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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready the drug citizen has not been adopted, pointing to the negative. both opponents and members over their council have the un security council, russia, china, and algeria rejects and us resolution. recognizing the need for cease fire and casa arguing. it doesn't go far enough to protect the product spinning the fixed present of today does not convey the clear research piece. the color that i missed on said, hey, this is out of there at lot from the also coming the secretary of state visits
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israel as adults with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and says he'll proceed with an assault on robert with without washington support on the ground meanwhile, conditions and goals are western world health organization says children are dying from now. tricia and russia admits it's anastasia as it carries out a major attack on ukraine's energy facility. the, well, we begin at the united nations security council with is see, need, know, and insight to the different logic deadlock. acosta members has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease 5, russia, china and algeria. o vs against that draft. trying isn't bassett, of course that's nice to us for dodging the issue of a cease, 5 rocks has invested upset and failed to put enough pressure on israel of control.
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but the team on you let those 2 i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains in effective green light for each route to mount the military operation in rough or at the very least the old. this try to make it such that nothing you would prevent weston, jerusalem from continuing the brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza. strip those will relieve about the use of really or combine both would chose to oppose these fits and promotional legal obligation of mistake. they must abandon this fiction whole speaking often the via the united states. and they said that russia and china have vetoed the resolution, because they wanted to see the us fail once again,
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russia put politics over progress over progress. russia who has carried out an unprovoked war and its neighbors. has the audacity in the park proceed to throw stones when it lives in a glass house itself? the only collazo leave yet is fonts has a mass of the to the u. n. he explains the issues within that us prop resolution. the us draft was a good draft on this is why for us voted for that. i think it was a step in a good direction, but of course their language on this is probably a, was a not strong enough. and the main program is also the link between the, the release or for stages and the ceasefire. if you make this is probably a dependent on the release of the stages. you think the risk of, of being a, uh, thousands of thousands of, uh, more cleanings in the does that strips in the weeks and month to come. so you need to, of course,
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the image yet and condition i'd really use it for stages. but you need for the ceasefire right now. it does to stop. it starts. what's happening is that the contrary to geneva conventions, the language on rough uh was week as well. uh you have to explain to spread it operation on the rough uh is of limits, its a red line. it does being said by many doors it should be in the resolution as well . you cannot just say, uh, we would be concerned with the possible effects, open up a restaurant in russell. so we need a, a key resolution on this is why funds revolt in favor of the 2nd resolution that i hope it would be put to the but sooner. well, that's based on the cost on it. okay, but that is under, he joins us now from un headquarters in new york, gave a number of countries, not just phones criticized. what seems to be new to language on this resolution, which is what ultimately led to its failure. yeah,
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that's right. and the language is so important when it comes to the security council draft resolutions. every single word has significance because if adopted, it becomes binding under international law. and the u. s. was circulating this draft resolution for over 3 weeks and it went through several different changes in integrations. but in the end of the draft that was voted upon earlier on friday, the us was framing that draft and it was long about 5 pages long as a ceasefire. in guys, draft resolution, but other countries such as a algeria, russia and china looked closer at the wording of this the ceasefire language. and it said determines the imperative of an immediate and sustain ceasefire. that might not seem like a big change, but it is because it's not using the word demand a ceasefire. and that is what a lot of the security council resolutions that is
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a lot of the language that is normally used. and so that's where you saw a russian china issue, this dual veto, if you will, basically saying the language is vague and it does not hold israel to account, it should be voted upon and to be approved if you will, or adopted. so the, the russian, china basically said this is not seized by a resolution at all, and that's ultimately why they decided to veto it. it was this one to say when i spoke to the french last of the he was saying that they do plan to vote for another resolution that's being put forward by elected members of the security council. where are we out with that? do we know when that might be going into the chamber? as we do that, the vote on that to resolution is going to be at 10 am new york time on saturday. about 14 g m t. that resolution which i'm holding here in my hand is short. it's
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about half a page long, maybe one page at the most about 10 sentences or so. it's a much more direct and to the point resolution that was drafted by the majority of the non permanent members of the security council. it's being coordinated by mozambique. the key part of this draft resolution is the wording. it does exactly what russia and china and algeria and other members of the council say they want to see it says, demands an immediate cease fire. for the month of ramadan, it means nothing to the imagination, nothing to interpret, its very clear. and that's why, by all accounts this draft resolution does have wide support on the account. so we believe the big question is the united states, will the united states find this draft acceptable or, or not? they could abstain, they could vote for it, or of course they could do it, rush and china did on their resolution, and the us could use their veto power. so
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a lot at stake here when this so alternative or competing resolution goes to vote early saturday, a huge amount that's taken day and will be a cost not pulling your hair on out of there. it's not cable that is under that for us at the you. and thanks a lot. meanwhile, as really prime minister benjamin us and yahoo! he says he's determined to carry out his plan. ground defensive on garza southern city. a rough on west, some 1500000 palestinians. i'll seeking shelter from the tool. his comments i followed him using with the us secretary of state to his county on a regional tour to shore up support for us. these 5 dozen young told on me blinking, that'd be operation would go ahead with or without us support. i got the feeling do nothing because i'm on the list. i told them that we wouldn't be able to beat him, us without entering rough us and killing the rest of the battalions that i told them that i hope we do this with us support. but if we need to, we will do it aligned. we recognize the need to evacuate the civilian population from the whole science and of course,
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to care for the humanitarian needs. and we're acting to achieve this. a major military ground operation process is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking greater habit. with the version of the manager and assistance, it was further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security in spanish. well, that's good. how correspondent honda sounds good. choose an occupied a story? said honda austin isn't you know, his statement thinking is we're not going to be saying what seems to be exactly the same lines we were hearing from him before his meeting with nothing young the stuff exactly right. this has been the us position when it comes to a ground invasion, instead of saying that it would risk a lot of civilian casualties. it would further isolate israel in the world and actually jeopardize both its security and standing with the international community
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that according to the us secretary of state, as he was leaving israel. this has been a back and forth between americans, and there is really counterparts for months now since these really announce this invasion, instead of saying that it was imminent and that it was in fact going to happen. these rallies maintain that in order to defeat from us, it's necessary to enter the fuck. but there's been a lot of criticism, not just from the united states, but from other allies that israel has around the world as to how exactly they are going to do this. the americans are increasingly worried about the number of palestinian seeking refuge in gauze of southern most city. in fact, earlier today, the us vice president comma la harris has even said that there wouldn't be no place for these palestinian civilians to go to even israel had some sort of evacuation plan for them. so though there is discontinued back and forth and disagreements between americans,
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and these really is nothing y'all who maintains that it is going to happen. and in fact, next week, at the request of us president are wide and these rallies will be sending a delegation to washington to brief american officials on how exactly they hope to invade ref off. it does fails, are right now that there is a huge diplomatic push going on by the us on this contract. i'm done is also seen a been this shift entirely from washington to become more critical of as well as we were just hearing hasn't changed any of the dynamics during today's visit. jason in fact, during today's meetings, the us secretary of state was quite firm saying that an invasion instead of is not the way to do this. there has been increasingly a change in tone from american officials when it comes to how israel is prosecuting this war. that is in it 6 months that has seen around $32000.00 palestinians killed
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not to mention the 10s of thousands of others who are injured or still missing and trumped under the rubble. so the americans have had this rhetoric where it would be a mistake to go into the fox, the us president himself saying that it would be a red line, but nothing yahoo has said that in the face of whatever international pressure comes israel's way, even if it is from allies like the united states. israel is going to do what is best for is real, meaning that a ground invasion is what is real sees is the only way forward in order to defeat from us, essentially ignoring all of the words and criticisms from the united states. homeless, i'll head to the following that visit for us to promote you by the story. some thank you. as well as out there for lot of push continues. israel has their own small strikes on garza, the latest attacks were carried out in the north early on friday. at least 10 palestinians, we understand were killed as far as the killing of at least 18 people in strikes on
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homes. and rafa and con eunice on thursday 9th rolls and stuffy. 2000 and testing is have now been killed since israel began. it's one garza and october. while that's got the latest from the ground and speak to tar stop was. he joins us from rafa. and southern gaza, tara took us through what you're hearing from people there, especially in the off them off as this is where it says failed resolution. another one out to you and the security council. i know people that follow a different attic dealings fairly closely, given it's a life or death situation for them, how they feel fins. each other is a great deal of frustration and disappointment. someone thousands as they weren't expecting something better from the un security council in terms of at least a provide a 3 or a ceasefire. a resolution that might stop the way to end the state of k use and book chips inside detailed 3 key to now power city and set you that they are not really surprised from a doctor a step. but at least they have also understand that the american administration,
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the biggest uh, is when i let you had a rejected. i'm be 2 or 3 resolutions for a seat for an immediate agreement, which is a part of the corporation between the american, the american administration and is going to continue the is very didn't start. the chicken face from donald was specifically suggesting keeps to one day by day. why was it this 131000 conversations have been killed since october. the seconds to now and time just the whole, the cold to print out. i thought i was hearing something in the skies above you focused through what's been happening there in terms of a strikes on across the gaza strip. well, in fact, we have been hearing the buzzing of because many minutes you drones. he's real fine, but you cannot move down to now is a very unprecedented rates, specifically that he is ready, minute to drones are whole bringing
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a very low altitude that to be even very useful. people here in a rough office for the needs, a trauma, and even a few on top of studies about the potential amenities attracted the carriers out in iraq a who wouldn't be coming down with something we've been seeing moose that is really a tax in the city we're going to talk you refuge account to come screens have to do um, it's unprecedented destruction on top of the section in the vicinity of a ship, a hospital seems stuck. the entire area had been hit with an earthquake for people to tread along side with fixtures inside the medical facility were easy to use. what even that to be had to a new building in the she felt hospital as to put the new fi among people who are unable to get out because of the ongoing specialist that is still going on that on the ground. we can see that even the middle areas has been widely divided by the, by the onto the units where there's a good news talk that ended up being transported to
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a hospital for medical treatments. since that was a police morning or a couple assume we sent report with the latest for us from the ground in the gaza strip. thank you. time of all the world health organization. meanwhile is also warning that children and goals are dying from malnutrition and says getting more aide into this trip is the only way to prevent fallon from them not to have husband . children and gaza are struggling to survive. mohammed is suffering from malnutrition. his mother says food has become nearly impossible to find how mostly a small yesterday i took my 11 year old son to have his blood tested and the result came on, his blood count was 11. how's that possible? that's very low and weak. but what can we do? there's no x, no meet, no, proceeded, no fish, no vegetables either snap others suffering from the serious medical conditions are getting worse due to lack of food and medicine. what are the small cystic fibrosis
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savvy? has cystic fibrosis? this disease requires a lot of care. we have been at work for 5 months now. nothing is available anymore . day by day, his condition has deteriorated. so the world health organization teams and got to say children are dying from a combination of malnutrition and disease. nearly 32000 palestinians have been killed in israel's war on gaza. tens of thousands have also been injured, but dr. st malnutrition lowers their chances of survival. america is the lack of food and the lack of availability of certain types of food affect the patient. as a wooden stone teal, this poses a serious risk to life, and israel had severely restricted 8 supplies to god the. the world health organization says opening up more routes is the only way to prevent of famine. requests to deliver to supplies that are often blocked or diffused has
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done these drugs and continuous fighting, including in close to hospitals mean delivers, are few. and so the international community is pushing for more a to be allowed to gaza. and until that happens, children will continue to suffer spent in monahan, allergies. era. i'm still a head here on i was was 0 escalating violence on the streets of hating again me the is killed by police, a 1000 asleep fighting and the critical debate. punish farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing
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day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy, service and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera. if nature does not function, we don't mix, we deem pen, which takes care of itself. the nerve from nature. we have a chance to move forward, die coming soon in the line to palestine. hope is then we reach out to hand. let the giving begin. with don't care foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so dominates, with confidence donates without kat foundation with every packed of 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share
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news the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. the sound . united nations security council has failed to post us resolution, recognizing the need for an immediate fix fund and calls up russia and china chose to reach her the draft saying it failed to put enough pressure on israel. meanwhile, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's determined to carry out his plan, ground, defensive and rough with or without us support his comments. part of the missing with the secretary state who is on a regional tour to shore up for us is fine and is around has lost most strikes and then the calls on friday. at least 10 palestinians were counts and follows the
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killing of at least 18 people and strikes on homes and rough unclear on thursday nights what was really forces and also killed a palestinian non west of the city of remodel and the occupied west bank investigator just say he targeted in is really military base and injured at least 7 soldiers or con, has more from the occupied westbank. i'm in the village of the of the was from here, the early i was a friday morning and was you all have college. i made his way with a guns towards the face of to illegal is where the sacraments is. that he's short towards the settler foster didn't enjoy any one. he didn't hit out on the side of a hill and that's where he got into a fight or flight for these. right ami? he ended 7 soldiers, one quickly, an apache helicopters talking above fy towards him, local, say, the 2nd shot to hit him and he was a carried away on a stretcher while we were filming the army shot to guess that's how simple the drug,
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even though clearly labeled as press the army, surround it and then run sacked his family home. they rested his brother and his wife and interrogates. just follow the in the house because obviously what i'm good um but i mean my son was tough. he worked as a part of he didn't have any problems in his life, and there was no sign that he was planning this. well, he kept listening to the news and he was always sad about what's happening in does a person under our funding in these right. another trip left to we've just entered the home office. i had kind of just, i just want to show you some of the destruction of left in the way this runs the state of such as being smashed close for the entire life full of the floor and just next door. i'll take you into the children's cedrin. it's all over here. it's been so sweet. an awfully run sucks. you look inside that close that twice. once again, straight across the floor. now the family left to pick up the pieces while they
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moved his desk north on out to sara, dare to see the occupied westbank, a new crane. it says that russia has carried out the biggest attack on its energy facilities in more than 2 years of war. this comes as the kremlin changed its official language to describe the conflict, saying it's in a state of war. from mcbride has the latest from kings, firing off decoy flat as to avoid interception. a russian missile hits the hydro, electric dime and power station in separate it gives you the advert tax. what am did you cranes critical energy infrastructure around a dozen missiles were fired, it's upper region alone. there were a lot of explosions after the 1st of all, i had only one goal to ensure my child was a life was good to him from terrible around 150 drones and miss housing total. that came in ways from how to key the northeast,
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where large parts of the city had power cuts affecting water supplies, and forcing people to use emergency generators. it's for the generator to keep water pumping and also to keep my business going somehow to the central western region of canal, netscape reports of damage and casualties was soon coming in from all parts of the country. and the biggest attack of its kind on ukraine's energy system emboldened 2 years of rule. the question for many people here is why now ukraine had been expecting a repeats of last winter as a tax on power stations in on a power into attempt to buy must go to freeze the population into submission. but spring is already arriving. and this escalation comes just a day off. the key was the targets of the biggest missile attack in a month and a half at defense's side to the 100 percent success rate. with ukranian president full of them is a lensky cooling for more of the sophisticated practically of factories that defend
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the capital to be supplied for the rest of the country. rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, thousands of people and hazy offloading fighting between guns and government troops . a problem and gangly that has been killed by police and the latest exchange of gunfire and portable front axels on which reports a gun fight in haiti's capital. as gang spite to take care to control the countries following further decay us, they are attacking public buildings and creating a climate. the fear. police say the shot that the head of the dell must 95 gang known as t. i greg who escaped jail in a prison breakout earlier this month. his that is a set back for jimmy shut easier. also known as barbecue, who's heading in the lines of gangs that had fueled unrest in the caribbean nations
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and are calling prime minister are real henri to resign. he's agreed to step down, allowing the start of negotiations on forming an interim government. but the power vacuum is being filled by armed groups. thousands of people have been killed and thousands more made homeless. the international airport is closed, as are many businesses, making it difficult for people to get food and basic supplies. we now have a situation all of the options, the 5500000 of the 11.4 population is in need of some type of given a time to assist us. and that is, as you can imagine, me, sir, is the significant number and not have those 5 point. 53www are children. do united states is evacuating good citizens, while many people are trying to cross it to the neighboring dominican republic. haiti has suffered from years of turmoil, made it worse by 4 and interventions, political corruption,
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and natural disasters as violent sprites. the government is extending a night's time curfew to try to limited access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. rescue is unpackaged on these kinds of potomac for region are trying to reach a popular tourist town. cut off by collapsing garcia ice has buried hotels and the run, as you can see on the highway leading to the town is also blocked by debris. hundreds of people have protested in the indian capital. following the rest of an opposition, anita, the chief minister deli ivan cadre was detained on thursday in connection with the corruption from last year to senior politicians from his party will also help or obligations linked to the sale of alcohol opposition policies accused the governments of launching a crack down on arrival parties ahead of elections next month. as well as that for
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me in the stalls the attain next inside story looks at us secretary of state on the same thing, since a visit to them at least. and what he has to offer this time rounds, to stay with us the the had a lot of that was done in the middle east and live and, and it's turned robber, gloomy, and cloudy across parts of the gulf. that's thanks to this rash of cloud. it's bringing some heavier rain to pop of saudi arabia or the next few days we can see some flooding from that, right. so the showers as well touching in so could talk, developing across q, wait and buck ray, but the west of that range starting to push across iraq as we go into sunday. much cooler feel across the events and across the field as well for the north west of africa. thanks to a swelling system. bringing some when, when the weather to the canary islands,
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some of that trailing off across morocco. this is a story of a strong felony when that's kicking up this a har resend that will push across into the iberian peninsula over the next few days. now we've seen a lot of heat to cause eastern parts of africa, but temperatures are starting to come down slightly and sit in the high thirty's for in jemina in chad. the heat continues, however, full botswana above average temperatures here. well, in the way of winter weather developing, and you can see those strong winds starting to push the rain from madagascar into mozambique and east and south africa with some very heavy rain to come full of sue to on sunday of the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has no being violated. then we have some
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western powers supportive of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially on tomorrow. the day i look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and lee is ro cause the conflict. israel above the low on out to 00, the secretary of state is on his 6th visit to the middle east and says, well stuff is worn down and so was added to the blink and got to offer this kind of washington pressure. israel's government to change direction. this is inside story, [000:00:00;00] the don't welcome to the program. i'm to clock through a secretary of state as in bought from another diplomatic tour of the mid least


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