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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the 0 enables me to make the positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us the the, i don't want it as a put on them. and this is the news on life from don't. how coming up in the next 16 minutes, but you want security council is about to vote on the 1st american draft resolution to recognize the need for an immediate cease 5 and dasa. that was, comes as us secretary of state antony blinking has the missing prominence to benjamin netanyahu and pet of eve. he's express optimism for sci fi deal.
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i'm conditions and gaza. what's the name? the world health organization says children, a dying from malnutrition, plus millions without pallet. and ukraine is russia, targets energy facilities and says mass of air strikes was avenge. you claim folder attacks the that is $1300.00 gm 2 that's 9 am in new york city with a un security council is due to meet to discuss the latest pushed for resolution on the gossip at american draft determines the imperative of an immediate cease fire in gaza and links that to the release of captives for the language is not as strong as some countries would like. and the 2nd draft resolution from all the security council's members is, is so, so a few days thing that demands a ceasefire. while the security council meets a new york, us equity of state, antony blinking is in the middle east looking to shore up support for overseas 5
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deal between is around and how much is being holding towards what is where the problem is to benjamin netanyahu and tennessee and earlier he met arab leaders in egypt. the need for an immediate sustain ceasefire with a release of hostages. that would create space to search more humanitarian assistance to relieve the suffering of many people and to build something more enduring. we've been working as you know, with egypt with cutter and with israel to put a strong proposal on the table from us responded to that goes here is continue to work. the gaps are narrow and, and we're continuing to push for an agreement in doha. still difficult work to get there, but i continue to believe as possible. all this,
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as israel continues to bombard the gauze, is the truth. the lay strikes the carried out in northern gaza on friday morning. the police 10000 eons were killed. that comes off to the killing of at least 18 in the tax on homes and stuff. and con eunice on thursday night. we have correspondence covering the story on both sides of the atlantic. i'm the son who is an occupied east. jerusalem. connie mccooler, the correspondent inside the gaza strip. he's in the delphi in the south. natasha butler is in brussels. but let's begin with gabriel. and he's on though he is at the united nations for us and gave what is the mood there ahead of the support? how do you assess the support for it of the well, i would say in a word, anticipation, i mean this security council meeting will begin in a matter of moments. we've seen the ambassadors arriving here outside of the security council chambers going inside, and we'll get a sense here within the next few minutes,
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probably on how this goes. and we simply do not know because this us draft resolution is 5 pages long, and it's been being negotiated for about 3 weeks now. but this final version, it will be voted upon here in the next few minutes. there's one key part of it that we've been talking about that as a real point of contention. and that's the part where it says the us or, or is that this document i should say in the us draft resolution determines the imperative for an immediate and sustain ceasefire. now the americans are framing this as though they are calling for a serious buyer, and they do use that language. but what is troubling to some other countries and some other permanent members is the language of determines the imperative. because that leaves open the option that it is not demanding the cease fire. and it might seem like semantics. but when you're talking about security council resolutions,
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semantics or words, i should say matter. because if this is adopted, it would be legally binding under international law. bottom line here is that we've heard from some countries, primarily russia by others as well. we've told us they are not quite happy with this. they said they want a complete uh, demand of aspire. and it'll be interesting to see how the countries decide to vote on this in the next few minutes. yeah, absolutely. gabe woods, nasa many thousands of lives at stake. what are the possible outcomes here as well? 2 steps here. number one is taking a boat to on this a us draft resolution. it would need 9 votes to pass, but of course, any of the 5 permanent members have the power to veto and keep an eye on russia. russia told me yesterday,
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late yesterday that they were not happy with this draft at all. they were hoping for changes overnight. those changes did not happen. so keep a close eye on russia will be, i'm stain or will they use their veto power? but aside from that and this is important, the non permanent 10, the members of the security council gave, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but that you end security council session has begun less less and then read through this. how do you 7 over the causes pro vision or roots of procedure? i invite 30 presented to will reserve to participate in this meeting. it is so decided that the security policy will now begin is consideration of item 2 over the agenda. members over the council before the document is thresh, 2024 thrust 200. 39. the text over the draft give you solution submitted by the
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united states of america. the com series ready to proceed to the vote on the draft res. originally before it i now give the floor to those members of the combs who, who wish to make statements before the vote, as i use it for one to the present a deal of the united states. thank you mister president. colleagues for all the stories that have been written about divisions in this council, and there are many real divisions. i believe most of us share many of the same goals. first and foremost, we want to see an immediate and sustain ceasefire as part of a deal that leads to the release of all hostages being held by hamas and other groups. and that will allow much more life saving humanitarian aid to get into gaza
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. of course we can't just want that to happen. we have to make that happen. we have to do the hard work of diplomacy. i know you've heard me say that a lot, and that's because it's the truth. a security council resolution. it means much less if it is not actually made real on the ground. that's why the united states egypt and could tar a working around the clock in the region to secure an immediate and sustain so as far as part of a deal that leads to the release of our house is just being held by a mouse in other groups that will help us address the dire humanitarian crisis in gaza. we believe we're close. we're not there yet. unfortunately. and this moment is one where the security council has a critical role to play. by adopting the resolution before us,
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we can put pressure on him us to accept the deal on the table. colleagues, you don't need me to tell you that every day without a deal meaning every day without a cease fire leads to more needless suffering. for more than a 100 hostages, including a one year old child being held in capt. captivity by a mouse and other groups for innocent palestinians and gaza, who had been displaced, horse starving, who desperately need peace for as israelis who have continued to face missile attacks from us. a terrorist group that set this conflict into motion on october 7th, every day without a d o means more needless suffering. this resolution will move us closer to securing that deal and help us alleviate that suffering. and i urge all council
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members to vote yes. to vote for resolution that at long last condemn some months for a terrific terrorist attack and sexual violence. that makes clear that all civilians, palestinians, and israelis should be able to live without fear of violets that demands the protection of civilians in gaza. and stress is that a major ground offensive and modified poses a grave threat to civilians, even as we still work toward eliminating him us from all parts of guys that calls on israel to eliminate all barriers and restrictions to humanitarian aid. especially as the threat of famine looms large in northern gods that condemns calls to resettle garza and makes clear that the palestinian authority should have ultimate authority over gaza. and that reiterates this councils support for
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a 2 state solution. this is a strong resolution. it's the by product of like this is austin inclusive negotiations. it reflects the consensus of this council and it does more than just call for a cease fire. it helps to make that make a cease fire possible. it would be a historic mistake for the council to not adopt his techs, and i again urge all council members to vote yes. thank you mister president. i think could you present it to both the united states for their statement. i gave you the approval to the present a team of russian federation. it's not just by doing that the mr. president. so it'd be good for the united nations security council has for half a year, 6 months been unable to adopt
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a document with a demand for a cease fire and gaza here from, from all of the time it was a time. and again came up against the resistance of the united states who 4 times in cold blood cast a veto in this chamber. in this time we have heard from you as colleagues, repeated billy there justification slight either they were saying that to the chief ment of babies fire is premature. and so far as there is a need to give space for so called counterterrorism efforts of israel could have more they demanded for the security council not to stand in the way of effective diplomacy of washington on the ground like that as a quote. there's one more they called for us to wait for the nonsense of ramadan, when apparently an agreement would definitely be reached for a cease fire for an end to the violence. and now 6 months have alarms because it has virtually been wiped from the earth. and now the us representative without
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blinking has been asserting that washington has finally begun to recognize the need for a cease fire. get to pick it up this weekend for the sluggish thought process in washington has cost of the allies has been come at the cost of the lives of 32000 peaceful palestinians. those are 2 thirds of whom are women and children. and even now we have observed the typical hypocritical spectacle. when wrapped in a ceasefire, the united states had been trying to sell a product to the membership of city council and to the entire international community. they've been trying to sell something completely different, namely, or they're looted, formulation about director of bi definition and determination of the imperative for a seat as far as this kind of a philosophical passages about moral imperative sense are seen in a limited quantities in the work of the manual conte, we'll just proceed however,
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to save the lives of a peaceful set of palestinian civilians. this is not enough and this is in no way what is stipulated in the mandate of the un security council. the council, which is vested with a unique mechanism to demand a ceasefire and were necessary to compel compliance their width will suit us secretary of state. i'm on to me blinking during and official interviewing. and to the on the 20th of march with the correspondent adoption stated, and i quote, well, well in fact we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now. that's before the un security council. that does call for an immediate cease fire and tied to the release of hostages and food, and we hope very much that countries will support that and quote that can fix it. however, in the tenants that the us draft, which has been put to the vote today, there is no such a call. so what turns out is that either the us representative at the united
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nations or the us secretary of state have been deliberately misleading the international community and distinguished colleagues from the very onset didn't. it wasn't clear that the so called negotiations. we charge us colleagues have been engaged in on this issue, had been focused gear, merely to drag out the time. so let's just give me all of our comments. all of our red lines were time in time disregarded, as were the proposals, the vin, number of other delegations. this was some kind of an empty rhetoric, rhetorical exercise, rather than normal work on and say the document use the american product is exceedingly politicized. the sole purpose of which is to help a, to play into play, to the voters, to throw them a bone in the form of some kind of a mention of a ceasefire and gossip. and to establish to us as political ambitions in the
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region through the establishment of the terrorist labels and 2000 to ensure the impunity of israel, whose crimes in the draft are not even assessed. i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount a military operation in rough or at the very least the officers try to make it to such that nothing would prevent western jerusalem from continuing their brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza strip. and what is washington actually trying to achieve? we have already stated that we will no longer tolerate, pointless resolutions which do not contain a call for a cease fire, which lead us to know where the fluid can you do. this draft of should not
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pass with the majority of the membership to send a message about the admissibility and not the palliative but the actual intentions of washington. it would be very strange for us to see at the those members of the council, of whom there are majority who understand them and who persuaded us of the deficiencies in the us draft. it would be, we'd be surprised if they now lift their hands, voting in favor of it for the use, ladies and gentlemen, if you do this, you will cover your cells in disgrace. good, we consider once again, how will you look before the population of the middle east in front of your own pocket ration if you support this super critical initiative, which is designed to disorient the international community and essentially to
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undermine the source of the council. making sure that it cannot have an impact on the situation on the ground that this council will not be able to have the impact of a situation on the ground to ensure that it's not good in the way of the white house . are you willing to play into their hands when it comes to this assign, savory spectacle? the russian federation will not do this. as a permanent member of the un security council. as one of the founders of the united nations, we recognize the historical global responsibility we shoulder for the maintenance of international peace and security. we cannot allow the security council to become an instrument instrument in the advancement of washington's destructive policy in the middle east. if this resolution is to be adopted the book and this would definitively close the door when it comes to discussions about the need for a cease fire and gaza was visible. this would free the hand of
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israel and it would result in all of gaza and its entire population having to face with destruction, devastation or expulsion. we are not guided by what is more convenient for washington. it's settled as satellites, the satellites who raise their hands, following instructions from washington. we do not follow this what we, what guides us is what is necessary for the policy and people and what helps to advance piece is what we call upon the membership of the city. council not to allow this to occurred to vote against the u. s. draft for you to submit this to mr. president for the united nations security council to ultimately be in a position to deliver upon its mandate for the management, maintenance of international peace and security. a number of non permanent members of the city council have drafted an alternative. this draft resolution would stipulate stark, black on white, the demand. it would be for both
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a ceasefire and lead on conditional release of hostages. this is a balance and a political document. we see no reason for which the membership of the city council for the members let us get counsel not to support this unless a ceasefire and the release of hostages is not part of their plans yet. this is an attempt to, to allow the counsel to comply with the noble functions that have invested in it. and i call for you not to let this opportunity slip away. thank you for your attention. i think the visit entity roto showing for there is room for the statement. i sure put the draft. i should have put the draft resolution to the boats. now there's dozing. those in favor over the draft to these origin contained in document as thresh, 2024 slash 200. 39 creates raise their hand.
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the tools are getting those against the extension the the reserves, the thing is as follows. you give them votes in favor. 3 votes against phones of extension the drug preserves, jones has not been adopted. owning to the negative vote of a permanent member over there concert. so i now, i now give it
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a floor to those members of the council who wish to make statements of the vote. i keep the for war to the representative of the united states. thank you again mr. president. colleagues. okay, so we have been watching the un security council, unfortunately, on the latest draft resolution by the united states with spoke of the imperative imperative need for a cease 5, which has been vetoed by russia. which means that it is not going to go through. let's listen to the us invested into the united nations, linda thomas of greenfield, who's speaking now and now russian, china will give you all sorts of explanations for his obstruction. but whether or not it will admit it there too deeply. the police cynical reasons behind it's folks . first brushing china still could not bring itself to condemn her.
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mazda is terrorist attacks on october 7th. can we just pause on that for a moment? russian, china refuses to condemn us from burning people alive. for gunning down the innocent civilians at a concert for raping women and girls for taking hundreds of people hostage. this was the deadliest single attack on jews since the holocaust. and a permanent member of this council can't even condemn it. i'm sorry it's, it's really our ages and it's below the dignity of this friday. the 2nd reason behind this veto is not just cynical. it's also petit. the russian china simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see its fail then to see this counsel succeed even after inclusive consultations over weeks and weeks. even after negotiations and edits
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produced a draft that received overwhelming council support. and as you saw today, nearly every council member voted to put the full weight of this body behind the diplomatic efforts to secure an immediate and sustain cease fire. as part of a deal that leads to the release of all hostages, that will allow much more a manager in a to get into gaza. but once again, russia put politics over private, over progress. russia who has carried out an unprovoked war, and his neighbor has the audacity in the park proceed to throw stones when it lives in a glass house itself. so let's be honest for all the fiery rhetoric we all know that russian china are not doing anything diplomatically to advance. the last thing piece or to meaningfully contribute to the humanitarian response. separate
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colleagues, there's obviously another resolution that some of you would like to be considered, but in its current form that tax fails to support sensitive diplomacy in the region . we're say this is it is, it could actually give him us an excuse to walk away from the deal on the table. all of us want to see this counsel speak out, but we should not move forward with any resolution that jeopardize those the ongoing negotiations. and these are not just negotiations that are being carried out by the united states. others in the region, guitar and egypt are engaged on these negotiations. so if that are tentative resolution comes up for a boat and does not support the diplomacy happening on the ground. we may, once again find this council deadlocked. i truly hope that that does not come about . and so far part the,
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the united states will keep that it will continue to work toward a deal alongside katara and egypt. and we will work with any council member that is seriously interested in adopting a resolution that will help make that deal possible. thank you mister president. i think that the president, the tip of the united states for this statement, i gave you the floor to the present at people's united things done. thank you president the united kingdom. so to do yes, on the text before us this morning, suite. yes, or as we have been listening to the responses officer that un security council draft resolution that was put forward by the united states has not cost at the security council because of 3 votes against 11 and say that 3 against crucially, russia and china, which of course have vetoed power, let's bring it on. corresponding to gabriel and his own though he is live for us at
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the un headquarters in new york in the us really framed this resolution as a critical step towards a sci fi. but when we heard from russia, head of the vote gave they left little dolls about which way they would be voicing on this a yeah, that's right. in russia told me a russian ambassador told me yesterday, actually on thursday afternoon, they were not happy with this. and insinuated they were planning to vote against it potentially even veto it. if changes were not made, changes were not made overnight. and as you heard there from the russian advisor, he basically made the case that this uh us draft resolution does not call for a cease fire, even though those words are in the draft. because as he said and, and other council members, quite frankly, agree. china being one of them that this language of determines the imperative
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means that it's not demanding a ceasefire. and it's, it's almost a, a word play by the americans trying to kind of say they're calling for a cease fire, but in the document really not demanding it. so that's what you got the, the side of the russians. they're using their veto power here. and using it quite forcefully. actually, you then heard from the american and bass related thomas greenfield. she's saying that the russian veto isn't her words. cynical for 2 reasons. she said, because russia and the china refused to condemn a mazda attack on these real and october 7th. and also saying, the 2nd reason she felt that was cynical is because, uh, she felt russia just wanted to see the us draft fail. so there you have it, that's where we're at. now this is the veto and now we move to the next phase of this. and there could be a 2nd phase, and that is this draft resolution that i see in my hand. this is a, a draft resolution by the majority of the 10 non permanent members of the security
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council. it's only one page long, and you heard the russian and bass are referred to it. it does demand an immediate cease fire in the russian ambassador saying this is the draft that should be voted upon and this is the draft the year just council members to support what is going to happen with this 2nd after now, quite frankly, we don't know there were some talk about it perhaps being voted on later today on friday. but some other council members have told us privately, perhaps they wait until through the weekend into monday. but bottom line is everyone was waiting to see what russia would do on the us draft, and now we know it fails because of that russia veto gabe. thank you very much for that. gabriel is on the line with the un headquarters in new york. well, the full analysis on what's just happened here with us in studio is different medic edited james bays and our senior political analyst model on the shot a great to have both of you on set to get a james, i'll start with you. you've spent many years and these car doors of the united
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nations and you had an inkling that the vote would go this way. yes. and gabe had heard it from the russian ambassador 24 hours ago that they were very unhappy. it was only a question of whether they were going to veto or abstain. and suddenly on the way, and we haven't heard from the chinese ambassador yet in the council chamber. but i'm told that he said that the major unconditional sees for are not linked to the hostages, as well as all that they would accept. and he also was unhappy with the language on a possible rafa offensive. that was in distress of a lot. james, i'm going to interrupt you to go back to the un security council because we are hearing from one of the 3 members. algeria has voted against the resolution. let's listen in the systems 3 inches. those in need for this purpose we presented last month off is lucian government, significant support. we did the security,
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tick awesome. but it was a monthly report. we firmly believe about pete's adoption. good bob, save a 1000 or 5 of innocent people. of the dues beyond any boat. the fears aleutian 27122725. follow foreman short due to the absence of clear the month for the cease fire bulls will relieve about the use that i usually or combine both who choose to oppose these fits promotional legal obligation of
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mistake. they must abandon these fiction. you suppose it seems the stipulation of this bluff, whose aleutian over a month ago. how does your area have participate activities and in good faith the to go see ation process. proposing reasonable egypt to achieve a more balance and acceptable fixed re. i know lunch there for move my do you as realization especially on both of the green fields, accommodating some of our proposals,
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however. oh, to concerns remain on the list. despite the many stipulate to revise, it mentions throughout this process. sweet. emphasize it relentlessly. the juicy offer me me a gift. she's fine to prevent further loss of life. we call it the demand of museums of people. um, do you mind telling them outcomes for an immediate situation or facilities? regrettably, the doctors are lucian for short, her phone expectations. he trades to the court to address these main
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issues and the mom's suffering. and during by the police didn't young people over 5 months. the conflicting guys how's it is in the district most of the life of more times, 32000. but a senior lives 32000, but a senior lives more than 7400 is centered at 74000 injuries, read 12000 suffering permanent disability. these are multimeter. so to 6 very present lives, data present dreams, data present, hopes,
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who have been destroyed. a lot of money to fix, avoid motioning the responsibility of these that i really hope you're buying for these individuals. when looked last for you to act of said tom, they would choose the paper to must be held accountable for us in the book. indeed, if somebody can nation in the whole world, other students lives and then every month is the president the fix present to, to day does not convey
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a clear message of peace. it positively moves forward, continued sibyl, you see the little casualties and luck, clear safeguards to prevent further escalation. eighties elicit buffy to continuing. during the police tenure and severely the emphasis on measures high quote on measures to reduce civilian hub from ongoing and future population. and few to opiate ation implies license for the continuing blood shift in this context,
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we are particularly concerned about a potential military or pollution in the for such a military operation of the bi stating consequences. hi, julia lou, read all the freeze removed. countries have parts to relieve that should typical situation between probably sidney and function us because we trust the united palestine these essential for its future future and the future of the peace process. we believe that specific pro vision we deem that off, that is lucian 0. part of the eyes,
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the future of the palestinian state. and hang them on going reconciliation. payoffs. building the police to me and state requires the collective airport off or it's sitting at home. it's citizens and city. the security council auctions should support not beep these process. mr. president underwater underwater plays a vital model. so you must see, think police in universities both only in police side, but also enjoy the liberal. seen syria
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is the door of threes or most ability. i mean, it is a lucian. and the mining under one mom dates would exacerbate the already the your money tell you the situation. pender well, continuing population is essential. i'm to palestinian refugees are able to sustain themselves or to return home of stipulated by um promotional move is the president a while supporting and then if thoughts to and the blood shift this should not prevent the constant from demanding
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a ceasefire. are clear to cease fire to olive yates, the palestinian suffering, the security council duty. he's by the charter to maintain and promotional fees and security. to choose b. i'm bored to impose to impose to cease fire for all the cities. and i'll, julia voted against this, that of his aleutian is the president. we all security team of cosen members to prioritize the immediate station or facilities the security council. most fate
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decisive and meaning for auction to how to old the violence and paved the way for the sustainable peace process in palestine. and also in the why the reason it to students we do our capacity to act and how does that, how does it say? hi. thank you. i think there's affairs entity, rober or judy up for this statement. i give the floor. we have been listening to, to the algerian ambassadors with the united nation speaking officer, the latest draft resolution by the united states was vetoed. i want to bring a panel backend. diplomatic editor james base and senior political analyst mulanda shot and one perhaps on surprising that the only arab member of the united nations
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security council voted against this resolution. echoing a lot of the criticisms that russia had the algerian and bassett. a said that the text doesn't convey a clear message for peace, and that tacitly allows most civilian casualties. what do you think? what, what's important about that coming after the russian intervention is that it's basically neutralizes the criticism by especially the greenfield that it's. busy about the russian cynicism that in fact there is a lot of calculus, then super power cynicism that i'm tied up country like i'll show you. which fits and best of the fact greenfield for allowing in some changes to the draft resolution but not enough. and why is it not enough? you can tell from reading the solution if our viewers around the world would have the time to do so, although it's quite, you know, tedious job. the, the, the,
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the text, the script. you can know it from the 1st paragraph. the united states contextualize is what's happening because of the past 5 months, the genocide, the war crimes, the world hospitals, the children, the disruption with a terrorism, by how much the attack of how much on the 7th, and then you go through a many paragraphs, nothing about is right, as if the buildings and guys have destroyed themselves by themselves an additional $52000.00 died by extra non me. right. so it's clearly a slanted, a draft resolution in terms of script. it's not active. and in terms of it's recommendations. and what we've heard mostly by the 2 opposing a method there, the russian under chinese, uh sorry, by the russian and probably the chinese, but the russian and the all julian was that they don't like that or commendation because they're not strong enough. yeah. basically, i would think for putting the blame what it should be like, but also for calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gotcha model. and
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that's really interesting, isn't it? because the algerian that's exactly what the algerian invested. i said that there's really like no mention of the israeli occupation and what it's done and its responsibilities. james, what happens next in terms of, you know, we've heard of this other resolution. that's uh that the members of the security council that i believe 8 members of the security council have you have a coffee, it's nowhere near as long as the us resolution, it's much more direct. what happens to this now? yeah, this one's just knowing paragraphs compared with 41 paragraphs, and the u. s. recognition to us resolution went into all sorts of details of humanitarian access on a reconstruction of gauze or the role of the world bank. all sorts of details. and this, this is a much more simple resolution and there's one t line in it, which is that it demands an immediate c spot for the month of ramadan. of course, we're now willing to ramadan, respected by all parties leading to
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a permanent sustainable safe spot. the question now is when this will go for a vote, just because it's a countries those come together to come up with this resolution. so they go to discuss among themselves. i'm sure they have a strategy. we may well hear it the most because the cuts count coordinator for those countries. so when the boys them beat a bus, the speaks we might get an idea or when they bring it to a vote summit suggesting and could come to a vote in the afternoon session in new york this afternoon. that's not just 5 as time from now at 3 pm new york time. all those was telling you there was another resolution big budget on a 3 pm, which is interesting. it may not sound relevant, but it is relevant. there's a resolution to to every year there is sanctions on north korea and there is a panel of experts that make sure that newest grades combined with the sanctions. and that has to be decided this afternoon to reappoint that a panel of experts i'm hearing diplomats thinking that russia might veto that. yeah . which will mean the atlas van, the,
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in the security council this afternoon is going to be more divisive and difficult than any other time. so it may well be that it is that a pushing this resolution think well at the end the friday afternoon with all this has happened perhaps is not the best time. perhaps we wait the we can let some water pass on to the bridge and bring this resolution back to the beginning of next week, but we'll have to watch very close. yeah, absolutely. and it's hard to imagine how the atmosphere could be any more divisive level when james talked about talks about how this other resolution, you know, mentions cease 5 for the month of ramadan is interesting that the russian ambassador, he spoke of how they had been so many resolutions which the u. s. has of course vetoed, and that the us had even said at one point before it on the done. no, we're working on the c 54 on the dawn that's come and gone. what do you make of the russian criticism that, you know, the us has just been kicking the ball down the road, and it's not genuine that it's even trying to, he said, throw a bone to verses in america who want to cease 5. you know, for that,
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this interested a viewer, if someone just turned on the thing and said, well, it sounds like i know that he said that i should invest, that she said the amount of good and best of it. but in fact, it's more than that. it's not just a question of a circus. it's not just a question of misunderstanding. it's not just a question of super power cynicism. in fact, there's more to it. yes, my boss. i'm sorry to interrupt you, but we have to go to the chinese and best artist will come right back to you. are going to action to be taken by the council is to promote an immediate unconditional and sustained ceasefire. okay, so this is the universal call of the international community. sure. can you the decision taken by the emergency special session of the general assembly a few months ago? yes and the solemn appeal by the secretary general of the un to the council, while invoking article 99 of the child to we live we the council has put
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a draft. it's feet and wasted too much time as you can disregard my don't you the we all recall that go the us. are you introduced its own draft resolution after the towing? tell me to do some long february the 20th i live. we kind of use of what you do certainly intend overwhelming consensus among council members under control. yeah. playing on an immediate gym for the tci. a huge will that suit you the a thought what your over the past month, todd a draft has undergoing several. it's racial highly contains elements that respond to the concerns of the international community k through and if you need to always, if they did what would and thought the most essential issue that of a ceasefire to hold. the final text remains ambiguous, which is it does not mail your full and immediate police by a certain view,
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nor does it even provide an answer to the question of realizing us these 5 initial time dress. yeah, right here. this is a deviation from the consensus of all the council members and were just really felt far short of the vacation, some of the international community. these, if you have an immediate cease volume, is the fundamental present data for se, lives, expanding humanitarian access and prevention. great, the conflicts may from the us draft fine on the contrary, set it up if we conditions for us defiant we would. ringback no different from giving you a green light to continue the killings which is unacceptable. part the draft is also very unbalanced in many other aspects. to be able to turn off with regard to this world, recent, and repeated the declarations appliance for a minute to the rock bottom. the draft does not clearly, and i leave it quizzically downstream. they, it's a position where we would send an up to the wrong signal on the lead to see if you
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consequences. i literally the any action taken by the security council should attend the test of history on the scrutiny of morality and caution smallwood on the way home with a view to safeguarding the way who owned the children and justice way of who discarding the you in tottenville i live and 3 and purposes i suppose i'm safeguarding to the degree of the council. he oliver, would you also based on the concerns of the lunch and rochester strong opposition from the arab nails and arguing with this draft or the vision. so you're trying that together without you area, and the russia have voted against the draft resolution. mr. president, which empires there are members of the council house now the for them. another draft resolution. that was the result of collective consultations among elective members of the council to jennifer. this draft choices and this will clear on the
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issue of seized by a full address line with the correct direction of the councils action deal. and it is of great relevance from phone trying to support this draft or makes you want. i really hope that the members of the council will reply to an agreement on this basis, thoughts, and as soon as possible, i'm send a clear signal to calling for an immediate cease by a and i'll the end of the findings to document. i know like other members, china has from the outside world for the immediate release of all hostages. this i demand are repeatedly reiterated or the, the security council resolutions 27122721. no way. we welcome the mediation efforts by egypt tart and augusta to this end. she went on, we hope that all the time easily ivy will be released at an early date. as soon as pharmacy china reject the accusation as well by the us and the u. k. having
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pulled out a guest, what do china's loading position? the groundless accusations and the us will see you is about to cease by a feel for you. it wouldn't have to be towed. i'm again, i knew we had multiple council resolution google guys. they wouldn't have taken such a detour unclaimed, no game of woods to that won't be a big deal. and if they sit on political issues, we will move the us to serious about the ceasefire. the then to the new lease, you voted in favor, all the of the draft resolution. clearly quoting for our feet by a young so that the ceasefire. 10, be finally and immediately actually the cdns into the social, the sufferings can be alleviated. good and ended on hostages. if we'd be released without delay, they may find out if we can validate in the for the us. what's the current state?
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what is most important is not woods, but it beats the actions or what is most of those. let me just see what kind of will continue to work with council members and the international community to, to play a responsible and constructive role in order to achieve these files and fucked and enter the world from implemented to state solutions. alleviate the suffering of the software catastrophe or on the promote the comprehensive just and the last thing solution to the question of had of time. thank you, mr. president. i think so to visit and see what the china for the statement i have with the 4 to 30 present that people, mazda, thank you, president, multiple times to united states for the fs sense, consistent engagement on this draft resolution, most of voted in favor of the text and really encourage the use of the veto has presented its adoption. we believe that this draft with have represented another important step in the right direction and with have continued to build upon resolutions 271227. 20 military remains in this position that
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time immediately on permanency is 5 is the only avenue through which we can prevent a further deterioration and begin addressing the impacts of the is rarely home us war. we supports and appreciates ongoing efforts by egypt cut tart and the united states to negotiate the data which allows for the release of hostages. we will continue to reiterate our colon home us to release all hostages safely and unconditionally. we welcome that the drum condemns the heinous hamas thorough sacks of 7th october, including the taking the cost of that as a multi is invested a synchronized invitations. earlier we heard from the chinese ambassador who was explaining why they voted against that us draft resolution. let's go, let's bring up handled back in on diplomatic editor james base senior political
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analyst model. i'm the shadow and my lawn just before we had to go to the chinese invested here, instead of leaving the chinese invested at interrupted years. and that was to say was to, you know, he said that the us, this resolution that it evades the most central concern dash of an immediate cease fire. again, that's the same thing that the other 2 members who voted against the resolution. russia and algeria said, look, i mean we've been hearing these through petitions, we've been regurgitating the stuff for 5 months, every time the united nations security council convenience, there's a lot of regret you type thing going on. a lot of the same by the end of the day. i so you can look at it from just one or 2. i would say revealing waste. the united states once to be the dominant thing followed in the middle east is right, palestine fits establishing affects americans. and in that sense,
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after 5 months of war, support thing is right. it's basically giving in to the idea that maybe now is the time for some sort of a ceasefire leading to some sort of negotiation. they think there's some sort of a supplement and it wants to bring the world on boards. some of those countries, 11 of them agree, you know why not the fact of magic, they see that the united states is a dominic power. let's work with it. even if it's not perfect, even if it's terribly imperfect, but we want to work with it. the more important powers, like russia on china, and kind of gone through like a judy, i would say no, no, no, no, we cannot accept that fine. you are dominating but you cannot be establishing the principles of what is right and wrong. we cannot say that this issue started on october 7th that this war on guys are starting october 7. that there's an occupation been going on for 5657 years. and so on, so forth. yeah, so the united states wants to establish its dominance also at the security council
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. and there are important punters that say, it's not that stuff. yeah. and linda thomas greenfield, the u. s. investigators of the united nations repeated several times. her speech wasn't very long, but it was long enough to repeat several times that everything that we're seeing happening now as a result of what i'm austin on october, the 7th and the russian invested are actually spoke of how he said that brush account allow the un security council to be used for the us, the us destruction of the middle east. james. why would they us bring this resolution to the security council? when do you think that it had a good idea that it couldn't cost? i think they thought perhaps it would causes otherwise they wouldn't have brought it to the council. but i think in the, in the last hour or 2 hours or 3 as before, i think they would've got the word as i was getting to get the word that they were going to have serious problems here. but i think the timing is not, i don't need to do with the governments of the security council. this was a big us push going on in the last 48 hours,
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which is still ongoing in the region. you got several things happening simultaneously. you've got to pump the part of it, but we're seeing in new york, but you've also got the visits. the 2nd visit to the region by the us that could just take time to be blinking in colorado, trying to show up support from the arab countries. now in israel trying to read the right attack to these, right, and these about lots of things that the us and these res, disagree about. and then here where we are in dow ha, the all the potential route to assist for all. because remember, even if the security council that will agree to an agency spa now and it was a resolution, everyone was happy with the language jobs. we don't know the israel would actually have complied with that. yeah. in doha, there is talks on a deal between israel and the arab mediators. of course i'm us working through those are a b, t h is to try and get a c swap that way, which would mean that those cap tips being held by a mass of other groups and garza, and some of those the, the, the, the,
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the females the elderly, the sick would be released to the 1st stage and processing and prisoners who are being held and is there any jails they would be released in exchange? and in fact, was the resolution that didn't pause in the last hour. it does refer to a roughly 6 weeks. the spa, i'm fact is once he's being negotiated here in dough. so i think the us was hoping to tie all the bits together. yeah. but i have to say the sick visit by anthony blinking to the region like old days of the visit seems to have ended in failure. james, we're going to listen now to the ambassador of down on because it's the one country that's going to be paid on the international law. and the release must be uncle. additional. gonna reiterate this call for an immediate, an unconditional release of all hostages to wrongs cannot make right on the palestinians. people should not be collectively punished themselves held hostage for the crime of others. 3rd, in our view,
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this fix locked attribution in a number of key areas where the draft includes the condemnation upon ass for the october 7th attacks and demands. they immediately grant humanitarian access to the hostages. and rightfully so, there is no attribution or demands that is rarely authority for what is taking place in god. so, for example, who is responsible for $1.00 palestinians taking refuge in rafa. and who has a nosed, applied to military ground or offensive dear, to whom is to demand for compliance with obligations on the international law. regarding the protection of civilians and civilian objects, humanitarian access under protection of humanitarian relief on medical personnel. the assets and infrastructure applicable who has erected maintained the existing barriers provision.


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