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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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is real cause a conflict, israel above the low on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the, i sometimes responsibility for an attack on a concept. so in moscow and more than 60 people have been killed. the government still it not the hello elizabeth put on. and this is algebra, live from door ha, also coming on the drugs for these reasons for not being adopted. owning to the
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narrative of a permanent member over the council security council of hales deposit a us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and gaza. russia, china and algeria said it doesn't go far enough to protect palestinians. the us secretary of state lives as well, not to talk to problems to benjamin netanyahu. when says, go ahead with an assault on golf on with or without washington support. and we have in senegal, which presidential candidates have been holding the final remix ahead of elections on sunday. the authorities in moscow was searching for several gunmen following an attack on a concert hole which has left more than 60 people dead around a 150 others. were injured when the shoes was still on the venue and opened fire. i saw his claim responsibility both as
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a volume reports from muscular of the inside, one of the biggest performance and use of moscow gunman open fire as they make their way through the caracas concert hall, leaving a trail of bodies behind. and this is a scene. once gunman reached the main auditorium, there's panic and chaos as hundreds of concert goers tried to escape the exceeding the shooting. there were many dead and wounded. a flat spots and then now all i heard was gunshots. that's it. an infernal also breaks out taking firefighters hours to contain a tax on this scale are rare in russia. this incident has raised questions about the security services ability security guards of this and concert hall were not
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armed. they had only these or something like that. they didn't have with the weapons, so no one is really a trip there for a major terrorist attack. and that's going to, of course, that'll be, that's not good for the kremlin. the russian foreign ministry is calling this an act of terrorism, while the investigative committee has opened a criminal investigation. while the capital is not under locked down or curse to a number of events over the weekend here has been cancelled, including concerts. the u. s embassy had warned of a possible terror attacks of a large crowded areas earlier this month. what's eventually that is one of the definitely is in russia, in well over a decade. door such as lori l. 20, moscow. earlier this month, the u. s embassy in moscow. roland russia, about the possibility of an attack. alan fisher has moved from washington dc. what,
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what is clear is that even though there is this distrust between the united states and russia at the moment, they are still sharing intelligence about incidents like this. and that has certainly happened in the last couple of weeks. the russians have asked for the us to send through early information that actually gathered. there may be some reluctance by the americans to do that because that could possibly reveal sources. but it's clear that the 2 governments work closely together, particularly as in the last couple of hours the united states has said that i saw k, where behind this attack, and that was the group did one the russians about more than 2 weeks ago. blank college was us national security and foreign policy specialist. he says the us continues to show intelligence with russia despite the strained relations. but i have a different, uh,
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the way to characterize our was the warning by the united states earlier. and the incidents of terrorist attacks in jihad is kind of terrorist attacks in russia . and they actually have a long uh, problem longstanding problem with in particular, chechen islamic terrace who oppose what they view as russian imperialism and pauses to apostasy, or, or godlessness. and so on. by the russian state, they haven't attacked in recent years, but there's a long sweat from them via the notification or the warning by these wes was 2 weeks ago, i think. and it was different than the standard to avoid the dangerous place of gatherings of large numbers of people and said there's a risk of a terrorist islamic or terrorist attack, which the russians then the intrusion specifically denounced is a. this information campaign to destabilize, rush it,
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which is nonsense nearest would not do that. if there is a terrorist attack, the information that the us has does share directly with russian intelligence the and in this instance publicly. so i think that's what happened. my initial, the thought was that it would be the directions but isis, which is more from afghanistan, has claimed that the un security council has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and gaza. russia, china and algeria voted against the draw to gabriel. that is on the reports from new york in the united states was reminded on friday. that precise language is key when it comes to un security council. resolutions goes against russia and china vetoed us draft resolution. the cold for a cease fire, but didn't specifically demand wine boating. instead saying the ceasefire was
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simply imperative. language like that, russia argued would not hold is real accountable culture. but it came on the web post. i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount a military operation in rough algeria. the only error of the member on the council also voted against the us draft. regrettably the solution for the short her phone expectations. the us ambassador said the veto, which cynical the and petty russian trying to simply did not want to vote for resolution that was pinned by the united states because they would rather see us fail. then to see this counsel succeed piano, a small south american country and an elected member of the council abstain, arguing the us draft failed to call out israel. why then, why did relevant demands in the resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying
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power? not even once was this done. indeed, if one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party in this conflict is committing the choice of peace and gossip frustrated over inaction on gaza. a majority of the 10 non permanent members of the council had been circulating their own draft resolution and it does demand an immediate cease fire. a boat is expected saturday morning. the us is already signaled they have some problems with the draft, but it's unclear if the us will use its veto power to block it. you give me what decision to flush your good and if the us the serious about the ceasefire, then please vote in favor of the other draft resolution. clearly calling for a ceasefire, 6 months into israel's war on gaza. the counselor was in agreement a ceasefire is long overdue,
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but add an impact on how to achieve it. so me think research on gabriel's on don't . how do you see that at united nations in new york? about a couple of them as an adult in southern gaza and he has more reaction to that failed resolution. the general sentiment among cause since they are completely frustrated, as they are completely full, if it has lost the trust in terms of the sense of the international community. a specifically that they're happy multiple fairly as regarding the arrival to us. these 4 agreements that between how much on the is what i'm, this is terrifying, specifically that with us a had a full set and veto against 3 resolutions. quoting for an immediate sanction of fighting on the ground and therefore a holding a ceasefire to now there are also still have a window of hope regarding the american that's f, as in cooperation with cassandra egypt in order to bridge the gaps of arguments between uh,
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both spots who are or who are fighting on the ground an issue to allow for the flu, with the humanitarian supplies for desperate guns. but let's be completely realistic that goes on a freight from the possibility of reaching for a temper ceasefire agreement, in which officer, the funny thing will be resumed again, which means that there is no, any critical change might be taking place as the majority of desperate people here, once a complete cessation of hostilities and a guarantee for for return, for the majority of displaced to their houses in other parts of the 2 or 3, nearly spoke defaults as invested to the un, nikolai day of yeah. and he explained some of the sticking points in the us draft resolution. as the us draft was a good draft on this is why for us voted for that. i think it was a step in a good direction, but of course their language on this is probably a was a not strong enough. and the main program is also the link between the,
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the release of stages and the ceasefire. if you make the ceasefire dependent on the release of the stages, you think the risk of, i think uh, thousands of thousands of uh, more cleanings in the gives us trips in the weeks and month to come. so you need to, of course, the image yet. and condition i really use of a stages, but you need for the ceasefire, right? no, it does to stop it. stop. what's happening is that the contrary to geneva conventions, the language on rough uh was week as well. uh you have to explain to spread it operation on the roof uh is off limits, its a red line. it does being said by many doors it should be in the resolution as well . you cannot just say, uh, we would be concerned with the placebo effects. open up a restaurant in russell, so we need a, a key resolution on this is why funds revolt in favor of the 2nd resolution that i
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hope it would be put to the about sooner to the us secretary of state has wrapped up his latest visit to the middle east and to me blinking said he held kinds of discussions with his really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu warning against his plans of a ground defensive in java, understands which reports from occupied as to roosted in yet another diplomatic push us secretary of state. and to me, blinking landed intel a be to meet with top is really officials. but this time with a shift until it's blinking 6th visit to israel since october 7th. and this was a chance to express washington's disapproval of the impending ground invasion of gauze, the southern most city that's a major military ground operation. and robin is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was reading great or having with the version of the
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manager and assistance. it was further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security and spanish. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu maintains a ground defensive and drop off is the only way to achieve what he calls an absolute victory. sure, a little bit. we have no way to defeat him off, so that entering rasa in eliminating the rest of the mos battalions. there, and i told him that i hope we will do it with the support of the united states. but if we have to, we will do it alone. despite that threat, israel has sent a delegation to del, how were talks with him, us are on going to secure a ceasefire. blinking says mediators are trying to bridge the gaps on remaining sticking points. but anonymous is really official said, no real progress has been made. the next week, israel will send a delegation to washington to brief american officials on its military strategy in
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drop off for nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering there. in the us fears the planned operation will put more lives in danger and impede the delivery of 8 from the statute as a 0 occupied east jerusalem. and it's being another nice of violent as really raids in the occupied westbank. palestinians confronted this really forces during incursions and that if the and to cut in from swan gaza began in october. the army has been conducting almost daily raids. more than 400 palestinians have been killed. 7000 detained and in the mala is really false, has killed the palestinian man. investigate to say he targeted as riley's tests were meant and injured at least 7 soldiers in the shooting. or con, has moved from the occupied westbank. i'm in the village of the of the i was from here the early i was
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a friday morning and was you all have college. i made his way with a guns towards the face of to illegal is where the sacraments that he shot towards the settler boss. but didn't enjoy any one. he didn't hit out on the side of a hill, and that's where he got into a fight flight for these. right army. he ended 7 soldiers, one critically, an apache helicopter suckling above fy towards him. local, say the 2nd shot to hit him and he was a carried away on a stretcher. while we were filming the army shot to guess that's how simple the drug even though clearly labeled as press the army, surround it, and then run, sacked his family homes to the rest of his brother and his wife and interrogates. just follow the in the house because obviously what, how to do that. but i mean, my son was tough. he worked as a part of he didn't have any problems in his life, and there was no sign that he was planning this. well, he kept listening to the news and he was always sad about what's happening in does
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a person under all these right, another trip left to waste just as the home office. i kind of just, i just want to show you some of the destruction of left and the way this runs the state of furniture as being smashed, closed for the entire life on the floor and just next door. i'll take you into the children's cedrin. it's either here, it's been so sweet an awfully run sucks. you look inside the clothes that twice, once again, straight across the floor. now the family left to pick up the pieces while they moved his desk north on out to sara, dare to see the occupied westbank. the still ahead of knowledge a 0 it's going to get a lot harder people living and shelters like this leader poof on the health crosses, facing refugees and spread the conflict and saddam and the shelter. an intense and neighboring cell sit on
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the high low. they will start in the middle east and live and, and it's turned rather gloomy and cloudy across parts of the gulf. that's thanks to this rash of cloud. it's bringing some heavier rain to pop of saudi arabia. the next few days we could see some flooding from that ray, so the showers as well touching in so could talk, developing across q, wait and buck ray, but the west, all of that rain starting to push across iraq as we go into sunday. the much cooler feel across the events and a cool of feel as well for the north west of africa. thanks to a swelling system. bringing some when, when the weather to the canary islands, some of that trailing off across morocco. this is a story of a strong southern me when that's kicking up. this a hot resend that will push across into the iberian peninsula over the next few
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days. now we've seen a lot of hate to close eastern parts of africa, but temperatures are starting to come down slightly and sit in the high thirty's for in jemina in chad. the heat continues, however, full botswana above average temperatures here. well, in the way of wet, so whether developing and you can see those strong winds starting to push the rain from madagascar into mozambique and east and south africa with some very heavy rain to come full of su to on sunday. the body has just so t 7 at school, she dreams of becoming an arabic teacher. one day tends to your often sponsorship. she can now will for the tuition fees screen from station we book, she needs to excel. her dream is fast becoming a reality. she's one of the top students in her class. human appeal makes them,
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most of your massey the the watching always is here with me, elizabeth put on them and uh, a reminder of our top stories to saw. more than 60 people have been killed off the government still on the concept venue in moscow. authorities are still searching for the attackers who also injured with a 140 people. i sold his claim responsibility. the united nations security council has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire and gaza, russia, china, and algeria motion against it's saying that drunk didn't do enough to protect
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civilians. ukraine's washer has carried out the biggest attack on us energy facilities and more than 2 years, a full size will head across the country and leave in many places without power, including the 2nd largest city called cuz this comes as the crime and changed its official language to describe the conflict saying it's in a state of war. from mcbride report from keith, fire and golf decoy flash to avoid interception. a russian missile hits the hydro electric diamond power station in southport are use you. the advert tax were aimed at ukraine's critical energy infrastructure around a dozen missiles with 5, it's etherige alone. there were a lot of explosions after the 1st one. i had only one goal to ensure my child was a life was good to him from the problems around 150 drones in miss housing totals that came in ways from how to keep in the northeast, where a large parts of the city had power cuts affecting water supplies and forcing
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people to use emergency generate is it's for the generator to keep water pumping and also to keep my business going somehow, to the central western region of canal netscape reports of damage and casualties was soon coming in from all parts of the country and the big is the task of its kind on ukraine's energy system. emboldened to years of war. the question for many people here is why now ukraine had been expecting a repeats of last winter's a tax on power stations in on a power into time to buy must go to freeze the population into submission. but spring is already arriving. and this escalation comes just a day off. the key was the targets of the biggest missile attack in a month and a half at defense's side to the 100 percent success rate with ukranian president followed them. is a lensky cooling for more of the sophisticated practically of factories that defend the capital to be supplied for the rest of the country. public broad,
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i'll just say era keith. a you leaders have furnished a summit and brussels which included the 1st unified coal for an immediate humanitarian poles and gaza. they also promised continued administered support for ukraine and its will with russia, latasha buckler before or what the main thing is come out of this to day. some it is a you need is agreeing on a humanitarian pause and the flights and you go so that they hope will lead to a sustainable seas find out that is significant because since the beginning of the conflict, the last october, the has been divided over this issue you've had countries including jimmy, who's been a store, supporters of israel, all the countries on the other side, for example, stay no islands in belgium saying that israel's actions in dollars as violated international rule violated humanitarian a new. so there was never any decision that were common ground when it came to quoting for us, these 5,
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what does change in recent weeks in recent months is the tone when it comes to addressing isabel got suddenly become a critical hair in a circle. but also as a catastrophic humanitarian situation in garza has really a focus. mine's not something the many you need is spoke about when they came a we heard for example, from belgium's prime minister, talking about the fact that it was unacceptable. there's so many palestinians, all facing, of funding. what you need is also talked about ukraine, that all the a big priority and they pledge ongoing military aid and support for ukraine. they said, for as long as it's a takes, this is of course movie to use of to russians. invasion of ukraine. the modem is lexical, ukraine's, ukraine's presence was addressing. some is saying that he hoped himself, of course, that a continued support. and the lead is looking also the possibility in the future of
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using some profits from phrase and russian assets in order to be able to buy weapons for keys, especially butler, which is 0 process to, to sending on our presidential hopefuls of vein holding this final rallies before elections on sunday, the country was punched into crisis after president monkey south postponed the election last month. the constitutional council then rescheduled the vote. nicholas hawk has moved from the valley an envelope of the. 1 the election, but the main reason to start the many people here hope that he
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will change the country and be elected under the treasure. the metal grant, the this has become the symbol of the opposition. there holds the buses you might reach to victory and sweep her up to the right. no, but to be transformed into the biggest challenge their candidate up against them being today, due to the continuity of the states, i think is extremely important. you cannot build on ruins. i think some things have been achieved in senegal,
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and we need to consolidate. we need to defensive. we need to broaden, we need to improve. we need to move foster the crowd at this row and do not trust. and i do by the same name as a to infinity of president marquee solved, lived, other crowd behind me. many of them were young kids. when my to solve came to power, they seem enjoy life by someone that represents on there as far as the algae, xerox and headboard to south africa that way, more than 27000000 people have registered to vote in general elections of may, but some fee of the lead up to the polls could result in unrest. item latasha report. so the end goal now to calculate do my was struck by a known gun mean. well changing a car tie last month, he'd only be in the counselor for a few months. his wife doesn't know why he was matted. i think oh goodness he is.
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my daughter keeps asking for her father. saying, when is he coming home every day? she asks, where is that in the local school? possibly natal province is known. flight studies cause really means place of disease. and the country's most politically volatile province has a long history of island defense council that became inside of that he came, they knew dispensation was. it may have long gone into in 2010, 2000 actually near 2000 at to this point to this day, we don't know who killed that may. and he was followed by a number of other counselors who actually had been met the police say more than 200 politicians were killed in between 201120. 23 is they freaked out to say it's politics of getting on to this last time. the, the, the pickets, right of the i presented it. and then we know exactly the way the,
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these killings and the way these killings are coming from. a potential motive for the killings political positions with control of a budget. but other reasons could include business rivalries and family feats. the killing is often carried off by hips, main assessments, pay to suit until the high, the profile of the intended target. the higher the price to apply to lift the legacy of violence and pull policing. some of the perpetrators are never arrested and convicted and families looking for closure may never get hot and with us out as a know grandma saw that hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the conflict into don and living and of the crowd attempts and south to don humanitarian agencies that is a risk of an outbreak of disease. malcolm lab reports from the board of town of rank got tax much better now than he was a few days ago. his mother brought to consult us. he's being treated for cerebral
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millerio at this hospital in south to down. they arrived here earlier this month of the fleeing the civil war in neighboring city. done. yes, before she fled conflict in this country to go to see thousands capital cost to reach the board. a town of rank, hungry and exhausted. he became sick, he had no strength, his head was spinning and he fell down. i took him to a clinic and they gave him a purse, see them off. then his entire body started shaky. it was here at the hospital that they treated him for malaria. the stuff here in the children's water struggling with cases of severe malaria sepsis, premature bus. among others, you say 5 to 10 children a dying here every week. with more than 8000000 people, forced from that home is by the will. will people are getting sick holden, half a 1000000 have arrived here in rank since fighting erupted between c tons ami and
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the power minute tree. rapid support forces nearly a year ago. many of them, the south sudanese fled north before from conflict floods. we'll seeking jobs growing number a. suit in these refugees. about 15000 this thing and this transit come near the border. it is about one toilet set every ac faithful here you and says this should be about 4 times as many these people have been given so by one of its pot and organizations to clean containers and try and prevent the spread of diseases like color that's going to be more difficult in the coming weeks when the rainy season begins, life's going to get a lot harder to people living and shelters like this. the humanitarian agencies say they like the funds to cope with what's become the world's largest displacement


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