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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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with every press who will bring it to light? a little love in palestine. we share the the hello again. i'm associates, hey, this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. still difficult work to get there. but i continue to believe it's possible. you're a secretary of state. i was thinking of pushes for a safe spot in garza and the release of captains in raleigh as well. what does it say about duration and costs of the largest hospital force and hundreds of palestinians to flee farther south? their opinion need is issue their fast joint statement calling for humanitarian series fund garza. i'm the unconditional release of all captain. i'm us to assess
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departments and 16 states, so apple changing it over normalizing smartphone markets and having sworn arrive on the well, there's been a renewed diplomatic push for c spine and gaza following a series of high level talks. and then at least us secretary state, obviously lincoln has been missing regional foreign ministers in egypt. he says that gaps on narrowing and the negotiations between as well. and there's a clear consensus around a number of shared priorities. first, the need for an immediate sustained cease fire with a release of hostages. that would create space to search more humanitarian assistance to relieve the suffering of many people and to build something more enduring. so meanwhile, the us also says that
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a draft resolution recognizing that need for an immediate cease fire will be versed on. i've been un security council on friday that move folders, weeks of consultations still though on the ground in gaza. is there any troops or continuing the attacks on the all shapes? the hospital for desperate civilians have been forced to flee for the safety of the so i still trumped up the medical complex, which these are in the army is now threatening to blow up. all of this is happening as a brand new attacks continue across the gaza strip just within the past few hours and as strike targeted a family home during the bala injuring 15 people. i only spoke 12 different logic. i've said james base. he says he's hearing a different tone now from the us compared to the start of the he seems to have some optimism with regard to the talks of taking place here in the hall. he says the gaps and narrowing. he said that before it says the thoughts are still difficult, but i continue to believe it's possible. he said he comp put a timeline on it. but what we do know from,
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from what's going on is that they see i direct to bill buttons. some to key might be coming to the hall. we know definitely the most at direct to david vanya. he's on his way to cast off. he was here earlier in the week, so an upgrading of the talks again with his arrival here. oh, he will, sir. i noticed thinking it was making numerous references to pressing countries in the region attempt to normalize relations with israel. he says regional integration is one of the building blocks of last in peace and we know that this is something they've been working on for for very long time. but you think this is perhaps a current that they're trying to use with israel. that's one of the only strategic points of leverage they have right now. yeah. because everything else he was talking about was really negative for his route and it did seem to me the time to change the 6 visits when he came to the region. soon after october, the 7th, there was a really quite frosty relations and reception from the arab world. and they were very critical of the united states. now it's the other way around. they seem to
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agree on most things, and there was a lot of criticism of israel, that criticism of, of a roof or offensive saying there's a better that way to deal with this. it would be a mistake. it's something we cannot support, but also very big criticism of what's going on in terms you've heard is that of the, of the, of the 8 effort a cannot continue. israel needs to do more. this is no send off. i'm so i think he's going to have compared with the meetings he's having today, very, very fusty meetings when he's in television, jerusalem in 24 us time. how, how does how hot and monitoring is really reaction for us from occupied a stores? it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said earlier this week that no matter what international pressure comes, his way is rule is still going to prosecute this war however they see fit until there is an absolute victory. now this will be anthony blinking 6th time and israel since the war began, and there has been quite an exchange of words between these realities and their
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american counterparts. there's been a lot of disagreements. the us president joe biden saying himself that he had requested from these really a delegation to even come to washington to brief them on how exactly they are going to go about this invasion. instead of off, for nearly a 1000000 and a half people are seeking refuge in the u. s. has also said that this would be a mistake. and the president himself previously said that it was a red line, but nothing y'all who maintains his assertion, but it's absolutely necessary in order to achieve a total and complete victory over how mass. so it will be interesting to see what comes out of this meeting with the us secretary of state and is really officials, especially since the tone of the united states has been changing and recent weeks as well as those different arsic efforts continue that spring. you. what's happening on the ground target was there, and when the latest strikes in gauze, i hear reports from rough. every single hour for palestinians could be very,
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very intensive in terms of is when it strikes, as we have been seeing more focus of military attacks or the middle areas of the territory. specifically in their blackboard. 10 palestinians have to reported ages after their residential buildings. they are taking schultz and had been completely reduced to the russell and i'm trying to rescue efforts being made to recover the majority of the injured also who are still stuck on the delivery of this destroyed house. want to know also we have been hearing loud explosions and the southern part of the city of cartoonists, along with ongoing, also artillery bombardments of the messiah rock, a refugee camp alongside also with my guys and know these areas recently had been also exposed to a number of bottles in it, the streets between almost spiked is and the is really so we just bought mainly the main attacks also had been carried out in the facility overseas hospital where it had the town to be
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a complete battle zone right now where hundreds of palestinians are you trying to get the truck inside the hospital? what was your opinion need as of quote for an immediate monetary enforce, but it would lead to a cease fire garza. the announcements has come out of an air summit and russel's the irish prime minister who attended that meeting said that the response to the crisis and palestine has been appointing. i spoke to an asshole. he's a professor as secure as a notary studies at the doha institute. for graduate studies, he says, is really general's or claiming success even though fighting is still ongoing. and parts of goals of that was supposedly kid of the is a government has multiple times said that it would like to go into rafa. and 5 minutes turned it. and you know, said that the, he perceives that there is no strategic victory without profile. and without controlling the board is between the gaza strip in egypt, which means and all the escalation and then all the station area, what do you have?
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the population density is a quite high or by some estimates over $18000.00 per square kilometer there. so any, any type of fighting there with a, with small arms or with heavy activity in an air strikes will be disasters for the civilians. so the, the on that, and the generals in these on these, the side believe that they're doing well in terms of their mean if the achievements between stations they believe that they're doing well despite, with this regard to the civilian casualties, the is going on there. but the, what we see on the ground that the, even if they think that they're doing well, the idea is that they supposed to have been created to have been cleared. like the most of guys always do. the fighting is still ongoing. there at the, i'll just need a correspondence right now have as reported on the battle zones. and in guys, a city which was entered into a very, very beginning of this operation off to the 27th of october. so you know,
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way we're not seeing these strategic successes, they believe that they have strategic successes and they want to continue into it off. what is, what is the international community, including the greatest ally of, of israel, the united states, saying directly that each one's a and a and immediate and sustain ceasefire. israel has been experienced by the united nations restricting the industry of 8 to garza and using starvation as a weapon of ahead of the world health organization says the only way to stop widespread funding is to allow more trucks to enter and buy land. the only the expansion of the land crossings we lead the largest scale deliveries to prevent fire mean. all requests to deliver to supplies that are often blocked or refused damage. drugs and continuous finding, including in the am, close to hospitals mean delivers are few. and so
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funerals have been held for some of the palestinians killed in the occupied westbank on wednesday. and another night a violent is randy rhodes. one of them was 19 year old in the home, and so he and have a shot and killed outside the refuge account that he left in or con, joined his family in alabama. and from why she sent me this report, a fresh post of 19 year old mohammed says here shots, down in his youth, his face joins the schools of post those previous to killed in his ready rates. a reminder of the recent violence, the people of discounts tested for decades. the model. yeah. but any time that is there any autonomy? storms, independence thing and area depths. although we are talking about jeanine to boss and today embody the bleeding continues and the ducks continue. because the is there a government gave the green light to the army, took the young people. what addict occupation for young? i'm addie amadi was rated during the 80 hours wednesday morning. mohammed was on
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the outskirts, becomes a c on the big guns withdrawal. it was there, he was shots in the had a phone, the atmosphere here, and all of my refugee camp, the body of muhammad. so he has carney inside the mosque where the holding press. he's also being carried by his friends and family to his mother's house, where she's got, say, a final good bye. and then he'll be buried inside the cemetery and alberta, how much was the phone refugee? the campus built in 1949 off to israel was established. i'm more than 700000 palestinians were expelled from their homes. it wasn't the only campus suffered from the 9th of finance during his rating rates, nor sums refugee kevin token and what's the worst hit for palestinians killed 2 in this way. the striking to buy life bullets is ready forces took her up the streets and destroyed infrastructure with almost old houses. and before midnight
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engineering and is ready asked right, talk to the car, killing 3 palestinians to excite is from the janine battalion will funerals, health and all to familiar sites in the city. and good ton towards the policy. the storage heat that was holding lots of people cool, political prisoners in the cale supported security, both of short towards the crowds injuring thousands of people to back. you know, be this well, how much friends and family much with his body to his final resting place. now it's time to say goodbye for the oil to wear the waves of fine, and we'll continue north on. i'll just see or i'll be there occupied westbank. the european union says it's now looking at using profits from frozen russian assets to
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finance ministry support for ukraine. speaking of the latest summers and brussels european council present a strong shouts of the was speeding off its military support for your brain, including the files and defense systems. natasha box that has moved from not so much. i that we have a situation in which has been more than 2 years since russia invaded ukraine. and what we saw here on the 1st day of this, you saw me some brussels was the lead, is agreeing that they need to continue the support for keys and me to step up a military aid. and one of the ways they looking at is trying to supply teeth with more weapons is using a profit. so from some russian a for use in funds. and those profits they say, could be used by the sold to munition, the missile defense systems of the so by the needs of our keys. in fact, we heard from zillow to me is, let's give you create a new person to join the meeting, live video link, saying that the situation of course is ever more urgent. so that's what's been
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happening here in terms of how that you is looking at trying to step on military, idaho, we'll say encouraging the 27 member states to do while actual deals with key words . they can also send weapons from nations to keyes as well. there is a real sense of renewed urgency when it comes to ukraine in the u following of vladimir pollutants reelection in russian. also looking at what was happening in the united states wavering support to ukraine, the uncertainty about the future. and what we're hearing here in brussels, the level of the lead is a saying, what we need to do in the use really bolster our own defense capabilities. and almost in a way, put ourselves on a war footing. i mean, well, russia has their own instance launch estimates all attack and weeks on ukraine's capital. they're creating an air force as missile defense units shopping down. but at least 17 people were injured. as missiles of re fell across several districts and cheese from apartments called fire and schools in warehouse was also damaged
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from the fried, went to the same for us in cheese. this was the largest such missile strike against the cave regents in a month and a half. the rate alone was issued in the early hours of thursday morning local time, after large numbers of across to a detective taking off from russian fields. and then the 1st explosions began. just before dawn. as ad defenses across the city got to work into septic incoming missiles with debris falling at a number of locations, causing widespread damage and also a number of casualties. the all star these rec, and the just over the t ms tiles were fired. 2 of them, they say, well hypersonic kings old miss all the rest of the said to have been cruise missiles, all fired from strategic bonus. people here took to the right shows is also seeking shelter as they have done in the past, in the metro system until the all clear was finally given like to in the morning
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when they say it over the shelves. initiative nice and lots are now doing everything to destroy a nation. a task is a people is to stay united into a remainder who is the enemy. as the clean up operation has been continuing to go out and says that people have been assessing damage to the homes and also to that business yard covered through for pick up your life. it makes your heart weak. you have something one moment and then the next it's gone. this attack comes just a day off to revisit by us national security advisor jake sullivan to keep promising that to billions of dollars in military aid that are still held up in the us. congress will eventually he says, be released, but the president followed them. is the lensky and his nightly address wednesday, saying the more defensive and defensive or desperately needed that coming on the day of a strike on the north eastern city of cock p, but claims more than
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a 1000 people killed and engine run mcbride, i'll just say era keep us the chief minister of india as capital has been arrested on charges of corruption. ivan can't very well need an army party has been accused of accepting a 12000000 dollar bribe from the contractors nearly 2 years ago. his policy says the charges of fabricated, and that is a rest as part of a political conspiracy by problem. this doesn't render ladies b, j. p, head of national elections there. or india's main opposition parties also accusing prime minister mode of targeting it before the elections. we just had to begin next month. the congress parties bank accounts were frozen last month, pending a tax case which dates all the way back to 2018 tribunal and dismissed. an appeal from the policy is a pause. the recovery of $16000000.00 an income tax from its bank accounts. all bank accounts had been frozen. we can do look, i'm been work. we can not support our workers. we can not support our candidates.
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our leaders cannot fly from one part of the country to the forgets, right? they can take a really good train and this has been done. literally 2 months before the election campaign i thought desperation of immune and defeat the communist party at the highest level, sought to create an alibi. today only uses so it is a professor of politics of development. adults for the university she says of in casual was arrest as part of a pattern of intimidating your position, especially during election season. of the state agencies like the enforcement does exit the center bureau of investigation has systematically gone off. the opposition lead does an opposition walker, so it's going to be a hearing about what's happening in the, in the national gap between them. but this is
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a factor across some nation states of draw cities and with the secret on it since the b g. b came to follow in 201495 percent of the cases by the enforcement agencies have been against a physician to the does the talk to seems very confident at the beginning of taught on all do seem confident that you know the position doesn't stand a job and they keep telling us they are in the survey. and then it's really puzzling to see why the government wants to go off the key opposition because i really gives you out of the, you know, the chief minister identity is a full time. she's in this stuff, he's wrongly defeated the bees and be at the the state government elections. so you know, he, he might be seen as a challenge of the building. don't not really not the national level then why do
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this? um and i suspect that yeah, this is a call from the beach if be saying yes we are going to do the winning. but we also try every trick in the book. the district democracy more and more so it seems going to dixie, it seems very fat annoyed and it seems completely unnecessary for the party that claims to be so strong to the for agencies, according on the international communities to do more to prevent styling. and so dawn, millions that are facing starvation after almost a year of fighting now between the army and the power that through rapid support forces. tens of thousands of people have been killed. have a moving, has more from the capital culture in the human service situation for people trapped in the capital. how to un elsewhere around the country where there is fighting between the recess. and this would in these army is quite catastrophic and dire. now. the united nation says that it cannot access millions and millions of
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civilians who are in desperate need of military assistance. and at least 5000000 are just one step away from simon. and that's because of access to areas where civilians are trapped and where agencies cannot get security clearances to be able to reach those in need. but there's also the issue of the economy itself, but has been affected by the conflict for nearly a year. now, many people who have jobs have not been able to earn their salaries, and therefore they do know that they do not have that purchasing power to be able to afford food and other basic necessities from shops and market. so that has affected their ability to be able to put food on the table and has contributed to the number of people in desperate need of assistance and facing hunger. here in the capital and elsewhere around the country. food commodities are also unable to move freely between markets, even in places that are stable. now, the conflict has also affected sedans, breadbasket, the state of tennessee,
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the in central to them, the rest of took over the state, or at least a large part of the state in december. and that has affected farmers ability to be able to supply the markets with crops and bicycles for people to be able to buy that has lots of cars that see so even the few foods commodities in the market is now more expensive. and again, because of the economy or the world economy, people can no longer afford to buy food. the united nations security council has called for a cease fire to be observed during the moving holy month of ramadan. but slicing continues between the 2nd, these army and the power and military rapids support forces. on tuesday and wednesday, there were incense classes between the 2 sides of the rest of the price of take over a signees army based in the city of me. in the northern parts of the capital console . so while the 2 sides flies each other, bulls are not keeping to the calls of the united nations security council. both wants to gain an upper hand over the other after a year of fighting and as
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a result, civilians in the capital and elsewhere remain trapped in desperate need of assistance . he but morgan, alta 0, talk to the u. s. department of justice has announced a sweeping anti trust case against apple is a company broke us laws that prohibit corporate monopolies. apple is 9, the claims saying they are wrong on the fact. i'm just a little odd is our customer has went out from washington dc. the iphone apples, signature products and the best selling smartphone in the world. is that the center of the us government's anti trust lawsuit. we alleged that apple has consolidated its monopoly power, not by making its own products better by making other products worse. as examples, the last 2 points to the apple wallet payment system and the apple watch. those interface only with the iphone well, competitor watches and digital wallets face apple imposed barriers. and when it
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comes to apple's messaging service, the company is accused of coming up photos and videos exchange with non apple devices and 2022. apple c. e o is asked whether applewood fix iphone to android messaging. the questionnaire are added, quote, not to make it personal, but i can't send my mom certain videos, close quote, a capital c a c e o responded by your mom and i phone. the department of justice has been investigating apple since 2019. and so this lawsuit was long anticipated apple has largely bought off previous complaints of anti trust. but this last 2 cuts to the heart of the company's mission to keep customers hooked on apple products. apple watch an iphone are essential. there were this all the time in a statement in apple spokespersons that the d o. j lawsuit sets a dangerous precedent and hinders the company's ability to innovate. people outside
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of an apple store in washington dc had this to say, that's what they're going to do. they don't get their money, it's not really like, no matter what this is, all a monopoly is plenty of competition against them. i think samsung makes a better product. so we have the freedom to choose what we want valued at nearly 3 trillion dollars. apples annual revenue is greater than the gd piece of more than $100.00 countries. now it's become the largest big tech company to face us government scrutiny. heidi joe castro alger 0, washington or catherine trying. acosta is the director of policy and advocacy at the electronic frontier foundation. she says it is concerning that apple has been forcing up since you mr. earnest fix to its our eco system. and paula, if you send a, if you use a message to message, someone who doesn't have an iphone, which is a lot of people, it's in secure and apple does not let you use another messaging system to make an
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ibex, which secure between those 2 and mail it you download a 3rd party app, but just using that app and making that up secure is not a choice that you are able to make. and so apple, in this case cares about privacy and security when it will lock people into their ecosystem, but not for everybody else. there's always a concern in the sense that a lot of times legislation on technology is a little bit behind where the technology is. but that's not exactly what this lawsuit is about. this lawsuit is about practices that apple is doing that is anti competitive. and so i think there's, there's a difference in legislation that may be says you have to design in a certain way. but there's also even a difference between legislation that says it need, you need to be able to do something, vs, or you need to be able to allow people to do something versus you have to design that a specific way. just another way to think about it is on your laptop,
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which is phones at this point are basically many computers, but on your laptop you can install many things and you can decide to do it. but you can't do that on your phone, is the problem and the fact that apple does it so that they can lock in bigger prices for themselves is a problem. a well still a head here on al jazeera election vassal installed on forgotten the new policy of former president jacob was too much friends to count into support for the governing amc and the engineers and cars. scott races to save $69.00 were having a license. often they both kept sizes of the cost of on change, the had lower that we seeing some very wet weather down on the in australia and let's
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move that to come. thanks to the remnants of a tropical fight cone. megan, she's feeling a pot but still bringing some very heavy rain to central areas that on friday, said, wrenching down pools for the likes of alice springs. we are expecting move flooding, that'll watson over the next few days. can you see it cooling on their own sack? today, some of that stretching out across queensland, pushing down into new south wales as well, but it remains largely dry across the south of astray and into the west. places like puts seen the temperature deep down slightly over the weekend. the story for much of the country, we had a cold bloss suite through the se, looking temperatures down for the good news is they will be picking up as we go into the new week. if we look at a 3 day for sydney, sunny skies from sunday to monday, the temperature pushing up towards the 30 degrees celsius. now as long as we twine several picture, fornia zealand or it has been, but you can see that swell of rain starting to work its way to northern parts of the south side and on was it to the north island? plenty of rain headed for the bay of plenty. plenty of rain is the stories of south
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east asia. the heavy falls continuing for eastern areas of indonesia as we go from day to saturday. in china, this is a stomach. the bad thing for the father was killed boys and girls as young as 6 men to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make to run so hard to one. 0, $1.00 east visits china as military capital kids on out to 0. 2 weeks ago, the government have tried to now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world foot program says the food in
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these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support the nation. that's 2900000 people for depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out, especially now the ages is popular to or know many drill the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl and the secretary of state says gaps and not rolling in negotiations for 6 fund garza. i'm thinking that foreign ministers in egypt and on friday 0 and the security council is set to vote on the us draft resolution. quoting for us is fine
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and while they're hundreds of just face to palestinians are flat, the goal is assessing as israel's offensive focus is on the strips biggest hospital . the army is now threatening to blow off all she saw when many people still trust their opinion. and it says it's looking if there's any profits from ferguson, russian assets, to finance and military aid for ukraine. speaking of the latest thomas in brussels, european council president strongly shout, send brock is speeding up. it's ministry support as well. it's more ongoing as a has separation, thousands of palestinians, families must have been forced from their homes and arm. so having the holy month of ramadan away from their loved ones who was on the highland reports a rama, then used to be the happiest month of the 1st time. yet how sending she would spend it with our family praying. i'm preparing food together, but is right as well and doesn't change all the the i now separated. she's in rough
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or, and her mother for korea is in the city. how could i miss the sonya? we used to wait happily for the higher the month of ramadan. heard the month of ramadan, his old favorite monks. we used to decorate the houses the streets and we used to propose special meals during ramadan goods. this phone network is largely disruptive, but it's has the means only means of staying in touch with the model compared to contain high emotions when she is adult, as well as the bad mythology, please. how sending back the mazda not to cry to come about it. if that kind of school, and i mean some, some of the whole family worked together, los ramadan, this ramadan, eagle families a divided an older families of last beloved ones. there is no single complete family such separations affecting all ages that they come on from what the kind of she loves my children so much,
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especially green. all my children love her a lot and i dream cries every time because he wants to see his grandmother for her sending a children. the only prayer these from of that is for is the right to and it so on because that so the can see the rest of the family homes, him him at a 0 and focused on at least 2 security personnel have been killed and a suicide bomb attack and was carried out in the northwest in the province of kind of puck to inquire, investigations say, a suspect destination and explosives in here in ami conroy, who dozens overhanging the refugees have been rescued of engineers has actually presence of to their boat capsized. but survivors told how to 0 that many of those drowned jessica washington reports from the innovation capital chicata on the coast as onto providence. in northern indonesia, a frantic incidents play rescue workers as they head out to see,
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to see the group approaching the refugees. thank god, we manage to evacuate 69. well, he was the people safely in general, those we evacuated were in a week condition. rescue is difficulty locating the bones at night. on the way back to show some refugees told imagery 0 that they both had capsized in bad weather. the rain was very heavy and those in the ship didn't try the sand was probably best for it turned over 17 year old submit a since she made the dangerous journey from burglary dish with a sister and nephew. she says there were around 150 people on board, and 2 nephew was just one as many who died when the boat overturned very sag will, very sad to be in the sea. we were very hungry and thirsty fishermen also joined to the rescue efforts and managed to save 6 refugees of cetera was one of them.
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as we were waiting that all wooden boats cracks and i fell into the water, my sister died because we had to wait for a long time. after that dangerous village, they can finally rest and recover engine agents. having survived the violent crack done by security forces on me and most minority muslim groups, then lean to bundle dish, where they faced hardship and poverty, and increasingly crowded and dangerous refugee camps. the un refugee agency estimates about 2000 ro. hugo have arrived in indonesia since october. it says at least $569.00 died. a went missing at sea in 2023. as they tried to reach southeast asia need is the same thing. nation government and the attorneys people to where now they're bringing a refugee is to do some bach. it, it is the only country that has allowed that in
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a systematic manner for the last 5 years. and if you make the, the calculation that has allowed thousands of people to be safe. a small group of demonstrators protested against allegiance, refugees, to arrange. the reason to increase has been accompanied by the spring of online heat. and these information, these refugees are safe here in a chain of services. she plans to make another journey soon to be with her husband in malaysia, jessica washington, which is 0 to counter now to spain, where the exiled leader of the capital and separate has appointment. so if you will run in the region, small collection and name colors, bridge, and long made that announcement at a press conference in front spain's parliament recently. versus what of honesty is the leaders of the separatist movement which the quotes had to leave.
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so don't forget is running, policy is facing it's toughest election baffle since taking or the when a policy it and the few years ago, a new policy and created by phone the president, jacob's doing that is challenging the amc hardwood task. the reports from because it in a town a proven, simply be a key battleground provides, in may general election of these women in rural causal. and i tell province say they've never had running water at home. so this is what swimming into, what do they use? your tadpoles so that because general election is in may, politicians are again promising to improve services for the full full full lot these creatures we'd be most in for a long time. but we've gotten nothing. was to be in the top province, is a home, a former president jacobs who might be suspended from the governing african national congress put back in his new party without formerly resigning from the amc
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. zooming leads, i'm going to as easily which means the speed of the nation in english co n k. as is widely known, the part is only a few months old, but it's already won by elections in this province, prepaid. why in, in mt? i'm not the only people who are coming from, from, from, from, from, from in the, on the coming from biomass do funded for the to kind of organization just because of the duplicates fixing in this context. men, they've been maintained for such a long time. so now that due to zoom, i was previously jails to contempt of court. he's still facing corruption charges of a multi $1000000000.00 on this deal. despite that he has and loyal following and see politicians say they are not worried. we're not going to notice. it wasn't not that way the people they conducted in connecticut to something know incorrect and nothing was really natal is a key political battle ground for votes with his v as of violence,
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attentions rise ahead of voting day in south africa, the president is elected by parliament the a and c gets below 50 percent at the polls in may. it will have to form a coalition without the opposition parties to govern frustration over the struggling economy failing public services and repeat the corruption involving top officials as eastern to wait and see support. that's why some analysts believe the governing amc for face. it's tough of election. so take know the opposite of pa take 30 years ago. the hardwood task out is there a number on the south african center? go is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and yet moving 20 percent of the population doesn't have jobs. now with the presidential election, you just next week attaching unemployment has been a major issue on the campaign trail. and it was hacked reports from under jani 70 columbus, a south of the synagogues capital dot com. this bus is caring people under
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journey that appears to slow for some impatience quickly towards to and they won't change calling for a new driver. they try to get rid of head causing the best. it's worth the but not to worry. this is all a bad dream and part of a political campaign, the presidential candidate for senate goes really in party. i'm a new box is in the driver's seat and his campaign messages. the road to police and prosperity is slow and difficult to set. a goal needs a stability now more than ever. a delayed presidential election in 2 years are fully kalonde. risk have overshadowed the last 12 years of record economic growth under president mike himself. he launched the construction of a new city. jim got you built on money from oil and gas. he called it the silicon valley of africa. but this is the $2000000000.00 project. now it's still under
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construction. where has the money gone wonders, e said a farmer turn shopkeeper. we met him in 2019. it is the village of russ bit you, when he voted for cells reelection, convinced by the promise of a prosperous senegal. but his hope has turned to despair. the 2nd is barely surviving. the disability does not since 2019 things difficult less that was kind of it then the roster ukraine and then everything became more expensive and more developed. meanwhile, the rich got richard, especially those corrupt politicians. then it goes, economy is predicted to grow by 8.3 percent in 2024, due to its exports of liquefied natural gas. despite a roaring economy, many young senegalese b like the country's wealth, is costing them by and with this presidential election, they hope to find a new direction that can carry their hopes and aspirations. opposition candidate
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joe mike fi is caring a traditional group calling for radical change. he says he wants to sweep the country clean of corruption and steer it towards a more fair and just to side, to very different campaigns. competing on the promise to drive senegal forward in an unpredictable election. nicholas hawk allergy 0 the car government officials in nigeria all facing a 3 month bond from going on public defended foreign trips. nigeria, as president, is reported to be concerned by the increasing amount of travel expenses for public solven's, photo turnover and his cabinet. there had been criticized for making frequent trips and brought them stones next month when it's now been 5 months since a series of route craigs and west of that's kind of strong. nearly 1500 people died and move in to thousands of injured life. so many survivors remains difficult, as are some of them debates reports from health problems,
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or these are some of the most remote villages invested in a bunch of stuff. when you go to the quick struck rescue machinery couldn't get here and the wounded didn't make it to the hospital. thousands of lives were changed forever. parties ever lost his wife and 2 sons. he run to the house and tried to use his hands to take them out, but it was too late. then you won't be startled when you get with all the things. there was a big difference in my life now, when it was best before. now this is the house i live in. i have a home i the life and the life partner. the difficulty is the cold, the stress is the green, the food we have now is rice, flour and cooking oil. i am depressed into that and that's very cold him to come in for generations. they've lived a simple life, had growing their own food and raising animals. the quick strong, strong homes built that luck, breaks into tombs. it's been months since the devastating earthquake but life. it's
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still in this village where more than 200 people were buried alive, and now their homes are marked by the flags which have become their graves. each one of these flags spread across dozens of villages in 6 districts represents families and individuals as more than a 100000 people who are effected newly built villages are taking shape. although with limited facilities, the thought of government says it plans to build sturdier structures, as the sun has been neglected for decades. that there are plans for the clinic must in school in the same cluster. so people do not have to travel long distances . you know, the sizes are 2 of, according to the most important, most of the one, the most important thing for these people were their homes, which they inherited from their forefathers. we have plans to build them 4000 homes . they're being built by the islamic emeralds. agencies ask, and businessman and other international, 80
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o c. as in the united nations and some neighboring countries have provided significant assistance in the home, you might have this one lady. it would be a long and expensive road to the company. the quakes follow the decades of conflict, years of drought, food shortages, and commodity, and crises, and for people like cetera, their loss is a reputable. some of the driving down to the rest. and a lot of some farmers and the philippines are desperate for rain. a long dry spell is being blamed on the effects of the climate passing known as i mean. as long as the low reports, the ground is expected to affect my school problem, it says during the hottest time is virginia, which starts next month. in the decade, steve been growing rise, these pharmacy, they've never seen the soil crack in the rice fields until the season. it hasn't been for months due to the climate pattern known as only and you know, and the thing and filled with the government and provided water for irrigation. it
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was too late because they prioritize other areas. our crops were that before they receive water, the deep was that the use as an alternative have not been of help either. how many, you know, the new bundle ground water supply is also dwindled to google. it must also be because of the outlet in your bundles, a lot in this town alone, some 1500 hector's of farm land are parched and pharmacy. they're now deeper in debt, government weather forecast or save virtually the entire country will be affected by a nino by april, which is also the hottest month of the year in the philippines. farmers have suffered the most with crop damage amounting to more than $30000000.00 and counting a government special task force on italy in your says the tri spill has peaks, but it's going to get worse before it gets better than the new is actually weakening. but the weather bureau compared the situation to
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a flap iron. so once it's plugged, you can feel the constant heat. but once you unplug it, the, the effects of the heat still remain. people living in the capitol, manila have been warned. the water service may be disrupted as water level and dams across the country are declining, and that means water for irrigation is likely to get even scar sir. warranty below al jazeera san miguel bullock on the philippines are such as i want to fatality rates will be too low to sustain population levels in most countries. by the end of this century, the report in the british medical journal alonzo, it says populations and a 198 of 204 countries will shrink. first, past will be in developing nations and says that in balance can lead to huge social economic, angie or political change. well still ahead here on al jazeera, i'm assuming time is determined to keep practicing despite increased. is there any check points and you don't supplied restaurant the
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the welcome back. some you, if you need is an energy expense. according for an expansion, the nuclear power industry, things will help to reduce carbon emissions. how some of our has moved from brussels with anything. the nuclear energy is back stronger than ever until a few years ago. the consensus globally was to shut down reactors and shift to soda and wind energy, but the phone out from the boeing ukraine, the increasing electricity bills in europe. the fees of disruption to oil and gas
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supplies in a bit of time it is, is forcing europeans and many other nations into a you to, on just the french economy. it could be had taught president a by the way, my crone with this applies to shut down reactive and easy instead buildings anymore . we can liquefy on liberty t but it's easier to click these pod use. we've spoken a few. it's a stupid move you can decide to make a big a big move to was molly's verification. but if you have thought that the dependence on complicated reasons, let's say, you know, a bill to poll to quote you so on that explicitly. it couldn't be a complicated move, but germany is on the to. it has recently shut down. it's last remaining reactive spain. the 2nd largest nuclear energy producer in europe would follow suit. you
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seems to be facing a dilemma. and it's unclear if it's with a be able to then level his promise of becoming a clean energy economy. one day. this event is an event that also embrace this renewables, the nuclear and renewables go head and hands. and if we want to achieve our goals and we want to achieve as fast, that nuclear is going to play a role. octave is to try to block roads near the summit venue for them. the nuclear energy revival is an act of betrayal. yeah, here to the number that you submit, the simplest ash of the energy transition. yeah, and that's the same thing. it's not going to seem to assignments. for now, you will be the insist that we may commit to that you would be comp and you tool by 2050. but that would depend on whether they can secure hundreds of billions of
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dollars worth of investments in technology renovation. those high pays out of expensive new to energy capacity will have to and they, the fee is of many people still hold to buy the images of the to know bill and focus. she and that is losses, as well as the octave as toward the rate you active waste from the reactors, will remain a major environmental threat for many hundreds of years to come to mind, but i 0 brussels to bob reynolds takes a look at the state of the new to energy industry in north america. there are $54.00 to clear power plants in the united states providing 18.6 percent of us electricity generation. and 6 in canada, accounting for about 15 percent of that country's electricity. the average us commercial nuclear reactor is about 42 years old. the us power industry seems to be at a crossroads. the industry has basically stagnated in the us,
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like it has in many western countries of the last several decades. largely because of cost and safety reasons. the popularity of nuclear energy decreased rapidly following a partial meltdown at the 3 mile island plant in pennsylvania in march 1979, followed by the tr noval catastrophe in 1986 and the soviet union. and the machine of nuclear plant explosion in japan in 2011. now with increased urgency over the climate crisis, nuclear is having a moment both the by the administration and congress support, speeding up development of a new generation of nuclear power plants. the nuclear industry is pushing for adoption of small modular reactors or s m r's. there is a big interest or in tuesday, as of some people may call it a rash or down into the as 4 or here i should like silver s for nuclear power or
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united states, but not the type of or react or sort of huge reactors that we have the nuclear industry is pushing for adoption of small modular reactors or s m, ours s m, ours will be cheaper to mass produce, and proponent, se safer to operate in a passive safety technology. so the idea is, it's not that you need someone to press a button to stop process. you don't need a computer to activate something that you know, in the event of emergency. if any element of the system is broken, the whole thing automatically shuts down. not through any safety protocol, but through actually the way it's designed through the laws of physics. last year, the us nuclear regulatory commission approved the 1st s m r design. although no plans have yet been built, system safety experts say another nuclear mishap. what would immediately dash the industries hopes thinking about and think of
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a has to be called my multiple when it comes to a new par. thank you. how about on think of one accident and any new product that on divorced? this industry is really as vague as this week is. sleek nuclear power will likely be a part of the effort to phase out fossil fuels, but how widely and rapidly it will expand, remains in del rob reynolds, l g 0. los angeles is room is type thing, it's group only occupied westbank and making it more difficult for palestinians to move around. but one splits group is finding ways to get around increasing numbers of his randy checkpoints and sets her attacks. victoria gave me takes a look for these palestinian climb is just getting to this valley in the occupied westbank to practice this quote is itself a challenge virus that'd be go says growing numbers. it is way to check points with
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soldiers. always rarely settlers living in the surrounding hills, a dangerous obstacles that a tuft is acom. we have seen a lot of depression event against us. that you always feel that you are being targeted. like the fake sense of security they used to have one's now is completely gone because it's very easy for you to be caught in the wrong time and place. it's never been hard, is the palestinians to move around the occupied westbank or why the elko is a popular destination for climb is 5 kilometers. is south of bethlehem, on the way is where the soldiers stopped the target cabinet to check point your them as i did talent gates, i was in the shed taxi and i had some water in my bag. so the check point, the soldier pulled the contents of my buffalo into my back for no reason. i mean, why did they do that without in the sent more than 400 palestinians have been
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killed by his ready forces? will settlers in the occupied westbank since israel launched it's wrong cause i'm older 5 months ago. but the time is say, is really soldiers are less likely to harris them if they joined by friends from abroad. and one of them is judy, a villa, a climate from it. so they start to, i'm going to suggest to it's really beautiful here with regards to the situation in palestine. there are so many check points. everything is closed. as a westerner, i have more rights than the people living here. and if it's different for the post in ins, even under the severely limited freedoms that come with living on the occupation, these palestinian climb is say that determined to continue exploring the country and assessing their identity, victoria case and b l just there. well that is for me in the stalls here, 10 cherry johnston will be in with more of the day is news next. do stay with the
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if nature does not function, we don't we depend which takes care of itself from nature. we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon. despite being housed in 2018. so the practice prime minister is back in power along with his hotline politics. he needs someone to hate. that's help up who lives in works along with who didn't. how would his reappearance affect neighboring? you've craig, and the persecutes of minorities within the slovak republics, borders? honestly, i have to say that i'm afraid of the return or so on. and just being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is
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a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divides us through a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to rubric language world wide shea come out. award for translation . and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash
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e m. the a still difficult work to get there, but i continue to believe as possible. you are a secretary of state and to me bank and pushes for a safe spot in gaza on the release of captives the so i'm carry johnston. this is all just there are lots and also coming up israel or does the evacuation of kansas and not just hospital forcing hundreds of palestinians the, the south the red cross describes sit down conflict as of production crisis as millions main displaced on the verge of farm it will have a nice system.


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