imminent. what is left? what's going to stop this war? let's go back to where we are today. let's go back to what is to be discussed here over the next day. and we this is key to getting to a different place from where we all know it's a key for the palestinians in golf. so it's
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a key for the sweater and the war with only stop if we managed to resolve the issue of the hostages and getting and to these a full set to use that we are seeing on a daily basis happening to them last is to let us learn who is the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. it was a wide ranging interview that we did. and you can see all of it on talked about. is there a tow truck is there a program 1st airing? says state $1430.00 g m t. okay. james. at this point, do you think that there are any other ways to to get to a cease fires will have all options basically being exhausted at the sides. you especially when it comes to the united nation. i think the main effort is what's going on here in doha, bought with from return to the u. n. a. know people be skeptical when i say the words un security council, because we've seen a us representative put his or her hand up 3 times blocking
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a resolution for us the spot. but there is action going on that are again, there's a now the us a draft resolution which is be put in blue. that means ready for a vote. doesn't mean they'll bring it to a vote. that is critical of his route, but does not talk about will, doesn't order a c spa, but there's other action as well. the so called e 10. that's the 10 elected members of the security council on the permanent 5. but the ones that just have to use and do that to they, i'm told of doing up a resolution for a cease file that would take place during ramadan. because we're already quite a bit of waiting to run the time. we're only talking about 2 and a half, 3 weeks more from it on that could be put to a vote. i'm told of those 10 to a little bit worried about upsetting the americans of my understanding is that south korea and japan which all close allies of the us. but that could come to a vote. another cool for see spot and some different lots of setting. if that went to a vote now, would the us actually cost of each type of gain a would it abstain?
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and also in the wings on told the french are working on their own draft resolution, which perhaps will go beyond the c spa, talk about a more permanent cessation, more permanent delivery of aid, and talk about trying to get the political process back on not to what the un, which does it once, which is a 2 state solution. always wes, reminding you that the prime minister of israel and his government really have made it very, very clear that wants to state solution date. so many options on the type of with, let's say, if they actually enact that any of those things so much terms, terms buys there at different medicaid as well. the knobs president has resigned just to over a year off to taking office of and to own had been linked to n t corruption. the communist party said violations by the president and thomas, the reputation of the policy in the states. he is the 2nd president to stand down in 2 years, 2 years of tension and try disputes, a strategy in china, so their own close to patch up relations have relations salad 4 years ago after the
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previous australian government bank calls for an inquiry, is the origins of carpet 19 trying to retaliated with trade tariffs estimated to of cost is trading in economy $15000000000.00, adrian brown, proponents and of warning 2 of us. this report contains scenes of flash photography from the beginning. the handshakes and smiles belie the high stakes video stadium. government faces in managing its relations with china. australia is foreign minister, penny wong, conceding the talks with one he was unlikely to result then many differences. all of them enables us to manage all differences. it doesn't to eliminate them about this government, send interest of astride him. will always say to manage those differences wisely. as i said in the outside of my meeting, kind of will always be trying to astride it will always be a strong. yeah. there was no joint media conference was only comments ahead of his
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talks about china. he said never into fee is in australia is internal affairs, australia should do the side on central office when it comes to china is sovereignty, dignity, and legitimate concerns. we have cause hope that a strategy a will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties. awful. regional security remains a contentious issue for australia. but i'm afraid fiction is easing prime minister anthony open easy hope for a 218 percent tires on australian wine will be lifted shortly. punitive chinese tyrants, most of the exports have already been removed during the high to the diplomatic pulling out how straight in general this chunk play was jail to move in 3 years on ill defined allegations of sharing chinese state secrets overseas. last month and australian academic young hang june, accused of espionage was given
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a suspended sentence. let's try the ins was shocked at the sentencing, paused, and i'll make it to him that the district and government will continue to advocate for dr. young's behalf. since changing ping became china is lita 11 years ago. he's made one repeated pledge to find any challenges to china, 70, a 70 in full se analyst by intimidating taiwan. claiming ownership of almost all the south china sea and establishing a security presence in the south pacific, which china now has the largest diplomatic presence in the region as well as long as he has been talking afraid enough delays. here is us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances without allies, south korea, and the philippines. many smaller nations in the region though, a wary of both united states and china and don't want to be forced to pick sides in more. analysts say, could be the beginning of
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a new cold war. adrian brown out to 0 weddington, a gas explosion in a coal mine and buckets. thom has killed 12 people, the blonde schools to collapse inside the peasant, the town of cost. august ounce prime minister chavez sharif. has expressed profound sorrow and grief over the loss of precious lots a law allowing the us side of texas to arrest and support undocumented migrants who across the board from mexico has been put on hold by an appeals court. the lawyer wins into effect up to being approved by the us supreme court. but despite the slightest development migrate inside, the still worried observers. how does your castro it has more? a dozens of men recently arrived to the united states from central and south america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. you know me like that and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered,
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but money is no longer his primary worry. s before empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border, illegally by name was on each of the, at the v. i became a 5 par families, not the harmony one. i just want to work not u. s. before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agreed to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he owes smugglers. $32000.00 infused for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state migrant crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states in the last advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that a power states to defend themselves. the white house says s before is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and sean tier,
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the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney in november. so is it also invites racial profiling? you would have mixed families, meaning some people are here with documentation and some people aren't driving in the same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler in charge them with a felony and rip a family part immigrant families near the texas border say they already live in fear. 18 year old ana is a us citizen, but her mother is undocumented. she always shows me to work hard on my studies, so i can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. the ideal castro elgin's era. the colombian government is resuming military operations against a fox rebel section following an attack on an indigenous community. president
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gustavo pinterest, of the shooting was a violation of a $65.00 deal. is ellison jerome p. a. t reports from bogota. the attack is applauded. the president's pledge to end one of the world's longest running conflicts vicious attack on an arm civilians. members of a rebel dissident group, open fire on this indigenous community in the western county region that sunday, when local to resisted the arms groups, it tends to forcibly recruit a young student. at least 3 people, the wounded when renowned indigenous so tori was killed, leaving her community long ravaged by on conflict. once again in disarray, entities have to okay, there's a lot of i'm set and say anxiety and fear we're going desperate. there. 12000 people in the indigenous reservation and people are stuck in their houses, kids and not going to school. everything is still because we don't know what will happen next to the question is now for the government, what will they do?
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we're trying to attend to by so security and social emergency president gustavo pedro who is bet on negotiating peace agreements with remaining on groups in the country took to social media to announce that the attack was a violation of and then going see speier and ordered a resumption of military operations against them, and instead of the spectrum i use in colorado or m. c is the largest. this has been faxed and the former 5 gravels, who refused to join the 2016 piece deal to explore say that since the accord was signed, columbia, now to reduce the fields to take control of the country's most volatile regions, allowing remaining on groups to expand and fight for control of illegal activities like drug trafficking and go, you know, the government is engaged in peace negotiations with this girl group because they argue that they have political agenda. but the truth is that the agenda is unclear and they don't have support among local communities. and at the same time they took
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advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen themselves militarily. and that's what the president has now understood in his trying to stop. the government says negotiations with this group will continue despite the setbacks, but the next steps are clear. on tuesday, the country's largest criminal organization declined. thank god for and then they will also start talks with administration. and the end, there's no doubt that the suspension of this cease fire is a political blow for president pay through us plans to consolidate peace in the country. and one that unfortunately pertains and increase in violence for dose caught in the crossfire. allison that i'm get to adjust. the book that found this in poland has to have done protest against cheap and pulls from your crime by blocking roads across the country. they said they can compete with you training and produce that's flooding you markets. the farm is also want changes to restrictions imposed on to the flux,
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climate change measures. he has tons of support. now his team. thank you tom. we thought we'd be a major league baseball season, i always took place in south korea for the 1st time. it was show, hey, autonomy is at a doctor's that came off on top against the san diego padres. the survey new fastpitch was physically framed by a child of her pox. the formal start i'm supposed to have a south korean m l b player. the stop it is to it with the goal. just 1994 is the name of the san diego padres took to the field for the 1st time. tickets for the game was sold out in less than 2 minutes. and then whatever room was waiting for the dose as $700000000.00 finding a tiny, making his regular season davy, for his new side, is the biggest contract in the history of all supposed to be wasted. no time getting back sambal, he found 1st face and straight away. while it was in the 8th inning, the filters managed to take a decisive lead. and this is how they did it. simple going straight through the webbing of jake current in west glove. they'll just go on to when it $52.00,
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they faced each other again on the 1st day. another huge new dentist additions $325000000.00 picture feel she never the most service set to make his day be a final school was, was out of the game south when police conducted an extensive search of the stadium off to a report and bumped threats against i, tony. i major news agency in the country said south careers come to the general and vancouver. i received an email from a man claiming to be a japanese lawyer wanting that's unexplained as device would be designated during the game. around a 150 police offices use dismissal dogs and x ray to texas. disorderly, checked the venue, but no explosives were found in the m the i initially you'll get school. 35 points . i made 16 rebounds as the them that i'll goes how it also comes back from the minnesota timbales. minnesota is anthony edwards, have a chance to send the game to eva time, but he missed this 3 points, a ride to the plaza as it finished 115112 to denver in the 2nd in the western conference to miami is in tennis now. and board number 2, arena sub blanca is set to play in the tournament,
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following the death of how long time partner closed on 10 coats of on monday. quotesoft was in miami when he died. the statement from the local police departments that he died of apparent suicide. no foul play is suspected. quotesoft, he represented batteries, the 222010 winter olympics passed away at the age of 42 sutherland coast set to enter the tournament in the 2nd round and his schedule to play paula pedrosa on friday. the 2nd c defended her australia dies and title in melbourne, january informa, australia. nathan champion, caroline will say, actually has offered up a full support. it's such a terrible situation. and it's, it's so hard i. i reached out to her, and i had told her that i was here she wanted, if you needed anything and, you know, i love arena. i think she's such a great person. she's always so happy and out there and, and see or go through that it's, it's hard breaking. and so, you know, i just, i,
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i can't even imagine what she's going through right now and everyone grades in a different way. but uh, you know, i saw she was walking past today and, you know, giving her space, but i, i'd let her know that if she ever needs anything that i'm here we're here for her was, they actually also had a few words to somebody to how, how it lost in the opening round in miami. how fast one minute since been cleared to return from i think that she received a wildcard for the event, which was me. i can't believe it should not have happened. tom, size and repulse of the i missed these 2 time grand slam champion. somebody know how that is back and well, who were to install it in the feats. it was a personal victory for the former. well, number one, the last played a competitive match back in august 2022. that match was at the us open where he tested positive for a band substance for your band followed, but on the pill. she was clear through a ton 18 months later, as it was called,
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entry at the miami open. i would say that these days going to stay very special for me. of course i had many results in the past big results, but here it's something more than pennies. it's something personal. and i really love to see that people are appreciating me besides denison, besides everything that's happened. well someone who didn't appreciate it was caroline person yankee, a fellow, a former world number one was the ascii police of well called system is being abused and it's cold in tennis, will thirty's to produce a fist fight. simona situation has obviously drugged on for a long time. she got her suspension reduced. it was an a clearance. so it was a reduced sentence was a mess. and again, i just told, waited for a clean sport. and that's, that's all i want. i want to have good role models for the young generation. it's a sport that has a lot of money in it and lot of competitiveness and
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a lot of competitors. and, and i want to fair, fair 5, caroline was nephew was here earlier and she was saying she doesn't agree that people who have been out of the game for the reasons you should be given a wildcard in competition. i just wondered what, what use reaction is to the i why she said that is the best company. yeah. but why? why she said that because i didn't do anything wrong. that isn't cheap. i didn't dope. so it's better if we needed the decision from task that it was a contaminated supplement, was not building and then it never, never had something to do with doping. so i never looked sorry, i'm not that you that 43 year old venus williams was a wall called entry to a straight search to fi 20 serving to raise further questions as to whether tennis is indeed a fair fight thompson's aus is 0. a spanish quote has decided the former present. i'm boss learning a football identity alvarez can be conditionally released from
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prison on a $1100000.00 fail. alvarez must also hand over his passport, so the tunnel lease bank while here waits the appeal of his conviction. for right, the faulty road was found guilty of racing, a woman and a boss late at night club in 2022. i'm sentenced to 4 years on 6 months in prison. alvarez has been in jail since being arrested in january 2023. his defense is seeking his acquittal while to prosecute, so long as his prison sentence increased to 9 years. the department has criticized the aisles. these decision to bind russian estimates from taking part in the opening ceremony of the powers games saying it runs against the entire ideology. if the olympics russian and by the russian athletes will only be able to watch the parade. which this year takes competitive insights down the river, sent athletes from both countries with band following russia's invasion of ukraine in february 2022. however, those who qualify for the games come competes as neutral position. yeah, look,
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you live near provide me or the new the i o c's decisions are legitimate on justin unacceptable. we are outraged by the conditions imposed by the i o. c on the russian. ashley's who compete in an individual. so called neutral status horse actually force to renounce any association with the homeland the citizen should the history call to the people that and that is a real support for now, but so i will be back with another up sites and that's what i thought. so thank so much jim, and i find the thailand's prime minister has literally taken the ble by the holes for his license photo shoot, weighing in at almost one and a half tons the opening of buffalo. i'm at the time later in bangkok is a renown stubs, and recently sold for half a $1000000.00. the bows become a bit of a t, v star and sold soft to featuring in a popular soap opera. all that. so for me this news out, but i will be back in just
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a moment with much more of the guys news to stay with us the i'm counting the costs kind of the conservative supplements. 2024 budget windows are purchased by to egypt. i'm not finance of dollars in loans and investments will not fix the country's economy. and but going in reputation, descriptive currency, they can come by counting the cost on out as era. why have american evangelicals become? his real strongest background? is us president joe find the right to stand with this real with no red line, as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, seeing how the leads that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated,
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and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated. they are how complex they are, and you have to put them into a gauge doctor. we should like to keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking that if i have a degree, if i look into a research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. that does not mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the government challenges here as
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the to these rarely miller theresa is now kills 90 palestinians tied to hundreds during its attack on meals. chief hospital complex and northern gas or the tel mccrae. this is just a lie from the hot also coming up phase of male nutrition among kansas health. we're cuz there's concerned it's affecting their ability to save lives. one part of leadership is knowing when the time is come to pass on the pass it on to somebody


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