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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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we tried to trace the animals using many means, for example, the fire. other farmers say he paused how being they did the rice farms into several people. officials said they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected. the israel, such as killed 90 people that x rays on l. c for hospital and detain. hundreds i'm carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming out, malnourished and exhausted concern is growing because as adults has backlink to save knives, warning from the un that hundreds of thousands of children is don, could die from now nutrition in the coming weeks. and we hear from a rice,
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farmers in the philippines, deeper insects because of the west drought conditions. they've seen the at least 104 palestinians have been killed in multiple attacks across the guns. in the past day, from northern gauze, photos have been much showing people being tied up and detained inside the lc for hospital complex. israel says it has interrogated more than 300 people and taken at least 160, from the strip for further investigation or didn't his wrath refugee camp in central gauze at 24 palestinian women and children have been killed. witnesses say strikes hit to a residential area when people were sleeping homes that have been completely destroyed. and another is rarely s tri county registry. refugee campuses wiped out
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all the members of a family. at least 17 people were killed in the attack and also targeted a bakery crucial in feeding the stopping population. well, target assume has more now on the attack on of street the hospital from rafa and southern guns. the situation a right now when a she felt hospital is getting much more difficult, as a residents are being trapped entirely inside the neighborhood. we have been receiving more calls from booth residence will have been running extremely low in terms of food and was alongside. that is very military troops have sit far in a number of a residential houses on the vicinity of a she felt hospital as a part of the is there any ongoing village with ration that did not till now and in the she felt hospital also they have been attacking the reception department inside of the hospital and they have caused a critical damage to a number of the facilities of the hospital. the specifically,
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that separate areas had been turned to be an investigation room where people inside has been absolutely integrated a by the is very minute to troops where are still hundreds of people and patients unable to leave the hospital and the ongoing classes and confrontations taking place there till now, and also we have been hearing from the monitoring of how much that they have a talk, a number of is very military tanks and all the areas that are leading to the hospital as a part of the ongoing. also confrontations that do now is it still ongoing that on the ground and we're on con, has more on the is many on these remarks on their rate go now she l calling this a resoundingly a success so, so the, the is really the armies cheapest off heads or how levy was in house ship a hospital in the last few hours. he said, you know, operation hey, we're subbing 2 goals. hurting him as his leadership,
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i'm putting pressure on the hostage released negotiations. the rest he says of senior officials. it's very, very important to put pressure on him asking is very important to put pressure on the negotiations as well. so this is seen as a successful operation. these really sites that they've killed 90 palestinians. they also say that they've arrested some 350 about 160 of those have been taken into is all appropriate for interrogation. so the fact that these really only chief was in our ship for medical complex. what am i, senior military officials to, to visit? certainly a place of an ongoing battle in a long time, is a significant move from these riley's, it shows you that they are confident they are a chief thing that goes within the hospital, the as actual community. i have is very alone to what they saying once again. this is a hospital, of course that is being attacked by some name is a member of how masses political
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bureau he denies. israel's claims that they will have mass flights is inside of sea for hospital a situation in chicago, it's within it's very, very serious, very, very visuals. so we used to hear this to somebody named provo gummed up the body to the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the hospital. i come, josh, still the one i'm concerned with the no minutes on the people inside of the hosting and the vision. uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people include them as innocent civilians, some of our crackers, kent around those within $1.00 to $50.00. then you envision so that. busy i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly, in saving or storming the head 1st. and it is destroying the house with those
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distorted vacation, thousands of thousands of the month of summer by hundreds of them were good enough including instantly uh my house. uh, most of the stuff has been taking hostages by the info to get some of them executed . and the feed us present, joe biden has repeatedly warned to israel everett's science for ground defense is in rafa, but it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will push ahead despite disagreements with one of its closest on eyes. if he left the seat at the beginning of the journey, i told the presidential, i'm aust cannot be defeated without the idea of entering the gaza strip. in our last conversation, i told him, it's impossible to complete the victory without the idea of entering rough uh. there were times we agreed with our friends, and there were times we did not agree with them. and then in the end,
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we always did what was essential for our safety. and we will do so this time as well. to palestinians have been killed and, and is rarely drowned. stripe near to car i'm an occupied westbank area is very forces was set to be obstructing access to emergency cruise. getting to the now cheyenne's refugee camp. israel has also been sending more troops to the area. is there any minute she has talked to the vehicle in jeanine and occupied westbank? at least 3 palestinians were killed in the strike. posting in red crescent says one person is critically wounded. at least 442 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank, including 102 people in geneva since his rel launched as war on garza. the confrontations between mona's and palestinian authority, secuity forces pro couch during the funeral procession. authorities fond of
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knowledge crowds gathering in janine at least 27 palestinians husband in jail. the adult hasn't gone working continuously to treat the injured but without enough food . the struggling to get through that shift. victoria gave to me because dr. boucher abdul called it hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in garza and surviving on a few plates of rice. and this low model looks like a copy of the function knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to share between 2 doctors and consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults are lacking these hours. the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the money we're seeing mel nutrition among health workers in the
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emergency department, white gloves, pile skin, the come work like this and especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for who. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they tend the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources suit. the animal we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high. without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health workers folding sick. and that's the last thing. goal is, is collapsed health system needs. victoria a to b l g 0. the
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united nations is warning that 220000 children and sit down, could die from malnutrition, and coming weeks and months you enter, monetary and affairs agency has reached the security council. describing the situation is one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history. almost a year of fighting between the army and the power ministry. rapid support forces is killed tens of thousands and cause acute food shortages. gabriel, as on the reports from new york and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who don't have enough to eat. and 6500000 for internally displaced, our humanitarian travesty. splitting out since redone and the avail of international inaction. and in attention. simply put, we are feeling the people of sedan the un is unable to reach millions of people in
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sudan who need help because of increased fighting between government forces known as the f, a. f, and rival rapids support forces known as r. s. f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and do a da 0 states continues to be obstructed. area of this month, the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sudan. since then, i regret to report, there has been no major progress on the ground. recent board or reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to get a team into the greater for region. we just recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. the, despite the dire warnings. sorry, hans ambassador told the council of situation is not as bad as it must be of our
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trade lead. i'm an attorney, so i knew you would like to be precise. here, there was no attempt to end of the supply delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of that, there was no indication that so don is hovering around all the time and the time is of the essence. and well, it's clear the council was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. hundreds of thousands of refugees from sit down, i've been forced to flee into south to done. many are traumatized and mon nourished welcome web. it sends this report now from a transit camp in a boat, a town of rank in the south, don to the dentist who is forced about a 1000000 people from that homes. and that's more than twice stop facing
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a queue tongue whose mothers and seeking help for that children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank itself threw down. yeah, called god black went to see don to look for was 3 years ago. she says she was among the latest. so i think when she was forced to come back to south seat on last . yeah. she's been in the camp ever since and gave birth here to the time. she says a husband died. the, the red shows me a chinese um is far too fading for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and across the board of trade before the war. now the traffics. one way many come and see 100,
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most of the people arriving here a hungry. it comes from cost a seat on or to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well the seed program is registering new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then so you're everybody and it's a, it's a base of displaced people see you and says it shows the funds to be able to seal with this crisis. here is your rivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south sea denise. but a growing number of suits and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or for here i haven't received anything since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting. my doctors are very hungry. i'm not have better luck this time
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. so students, currency losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war? food prices occurring out severely malnourished children like me a time, a treat to the terms that come by irish charity. go with a nutritional paste. the specialist who had told us that the worst case is that people who stayed here a long time waiting for the location is this times that children are really the tutor. you know, that condition coming. what are your quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be be located. hi mary. are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding. more displacement, she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web address era rank south seat on thousands of filipino
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farmers say the suffering from the effects of the climate pots, and there is a new the dry spell is damaged, 9030000 heck tubs of farmland and is expected to effect almost oil frequencies in april when it's hot system the philippines. barnaby, the reports from san diego and the problem. so we'll have con miss miller lives in the decades. they've been growing rise. these pharmacy, they've never seen the soiled crack in the rice fields until the season. it hasn't been for months due to the climate pattern known as some new they know, and the thing is don't when the government provided water for a vacation, it was too late because they prioritize other areas. our crops were that before they receive water, the deep was that they use as an alternative have not been of help either. how many, you know, the new bundle ground water supply is also dwindled to it must also be because of the el nino bundles in this town alone. some 1500 hector's of farm land are parched
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and pharmacy. they're now deeper in debt. government, whether forecast or save virtually the entire country will be affected by a nino by april, which is also the hottest month of the year in the philippines. farmers have suffered the most with crop damage amounting to almost $200000000.00 and counting as a government special task force on the lean, your says the dry spell has peak, but it's going to get worse before it gets better. new is actually weakening, but the weather bureau compared the situation to a flap iron. so once it's plugged, you can feel the constant heat. but once you unplug it, the, the effects of the heat still remain. people living in the capital vanilla had been warrant. the water service may be disrupted as water level and dams across the country are declining. and that means water for irrigation is likely to get even scar sir. worn to below algebra,
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san miguel bullock on the philippines. still to come on, i'll just here why the u. k is not just expansion to its nuclear power program. might not be enough to stop its dependence on fossil fuels, on the us federal reserve pulse interest rates that's on historic height. what could that mean for the global economy? the african narratives from africans perspective for symptom of 4 states and 2 short documentary spine, african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revenues from booking of foster. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa, direct on, i'll just, the unique perspective that has done is one of the most egregious example of abuses
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of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra the the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking back armando, about top stores. this is ready for assistance, kill dozens of palestinians,
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and the ongoing rate on gauze as largest hospital. hundreds of people have been detained. israel has a tax for $400.00 health facilities and it's very s try cuz it's a car in geneva spending at least 3 touched on persons in critical condition. 442 palestinians hoping to in the the on the un security council has been discussing the concept in sit on. it's heard warnings that 220000 children die from malnutrition, coming weeks and months. i think that you may have to reference support forces was the least displaced. arrest warrants have been issued for 9 and members of the opposition in venezuela. 2 of them have already been detained. that close to maria
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in i'm a child who's bound from running in the upcoming presidential election, which all the says the rest amount to quote brutal repression and don't attempt to prevent free and fair elections ruffled up because the security forces in get act as carrying out arrest against 2 opposition members. been as well as attorney general that except confirmed the detentions on wednesday, adding that more arrest warrants have been issued for venice willing opposition. leader, money equity. you know much of those inner circle, meaning that your board eco, the public ministry gas would not arrest me. 2 of them had been carried out the only yeah, they'll share natural ethic di us. share your rest of henry. i'll be or is you and ignore hernandez have been made effective out. is the note i am not in this the despite her landslide victory in a primary, organized by the opposition last october. much of the remains banned by vin as well
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. and authorities from officially registering as the presidential candidate, much of the who has been polling above president eco last model, calls the arrest warrants against members of her staff. a cowardly act by the government. to say that it appears the regime once to close the road to democracy and peace with the regime is doing is not a show strength. it's a show of great weakness and that's what the, the rest words against opposition. members have cast a new doubts over the upcoming presidential election scheduled for july. been as well as supreme court, which upheld the ban against much of the in january, accused as the opposition leader of corruption and supporting us sanctions. when was it that below l to 0? a gunman had been killed off to attacking a ports in southern pockets. stone, please say the attack on guard the 14 by the just on the gun to the launch explosion. exchange of gunfire for the top of the government forced their way into buildings in the port complex, the separatist group,
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the not just on the ration on me is claims responsibility for the ports is a cents, a piece of the china of pocket stone economic cordial, providing china with access to a deep water port on the arabian sea protests as have taken to the streets in india's dock region to them on the territory be given stated demonstrations come off the talks between the regional leaders and that he broke down. i'm a group was feeling neglected, and thousands of people get to the streets in may and come to the months stated for the region. the also one tribal status for the 80 to allow them to form a new stations. we think the state your you for us to do with the you, you know, that got increasingly frustrated due to continuous neglect by the government. that
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gotta be as the person administration is that dusting demand solely based on the population instead of yeah, without thinking about how important the doctors would be taking the word on the maligned region was formed out of indian elizabeth cushion. we have more than 4 years ago. the indian government decided to run the region from new delhi at the time, many in the welcome to move across the top. i know this to see the most presentation accuse me. you didn't hear much into liking them . i just, i got them all american ministry of home affairs, ma'am in chelsea. this protest since the outcome of the failed meeting with the indian home ministry, are we able to convey to both the government in the nation. the importance of addressing our demands was on the doc. you people want statehood for the doc and tribal rights. ok, and the restoration of democracy in the retracted, you moved yet,
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so you monument the hollow some treatise in the region of both social businesses and brought this on. the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. we are expecting democracy, basic democratic rights to choose our own representatives to make decisions about how this red giant place is managed. the government needed us, foamed the community to look into the months of the, put this on itself books with latest, from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate to csc. we continue taking to the streets on the team that the month summit comes and data b u. n is quoting on the international community to take action to protect civilians in lima, especially reference to for human rights in mino said, submitted children to is increasing its attacks on civilian areas. if we can
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restrict and caught access to revenue of the hood through these it targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down a variety of ways that they're getting access to these weapons. and by virtue of, of the money that they're updating and then we can stop their ability to buy these weapons. tony cheney reports now from the border between the thailand and me and the un special raffle to tom andrews painted a grim picture of what's happened inside me a month over the past 12 months. but he did say there was one small ray of light, and that is the offensive by ethnic i'm is, and resistance groups. since late october of last year, which has achieved unexpected, the military success pushed the military john to bay. none the less, he said, the impact on civilians was huge. 2.4000000 people displace from the homes.
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18.6000000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and assistance that is not getting into the country. at this stage, he picked out the hangup, most of the minority in particular saying that they are trying to flee the numbers not seen since 2014. and they are being hit hard. the most groups in this pushed back by the military. he of the international community to try and strangle the military genta by cutting them off for them from financial and military supplies. that if anyone is looking for a pass on the back, he wasn't getting, he wasn't going to give it. he said the people inside me and my feeling desperately forgotten about and bitterly disappointed by the international reaction to what's going on inside the country. so anything else is there on the time? yeah, i'm about a new study suggests the population of nearly every country to be shrinking by the
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end of the century. reports by the institute for health metrics and evaluation ones that baby boomers in developing nations and declines and which ones will drive huge social change during the century for to the to rates will continue to increase in developing countries. especially in sub saharan africa. the the government's recently announced the biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 years as an alternative to fossil fuels. but it may not necessarily deliver the promise of energy independence for some time to come. sort of dig a report from the engineers in southern english as an efficient, low carbon source, apollo or a complex, expensive and has it this way. of guaranteeing energy security. nuclear power has both captivated and a mom to politicians and innovation that holds the promise of a stable source of power as
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a way of guaranteeing demand for green renewable energy, but on it. so it's not enough to wind countries of dependence on fossil fuels. i've announced the largest expansion to our nuclear program in seventy's, and we're being realistic about all need for oil and gas to nuclear power provides 15 percent of the case energy supply and has been promoted by energy supplies as a reliable source. the promise of low comp and nuclear energy is not without its risks. dungeon s and b behind me here was the 1st of its generation of nuclear power pause, and it was designed to be only in use until 2008. however, it was extended until 2028, but a series of technical faults months, but it was shut down in 2021. another issue disputing and the contamination and the
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site will remain radio active for 10000 years. the 2 nuclear reactors being built and key point see in the west of england are expected to provide energy for more than a 5th of bushes homes. but it has been beset by delays and spiraling costs. local residents are also wary of the environmental impact. it's a very does he process. so the fuel itself is filthy in terms of contribution to climate change and pollution before it gets anywhere near assessing and ending up as fuel for a nuclear power station. so 101 form of atomic technology that holds much problem. this new p a fusion, relatively inexpensive compared to nuclear fission produced in power plants. it is seen as a safer alternative as it doesn't use long lasting waste, 6 before mega to football, but have been major breakthroughs and successfully generating more energy than was


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