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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every pack done 19 with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine, we share the view. it says it has drafted a un resolution that calls for an immediate c spot. and garza, i'm the release of captives the money inside this balance. is there a line from down also coming up as well, or does palestinians to evacuate? i'll shape a hospital threatening to blow up the non just medical complex in golf. but if they don't find palestinians have been killed in israel's latest attacks on the occupied
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west bank, we hear from rice foam is in the philippines who say they are deep and dead because of the most severe drought conditions in the united states has submitted a draft resolution to the un security council which appears to cool for an immediate cease fire and gaza secretary of state on to me blinking who has just arrived in congress as a resolution is leading to the release of captives and can, is continuing his diplomatic efforts with a series of meetings across the middle east. when the u. s. has previously retired attempts at the security council to achieve a face. why? i'm joined now by deputy logic editor james base. what more do we know, james? about the strong to us resolution. got
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a copy of the draft resolution and also we know what its extra state blinking said in saudi arabia's. he said he's arrived just a short time ago in egypt. in the next few minutes, he's going to be meeting presidency of egypt in a tv interview, an arabic tv interview, before he left saudi. he said, we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now. that's before the un security council. that does cool for an immediate cease law tied to the release of hostages, while this is the copy of the resolution which is or is obtained. and let me call up the key paragraph over this resolution. it says the security council determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained c spot to protect civilians on all sides allow for the delivery of a central humanitarian assistance and alleviate humanitarian suffering. and towards that end unequivocal isabella quickly supports ongoing international diplomatic efforts to secure such as the spot in connection with the release of all the remaining hostages. the beginning about determines the imperative says, it's important that doesn't say has to happen now. and the normal language in the
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all the resolutions of the us has as be towed. they say they mon, so let me just see scrub as no dumont would in the and it's directly linked to the release of the captives being held by him. us and other groups, so it's not really quite as clear in the resolution as it was in the woods that sex treatment can used in that tv. and right, so just to make a completely clear, crystal clear for our audience, what you were saying is what blinking us said out loud in saudi arabia is not necessary, reflected in that resolution there on paper. but it doesn't include the detail in the language of language and the security council is very, very important. mice for right now. and we'll have to get further guidance from the state department officials, most of whom were sleep in washington dc. but those with the secretary are now in colorado. i'm my, my thoughts having been speak to diplomats a week about this is that it might well be that they, the us is planning the resolution to come off stuff. what's going on here in doha,
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remember there are negotiations here though. ha, about a new see spot this time. not like the one in november, just a week. they're talking about initially 6 weeks and they're talking about exchange and the 1st stage of prisoners, the women of the elderly and the sake of those that held captive by whom asked another groups and girls in return for a large number of palestinian prisoners including those. subbing long sentences, so it may well be and secretary clinton has also said in that interview that the narrowing the gap and those negotiations that hosting for deal in doha. and that's when this resolution off to that is put to the un security council. but it's not the only resolution in play. the next 210, you have the p 5 permanent members of the security council, but you also have the countries the use of 2 years on the security council. they go their own resolution with much simpler language. the mom, they're going to be gypsy spa talk, they might bring that to a vote soon. that among the $100.00 to the very close us allies,
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japan and south korea. very bit worried about upsetting the americans. but there is talk about that resolution as even talk about another one from friends in the, in the, in the offing. so the us resolution is not the only game in town. and so i think there's a complicated diplomatic dance involving what's going on in new york at the un security council, but also what's going on in the region right now. james, given everything you've said, i mean how significant is all this given that previous us veto his at the security council and gaza? while i think things have changed a little blue change because of the desperate circumstances on the ground. yes, the us still has this mantra of israel has the right to defend itself, and it must continue its operation against the mass. but what you've had in just since the beginning of the year, you've got the international court of justice saying that there is the threat of genocide. you've got this. i p. c, which is the international classification of food security. saying that we are either in simon or the edge of simon and those guys will be in simon's certainty
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bikes by may. the situation is so much more serious that i think from speaking to diplomats, they know now it's i think that the us is very, very wary of for the full time putting the hand up to block a resolution in the security council. and that's why the us is coming up with drops like this one. now, perhaps to try and turn things in the favor without actually cooling for the direct image at c spot, the, the, the, all the resolutions of gold for we'll have to watch it extremely closely. okay, james canal. thank you, james space. all diplomatic editor to well, israel has been using las vegas overnight telling palestinians to leave alice chief, a hospital in northern gaza. troops have been threatening to blow the building up while people are still trapped inside food on who has not been allowed in on wednesday as well said it until 90 points is in the complex and detained
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a 160 others. that's the case that honey, my mood. he's my 1st on the ground and rough. uh, honey, what can you tell us about the latest situation as all shape a hospital? the yes, well, they quite catastrophic, according to what we've heard from people who managed to back away to ship a hospital that spoke to different media outlets about the situation inside the ship complex, where it is really military is still conducting aggressively inside the hospital already. and blowing up the, the specialized surgery buildings and a medical warehouse containing goes some important and essential medical supplies for the injuries inside the hospital are also several other buildings within the, within the complex itself. and the vicinity caught in fires is given the intensity of the bombing and the missiles shooting. that's really another story. it's still targeting the vicinity of a ship, a hospital. the older residential buildings mainly either destroyed or severely
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damaged by air strikes or by the ongoing a tang show so far based on a statement by this very monitoring, a 140 people have been killed on the for the of, of this. and so as what it described, the precise sense limited operates inside the hospital, but that particular number where the people that were killed having been independently verified, this statement continues to state that these works a how much elements inside the hospital. but there's no way to verify this allegations by it is really a met military right now. i mean, why intense bombing campaign continues do. 5 to destroy the vast majority of the surrounding area off the hospital and honey, we've been discussing on the program all this ongoing diplomacy that is going on. but it's the situation on the ground in gauze of where you all that really matters . how desperately do palestinians need cease?
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5 right now. very difficult situation, particularly after the latest updates from a ship. a hospital type is do these that these buyers talk to a certain amount of stories, warren terms like it backwards inside the hop. if they don't leave the will go off the building very intimidating order for a backwards to leave the hospital right now. but the same time when we talk about a ceasefire, the look at the ground, not most of the actions across the just then fits within the narrative of ongoing just as genocide. those acts just gives people a little bit. 2 of help, not entirely optimistic about this, but the hope that they have good almost shadow right now because it's been a while since the, the league reports about a potential seeds fire emerged to the public. but up to now, there is a, still, the problems going on with that. there is a mid, uh, we are a mid hungry price. is it over crowded roof?
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a have depletion of essential resources, a live saving items in a queue of famine. in the northern part, whereas that already has caused the death that was $27.00 children of then for the hydration and is our vision to cease fire talks seems to be positive in the news. but on the ground, people are very, very shattered and have really lost me in a sense of safety as is really still continue. it's pounding across this trip. any money that 1st in rasa in southern gaza, a palestinians having killed in a series of is there any raids in the home to find westbank who were killed near the city of took rent, including $2.00 in a drain to strike. the attack took place on wednesday nights at the same time. is there any forces right in the north shelves, refuge income? israel has been sending more troops to the area. let's get more and this with lower con, she's in. i'll be right in the occupied westbank laura. so it sounds like it's been
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of lawn at nice of raids in the occupied westbank food, killed in tool for him. and one man shelton. now bear where you are now. please tell us more about what's been going on, what we see, right. it's taking place on a nightly basis and usually well into the day. however, this was actually by the last night, i just want to explain exactly where am i mean i'll be right. it's a twin city to ramallah. now here that with 2 rights happening not far from where i am one and i'm on the refugee camp, it's just up the road and the other ones to what's called a couple, which is just down here. now, as these right is what, withdrawing from these areas, they started shooting out along this road. there was 1918 years old. mohammed started here, he was walking along the street. he was shot just here. and then he continued walking and all the way up that we can see the plot we're not can show you. this is where he collapse his family. have now told us that he died from his words. all the
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attacks throughout the occupied westbank one and to cut on the x rays entity at dawn, they have really tune up the place with all the photos as they came in as well with all the vehicles that was a trend strike the killed 2 people and 2 more shots, dead in nablus and the other man in the south, he was based an officer of the rate is still just found on his phone that he was supporting 5 to 6 according to eye witnesses. they said he was b to bruce of age for an hour, mostly in his face. and then in self defense from in a place to go should see on this. is it a legal assessment that 19 was accused of trying to carry out a staffing attack and he was shot in the leg. he, we don't know his condition just as yet. we know he is in hospital. and laura, i believe in mine has been re arrested who had been released in the prison the
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exchange deal that took place a few months back. have they been any more re, a rest of a similar vein? is this becoming a bit of an issue that have been many arrests throughout the occupied west? fine sir. are you talking about abo, about money? yeah. he was actually released in the prison the exchange deal. as he said in november, he has been re arrested last night, but since the 12 people all together who have been very rest, if i just want to give you some of the statistics because i simply don't add up to 140 people were 12 people with the rear arrested but 7700 people are seen of course that of course the occupied west side since october the 7th that one average around 46 people every single day in these nightly rates out there also around 9000 people being held in prison and many a saying the conditions are just simply getting much worse,
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especially since some type of 7. okay, thank you for that. laura con in i'll be right in the occupied westbank several for the us diplomats and ministry officials, the cooling on the president to warn as well, against depriving palestinians if that basic needs. and then opened last. the group of around 70 retard officials judge joe biden to take concrete action, including restricting funding, as well as the ones of rising discontent over the administration's handling of the war. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken to us with public consent. it says via video like he wanted to follow up support for the one gaza. the senior democrats declined netanyahu's request. let me say this. i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause of helping us through the democrats talk about the 2 state
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solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada, which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election, president biden would have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. instead, he is running scared of the extremist of his own party. wells and jordan has moved from washington dc. benjamin netanyahu has been accusing a congressional democrats of interfering in domestic politics in israel. so consider that irony. what you see here basically is a lot of political posturing by senate and, and house democrats, by senate and house republicans and by the government of benjamin netanyahu in israel. but essentially, there is going to be no easy way to resolve this. first, the meeting that tab benjamin netanyahu, who spoke to remotely of the senate,
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republicans, was essentially a uh, a regular luncheon of these members. and so for chuck schumer, the senate majority leader to deny benjamin at yahoo access to his democratic party members own luncheon is really it's really not that big of a deal. this is not the matter of having him appear in the chamber of the house of representatives for a joint meeting of the house and the senate as he was able to do back in 2015. when republicans controlled both the senate and the house leadership. and essentially brought him in to try to undermine the oprah bomb as a bomb administration's efforts to negotiate the wrong nuclear deal. this is a very different political context. and so you have basically this big game of chicken which party might want to blink, and which party might want to stand fast on its own position,
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considering ongoing us support for israel in its war against hum us. so head on al jazeera and election vassal in south africa, and how the new policy of former president jacob zoom could topple learning amc the the. now it's a feeling of spring roles has provided most of europe in the last couple of days. it's not going to last mean springs off the rule, a season of quite rapid changes, leading eventually to the warming of somebody. but this here is a critical change on its way as a cold front behind it. you see nothing proper when the weather and if it's not, so we'll types in the teams in most places. and this, the eastern europe is still colder, and that's going down towards turkey. but let's just pick up on this back to change
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situation. friday's temperature in london is down to 10 after 16 today. on thursday, the 28 bar saturday night is the cold from coming through and the wind direction changing here it is coming down. it's not gonna stop that. it will make progress. we most of made on europe in the next 2 or 3 days, or vienna for example, it gets here around around sunday, taken tungsten down below. you have just done a severe change, but it is content in there too. but i want to have to say, as i said the, at the moment the wintry weather is just taking out of use and you're going to took if huge amount of rather wet snow over the mountains of turkey, that disappears by the end of friday. and back to thursday on the other side, we've got this on show windham, sherry stuff in morocco. otherwise, most in north africa is see me when the dusty and hot of the despite being housed in 2018 sort of rock, just prime minister is back in power along with his hotline politics. he needs
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someone to hate. that's helpful isn't works along with who didn't. how would his reappearance affect neighboring ukraine and the persecutes of minorities within the slovak republics, borders? honestly, i have to say that i'm afraid to go back here the return of freak so on and just the watching out. is there a mind at the top story? is this alex on to me blink. and has arrived in car ready to continue his series of diplomatic efforts related to the work on gaza. the us next year stay in,
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says the united states has submitted a drawing resolution to the un security council, which supports efforts towards an immediate space fine in the territory. is there any soldiers of use loud speakers to win, palestinians to leave all ship a hospital, a northern gauze? the army is threatening to blow off the largest hospital in dollars which people trapped inside the named palestinians have been killed in a series. if is rarely a tax in the old pod, westbank who were killed near the city of ciocca rim, including 2 in a dry and striking it's rarely forces also right in the nearby north shelves, refuge account slow lead is a gathering in brussels for the un atomic agencies fast ever nuclear energy summit . the 2 day meeting comes as the push for nuclear power is a clean alternative to festival fossil fuels gains momentum in a moment was being to on his ears. hash him a borrower who is at the summit. the 1st call and bank explains what's behind the
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new wave of nuclear enthusiasm. just over $400.00 active nuclear reactors produce about 10 percent of the world's electricity . and that's a number that hasn't changed much for 30 years. but it's a cop $28.00 climate conference in dubai. last year. countries pledge to triple the world's nuclear capacity. but how that will happen is now a very hot topic. we need resources that are available when you need them. that can balance out a highly renewable grid, and that can provide energy for other parts of the economy that we can to electrify egypt to q and bangladesh will soon has their 1st nuclear reactors and 30 other countries are planning their own. china is building 10 to reactors every year, and there are dozens of new nuclear designs under trial or construction because companies and governments want to build smaller reactors. the so called advanced
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reactors use new fuel made for more highly enriched uranium, new coolants instead of water. hot gases or even liquid salts mixed with radioactive fuel, and a fleet of new designs promised to make reactors more standard and reproducible in the future as companies commit to building more number or larger numbers. step very standardized designs, especially smaller designs. it gives us that opportunity really kind of optimize our construction or manufacturing. but most of these remain expensive experiments, while wind and solar are taking off. the problem is that the electricity market 20 or 30 years from now will be very different than it is right now. and one imagines that renewables will be even cheaper than they are now. and so for nuclear to compete in that market will be really challenging the largest chunk of your cost. it's actually your upfront investment costs, so you need to invest a lot of money to build these very expensive plots. and then while they're running, they're actually not that expensive. so as the world rushes to stop burning fossil
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fuels and money flows in those back in a nuclear futures still have some hard questions to answer. ok, let's bring in how some of barbara is the 1st and brussels. how some good to see, why is your obtaining to me clear energy when the initial plan at least was to move away from it is a vis summit. moline itself is a strong indication of the changing geo political landscape in europe, in particular, because he was upset to someone about 2 years ago. that is going to be a global summit about nuclear energy. and people will say, no way the trend back then if you remember money in was basically everybody was guy just from nuclear energy plants, dismantled the results and move to renewable energy. except that 3 t factors come to us and they, this change of hawks that take place. climate change warning ukraine and you end up
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deciding is, was about time to do diversify themselves away from russian the force. but they were pretty much concerned about the volatility of the energy market before conflicts was in the middle east. and they were always concerned that the supply could be disruptive. and they said, you know, one with think we have to stay with nuclear energy expands a capacities and hope that's by 2050. if we put more emphasis on the nuclear energy, then we would be able to achieve that, that 0 emission as climate neutrons. however, some of the key plants don't see until i, when he comes to the future, i knew the energy show many about a year ago, april 20th 20th. we shut down these last remaining sweet. react to the friends all the of the to have made a, made it clear in the past that they've got into scrap that and usually have the excess of the expending their own reactions in the near future. how are they going
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to be able to narrow the differences, unconvinced, for example, germany and spain for all going to phase of hold off phasing out of friends hungry check. yeah. as many of the countries in europe and you know, how going to 5 and expand the nuclear energy. that's going to be the 2nd question happening here in this limits. right? so no new countries on the same page on new flat. so what happens next? how, how does this transition work? so the, how the target of 2050, why they won't want to, uh, to, to be to establish net 0 emissions to do that. they are saying that for now we cannot really trust and rely heavily on solar and wind farms. and therefore, the thinking about teaming up with the united states of america with key players to invest more in that new small react to as the symbols and the advance mode due to
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the x is why the small reactors for the simple reason best safety features are more improved and very wide, nice investments. the problem with these more react says the, are not tested globally. and you need to build a fast chain of supply to be able to deliver. manufacturer sends them everywhere, you know, so that people trust them and put them into place. but you need more cash. you need billions and billions of dollars over the loss of the upcoming used to be able to improve the features of those. we access the europeans, for example, the input to kinda hope that these as a mazda and the, and the us could be the way forwards before getting to the point where they would say finally, nuclear energy is over, not with to any of the top to and moving to, to renew, but i know it's really interesting to talk to your husband, a bar of that for us at that summit in brussels to to focused on where at least 2
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security officers have been killed in an apparent suicide attack. it happened in the province of kid, of a pop tune, clot, investigate, to say, a suspect that's a nice of an explosive, near and ami convoy. several people were injured in the attack on at least 3 people have died and 12 have been injured in an explosion in afghanistan and interior ministry spokesman confirm the explosion took place in a cobble bind office near to the full mechanical ha security command. thousands of filipino farm is say the suffering from the effects of the climate passing known as el nino dry spell has damage nearly $30000.00 hexes of farm land and is expected to effect most of the provinces in april when its hostess in the philippines barnaby lay reports from san miguel in the province of la come to mr. miller lives. in the decade, steve's been growing rise. these pharmacy,
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they've never seen the soil crack in the rice fields until the season. it hasn't been for months due to the climate pet are known as only in you know, and the thing is filled with the government and provided water for irrigation. it was too late because they prioritize other areas. our crops were that before they receive water, the depos that they use as an alternative have not been of help either. how many, you know, the new bundle groundwater suppliers also dwindled to it must also be because of el nino bundle in this town alone. some 1500 hector's of farm land are parched and pharmacy. they're now deeper in debt, government weather forecast or say virtually the entire country will be affected by a new by april, which is also the hottest month of the year in the philippines. farmers have suffered the most with crop damage amounting to more than $30000000.00 and county
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governments. special task force on el nino says the dry spell has peaks, but it's going to get worse before it gets better than the new is actually weakening. but the weather bureau compared the situation to a flap iron. so once it's plugged, you can feel the constant heat. but once you unplug it, the, the effects of the heat still remain. people living in the capitol vanilla had been warned, the water service may be disrupted as water level and dams across the country are declining. and that means water for irrigation is likely to get even scar sir. born to below al jazeera san miguel, the book on the philippines to the ruling policy in south africa, is facing its toughest election baffles. and it's taking over off the apostolic and just a few years ago. so i'm survey suggests that the african national congress could lose its paula mentioned majority for the 1st time. the amc is being challenged by a new policy created by former president jacob 0 higher matessa reports.
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these women in rural posley and tell province say they've never had running water at home. so this is what swimming into, what do they use your tadpoles so that because general election is in may politicians are again promising to improve services for the full full full lot these creatures. we'd be most him for a long time, but we've got nothing was to be in the top province is a home, a former president jacobs who might be suspended from the governing african national congress to back and use new party without formerly resigning from the amc . my leads, i'm going to as easily which means the speed of the nation in english co n k. as is widely known, the part is only a few months old, but it's already won by elections in this province, prepaid. why in, in mt? i'm not the only people who are coming from, from, from, from, from,
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from in c on coming from biomass do funded party to kind of organization just because of the.


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