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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 9:30am-10:00am AST

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flows of lights in god's translation journalism. awesome to every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is era. the headlines president has been forced out after only a year in office, in 5 months old is the latest high profile, figured to be telephones in the country importance to both china and the west. so why has he's gone and what are the international implications? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program and go about this. and now a year ago, 5,
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our tool became president of yet not we've just a 98 percent of a vote at the national assembly. no, he's out of all those other big figures, toppled in an anti corruption drive, but really in communist parties, as he's damaged what it calls the public perception and the reputation of the party and the state vietnam's tons formation from the victorious button. busy right, which country in the 1970s to original economic power has, has been spectacular. no countries, particularly the us, are bringing investments and not weapons, but delicate diplomatic. footwork is needed by how do i to keep good relations with beijing? so what is the hosting of vietnam's present meaning for the country? and what might it's international impact be? we're going to begin with this report from let me call socialise on another fall from the top and handling. vietnam, 2nd president in just over a year has clicked valve on palm. the youngest president in the country's history
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took charge last much of the southern dismissal of his predecessor over corruption charges for him is the latest official to the office during an intensified campaign to come. this party says his shortcomings had negatively affected the reputation of the faulty and the states. we're the call, i will do anything that's a benefit to the people and avoid anything. the tonsils to the people will be determined in the fight against corruption and negative phenomena. while one song was bodies regarded as being close to the poppies, general, the secretary you own for shown the most pulses to get in the position of the preston is knowledge. and he said, munoz, the french tug in the country's political, high, rocky, older voice press them both c u and phones and serve as acting preston. tombstone phone is raising questions about vietnam's, future leadership. the next national congress. but a new need to could be voted in should do for 2026. vietnam is one of the
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easiest fost is growing economies and separate best companies are using it as a manufacturing base. the southeast asian country also sits at the center of the us and china struggling from global influence. and the spear repeated re shuffles of top political leaders could hurt business sentiment in the country. it's very important for the policy to really balance a house relationship between how right now just the culture, but retaining a good the system and to maintain nobody. so it's on the ground because it comes to the role as we add the most important thing for the, for form. and basically i gave him a super coffee. and this, they kind of perform the like, i don't really well, it will lose. the apple is on vietnam's general. the secretary for showing has
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always seen a new decade loan crack down on corruption called blazing furnace. it's led to the investigation of thousands of officials and songs exit has now let the country y t known for stability into uncharted territory. i'm a consumption eve, i'll just see the inside story. okay, we're going to unravel the many strands to the story with our panel of experts in conroy. we have hong young. he's a senior lecturer, vin university, and a widely published political scientist and camera. carlyle, parents, a professor emeritus at the university of new south wales camera, is also a veteran, southeast asia, regional specialist. and in brisbin, we have younger heights, zine, whom you hired from an i'll report a moment ago. he's a visiting fellow with the eye. sees yourself a shocked institute. thank you very much indeed. but i want to start with carlisle fair. just give it a little bit of background. so if it finds a sound it correctly,
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the presidential role is set to be large, the ceremony. why is this change significant? well, they say ceremonial, he has constitutional duties, are quite powerful, all subject to the approval of the national assembly. but he is the leadership faced with counterparts around the world for when jeff um has raised relations and he was ranked number 4 and the political bureau in terms of the voting after the last party congress at 5354 years of age. he was one of only 4 members that would have been qualified under present rules to occupy one of the 4 top leadership positions at the next party congress. unless exemptions were made. and he has a tremendous support among the use of vietnam because he came up through the comment as part of use the union itself. and he supported the secretary general noon from the drum in his athletic corruption campaign. and he was a deputy on the committee for am time corruption, a hi home,
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you're given everything that kind of guy who's just explained why is this reason questions about the political stability of vietnam, particularly given if i understand correctly that the, the vietnam as a country but also the, the communist party particularly, is very used to long term funding. why is there this risk of political instability? well, i think the full being not because it is a one party systems. so those political stability is very important. so that's why a change of any disruptions, the parties really so concerned about the because because they see 3 different stage, they cannot make developments. and as well as it cannot be performed on these bodies for legitimacy and also the powers of the poppy. and that's why the,
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any change the policies will be sophia, the boss. and of course he's been trying to maintain stability and just a full, fully. and um, you know, the uh, to the truck uh for the investments because really he's back in florida. um and is to them in the face of the external investors part the try to keep the stability solar even even though as to what i was to the by the last a got a perhaps some scandal but the top, the still trying to keep these priced and it was on the face of the party, you know, to, to sell to the outside of the top of the country is being stable. hm. and, you know, saying i, they, as far as i can tell, there aren't too many details being given about why the president has been told to
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step done in your assessment. what do you think the possibilities might be? well, i mean, the also announcement of the congress off the site is that we're going to complete the, you know, some things as are the members should not do. and normally for. busy or how far is it not? not side of the visits. and i kinda wanted to make a point. i think it's either of you know, to put you on the secretary general, took office in 2016 and then began to launch this campaign. this goes back 12 years . is there no statute limitations, for example of and also it causes the question, what's called a strategic godrays that he was parish or to, to, into like one guy province. and may not even know what was going on or ignored it. but they were staying at the promulgation of what things party members should
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do when capital came later. so this is really going back into time and it does right of just the question, kind of the ministry of public security at any time for political reasons. and then the party at the house and said, recently, new information became available. so this is quite extraordinary, something that happened 12 years ago to go to apologize, done it in public and have that apology except to put a rubber band in his file and told your on probation for the rest of your term. let's see how you do me. hi home your, i'm, how do you think the people in vietnam are reacting to this, given the points that they are, the other 2 guys have just said not least that this happened about 12 years ago. all be that maybe the evidence may have him here just a month ago as well. the general population i think is the news came as a shock for them because yes, we do to us, we've changed to precedents. so for the general public,
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they didn't understand what happened, what is going on. uh, but i, i just want to follow what com and just to mention this before, i think uh no, uh, bring it in 2013. um, when it got to it was the uh, service uh the part the secretary's a while i plug ins and um, actually the public security um the industry. so it would it be uh discover kind of um a, a link between just a construction project. when i to and also out of a leak. um, however, i think um, uh, is very hot for the uh, the people to understand why the popping securities did not seem to be not. um, uh, uh, you know, make uh something more uh, you know, kind of independent. uh,
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actually do you know, to be done and so i think it comes to the questions of the mechanisms to come to the questions. okay. if you see all those discounts and you know the weight with those onset, uh well it has to be done apparently is it has to be in 10 years. what do you need? the question is now why potty just, you know, we talked to some things that happened, you know, 10 years ago. so, so the people don't really understand. so that's why i think the question about a kind of being fighting with the properties window is really a really core options. um, uh the season oh is really about 20 to go a month device and the 8 finding between functions with the departing full powers given the fact that the of the next congress is within the horizon just for one year. it's time. and that's all i want to pick up on that point. that home young
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was making me the head of the communist party and young phone photo is 79 years old . i think that point has been made that has been the suggestion is jocelyn for part of going on behind the scenes, particularly for the party structure after strong eventually leaves alters what are the chances. do you think that's the coming president or the immediately pharma prize and it has been coal top in those maneuvers and i think it's very likely i believe the fingerprint. so the total on the minister of public security are all over this. we have a current secretary general, so this house is questionable. he's a strong rab, if, if he can't proceed over the next 21 months to shape that the next part of leadership, he is in fact heading the personnel committee. that's there to that and select candidates for the next party congress. and he's already received, pushed back at the bottom of last year and october. he was too strong. also,
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we should be called the last party congress. he nominated his successor, was going to retire, but the central committee overturned it. so we've seen that the party secretary general is not all powerful, easy week and now he had a stroke of 2019 a serious illness again this year. and the, what i call the party where a ministry republic security, the secretary that wants to retain their power. and if they lose him, they may not. and the so called government way which is has lost power since i went to thomas taken over, wants to use this opportunity and their vehicle would, would have been bob on to a younger man who was widely by the light. and i think the public security could not know which direction he was going, so they use this evidence against him. you know, it hangs on the funds on too long. i was elected with over 98 percent of the vote at the, the national assembly. i mean, how awkward is this? how much of an embarrassment might this be for the communist party when they play
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the place so much face in this individual living for a year later to us than from office? it is what we a very negative is that the company's poppy houses up to the operation because it is the single price that i think it will also be very positive id to think about how to people healthy box between the options and also you don't see how pushing a lot of the incumbent girls because i think at the moment when it's younger folks and it's going it's not really. busy well, for me, come out here i, i want to ask you about the beacon. i'm excited this week meant touch on this earlier on that this is likely to have any i or you cannot be. in fact, we mentioned that there are a lot of international investors in vietnam for regard vietnam as a very viable alternative. so to say, during business in china 9 assigned to the 50 us companies in the trade mission and
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vietnam at the moment. how do you think if you have to means they're going to be trying to persuade them that everything is stable while they've been through this before, and they will tell them they both say you're the president transact long, died and office vice president took over for an introvert period, which is just on and then the party worked out an arrangement. in that case, it was unique for the part of the secretary general to simultaneously hold both positions until the end of the term. once that term under a new president was elected, the same will happen now. so that between now and may, when the part of the central committee normally meets, i think the party will get consensus and we will find a person that will then be put back before the national assembly to replace the current vice president. and so all across the board the, the get to me is officials of these 50 american company representatives, a meeting where we telling that it's stable. it remembers that context is in the last several months, vietnam is upgraded, it's relations with japan,
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the united states and australia on the previous year, software to the same level as china, russia and india to a comprehensive strategic partners. the set a piece about as we've heard from young is economics. yes. to move into the 4th industrial revolution technology innovation move from processing to innovation. and that's what the f bomb needs it wants to achieve. the goal by 2045 being a modern industrial nation, it's a halfway point. it needs a growth rate of 7 to 8 percent. yes, it's growing at 5 percent. they need access to the west. and china stuttering along the global economy is not kicking, kicking on well, and so they made that particular choice and, and all stop. so be pull to reinforce to the rest of business man. that it's, that business counselor arrive and work and get them to help me. you know, i want to follow on from that because carla was outlining what appears to be
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a tight milwaukee, essentially for vietnam that it seems to be managing up to this point very successfully between balancing all the it's interesting we've, we've 2 competing countries. how does it do that? well, the dogs at the moment, se ceilings, uh, they want to call back the seats so they try to keep the strategic balance between so major pablo and i think the apartment has to be successful and see, get launched the budget in 1996 team present and so it is a success i think of, you know, i'm trying to please well voted major powers and it has the site, the, it will not take side. we weren't going up. and because on the other hand, you know, both so has adult to the, to for knows different pharmacies. it mean you try to keep the countries do,
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you know, the neutral resistance. uh so uh, so with the rising that the rivalry speech in china is and do not to sit at the moment. so, so it's a can see that the account has not been working the competition between the 2 major problems. and also in the case of us, any advice until the brain been um i think uh from because of the point of views up maybe you know, um, western us, but uh we know that tv down has done well. um, because the, the slow countries and the weapons of vietnamese are mandatory into bomb. it is important from the soviet union is and from russia. soviet them has to applies to gain costs. you know, the 2 of you know about protect speeds. and that's the, that's what the interest for me in the us, the most important,
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problematic approach. now these desktop detroit studies something that's a loan from the past in the past, the communist parties, how, what take on each national reasons. but now they put more emphasis on national interest. so that's why the c so far has been the best deep america purchased stuff do not have stickers in order to be taught benefits from just the strategic relationship with both a bunch of power. um, you know, and how excited uh we're just looking at some pictures there um of the central high noise and i was there last year and it's an incredibly bustling and, and vibrant the city it is very strong tourism industry, of course. but the people themselves seem very industrious and seem very focused on business and making money. there is, of course, on very large young population. how do you think young people in vietnam regards to
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the communist party and their position within vietnam in the future on that? well, i think the thing is the my phones and getting the ideological considerations. a big thing for young separation. now they really want to get the job and but even the do not talk about where it is mostly. so i think this web thing thing for john was in the. busy and i had children in the week for the past few years, because when get now he's going know, i become original comes with that. yeah. allow me to gloss the movie man. all right, so please in terms of, you know, you have to capacity to display our sunny. i ask you to, uh, to pay for environmental uh equals for example, so that the only uh, the man all biased. ready and the problem, the problem is i didn't think always bought the totally understand. ask me is there also have try to accommodate the rising man of the, of the younger separation by
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a big ball on, on are supposed to be that. but on the most of you to, to, to decide. ready however, i think there is increasingly nobody's fighting either way that's on the spot, the controls, the society, and what does that sound threat separation ones to express themselves and i think is equal response. they do not, you know, that's not the palm. assume that it will be come. busy thank you know, oh boy, a crisis when he's done this. one is do you know, once it comes back to the opposite below the company is spotty. as of this moment the well because like we already said about on basically meetings as long as it goes up and things everybody else. you know, i can be roads and oh, by 1st monday, tuesday populations are probably, you know, the operation they'll be willing to, to be changed. please install or speak on the goals. but when get now, you know,
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it's a big growth is slowing down. that will be some, some quiet problems when so populations, especially the young one more exposure, you know, with more exposure to the west and with more exposure to validate the 5 question that you know, which is kind of performance. why does it have to sacrifice so much? so i think it's the $18.00 that we have to consider, like, uh, is attention about why is it about push fall back to what we say? no, it might. and for example, the phones, if i 0 all we keep maintaining the square, you have a close political system that we know. if you do be a very big cardboard, lots of color one, the last group i given what we just heard, is it likely therefore, that this kind of political upset and invited to columbus that we're seeing at the moment in vietnam isn't kind of really resonates with the people in vietnam in more it's more likely all the vans, as we've heard, perhaps our kind of question over whether or not it will apply it's being brought
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in. but at this time, 12 years after the incidental that initially happened to do you think that the big, the concern for the vietnamese government is more external about how the image of yet not as being affected, rollins, i'm out of the people of vietnam were being affected right, well i could make the point that because of the way it was announced, had they not taken action against the above and the, the population would have known anything about that scandal. so they're all know they say the parties being heard. it's only because they made it public and people are wondering what's occurring the x terminal thing. yes, that is that will be a consideration. but they've been there and done that. they have a mechanism of vice president and then picking a president is fixed, is compressing the decision making time because the congress has upon us as high said it's on the horizon and they have to it shortening the time period for building consensus. but the next part, central committee inmate will reach that consensus and easily be
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a caretaker or someone who's chipped given a a leg up if you will, to be re elected by the party congress of the for give me call on because i want to go to high home young with, with this to bring it back essentially to this, this track down and corruption which has been running since 2016. it is still running. and we're still seeing very senior figures within the vietnamese government toppling as a result. can it actually be called a success if it is not yet achieving the goals that 8 had initially set out to achieve? i would cite it has to be the great success. because jesus and never peter he stories of the communist party of the times. so many high ranking officers asked me about display is arrested in prisons. i think, i think we some okay, as a positive side of the political development scheme,
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they one part the states like via now because it be been look, uh, you know, well, we talked about the very simple comparison between china and send via the and on. so we kind of come this countries, i think the amount is more advanced in anti corruptions campaign, and some people say, well, the job will be it not be just a copy or duplicates what can be more china is doing. but people navigate for my point of view is to be a dog as more thoughts. um, i think um, that will be a site for us just never be, you know, before, you know, she's stories of up and times or even new. china's, the president was relieved from the season because of the guy soonest of linkages with the call option. so i think he's really a great success now the, the, the question now is when, oh, but what would happen when job stepped out?
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because a lot of you know about emphasis now is on the job, wrote in the and talk about some kind of it. so that's why many people now have us . wow, it's good to know the anti corruption campaign wouldn't be optimized either the sub job. i would say the above the assistance of a separate chubby jones now they have no other choice. so they have to continue to enter in groups and get paid. and it's, it's a very big the mistakes and sto which for the beeps, i told him about the mental groups of campaign because all the systems now has to be addressed. but when the mechanisms now has to be the place, the people, the public's general public way to compare when asked if they see something, you know, if something not the means. don adds,
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it has to be the color of this very quickly. we've only got about 30 seconds before the end of the program, but i do want to ask, you've given up the level of economic involvement in vietnam and how important is to the, to the economy. i'm should western investors still be comfortable with investing in vietnam just within about 25 seconds if you could. all the answers yes. and then all the, all the comprehensive strategic partnerships. there was a great stress on economic relations, a trade and investment in vietnam. and yet novice the 2nd charge, a 16 free trade agreements to bridge the comprehensive trans pacific partnership. and the regional economic partnership are underway. so there's an outside binding of vietnam to international norms to world trade organization and international labor organization standards. and i want to thank you all the junk money for being with us on inside story. thanks of all i guess hi, home young call out to an anxious on. i'm thank you to for watching. now you can
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see the program any time by visiting our website. i'll just 0 dot com and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. i handle is add a great inside story for me. well, madison and the whole team here, bye for now the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. walter sheds moments. international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of,
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of hates upfront one out to 0. pod came in to be used as the i o. c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular, i say to all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fact whether as to what happened this independent, we won't be i want to freedom, we don't have to leave them in the policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and
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services as claimant. and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth the, the hello, i'm about this in that is the news our life from dell hard coming up in the night. 60 minutes logics thousands in northern garza as israel carries out a wave of attacks across the strip. negotiators continue to work. the gaps are narrow and us equity. a stay down to the bank and it has to israel as diplomatic efforts for to cease funding. guys aren't gather momentum.


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