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tv   Africa Direct Chocolate Revolution I See Beauty  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 6:30am-7:00am AST

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all the greens both say the coalition, governments will set up a full time. veronica stays on until feet, a gal cheeses, and the leader who will be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps this is april, the 9th glory talons out to 0. thousands of filipino farmers say they're suffering from the effects of the kind of pattern known as a new the dry spell has damage nearly 30000 heck to is a farm land and is expected to affect almost all provinces in april when it's hottest and the philippines barnaby low rate for some san miguel in the province of black con in the decades they've been growing rise. these pharmacy, they've never seen the soil crack in the rice fields until the season. it hasn't been for months due to the climate pattern known as only in you know, and the thing is filled with the government and provided water for a vacation. it was too late because they prioritize other areas. our crops were that before they receive water,
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the deep was that they use as an alternative have not been of help either. how many, you know, the new bundle ground water supply is also dwindled to it must also be because of el nino bundles a lot in this town alone. some 1500 hector's of farm land are parched in pharmacy. they're now deeper in debt. government weather forecast or say virtually the entire country will be affected by a new by april, which is also the hottest month of the year in the philippines. farmers have suffered the most with crop damage amounting to almost $200000000.00 and counting. it's a government special task force on italy in your says the try spill has peace, but it's going to get worse before it gets better. new is actually weakening, but the weather bureau compared the situation to a flat iron. so once it's plugged, you can feel the constant heat. but once you unplug it, the,
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the effects of the heat still remain. people living in the capitol, manila had been warrant. the water service be disrupted, as water level and dams across the country are declining. and that means water for irrigation is likely to get even scar sir. warranty below algebra, san miguel bullock on the philippines. and that is in use for now on. ouch is here as always as more on our website that out to sierra dot com, the very latest on all of our top stories on there. i have more use for you coming up after africa direct. thank you for watching to stay with the palestine. this once of very different place for today and of course to cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film which is 0. well, here's historians and i, goodness accounts that portray,
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early 20th century palestine as a thriving fibers. richard was fulton investments were excess, moving from one city to another kind of stein 1920 on al jazeera the the, the left frequent a bunch of days before simply month for c,
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m. faulty loved meeting. you folks who is that if your adult been remodeled to you office, the good news, oh, come on my to premier the most frequent through those indicated usually by the federal recipient. when you deal with you guys, you have any call to reach you by the federal a p, a show for goodness, our phone system is all ease of it and bruce and crew also, i mean the approval fees are repulsed when the buffering. okay, to ship, you know, also the fee on these if you can size, you know, a software down the pool, okay, to ship you so,
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and i'll send that home. if you must have premium premium will cost you the most, you know, should not be shown me motion partials, so fill up premium flunkies. obviously it was the measurements of dollars on this as long as it's a pre uh, designers or some visits to mr. posey like as strong as i was because of emotion on this list on these amino son capital. and these labels had the correct office of visual blockage and launch it if you supposed to just for me of it i'll say louder . he says, was you so much the shape of something was cool most i do for the
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decision for me. uh the particularly meet your divorce and some of our kids in den faded. do man and then piece and you measure them for the they need a will show for us cuz some for most of the work is facing the river. the single spend plus you the impulse strong don't false. there's just a monkey mom. i mean, he has to be to the loopo initial for the pulling these thank you. don't to on do you don't goes that far. include you kid, this, the naples, i'm so much you really want to be let's go look at cold capital g on nothing. you problem, i did, it seemed a little simpler about possible going to come for me,
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a middle stiff and my other to death throes for the do you feel don't know for he started once you simply must bring a book called you, why would you gonna is that the stormy, separate colors on prior to vision. so probably little man, i'm in college and also i'm, well, your product isn't you don't any, don't you to in the don't see this then. okay. the luxury month day of the beautiful, you know, 5. so this will donate this are securities built on most i've gotten was already for these it produces google questions. the the,
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i mean you just, you find little pigeon box which is the more a month to month for the piece. the bulk of wip under fed prescription already or is it going to stream or for special then shipment it. so i'll keep with fast for sure. man of it was it was a whole receipt of the system. the all sounds good. uh and i received a new credit is on file for that. um,
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let's say i said good is every month to month. so do most do, do do the 0. so if you could put them on a mazda lot, save this into b plus because he moved on file. i'm unavailable. well, no, not to you. is that's what the program is. so for a month, 2 months on slide, it starts to you, me up on the, you know, pump or deliberate, putting them on and off. i mean, so very model much sims, i mean the problem is sort of age to solve. who bro? repeats, you need it. this are afraid to pay the or so what do you want? you can just leave a nation, mr. the funds on fish the the, the city that i gave you,
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the eco, you hello so you could go, you can consult the desired me edition. a new portions of let me me a couple of the
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it is jones. why like going to be the most of some stuff. do you see a lot on now? see they've got people i'm going to solve to ask you to do it all on. i got mine, so you need to drop the import ducky soft. simple do you good. so i'm pretty mind or 12 acres you for the pre set them all. you don't tend to permit. kind of a clear dollar thunder peters on a a and the panels. good luck, a go continue. the purpose of should be able to do on to include them. ok, okay. while i said you have these, this appraisal, they do cutco are the so called us sample sauce is shift somebody saw similar to the
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civic, or should i'm going to cells that was of it. see, and i bought it tells me, is your best good is who was it on the new, so the circumcision to fix it for you so well palate, the lazy man like that i shall fall on the post up all my gosh. well, not the pose of all of you know, something comes up several plus of but i mean, not you looked on the phone because it was a bundle of the
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tv is there for myself. and the reason why i say you live with tv a. this is chris. oh, awesome. grandma t z. dunlap's. i see the issue below is the best to call phones. i stayed there for a while. i, i didn't even see the list before ready to send. you a 2nd, so i looked at the bus look. okay. see if i get you to them when i bought them before, just need one moment. they need to see the country mentioned to uh uh,
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positive type of fitness, fitness program, and some on further videos make a move on the roof for me in any kind of way this or to my, to premier enough to rent a site before 12, a 1st and last, who was of it, but was that it won't let me find it. let's get you is 3. see i was, let's press the front left in my slip rental van i finished you. goal is to receive a security football team and you must have been of all of the best selection of faded on the software this fucking up. and it does sound kind of like a lot, but also i'm also come up to select this little movie,
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show a look of also a muscle. right? oh, this is the zip lazy. this is pretty much the, the, the is it literally made these to me. this is yeah, of course if the tip is recorded the for the demo, beth is office a call. it gets to a pointed to a monkey. good lahore phone girl, 50 flat, call. me my kids off to take it on the exit block for the
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fall and you called this got to the street. las cruces have seen the pistol acre just on this on the home. he's the tools. there's a boost onto makes to me 8. see luck to latham, do you my cash? evade on my vehicle. if i put in little to me, you can go ahead sir. a consultant equal the echo the
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causal mostly like he has a local fisherman finally on multiple plays altamont activity. don't really push was you my key as by fe new t by say the leak measured the buckles on to the scene. all the luck. i seem good to get that easy. the on my killing, the functions to get home. you can, can locate the course also on that just on the function. we use it by example for them from these you, jeanette. and then from on the look good. coordinated you like he has said to simply me to host or to both the excel you chose to get home you called
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could supplement. it shouldn't be happy for us to do next. the only thing homer on time to a really long dial the from the horse and again the cats program. so they from do model divide sec. she's economic mom, the domain, the legacy gift you say like to ask you moving, moving to move on for let's go to g golf at the and my, let me do you mind me to
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a minute before co constable deal? how long? let's say that again, a love seat as kind of as little feeling. you know, it just seems like real just the genus that's too easy to use a we club. yeah. the whole, i found something, i think this was the possibility of a more in the pause seek book with guys they know the best that i see in the city of all. so that makes the middle of the room. you know, this is the to for, i don't,
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the 57 will go 1st more is that i do not that i hold for she. well, some will south, not alone. we left will soon folders that bill is verified all the way. hello boxes, the diesels level soul to see more then from african gustavo, it keep of plus met, critical shows before i let i let me vision out of so if i'm on duty soon to finally on to me, just pull the my take get go. so last fall, i'm african both on the belt and to finally do them for since the middle novel successful social 2 that's fully what left from this off to and from on nail. so come on t if be several bookcases on full muscle, for kids cooling out of $49.00. so is that something that i booze on that
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the exercises are no longer just up to date that that got back to say that to the dealership of a 2nd? sure. to put on picking. okay. now of the triple at the disk with that for sure. the
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component would be good enough for all c wps released and they should be like up soon it gets gets passed. i pay $50.00 substitute a that one. denise as to who for best phone does thank kids. so to keep this kind of, you know, the, you know, what the what do people take for the cups? well, the past past the vocal you 1st of all coastal seasonal phone. cool, cool. now with both of
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a cool effect and by gushing the swap is the phone number, it is the cups to on the visit that is on the people see use to us is on phone people last week and do they ask the kids get a head cold for the the full the
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long digit date is on for you to validate, make a 14 fed for the key available. so let's say, let's say this on the capacitor, i'll get back able says on the phone alias on the list bar support, think of it. it also says all for the full donate visual stuff, the best on the on ivy method left on the beer. he's the silver on from one main focus. so i left the body for vacuum, a phone call for 880 because my them still cd auto cool. then the high speed, the swap oh, by the valley volt or the wireless. so
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we may, i thought they knew what us over and i saw this last night in the was the, uh, the whole bunch of it. so uh, no volt because they all know basically policy bus, a delivery the following from this within, you know, successful stuck. i need it also in the vault, but i see that that will do the use of a deep vinyl. the chief of fits if i'm while, because kind of thought i was trying to see. you may close, particularly mean if there's any kind of email they put, you've got a phone to kinda lead police on ridiculous bustle. feel politically us christmas.
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they won't be off. i want to see somebody yours is a one i faxed to you. both asked it to come and see us get it on the floor on the new email. by the way, you, people have all the funds data for me is because they must be nice to see you all know what to do. my them. i said to see, see, go see is a patient don't that have to because of my case that i likes to be that's come up with my head full. of course it is the reason why you wow found each other. and so let me just stay on the,
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to ask like a narrative from africans perspective. these are the want in terms of what came up perfect to show documentary spot, african filmmakers have been on the to on for over 20 years or future with fish from the sheriff and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges sierra. gotten around, no, says have family was one of the last to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to him because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us . the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come for
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health services, a close that comes off from the hoping professor lock destination transit can in the town to bring new york i call says he was shutting his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined. he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sea, denise, which are nice, like neil, the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a, you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of t 30100, that you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. despite being housed in 2018 slovak, just 5 minutes is back in power along with this hotline politics. he needs someone to hate. that's helpful, isn't works along with who didn't. how would his reappearance affect neighboring
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you prayed, and the persecutes of minorities within the slovak republics, borders? honestly, i have to say that i'm afraid of the return of freak. so on a jersey to in china, this is a stomach room. the bathroom for the father was killed boys and girls as young as 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make to run so hard to how $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits china, us military camp for kids on out to 0. a human appeal. we know just how precious every moment of ramadan is. every 2nd of these beautiful month brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy,
7:00 am
this rama done. the israel says it scaled 90 people and it's read on guys as launches hospital and has detained hundreds more. the so i'm 20 back people, you're watching out you 0 live from don't also i had a warning from the un at so dining is facing one of the worst to monetary and disasters in recent history. and the international community is not doing enough.


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