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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this you to for months. trust us with your messy this ramadan, the israel says it's killed 90 people and it's rate on guys as launches hospital and has detained hundreds more. the hello, i'm 20 back people. you're watching out you 0 live from don't also i had a warning from the un at so dining is facing one of the worst, who monetary and disasters in recent history and the international community is not doing enough and as well as government is accused of repression opto arrest
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warrants are issued for several members of the opposition and we hear from a rice farmers in the philippines and say they are in deep with that because of the most drug conditions in the thank you for joining us. israel says it scales more than 90 people during its rate or not. she for hospital complex in northern gaza. it says it is interrogating more than $300.00 others after storming the facility on monday. photos of the med showing people being tied up and detained inside the hospital, which is the largest in the gaza strip. at least a 160 people have been taken from us chief of for further investigation. almost 32000 palestinians have been killed by his really forces since the war started in october. i'll just bear as terry cup was, whom has more on the attack on off, she fell from the rasa in southern goslin of the situation right now. and she felt
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hospital is getting much more difficult, as a residents are being trapped entirely inside the neighborhood to be happy to receiving more calls from boost residence will have been running extremely low in terms of food and was alongside that the is very military troops have sit far in unemployed, over residential houses on the vicinity of a she felt hospital as a part of the is there any ongoing village or ration that did not till now and in the she felt hospital also they have been attacking the reception department inside the hospital and they have caused a critical damage to a number of the facilities of at the hospital. this specifically, that separate areas have been turned to be an investigation room where people inside happy, absolutely integrated a by the is very minute, 2 trips where are still hundreds of people and patients unable to leave the hospital and the ongoing classes and confrontations taking place there till now,
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and also we have been hearing from the monitoring of how much that they have a talk. a number of is very minute, 3 tanks in all the areas that are leading to the hospital as a part of the ongoing. also confrontations that till now is it still ongoing that on the ground earlier we spoke to by some name, who was a member of hamas, us political bureau, he denies israel s claims that they were homeless fighters inside all she for hospitals, the situation and shift almost within his very. busy serious, very, very visuals. we used to hear this to somebody named broke under the body for the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the us to come. i come dash to the one i'm concerned with the normally the 10 people inside of the hosting sell the business. uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, summer hall crackers can around dollars within one to be on a few pacing,
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the new and vision to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly in saving or stormy health 1st. and it is destroying the house with the slim, big shift of thousands of, for the month to some of the hundreds of them were good enough. including the early mind. most of most of the stuff has been taking hostages by the input of if it's some of them executed in the pals system in gaza has almost collapsed because of these are as we met less attacks, the world health organization has documented 410 attacks on health care facilities since the war began and says israel has killed 685 health care workers and injured 902. so the hospitals across kaiser has been damaged along with around
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a 150 ambulances. longer at higher says the w h o spokeswoman, she says it's been difficult for health care workers to provide services while facing salvation and malnutrition themselves. so just imagine you working incredibly hot, incredibly, physically hard running for patients, the patient dealing with things that you've got to be mentally on a full but also physically a lot full and you have very, very little food. now we mount emissions as often as we put visit a and when we come, one of the things that were asked for 1st by the health care workers is to can we do our best to bring some we're also increasingly bringing and nutritional supplements for children, re feeding for because that is now the great need. stone haitian is stalking every doorway in gaza. we know that there they were. i mean, before the hostilities around us cheaper,
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it's 6 hospitals that we're doing what they quoted, but most of them lack fuel. whenever we go to the knoll suite, one of the things we bring is fuel so they can get the generation is going. in some hospitals we have to repair the generator will bringing you generate because that's being destroyed. and it's in a lot of the stuff, the specialist stuff you need, remember the injuries, a senior risk, they funds and last injuries and you need to be a very experience and skills surgeon to be able to deal with that. so one of the other problem is this, the stuff themselves don't have those skills and don't have the support of the experts because they've, i, the last 2 died all the big display. so they do their best. they're doing their best, but maintaining just basic hygiene is a struggle to palestinians have been killed and then is really drone strikes me
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a tool correct? mean the occupied westbank area is really forces website to be of struck to access the emergency close trying to reach the north shines. refugee camp is around has also been sending more troops to the area. and he's really military has targeted a vehicle in jeanine also in the occupied westbank. at least 3 palestinians were killed in the strike. the palestinian red crescent says one person is critically wounded. at least $442.00 out of seeds have been killed in the occupied westbank, including a $102.00 engineering seams. israel along checks were on guys the and they would confrontations between owners and palestinian authorities security forces during the funeral procession. authorities fide at large crowds gathering in jeanine, at least 27 palestinians were injured. and more than a 100 american joy shot his right to is inactive is have released
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a statement criticizing. one of the largest pro is read lobby groups in the us. the statement opposes the american israel public affairs committee's role in trying to quote, dominate and deform the democratic primaries. the text is not specifically mentioned, the one guys that bite focuses on the upcoming us generally election and especially on a pax plan, to the feet. women of color skeptical of his route. the statement describes a tax intro into is unprecedented in damaging saying that. given that is really so isolated internationally that it could not continue its inhumane treatment of the palestinians without us political and military support. a package that a central link in the chain that holds in place the unbearable tragedy of israel, palestine in the coming us elections. we need to break that chain in order to help free the people of israel, palestine to rest. so peaceful coexistence allow in minsky is the executive director of progressive democrats of america, and one of the initiatives initiators of the statement. he says they are taking the
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stand against feedback for targeting the most popular elected officials among young americans. as being goldman interactions was growing greater, but what happened in 2022 was completing the oversized and unprecedented the size of the conscious of money. the impact, very organized and directly put against progressive candidates was, was really unprecedented. certainly. and in these congressional districts on an absolute avalanche of money and primarily against some of the leading young progressive elected officials in the country and also some up and coming progressive. so looking back on it, i think very much what a wonder alexis had not been for the money that went against those actually were not incumbents at the time. so we had preparing this. i am not understanding the impact would probably be the same thing in 2024. and so i was very involved in the, you know, the kind of council candidates in 21 and 22 about this money and how to work against it. and i knew that we've had to make
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a scope in going in because what we're trying to do is defeat a progressive movement in the united states that really came to life with the bernie sanders campaign of 2016 rep. progress approximates, were very marginal before then, and we can even still run that through with the medium. right. so the progress of women, and in fact we've been how popular sanders was, was young americans is probably states so that they are targeting the most popular elected officials among young americans. the, you know, the world news, the united nations is wanting that 220000 children in so don could die from malnutrition in the coming weeks and months that you and humanitarian affairs agency has brief to the security council describing the situation as one of the west and 90, terry and crises in recent history. almost a year of fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces scales tens of thousands and cause acute food shortages. gabriel is on to report
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some new york a and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who don't have enough to eat. and $6500000.00 for internally displaced our humanitarian travesties splitting out since redone and to avail of international inaction. and in attention, simply puts, we are failing the people of sedan. the un is unable to reach millions of people in sudan who need help because of increased fighting between government forces. no one is the f, a f, and rival rapids support forces known as r. s. f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and do a da 0 states continues to be obstructed area this month, the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sudan. since then,
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i regret to report that has been no major progress on the ground. recent board or reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to getting into the greater for region. we just recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition, the despite the dire warnings. sorry, hans and bassett are told. the council of situation is not as bad as it not being of our trade lead. i'm any at any sunny. i would like to be precise here. there was no attempt to end of the supply and delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that. and more of that, there was no indication that to don is hovering around all the time and the time is of the essence. and well, it's clear the council was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are
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actually listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just either at the united nations in new york and the war and ukraine, at least 16 people have been killed over the course of the week. and russia's belgrade region that borders ukraine. the crating attacks intensified during presidential elections last weekend. authorities have announced mass evacuations from the region. nearly a shop of olive has moved from moscow. the people in the russian states have bell girls say that living from one at right alarm to another. those who come to get to basements, a bull shelters hide in bathrooms and corey doors, in the apartments one missile damage to kindergarten. now the original governor has announced evacuation of nice 1000 children. let's throw martha on march 22nd to 1200 children from belgrade region with good russian cities of venza assemble and got new guns. do they have you have lists of children to be evacuated from the most elaborate someone's ability. so they bought on with your civic, you know,
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they'll go to the 6. i'm a city of bell, go to the of applique asian for 9000 to go to build a source have setup check points to restricts entry into a number of settlements. the military and police allow some local people to go to that homes only to feed capital presently, ideally peace and promise to ensure the security of the board. the regions can use no more than what we did, came of course, we can respond the same way against civilian infrastructure against all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks. but we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we'll go ahead with what we've planned. we're gonna have to show these people out of all the patient says russian troops may retaliate swiss tracks against ukraine. civilian infrastructure. such strikes have been reported almost every day since the invasion of ukraine began. a few days ago. the russian defense ministry released a video showing russian voluntary units, slicing on the site of ukraine, who tried to penetrate russian circuitry piece and called him traitors,
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and judged russian intelligence services to eliminate the use of what we're doing. i ask you not to forget who they are, to identify them by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations. wherever they are. as you claimed, resumed intense attacks on the belgrade region just before presidential elections held in russia last week, letting you, me, a patient said it was an attempt to disrupt the poles after the beginning of russia . so called special village show peroration in ukraine. the boulder regional bank of old has been quad chillik turning into of was a table active as predicted such developments long ago saying that by on the shouldn't be conflicting. you train russia inevitably invited who, on his territory, unit ship of all of our audra 0 most current. and in the last hour russia launched miss sila talk against ukraine's capital. the mayor of key says air defense units
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are trying to resolve the attack. may sound debris has fallen in different parts of a city, leaving at least 4 people injured residential buildings have been hit by the remains of the down to me size. some apartments have also caught fire and still ahead on alger 0 balance would be on 2 pages to be a presidential all in the nations after he's switching election victories, confirm express opponent say they'll challenge the weight and the u. s. federal reserve holds interest rates at a historic height. what could it mean for the global economy? the, the recent flooding inside of your ray be costs are being key, right? certainly a rock could be top top by this axis system still going east to us because the backwash is here coming through. talk here, where is the high ground but rain running through northern iraq of the south we
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towards i'm not drawing a picture and that's certainly true and you're wrong. but look at the winds, the despite the fence being so ryan is not being very much in this problem savvy, right? because it's still drawn up to pick up the dust and the sand. and we've got called the fair a loved the might produce symbol thunderstorms. so a repeat potential iraq, q 8 and eastern science, which might bring rain to about rain, possibly even dining because in fact, the next 3 days, the doha full across friday, saturday, sunday, all contain some risk of rain, may be sunday, being the wisest with some of the storms. yeah. there's a little bit late in the year for that. i know the such persistence through ex tauriel africa. the rain is just about to decide so times in the se mornings for the matter of right. and it suddenly showing up as heavy stuff in those 9 gohler and up to the equitorial guinea to the south of this waltz. the western side of south africa's cool down i think to dial by about 10 degrees, the shaft and the free state. and i look particularly big and repeatable of
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the listings in the gaza strip as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the the
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welcome back. a recap of our top stories on algae 0 is really forces have killed thousands of palestinians and then ongoing rate on guys as largest hospitals. hundreds of people have been detained and abused. israel has attacked more than 400 health facilities in the world. health organization says doctors in guys are suffering from malnutrition image function. hundreds of thousands of people are facing shining 27 children have stopped to increase. and then these really strikers hit a car in jeanine in the occupied west spine, killing at least sweep palestinians. one person is in critical condition, at least 242 palestinians have thank you of any occupied with spank since october. now to then his way to wherever s ones have been issued for 9 members of the opposition. 2 of them have already been detained. that goes to maria corina machado, who has been banned from binding for president in the upcoming election. machado
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has accused the government of brutal repress, some manual, rob, hello, reports. security forces, ink act as carrying out arrest against 2 opposition members. been as well as the attorney general that accept confirmed the detentions on wednesday, adding that more arrest warrants have been issued for venice willing opposition. leader, money equity. you know much of those inner circle, many, 30 or 40, go the public ministry to ask, but not arrest me. 2 of them have been carried out and the only, yeah, they'll share natural if it to us. so the rest of henry alvarez and ignore hernandez have been made effective out, is the note i am not in this the despite her landslide victory in a primary, organized by the opposition last october. much other remains banned by vin as well . and authorities from officially registering as the presidential candidate, much of the who has been polling above president eco last model,
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calls the arrest warrants against members of her staff. a cowardly act by the government. to say that it appears the regime wants to close the road to democracy and peace with the regime is doing is not a show strength. it's a show of great weakness and that's what the, the rest words against opposition. members have cast a new doubts over the upcoming presidential election scheduled for july. been as well as supreme court, which upheld the ban against much of the in january, accused as the opposition leader of corruption and supporting us sanctions. when was it that below alger 0, i hope all is to be on to has been confirmed as a window of indonesia as president surely election, beating to rivals who vowed to contest the vote. the former military general is links to past human rights abuses. having failed twice before to become president, the 72 year old has promised a smooth transition. so i mean, donations are alleging widespread fraud in last months. the young people want me to
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come me for those who didn't vote for us. i'm going to give us a chance, we will prove that we will become president of vice president and government who will work as hard as we can all the indonesian people on the hottest. but it's not to, we must be united. we have to be in harmony. we have to work together to bring indonesia towards prosperity and justice islands, prime minister and the override sky has quite tony 2 years into his 2nd 10 has been leader of the seen a gail since 2017 while we trial in test more it was a shock so most hands leah, veronica, acknowledge that many would be left scratching. my head said his surprised resignation. i know inevitably, there be speculation as to the quote unquote, real reason for my decision. these are the real reasons. it has to be the system as a combination of the personal and political belief that another leader with the threat to the pilot books, unemployment sense that he'd run out of state. however,
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politicians are human beings, however, limitations. we give it every time until we count anymore, and then we have to move on. is it certainly a surprise decision from the youngest prime minister, ireland has ever had a man who is just 45 is well within his political prime. it's off indian, and open the gay. veronica embodied the liberalization of the country one scene is one of the most safety, conservative in europe, spots political clouds have been gathering lat, cluster poll numbers 10 departing parliamentarians from his fina. gail patsy. i'm the loss of 2 recent referendums aimed at liberalizing pots of islands constitution . who might have taken that told on veronica, despite the opposition coal was for an early general election. that's not likely right now. seen a guy who is part of the full and the greens both say the coalition, governments will serve a full time. veronica stays on until feet,
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a gal cheeses in the leader who would be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps he is april, the 9th glory talons. how does it re us federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates on change and a $23.00 high or 5.25 percent german jerome pals said inflation is still high, but signal the central bank would cut rates 3 times later in the year. higher borrowing costs are designed to so he can all make activity to ease inflation. patty, cocaine has moved from washington, is absolutely no surprise here at the federal reserve. pretty much nobody thought that they were going to lower interest rates at this meeting. what they were looking at is what they were going to signal they were going to do for the rest of 2024. and that remains on change. they said they're probably going to have 3 more interest rates cuts. that would bring the interest rate to 4.6 percent. now there has been a change in what they see is inflation. the end of the year they,
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they increase what that's going to be to probably 2.6 percent. but it's important that they're only talking about core inflation that doesn't take into account the cost of fuel or the cost of food, and that is a much higher number. that is the number americans feel the most fed. german jerome poll explains a balancing act that their work, you know, we know that reducing policy or strength too soon or too much could result in a reversal of the progress we have seen on inflation. and ultimately require even tighter policy to get inflation back to 2 percent, or at the same time reducing policy restraint to late or too little could unduly weak and he cannot make activity in employment. so these are the highest borrowing rates that the country has seen in 23 years. so who gets hurt and who gets helped by this? well, businesses that want to do expand probably won't because it's so much more expensive to borrow money. that's the same for people who are hoping to buy a home. home mortgages are much more expensive and people are carrying a lot of credit card debt that takes up
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a huge chunk of many americans budgets. this is going to hurt them by keeping interest rates high. now those people who have a lot of cash in the bank, they're getting more money just for having their, their cash in the bank or in bonds. so it helps them. but for the global economy, it also could have an indication, central banks around the world tend to look to the fed to see what they are signaling, so it could show that they'll be less changes for interest rates worldwide pedagogy . elda 0 washington the u. k. government recently announced the biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 years as an alternative to fossil fuels, but it may not necessarily deliver the promise of energy independence for some time to come. sonya gregory for some dungeon is in southern england an efficient little cup and saucer power over a complex, expensive and has it this way. of guaranteeing energy security,
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nuclear power has both captivated and a mom to politicians and innovation that holds the promise of a stable source of power as a way of guaranteeing demand for green renewable energy, but on it. so it's not enough to when countries of dependence on fossil fuels, i've announced the largest expansion to our new career program in seventy's. and we're being realistic about all need for oil and gas to nuclear power provides 15 percent of the case energy supply and has been promoted by energy supplies as a reliable source. the progress of low comp and nuclear energy is not without its risks. dungeon s and b behind me here was the 1st of its generation of nuclear power applause. and it was designed to be only in use until 2008. however, it was extended until 2028, but a series of technical faults meant,
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but it was shut down in 2021. another issue disputing and the contamination and the site will remain radio active for 10000 years. the 2 nuclear reactors being built at hankey point c in the west of england are expected to provide energy for more than a 5th of bushes homes. but it has been beset by delays and spiraling costs. local residents are also wary of the environmental impact. it's a very does he process. so the fuel itself is filthy in terms of contribution to climate change and pollution before it gets anywhere near assessing and ending up as fuel for a nuclear power station. so 101 form of atomic technology that holds much promise, nuclear fusion, relatively inexpensive compared to nuclear fission produced in power plants. it is seen as a safer alternative, as it doesn't use long lasting waste,
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6 before mega to football, but had been major breakthroughs and successfully generating more energy than was used to creating it. the challenge will be producing it on an industrial scale that compelled the world. sonya guy ego. i'll just sarah dungeon s us and home call new national security legislation will come into force on saturday. it includes life sentences for treason and sabotage critics. yet it will further erode freedoms. laura westbrook were supposed to knock off the info, email, and well stop from boss in the territories. let's just the chat pro badging politicians unanimously voted to pos, home grow national security legislation gummed up. hi, it is a historic moment that hong kong has been waiting for for 26 years, 8 months and 19 things. the law will help prevent and deal with espionage for interference and threats caused by phone has to be knowledgeable. article $23.00 is
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it's known includes new national security offences and updates existing ones, including trees and sabotage, and use any all of which will become punishable by up to life in prison. it will say raises the maximum penalty for crimes linked is addition to 10 years in prison meant when the flow is lost, proposed in 2003, there was such fee as public opposition. that house a 1000000 people sit to the streets, some fearing that it would repress the unique rights of hong kong, including freedom of expression. now does not mean anything like that. and people live spoken to have refused to even comments about the little human rights story. a mock daily worries that the know could be used to silence critics. my biggest concern is the citizen, you know, critical debate. vigorous a criticism of government policies. it's, it's vague and you don't know when you're going to be crossing the regina.


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