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tv   Africa Direct Chocolate Revolution I See Beauty  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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is a god's catherine. so i was at that demonstration and i rode, the doctor said the plan to stay away from walk into the canyon government. he is dead things and sees the demanding better working conditions. they also want more doctors employed at understaffed, state hospitals. these complaints are not means and data back 7. yes, that strikes lasted a 100 days and the consequences for the health care system was devastating. some patients died, a deal was reached, but dr. c, the agreement has not been fully implemented and renewed negotiations hasn't resulted in much the, for the local venture on the 3rd. and the reason why so that day is that you took you out in the year 2017. but the government no go much,
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much stretching on the most of the 5000 doctors have stayed home for more than a week now. some hospitals have stopped admitting patients and hold it emergency and specialized services that only doctors can provide. a majority of canyons can't afford private health care. many of those are here today are young. some say they don't even cross the country in the right. and the reason is distracting. doctors are also calling for the hiring of interns, say the bearing, the brunt of waterloo, state hospitals for relatively low salaries. we graduated 8 months ago. we saw that
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on, on incident municipal has. i'm due to the they have not posted. i've been presenting to the course of the metro and we've had, you know, the health ministry sees it can't afford to more than $36000000.00. it estimates it needs to hire more stuff kathleen solely or to 0. not ruby, as well as often they told mccrae you can find much more information on our website . elders are adult calm, including the latest on the attack on a most good concept that has least at least 40 days. africa direct is up. next. stay with us. the unsettled tact upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is
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happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission and nothing leaves us out without the girls permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 on counting the cost and you play a pallet is back in the energy debate. is it on the edge of a come back? the e. u has pledge, but it's of dollars to cash strapped egypt. what's behind the deal? and how could it potentially bad all text, all the math and creations and businesses counting the cost on algebra the
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the less frequent a bunch of days before, cent per month for c m. faulty loved meeting. you folks who is that if your adult been remodeled to you office the good news. okay. come on, let's hear from you the most frequent through those indicated usually by the federal stick. and when you
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deal with you guys have any call to reach you by the bedroom. it be a show for goodness our phone system is all use of it and rushing to so i'm usually out for a little bit robust when the buffering. okay, to ship, you know, lots of the feelings. if you can size your a software down the pool, okay, to ship you so, and i'll send that home. if you must have pre, the premium will cost you the most, you know, should not be shown me. motion partials, so fill up premier fork is obviously it was the measurements of dollars on this as long as you see a pre uh, the features on this list on visits to mr. pulls it up as well as i was curious of emotion this to sundays. i mean those son comfortably these labels at the corvette
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golf, insufficient blockage and launch it if you suppose that your form of it, i'll say louder, he says we used to muscle shape of some was the most i do for the research and find me. uh, the particularly meet your divorce and know some of our kids in den faded, do man, and then piece of new measure beautifully. uh they need a shuffle west coast and for most of the work is facing a room for the soonest. and plus you, uh, in pa strong, don't fall. so just to monkey mom. i mean, he has the
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initial full of putting me 2nd on to on. do you know? cuz if i include you kid this the nipple pills, i'm so much of a 13. let's go look at cold capital g on nothing. you probably, i didn't sound a little simpler him up. i suppose it's also me a middle step in my life to death throes for the do you fit on the floor. he thought he was just simply me up in a book. you know what you, why would you gonna is you know, throw suddenly separate colors, employer decisions. so you've got a little man, i'm involved, it's all from one of your products and you don't any don't to any, don't see this then. okay. now great month it, i think the beautiful book,
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you know, fossil, this will donate this a student, please don't do much on guns. i really don't use it for these this google question, the the, i mean they just reply little pension bunk for the if they want
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a multiple offer to piece it the level of whip under fed prescription already, or is it going to stream or for special then shipping fee, so like with fast or shoot me a bit more. it was a whole receipt of but you said something to use. the all sounds good. uh, i received a new credit is unpopular uh met failed said good. is every month to month. so too much do do, do the, uh, the 0. so if you could put them on a mazda, unless they have this adobe bus, cuz he moved on for almost a we'll, we'll move on to you. is that something program is a so from of too much go on slide, it starts to any up of the, you know, pump or deliberate, put them on and off. i mean, so very model much sims,
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i mean the problem is sort of age to solve wrong. repeat the mean. if this are afraid to pay the or show you one on to kind of putting this leave a nation, mr. the funds on fish. i don't suppose you need it again. the
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lucas o u l o. so you could go, you can consult the design. mm hm. it does show a new portions of uh let me me a couple of the the jones. why am i gonna pay the most of some stuff? do you see a lot on uh see the gap you won't get into salty is due to all the detail on. i got mine. so you need to drop a import ducky. so simple
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. do you close? i'm pretty mind if i bakers you for the pre set them all. you don't tend to permit kind of a clear dollar thunder peters on a a and the panels. good luck a go, continue to keep up with see if should be able to drill down to include them. ok. okay. while i is there any of these ups? the appraisal is due. costco or the so called us simple song is shift somebody saw similar to the civic or should i'm pulling this off. there was of it sooner, but i thought some is your best good is who was the initial circumcision fix it for you so well a pallet lazy a man like that i shall fall
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on the 1st of all. my gosh. well, i suppose level of, you know, something comes up several plus of but i mean, not really thoughtful because it was in front of us, you know, policy and the mobile quiz tv is there for myself. and the reason why i say to pc, do you live with tv a does this is chris. oh, awesome. grandma t z. the present to the issue below is the best to sit there for a while. i. i didn't even see the fan. i see i'm on the
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list before read the situation. i'm sorry. i looked at the bus, but i looked okay. see if i sent you to them when i bought them before, just a new door who meant they need to see the country mentioned what uh . what fuzzy fuzzy fitness, fitness program and some on progress videos make a move on the roof for me in any kind of way this or the premier enough when in fact before 128 1st. and last, who was of it was that it was another father. let's get us 3 c locus. let's press the front left in my separate novella finish. your goal is to receive
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a security football team and you must given them all of the the best selection of faded on the software this fucking up. and it does sound kind of like a lot, but also almost all kinds of things you like the movies show or look on the phone, my phone right. oh, this is the zip. lizzie, this is pretty much the, the, the,
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is it, those really made these to me. this is, yeah, of course. i think the tip is a quantity for to devote beth is all physical is. so it gets to a point, they put them on speaker lat whole phone, but all 50 flats on my kids off to take it on the exit block. well, there's an industry volunteer called distracted street. las crucis. have i've seen the pistol, it 2 years on this on the home. he's the tools. there's a boost onto makes me 8. see like to laugh. i'm doing my cash. even though my vehicle, if i put in little tonio news news, news post
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a consult with the echo the causal mostly like he has a double fisherman. you finally on multiple plays altamont activity. i know there's only fish was here. my cash by fe, new t by say the leak measured the buck over to the same dollar, say look, i seem good to evaluate
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the account. if i was, i'm distributing you can, i can locate the cost on that sunday if i'm, can we use it by exams and then from these you, jeanette and then from monique looked good to me and you like he has said to simply me to the host of to both the x that you chose to get hold you called good supplement, it's gonna be hard for us to do next. the only thing i'm comfortable for a really long dial the from the
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horse and again cut program. so they from do model divide. second to economic mom, the domain, the legacy just you feel like to ask you for that. what did you guys sit there and my, let me do you mind me to a minute of the a full console deal long listing again. a love seat as kind of a liberal feeling. you know, it just seems like builds the genus that's too easy to use. the
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club. yeah. the whole i found something i think this was the possibility of a more in the pause seek book, guys. they know the best that i see in the city of all. so that is the middle of the room. you know, this is the super. i don't know if that's the same from a girl flush. mostly i do not get a hold for she. wow. some will south, blah, blah, we left those 2 folders. that bill is verified on the way hello boxes, the diesels level soul to see to move in the from african gustavo, it keep of plus mit critical shows. before i let i let me vision out of so
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if i'm old won't see do finally me the people the my take to go. so last problem i did both on the belt and the valley does em flows since the middle novel, successful social piece to that's fully what's left from this off to and from on nail. so come on t if be several bookcases on for my, so give calling i 49. so is that something that i booze on that the exercises are no longer just up to date that that got
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back into the studio today to do so, but the 2nd question to put on picking. okay. now of the to the disk with that for sure. the component would be the fuels wps released and they should be locked up soon. it gets past the 5th gap. ca, that won't be nice as to who we put that phone is. thank kids to keep the skin disease will
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be you know, what the what do people take for the cups? well see past the past, the vocal the 1st of all coastal seasonal phone. cool, cool. now with both of a cool effect on by gushing the swap is the phone number is the tax 2 or more visit that is on the people see use to us is on the phone people blackwood abundantly as the kids leave you the whole whole portfolio the
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the full 5 years, the long digit date is on for inability to make a 14 fit for it i became available. so let's say to play the song political basketball game that cable says on the phone alias on the list for support. think of a, i also see it all for a full little donate. been show us the best on don't live a method less of the beer. he's the silver on someone may focus on law.
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i law solid for vacuum us toll free at 80 because my them still see good also cool them that i've seen the list for all my life. i live, we live all the wireless. we met the day live. what else over the last night in the was the uh, the
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whole bunch office showing up know vote because they are a little busy policy bus. the delivery the following up on this within. yeah. i mean that's what they're so stuck. i need it also in the vault. i see that that will do global use with you follow the chief offensive on while because last night i was just calling to see you may close the ticket. the mean, if there's any kind of human, they put you got a phone to kinda lead police on ridiculous bustle, field total economy plus, cuz you're probably going to see somebody usually is a one a faster. but keep this policy asked it to cut on the schedule by for more of the new email, by the way you people have all the funding data from this cause they must be nice to see you all know what to do. my them. i said to see, see,
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go see is replacing the lucky side. i likes the feedback from the mindful. of course, it is the reason why you wow, found each other. and so let me just see on the a ask like a narrative from africans perspective. these are the want them to do what came up proper from, according to show documentary spine, african filmmakers have been on the to,
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on for over 20 is future with fish from the ship and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges, sierra or she has to read his spend most of his life on the water. he's a fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now for when he was a boy in 2022 long days, mcats would declared and endangered species. i'm the new family at my job. he's not at school today. he's taking us to the band. so the only stop leak in central den bode. yeah . he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves,
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him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that that wants to be, i mean, i'm own, are like me about the power while the all i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market creed not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee diana move up pathogen free. this is the 1st one they saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves along the surface disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to the western media. does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the or the gunman, to open fire inside a packed concert hole in moscow, killing at least 40 people will be live in the russian capital for the licensed the, until mccrae, this is own just here, a line from doha. also coming up the draft to be solutions for the not being adopted. owning to the negative vote for the opponents, a member over there, concert at the un security council of russia, china, and of jerry a rejected us resolution.


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