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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the players continue with the situation to get into the bold and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on out just sierra the still difficult work to get there. but i continue to believe as possible. you're a secretary of state on spain blinking pushes for an agreement on a cease fire and goes up and the release of captives, the color that i'm just trying to obtain. this is out of here, a lot from don't know, also coming hundreds of palestinians of those to face southwards in casa as israel, the orders for your back to ation of. i'll shoot for funerals and the occupied west
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. i'm off to is randy re inspect, killed 8 people and the red cross describes through dawn is conflict as a precaution crisis. as millions remain displaced and on the verge of funding, we'll have the latest on the ground. the us secretary of state on same thing can says gaps and narrowing and going to assist find negotiations. thinking has been using officials in egypt on what is now his 6th visit to them, at least since october 7th by clement the united states has also submitted a draft resolution to video and security council and recognizes the need for an immediate cease fire and gaza thinking says adults with ad foreign ministers in florida alignment there's a clear consensus around a number of shared priorities. first, the need for an immediate sustained cease fire with
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a release of hostages. that would create space to search more humanitarian assistance, to relieve the suffering of many people and to build something more enduring. we've been working as you know, with egypt with cutter and with israel to put a strong proposal on the table from us responded to that. go see it is continue to work. the gaps are narrow and, and we're continuing to push front agreements in doha. i spoke to all different navigators at james bay's about this, and he says that the took the turn of these talks from the west side in particular has changed significantly since the start of this will he seems to have some optimism with regard to the talks of taking place here in the hall, he says the gaps so narrow and he said that before. so thoughts are still difficult, but i continue to believe it's possible. he said he comp put a timeline on it. but what we do know from,
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from what's going on is that they see i direct to bill buttons. some to key might be coming to the hall. we know definitely the most that director david vanya, he's on his way to catch all. uh he was here earlier in the week, so an upgrading of the talks again with his arrival here. oh he, well sir, i noticed thinking it was making numerous references to pressing for countries in the region attempt to normalize relations with israel. he says regional integration is one of the building blocks of lost in peace and we know that this is something they've been working on for for very long time. but you think this is perhaps a current that they're trying to use with israel types. one of the only strategic points of leverage they have right now. yeah. because everything else he was talking about was really negative for his route. it did seem to me the time to change the 6 visit when he came to the region. soon after october, the 7th, there was a really quite frosty relations and reception from the arab of and that they were very critical of the united states. now it's the other way around. they seemed to
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agree on most things, and there was a lot of criticism of israel, that criticism of, of a rough or offensive saying there's a better that way to deal with this. it would be a mistake. it's something we cannot support, but also very big criticism of what's going on in terms that you've heard is that or of, of the, of the 8 effort a cannot continue. israel needs to do more. this is north and off. i'm so i think he's going to have compared with the meetings he's having today, very, very frosty meetings. when he's in television, jerusalem in 24 us time of wall outlet speak to him to say that one capacity story . so i'm the, is, james, was just pointing out criticism of israel from thinking today. how is that all likely to go over with these really is, especially when it says more, it's these early prime minister benjamin netanyahu earlier this week, address the international pressure that has been mounting on these rallies. he says that no matter what kind of pressure, what kind of comments come from other countries in the world specifically allies?
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israel will not listen to it, meaning that they are going to prosecute the war. however they see fit. these really prime minister says, until there is an absolute victory. additionally, you're looking at a lot of back and forth type of disagreements between american and is really officials. and now specifically, when it comes to this round invasion, instead of the fees rallies have said they have approved plans for the americans. have said that it would be a mistake to enter it up. that it would have dire consequences. leading to a lot more civilian depths and at the request of us president joe biden, these really is, will now be sending a delegation to washington to brief american counterparts on how exactly this round invasion instead of law is going to work. when there are nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge there, even though we do, no god, the southern most city has come under heavy bombardment and attacked in recent days,
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weeks and months. so these disagreements missing yahoo says are on how to conduct this operation. not exactly on why it's necessary, but the americans say that perhaps there is another plan, but there will be a lot to look forward to in the us secretary of states meeting with the us. the is really prime minister and we're going to be watching not amazing, very excited sandy. and how does, how, what's that for us unoccupied the stories from thank you home. well as these different logic efforts continue, let's bring you the reality of what's happening on the ground and goals on speak. talk correspondence, thomas. i was doing the drawing stuff from rafa. tarik, i understand israel has the honest wall strikes across calls of just in the last few hours or say yes, that's absolutely wrong. it says the is where the military has been. i'm scaling the administrative tax specifically on the middle areas of it to 3 as we've been seeing that debit. but has been this telling hit by a series of strikes that destroyed and apart presidential houses. one of the houses
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had resulted to the kill it to the injuries. often palestinians will have been transported to unlocks the hospital where there is out there was a very close bombardment by these, by the us. and every unit on the facility of unlocks the hospital with no casualties, the being reported, but the situation is still going really totally a in other parts of the goal is, was to specifically here in the south, whether it's very military also targeted agriculture land in the western part to brooklyn district that is adjacent to boot is with egypt, where the ongoing button that has coasts completely. she destruction on several properties where residents are, we have hundreds of them are still stuck onto the ripples without any efforts to being rescued them because of the intensity of the bombing till now. i'm tired. stay with me because we're also hearing that hundreds of dispatch palestinians offering kansas city as israel offensive focus. is that on the i'll she, for hospital,
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we understand the army has ordered evacuations and is even threatening to blow up the facility with some people still trapped inside israel. it says that it has killed a $140.00 operative said. that last is denying that any of it's fine because we're inside the medical complex type. what do we know about what's going on at all? she felt right now to yes, a to now the situation is getting much more difficult. in fact, as well as of skating there by elation still on the ground, they have let me not one of the main advance surgery buildings that have been completely reduced to drop a lot. the majority of, of properties inside the hospital had been ruined by this very minute treat tanks on those as being operating inside the hospital and according to eye witnesses on the ground who had been given a partial access to fleet to this house. here the especially when that happened the rating and proposing that these very minutes we had been sick the rates and we met on more than happy interesting men taking them on display as location as they had
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been completely being blindfolded. tom cost and a beat personally beaten by the as well as soldiers where women in time had been and for them to fleet to the south and not to beat the existing inside that she felt hospitable while they are still hundreds of patients and displaced people. yet not given the permission to leave the hospital and the ongoing bombardment is specifically on the facility over. she felt hospitable in our number of residential buildings being completely destroyed. until now tara couple of them with the latest on that rate for us at all. she have a hospital. thank you very much terry. well, let's bring it. i'm not sure. again, he's a professor of security and ministry studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. and while we were talking earlier about that radar, now she for obviously not the fast. now there we are understanding that they are threatening to blow it up, so told me through the strategic thinking it does a stem from that belief that these really is have been saying this is a kalonde and control center 400 so or doesn't go beyond that or i think it's
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a how to describe it it's, it's a strategic figure on one end. but also they're looking for some sort of a technical learn or an operational v victory. so what's happening is that this scenario is supposed to be to have been cleared, but this is we're talking about the 2 govern the rates in the north of, of gaza, north and north, gaza. and the, the, the, because the governor a, you know, which has the guys a city where he falls. but those that these to where the, that these 2 northern most govern rates were the 1st that these, where you forces entered after the 27th of october. and they've been operating. they have today's, the $167.00 states. and they declared multiple times that the, the, the battalions of the cosign battalions did. and all the information's either had been dismantled or became combat and effective. and that was repeated and they called specific battalions in the, in these areas of. ready these are over and now they are facing stiff resistance.
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they have um, they are facing a empty tank. the rockets rpd rockets the fires that they're facing a tax on that or even them and, and a different man pads. a defense, a launched tool. the launched missiles against the drones, but also as a me, you know, have you stipend, fire fire fire empty material rifles that were used to how mazda, as opposed to some of these videos as to a pet entity. one of 2 things, either they how much they was able to do constitute some of its units that with the took some damage or of the intelligence was wont on the east side. so so blowing up a hospital will not end this. and you know this, this means that the, the, the minute, the effort of these raised has not been been, but if it's successful in the north, where they entered 1st and blowing up all speed a little to, or a building or to lot to actually to create more trouble, so it's repeat more rugged jump the seats,
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which usually serves the defendant in their abilities. well, as you're saying this is, this is a situation in the north we all now in month 6 of us will. once your assessment on the, the overall stage of play for israel strategically now, not only in the north but also in the south. so it's a complex picture, right? so the, the, the general picture from these right you side, which they declare is that what they have a, uh, over 821500 fighters still in the 2 northern govern rates. in the central government, they, the governor, they estimate to, to full strength battalions, and that start at that it did. and then rough off the fun units. still the operations are still ongoing and then drop off the southern most govern the rate as they they estimate that there are at least 4 battalions there. so and then the number of the tenants keep on exceeding salt. and so some of the industry was started with 19 battalions and then the credits of the 24 and then now they're the
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30 and they estimate that significant numbers according to these ladies side over that. but it tells me the overall picture is that the minute the sides drop over. and now if, if an attack starts and then doesn't, so the noise is not finished. now they're going to attack off, which with it is according to them for battalions. but in an area where the, the civilian population, the population density, and over 18000 prescript, you told me to. so a 5 dad would end up in being it probably in a 2nd. what's been any sort of flight schools as full arms or heavier the district we're hearing from multiple country is that the us and protect can or even tonight that it's unequivocal. it opposes a massive military operation in rafa. now secretary state, i'm thinking just in the last couple of hours we're saying they are going to present alternatives to israel when they needs what sort of alternatives are they talking about here, which is not special forces, want to talk to the probations. it doesn't work like lives, i think the, the, the main issue there is to have a significant falls where they can somehow lead to
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a supplemental regarding the hostages who's going to be released. because the, there's to that, that's the main that the, the main objective right? the, the claim being objective and also the humanitarian situation, especially reaching a, committed in convoys reaching the noise. uh, and the 3rd, the, the future of guys uh, what's going to happen and gather. so we're talking about the, the, the strategic objectives of this operation. what are they because clearly the one of the strategic objectives was which is the destruction of the benefit of them. but it is all from us that don't happen so far as with huge civilian costs that and with a lot of trouble in gaza, which will create a gaza, will create more or more difficult in vitamin tens of the security situation. ford is rated because of, uh, because of what happened in the last 6 months old and do it, was that to a lot of the intelligence fairly assuming the 2, i'm not sure we'll leave it. that's now professor of security ministry studies of
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the go home to graduate studies. thank you for joining me again. call me law 8, posting ins. hasn't killed in the occupied westbank and the 9th and violence has ready raise. one of them was 19 year olds, mohammed, so he was shot and killed outside the refuge account. he left and i'll be there for a condo in the family from where she sent us this report. a fresh post of 19 year old mohammed says here shots, down in his youth, his face joins the schools of post, those previously killed in his raise the rates a reminder of the recent violence, the people of discount books tested for decades. the 40 model. uh yep. any time that is there any autonomy? storms, independence thing and area depths. although we are talking about jeanine alter boss and today embody the bleeding continues and the ducks continue. because the is there, a government gave the green light to the army, took the young people. what addict occupation amadi was rated during the 80 hours
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wednesday morning. mohammed was on the outskirts becomes as the army began to withdrawal, it was there, he was shots in the head, a phone, the atmosphere here, and all the my refugee camp, the body of mohammed. so he has carney inside the mosque where the holding press. he's also being carried by his friends and family to his mother's house, where she's got, say, a final good bye. and then he'll be buried inside the cemetery and alberta, how much was the phone a refugee? the campus built in 1949 off to israel was established. a move in 700000 palestinians were expelled from their homes. it was in the camp itself that from a night of violence during his rating raids, nor sums refugee kevin token and what's the worst hit for palestinians killed 2 in this way. the striking to buy life bullets is ready forces took her up the streets and destroyed infrastructure with almost old houses. and before midnight
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engineering and is ready asked right, talk to the car, killing 3, palestinian to excite is from the to the battalion bull funerals, health and all to familiar sites in the city. and a ton towards the policy, the source heat that was holding lots of people, cool, political prisoners in the kale supported security. both of shot tools to crowds injuring thousands of people. a back you know, be this. well, how many friends and family much with his body to his final resting place. now it's time to say good bye, but they will to wear the waves of fine and will continue north on. i'll just see or i'll be there. occupied, westbank was still a head handle. and out of there, the indonesian coast guard races to save $69.00 were hanging live after the bird cap sizes off the coast to batch the,
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the weather brought to you by visit cutoff pad lower that we seen some very wet weather down on the in australia and let's move that to come thanks to the remnants of a tropical fight cone. megan. she's feeling a part but still bringing some very heavy rain to central areas there on friday, said, wrenching down, paused for the likes of alice springs. we are expecting more flooding and that'll worse than oh, the next few days. can you see it cooling on their own sack today? some of that stretching out across queensland, pushing down into new south wales as well, but it remains largely dry across the south of astray and into the west. places like puts seen the temperature dip down slightly over the weekend. that's a story from much of the country. we had a cold bloss suite through the se,
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looking temperatures down, but the good news is they will be picking up as we go into the new week. if we look at the 3 day for sydney. so these guys from sunday to monday, the temperature pushing up towards the 30 degrees celsius. now it is a long as the dry and simple picture for new zealand or it has been, but you can see that swell of rain starting to work its way to northern parts of the sol fine and onwards. it to the north island. plenty of rain headed for the bay of plenty. plenty of rain is the stories of south east asia, the heavy falls continuing for eastern areas of indonesia as we go from day to saturday. the weather brought to you by visit castle. unique perspective that is done is one of the most, the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to
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be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra. the, [000:00:00;00] the parking lot, you're watching all to 0. let's remind you about top story is to sell us secretary of state. i'm thinking says gap so narrowing in gauze. he's fine. negotiations is amazing with foreign ministers in egypt and a regional to pronounce that gets it and comes as discussions continue with the un on a draft security council resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire . meanwhile, hundreds of displaced palestinians are fleeing casa city. as israel defensive
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focuses on how she felt that the army is now threatening to blow up the facilitate west. some people are still captain signs. at least a palestinians have been killed in a series of is there any rains on the occupied west? hundreds joined the procession and from car and for 4 of the victims kills on wednesday night 2 of them. and it runs right well ahead of the world health organization says the only way to stop funding from reaching cause is to allow more a trucks to enter the territory by land. earlier this week, the ones rights commission at yours does relative restricting the entry of aid and using starvation as a weapon. only the expansion of lung crossings really let the largest scale deliveries to prevent fire. i mean,
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all requests to deliver to sa price that often blocked or refused damage . drugs and continuous finding, including in the am, close to hospitals mean delivers are few. and she will as well as well on goal, is that has the price of thousands of palestinians families, most of enforced from their homes and representing the holy month of ramadan away from their loved ones. i'm a homeland reports a from a done used to be the happiest month of the for some yeah us. i mean she would spend that with our family praying and preparing food together. but is there as well and does change all the the i now say protected. she's in rough or, and her mother, if you clear is in the city. heck, what, i'm just, i'm not, i'm of them to send you. we used to wait happily for the higher the month of ramadan. the hardy month of ramadan is our favorite month. we used to decorate the
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houses the streets and we used to propose special meals during ramadan. cuz this phone network is largely disruptive. but it's has the means only means of staying in touch with the model compared to contain high emotions when she is adult, as well as the bad in my diet. this house, i mean, but the mazda not to cry the, some about it is that kind of school, and i mean, some, some of the whole family work together. last ramadan, this ramadan eagle, families of divided and all the families of last and no big ones. when there is no single complete family such separations affecting all ages that they come on from what the kind of she loved to my children. so much, especially kareem. all my children love her a lot and i dream cries every time because he wants to see his grandmother for hustling and our children. the only prayer these from her that is for is the right
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to and it's all on god's that. so they can see the rest of the family homes, him him at the 0 of the chase and all the while he is now. agencies wanting from the international community must dual to prevent the founding ensued on millions. they are facing salvation of to almost a year of fighting now between the army and the permanent true route that support forces. tens of thousands of people have been killed. have a moving, has more from the capital costing in the human service situation for people trapped in the capital. how to un elsewhere around the country where there is fighting between the recess. and this would, in these army is quite catastrophic and dire. now. the mazda admission says that it cannot access millions and millions of civilians who are in desperate need of military assistance. and at least 5000000 are just one step away from simon. and
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that's because of access to areas where civilians are trapped and where agencies cannot get security clearances to be able to reach those in need. but there's also the issue of the economy itself, but has been affected by the conflict for nearly a year. now, many people who have jobs have not been able to earn their salaries, and therefore they do know that they do not have that purchasing power to be able to afford food and other basic necessities from shops and market. so that has affected their ability to be able to put food on the table and has contributed to the number of people in desperate need of assistance and facing hunger. here in the capital and elsewhere around the country. which commodities are also unable to move freely between markets, even in places that are stable. now, the conflict has also affected sedans, breadbasket, the state of tennessee, the in central to them, the rest of took over the state, or at least a large part of the state in december. and that has affected farmers ability to be
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able to supply the markets with crops and buy symbols for people to be able to buy that has lots of cars that see. so even the few foods commodities in the market is now more expensive. and again, because of the economy or the world economy, people can no longer afford to buy food. so united nations security council has called for a cease fire to be observed during the moving holy month of ramadan. but slicing continues between the signees army and the power and military rapids support forces . on tuesday and wednesday, there were incense classes between the 2 sides of the recess, tried to take over as to the news army base in the city of me in the northern parts of the capital console. so while the 2 sides flies each other, bulls are not keeping to the calls of the united nations security council. both wants to gain an upper hand over the other. after a year of fighting and as a result, civilians in the capital and elsewhere remain trapped in desperate need of assistance
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. he but morgan ultra 0 hearts of thousands overhanging the refugees for his boat capsized have been rescued off the coast of engineers is on to providence. survive is told also 0 that many office round. jessica washington reports from the innovation capital in chicago. the coast is onto providence in northern indonesia, a forensic incidents play rescue workers as they head out to see, to see the group approaching the refugees. so i'm going to be manage to evacuate 69000000, get people safely. in general, those we evacuated were in a week condition. rescue isn't difficulty locating the bones at night. on the way back to show some refugees told imagery 0 that they both had capsized in bad weather. the rain was very heavy and those in the ship didn't try the sound was probably best for it turned over 17 year old submit since she made the dangerous journey from burglary dish with her sister and nephew,
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she says there were around 150 people on board 2, nephew was just one. as many died when the boat overturned, very sad, will there be sat to be in the sea? we were very hungry and thirsty fishermen also joined to the rescue efforts and managed to save 6 refugees of cetera was one of them. as we were waiting that all wooden boats cracks and i fell into the water, my sister died because we had to wait for a long time. after the dangerous village, they can finally rest and recover engine agents. having survived the violent current done by security forces on me and most minority muslim groups, then lean to bundle dish, where they faced hardship and poverty, increasingly crowded and dangerous refugee camps. the un refugee agency estimates about 2000 ro. hugo have arrived in indonesia since october. it says at least
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$569.00 died. a went missing at sea in 2023. as they tried to reach southeast asia. medias to thing being donation government and the chinese people to allow their bringing a refugee is to do some bach. it, it is the only country that has allowed that in a systematic manner for the last 5 years. and if you make the, the calculation that has allowed thousands of people to be safe. a small group of demonstrations protested against allegiance, refugees, to arrange. the reason to increase has been accompanied by the spring of online heat. and this information, these refugees are safe here in a chain of services. she plans to make another journey soon to be with her husband
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in malaysia. jessica washington, which is 0 to come to author around in 5 months since a series of upgrades in west and i've kinda stone, nearly 1500 people died and more than 2000 were injured life. and many survivors is difficult. still, some of them give a report through parents problems these are some of the most remote villages invested in a bunch of stuff. when you go to the quick, struck rescue machinery couldn't get to level and it didn't make it to hospital. thousands of lives were changed forever. parties ever lost his wife and 2 sons. he run to the house and tried to use his hands to take them out. but it was too late. then you won't be startled when you get with all the things. there was a big difference in my life now when it was back to the full. now this is the house i live in. i had a home, i think the life and the life partner the difficulties, the cold, the stress is the greek and all the food we have now is rice flour and cooking oil


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