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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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to nights without kat foundation, with every past on 19 with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the pure water and that is our life from headquarters and downtime dirty. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. is real size. it's kills 9 to people and it's range on and she thought hospital and the change hundreds more, more is really or strikes and the occupied mustang. 3 palestinians have been killed engineering. a warning from the you when that's done is facing one of the worst
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humanitarians as officers and recent history pro. so be unto pledges to be a president for all ends an easy and after his sweeping election, victory is confirmed. but opponent say they'll challenge that when the hello, at least a 104 palestinians have been killed in multiple attacks across garza. in the past day from northern does, the photos are emerging, showing people being tied up and detained inside the ship? our hospital complex. israel says it's interrogated more than 300 and taken at least a 160 from the strip for further investigation at the state as refugee camp outs and central dogs out 24 palestinian women and children had been killed. witnesses say that strikes had a residential area when people were sleeping was there,
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had been completely destroyed. another is really or strike it then, but it is refugee camp has wiped out all the members of one family. at least 17 people were killed in that attack that also targeted a bakery crucial and feeding the starving population. taught as soon as more on the attack on a ship out hospital for buffer in southern gaza. situation right now, when a she felt hospital is getting much more difficult, as a residents are being trapped entirely inside the neighborhood. if you have been receiving more calls from boost residence will have been running extremely low in terms of food and water alongside that is very military troops have set farm in unemployed, over residential houses on the vicinity of a she felt hospitalized as a part of the is there any ongoing village or ration that did not till now and in the she felt hospital also, they have been attacking the reception department inside the hospital and they have
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caused a critical damage to a number of the facilities of at the hospital. the specifically, that separate areas had been turned to be an investigation room where people inside has been absolutely integrated a by the is very minute to troops where are still hundreds of people and patients unable to leave the hospital and the ongoing classes and confrontations taking place there till now, and also we have been hearing from the mediterranean from us that they have a talk, a number of is very minute, 3 tanks in all the areas that are leading to the hospital as a part of the ongoing. also confrontations that to now is it still ongoing that on the ground iran con has or on the is really our misery remarks on their raids on she felt of l. cool in ms. a. resoundingly a success so. so the, the is really armies cheapest off heads or how levy was in house ship a hospital in the last few hours. he said, you know, operation, hey,
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we're serving 2 goals, hurting him as his leadership, i'm putting pressure on the hostage released negotiations. the rest he says, of senior officials is very, very important to put pressure on how math is very important to put pressure on the negotiations as well. so this is seen as a successful operation. these really sites that they've killed 90 palestinians. they also say that they've arrested some 350 about 160 of those have been taken into is all appropriate for interrogation. so the fact that these really all me chief, was in our ship for medical complex, one of my senior military officials, to visit certainly a place of an ongoing battle in a long time, is a significant move from these riley's, it shows you that they are confident they are a chief thing that goes within the hospital. these are so community of is very
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alone, but what they seeing once again, this is a hospital, of course, is being attacked by some now i am is a member of how masses political bureau chief denies. israel's claims that there were promised fighters inside a ship out hospital a situation and shift almost within it's very. busy serious, very, very visuals. so we used to hear this to somebody named provo gummed up. the body is in prison, so for i must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the hospital. i come dash to the one i'm concerned that normally attends people inside the hospital. the vision uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, summer hall crackers can around dollars within one to be on a cute, facing the new and vision to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly,
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in saving or storming the head 1st. and it is destroying the house with the slim, big shift of thousands of the month of summer by hundreds of them were good enough, including the mine, most of most of the stuff has been taking hostages by the intro to give it some of them executed in the feet, the health system and gaza has almost collapse due to israel's relentless attacks. the world health organization has documented $410.00 attacks on health care facilities and goes out since the war began. and says is really, forces have killed 685 health care workers, an injured 90230 hospitals across garza have been damaged along with around a 150 ambulances. margaret harris is the world health organization spokeswoman.
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she says it's been difficult for health workers to provide services while facing starvation and malnutrition themselves. i just imagine you working incredibly hot, incredibly, physically hard running for patients, the patient dealing with things that you've got to be mentally on a full but also physically a lot full and you have very, very little food. now we mount emissions as often as we put visit a and when we come, one of the things that we're off for 1st by the health care workers is food and we do our best to bring some we're also increasing. we bringing in nutritional supplements for children, re feeding for because that is now the great need stones, haitian is stalking every doorway in gaza. we know that there they were. i mean, before the hostilities around us you for are 6 hospitals that were doing what they called, but most of them lack fuel. and whenever we go to the north, we, the,
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one of the things we bring is fuel. so they can get the generation is going in some hospitals, we have to repair the generator of bringing you generate because that's being destroyed. and it's in a lot of the stuff, the specialist stuff you need, remember the injuries a senior her wrist, they bugs and last injuries. and you need to be a very experienced and skills surgeon to be able to deal with that. so one of the other problems is the stuff themselves. don't have the skills and don't have the support of the experts because they've, i, the last, they're all died or the big display. so they do their best. they're doing the best, but maintaining just basic hygiene is a struggle as well. the is really military has targeted a vehicle in jeanine and occupied westbank. at least 3 palestinians were killed and
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not ever strike the palestinian red cross and says, one person is critically wounded. at least 440 palestinians have been killed and they occupied westbank, including a 102 people. engineers and israel lost its war on does all the confrontations between warners and the palestinian authority broke out during the funeral procession. authorities fired at large crowds were gathering in jeanine at least 27 palestinians have been injured. laura con has been following the developments from the hundreds of palestinians attended a funeral of 3 men who had been killed in this way. the s drive just on the outskirts of jeanine refugee camp earlier on in the day as a for again, the procession. they actually march to the policy and authority police district where they demanded what they called political prisoners to be released. the police
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then fight once the crowd, we know at least 27 people in just one of them was chosen to head in so critically wounded. so let me walk you back just a few hours. at 537 p. m. local time, he is ready. the tree struck a vehicle that was driving just on the outskirts of to the refuge account. 3 palestinians were killed and one was wounded. 2 of them were fine to those who belong to the janine battalion. now these right, the army did release the statements along with it's right intelligence. they said they struck to senior islamic jihad operatives inside a vehicle. and they said they were planning attacks and one is also kills what they called and this really last night. but this is actually, that's why you set the living and legal assessments not far from jeanine. so jeanine has long been a slash point in the past 2 years as being the center of intensified and find the
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right by the is right in military. and many people not to suffice to say that they feel this, this the form of collective punishment against them. nor comes out to sara ramallah in the occupied westbank. the us tech, through state and city blinking has been holding talks and saudi arabia on israel's war on gaza. this is a 6 tour of the middle east since october, blinking is expected to head to egypt and israel for more talks. well, so somebody causes a professor public policy, it's kind of been fairly for university and he expects discussions on ending the war on the political future of the gaza strip. and those will dominate the latest round of talks. the icing davis's 1st and for most would be on the seas fire. right and on uh, a way to stop the madness which is taking place now in gaza and return. i think ben can, will push on behalf of his ro,
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that release for the release of the captives and try and get that upstage, to accept whatever pressure they have on home us to accept a deal on those really terms. but also important that i think that would be discussing the future of the gaza strip and the post conflict fans as have be not secure. they did not buy the united states again, maybe in partnership or on behalf of his ro, where the americans are now proposing the policy now administration to take over the governance and the gaza strip. and they said, despite the fact that as well, i mean publicly nothing now is refusing this idea of what i think behind the scenes, there must be some kind of agreement that this is the only solution and then moving forward for long term. uh, such a meant uh within the region that involves the out of states and in particular, i think they have the ion. so during the normalization we started, idea is very important for israel and the united states. they is really prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken to us. republican senator is via video link . he wanted to firm up support for the war on guys up, but senior democrats declines. nothing. yeah. who's request? let me say this. i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause of helping israel. the democrats talked about the 2 state solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada, which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election. president biden would have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. instead, he is running scared of the extremist of his own party. let's go to rosa and jordan joining us from washington dc to discuss all of this rosalind and tell us how concerned are some democrats, but nothing. yeah. who's trying to interfere and us domestic politics just to stay in power? well, it's ironic because benjamin netanyahu,
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the as rarely prime minister, was just complaining and recent days about our efforts by some in the us congress. notably, the senate majority leader chuck schumer, to interfere in internal is really politics by his call by chuck schumer as call for new elections in israel because of the ongoing conduct of the war and also. so consider that irony 1st of all. now, as for the importance of benjamin netanyahu appearing via video link before by the senate republicans at their uh weekly. um, closed your lunch meeting. well that they can invite whomever they want to take part in what is supposed to be. a members only meeting and chuck schumer who is the majority leader in the senate, can certainly decide who can or who can't be invited to a typically members, only luncheon. so this is really a lot of paula taking,
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especially given that chuck schumer as words have generated a lot of concern in benjamin netanyahu government, but also have generated a lot of support among those here in the united states who are trying to distinguish between israel's right to exist and the ongoing situation in gauze of where you have more than 2000000 people who are road basically trapped while the war is continuing. yeah, and speaking of what's happening on the ground rules. and so when we see some shifting rhetoric by democratic leaders, but not enough to pressure, not enough pressure to stop israel's plans for drop off to well, consider that the rarely government has been talking for several weeks now about launching this ground invasion into rafa. and you have the, by the ministration, starting with the president himself saying the us cannot condone any such operation unless the people in our office some 1400000 people are going to be protected. and
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given that the death toll of palestinians and garza is above 31000 at this point some 5 and a half months into the war, the by the administration is ratcheting up the pressure. it's very subtle. it's not as much as many people who want to see a ceasefire in the war would like to see. but there is this very subtle shift from complete support for whatever is real. wanted to do back on october 7th to now increasing criticism public criticism of how the netanyahu government is conducting this more. you're even seeing centralized democratic senators saying that the by the administration needs to hold is real accountable for how it's using us provided military equipment in its war in gaza. and if necessary, to cut off israel from future military uh,
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sales in order to make the drive home the point that it needs to do a much better job of protecting the civilians who are in the middle of this war. all right, thank you so much for awesome. jordan reporting from washington dc. the in other news, the united nations is warning the 220000 children institute on to die from malnutrition in the coming weeks and months. un humanitarian affairs agency, his brief the security council describing the situation as one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history. almost a year of fighting between the army and the para military rapids support forces was killed tens of thousands and caused acute food shortages. gabriel is also reports from new york and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the
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plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who don't have enough to eat. and just and 6500000 for internally displaced our humanitarian travesties splitting out. since we're done, under avail of international inaction and in attention simply puts, we are feeling the people of sedan the un is unable to reach millions of people in sudan who need help because of increased fighting between government forces known as s a f and rival rapids support forces known as r, s f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and do a da 0 states continues to be obstructed. area of this month, the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sudan. since then, i regret to report, there has been no major progress on the ground. recent board or reopening is by the
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government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to get a team into the greater for region. we just recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. despite the dire warnings, sorry, and sam baset are told, the counsel of situation is not as bad as it must be of our trade lead. i'm an attorney, so i knew you would like to be precise. here, there was no attempt to end of the supply delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of that, there was no indication that so don is hovering around as time and the time is of the essence. and well, it's clear the council was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. more than 18000000 people are
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facing acute hunger because of that war and so done. and many of them can be reached by humanitarian agencies. others have left to neighboring countries to seek safety and health ma. some lab reports from a transit comp in the board, a ton of rank and south susan a shot. 7 students who is forced about a 1000000 people from their homes and left more than twice stop facing a que tongue whose mothers and seeking help for that children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank is south threw down. yeah, called god black went to see don to look for what 3 years ago she says she was among the 1st the fleet of so i think when she was forced to come back to south seat on last. yeah. she's been in the camp ever since. and gave birth here to the time. she says a husband died. the, the red shows me
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a chinese um is far too fading for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival, but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and across the board of trade before the war. now the traffics. one way many come empty handed. most of the people arriving here a hungry, it comes from cost a seat on or to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well the seed program is registering new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then so you're everybody and it's a, it's a base of displace people see you and says it shows of funds to be able to deal with this crisis. here is your rivals issued a voucher for about $14.00,
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which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south c denise. but a growing number of suits and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received anything since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting. my doctors are very hungry. i'm gonna have better luck this time. so students, currency losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war? food prices occurring out severely malnourished children like me a time, a treat to the terms that come by irish charity go with a nutritional paste. the specialist had told us that the worst case is that people who stayed here a long time waiting for the location is this times that children that really you know, that condition becoming what their quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to
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be relocated. hi, mary. are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding and more displacement . she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web al jazeera rank south seat on the me, 16 people have been killed over the course of the week. and russell has belgrade region the borders ukraine. the ukranian attacks intensified during the russian presidential elections held last weekend. authorities have announced mass evacuations from that region. you and yourself of all of a has more for moscow. the people in the russian states have battle girls say that living from one at right alarm to another. those who cons get to basements,
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a bone shelters hide in bathrooms and corey doors in the apartments. one missile damaged, it came to godson. now the original government has announced evacuation of nice 1000 children. let's throw them up on march 22nd to 1200 children from belgrade region with good russian cities of venza. campbell, i'm going to go school today. if you have list of children to be evacuated from the most elaborate someone's ability. so they bought on with your civic, you know, they'll go to the 6, i'm a city of they'll go to the of application for 9002, you go to build a source, have setup checkpoints to restricts entry into a number of supplements. the military and police allow some local people to go to that homes only to feed capital presence without any piece and promise to ensure the security of the board. the regions can use no more than what we did. jim, of course we can respond the same way against civilian infrastructure against all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks. but we have our own views on
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this matter and our own plans. we'll go ahead with what we've planned good, then they have to show the sweep. a lot of all the patient says russian troops may retaliate with strikes against ukraine. civilian infrastructure. such strikes have been reported almost every day since the invasion of ukraine began. a few days ago, the russian defense ministry released a vizier showing russian voluntary units financing on the side of ukraine, who tried to penetrate russian circuitry present called him traitors, and judged russian intelligence services to eliminate them and use it. but what it's doing is, i ask you not to forget who they are, to identify them by name. we will punish them without a statute of limitations wherever they are. as you claimed, resumed intense attacks on the belgrade region just before presidential elections held in russia last week, letting the patient said it was an attempt to disrupt the poles after the beginning of russia. so called special ministry operation in ukraine. the boulder regional
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bank of old has been crunch like turning in to avoid so on to will acts of as predicted such developments long ago saying that by on the shouldn't be conflicting . you train russia inevitably invited who on his territory. you should bob oliver entre 0 most current in ukraine. russia continues to strike car keys. rob mcbride has more from the campus. all keys fits. his talk happens early wednesday afternoon . local time in the hollow to his feet district of khaki, which is to the west of the city, a mixed residential and civilian area was said to have been targeted, damaging, an 8 story building and also damaging a nearby prince works and other workshops involved in the production of furniture and paint products which as a said to have possibly contributed to the large fire that broke out of one point, covering 2000 square meters,
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emergency cruise still at the scene. in addition to the dead on the injured to there is an ongoing search for annual victims and also people who are on the country for a given khaki regions, proximity to the voted with russia. it is very difficult to give advanced warning of incoming gas strikes and also very difficult to intercept any incoming themselves run the price. how much is there a piece a denise is like total authority has confirmed the defense minister pro as to be unto officially won the presidential election last month. with the official accounts smell completes for belo, secure of 59 percent of the votes. but his rivals are set to contest the results in court. jessica washington reports from jakarta who used to be in to truly for diseases, to jump twice before. don't he stood attempt, he squinted. we must unite to limit poverty and eliminate hunger and illuminated
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suffering from our people. brothers and sisters, people who become entities as the next president of the he secured a majority in 36. if the countries good, he age provinces. outside the electoral commission, a small group together to protest. i'm one of the citizens of the republic of indonesia who reject fraudulent elections. but supporters of people had still this celebration on election night when early stages indicated he had come on to lead over the other candidates, proposed to be unto has served as defense, ministers since 2019 in the cabinets, his current president, jo cobra, dodo, a man who was once his political driver, some analysts say his result in victory was made possible because he was backed by the outgoing president, propose running age, and the future of vice president is the incumbent eldest son. the official result confirm what had already been projected earlier on official accounts that proposed
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to be on. so and his running mate won the february 14 election by a wide margin over there by the end of the electoral process. candidates on his bus, sweden and again, just for new stages they intend to contest the result in the countries topcoat and he said the stage must play a neutral role in elections. and he says that didn't happen ahead of the vote. both sides as well as academics and civil society organizations have highlighted issues such as what they say was a massive distribution of social aide in key electoral regions. the campaign team of gun jennifer know, and muffled and de became lost in the official count say a number of finally sions occurred. the people and the entire indonesian nation are absolutely sure that our vote tally is not what is currently shown. with legal
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experts say is may be challenging to prove that in course, when the built brass, if they alleged fraud, they have to explain at which posing station in which sub district months, the who did it and who benefits it is may not necessarily be possible based on why the quote will have 2 weeks to consider the claims once they launched, but it's unlikely they will result in any changes to the outcome who is set to take office in october. in his victory speech, she promised to work hard for all indonesians adults. those who didn't vote for him to give him a chance. jessica washington, which is 0 to kasha, the still ahead on the houses there. and these are the us federal reserve holes interest rates at a historic high. but that just means for the global economy, the
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government and all the naming is tropical cycling. but it's still active in the spring, a huge amount of rain to the northern territory. as a result, i will be some flooding. there is to be expected and out of springs. full cost consume 3 days worth of rain on. not possibly that heavy as during saturday, with temperatures to write down 21 to 22 degrees as dropping by 15 degrees to be honest with not a big surprise. the active cold frontier that doesn't look so active brought much colder weather to a c t to victoria and new south, but also the sunshine by days. what would things out slowly? it's still warm, a driving permit that fish degrees and most of west australia is not surprisingly dry. avenues even nice looking picture mostly is going to be fine. right. about 20 degree mock. the rain is circulating our show, make his way in to satisfy with him. but not very far so potential for funding in borneo sooner ways. each job may be sumatra and increasing maintenance. what
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happened being might as well and self and talent. and there's an increase in the number of shares in the philippines. but maybe surprisingly it's still snowing. only is potentially in the high ground of hon. sure, but that's on its way. our most significance today is likely for time in north korea, northeast in china. otherwise it's warm sunshine of the of brutal occupation resulting in a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails the soaps. on garza, they took dozens of children, bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person to the 7 on tuesday, or now let me tell you almost suffice. equal results,
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depressed of its kind. in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like coming here, sits on within large 3rd space. people look in my private for me now. thanks. royal . i can also somebody probably equal, restored to mean gun the the the, the top stories on the houses are, it is our is really for, since i've killed dozens of palestinians and an ongoing rate on god's us largest
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hospital. hundreds of people have been detained and abused. israel has a tax more than $400.00 health facilities since the war began. the world health organization says doctors and jobs are suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion. hundreds of thousands of people are facing fan and 27. children have starved to death and recently and is where they are. so i can set a car in jeanine killing at least 3 palestinians. one person is in critical condition, at least 440 pounds finance have been chosen the occupied westbank since october. doctors and gaza are working continuously to treat the injured, but without enough food. they're struggling to get through their shifts. victoria gate and the reports. doctor boucher abdul called that hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in
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garza and surviving on a few plates of rice. and this low model looks like a piece of content knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to share between 2 doctors and consists of rice and a small amount of vegetables. know protein is not enough for adults and working these hours. the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die if you choose, you choose mean staff stop. the shift exhaust says, i'm savage to them in the money we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin, the come work like this. and especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for cool. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they turn the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources suit. the animal we're suffering from nutritional
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deficiency, fruit and vegetables aren't available, so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high. without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health work is pulling sick and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g. is there more than a 100 american jewish artist writer as an active us to release the state and criticizing one of the largest pro israel lobby groups in the us? the statement opposes the american israel public affairs committee's role and trying to quote, dominate and deform the democratic primaries. the text doesn't specifically mentioned the war on dollars off, but it focuses on the upcoming us general election and especially on a pax plans to the feet. women of color, skeptical of israel. so the statement describes apax influence as unprecedented and
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damaging saying that, given that israel is so isolated internationally that it could not continue with industry main treatments of the palestinians without us political and military supports. a pack is an essential link in the chain that holds in place, the unbearable tragedy of israel and palestine in the coming us elections. we need to break that chain in order to help free the people of israel and palestine to pursue peaceful coexistence. the elements keys, the executive director, progressive democrats of america, and one of the initiators of that statement, he says they're taking a stand against a pack for targeting the most popular elected officials. among young americans, being government in directions was growing greater. but what happened in 2022 was completing the oversized and unprecedented the size of the conscious of money. the impact been organizing directly put against progressive candidates was,
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was really unprecedented. certainly. and in these congressional districts on an absolute avalanche of money, in primarily against some of the leading young progressive elected officials in the country and also some up and coming progressive. so looking back on it, i think very much what have wonder elections had it not been for the money that went against them. those actually were not incumbents at the time. so we had preparing this. i am not understanding the impact would probably be the same thing in 2024. and so i was very involved in the, you know, the type of council candidates in 21 and 22 about this money and how to work against it. and i knew that we had to make it still been going in because what they were trying to do is defeat a progressive movement in the united states that really came to life with the bernie sanders campaign of 2016 rep. progressive problems were very marginal before then and we can still win after we're the median, right. so the progress of women, and in fact, within how popular sanders representing americans, it's probably safe to say that they are targeting the most popular elected
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officials among young americans. all the un this calling on the international community to take action to protect civilians in the, in more the special reference her for human rights in me, in marseilles, the military june to is increasing. it's a tax on civilian areas. if we can restrict and cut access to revenue of the hunter, the through these a targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down. there are the variety of ways that they're getting access to these weapons. and by virtue of, of the money that they're updating and then we can stop their ability to buy these weapons. tony chang reports on the border between thailand and me and more c. u and special raffle to tell him andrews painted a grim picture of what's happened inside me a month over the past 12 months. but he did say there was one small ray of light,
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and that is the offensive by ethnic i'm is, and resistance groups since late october of last year, which has achieved unexpected the military success and pushed the military john to buy none the less he said, the impact on civilians was huge. 2.4000000 people displaced from the homes. 18.6000000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and assistance that is not getting into the country. at this stage, he picked out the rank of most of the minority, in particular saying that they are trying to flee the numbers not seen since 2014. and they are being hit hard. the most groups in this pushed back by the ministry of the international community to try and strangle the military john to by cutting them off of them from financial and military supplies. that if anyone is looking for a pass on the back, he wasn't getting,
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he wasn't going to give it. he said the people inside me and my feeling desperately forgotten about and bitterly disappointed by the international reaction to what's going on inside the country. so anything else is 0 on the time? yeah, i'm about to for testers in india's lead dock region, want the territory to be given state codes. and that's after talks between retailer leaders and new delhi broke down comes of a how much reports the feeling neglected. thousands of people get to the street in may and come to the months stated for the region. the also one tribal status for the areas that don't allow them to form a distinction between the state. you'll get frustrated with the you, you know, that got increasingly frustrated due to continuous neglect by the government, but it got to be at the present administration. is that dusting demand solely based
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on the population instead? just to yeah, without thinking about how important the doctors typically work on the malign region was formed out of indian elizabeth cushion. we have more than 4 years ago. the indian government decided to run the region from new delhi at the time, many in the welcome to move across the board. now with this to see the most wonderful representation accuse me, you didn't hear much analyzing them. i just thought y'all, model, american ministry of home affairs, mamma chelsea, this protest is the outcome of the failed meeting with the indian whole ministry. are we able to convey to both the government in the nation, the importance of addressing our demands with some of the doc, you people want statehood for the dog and tribal rights. ok, and the restoration of democracy in the retracted. you move, you have to the bottom of the hollow. some trait is in the region of both of the
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businesses and brought this on. the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. we are expecting democracy, basic democratic rights to choose our own representatives to make decisions about how these fridge replace is managed. the government needed as phone the community to look into the 2 months of the protest and itself books with the latest from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate to csc. we continue taking to the seats on the team that the mon summit comes and how much does the new national security legislation will come into force in hong kong on saturday? it includes life sentences for treason and sabotage. critics fear it will further road freedoms. laura westbrook reports from hong kong. well, she didn't have team on wall stuff involved in the territories. let's just the chat
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pro paging politicians unanimously voted to pos, home, grow national security legislation to come the fire. it is a historic moment that hong kong has been waiting for funding for 26 years, 8 months and 19 things. the law will help prevent and deal with espionage for interference and threats caused by phone has to be knowledgeable. article $23.00 is it's known includes new national security offences and updates existing ones, including trees and sabotage, and use any all of which will become punishable by up to life in prison. it will say raises the maximum penalty for crimes linked to this addition to 10 years imprisonment. when the flow is last proposed in 2003, there was such the public opposition that half a 1000000 people sit to the streets, some fearing that it would repress the unique rights of hong kong, including freedom of expression. now says not being anything like that, and people live spoken to have refused to even comments about the little human
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rights story. a mock daily worries that the know could be used to silence critics. my biggest concern is the citizen, you know, critical debate. vigorous criticism of government policies. it's, it's vague and you don't know when you're going to be crossing to regina it. this has been a long time coming. she spearheaded the attempt to pass the law in 2003 when she was security secretary. this time the legislative council took less than 2 weeks from when the legislation was published to posting it to a post, a few or some, some booky. you have to show that he has a criminal intent. i think i'll meet you understand the freedom of expression is not absolute. you know, form the opposition legislation. emily allow marched against the law in 2003. we have seen in the past few years, seen quite a bit of self census. may be, it's not really that bad, but the people are just not sure. so to be safe. i just don't waste west my cell
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phone calls to not like that. for many years, hong kong was said was free, free and vibrant. in 2020 the government and the aging responded to months of anti government protests by imposing the national security though. since then, opposition politicians in hong kong as being jail to flight. the city, civil society groups disbanded and some media outlets shut down. hong kong is trying to woo back foreign business, despise the presence of the badging and pose national security. the critics say it's yes, another blow to the cities reputation as an international financial center. laura westbrook, which is 0. the us federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates on change that a 23 year high of 5 and quarter percent. the federal reserve chairs room, paul said inflation is still too high, but the signal, the central bank would cut rates 3 times later on in the year. particle hanging as
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more from washington dc. absolutely no surprise here at the federal reserve, pretty much nobody saw that. they were going to lower interest rates at this meeting. what they were looking at is what they were going to signal they were going to do for the rest of 2024. and that remains on change. they said they're probably going to have 3 more interest rates cuts that would bring the interest rate to 4.6 percent. now there has been a change in what they see is inflation. the end of the year they, they increase what that's going to be to probably 2.6 percent. but it's important that they're only talking about core inflation that doesn't take into account the cost of fuel or the cost of food. and that is a much higher number, that is the number americans feel the most fed german jerome poll explains a balancing act that their work, you know, we know that reducing policy or strength too soon or too much could result in a reversal of the progress we have seen on inflation and ultimately require even tighter policy to get inflation back to 2 percent at the same time,
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reducing policy restraint too late, or too little could unduly weaken economic activity and employment. so these are the highest borrowing rates that the country has seen in 23 years. so who gets hurt and who gets helped by this? well, businesses that want to do expand probably won't because it's so much more expensive to borrow money. that's the same for people who are hoping to buy a home. home mortgages are much more expensive and people are carrying a lot of credit card debt that takes up a huge chunk of many americans budgets. this is going to hurt them by keeping interest rates high. now those people who have a lot of cash in the bank, they're getting more money just for having their, their cash in the bank or in bonds. so it helps them. but for the global economy, it also could have an indication, central banks around the world tend to look to the fed to see what they are signaling, so it could show that they'll be less changes for interest rates worldwide pedagogy
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. elda 0, washington, doctors and county us public hospitals have been on strike for almost a week, demanding the implementation of a pain deal agreed in 2017. more than $5000.00 doctors have ignored an order from the labor court to return to work. catherine story reports from nairobi. so that is kenyatta hospital, at least the main referral hospital here in kenya. millions of people come here to receive a specialized treatment and other services as well. but with the doctors on strike, it becomes very difficult for the people who come full of their medical care. 7 to get that treatment, we have been told by the stuff who are around that to basically an emergency services are in our many more also been told that you know,
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the no referrals that are happening and it's not just coming out the hospital. there are many odds of government hospitals that are facing the same predicament. so we have doctors are getting posted now, but the shortage of doctors who has dis offices, we have 1000000 tons system and to keep on bridges for this vehicle always is because they feel like they can bridge. now they move to court to try and compare the quotes. you've got to bring us to the table or the upside. but in the last year, we spent a whole year negotiating on some of the elements that you mentioned there about 5600 government doc says we have been speaking to a union. officials will say that that number is 2, little more doctors needs to be employed to feel the gap. and what all this means is that people continue to suffer. uh, we went to a hospital where people are trying to find
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a private hospitals to you to deal with the different elements, but it becomes very difficult because we're talking about people who cannot afford a private cap. this doctor say that they want to go to to come back to work, but their needs have to be max is one a past me sorry, i'll just there are still ahead on the i was a 0 news. our a surprise resignation in ireland. prime minister leo, very car says nice stuffing down the
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so our islands prime minister has quit only 2 years into his 2nd term. he's been leader of fund gail since 2017 where we challenge reports. it was a shock. so most times leah, veronica acknowledged that many would be left scratching my head, said his surprised resignation. i know, and that is really there be speculation as to the quote unquote real reason for my decision. these are the real reasons. it has the heated system as a combination of the personal and the political belief that another leader with the threat to the pilot books, unemployment sense that he'd run out of state. however, politicians are human beings, however, limitations. we give it every time until we can't anymore, and then we have to move on. it's certainly a surprise decision from the youngest prime minister. ireland has ever had a man who is just 45 is well within his political prime. it's off indeed,
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and i've always been the guy, veronica embodied the liberalization of a country. one scene is one of the most socially conservative in europe, spots political clouds have been gathering lat, cluster poll numbers 10 departing parliamentarians from his fina. gail patsy adams, the loss of 2 recent referendums aimed at liberalizing parts of parlance constitution. who might have taken that total of veronica despite the opposition coal was for an early general election. that's not likely right now. seen a guy who is partners, piano full of greens, both say the coalition, governments will set up a full time. veronica stays on until feet, a gal cheeses, and the leader who will be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps, as tiny is april, the 9th glory talons. how does he ever vietnam's president has resigned a year after taking the office above on to own was linked to an anti corruption. dr
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. the communist party said violations by the president of tarnish. the reputation of the party on the states. he's the 2nd president to stand down in 2 years. this will, after years of tension and train disputes, australia, and sign us a very long course to make up ties southward. 4 years ago after the previous australian government calls for an inquiry into the origins of code, 19, just the warning. adrian brown's report contains flush photography by the hand shakes and smiles belie the high stakes with the australian government faces in managing its relations with china. how straight he is. foreign minister, penny wong, conceding the talks with one he was unlikely to result. then many differences, all of them enables us to manage all differences. it doesn't until midnight, some bought these comments in the interest of us try them, will always seek to manage those differences wisely. as i said in the outside of my
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meeting, kind of always be china astride, it will always be as strong. there. there was no joint media conference, was only comments ahead of his talks about china. he said, never into fee is in australia is internal affairs, australia should do the side on central office when it comes to china, sovereignty dignity and legitimate concerns. we have cause hope that the strategy of will continue to abide by the commitments made it the establishment of diplomatic ties. awful. regional security remains a contentious issue for australia. but i'm afraid fiction is easing prime minister anthony alban, easy, hopeful, a 218 percent tires on australian wine will be lifted shortly. punitive chinese terrace, most of the exports have already been removed during the height of a diplomatic pulling out all straight in jet unless chung late was jail to move in 3 years on ill defined delegations of sharing chinese state secrets overseas
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last month and australia and academic young hang june accused of espionage was given a suspended sentence. let's. let's try the ins was shocked at the sentencing paused and i might say to him that the distracting government will continue to advocate from dr. young's behalf. since she didn't ping became china. is lita 11 years ago, he's made one repeated pledge to find any challenges to china 70, a sovereignty in full se analyst by intimidating taiwan claiming ownership of almost all the south china sea. and establishing a security presence in the south pacific, bundled with china, now has the largest diplomatic presence in the region, as well as long as he has been talking, afraid enough delays. here is us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances without allies, south korea. and the philippines,
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many smaller nations in the region though, a wary of both united states and china and don't want to be forced to pick sides. remote analysts say, could be the beginning of a new cold war. adrian brown, al jazeera weddington, mont, who is an officer coming up with carrie johnson in just a moment. thanks for watching. also, 0 bye for now. in china, this is a summer bathroom for the fatherland. care boys and girls as young as 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect that country. i would make you run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits. china is military capital kids. on alex's 0 a, we do look at the world's top business stores, how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets. and economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects the dives. how big a problem is global food insecurity?
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counting the cost? oh no. jersey or a pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every thing will die. whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the
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city is already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produces the best spaces and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the israel says it's killed 90 people, the x rays on our see for hospital and detain 100 small the carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from the whole. so coming up, malnourished and exhausted concern is growing for gauze as adults as baffling to save lives or is ready as the strikes in the occupied westbank street.


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