tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 21, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST
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is the, the the hello, well, i'm on the inside. this is the news life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. you know, it's a state says it has drafted a un resolution that calls for an immediate se spot and garza, i'm the release of the captives. not because of my supervisor. as role does palestinians to evacuate el cheapo hospital threatening to blow up the largest medical complex in gaza. if they does a warning from the u. n. the hundreds of thousands of children and see don could die from malnutrition in the coming weeks.
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and an election battle in south africa, how the new policy of former president j consumer could topple the ruling amc the the united states has submitted a draft resolution to the un security council which appears to cool for an immediate safe spot in gaza. the secretary of state antony blinking, says the resolution is linked to the release of captives. he made the comments at the end of a visit to saudi arabia. it's pos if a why the trip to the middle east for 2 weeks on ending the war of the us has previously vetoed attempts after secures and council to achieve a cease fire. that's getting more in this, i'm joined now by a diplomatic editor james base. so this is just been developing in the last few hours. james, what more do we know about this draft us resolution. i've got a copy of the draft resolution. never to tell the 1st what the sexiest identity
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blinking has been saying, because he is being in saudi arabians. just in the last few minutes, landed in colorado and saudi arabia, before he left to get an interview with an arabic tv channel. and which he said, we actually have a resolution, we put forward right now before the security account. so the does cool for an immediate cease fox tied to the release of hostages. well, this is the document out as a title of allows ago, which is the draft resolution. and i think it's important because at the security council language is very important and the precision of language is important for me to read you that key power off the security council determines the imperative of an immediate and sustain ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides. allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance and alleviate humanitarian suffering and tools that and unequivocally supports ongoing international diplomatic efforts to secure such as these fall in connection with the release of all remaining hostages. now, the language of all the resolutions that the us has vetoed have de mom,
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data c spa. this one is determining the imperative all. so it says it's important that there is a c spa, it's not really dom only one now. and the c spa seems to be also directly linked to the release of the people being held by hamas and other groups. and garza, my suspicion and we really need more county and suggest i think it will be speaking in colorado. so we'll be looking very carefully, it is, what is the, what the us of trying to do is have this resolution ready? while the talks continue here in dough hall, the idea being that you get some sort of deal in doha full of 8, see spa and release of the captives, and then you process resolution. and the security council that i think is the timing, but we'll need to get more county from the section state and his people, the state of popped. so james, i want to make it crystal clear for all, here is what blinking has said in saudi arabia, out loud is different, or someone different to what is actually on the draft resolution that you have on
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paper. it's all the question of interpretation is hillcrest you through the exact language. and honestly, i'm at the security council having covered it for many years, even the words they choose to mon, once they will have that, there's like a dictionary of, of which was more. and then others, so it is, it is all about the specific language and also how the security council members going to view this. because this, i tell you is not the only draft resolution this listing around the elected members of the security council. there are 50 members of the security council as you know, 5 never change the 5 permanent members. the us is one of those, but there are 10 that's up to you to. and those 10 have come together tables. so go to draft resolution which they are thinking of putting to a vote, which just to mon, so let me just see spot and no other conditions, no other language. i'm told that close to trying to bring this to a vote. 2 of those 10 though, south korea and japan are very close to us. allies are bit worried, what the us might do or say if they were to do that. but this is not the only game
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in town that the security council. and of course, you also have the ongoing tools here in bo hall to try to try and get a see saw and an exchange of prisoners because the plan there is for 6 weeks of session. and in the 1st phase, the women, the elderly, the sick, are released by how most of the of the groups in casa, i've done a substantial number of palestinians, including those serving long sentences would be released from israeli trials. and james, as he's saying they have been previous submissions made to the un security council, which crucially the us has vetoed. so even even in the, into, in the case of this particular resolution that you have, i mean, how much further does it go from a previous discussions. it goes further than the one that they had just a couple of days ago. i mean, if i show you my copy of his, of the opening paragraph has been crossed out on the new one, put it in that i just read to you before it just said it supported international
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diplomatic efforts to establish an immediate and sustained see spot for us is moving its position quite substantially why i think it's really because of the situation on the ground in gaza. they maintain disposition, israel has the right to the and itself. but now you've got allegations in the international court of justice of genocide. you've got the ip see, which is this international classification of food security saying we're on the edge and maybe many people are already suffering from in gaza. i think the us finally, as we reach such the 2000 debt and we know there are many, many more than the official accounts and figures. finally, it seems to us is biling to pressure, but i think we need to clarify exactly what the us position is on this resolution when they might be planning to bring it to effect. and as the st. james, us actually of state in egypt as we speak. so hopefully we will be hearing from him throughout the course and he's missing other key regional players. egypt, jordan, saudi arabia, you a cattle and the processing authority discussions?
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no, i think just on the spot, but also what happens often i will be keeping across all that on out there. thank you, james. well, let's go straight to him. wrong con, for some reaction out of ok part east jerusalem. and ron, you are listening into everything. james was saying the house, the so long case to go down with these worries. well, we've actually already spoken to the prime minister's office had, they've issued us with a test. no comments. we've also spoken to benny against his office. he's a full department, is that a key member of the wood cabinet? exactly the same response. so that's likely what the response a is going to be for much of the day. but remember onto the plan can actually arrives in his route on friday. this is going to be a key part of the discussions that are going to be taking place. now, the is right, it is all very good at ignoring the un resolutions. there have been nearly
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a 140 of them since 2000. and 15 is randy simply accused the united nations of having a lopsided attitude towards israel. some goes far as the site of the united nations is simply antique symmetric. so they've managed to made a lot of these un resolutions in the past. this was because it's being presented by the biggest highlight the us, it's going to be much more difficult for them to ignore. so expect a lot of talking around this, but i think a lot of what we're seeing low, why the reason that the us might be doing this and jayden's my colleagues to touch on this earlier is because they may, will be in agreement coming in those type of hot tools, which means the us can then present this resolutions of the security council and then more on what about how much i mean this resolution also relies on then agreeing to free hostages. what is the likelihood of that happening? well, how much this position has been very clear and they want a permanent si, fi,
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anything that doesn't guarantee that they've rejected in the past. take look at the resolution that was passed to get aid into garza. on december, the 22nd. that was actually criticized by him asked because it didn't go far enough . but like i say, if there is disagreement in doha, and they present this document to the united nations security council in the resolution as possible effectively means that i must have already agreed to us these 5, the terms have been established. what those terms are, we don't know the language is incredibly interesting. they want an immediate cease fire, but sustained. does that cease by look like the one that we had in the past where we had people being hostages being released by how mass for an extension of the c spy? it date by day? the language is going to be incredibly important. if it's a greed in doha, then it's simply a matter of i mass, i guess we have a great in the hall. so we agree to this resolution. however, if it's not likely to reject it. okay,
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thank you for that. and ron calling that 1st unoccupied east jerusalem. a callous to announce a honeymoon period. he is in russia, in southern gauze or for us, honeywell, this talk of diplomacy, but it's actually the situation on the ground. and also it really will matters how desperately do palestinians need as these fine. now the yes, well, it's a quite desperate, right? not for a ceasefire. we're talking about league reports for the past the weeks or so about the potential seeds fire deal that could be reached between how might fund the is really government. right now. people have been re and waiting for that mom and for the announcements of a solid seed society. but so far, what we're seeing is more of, of, of time being taken by this really side as given, limited to jurisdiction to the delegation and tar,
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which something that will be more draining for people are waiting desperately for the time that they are going to see a peaceful in a stable they in their lives so far it's happening. i made a growing hunger. the crisis right here by the enforced as far vision and the hydration and the shortage of resources and basic supplies. i mean, why then acute famine in the northern part has already caused the death, so at least at $27.00 it's children. do you do that in force, the hydration, and it's our vision. all of this happening? why did the same time and during an intense bombing campaign that so far has caused the death of a close 232000 palestinian mostly children and women. and judging it from the patterns of bombing that been targeting entire families. within the past week, there's been very, very difficult, right for palestinians across the gaza strip. and honey, if you could bring me up to date with a situation at l shape. uh it was invaded by the is riley on me some 3 full days
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ago. and i believe they're still inside the hospital and yes, that is correct. this is the 4th day in a row on days really military, still operating aggressively inside su, 4 hospitals causing great deal of time damage to the buildings and the facilities and the properties of the hospital never really control demolishing the entire specialized surgeries. building a brand new building, i was sat up to help palestinians are in need of surgeries, particularly this, these difficult times, the whole building has been blowing up when we're getting the latest from a ship. i as a statement by these really military and from those who have already evacuated a sheep, a hospital b is really monetary, is sharpie order and everyone inside the hospital including medical staff and injuries and evacuation evacuated immediately. otherwise,
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the entire facility will it will be blown up. now, all of this fits within the characterization of a genocide on the ground, the targeting then deliberate targeting of public facilities like health care facilities. meanwhile, intense bombing campaign continues at the vicinity of a super hospital receive more residential buildings being targeted and destroyed. why the people are still inside without giving the opportunities or the warning to leave before the bombing taken place. so far, there is a 150140 people have been killed according go statement made by this really military, but this is not, hasn't been independently verified whether these people were in fact from ox members or to civilians are from the hospital. okay, thank you for that update, honey. my me that for us in rough uh well i live, we spoke to bought some name. he's a member of how much this political be wrote. he denies israel's claims that they were how much vices inside our chief hospital,
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the situation and shift almost within his very. busy serious, very, very visuals. we used to hear this to somebody named provo gummed up by the prison . so for i must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the us to come. i come dash to the one i'm concerned with the. normally the 10 people inside the hospital uh, out of business, uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, some of our crackers can around dollars within one to be out of pissing the new and vision to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly, in saving or storming the head 1st. and it is destroying the house with the sewing machine, thousands of thousands of the month to some of the hundreds of them were good
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enough, including instantly uh my house. uh, most of the stuff has been taking hostages. but actually the intro to give it some of them execute the fees. a full palestinians have been killed and is riley drug. and strike me a to correct me in the occupied westbank as emergency crews took the bodies to hospital. is there any forces right in the nearby newer shops, refugee camp as well, has been sending more troops to the area. i speak to laura con, she's in, i'll be right in the occupied westbank. so it sounds lower like it's been yvonne at night of raids in the occupied westbank full killed in took room and one night and shelton, albert re where you are now. what room can you tell us? yes, indeed. where c no e raise every single day into the early hours of the morning. fox on wednesday night interest bessie morning. it was particularly violent and i'm just going to
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explain where i am now. i mean, i'll be the city just out the road. it's amadi camping on the other side. we have cause i come, but it's those places have is ready, right during the night. the reason i'm here is one young man was shot along here as the is ready, troops withdrawing from these areas. he then made his way opposite streets and i can the street. it's just on the other end. i'm not going to show you too closely. but this is where he lay down pleading for a long time. he's now in hospital, in a critical condition. now, to come had a particularly violent noise. it's right, the army rated at dawn and they actually started to tear up the infrastructure at the road. i was just as say it is the most bruce move on the night. they've had ever, in terms of the destruction they've seen around the then there was a news right in 20 strikes. full man has been killed,
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but they were sweeping right across the occupied westbank. in not, this is an eyewitness account in the south to say one man had his phone come to sketch and find his ready soldier. they've been told that he was supposed to being fine to. he was bruce a fee to him for an hour, mostly, and his face a suite ambulance was prevented from reaching him. and also in the south of headphones, a the passcode go set film. this isn't the legal is right, assessments, that one that was set to wants to carry out a southern utah. so just says they shot him in the legs. so we don't quite know. his condition. we do now is an ambulance, once again was prevented from treating him a lawyer. i believe the mom has been re arrested who had been released in an earlier prison exchanged to have that been many re arrested like this. is it becoming a bit of an issue? this is certainly a serious issue and the numbers the system does it best to to fix just suddenly don't add up this non. oh,
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but i was marianne. he was released as positive account to present exchange still in november between how much an israel he was one of 240 for the happiness 12 people we arrested. so that took place in the south of hebron yesterday spots the specifics around the rest of the $166.00 days of all. 7700 people have been arrested across the occupied westbank. people saying that the conditions is tied to prison, a guessing is take to be was on average. we have about 46 people being arrested on this day the night and basis. thank you for that. laura con that for us. and i'll be right in the occupied by spike several full us diplomats military officials, a cooling on the president wouldn't as well against depriving palestinians if that basic needs and an open, unless a group of around 70 retired officials, joe biden,
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to take concrete action, including restricting funding to israel, the less the ones that rising discontent over the administration's handling of the will, as well as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken to us from the public and sciences via video link. he won't have to firm up support for the ongoing side of the senior democrats declined. nothing, yahoos request me say this i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you heard the cause of helping israel. the democrats talk about the 2 state solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada, which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election. president biden would have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. instead, he is running scared of the extremist of his own party. cross on jordan has more or
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less from washington dc. benjamin netanyahu has been accusing congressional democrats of interfering in domestic politics in israel. so consider that irony, what you see here basically is a lot of political posturing by senate and, and house democrats, by senate and house republicans and by the government of benjamin netanyahu, in israel. but essentially, there is going to be no easy way to resolve this. first, the meeting that top benjamin netanyahu spoke to remotely of, uh, senate republicans was essentially a uh, a regular luncheon of these members. and so for chuck schumer, the senate majority leader to deny benjamin netanyahu access to his democratic party members own luncheon is really it's really not that big of
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a deal. this is not the matter of having him appear in the chamber of the house of representatives for a joint meeting of the house and the senate as he was able to do back in 2015. when republicans controlled both the senate and the house leadership. and essentially brought him in to try to undermine the obamacare of obama administration's efforts to negotiate the wrong nuclear deal. this is a very different political context. and so you have basically this big game of chicken which party might want to blink and which party might want to stand fast on its own position, considering ongoing us support for israel in its war against, from us to find some more. has all the news out, including then as well as governments, the keys to virtual repression off to arrest warrants issued for opposition. members. on expanding nuclear power enforcement wouldn't be enough to keep the light switched on
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the the united nations. as warning that 220000 children ins to dawn could soon die from mel nutrition. millions of all the student is phased elevation off to almost a year pricing between the ami on the power military rapids support forces. tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions forced from the homes. gabled alexander reports from un headquarters in new york to an urgent united nations security council meeting. to address the plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who doesn't have enough to eat. and just at $6500000.00 or internally displaced, our humanitarian travesties playing out, since we're done under available international inaction. and in attention simply puts, we are failing the people of sedan. the un is unable to reach millions of people in
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sudan who need help. because of increased fighting between government forces, no one is the f, a f, and rival rapids support forces known as a r s. f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and a g. a g 0 states continues to be of structed area of this month. the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sedan. since then, i regret to report that has been no major progress on the ground. recent board or reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to getting into the greater for region which has recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. the, despite the dire warnings, sorry, and sam baset are told,
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the counsel of situation is not as bad as it not being of our trade lead. i'm any at any sunny i would like to be precise. here, there is no attempt to end of the supply and delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of that, there is no indication that to don is hovering around all the time and the time is of the essence. and while it's clear, the council was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. let's go, sir, have a morgan cheese line for us in call to have a stock warning that from the united nations bring us up to date with the situation on the ground. well, the situation is quiet and dire for the people who are trapped here in the capital since the stars of the fighting nearly
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a year ago. but also in other parts of the country as well. 5000000 people on the brink of famine because of the fighting and because of the inability of 8 organizations to reach those in need of humanitarian assistance. so dance breadbasket in central savannah, the states of to 0, which my colleague did. gabriel mentioned in his report is where most of the food or the produce came from 4 to supply markets in the country that has been disrupted by the conflict, especially when they are a septic over loss of december. so farmers can no longer access their farms to produce vegetables and crops to supply the markets here. and there's also the issue of the economy. people have not been working enough in earning their salaries since the stars of the conflicts last april. so many of them don't have the purchasing power to be able to afford food and other necessities. the situation is quite dire . the un says they do need access, but slicing is still ongoing. so for millions and millions of people who do hope
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that they would be able to get to minutes here and assistance for the time being is not fair and high. but what is the latest in terms of the war itself, the fighting between the army and the rapids support forces? is that any end in sight of the oldest 5 the fact that the un security council called a pass to resolution calling for a cease fire at least for the period of the holy month of ramadan by sink is still ongoing. no, uh, no on uh, on wednesday and on uh, on tuesday they was fighting between the iris stuff and this is the news army and how to north or the city that's also known as heavy with the iris of trying to overtake an army base in that part of the capital the so the news army has been recapturing more territories from the ira staff in the city of under mine here in the capital as well. but that side that, that means that the ceasefire calls by the united nations security council is not being heated. both are trying to gain more and more grounds over the other, but it's been nearly a year. no side has
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a decisive upper hand over the other. and that's what they're trying to gain, a decisive upper hand for the international community to recognize them as the call, the ones in control of sedan. so but so continue fighting continues and civilians continue to be trapped between the recess. and this is denise army. okay, thank you for that. hipaa move into that 1st and call to the ruling policy in south africa is facing its toughest election battle since taking over off the apartheid end of 30 years ago. some survey suggests that the applicant, national congress could lose its parliamentary majority for the 1st time, the and sees being challenged by new policy. crazy and find the former president jacob, zoom up the power montage, the reports from closer to natal, which will be a key bessler where on 50 votes in mays general election. these women in rural posley and tell province say they've never had running water at home. so this is
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what swimming into, what do they use your tadpoles so that because general election is in may politicians are again promising to improve services for the full full full lot these creatures we'd be most in for a long time. but we've gotten nothing was gonna tell problems, is a home a former president jacobs who might be suspended from the governing african national congress to back and use new party who not formally resigning from the amc zoom i leads i'm going to is easily which means the speed of the nation in english co n k, as is widely known, the part is only a few months old, but it's already won by elections in this province paid. why in, in mt? i'm not the only people who are coming from, from, from, from, from, from in the, on the coming from biomass do funded body to cut the organization just because of the discipline fixing in this context. men, they've been maintained for such
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a long time. so now that data zooming was previously jails to contempt of court, he's still facing corruption charges of a multi $1000000000.00 on this deal. despite that, he has annoying following a and see politicians say they are not worried. we're not going to yours. it was a met that way. the people that came, that didn't take into 7th, no income to nothing was really natal is a key political battle ground for votes with his fee is a violent attentions rise ahead of voting day. in south africa, the president is elected by parliament. if the a and c gets below 50 percent at the polls in may, it will have to form a coalition without the opposition parties to govern frustration over struggling economy failing public services and repeated corruption involving top officials has eastern away and see support. that's why some analysts believe the governing amc for face it's tough of election. so take know the opposite of pa take 30 years ago
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. hadn't latasha algebra? no gamma sought african striking doctors in kenya and continuing to know a court order to return to work within $5000.00 medics whooped out a week ago that demanding the implementation of a pay deal agreed. 7 years ago, patients are being turned away from public hospitals. nationwide, catherine, so reports from nairobi. so that is kenyata hospital, at least the main referral hospital here in kenya. millions of people come here to receive a specialized treatment and other a services as well. but with the doctors on strike, it becomes very difficult. uh for the people who come full of the medical care. 7 to get that treatment, we have been told by the stuff who are around that to basically um,
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emergency services are in our mini malls. and you're also being told that, you know, the no referrals that are happening and it's not just coming out to a hospital. there are many odds of government hospitals that are facing the same predicament. so we have, doctors aren't getting posted now, but the shortage of doctors who has this offices, we have going tons assistant and they keep on breaching all these to be clauses because they feel like they can bridge. now they move to quote, you can compare the quotes you've got to bring us to the table. oh, the upside buttons. the last year we spent a whole yeah, negotiating on some of the elements that will be there. about 5600 government doc says we have been speaking to a union officials who say that that number is too little more doctors needs to be employed to feel the gap. and what all this means is that people continue to
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suffer. uh, we went to a hospital where people are trying to find a private hospitals to deal with a different elements, but it becomes very difficult because we're talking about people who cannot afford a private cap. this doctor say that they want to go to to come back to work, but their needs have to be met as well. catherine story all to 0. so head on al jazeera may just study ones of folding, global for tennessee rates, look at the potential impact for shrinking population while we're going to be all just forget, quinones associates back spring, weather about springs of season have changed,
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but you'd expect room. that's correct. the light is storms moving northwood. so when the weather discussions maybe north, making those laws, particularly for norway, but it represents itself as snow. but for the rest of europe, yes, there's a lot of weak rain here that's goes across her new tick that is called the east, but it's pretty boom in france as being very warm in spite impulse cool. paris has an examples up to about 21 on thursday. the average is 14. you know, stay that of course with the rest, the frame back more elastic weather in this few showers on sunday here, down to 9. the most active where the leaving the eastern side of europe eventually for the middle east to top up. what's been recent flooding is this here. cold wind into his down bullet few showers here more of a breeze into an old major event, and showers either of rain or snow in eastern turkey or a dr. picture commerce in north africa tri, i'd hoped that the schools were closed in south sedan because of the heat pulse for new record. 43 is a full cross. this is
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a 43.6 is the record where you might get some relief from that is on your mike on saturday that are 41 maybe. but the more important thing, maybe if i'm just doing of the watching out, is there a mind of i told the story is miss alice. the united states has submitted a dropped resolution to the un security council, which appears to cool for an immediate safe spot in gaza. us actually have stay on to me blinking says it's linked to the release of captives as riley soldiers have.
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he's allowed speakers to warn palestinians to leave al shape a hospital in northern dasa. the army is threatening to blow up the largest hospital in garza with people trumps inside. as well says it's killed 95. this in the besieged hospital and detained. a 160 on wednesday of at least 5 palestinians have been killed in 2 separate is riley strikes the meal hard west bank and soldiers rated the nor sam's refuge account of the night. a spring in my dreams, where he is our typical studies center and contact university. good to see you again. what do, what do you make of blinking comments yesterday in saudi arabia saying that the us is submitted to the un security council resolution that cools for an immediate cease 5 in gaza. tied to the release of hostages. yeah. it's obvious that all of the american efforts in the last 2 weeks have uh the, to nothing basically with that assisting of nothing you know, to continue uh,
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the talking because so i think with this visit the 6 visit to i think the to the region after the 7th of october, i imagine this ration know very well that day. the region once he's probably out sooner than later. and, and, you know, having this proposal just before he, uh, he will have a meeting today with a 6 uh, 4 ministers in the region that indicates that, you know, this is a new product by the north of the state to harvest by underneath. so i'll talk to the front of the always, you know, a, in the details on what's, what's happened and those details and what's being said in those details. and whether it would, this would be basically an accepted by the other members and how much, how much this is immediate, basically what would happen after the approval of the resolution. so this isn't how many can i know that many can attempt to, i would say to show that, well, the, the us and see if i'm going to the ceasefire. right? so you think this is know for sure, rather than
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a real change in tone from the us on destiny of absolutely, i don't see any sense because this happens actually in the day when the congress and the administration agreed to continue or to extend the band of uh oh, no, it was fine, which are and then march 2025, and the funding normally that medicine for the toner was, is that on 300 to $100000000.00? so banning this fund, which is a pro shift to the owner. wow. and owner, what does that people rely on the, what i'm the same size of all this. it does, it doesn't make sense. any, any sense? right. it's, it's all about optics. i mean it's, it's incredible that you mentioned it. he's in kara today off the going to side there. right. but his 6 visit now to the region. correct? mean there is a definite sense of deja vu here. i mean, what does he actually achieving and in any of these trips in the editing of it and the other 2, i think obviously he knows a banking and there's an invitation that agent uh wants. his fire today wants to
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have money to, to learn to has more and more they, they know that they live in of under and that agent because of the humanitarian self funding of guys and people. but the reality they are not using that level. and as i, that is the question and the reason why they not in the state does not use it so that but as far as like why they are, they have many cards in hand. why they don't use those cards. what, what is the benefit of the nice of the state of the continuation of this? what everyone asks question in the region even in the globe. and this was why the americans and the solution is not sincere to stop this war. and the convinced that is why it is a case to have a 6 weeks or so you still have this, these are a big question. no one understand what, what's, you know, lies behind all of this. i've been able to, you can just just see us next year. site has to be blinking, arriving in the car. we're just showing the live pictures, the good to speak to mature. it's very dark golf study center cataloging, but i think well,
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the health system and gaza has all most collapse juice as well as relentless attacks. the world health organization has documented full $110.00 attacks on health care facilities in gaza since the will began and says that is really full since they've killed $685.00 health care work as an engine. 902. betsy hospitals, across gauze i have been damaged, along with around a 150 ambulances of margaret harris is from the world health organization. she says it's been difficult for health workers to provide services well, facing salvation themselves. just imagine you working incredibly hard, incredibly, physically hard running for patients, the patient dealing with things that you've got to be mentally a full but also physically a lot full and you have very, very little food. now we mount emissions as often as we have permission. and when we come, one of the things that we're asked for 1st by the health care workers is food and
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we do our best to bring some. we're also increasing. we bringing the nutritional supplements for children, re feeding for because that is now the great need stones, haitian is stalking every doorway in gaza. we know that there are, there were, i mean, before the hostilities around us you for are 6 hospitals that were doing what they called, but most of them lack fuel. whenever we go to the north suite, one of the things we bring is fuel. so they can get the generate is going in some hospitals we have to repair. the generator will bring a new generated because that spain destroyed. and it's in a lot of the stuff, the specialist stuff you need. remember the injuries a senior her wrist, they bugs and flossed injuries and you need to be a very experienced and skills surgeon to be able to deal with that. so one of the other problems is the stuff themselves. don't have those skills and don't have the support of the experts because they buy the left to died or
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the big display. so they do their best. they're doing their best, but maintaining just basic hygiene is a struggle such as uh, warning that's the tendency rates will be too low to sustain population levels in most countries by the end of the century. the report published in the course of british medical journal, the lines that says populations in a 198th of 204 countries will be shrinking and most bus will be in developing nations. it says that in balance could lead to huge social, economic and geo political change speak to ms. allen. she's a demo grava and a social was such a with the australian national university. she joins us from camber. i thank you for your time today. so interesting. i'm worrying trends highlighted in this report
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. what stood out to you. i think what's the most significant thing for me is that despite the on even this of declining facility writes, and the fact that we will see a re, a shift in, in the proportion of the population across different regions. is that at the heart of these 2 polar opposite demographic sheets is really full fundamental things, gender equality, housing, economics, and climate change. obviously, they going to be applied in different ways depending on the demographic needs of a population. but we understand these full priorities, no matter which one leaves in the world. so essentially this report tells us that the world will be simultaneously tackling on the one hand a baby boom and some countries and a baby bost in all those. so one of the social and economic implications of this.
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so most of the world's world's population leaving areas with the low replacement facility that is with simply not replacing l sells. and that spells economic disaster, particularly for countries that rely on individual income tax payers. and when we're seeing with an aging population is that the proportion of work is comparatively to vote is drawing on the tax pay advice is going to mean leaving standards could go backwards. and we've seen, certainly since the 1950s, which is the period of time the study has investigated. we, we see that facility writes have declined over time. so that's the average number of bits per woman. but at the same time, there is this marked on even this in the rates of books and the numbers of books across the world. and that, of course we, we have concerns in areas with the, the economic bottom line is going to present some big challenges with regard to
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living standards in, in high income countries. we've also got the polar opposite in low income countries who are struggling with still relatively high total facility rates and a whole suite of challenges that poses these 1st of its kind of global study, really gives us a name and a pause to consider what's needed and where and to have a more in a global conversation about population, about immigration, about movements of people. it was interesting. i found that the report also suggested that those countries that have been trying to incentivize women to have more children should actually be treading cassidy. with those policies i, women shouldn't being co us to have more children. they should. those countries should be accepting the situation as it is indeed it's cold, prenatal us policies aren't doing what we think they doing. in fact,
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if we look to china, there's probably more levels of co errors and involved in promoting the largest families and every number of children for women to increase the problem. he, those laws that any good at pro united well as policy or any family planning policy for that matter should at the hot be concerned about the achieving the desired number of children that people want out for the family. the reality is that this is not the case across the world. in low income countries, it's likely that people are not achieving the desired family size, the number of children for a whole suite of right of issues, particularly socio economic ones. requiring jewel income families at pressures when it comes to housing, jobs, and climate change, and gender in the quality. and if we didn't turn out a month to think about the low income countries, if we look at the issues there,
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if we're thinking about trying to control a population inherent in, there is definitely color as you control, but securely homes, women, and children. so a re focus now to consider what we've done in the past doesn't necessarily work time for a more innovation and a re imagination of what could be done. absolutely, really interesting to talk to you this island demo, griffin session with such a with the australian national university. thank you or to venezuela, where arrest warrants have been issued for 9 members of the opposition who all close to policy need. maria corrina machado. she's accusing president nicholas madura of brutal repression. never upon it has a story security forces in get, i guess, carrying out a rest against 2 opposition members. been as well as attorney general that except
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confirmed the detentions on wednesday, adding that more arrest warrants have been issued for venice willing opposition. leader, money equity. you know much of those inner circle, meaning 30 or 40, go the public ministry to ask. but now interest, 2 of them had been carried out the only yeah, they'll share natural if it to us the rest of henry i'll be or is you and ignore hernandez have been made effective out is ignored. i am not in this despite her landslide victory in a primary, organized by the opposition last october, much of the remain span by vin as well. and authorities from officially registering as the presidential candidate, much of the who has been polling above president eco last model, calls the arrest warrants against members of her staff. a cowardly act by the government id say that it appears the regime wants to close the road to democracy and peace with the regime is doing is not a show strength. it's a show of great weakness and that's what the,
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the rest words against opposition. members have cast a new doubts over the upcoming presidential election scheduled for july. been as well as supreme court, which upheld the ban against much of the in january, accused as the opposition leader of corruption and supporting us sanctions. when was that below l to 0? the u. k. government recently announced its largest expansion of nuclear power and 7 to use as an alternative to fossil fuels, but it will take time to deliver its promise of energy independence. so in your go, has this report from southern and carbon sosa power over a complex, expensive, and has it this way of guaranteeing energy security. nuclear power has both captivated and alarmed politicians and innovation that holds the promise of a stable source of power. as a way of guaranteeing demand for green renewable energy, but on it. so it's not enough to when countries of dependents on fossil fuels,
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i've announced the largest expansion to our nuclear program in seventy's. and we're being realistic about all need for oil and gas to nuclear power provides 15 percent of the u. case energy supply and has been promoted by energy supplies as a reliable source. the promise of low comp and nuclear energy is not without its red. just done to this and be behind me. here was the 1st time its generation of nuclear power applause. and it was designed to be only in use until 2008. however, it was extended until 2028, but a series of technical faults months, but it was shot down in 2021. another issue disputing and the contamination and the site will remain radio active for 10000 years. the 2 nuclear reactors being built at hankey point c in the west of england are expected to provide energy for
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more than a 5th of bushes homes. but it has been beset by delays and spiraling costs. local residents are also wary of the environmental impact. it's a very touchy process, so the fuel itself is filthy in terms of contribution to climate change and pollution before it gets anywhere near processing and ending up as fuel for nuclear power station. so 101 form of atomic technology that holds much promise. nuclear, a fusion, relatively inexpensive compared to nucleus, fission produced in power plants. it is seen as a safe role, tentative as it doesn't use long last in waste, fixed before mega to football, but have been major breakthroughs and successfully generating more energy than was used to creating it. the challenge will be producing it on an industrial scale that compelled a world. so nearby ego. i'll just sarah dungeon us. so head on al jazeera for boss
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to be on to flight just to be a president for rule engine asian soft is sweeping election. victory is confound the huge reserves of alysia used in electric batteries and find to for reducing all reliance on fossil fuels live, be nice combust idea of salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe. argentina's white go on just the
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one of indonesia is presidential candidates is contesting the results of last month election needs as well and has filed a case of the constitutional code. it comes a day off to pro has to be on to it was confirmed as the when a jessica washington has a story from jakarta who's to be on to attorney for diseases top 2 choices. who don't these 3rd attempt, he squinted we must unite to limit poverty and limit hunger and illuminated suffering from our people. brothers officers who will become entities as an ex president officer, he secured a majority in 36. if the countries go to age provinces outside the electoral commission, a small group gathered to protest. i'm one of the citizens of the republicans,
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indonesia who reject fraudulent elections. but suppose it provo had spilled this innovation on election night when early stages indicated he had come on to lead over the other candidates. propose to be unto has served as defense, ministers since 2019. and the cabinet just current president joke, who would go to a man who was as once his political science of some analysts say his resulting victory was made possible because he was backed by the outgoing president, propose running age and the future of vice president is the incumbent eldest son, the official results confirm what had already been projected earlier on official accounts that proposed to be on. so and his running mate won the february 14 election by a wide margin over there by the end of the electoral process. candidates on
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the spot, sweden and again, just renew of stages. they intend to contest the result and the country's top costs . and he said the stage must play a neutral role in elections. and he says that didn't happen ahead of the vote. both sides as well as academics and civil society organizations have highlighted issues such as what they say was a massive distribution of social aide in key electoral regions. the campaign team of guns out brand new and muffled and de became lost in the official count say, a number of finally sions occurred. the people in the entire indonesian nation are absolutely sure that our vote tally is not what is currently shown. but legal experts say is, may be challenging to prove that in course will be with brass if they alleged for they have to explain which posing station in which sub district might see who did it and who benefits it is may not necessarily be possible that they some why the
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quote will have 2 weeks to consider the claims once they launched, but it's unlikely they will result in any changes to the outcome. pro is set to take office in october and his victory speech she promised to work hard for all indonesians adults. those who didn't vote for him to give him a chance to sco washington, which is 0 to kasha protests as in india, is the doc region on demanding stated it's off the tools between regional leaders on new delhi broke down. i'm having the reports feeling neglected, and thousands of people get to the streets in may and gotten to the months stated for the region. the also one tribals faith. as for the edu that to allow them to form a new solutions within the state. your. you frustrated, he was a youth in the back of increasingly frustrated due to continuous neglect by the
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government. i've got to be asked the person administration. is that dusting demand solely based on the population statistics? yeah, without thinking about how important is there like a significantly more on the maligned region, was formed out of indian elizabeth cushion. we have more than 4 years ago of the indian government decided to run the region from the deli at the time. many in the welcome to move across the top. i know this to see the most of the presentation accuse me then you might, you know, like, think them just like your model, american ministry of home. if it is, ma'am, a chelsea, this protest since the outcome of the field meeting with the indian home ministry, are we able to convey to both the government in the nation? the importance of addressing our demands? what's on the dock you people want statehood for the dog and tribal rights. ok. and the restoration of democracy in the retracted. you move,
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you have to the bottom of the hollow. some trait is in the region, have both to shut the businesses in process and the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. we are expecting democracy, basic democratic rights to choose our own representatives to make decisions about how this fridge i replace is managed. the government needed us phone the committee look into the months of the put this on itself books with latest, from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate disease saying do we continue taking to the streets on the team that demand some kinds of data? a new berlin minister of portugal has been appointed louise montenegro center. right. democratic alliance naturally won't be election earlier this month is government begins where i go on april the seconds. okay, we're up to date. i'll be back in a moment. the
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learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country . i would make to run so hard to one. 0, $1.00 east visits china's military camp for kids on out to 0. then it all goes to the poles as a to hold it delayed presidential election on march 24th after weeks of trouble and protests could be recently free political prisoners propel the opposition to power . stay with alger 0 for the latest updates and in depth analysis. in the line to palestine, the hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with don't care foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it so dominates with confidence, donates without care foundation. with every packed of 19,
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with every prey will bringing it to liked it to love in palestine. we share the view. it says it has drafted a un resolution that calls for an immediate c spot. and garza, i'm the release of captives the money inside this balance. is there a line from down also coming up as well, or does palestinians to evacuate? i'll shape a hospital threatening to blow up the non just medical complex in golf. but if they don't find palestinians have been killed in israel's latest attacks on the occupied west bank we hear from rice feldman.
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