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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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2024 starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the israel says it scales 90 people and its range on guys as largest hospital and has the teen hundreds. so i'm phoning you back to know you're watching out g 0 life from to ha also coming up a warning from the un that don is facing one of the ways to monetary and disaster in recent history named joshua the g is not doing it on his way to his government is
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accused of repression after arrest warrants or a shoot for several members of the opposition. and we hear from bryce commas in the philippines and say they are deeper in debt because of the most severe drugs conditions injection. the thank you very much for joining us. israel says it scales more than 90 people during his rate on i'll she for hospital complex in northern gaza. it says it's interrogating more than $300.00 people after storming the complex on monday, photos of the meg showing people being tied up and detained inside the medical facility, which is the largest in the gaza strip. at least a 160 people have been taken from al sheet by for, for all she 5 for further investigation. almost 32000 policy means have been killed by. is there any forces since the war started in october? i'll just here as terry cup was them has more on the attack or now she, far from
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a rasa in southern casa of the situation right now. and is she felt hospital is getting much more difficult as a residents are being trapped entirely inside the neighborhood. if you have been receiving more calls from loose, residents will have been running extremely low in terms of food and water alongside that. the is very military troops have so far and i'm part of a residential houses on the vicinity of a she felt hospitalized as a part of the. is there any ongoing village with ration that did not till now and in the she felt hospital also, they have been attacking the reception department inside of the hospital. they have caused a critical damage to a number of the facilities of at the hospital. the specifically, that separate areas had been turned to be an investigation room where people inside has been absolutely integrated a by the is very minute to troops where are still hundreds of people and patients unable to leave the hospital and the ongoing classes and confrontations taking
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place there too now and also we have been hearing from the monitoring of how much that they have a talk. a number of is very minute, 3 tanks in all the areas that are leading to the hospital as a part of the ongoing. also confrontations that to now is it still ongoing that on the ground. and obviously as a non con, has more of monkey bodies choose them on what these really ami has had to say about its radar. now she's a l cooling miss a resoundingly a success so, so the, the is really a armies cheapest off heads or how levy was in house ship a hospital in the last few hours. he said, you know, operation hey, we're serving 2 goals, hurting him as his leadership, i'm putting pressure on the hostage released negotiations. the rest he says, of senior officials. it's very, very important to put pressure on i'm asking is very important to put pressure on the negotiations as well. so this is seen as
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a successful operation. these riley site that they'd killed 90 palestinians. they also say that they've arrested some 350 about 160 of those have been taken into is all appropriate for interrogation. so the fact that these really only chief was in our ship for medical complex. what am i, senior military officials to visit? certainly a place of an ongoing battle in a long time is a significant move from these riley's, it shows you that they are confident they are a chief thing that goes within the hospital, the as actual community. i have is very alone, but what they saying once again, this is a hospital, of course that is being attacked. i same name as a member of hamas, this political bureau. he denies these. ralph claims that they were most fighters inside all. she's a hospital. the situation and shift almost within his very. busy serious, very,
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very visuals. so we all want to hear this to somebody named broke under the body for the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the hospital. i come dash to the one i'm concerned with the normally the 10 people inside the hospital, the vision uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, some of our crackers can around those within the one they are pissing the new invasions to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but that the are repeatedly in saving or storming the head 1st. and it is destroying the house with the slim, big shift. thousands of thousands of the month of summer by hundreds of them were good enough including entirely mine. most. most of the stuff has been
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taking hostages by the input of if it's some of them executed in the feet. a doctors in guys that are working continuously to treat the judge, but without enough food. they're struggling to get through their shifts. victor, i get to be as more dr. bashaw abdul called that hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in garza and surviving on a few plates of rice and this low metal books, a group of people that are funded knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to shed between 2 doctors and consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults and working these always. the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff start that shift exhaustive.
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i'm famished. in the money we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin that come with live nation, especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours. who at the hospitals make shift kitchen? they tend the few ingredients available into meals, the staff can food has become a staple with a little l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources suit. the way we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies was fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of that go sky high without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health work is fooling sick. and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g 0 to palestinians have been killed and then is there any drones strikes me to correct me in the occupied
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westbank area is really forces website to be of structuring access to emergency crews trying to reach the notions refugee camp. israel has also been sending more troops to the area as these are in the military has targeted a vehicle in jeanine. also in the occupied westbank. at least 3 palestinians were killed in the strike. the palestinian red crescent says one person is critically wounded. at least 442 policy names have been killed in the occupied westbank, including a 102 people in jeanine since israel long chase war on guys the and they would confrontations between warners and palestinian authority security forces. during the funeral procession. authorities find a launch cross gathering in jeanine at least 27 people were injured. the
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as soon to have the world news now and the united nations is wanting that 220000 children. and so don die from malnutrition in the coming weeks and months. the you and humanitarian. now, phase agency has brief to the security council describing the situation as one of the worst. she matters hearing crises in recent history, almost a year of fighting between the army and the palm military rapids support forces as kills tens of thousands and cause acute food shortages. gabriel is owned to report some new york and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who don't have enough to eat. and $6500000.00 or internally displaced, our humanitarian travesties splitting out since redone and to avail of international inaction. and in attention. simply put, we are failing the people of sedan. the un is unable to reach millions of people in
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sudan who need help because of increased fighting between government forces known as the f, a. f, and rival rapids support forces known as a r s. f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and do a da 0 states continues to be obstructed area this month, the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sudan. since then, i regret to report that has been no major progress on the ground. recent border reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to getting into the greater for region which has recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. the, despite the dire warnings. sorry, hans ambassador told the council of situation is not as bad as it must be of our
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trade. normally at any sunny, i would like to be precise. here, there was no attempt to end of the supply and delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of that, there was no indication that to don is hovering around all the time and the time is of the essence. and while it's clear, the council was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york, the me, 16 people have been killed this week in russia's belgrade region that borders ukraine . the cleaning attacks intensified during presidential elections held last weekend . authorities of announced mass evacuations from the region. your leadership of
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oliver has moved from moscow. the people in the russian states have bell girls say that living from one at right alarm to another. those who come to get to basements, a bull shelters hide in bathrooms and corey doors, in the apartments, one missile damage to kindergarten. now, the original governor has announced evacuation of nice 1000 children. let's throw martha on march 22nd, to 1200 children from belgrade region with good russian cities of venza. campbell, i'm going to go to school today. if you have lists of children to be evacuated from the most elaborate someone's ability. so they bought on with your civic, you know, they'll go districts, i'm a city of, they'll go to the of application for 9000 to go to build a source, have setup check points to restricts entry into a number of settlements. the military and police allow some local people to go to that homes only to feed capital presently, ideally peace and promise to ensure the security of the board. the regions can use no more than what we did, came of course,
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we can respond the same way against civilian infrastructure against all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks. but we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we'll go ahead with what we've planned good then they have to show these people out of all the patient says of russian troops may retaliate swiss tracks against ukraine. civilian infrastructure. such strikes have been reported almost every day since the invasion of ukraine began. a few days ago, the russian defense ministry released a video showing russian voluntary units, slicing on the side of ukraine, who tried to penetrate russian circuitry piece and called them traitors, and judged russian intelligence services to eliminate the use of what we're doing. i ask you not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations. wherever they are. as you claimed, resumed intense attacks on the belgrade region just before presidential elections held in russia last week, letting you, me, patient said,
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it was an attempt to disrupt the poles after the beginning of russia. so called special ministry operation in ukraine. the golden regional bank of old has been crunch like turning in to avoid so on to will acts of as predicted such developments long ago saying that by on the shouldn't be conflicting. you train russia inevitably invited who on his territory unit ship of all of our audra 0 most in venezuela, rest warrens has been issued for 9 members of the opposition. 2 of them have already been detained. that goes to maria corina machado, who has been banned from running for president in the upcoming election. machado is accused the government of brutal repression. money of rob, hello reports. security forces in get out guess, carrying out arrest against 2 opposition members. been as well as the attorney general that accept confirmed the detentions on wednesday, adding that more arrest warrants have been issued for venice willing opposition.
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leader, money equity. you know much of those inner circle, meaning 30 or 40, go the public ministry to ask. but now interest, 2 of them had been carried out the only yeah, they'll share natural ethic di us. share your rest of henry. i'll be or is she and ignore hernandez had been made effective out is he did not. i am not in this despite her landslide victory and a primary organized by the opposition. last october, much of the remain span by vin as well. and authorities from officially registering as the presidential candidate much of the who has been polling above president, because that's moodle calls the arrest warrants against members of her staff. a cowardly act by the government to say that it appears the regime once to close the road to democracy and peace were there, his name is doing is not a show strength. it's a show of great weakness and also to the rest words against opposition. members of
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the cast a new doubts over the upcoming presidential election scheduled for july. been as well as supreme court, which upheld the ban against much of the in january, accused as the opposition leader of corruption and supporting us sanctions. when was that below alger 0. still had on algae is 0, a surprise resignation. island assignment is written, the overall cost bases stepping down in the us federal reserve holes interest rates and on historic hi. what could that mean for the global economy? the right is officially spring, right. it's officially going to be scenary in a good part of the midwest and all of them play and stays good proper weston and for a time eastern canada. now this code is coming down against an influx of voltage for
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the surf. toronto stays in the cold run about 0 degrees. well, by the way, you should be with friday. maybe this never used the day, but minneapolis might see significant snow, possibly in the next few days. you could have more of the fight for the whole winter. bit of a shock to the system or i have to say, and it's not cold and it shows itself as snow across all the states comes up against the wall from the gulf. so you've got the potential of big charles in the states in the southeast and the pacific and other storm drawing in bringing rain down to san francisco by friday. big chiles are still potentially in the full cost, but espanol and possibly east of that. the general pre springs shall rearrange a panama and cost to recap, but some bigger channels and loc, the old, even persistent right for both. then also brazil, and this very active frontal system right through power gray and southeastern presume that struck the temperature the night since young by about 10 degrees, the stalls themselves. i liked the massive, we seem damaging hail from these already, and that's
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a repeat in the full cost. but it drives up nicely off towards the african narratives. from africans perspective. first attempt to model for states and fun, loving to short documentary spine african filmmakers coordinator. like he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking a fine. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just be around the the,
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you're watching, i'll g 0, a recap of our top stories. this hour is really forces of kids, thousands of policy incidents, ongoing rate on guys as largest hospital. hundreds of people have been detained and abused. israel has attacked more than 400 health facilities. seems to be gas. and he's really yes, right, because he had a car in jeanine killing at least 3 scientists and that's in the occupied was find . one person is in critical condition that is a 142 emails divide westbank. since october the and the us secretary of state antony blinking has been holding talks in saudi arabia on his way. osborne gaza. this is 6 towards the middle east since october, blinking is expected to head to egypt and israel for more tasks. so tom barrow, cat is a professor of public policy at home and been holly for university here in doha. he says he expects discussions on ending the war and the political future of the gaza
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strip will dominate this latest round of talks. a thing davis's 1st and for most would be on the seas fire. right. and on uh, a way to stop the madness which is taking place now in gaza and return. i think ben can, will push on behalf of his ro, that release for the release of the captives and try and get that of states to accept whatever pressure they have on home us to accept a deal on those really terms. but also important that i think that would be discussing the future of the gaza strip and the post conflict fans as have be not created now by the united states. again, maybe in partnership or on behalf of his ro, where the americans are now proposing the policy now administration to take over the governance and the gaza strip. and they said, despite the fact that as well, i mean publicly nothing now is refusing this idea of what i think behind the scenes,
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there must be some kind of agreement that this is the only solution and then moving forward for long term. uh, such a meant uh, within the region that involves the out of states and in particular, i think they have the eye on surgery via the normalization was started. idea is very important for as rolando united states is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken to us republican senators via video link. he wanted to firm up support for the war and guys, i but senior democrats declined netanyahu's request. let me say this. i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you heard the cause of helping israel. the democrats talk about the 2 state solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada, which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election. president biden would have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel.
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instead, he is running scared of the extremist of his own party. a bronze named jordan has worn off from washington. benjamin netanyahu has been accusing a congressional democrats of interfering in domestic politics in israel. so consider that irony. what you see here basically is a lot of political posturing by senate and, and house democrats, by senate and house republicans and by the government of benjamin netanyahu in israel. but essentially, there is going to be no easy way to resolve this. first, the meeting that tab benjamin netanyahu spoke to remotely of senate republicans was essentially a uh, a regular luncheon of these members. and so for chuck schumer, the senate majority leader to deny benjamin netanyahu access to his democratic
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party members own luncheon is really it's really not that big of a deal. this is not the matter of having him appear in the chamber of the house of representatives for a joint meeting of the house and the senate as he was able to do back in 2015. when republicans controlled both the senate and the house leadership. and essentially brought him in to try to undermine the oprah bomb as a bomb administration's efforts to negotiate the wrong nuclear deal. this is a very different political context. and so you have basically this big game of chicken which party might want to blink and which party might want to stand fast on its own position, considering ongoing us support for israel in its war against from us. it's no use the us federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates on change at $28.00 at
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a 23 year high, a 5.25 percent shannon jerome pals had inflation is still too high, but signaled the central bank would cut rates 3 times later in the yet high boring costs are designed to scale economic activity to ease inflation. william lee is a chief economist with the milk and institute sink tank. he drill down the numbers for us. overall economy is that is doing quite well, but it's that distributional impact is where the concern is. one of the things to keep in mind is that the overall and if you don't have your role economy, the interest burden represented by credit cards is only about 10 percent of the people's income. it was much higher back in the great financial crisis of closer to 1314 percent of your income. so the burden is fine in aggregate. but when you look at, we are really affecting people, the most is at the lower end and people are becoming more more discontent because at the low rent they feel that their wages and like keeping up with prices, the whigs like keep you up with inflation. and the resentment is being taught
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pointed toward the policies of jo bite. and because under donald trump, they were saying, well, we noticed that our incomes actually rising faster than inflation. we were not having these debt burdens as much as we are now. why is it that we are having to resort to more and more borrowing onto administration that says, i am pro union pro workers pro the little guy to one of indonesia. surprise, eventual candidates is contesting the results of the election on a spice redone. has filed a case at the constitutional court. it comes a day after the electro body confirmed pebble is to be on to as to when of last month's full. jessica washington before subject cotton proved to be unto trinity for diseases top to choice. before doing this could attempt to squint we must unite to limit poverty and limit hunger and illuminated suffering from our people. brothers officers who will become entities as an ex president of the he
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secured a majority in 36. if the countries go to age provinces outside the electoral commission, a small group together to protest. i'm one of the citizens of the republic of indonesia who reject fraudulent elections. but suppose it provo had still this innovation on election night. when early stages indicated he had come on to lead over the other candidates, proposed to be unto has served as defense, ministers since 2019, and the cabinets his current president jacoby dodo a man who was once his political driver. some analysts say his resulting victory was made possible because he was backed by the outgoing president, propose running age, and the future of vice president is the incumbent eldest son. the official results confirm what had already been suggested earlier on the official account. that
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proposed to be on so and his fronting made one the february 14 election by a wide margin over there by the end of the electoral process. candidates on his bus, sweden and again, just renew, have stated they intend to contest the result in the countries top costs. and he said the stage must play a neutral role in elections. and he says that didn't happen ahead of the vote. both sides as well as academics and civil society organizations have highlighted issues such as what they say was a massive distribution of social aide in key electoral regions. the campaign team of guns out brand new and muffled and de became lost in the official count, say, a number of finalizations occurred. the people and the entire indonesian nation are absolutely sure that our vote tally is not what is currently shown. with legal experts say is may be challenging to prove that in course when the built brass,
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if they alleged fraud, they have to explain which posing station in which sub district might see who did it and who benefitted this may not necessarily be possible by some why the quote will have 2 weeks to consider the claims one stand launched, but it's unlikely they will result in any changes to the outcome. pro is set to take office in october. in his victory speech, she promised to work hard for all indonesians adults. those who didn't vote for him to give him a chance. jessica washington, which is 0 to kasha islands, prime minister, has quit only 2 years, and a 2nd term has been liter fina gail since 2017 really challenge tells us more. it was a shock. the most i'm sliver, radco, acknowledge that many would be left scratching my head said his surprised resignation. i know inevitably there be speculation as to the quote unquote,
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real reason for my decision. these are the real reasons. it has to be heated system as a combination of the personal and the political belief that another leader with the threat to the ballot box, unemployment sense that he'd run after it's the. however, politicians are human beings, however, limitations. we give it every time until we can't anymore, and then we have to move on. is it certainly a surprised decision from the youngest prime minister, ireland has ever had a man who is just 45 is well within his political prime. it's off indian, and open the gay. veronica embodied the liberalization of a country one scene is one of the most safety, conservative in europe, spots political clouds have been gathering lat, cluster poll numbers 10, departing parliamentarians from his fina gail policy. i'm the loss of 2 recent referendums and liberalizing pots of items constitution. who might have taken that told veronica,
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despite the opposition cool was for an early general election. that's not likely right now. seen a goes pot is the full and the greens both say the coalition. governments will serve a full time. veronica stays on until feet, a gal cheeses in the leader who will be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps this time is april. the 9th glory talons. how does he ever thousands of philipino farmers say they're suffering from the effects of the kind of pattern known as a new. the dry spell has damage nearly 30000. hector is a farm land and is expected to affect almost all provinces in april when its hottest and the philippines. barnaby low rate for some san miguel in the province of black con. in the decades they've been growing rise. these pharmacy, they've never seen the soil crack in the rice fields until the season. it hasn't been for months due to the climate pattern.


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