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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear as you to the as well as ministry says it's now killed 90 palestinians and detained hundreds the steering attack on the i'll shoot for hospital in northern, gone to the on monday and say this is out. is there a knife? and i also coming up well in the okey pod, west buying cars, really asteroid skills, free palestinians in geneva, us next year. stay on to me blinking arrives in solving radio and his latest round of dips of optic tubes in the region. and provo, us to be on turns election is in the easiest new president is confirmed the defense, minnesota and former general secured $0.59
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the to where you begin in gaza with explosions and gunfire. i have been on going around the all she for hospital 2 days off, the israel launched a major ministry operation. the is really all, i mean now says it has killed 90 palestinians over the course of the raid faces, having the showing people being tied out and detained inside the hospital as well says it is interrogated more than 300 people and taken at least a 160, out of cause and for further investigation, causes health ministry says the situation inside the hospital is critical and hundreds of display civilians, patients install a trapped inside a scheduled topic about assume who is in rockford and southern gaza for us tank. what is the latest your hearing about the situation at all? she said yes. in fact uh the
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situation is to read a critical um, cause traffic. specifically that even within the past few minutes, more text on mobile abutment had been carried out on the vicinity or was she thought hospitable? and also we have been seeing more videos. imagine from the vicinity of the medical come back, showing the serious bottles being going, going on that on the ground. but when i most point is the has been, is to just on the scene was completely to y'all take as the was a complete, heavy fire exchange between full spots. and also the miniature wing of her must have been showing more videos showing how they were attacking and made a treat tank. so old, the roads that are leading to the hospital, but to now as well as it still is where the forces are still stationed inside the hospital. and also in all the areas that they are trying to take full control over the entire neighborhood image on getting deployment of a smaller cuz an old the roof of the top building stack over during the entire area
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as a part of their ongoing operation on the ground to now the operation did not end as, as well as that you saying and is facing that information and continues in order to eliminate most vegas. and also they have been carrying out a wide arrest campaign where hundreds of palestinians being arrested and taking on this close location in each room. and that time more strikes. meanwhile, elsewhere in gaza. can you tell us about those? yes, any thoughts? we have been clearly seeing that within the past of 4 to 8 hours, there was a clear amount of as red strikes in, the goal is a strip and so out the quality of the targets are eliminating top officials who are responsible for securing a delivery spock additionally, we have been see more attacks on civilians specifically here in the south where a rough or a residential house being slots and reporting the casualties of those of palestinians,
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while 7 others being killed and being also buried in rough, a 100 another part of the military operation still going on home, the middle areas where the delivery bum bombing continues against a bridge and also on the start rock a refuge account. but we have been seeing a tax on balls and such as in the north with re pa, the city is have to report, it's kind of the default most of the world didn't others being who did one of the latest strikes to in fact village, thank you. for that, a topic i was doing that for us in rough uh of the is there any minute 3 is solve it to janine in the occupied westbank. the strike hit a call killing at least 3 palestinians, and palestinian red crescent says one person is critically wounded. at least 435 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank since israel launched its will on gaza. that's cross to laura khan, who was in ramallah in the occupied west bank. what is the latest you can tell us
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about this late to strike? well this is very much a developing story and we're getting information in by the minute we know from the policy and john list in geneva. and also from the posting in red crescent, the 3 people have been killed. one more has been critically wounded. 2 of those people were palestinian fighters. they were a member of the atlantic g had the armed way, and there was one of the persons who was with the families will hold the funeral night as around 9 pm. now we have seen video of this strike. it was an air strike. we being told that it is a u, a v, a drone, essentially. so there was no crate to it wasn't heavy, it directly targeted the con, it happened about 15 minutes before. if tom, this is, when most plans break that daily fall, so they would have been many people out on the street. some people rushing home in
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order to eat. but as i said before, they will be holding the funeral at around 9 pm this evening. local time. and it's laura on the 1st time that jeanine has been targeted remind us why it's always been such a focus for the as riley's of the oh do you need a has loan being sent to, you know, a slash point of violence and rights. but this is particularly intensified in the last year. uh i with that in july, just off to a major res took place. um where it is ready, full days of came in. they destroyed much of the infrastructure of the janine refugee camp, which is also where the strikes just outside went straight to place. and, you know, many people were killed. thoughts were around 440 people have been killed since october. the 7th in the occupied westbank just under a quarter of those are being engineer. and so we stay really intense rates. finance,
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but also confrontations because it is a sense of how senior resistance there are a few fights of groups in that so that when these rate is coming there's always major consultations. it seems like those 2 people who died. why part of these groups? i think confronting is where it is as they've come in with the, on the vehicles, with the full doses on almost a night basis. thank you for that. laura. com that for us in the occupied westbank a while back to the war in gas or the world health organization says doctors in gaza, suffering from malnutrition, weight loss and exhaustion. they working continuously to treat the injured but without enough food. the struggling to get through that shift. tori guys can be as dr. bashaw, abdul called or hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in garza and surviving on a few plates of rice and this low metal books,
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a group of people, the funds and knowledge. but we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to shed between 2 doctors and consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults. and working these hours, the head of the emergency department is worried about his team's ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive, i'm famished. in the money we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin that come with like this and especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for who. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they tend the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with little l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources suit. the we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available,
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so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high. without adequate nutrition, does a high risk of health work is folding sick and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g 0. the health system in gaza has almost collapsed you to as well as relentless attacks. the world health organization has documented $410.00 and tax on healthcare facilities in gaza since a will began and says that is rarely forces have killed $685.00 health care work as an engine, 902 bessie hospitals across cause i have been damaged along with around a 150 ambulances. mad scope, it is an emergency adults with over 30 years of experience in palestinian healthcare, who says israel is systematically attacking garza's medical services, particularly in the north. this is telling us the game that these really occupation
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army, unlimited kind of tech civilian the hospitals without being stopped by the un, by the u. s. by the you, by anybody they keep going with these attacks on civilians and on the health care system in augusta. and we know at the same time that people are starving and, and that's children and women in particular, pregnant women, i'm like, taping women are extremely exposed to diseases now. so what is killing people in the north? the guys are now is not 1st and foremost to bumping it is that this triangle of starvation like a water and the seas. and this will lead slowly. olga mandated by the lack of a medical services in shape hospital, which by the way, once one of the 6 remaining operating hospitals in the north delivery system, i think about the slow killing of the people in the north of guessing us extra state. and to me blinking has arrived in saudi arabia for regional talks on
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israel's will on gossip. he'll be discussing efforts to secure a cease fire and more a deliveries to the strip. this is a 6 tour of the region since october. lincoln is expected, had egypt, and israel for more talks. earlier we spent challenges there a senior, but his glam as more one bizarre about the significance of lincoln's latest trip to the region on the one on one can see how the united states, the by the administration is kind of playing it both ways trying to have it, it's cake and eat it too. it's most trying to maintain some distance from then it's any i'll government why providing on conditional support to the israeli government . so you can see that they are still playing good both ways and it's important to continue to play. that diplomatic card, because that helps deflect from the real tragedy that's unraveling in garza. so perhaps that is the task. the task is not to save the people. and guys of the
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task is to save the united states from complicity being known as the really big big that the united states is complicit in genocide and got you set deflect, but deflect for who because it's really interesting. i get a sense that every time the us tells the as riley's off anything that was the situation get some gaza, few watching to national media, especially westside media. just talking about how the, by the instructions trying to boost a to the, to the port that is to you and you would watch the video to kinda run and bbc, you say, how wonderful is going to that? you can't roll isn't trying to establish a 2 state solution somewhere down the road while the doctors are being killed and guys why children are being killed and guys. so you have these 1st time officials, most of the americans continue to talk about stuff, right? diplomacy
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a human theory aid is there. i just don't think it's fair. it's just not doing. it's best is there in the government. the government, while children are die, why people are dying of starvation hooked up to not to get us a james base has spoken to the u. n. middle east, and boy tor, when slant, he says it's more important than ever for cx. 5 talks to succeed in doha is oh, it's a very important moment. the we are in a type of situation where the war need to come to an end as fast as possible. we are seeing what's going on on the ground on a daily basis. and we have a lot of questions and we solved daddy's in focus here in the over the next days and week. i am hopeful that the 2 sites and the mediator would succeed in finding a way wherever we can have the release of hostages. and the pools
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in the ongoing activities on the ground. it seems to me that all parts of the international system on this conflict right now was sounding the alarm. you had the secretary general of the united nations using that very rad power onto the wind chart to optical 99. to convene the security council to demand a see saw that didn't work. you have the international court of justice, which is so concerned about genocide that it paused what is called provisional measures, which is around this completely ignored. and now you've got the ip see warning that the fireman is imminent. what is left? what's going to stop this war? let's go back to where we are today to ha, let's go back to what used to be discussed here over the next day and week. this is a key to getting to a different place from where we all know it's a key for the palestinians and gospel. it's a key for the sweater and the war with only stop
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if we managed to resolve the issue of the hostages and getting and to these multiple cities that we are seeing on the daily basis happening. so head on the al jazeera, the one part of leadership is the only one the time has come to pass on the bass on to somebody else. and then having the courage to do is that the time is now as a prize resignation as on. and it's probably going to send me a vodka, says he stepping down for personal and political reasons, the why thousands have taken to the streets and india is the dock region. the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed
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opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to intimidate and course the arrivals. inside story on al jazeera, there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western, and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties than just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star,
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restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching out, is there a line to thoughts old stories list, ella is where the forces of killed thousands of palestinians in an ongoing rate on gauze as long as hospital. hundreds of people have been detained and abused as well, and has attacked over 400 health facilities since school began. the world health organization says dumpsters in gaza, suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion. hundreds of thousands of people are
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facing families. 27 children have stalled to death in recent weeks. on his radio strike has targeted a vehicle in jeanine, killing at least 3 palestinians. one person is in critical condition. these 455. how does finance have been killed and the only pod westbank sense of time i was getting low on these really attacks in northern gaza. alger zeroes, more off, our colored is at the jabante a refuge account and says, israel is intent on total destruction 2 days ago. and is i just pushing pulses broken to ship? i was with the live and the killed the as a bus is that limited to many of them among those who killed is say again, the 1st, who is responsible for coordinating efforts between guidance, exams and the other one. and he was successfully, secuity, is some of the drugs to,
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to be delivered to the know for gaza. these uh, that is really the, on the 1st be able to evacuate under the old golden shilling. there are still the up to now and the, the, the bump shilling didn't stop from yesterday. the people who evacuated safely to the, to the south on. ready gaza emphasizing that the bumps hitting the intensity of functioning is, is increasing. and there are thousands of people who are killed. it's in the streets, and you can find that bodies in the streets. russia says that it plans to evacuate around $9000.00 children from the belgrade region. the food is ukraine, due to continuous showing. ukraine has increased long range strikes into russia, hissing oil refineries, and all the infrastructure president vladimir putin says he wants to create a both a zone to protect board of regions in well and ukraine. russian continues to strike
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concave from mcbride. has more this is talk happened early, wednesday afternoon, local time in the hollow to his feet district of khaki, which is to the west of the city. i am mixed. residential and civilian area was said to have been targeted, damaging, an 8 story building and also damaging a nearby prince works and other workshops involved in the production of furniture and paint products which was said to have possibly contributed to the large fire that broke out of one point covering 2000 square meters, emergency cruise, still at the scene in addition to the dead on the injured to there is an ongoing search for annual victims. and also people who are on the country for a given khaki regions, proximity to the voted with russia. it is very difficult to give advanced warning of incoming gas strikes and also very difficult to intercept any incoming
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themselves. mcbride houses there. he lives the rob, cuz stepping down as odds. prime minister anita the governing, seen a go potty. he made the announcement of you 2 years into the 2nd time as premier benita seen a go since 2017 will reach helen's has moved from london. it becomes a big shock. even political inside as in dublin would fix faxing this and that announcement that came through earlier in the day that racket was about to give to his resignation. speech took many people uh by consult, surprised, completely. and i think even now we have heard from veronica, many will be thinking that they don't know the real reason that the justification he gave was not perhaps a for the real reason for his decision. he said, you know, that's a, this was a personal decision. he said that this was
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a political decision as well. there's never a right time to resign, said rebecca, but this is good. the time is any the background. so this is that's his policy seen a go is not being polling particularly well. recently. 1012, it's a m p 's as part of and saturday school td's in on and have less recently and i've never really had a good look for a potty. i'm stay with to referendums in march. that is policy. as part of this coalition, government had been championing the aims to liberalize bits of the iris constitution . and those referendums were defeated pretty resoundingly, with the very lights are now. so that's the back row. but still a big, big surprise for iris politics that live broadcast the youngest a t shirt and the country's history should be stepping down. so really to propel us beyond. so it has been confirmed as the when of indonesia is presidential election between 2 rivals who vowed to contest the vice. the full military general is linked
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to post human rights abuses from institutions are alleging widespread fraud and last month election. jessica washington reports from jakarta. we did know earlier projection that for both of you also, and he's running a visual count just to know how that victory securing more at least 59 percent of those where i say arrivals on around 25 percent of hearing victory in $3638.00 is that it is certainly a remarkable victory, contested the presidency twice before and fails. and an age and fishermen are
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scrambling to rescue thousands of wrangle refugees, of the province of che, these 6 people have been rescued. hell, thousands have been trying to flee of a crowd in camps in bangladesh, united nations as warning. that's who don is suffering, one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history. often nearly a year of conflict fighting between the army and the power ministry. rock that support forces since last april has killed tens of thousands and cause acute food shortages for you and humanitarian office says the international community has failed the people of to don to by the time the leading season arrives in may, people in some parts of the for could face what we term. i p. c, face 5 level acute food insecurity. we call this stage a catastrophe. nutrition is soaring, so alarming levels and is already claiming children's lives. the recent m,
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as of report revealed that one child is dying every 2 hours and exams i'm comp and know if i should know stuff for our humanitarian travis, the splitting out since we're done on the available international inaction and in attention. simply put, we are feeling the people of sedan pride testers have taken to the streets and is like doc region to define the territory be given stated. i'm so behind that explains the feeling neglected thousands of people to the streets in may and come to the months stated for the region. the also one tribal spaces for the areas that don't allow them to form administrations within the state. you'll get frustrated with the you the youth and have not gotten increasingly frustrated due to continuous neglect by the government. i've got to be as the person administration,
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is that dusting demand solely based on the population statistics. yeah. without thinking about how important is there, like a significantly more on the maligned region, was formed out of indian elizabeth cushion. we have more than 4 years ago. the indian government decided to run the region from the daily at the time, many in the welcome to move across the top. i know this to see the most of the presentation accuse me didn't he or mike, you know like thing them i just like job go model american ministry of home. if it is, ma'am in chelsea, this protest is the outcome of the field meeting with the indian home ministry. are we able to convey to both the government in the nation, the importance of addressing our demands? what's on the doc? you people want statehood for the dog? and tribal rights, ok, and the restoration of democracy in the retracted. you moved you to the bottom of the hollow. some treatise in the region have both to shut the businesses in process
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. and the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. so i mean the duck in the local, you're the show next because they keep home don't get stock. we stand hands on the diary t would. so now i'm one true can to indigenous body's advocating for odd demands of people from distant villages come here daily to protest and fast for a day. these protests mock just the beginning. if the government sidelines these issue, the consequences could be dialed that the government needed us phone the committee, look into the months of the put this on itself books with latest, from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate to cc do we continue taking to the streets on the team? the demand summit comes and data. okay, that's the name of the inside where that is next and inside. story examines who supplies israel's weapons for it will on gaza. i'm what the lead legal implications
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might be for those involved. stay with us. the of the, the last couple of days the next day or so to some very active weather and we'll see some more active weather over the whole with the middle east end talk to you. the picture on so say an increasing breeze or from 11 to northwards 2013. it's like to rain even on show breezing in significance. now, as you can see, that will be wet, snow in the high ground in eastern, took in knowledge. show brazen produce showers in some parts of egypt and again, some possible event. not as bad as it was, the new rock things are improving. this was a very active systems, just that because this remains over afghanistan, it was snow. here you'll notice,
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but let's come back a bit. iran, so looking, find the wind is showing itself, had to be rather more active in saudi arabia. so for the empty coal to pick up the gas to make things probably a bit. mickey in mecca, which is the rain recency and the shaft developing out, well then there temple because once again we go to big loads and especially across the eastern society to bomb. right. and possibly there. huh. and again, shaving the 1000 pounds off iraq, even in the knolls, back carbonate is floating on the ground. be about 30. this will cost to equity with alaska sees more significant right intends a near on the eastern side of south africa as well for the west. and nothing to where it was. so hold, things have cooled. the resilience can sprout from even the harshest urban environments. a soaring costs breath and the community screen. sun curious so fair, my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how
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we going to it's probably going to pay our rent for poor a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a greenstone in the case because we all receive london growing witness on a jersey to as well as long gaza has we're live mostly on the west and um then technology to cut around so to 2000 palestinians and this fine growing la position and those weapons keep flowing. so who's supplying as well, with the tools for genocide and could they be legal consequences? this is inside story. the


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