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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our license coming up in the next 60 minutes . the. and it can most go at least 40 people killed. is government open fire and won't come sit in the russian capital. i so has claimed responsibility the drug producers and has not been adopted, phoning through the negative vote of a permanent member over the console. and then you, in security council of russia, china and algeria rejected us resolution recognizing the need for
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a safe spot and garza, on doing it doesn't go far enough to protects palestinians. us secretary of state leaves as well off to holding tools for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who insist he'll go ahead with an assault on profit without, without washington's news. plus, it was thought that my condition was on contrast. the surgery was successful. however, the test home for the operation on con, so, has been present following months of speculation that you guys, princess of wales, announced as she is undergoing cancer treatment. the we begin with breaking news out of russia. we're going to have killed at least 40 people off to bursting into accounts of holding moscow. there was scenes of panic as the attack on folded at the crocus city home on the outskirts of the russian
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capital. officials say 146 people has been injured by so has claimed responsibility for the attack. that with this is the same. they have right now with firefighters have been battling a blaze at the concert hall. will store the site, the roof is collapsing. now a large number of firefighters and ambulance crews remain at the same scene. the shooting. there were many dead and wounded. a flat spots. and then now all i heard was gunshots. that's it. was this? uh, it's a tragedy here. and crocus the firefighters are at work defiant area is very noticeable. all the rest will be told off to the firefighters finished that job. we're going to bring in our correspondent dosage of our, who joins us and now from moscow. and uh, as we mentioned that in the last half hour. oh so i so has claimed responsibility. now, do we know if the government still it lodge and just how much fear is there in the
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city tonight? as well, according to officials, they're still searching for the government. so it's not clear whether they're still in this complex or they've managed to escape. we're waiting to hear an updates and a briefing from the security personnel who have set up a command post outside that the city hall comm pounds, which is about 20 kilometers north west of the kremlin area in moscow. what we do know is that there have been a number of people evacuated and it's not clear if anybody's still inside any civilians are still inside at this facility. what we do know is that extensive damage has been sustained by the fire that broke out, as well as dozens of people killed. the we've seen the emergency personnel from different parts of moscow responding to this according to the mayor of las go. who
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said that this was a horrific a terrible tragedy. rather, at least 50 ambulances dispatched to help with the search and rescue operation. and the feeling here is that this is a very rare kind of attack. that doesn't happen that often the last time, something like this happened to been moscow was in 2011, when a female suicide bomber at an airport detonated herself killing 40 people. so these kinds of attack are very rare, and especially on this scale, which would indicate a large planning a stage that took place for these government to be able to carry out this type of an attack. this an auditorium, which was hosting a concert by a group who is picnic and according to officials have sold 6200 tickets. that's the number that we have. we don't know if there were that many people in the auditorium
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when the government storms at the entrance and when in opening fire at the people that were inside the door. so was there any bullying in the tank like this was a minute as well? there wasn't a warning from russian officials, but there was a warning put out by the us embassy here urging 1st americans to leave russia if there are any here. and also for the ones that are shared to avoid any large public gatherings or events such as concerts. this is something that the u. s. embassy does quite regularly urging people to avoid large crowded areas here in moscow. and this warning had been put out by the u. s embassy. earlier this month. and interestingly enough, the federal security services in russia has 4 wheels and attack that they say was planned by 2 men to carry out against a synagogue here in the capital earlier march as well. and those 2 men, according to the officials, were also affiliated with. i so, other than that,
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we didn't have any official warnings about such gatherings and for people to avoid them. but what we do know is that according to officials, all concerts and public gathering events that were scheduled for this weekend. the next 2 days here had been cancelled and that the events have really forced officials to look at the security at these larger events. ok, thank you so much dos, a full that license subtitles. did you barry for us there in most go for more on this. i agree and kyle is with us now. he is a us national security and foreign policy specialist who joins us by skype from boston. thank you very much for being with us again on al jazeera. first of all, i so has just kind of responsibility. what are your initial assessments? so for this happens here, and what their motivation would be to carry out and attack like this on russian civilians. well, i take them at their word. i think that the claim is not
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a false claim for credits that you can claim credit for terrorist attack. so the end of the day or the once you did it, i have a different uh, a way to characterize our was the warning by the united states earlier. and the incidents of terrorist attacks in jihad is kind of a terrorist attacks in russia. and they actually have a long problem longstanding problem with in particular, chechen islamic terrace to oppose that what they do is russian imperialism and the process to pause to see or, or godlessness and so on. body, russian state. mm hm. they haven't attacked in recent years, but there's a long, a threat from them. the attack, the notification or the warning by the u. s. was 2 weeks ago, i think,
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and it was different then the standard of avoided the dangerous places. you know, gatherings of large numbers of people and said there's a risk of a terrorist islamic terrorist attack, which the russians then the trojans specifically denounced as a this information campaign to destabilize rush it, which was nonsense. the rest would not do that. if there is a terrorist attack or information that the us has or does share directly with washing intelligence and in this instance publicly. so i think that's what happened . my initial thought was that it would be the attractions, but the but isis, which is more from afghanistan, has claimed, well, what do you make of present? dismissing the warning from the us a couple of weeks ago, what do you think that says about, i guess is his way of putting himself forward as being a the, the only person that can, i guess keep russian size. well i think in this instance, she's done himself
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a little harm or he'd need them to have been so defensive and reflexively hostile to anything that the west and the united states in particular may say, or do the, the us wouldn't play games, does not play games with the terror stretch, and then here he reflexively lashed out of the united states when the warning was to those of us who have worked on them and, and pay attention to, to the us. one of the issues them, a pretty, pretty clear. well, as we've mentioned, russia has a history of attack similar to this, but there's been nothing quite on this scale. so to sometime, why now and how well planned in store house do you think that this attack was? yeah, is to a very interesting questions. it's a on the planning 1st. the standard response is what are we?
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we just heard that this is something of this nature takes extensive planning that's taken as an article of faith that it does. unfortunately for all of us to kill people is not that hard and it doesn't take dramatic planning. someone needed to know where there was a concert needed to roughly know if some guards are up the door. figure out how to carry weapons from wherever they started to the concert side. that's about it, and then be willing to die as these people were. so i'm not particularly impressed, but we should all be alarmed. disappears out to that. why do this now? well, isis is from your, my perspective in many what are they claimed to be pursuing? the gods will, but they, it's largely new listed. they strikeout power centers that they view as is, are infidel, and the easiest and in, on the 7th century kind of muslims. so they're striking russia or france, or the united states, or great britain or syria,
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and on and on. and they will strike the generally speaking, the more powerful of western secular states, where there is not a target of opportunity costs. they have the means to do it. yeah. it may be as simple as that, but i don't know any other reason specifically why they were russia now. okay. just on, on that point. uh, we, at this point in time understands that the government still on the run with are these are still trying to track them down. how likely is it that they could be more attacks to come as well. there's always a, uh, an emotional fear of a follow on attack by general citizens and concerned by authorities or carters authorities, whether the russian or american or to whoever it is possible. but it is as pure
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speculation. the ones who did this attack are unlikely to do another one. now they will either be trying to die as martyrs in their view or to get away. it is possible that there are other attacks plan, but generally there have not been a coordinated waves of attacks by jihad, as terrorist groups there have been a series of them. there might be an attack one month and then attack someplace else another month. but they tend not to be coordinated so that, that frequently is that that is hard to do. okay. yeah. so that's what i'm saying is just based on past the practice and experience, but not in any information of course. okay, thank you so much. we'll, we'll have to leave it there, but we really appreciate your time. think pals, thank you. and you said the, the you in security council has failed to pass
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a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and guns are russia, china, and l. jerry, a voted against the draft. china is invested to criticize the us, the dodging the issue of a sci fi, well rush, and best of the said the resolution did not put enough pressure on as well, gabriela ellis on the reports from new york. so united states was reminded on friday that precise language is key when it comes to un security council. resolutions goes against russia and china vetoed us draft resolution the cold for a cease fire, but didn't specifically demand wine boating. instead saying the ceasefire was simply imperative. language like that, russia argued would not hold is real accountable culture, but the team on the web post i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount the military operation . in rough algeria,
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the only error of the member on the council also voted against us draft, regrettably, to the resolution for the short or followed expectations. the us ambassador said the veto. what cynical the and petty russian trying to simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see us fail. then to see this counsel succeed yada a small south american country and an elected member of the council abstain, arguing the us draft failed to call out israel. why then, why did relevant demands in the resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying power? not even once was this done. indeed, if one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party in this conflict is committing the choice of peace and gossip frustrated over inaction on gaza. a majority of the 10
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non permanent members of the council had been circulating their own draft resolution and it does demand an immediate cease fire. a vote is expected saturday morning. the us is already signaled they have some problems with the draft, but it's unclear if the us will use its veto power to block it. you give me what is she sent him flush your good and if the us the serious about to cease fire, then please vote in favor of the other draft resolution. clearly calling for a ceasefire, 6 months into israel's war on gaza. the counselor was in agreement a ceasefire is long overdue, but at an impasse on how to achieve it, let me think research on gabriel's on don't. how do you see that? at united nations in new york area, we spoke to francis and best of the, to the you in the clause, the really a he explained some of the sticking points in the us draft resolution in the us draft was a good draft on this is why for us voted for that. i think it was
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a step in a good direction, but of course the language on this, he's probably a was a not strong enough. and the main program is also the link between the, the really so for stages and the ceasefire, if you make this is probably a dependent on the release of the stages. you think the risk of, of being a, uh, thousands of thousands of, uh, more cleanings in the does that strips in the weeks and month to come. so you need to, of course, the image yet and condition i'd really use of a stages. but you need for the ceasefire right now. i test to stop it. stop. what's happening is that the contrary to geneva conventions, the language on rough uh was week as well. uh you have to explain to spread it operation on the roof. uh is of limits, its a red line. it does being said by many doors, it should be in the resolution as well. you cannot just say, uh, we would be concerned with the placebo effects. open up
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a restaurant in russell. so we need to us a clearer resolution on this is y fronts. we vote in favor of the 2nd resolution that i hope it would be put to the about sort of attack. and both of them as and ralph are in southern gaza. he has more on reaction through that filed resolution the general sentiment someone caused since they are completely frustrated, as they are completely full, if it has lost the trust in terms of the sense of the international community. so typically that they're happy multiple fairly as regarding the arrival to us, these fine agreements that between almost on the is what i'm, this is terrifying. specifically, that's with us a had at school with it and vetoed against 3 resolutions holding for an immediate sanction of a fighting on the ground and therefore a holding a ceasefire to now there are also still have a window of hope regarding the american that's f as in cooperation with cassandra
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egypt, in order to bridge the gaps of arguments between both spots who are, who are, who are fighting on the ground. and also to allow for the flu with the humanitarian supplies for desperate concepts. but let's be completely realistic that goes on a freight from the possibility of reaching for a temper ceasefire agreement, in which officer, the funny thing will be resumed again, which means that there is no, any critical change might be taking place as the majority of desperate people here want a complete cessation of hostilities and a guarantee for, for return, for the majority of displaced to their houses. and then other parts of the 2 or 3. the us secretary of state has wrapped up, is like his visit to the middle east and to the blinking said he health, candid discussions with this ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu warning him against plans for ground, defensive and rough, and come to salute for quotes from occupied east jerusalem,
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yet another diplomatic push us secretary of state. and to me blinking land intel a be to meet with top is really officials. but this time with a shift in tone. it's blinking 6th visit to israel since october 7th. and this was a chance to express washington's disapproval of the impending ground invasion of gauze, the southern most city. a major military ground operation in rasa is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking grader having with the version of the manager and assistance at risk, further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security and status. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu maintains a ground defensive and drop off is the only way to achieve what he calls an absolute victory. sure,
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a little bit. we have no way to defeat him off without entering rasa in eliminating the rest of the mos battalions there. and i told him that i hope we will do it with the support of the united states. but if we have to, we will do it alone. despite that threat, israel has sent a delegation to dell. how or talks with hamis are on going to secure a ceasefire? blinking says mediators are trying to bridge the gaps on remaining sticking points, but anonymous is really official said, no real progress has been made. next week, israel will send a delegation to washington to brief american officials on its military strategy in drop off with nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians, or sheltering there. in the us fears the planned operation will put more lives in danger and impede the delivery of 8 some the set who it as a 0 occupied east jerusalem tama committed as an assistant professor of public
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policy at the the institute for graduate studies. he explains what is behind the us move as a thought of as these 5 possibly that serves the interests of all the boxes including the, by the solution as a result, as a result of the growing pressure inside the solution, especially among the progressive democrats. i mean, i mean the by, by them decision was to diffuse the special integrity in a very key elections here. so this concert of the address service right is interest partially, but not the best thing of interest because no one is talking about the problem is, is for even the on the, on the link is visit to the reason. one key aspect of, of, of, uh, well 1st negotiations with concern, fucked isn't companies as discussing that they, after, after this award for the future of goods. which obviously does not involve time as it involves some ideas for future arrangements to govern guys, or that does not involve him as old in general, in vols, imposing something and up in a statement that does not come to democracy through reconciliation through
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a piece. so the, some good at this stage. so my, my, i'm afraid that it's, we're still not going anywhere to end discomfort, government damaged or political supplement because or what receives a shop of diplomacy to bodies that have more time to push it and explore and experiment any future arrangements totaled goes up without the students having adrien c and a and this what, what is me, what if, if, if they epstein and they let us pass, then it will be so difficult and, but as it for them to allow, is that i have continued the word often than the mm hm. and at the same time, if they meet with, then it's what are you to expose them that the america's or the by that i'm the solution have nobody and attention to that. i'm going to end this war. so in either way, i think the americans are more or less than an interesting position. i don't to be interesting to see how would they be, how would they behave? i guess this possible solution the
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consent to go presidential hopefuls holding their final relatives before elections on sunday, opposition candidates, fossil ridge on the fi is in the city. as in boy, it kicked off as a nation campaign last week after being released from prison. and the country was plunged into crisis off the prison and make yourself postponed the presidential election in february, but the constitutional counsel been rescheduled the vote. but from all on all of us were joined by nicholas hogg, who is at this rally. and nick, it looks like thousands have turned out there this evening of thousands tom and this final rally and the opposition candidate. but through demo apply, it has still has, hasn't made it inside this stage yet, nor has sancho and the crowd is electric. earlier on we saw people run through the stadium as if this was a big football game or is it mohammad already was here to fight. there is such
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enthusiasm in this election because that's your dom i find a week ago was in prison. this former tax man taxing sector is not really known by the population, but it allows 3 keys, residents to become a store where a lot of young people have told that he can deliver on the cheese. that they so large desire. a lot of people in the crowd here are young men, many of them unemployed, for people that work in their early teens when president lucky saw it came to power 12 years ago. they're calling this party is calling for an overall the system, a change in the way democracy is right in center goal. and they're calling for greater equity and more jobs for young people. and so by through jim, i find this for a tax inspector is running against his former boss and also attaching back to the
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head of the tax department in san diego. he's the ruling party candidate and the former prime minister. earlier on today he pitched to the synagogue people to the civic leads of media that he was the man of stability. but for the crowd here, they want to see change from new plenty of, of hope. the clearly an independent as well and truly on to sunday. what is likely to happen though and, and can you just explain how free and see these elections likely to be 1st, the biggest challenge is to turn this enthusiasm into votes. because many of the 1st time voters didn't get their electronic card on time, there was a lot of a big push for the art position, not just for the city, but also members of the opposition to just get people to get their electrical cards
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on time to be able to take part in the selection, but this election was delayed, as you mentioned, it was supposed to take place in february. and there has been a lot of uncertainty towards the credibility of the why will, because several key opposition figures are not in the writing for reward. who has the democratic party of political, where the largest political party in the country. he put his weight about to reach him, i thought, and their role is also the leader of basically the party with fun sancho, who is know in the running we heard crowds here to chat the name, not a bite, but of sancho this political figure in the this to this party was created has been saying, go is bussey room 5 and bus you reply is sancho, it's not about the person or the candidate. it's about this project. this overall, the system, what they mean is they want to really go, she'd be oil and gas contract to have their own currency to break away from
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a common currency. this t establishment politician or candidate is only st. calling for a new constitution that is different from the copy paste constitution that comes from from the former colonial power is vision and vicious plan. but we're the people and the crowds here go to the pulling station, come sunday and deliver the vote. and the change that so many people here desire. tom, thank you so much for all of next steps. nicholas hug for us the instead of go. it will catherine, the princess of wales has announced she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. the british royal revealed her condition in a video and message, but hasn't she had this house on the type of cancer or stage the father in law, king charles and he was proud of her carriage and speaking else. john,
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how has moved from london week so feeble speculation about the health of britons princess of wales has come to this a 2 minute video statement on a pretty pump been draped. catherine revealing that she's being treated for cancer in january, i on the one major i don't know surgery and one done on at the time, it was thought that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, the test to the operation found cancer has been present kensington palace as these traditional is made. few details known about the princess as health while she's been absent from public duties, often major abdominal surgery in january. i'm sorry. where is kate middleton? i do wish if there's more transfer you to a vacuum of the official information and online friends that you have. conspiracy theories flourished. they were fueled by a family portrait released to reassure the public, but pulled by press picture agencies offered was revealed to being digitally altered by catherine herself. she admitted,
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and into suzy aspect about to photographer. and this week, it was a ledge that stop at the london hospital where she was treated, had access to private medical records. and the investigation is on the way with friday's video statements suggesting the possible data breach for the royal communications machine. to get a head of a lead to the media, they hope you'll understand that as a family, we now created so time space and purposely. while i complete my treatments, it's been a tori few months, but britain's royal family. in february, it was announced that king charles had an undisclosed form of cancer following treatment for an enlarged prostate. 2 of the families most senior and hard working fig goes rocked by your health and out of the public eye. it is a royal house, now, family and crises less than 2 years after the death of its longest serving monica. the queen, during the whole elder 0 was still a hit, a run down to 0,
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escalating violence on the streets of hazy. gang leader was killed by police, his thousands play fighting in the capital, the the hello that was not down on the in australia. and the country has seen some very active weather. that's not going to stop any time soon as the remnants of tropical flight clone megan, continuing to bring some very heavy rain to central areas. places like alice springs much of an open territory. queensland and new south wales. and it's not just the rain and the wind that comes with this system, but it's dropped down. temperature is dramatically alice spring should be at about $33.00 degrees celsius, a maximum high this time of year with touching 20 degrees that on sunday. but it
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does look like it'll improve flight on monday that is bit colder for that se corner it'll get colder in tasmania on sunday. and there's blustery winds will bring some showers out further east. some of those will well well into southern parts of the south island of new zealand on saturday. but this settled, the faithful places like christ church wessa, whether moving towards the bay of plenty across the north island on saturday, pushes for the east will see more rain. however, coming into the very south as we go into the new week of the sunday, the very heavy rain continues across southern pots of southeast asia, but it's going to get hotter for southern pots of vietnam on sunday. the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to know. there is no one nor, or international uniting title that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of,
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of israel's actions. he sort of has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deeply corrupt materially, morally they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and the israel goes to conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, now let me tell you about safari valley. the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the coupon. occupied right now, able to practice much locked in the now be used only and looked at very close here like common here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks, royal, i can also offer somebody probably equal,
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resorted in gone to the the see what you know just here a reminder of our top story is the south. at least 40 people have been killed off to gunman stone, to concert venue. and most guy will forward, he's still searching for the attack is also left nearly 150 people inches by so has claimed responsibility for the attack. the united nations security council has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and concept prussia, china and l. jerry advisors against moscow invasions, if the draft did not put enough pressure on israel and, and the u. k. catherine, the princess of whiles, has revealed that she's undergoing treatments a cancer. it follows weeks of speculation about her whereabouts and health since she was admitted to hospital for a terminal surgery in january. which it fits williams as
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a boy and watch and come and tell you that he says the news has shocked every one. this is a absolutely low risk situation. and i think that it's katherine, for instance, wherever so said that discovering the teen tech councils, pressing off, having underdone about operation for a domino saturday, i'm going to surgery, i guess that this was a shock. i st. listening to this. i say we do some shocked because it is so difficult to come to terms with us. this is so pus. lee, i'm stressful. this list condition i have. i mean, if you can, so also way that she has sample size the question as a partnership with william and best particularly was looking out to the children
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like break up today has the timing of the broadcast. this is a very, very sensitive human situation and it's been so difficult to res, which weeks, i mean, we now know that's close that as she went on the, when the operation in january, subsequently, she's being the guy in cuba setup and she seemed very vulnerable in the broadcast and i think seriousness has got across to was son. it was really very, very moving to this. but it's a very various trial of the strong trial as a shot that going to all to your clients is russia has carried out the biggest attack on into energy facilities in more than 2 years of war science. we're headed across the country, leaving many places without pallet including the 2nd largest city. hi keith. this comes as the kremlin changed its official language to describe the conflict. saying it is an essential for role mcbride has the latest and this report from cave firing
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off decoy flat as to avoid interception. a russian missile hits the hydro electric dime and power station in separate it gives you the advert tax. what am did you cranes critical energy infrastructure around a dozen missiles with 5? it's felicia alone. there were a lot of explosions after the 1st class. i had only one goal to ensure my child was a life iris. good team from durable. around 150 drones and miss housing totals that came in ways from how to key the northeast, where large parts of the city had power cuts affecting water supplies and forcing people to use emergency generators. it's for the generator to keep water pumping and also to keep my business going somehow to the central western region of canal, netscape reports of damage and casualties was soon coming in from all parts of the country. and the biggest attack of its kind on ukraine's energy system emboldened 2
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years of rule. the question for many people here is why now ukraine had been expecting a repeats of last winter as a tax on power stations in on a power into time to buy must go to freeze the population into submission. but spring is already arriving. and this escalation comes just a day off. the key was the targets of the biggest missile attack in a month and a half at defense's side to the 100 percent success rate. with ukranian, president full of them is a lensky cooling for more of the sophisticated practically of factories that defend the capital to be supplied for the rest of the country. public broad. i'll just say era keith, the latest have finished the summers and brussels which included the 1st unified coal for an immediate humanitarian pause and hostilities and cause of they will. so i promise continued military support for you crying, and it's full with russia now into its 3rd year. patasha butler has more. as for
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the main things come out of this to day. some it is a you need is agreeing on a humanitarian pause and the fighting a goal so that they hope will lead to a sustainable seas find that that is significant because since the beginning of the conflict, the last october, the e. u has been divided over this issues. you've had countries including jimmy who being who store supporters of israel, all the countries on the other side, for example, spain islands in belgium saying that israel's actions in gauls and finally to international violated humanitarian a new. so there was never any decision that were common ground when it came to quoting for us, these 5, what has changed in recent weeks in recent months is the tone when it comes to addressing israel that suddenly become a critical here in a circles. but also as a catastrophic humanitarian situation in garza has really a focus. mine's not something the many you need is spoke about when they came
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a we heard for example, from belgium's prime minister, talking about the fact that it was unacceptable. there's so many palestinians, all facing, of funding. what you need is also talked about ukraine, that all the a big priority and they pledge ongoing military aid and support for ukraine. they said, for as long as it's a takes, this is of course, a movie to use of to russians. invasion of ukraine, and all of them is let's go ukrainians. ukraine's presence also addressing some is saying that he hopes himself, of course, that a continued support in the latest looking also the possibility in the future of using some profits from phrase and russian assets in order to be able to buy a weapons for keys and slash butler, which is 0 process. the world health organization is wanting children and guys dying from malnutrition. this is getting more items to this trip is the only way to
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prevent famine since and monahan has more. children and gaza are struggling to survive. mohammed is suffering from malnutrition, his mother says food has become nearly impossible to find how mostly a small yesterday. i took my 11 year old son to have his blood tested and the result came on, his blood count was 11. how's that possible? that's very low and weak, but what can we do? there's no x, no meet no procedures, no fish, no vegetables are you the see us and the others suffering from the serious medical conditions are getting worse due to lack of food and medicine. what are the small cystic fibrosis side? you have cystic fibrosis. this disease requires a lot of care. we have been at work for 5 months now. nothing is available anymore . day by day, his condition has deteriorated. so the world health organization teams and ga the say children are dying from a combination of malnutrition and disease. nearly 32000 palestinians have been
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killed in israel's war on gaza. tens of thousands have also been injured, but dr. se malnutrition lowers their chances of survival. america is the lack of food, and the lack of availability of certain types of food affect the patient. as a wound, stone teal, this poses a serious risk to life, and israel has severely restricted 8 supplies to god the. the world health organization says opening up more routes is the only way to prevent of famine requests to deliver to supplies that are often blocked or refused a damaged drugs and continuous fighting, including in the end, close to hospitals mean delivers are few. and so the international community is pushing for more a to be allowed to gaza. and until that happens, children will continue to suffer. vinson monahan,
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alabama 0 is ready for us as have killed the palestinian men west of the city of ramallah in the occupied westbank investigator say, he targeted and is rarely settlement and injured at least 7 soldiers. and the shooting or con, has more from the occupied with bank. i'm in the village of it. they have the list from here, the early hours of friday morning. and was you all have cars are made his way with a guns towards the face of to illegal is where the sacraments that he shot towards the settler foster didn't enjoy any one. he didn't hit out on the side of a hill and that's where he got into a fight flight for these. right ami? he ended 7 soldiers, one critically, an apache helicopters talking above fy towards him, local, say, the 2nd shot to hit him and he was a carried away on a stretcher while we were filming the army shot to guess that's how simple the drug, even though it was clearly labeled as press the army, surround it, and then run,
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sacked his family homes to the rest of his brother and his wife and interrogates. just follow the in the house because obviously what i'm good um but i mean my son was tough. he worked as a part of he didn't have any problems in his life, and there was no sign that he was planning this. well, he kept listening to the news and he was always sad about what's happening in does a person under all these, right. another trip left to we've just entered the home office. i had kind of just, i just want to show you some of the destruction of left in the way this runs data such as being smashed close for the entire life full of the floor. and just next door, i'll take you into the children cedrin over here. it's been so sweet. an awfully run sucks. you look inside that close that twice. once again, straight across the floor. now the found the left to pick up the pieces while they moved his desk north on, out to 0, dare to see
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a the occupied westbank to thousands of people in high c, fleeing fighting between gangs and government troops. a prominent gang lead to has been killed by police and the latest exchanges of gunfire. and porter, prince x was on the which has more guns, fighting haiti's capital as gangs fight to take way to control the countries following further. a decay us they are attacking public buildings and creating a climate. the fear. police say the shot that the head of the dell must 95 gang known as t. i greg who escaped jail in a prison breakout earlier this month. his that is a setback for jimmy shut easier, also known as barbecue, who's heading in the lines of gangs that have fused unrest in the caribbean nation and are calling prime minister ariel henri to resign. he's agreed to step down,
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allowing the start of negotiations on forming an interim government. but the power vacuum is being filled by armed groups. thousands of people have been killed and thousands more made homeless. the international airport is closed, as are many businesses making it difficult for people to get food and basic supplies. we now have a situation all of the options, 5500000 over the 11.4 population is in need of some type of given a time to assist us. and that is, as you can imagine, is there a significant number and not with those 553w are children. do united states is evacuating its citizens, while many people are trying to cross into the neighboring dominican republic. haiti has suffered from years of turmoil, made it worse by 4 and interventions, political corruption, and natural disasters as violent sprites. the government is extending
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a nice to of course you did try to limited access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. in tennessee, a permanent journalist and critic of prisons in case it has been detained. a judge says mama for holland was arrested on friday out to insulting a female public employee on social media. and on the radio program. the support has many of them journalists cooling on president side to stump restrictions on freedom of speech in tennessee. and so the applicant, more than 27000000 people have registered to vote in general elections in may. some fee of the lead up to the polls could lead to on wrist. having the test reports from no going to cancel. i do. my was short, but a non gunman was changing a car tie. last month he'd only be in the counselor for a few months. his wife doesn't know why he was minded. i think oh goodness he is. my daughter keeps asking for her father. saying, when is he coming home every day?
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she asks, where is that in the local school? because we were natal. providence is known for its dining views because really means place of facilities. and the country's most politically volatile province has a long history of islands. the fast counselor to be came within so that he came, they knew dispensation was. it may have long gone into in 20 to 2000 actually near 2002 this to this day we don't know who killed that man. and he was followed by a number of other counselors who actually had been met, the police say more than 200 politicians were killed in between 201120. 23 is difficult to say it's quality calculating on to this last time the, the, the tickets rate of present it. and then we know exactly why the, these killings and the way these killings are coming from
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a potential motive for the killings. political positions with control of, of budgets, but other reasons could include business rivalries and family feats. the killing is often kate up by hits main assessments, paid to suits until the high, the protocol that the intended target, the higher the price applied to lift the legacy of violence and pul, policing, some of the perpetrators are never arrested and convicted and families looking for closure may never get hardened latasha out of the no gamma south africa. hundreds of canyon medical professionals have much to the capital to demand bit of pay and working conditions. they're accusing the government of failing to implement promises made in a 2017 agreement that the government says it's budget isn't big enough to come for the play just made 7 years ago. catherine saw it was at the demonstration, and i wrote, the doctors say the plan to stay away from walk into the
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canyon government. here's them please. and sees that reminding better working conditions. they also want more doctors employed at understaffed, state hospitals. these complaints are not means and data back 7. yes, that strikes lasted a 100 days and the consequences for the health care system was devastating. some patients died, a deal was reached, but doctors see the agreement has not been fully implemented and renewed negotiations had been please. busy listed in march, the for the local ventures on the 3rd enjoys and right. so the days that you took you out in the year 2017. the government no. much stretching on the most of the 5000 doctors have stayed home for more than
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a week. now. some hospitals have stopped at me to patients and hold to emergency and specialized services that only doctors can provide. a majority of canyons can't afford private health care. many of those are here today, all young jobs. some say they don't even cross country yet in the right. and the reason says, the striking doctors are also calling for the hiring interns. you see the bearing, the brunt of waterloo, state hospitals for relatively low salaries. we graduated 8 months ago, we saw the names of immunizations, of has, and due to the,
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they have not been present in to the course of the next bill. and we've had, you know, the health ministry says it can't afford to more than $36000000.00. it estimates it needs to hire more stuff. kathleen solely or da, 0. not ruby of hundreds of people have protested in the indian capital following the risk of an opposition later. the chief minister of delhi was detained on thursday in connection with the corruption pro. last year to senior publications from his policy were held allegations linked to the sale of alcohol. a position policies accused the government of launching a crackdown on vines as hobbies ahead of elections next month. a full of brazilian full of ravine. your has been arrested in his home country and will 79 year prison sentence for right. he was in this. com that arrived at the federal police headquarters in santos,
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virginia was convicted in italy 2 years ago. but his pot in the right of an albanian woman in milan a decade ago, he will say it's a sentence in pursuit of the boy is bound to delight his detention virginia has always denied the charges. it was still a hit here on alan's. is there a donald trump social media platform, this it to become a publicly traded company? well, that means for the cash strapped form, a us president, the
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[000:00:00;00] the phone with you as president donald trump, social media platform, truth socialist, and to become a publicly listed company. the shareholders in digital world acquisition corporation, signed off on the deal to acquire, as the agreement would say, it's trump up for a possible multi $1000000000.00 page. and the green line from shareholders play as a major hurdle for the long delayed the jeff christen salumi has moved from new york. in this move is expected to pump millions of dollars into trump, media, and technology group. the company behind trump's social media platform form truth social and it could also potentially provide a fresh source of cash for the former president as he space as mounting legal bills . the market value of trump media has been placed at $5000000000.00 and the
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former president sharing the company would be $3000000000.00, but he would not have access to that money. he could not sell his shares for 6 months unless the board of directors wouldn't grant him a waiver. now, the former president is facing a monday deadline to come up with $454000000.00 to cover a penalty. and a civil fraud case here in new york, he's been unable to secure that funding for a bond while that case. and that decision is on appeal. and so he is at risk of having assets seized. and at the same time, he owes another $88000000.00 to a former magazine writer e jean carol, who suited him for defamation. so mounting costs for the former president, but trump media set in a statement before this merger that the move to go public will
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help the social media platform to enhance its product. kristen salumi al jazeera new york risk you isn't focused on it's kind of fucked on club region. a trying to reach a popular tourist town, cut off by a collapse in place in ice has buried hotels in the wrong and debris has blocks the highway leading to the town. us around the world would across these fielding conflict as well as driving in a quality in migration that's according to the latest you in report, which is countries to increase cooperation to help preserve pace, how environment is in the clock has more. this is a you and flagship reports on the state of the world's fresh water results, and it doesn't paint a pretty picture. today. 2.2000000000 people live without access to safety. man is drinking more to an approaching call for the world's population. do not have adequate or safe sanitation. indeed,
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in poorer countries up to 90 percent of waste water is discharged directly into the environment without treatment every single day around the world, 1000 children die from illness is caused by contaminated drinking water. all this drives migration is millions, move in search of fresh and safe supplies. i think further straighten the results is where the migrant settle. few like social tensions. i'm conflict can have nick catastrophic impacts on civilian water infrastructure. think of a targeted attacks on storage and treatment plants in ukraine in gauze, and in sue don. as climate change adds to the strain of water supply, the u. n. report cools for global effort to provide water equally for everyone. it is of the role of human rights scientists and thailand. restoring reeves with carl bread and lavar trays, the annual release of system and eggs from existing rates is collected, and in kronen labs for 5 years before being released onto the save,
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it pulled in full 1000 reef colonies have sort of 5 being restores. but so for me, for this, these out, laura kyle is a nix with more of the dies, you stay with us. this is the biggest global electron yet in history. the world's biggest democracy, off its own, epic sort out joined main street of off engine for a new full block be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of crime. and that's been that in the body of the thing, an avalon cut often charges even before full talk. com. the report was due on the the, the, this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right cycle, logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man. as a dentist, again, a has registered for possible military service if needed. or look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do. this ukraine begins the 3rd year with this full scale war. there was a growing awareness of the need from old military posts. and now i do believe women have a high volume in the army, and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my mail command. so there is a place for each woman,
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but i understand also that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. but as to when it runs on, it's a decision, increasing numbers of women may be called on to make the, the master panic and most co, at least 42 people are killed as gunman open for a real concept. and there are some common so i so that's the same responsibilities the,


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