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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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l, dining involvement and mulanda decade ago. he will serve his sentence in brazil, optimal has failed in their attempt to delay his detention for being. you has always denied the charge and send the gold presidential hopefuls holding the final relatives before elections on sunday. opposition candidate, bustle, referred kicked off his campaign last week after being released from prison, sent a go, was plunged into crisis, up to prison. make yourself postponed the presidential election in february. the constitutional counsel been rescheduled device and so they advocate more than 27000000 people have registered to vote and general elections and by some fear the lead up to the polls could start on wrist. however, midtown so reports from no, i'm going to cancel. i do my was struck by a non gunman by changing a car guy last month. he'd only be in the counselor for a few months. his wife doesn't know why he was minded to use my daughter keeps
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asking for her father. saying when is he coming home? every day she asks, where is that in the local school? possibly natal providence is non flight studies, globally means place of busy lives. and the country's most politically volatile province has a long history of island defense council that to became inside of that he came, they knew the dispensation was a male long home in june, 20 to 2000 actually near 2002 this to this day we don't know who killed that may. and he was followed by a number of other counselors who actually had been met this police say more than 200 politicians were killed in between 201120. 23 is difficult to say its quality calculating on to this last time the, the, the tickets right of the i presented it. and then we know exactly why the,
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these killings and the way these killings are coming from or a potential motive for the killings. political positions with control of, of budgets, but other reasons could include business rivalries and family feats. the killing is often carried off by hits main assessments, paid to suits until the high, the profile that the intended target, the higher the price a part a lift, the legacy of violence and pull policing. some of the perpetrators are never arrested and convicted, and families looking for closure may never get part of my task out as a no gamma. so that's well, that's all for me. tell him the cry. for now, you can find much more information on the website else, is there a dot com? the news continues up to upfront of next the . now let me tell you almost suffice. the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by
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a wild life. from the moment we enter the a coupon occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large tears face with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal, i can also offer somebody valley equal, restored to me and gone is haiti on the brink of collapse all the games of effectively taking over the capital and lock the prime minister out of the country, triggering his resignation. so what will happen in haiti, and is there a way for it to build less things to build. we'll discuss this and more in an upfront special, the 80 is in crisis. the caribbean nation has been under a state of emergency after armed gangs launch coordinated attacks against government institutions, forcing sitting prime minister arielle on re to resign. meanwhile,
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there's been talk about potential for an intervention to quote the violence move many see we continue a long tradition of failed interference by outside powers. but what are the alternatives and what is the role for disability in the country? here to speak with us from point a print is journalist, monique prescott from vancouver, author, and professor of global res at the university of british columbia. jimmy, i'm up here and here in the city, it with me is deputy program director for latin america and the caribbean. with the international crisis group right now has to go to thank you so much for joining me . i'm going to start with you money. you're on the ground. oh, what are you seeing? what are conditions like right now? and this says, uh, catastrophic. i went out yesterday and when i went out yesterday i saw a body on the ground. busy i passed a card that had several bodies in it because he that had an accident because the games had been in my area in my neighborhood 2 days ago.
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and the 8 was everybody's on the edge. everybody stressed everybody's absolutely terrified. they may come back yesterday. another gang, it appears, was also in another town fits your view, maybe about a 20 minutes from where i am and the 2 guys, the population in various neighborhoods in that area. so the situation is that the games control pretty much the hold it people said 80 percent, but i believe now it's up from the 80 percent. the control, the capital city photo plants is on edge it and it is suffering and it is busting. but i must add one thing and it's important. this is this, that's because as i left my home, there were barricades and every few meters, there were different barricades,
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meaning the population is organizing itself. so that is a press the been so i'm coming or to to retard them coming renate. i'm hearing a unique talk about the situation. she describes it as catastrophic in a big issue here is the gang, she says, 80 percent is what reports say the gain control amount is in puerto prince. i'm here, monique say, might even be higher on the ground. a lot of people use that as a reason for demanding foreign involvement. platinum is there's a log into more to is the history of foreign involvement in haiti. whether it's you, emissions that have fail, whether it's uh, the united states meddling at various times. uh, what do you say? yeah, i mean, obviously, ideally these would have been addressed just by the haitian national police and the haitian security forces. however, what we have seen is, has
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a duration of the security and political situation in the last 2 years and a half seems destination of pressing and lawyers that really at this point leaves no option but for the world to step in and help pay the. i think there is a significant, what does it mean? what does it mean the world stepping in and helping you to tell me little bit more about what? all right, so pressure, i'm sorry. entering him a prime minister. frenzy has as the united nations for help, and the security council passed the resolution to send a multinational support mission that will support the haitian police in fighting the guests. so that is not a you waiting peacekeeping mission. it's not, we're not talking about blue helmets. we're talking about a mission are formed by multiple countries that would send qualities not military to support the haitian national police. that is what is a sort of inc, preparations at this point. obviously, the prices of the last few weeks has made these difficult. however, i do think that there is a reason for hope at this point. as we all know,
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prime minister henry said that he will resign while once these transitional government that is being prepared is in place. and if he does, one of the main where is that we had was a major will tom, i'm pro pop what was a very legitimate leader with team out of the picture and the new conceptual government. i'm hoping and i would like to hear what monique and others have to say about these. the haitians will be more welcoming of the scores that would be seen as really trying to help patients get out of the, you know, control of the gang. so that brings me to mima. i'm curious to know what you would say about that idea of haitians being more inclined to welcome these forces. and i know in the past you've said uh what intervention means for haiti. what it has always meant is death and destruction with this situation make you change your thinking on that at all. or i so you think the situation is worth it. think about
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the way the un pick. so called peacekeeping mission, that with wasn't hated, that lasted 13 years from 2004 to 2017. the misery caused by the un forces the rapes, the, the, the murders, the cholera. this mission is explicitly a non un mission, which means that they're not even under the purview of the you when you install all the heavy reparations for the cholera, the un destroyed, help destroy what was there. and so what people see are foreigners coming in once again with guns drawn on them, and to me for the in so called international community. and here let's be specific about who we're talking about. when we say the international community is the state international community that is behind, that is the cause of the ar problem that had upheld an illegitimate government appointed all you're all week. and this is us, france, canada, and brazil, the core group. and so for lead to have the same people be part of the solution or
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to be deciding what happened state to haiti, what to, to make a decision about what the solution is to me is absolutely unacceptable. and for people to say here, spend here to say what the international needs to come tell petty when they're the ones that started the part is like having an arsonist come in and ask them to sing awesome. just to put out the fire. it's unacceptable that does it make a difference to that? you know, a couple of weeks ago, it was a prime minister henri himself, along with canyon president william rudo, who signed an agreement to get to union police officers. if i'm going to say we have no legitimacy, he has, he does, you know, according to the constitution, he's not even supposed to be signing any agreement. he was not supposed to ask for anything he was imposed on us. there is no legitimate person to actually make these decisions to have foreign forces coming in. if you have a form force coming in, that is a non un mission. you're basically asking for, for it. you're basically saying that these, this new standing fine mercer marries into the country, there has to be a, something different than this. and the us, france,
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canada cannot keep acting the way that they've been at the past 20 years when it comes to dealing with haitian people. it's been this acceptable random ones yet. but i mean, i mean, it's understandable that what she's saying that haitians are have these history of interventions that have be failed. and i think that is a very legitimate question. but i think it is also a little bit not a given the situation be as dire as the dice. i price is good. we speak daily with hundreds of patients across both the products and abroad. we visit the country multiple times and without trying to be disrespectful. uh, what we hear from the people in see if there's a nail in the areas that are, you know, under the harassment from the gangs. it's like, it's easy for people who are not in here to say that they don't want. i mean the matter as, as a foreigner to haiti, let me just say i have family that has to leave quite up. okay. and move to the country side. okay. i know i'm
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a haitian presence and get phone calls that i talk to people. so that's the 1st day the, the, the, the, the, the, the so called international committee has created a humanitarian crisis. 80. we made the 1st accept that. and so when we tell you that the last thing we want is to have guns from foreigners pointed at our people just have to listen to that too. and i, i do think those 2 things are not incompatible. so, so let's think through this. i'm only going to bring this to you as well. i mean, there are over 200 games currently operating in haiti is you know, they have access to large quantities of guns, ammunition, money. there's also been documented evidence of the relationship between these organizations and police forces. i mean, why thousands of haitians have before simply their homes because of this violence. if we take for an intervention off the table for the reasons that you mean it has laid out the long and failed history of it, what, what do we look to as a solution? how do we respond to this? something has to happen. what's the something? yeah, i think we must go back to why the gangs have to lift through rated to this
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moment. they have worked the taught the politicians, the people in power in hate. see as well as the economic elite of hate to have findings the gangs. they'll tell you when the reports that say that they have created games, they have um games. they have m powered games so that now the games have failed for here. and uh now. 7 now, taking over and rolling things, but i think it is important to say that that is the 1st spot. the 2nd part is that since 2021, we have proposed a solution do montagna accord is an agreement that came after 6 months of discussion of listening to all political
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parties and values, civil society groups and we picked then we did the synthesis, the smallest common denominator and that was the. busy cord, which step related to your transition? it's also stipulated that we would have the national conference. so hey, sounds good, speak about what it is that they want and it's stipulated also that deal with the elections. now having said this, what happened? the people who had put all the ugly in power, meaning the united states, the canada, france, there you, when and the end to national in the little girl called they called themselves the core group. they had put him in power. so it wasn't possible to move anything forward. we have spent 2 and a half news trying to convince the foreign powers who held
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a yellow widow string where he was telling us, letting us and kidnapping us know, nobody did anything while we were suffering while we were dying on sale to money. i want to just drill down a little bit more quickly. so i understand you're saying for an intervention is a non starter. i'm what stops the immediate crisis, what stops the gangs, what steps the violence. now, i think 1st of all, we need a political agreement. the, the crisis has gotten so bad because the current crisis started in 2018 and did not start with the assassination of juvenile and we use just no more use. it created a void and the crisis got worse. but it started in 2018 when people were asking for social justice and the end to corruption. now what we need now is
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a political accord. we named for patients to come to get the different social sectors as well as political parties, left to guy to come together in the side of me. but we're not out there. organizations like the g 9 and the number of rival groups that amount allied together. and part of what i was thinking about is, how much should we think of them as stakeholders, in whatever political accord we come up with. and also just big picture, what does it mean to have these groups starting to allied together? what do you say? yeah, i mean, i think, i think a number of, of things of what has been mentioned. and i think we need to be able to hold sort of separate truths that happens to move changes, even though they're contradictory. i mean, i think jemima and, and, and when he got absolutely right about the way in which things are national community has historically behavior pay the, it's shameful. right. and the way in which the leads, the political and economic needs have been feeding and using his gas for decades.
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and this is not something we know that even when you had to guess all of this is incredibly true. and you have no reason to believe it. that would be any different now. i mean, we know that the sanctions that the us kind of, that has placed on some of the needs that we're sponsoring, the guys has sort of sent as a chill effect. but we are not, not even we know that the connections between the gangs and the politicians are there. they're very strong. and absolutely there is reason to believe that what has been happening in the last 2 weeks may be pushed by political interest. but i think the crisis of security on the crisis of governance had been completely interconnected. he hated for the last few years, right. and there has been an effort to come to a more agreeable governance solution in which people from the front of parties and $1009.00 and civil society felt identified. the kindly call meeting that happened in jamaica a few days ago brought together maybe not all of the stakeholders, but some of those stakeholders. and now there is the possibility of creating
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a government that will be more conceptual and represents the needs of all of a haitian people. we have to say around 80 percent of patients in the recent polls . understanding how difficult it is to do a pull right now, are supportive of multinational support mission. why? i disagree with that, because we have to know who do, who does these polls? i, i mean, obviously this pro, it's the nose on haiti. bi reporting multinational s o please really know. i want to know who the poles and what the who's, who's paid these corporations. this is fund the acceptable people throw out these numbers like, like, like we're supposed to just believe them. i, the last call i saw was done by an engineer that was paid by the right by the you when come on, i like, you know, or the business elite of haiti that said, you know, that supported the po. i, i be just that the, but i know is the 80 percent that was for us to come in. so they hate to hear you. but my friends. but what do you mean by that gives some indication that at least
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a significant portion of civil society wants that intervention, even if it's not 81 up at the time. how many people, when you're at 80 percent, if i, if i called 10 people and said people say yes, that's 80 percent. so tell me how many people were told in what parts of the country was it intentionally or was it installed? ito, was it in quite able care? was it in the who areas who was pulled in house? was the poll in english, was the poland, french was the following. crail fair enough? speaking of polls, i do need to pick. so i wanna talk a little bit more about the elections again, on march 12th, as we know the fact, the leader arial henri announces resignation after effectively being locked out of the country. and now hasten leaders are rushing to lay the groundwork for new elections in the midst of the tier reading conditions. but before his resignation, i'm going to go to you with this. monique henri had committed to holding elections in 2025. can we expect to see elections now in the post on re error?
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uh, in 2025. sooner or later. what? which, what do you think? money? okay, let, let me lay down to you to a election. this will not be possible in 2025. 0 they lied and he knew he was lying. so this is impossible. the 1st thing, the 2nd thing is that in order to have elections in hate, see you have to have a, at least on the left to pull know who are the people who will vote. and you also have to have a system that has not been a census done in over 10 years in a t. so any intelligent person will tell you it will take minimum of 18 months to organize elections in the age. now having said this, i told you i saw that bodies on the street yesterday. so there is no way now that you could ask anyone to go to election. so let us put the election aside
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now because it elections are not the solution. right now, elections are necessary. absolutely, yes, but elections cannot be held in the conditions we have right now. look, let's talking about what leadership could look like if now is not the time as i'm hearing you say monique, for elections. you say they're important, but now it's not the most immediate and urgent need adam. what direction out of what sector do you expect leadership jemima? is there a, is there a person who you think could help lead haiti out of this crisis? how do you imagine a leadership immersion? well i, i imagine a leadership that emergent that actually doesn't um, that is not spearheaded by the us banks and canada. but the discussion that had that's happening in jamaica began with the terms established by the us. i'd like to point out the other communities actually in latin america have actually stepped up
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. so the incoming president of c, like the central american me central american, latin american nations, zamora from the president 100. it's just recently came out and said a she, she thinks there should be a political solution that actually does not necessarily include the us present canada. and that she was planning to meet with colombia and other friends of hate. st. vincent to actually figure out a way to actually be part of the compensation. what's happened in the us and canada have, have i checked the conversation and not allow other people to have it? or even if they are having a conversation that it's under the terms of the us. and the truth is you can have this commission that people don't see it as a, as a to them. if it's a template, it's a temporary solution. and this will flip. i get to 3 years from now, 5 years from now because they're going down the same path. so i think monique is right. i think them of the honda accord had a chance at 3. you know, a lot of people saw it as a particular kind of a lead grouping. but then, you know,
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you have the, they were talking to all these young people and these young people from the local communities were part of the, of course they're having conversation. i actually think we should go back to that is all the what i do now is i'm not include the and if, and this is the problem, there's also someone else who, who has been raised as somebody who could be part of this conversation. maybe even a leadership part of the conversation. i'm gonna get all of your takes on this. people have talked about a gave felipe a oh god, i hear the i hear the growth in the say the arrows already. but the believe he's a former police officer who served time in the us with drug trafficking and who previously led the crew to tie against president aristide. if by him as a potential candidate to lead haiti. when asked about wanting to be president, mr. felipe said that he would write saying, quote, if my people believe in me, i will be there liter, renata. what say, you know, i, i think that that is a really horrendous idea at the moment we'll get. i think that what monique has
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identified for a very long time as the poor problem of heavy it's a corruption. if it's that leads, i'm putting felipe and power right now will be just replacing one corrupt with another corrupt with that person. that has openly said that has direct guy and clinton, you know, links to the games, i think connection to the game, right. can i be useful? you know, that, so that i am the also yeah. i want to quickly say, can, can we just stop here as, as a, why is it that the, that what we think the problem in the us is a problem of imperialism in an intervention. but in the put but people like to say the problem is the corruption of the lease. yes, they looked at corrupt but so is the international community. can we also say that then we also say some of the moves at the international community, our gangster moves right? if we want to really talk about this, cause that, that's not the key problem to the us in haiti is not just corruption. the us,
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it's full of corrupt politicians. the key problem is an ongoing and non stop intervention because patients are paid for a revolution from 200 years ago. let's be clear about that. of course, they're bad. they're bad people who are, who are in political class. but we, once we say it's corruption in haiti, we leave out the culpability of the international community, particularly friends, us and canada. i just wanted to say that because i would love to you to fall into that trap this morning. i would like to come in with 2 things. there is, there are thousands of patients who are committed, who are in tell and yet who uh, strategic, who have apparently a ideas into arms up moving the country forward. so i say, i call them virtuous circle of about thousands of people, whether they are in puerto plans, whether in the provinces, some of them are going to die us for i think. ringback is extremely important,
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not to say who as one person, but what, what talking about with talking about people will not cold up who are not criminals, people who are on this people who are strategic cases, pull of the how do those people get elevated to leadership? not in against the backdrop, just of gangs and internal corruption, but there's a name was point if there are western colonial powers, whose primary goal is to exploit and extract from haiti, will they allow that virtue circle into into bed space? and what do we do to make to create room for that kind of leadership to emerge? one of the things that we are doing is actually working so that we can control the agenda. we know it's difficult because right now as jimmy might have said n, as very not to agreed. we are basically led by the united states friends in canada . but i want to say another thing and that is important. a 6 they 5 percent of
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it says population is under 24 years old and on till we decide to invest in them, they invest in their health, in their education, in their job training in their the bella. but in providing infrastructure, you will be, we creating this vicious cycle of gains, gangs, games. that doesn't mean the will not be games because you have games in chicago. you have the new york you have in their lives, you will have them to want to. but what it means is you're investing in the develop, but to induce the massive and the quality that exist in the hate there to many people here, we may have to provide them with jobs. we need to provide them with housing, or that will have to be the last what i would thank you all for a very,
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very spirited conversation. monique jemima, renata, thanks so much for joining me. is everybody that is our show upfront. we'll be back in the on counting the cost nuclear a pallet is back in the energy debate. is it on the edge of a come back? the e u has pledge, but it's of dollars to cash strapped egypt. what's behind the deal? and how could it potentially bad all text, all the math and creations and businesses. counting the cost on algebra. foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out of ward for translation, and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to mesa,
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business, latest is free for you. i guess is that in line supply on one of your makes modern plates, the the hello until mccrae. this is the news. how alive from coming off in the next 60 minutes gunman opened file and people attending a concert in moscow. at least 40 have been killed and more than 100 winters will be live from the russian capital. verify is building of the constant holtz bossard. he's a still searching for the attack as well. so it hits the drug pretty solutions has not been.


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