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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the still difficult work to get there, but i continue to believe as possible. you are a secretary of state, anthony banking pushes for a safe spot in gaza and the release of captives the film carrie johnston. this is i'll just share a life and also coming out israel or does the evacuation of kansas and not just hospital forcing hundreds of palestinians the, the south. the red cross describes sit down conflict as
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a forgotten crisis. as millions main displaced on the verge of finding, we'll have a night system that the minister of india is capital is rest. 2 weeks before general elections. this policy says charges or fabricate the us justice department, and 16 states su apples choosing it to monopolize sponsored rockets. smart devices the there's a renewed diplomatic push for cease 5 and gaza for the series of high level talks. and then at least us take a, just a anthony blinking has been meeting regional foreign ministers in egypt. he says gaps all narrowing and the negotiations with israel and how nice there's a clear consensus around a number of shared priorities. first,
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the need for an immediate sustained cease fire with the release of hostages. that would create space to search more humanitarian assistance to relieve the suffering of many people and to build something more enduring. meanwhile, to us as a draft resolution, recognizing the need for an immediate cease, spots will be voted on the un security council. on friday. the move follows weeks of consultations on the ground. and goza is really troops are continuing their attacks on lc for hospital is desperate civilians, fleet, others are still trapped out the medical complex, which these ready armies threatening to blow up. what does this says is very attacks continue across the gaza strip. within the past few hours and strike targeted a family home and the injuring 15 people early, my colleague necessity of taste spoke to, i'll just say was diplomatic edison james base. he says is not
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a different tone from the us compared to the start of the war. he seems to have some optimism with regard to the talks of taking place here in the hall. he says the gaps and narrowing. he said that before says the torch is still difficult, but i continue to believe it's possible. he said he comp put a timeline on it, but what we do know from, from what's going on is that they see i direct to bill buttons. some to key might be coming to the hall. we know definitely the most at direct to david vanya. he's on his way to catch off. he was here earlier in the week, so an upgrading of the talks again with his arrival here. oh, he will, sir. i noticed thinking it was making numerous references to pressing countries in the region attempt to normalize relations with his route. he says regional integration is one of the building blocks of last in peace. and we know that this is something they've been working on for for very long time, but you think this is perhaps a current that they're trying to use with as well. perhaps one of the only strategic points of leverage they have right now. yeah. because everything else he
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was talking about was really negative for his route and it did seem to me the time to change the 6 visits when he came to the region. soon after october, the 7th, there was a really quite frosty relations and reception from the arab of and they was very critical of the united states. now it's the other way around. they seem to agree on most things. and there was a lot of criticism of israel, that criticism of, of a roof or offensive saying there's a better that way to deal with this. it would be a mistake. it's something we cannot support, but also very big criticism of what's going on in terms you've heard of that or of, of the, of the 8 effort a cannot continue. israel needs to do more. this is no send off. i'm so i think he's going to have compared with the meetings he's having today, very, very fusty meetings. when he's in television, jerusalem in 24 us time. i'm the so who it says monitoring there is raining, reaction from occupied these through some it is rarely prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu has said earlier this week that no matter what international pressure comes his way. israel is still going to prosecute this war. however, they see fit until there is an absolute victory. now this will be antennae blinking 6th time and israel since the war began. and there has been a quite an exchange of words between these rallies and their american counterparts . there's been a lot of disagreements. the us president joe biden saying himself that he had requested from these really a delegation to even come to washington to brief them on how exactly they are going to go about this invasion. instead of off, for nearly a 1000000 and a half people are seeking refuge and the u. s. has also said that this would be a mistake. and the president himself previously said that it was a red line, but nothing y'all who maintains his assertion, but it's absolutely necessary in order to achieve a total and complete victory over how mass. so it will be interesting to see what
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comes out of this meeting with the us secretary of state and is really officials, especially since the tone of the united states has been changing and recent weeks. all right, assume has more on the latest strikes and gaza. he reports now from rough. every single hour for palestinians could be very, very intensive in terms of is when it strikes as we have been seeing more focus of military attacks or the middle areas of the territory. specifically, in their blackboard 10 palestinians have to reported ages after their residential buildings. they are taking shelter and had been completely reduced to the russell and i'm going to rescue efforts being made to recover the majority of the injured also who are still stuck under the debris of this destroyed house. but do not also we have been hearing loud explosions and the southern part of the city of cartoonists, along with on going also artillery bombardments of the messiah rock, a refugee camp alongside also with my guys and know these areas recently had been
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also exposed to a number of bottles in it, the streets between almost spiked is and the is really so we just bought mainly the main attacks also had been carried out in the facility overseas hospital where it had beat down to be a complete battle zone right now where hundreds of palestinians, are you trying to get the truck inside the hospital as well? has been accused by the un, no restricting. the entry of a to go, sir, and using stones nation as a weapon of what the head of the world health organization says the any way to stop widespread funding is to allow more trucks to enter by land. only the expansion of the land crossings really level large scale deliveries to prevent fire . i mean all requests to deliver to supplies that are often blocked or diffused. that means drugs and continuous finding, including in the am,
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close to hospitals mean delivers are few. and so the funerals have been held for some of the h palestinians killed and occupied westbank on wednesday. the nights of buttons is very rates one was 19 year old mohammed. so here he was shot and killed outside the refugee camp. he lived in laura con, joined the family in albert, right from where she sends. now this report, a fresh post of 19 year old mohammed has here shots down in his youth, his face joined for schools of posts of those previously killed in his ready raids . a reminder of the week from finance, the people of discount books tested for decades. the queen, mama edward anytime today, is there any autonomy? storms, independence thing in the area. that's although we are talking about jeanine to boss and today embody the bleeding continues and the ducks continue because these are in government gave the green light to the army,
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took the young people who are the direct occupation. maddie amadi was rated during the 80 hours of wednesday morning mohammed was on the outskirts becomes as the army began to withdrawal. it was there, he was shots in the head of phone, the atmosphere here and out of my refugee camp. the body of mohammed, son, he has currently inside the mosque where the holding press. he's also being carried by his friends and family to his mother's house where she's got say, a final good bye. and then he'll be buried inside the cemetery. and alberta, how much is the phone refugee? the campus built in 1949 off to israel was established a move and 700000 palestinians were expelled from their phones. it wasn't the campus suffered from midnight to bind and stirring his rating raids, nor some sort of g kevin token and what's the worst hit for palestinians killed 2 in this way. the striking to find life bullet is ready forces to her up the streets,
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destroyed infrastructure with all that food is, is. and before midnight engineering and is ready asked right, talk to the car, killing 3, palestinian to excite his from the, to the battalion, bull funerals, health and all to familiar sites in the city. and get turned towards the policy. the story is heat that was holding lots of people, cool, political prisoners in the kale supported security. both of shot tools to crowds injuring thousands of people back. you know, be their home. it's friends and family, much with his body to his final resting place. now it's time to say goodbye, but they are all too aware the waves of fine and will continue north on algebra. i'll be there. okie pied, westbank the, the
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8 agencies are quoting on the international community to do more to prevent from it and so done. millions of facing salvation. after almost a year of fighting between the army and power, minute to rapid support forces, tens of thousands of people have been killed. even morgan has more from saddam's capital accounting in the human service situation for people trapped in the capital . how to un elsewhere around the country where there is fighting between the recess and this would in these army, is quite catastrophic and dire. now. the mazda admission says that it cannot access millions and millions of civilians who are in desperate need of the parent assistance. and at least 5000000 are just one step away from simon. and that's because of access to areas where civilians are trapped and where agencies cannot get security clearances to be able to reach those in need. but there's also the issue of the economy itself, but has been affected by the conflict for nearly a year. now, many people who have jobs have not been able to earn their salaries,
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and therefore they do know that they do not have that purchasing power to be able to afford food and other basic necessities from shops and market. so that has affected their ability to be able to put food on the table and has contributed to the number of people in desperate need of furniture and assistance and facing hunger. here in the capital and elsewhere around the country. which commodities are also unable to move freely between markets, even in places that are stable. now, the conflict has also affected sedans, breadbasket, the states of, to the, to, in central, to them. the rest of took over the state, or at least a large part of the state in december. and that has affected farmers ability to be able to supply the markets with crops and buy symbols for people to be able to buy that has lots of cars that see. so even the few foods commodities in the market is now more expensive. and again, because of the economy or the world economy, people can no longer afford to buy food. so united nations security council has
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called for a ceasefire to be observed during the moving holy month of ramadan. but slicing continues between the 2nd, these army and the power and military rapids support forces. on tuesday and wednesday, there were incense classes between the 2 sides of the recess. tried to take over a suit the needs army base in the city of me in the northern parts of the capital console. so while the 2 sides flies each other, bulls are not keeping to the calls of the united nations security council. both wants to gain an upper hand over the other after a year of fighting and as a result, civilians in the capital and elsewhere remain trapped in desperate need of assistance . he but morgan, alta 0, talk to you on this. and your info is the regional spokes person for the international committee of the red cross in africa. she says appliances to those displaced people, his notes being given, advocates international attention. it's been an incredibly difficult. yeah. for us,
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because when we are faced with humans stuff great on such a very big scale and when we, what we can bring and what we can do to help this people is just a tiny fraction of some pad to be scaled between. when he tiring needs, it is a very frustrating experience and just with pulling up urgency folks. and when you turn in excess around so done to people in the capital cartoon in different areas of dark fluids because time is running now. so done ease with a country with active war, well divided by front lines controlled by different sites and this conflict. so crossing front sides has been extremely difficult and dangerous. we have had a bad security incidents where people will use an insured and it's just we come to work in the conditions where we have to put them to scale
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the so many trevor needs for to a truck and to respond to and also the safe to of all wrong stuff. so shocking how late. so we hear about 2 business days. so when we looked at what is happening when i spoke with women and children, for now, refute is in charge just across. so the news board that they are the folks that traumatized, they have nothing to read every day for them is a survival of just trying to survive. so the head on the eldest era, the entities and coast guard races to save the dozens of whom get my goods off to the boat capsized, something more than a 1000 people are injured in ukraine's capital of the russian launches this biggest miss austin. so i can weeks the
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route to you by visit capital had lower the spring may have swept into north america, but the 1st weekend of spring is set to be more winter. you've got some heavy snow to full in places and some very stormy weather event set to sleep in to washington dc. but just days ago we saw a lovely, clear skies the cherry blossoms in bloom. they are on the threat, however, because you've got some very cold air rushing down from the north that meets with a woman rap pushing up from the south and where that line you can see it mashing it together. that's what we see. the for rush of stones more in the way of winter weather, moving across the great lakes and heavy snow to come for places like minneapolis and all those were rushes storms kicking up across the gulf of mexico. moving across the south eastern states and eventually across the eastern states, all the u. s. has a very heavy snow to come heavy rain as well. and you see those blustery wins that
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will bring some destruction, possibly to coastal areas. and it is looking any better on the west coast. you can see bits and pieces of rain with a winfrey mix, some heavy snow coming into the rockies as it goes out today into sunday. but it's the logic quiet picture for much of mexico. the worst of that rain moving its way across florida, bringing fondest phones to the likes of western cuba and some very heavy rain to the bahamas on saturday. the weather brought to you by visit castle in china. this is the summer. the bathroom for the father was killed, boys and girls as young as 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect the country. i would make to run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits china as military capital kids on al jazeera. these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely undesirables. the viability of many eco systems is at stake,
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as is the viability of civilization. as we know it's dying coming soon the the mind of a main stories. now, us secretary states as gaps on narrowing and negotiations for cease firing concepts as they didn't commit foreign ministers in egypt on friday. the un security council set to vote on us draft resolution quoting for c, spawn hundreds of displaced palestinians have that goal is a city, is israel offensive focus on the scripts because the army threatening to that was she felt many people still trapped millions of facing salvation and sit down
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and many a year of pointing on me and her ministry records for agencies quoting on the international community to do that. now the chief minister of india is capital has been arrested on charges of corruption is spotty calls it a political conspiracy like 5 minutes to an intern mode is b. j. p. head of national elections up into the category. well, neither of the of the party has been accused of accepting a 12000000 until the drive from the contract is only 2 years ago. every well has become the 1st sitting chief minister to be arrested fucking waves of protests. my policy supports has endears main opposition parties also accusing permanent stability of targeting is before the elections, which began next month, the congress. the policies of bank accounts were frozen last month ending a tax case which dates back to 2018. i tried to, you know,
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dismissed an appeal from the policy to post the recovery of $16000000.00 in income tax from its bank accounts. all our bank accounts had been frozen. we can do look, i'm been look as we can not support our workers. we can not support our candidates, are the, those cannot fly from one part of the country to the forgets, right? they can take a really good train and this has been done literally 2 months before the election campaign and i thought desperation of immune and defeat the communist party at the highest level, sought to create an alibi today. i think the so the is the professor politics solved abutment at oxford university. she says often entry wells arrest is possible . patsy knows intimidating opposition, especially during election season. the state agencies like the enforcement did
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exit. the center bureau of investigation has systematically gone off. the opposition lead does an opposition walker, so it's gonna be a hearing about what's happening in the, in the national gap between them. but this is a factor across some nation states of draw cities as to what the secret on it says, the b g. b came to follow in 201495 percent. of the cases by the enforcement agencies have been against opposition. the does the talk to seems very confident at the beginning of taught done. all these seem confident that you know, the opposition doesn't stand the jobs they keep telling us they are in the survey. and then it's really puzzling to see why the government wants to go off the key
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opposition because i really gives you out of the, you know, the chief minister identity is a full time. she's witnessed. uh, he's wrongly defeated the b, b. i at the, the state government elections. so you know, he, he might be seen as a challenge of a building on, not really not at the national level. then why do this? um and i suspect that, yeah, this is a call from the beach if the saying yes we are going to do the winning. but we also try every trick in the book, the district democracy more and more. so it seems going to dixie. it seems very fab annoyed, and it seems completely unnecessary for the party that claims to be so strong to day. as i'm focused on at least 2 security personnel had been killed in a suicide. bomb attack is carried out in the north west and the province of climate pop to inquire, investigate, to say, a suspect designated and explosive. and on the convoy dozens
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overhanging the refugees have been rescued, or indonesia is actually proven soft to them. both capsized but survivors towed out to 0. many of those drowned jessica washington reports from the indonesian capital which account the the coast of anti providence in northern institutions. a forensic influenced by rescue workers as they head out to see, to see the group of working there, very few genes that go to the manage to evacuate 69. well, who can get people safely? in general, those we evacuated were in a week condition. rescue is difficulty locating the bones at night. on the way back to show some refugees told imagery 0 that they both had capsized in bad weather. the rain was very heavy and those in the ship didn't try the sound was properly. that's for it. turnover. 17 year old submit, a said she made the dangerous journey from burglary dish with her sister and nephew
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. she says that was around $150.00 people on board. and her nephew was just one as many died when the boat overturned. very sad. will there be sat to be in the sea? we were very hungry and thirsty fishermen also joined to the rescue efforts and managed to save 6 refugees. of setup was one of them. as we were waiting that are, wouldn't those cracks and i fell into the water? my sister died because we had to wait for a long time after that dangerous village, they can finally rest and recover. engineer having survived the violent current done by security forces on me and most minority muslim groups, then lean to bundle dish, where they faced hardship and poverty, increasingly crowded and dangerous refugee camps. the un refugee agency estimates about 2000 for him to have arrived in indonesia since october. it says at least
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$569.00 died or went missing at sea. in 2023. as they tried to reach southeast asia need is to thing been donation government and the chinese people to allow the reading of references to do some bach. it, it is the only country that has allowed that in a systematic manner for the last high fuse. and if you make the, the calculation that has allowed thousands of people to be safe. a small group of demonstrators protested against allegiance, refugees, to arrange. the reason to increase has been accompanied by the spring to online heat. and this information, these refugees are safe here in a chain of services. she plans to make another journey soon to be with her husband
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in malaysia. jessica washington, which is 0 to come to your opinion, such as looking at using prophets from frozen russian assets to finance ministry support. ukraine speaking to lee this summit and brussels european council present . charles michelle. so the e u is speeding up its ministry support for ukraine, including miss 1000 defense systems. latasha butler has moved from brussels, that we have a situation in which it's been more than 2 years since russia invaded ukraine. and what we saw here on the 1st day of this, the e, somebody's in brussels, was the lead, is agreeing that they need to continue the support for keys and me to step up a military age. and one of the ways they looking at trying to supply teeth with more weapons is using a profit. so from some russian a for using funds,
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those profits they say could be used by the sold to munition the missile defense systems of the so by the need to buy keys. in fact, we heard from zillow to me is, let's give you a cleaning present to join the meeting by video link saying that the situation of course is ever more urgent. so that's what's been happening here in terms of how the you is looking at trying to step on military 8. also encouraging the 27 members space to do while actual deals with keys, which they can also send weapons from nations to keyes as well. there is a real sense of renewed urgency when it comes to ukraine in the us following vladimir pollutants reelection in russian also looking at what was happening in the united states wavering support to ukraine, the uncertainty about the future. and what we're hearing here in brussels, the level of the lead is a saying, what we need to do in the use really bolster our own defense capabilities. and almost in a way, put ourselves on a will forcing special has the lowest as largest to miss all that talking weeks on
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ukraine's capital. at least 17 people were injured as this whole every study in several districts. okay. some apartments, quote 5 schools and warehouses with damage. problem, right? is that seen in key? this was the largest such missile strike against the key region in a month and a half. the rate alone was issued in the early hours of thursday morning local time, after large numbers of aircraft to a detective taking off from russian fields and then the 1st explosions of the guns . just before dawn, as ad defenses across the city got to work into septic incoming missiles with debris falling at a number of locations, causing widespread damage and also a number of casualties. the all star these rec, and the just over the 2 missiles were fired. 2 of them, they say, well hypersonic kings old miss all the rest of the said to have been cruise missiles, all fired from strategic boneless people who took to the right shows is also
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seeking shelter as they have done in the past in the metro system until the all clear was finally given like to in the morning when the say it over this of the initiative nice and lots are now doing everything to destroy a nation. a task is a people is to stay united into a remainder who is the enemy? as the clean up operation has been continuing to go out and says that people have been assessing damage to the homes and also to that business yard covered through the wide. it makes your heart weak. you have something one moment and then the next, it's gone. this the time comes just a day off to revisit by us national security advisor jake sullivan to keep promising but to billions of dollars in military. i that i still held up in the us congress will eventually he says, be released. i but president, a lot of them is the lensky and his nightly address wednesday,
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saying the more defensive defenses are desperately needed, that coming on the day of a strike on the north eastern city of con p, that claims more than a 1000 people killed and injured rub, mcbride, i'll just say era, the us department of justice has announced a sweeping anti trust case against apple. so that is that the tech company broke us knows that prohibits corporate monopolies. apples denies the claims 100 customer reports from washington, dc. the iphone apples signature products, and the best selling smartphone in the world. is that the center of the us government's anti trust lawsuit? we allege that apple has consolidated its monopoly power, not by making its own products better by making other products worse. as examples, the last 2 points to the apple wallet payment system and the apple watch. those interface only with the iphone. well, competitor watches.


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