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tv   Africa Direct Chocolate Revolution I See Beauty  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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arrived here in rank since fighting erupted between saddam's army and the power of military rapids support forces nearly a year. okay. many of them, the south sudanese fled north before from conflict floods. will seeking jobs growing number a suit in these refugees. about $15000.00. this thing and this transit come near the border, is about one toilet for every 80 people here. you and says, this should be about 4 times as many. these people have been given so by one of its pot and organizations to clean containers and try and prevent the spread of diseases like cholera. that's going to be more difficult in the coming weeks when the rainy season begins. life's going to get a lot harder to people living in shelters like this. the humanitarian agencies say they like the funds to cope with what's become the world's largest displacement crisis. the charity doctors without borders support the hospital. most of
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the people coming here now have been displaced in the medics are expecting more. so we're seeing a lot of malaria cases now. so with the rainy season, we expect this could increase even further. and i would also have concern about says safe clean drinking water, but we tend to see increasing cases of cancer in toronto. so we do have concerns that the situation could escalate with the oncoming rainy season. to them 1st, civil war began nearly 70 years ago before independence from british colonial rule . people have been fleeting voice for generations under the strain of the chinese buying power. one case best to 2 members of the next to many from it to a baby's head doesn't survive this alter the site and your findings twins, hopefully will malcolm web out to 0, rang south to don catherine the princess of wales as she has cancer and is
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undergoing chemotherapy with the bushes roll it hasn't shed details about the types of cancer. her father and looking child said he was proud of her coverage and speaking out it follows weeks of speculation about her whereabouts and house since she was admitted to hospice. one for of domino surgery in january. the us senate has a great on a $1.00 trillion dollar funding, but avoiding a pasha government shutdown. that includes a provision to band funding for the palestinian aid agency on what for a year that sought to as well as claim that on what employees were involved in the october 7th attacks. the us has historically been the largest funder of the organization that set for this half hour of news, but stay with us as a direct is coming up next. even nature does not function. we don't,
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we depend which takes care of itself from nature. we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon. the a less frequent bunch of days before sent them up for seats. and for the lovely you folks who is that if your adult serial wound up to you officer couldn't
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come on my to premier the much if we come through those indicators, usually funded federal so can, can you deal with you guys have any call to reach you by the federal a p a show for goodness. i thought i'd sit there for them is all use of it and bruce and also i'm, he's out for a little bit robust when they're buffering, he'll get a shit, you know, low say that fee on these if you can size your i'll stop it down the approval condition is almost inevitable. if you must have pre, the premium will cost you the most, you know,
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should not be shown me motion partials, so fill up. premier fork is obviously it was the measurements of this as long as it's a pre uh, p. this was some visits she missed, it pulls it up as strong as i was of emotion though this was sunday's amino sun coupled with these labels had the correct office of visual blockage and wondered if you suppose it just for me of it, i'll say louder. he says, was you so much? i say some was the most i do for the research and find me uh the particularly meet your divorce and know some of our
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kids in den faded. do man and then piece of new measure. beautiful new uh they need a show for us cuz then for most of the work is facing a room for the single spend plus you uh, plus strong downfall. so just a month to month. i mean, he has to meet the loopo initial for like pulling me. thank you. don't to on do the coast apart and put you to the sea naples a month to month 3. let's go look at cold capital g on your products. eating seemed a little simpler local, supposedly also me a middle step in my life to death throes for the do you fit on the floor?
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he thought he was just simply me up in a blue dream. you. why would you go now? is that the stormy, separate colors on prior to the vision, so little uninstall it and also i'm, well your product is when you don't any don't to in the don't see this then. okay. now, great month it, i think the beautiful book, you know, if i so this will donate in the face of school, please don't do much on come on. those are really close to mr. to these it for these, this google question, the the,
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i mean they just reply little pigeon, but if they want a month to month, it'll be it the bulk of we're bundled for prescription already, or is it going to see more for specified in shipping fees? so i'll keep with fast for sure, man, a bit more. it was a whole receipt of, but you said something to use the all sounds good. uh, i received a new credit is unpopular. um it's failed to get
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a so every month to month. so do most do, do, do the 0. so if you could put them on a mazda lot, save this adobe bus cuz he moved on file almost a we'll, we'll move on to you is that's what the program is. so for a month to months, go on slide, it starts to in the up on the, you know, pump or deliberate, put them on and off. i mean, so, but i'm, i do much sense. i mean, a problem is sort of age to solve wrong. repeat the mean. if this are afraid to pay the or show you one on to the nation, mr. the funds on fish the, the software simulate again. the
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luca co, you alone. so you could go, you can consult the design edition on the portions of uh, let me me a couple of the
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the jones. why like jump into it for most of some stuff. do you see a lot on now? see, they've got to you won't get into salty. is to, to do it all on i got mine. so you need to drop the import ducky soft. simple, do you go? so i'm pretty mind with the makers. you, for the pre s a demo. you're logged into permit. cool, now they've cleared the thunder peters on a a and the panels. good luck, a go continue. the purpose of should be able to drill down to include them. ok. okay. while i say the, are these ups, this appraisal, they do cause oh, additional cut out some full sauce is shift. somebody tossed him on over to the
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civic. who should i'm pulling this off? it was of it. see anybody else to me is your best good is who was the initial circumcision? to fix it for you so well, hope valley so lizzy, i'm in the national fall on the post the board. i gosh, well that the post level of, you know, something comes up, several posts of but i mean, not you looked on the phone because it was a bundle of, you know, for the ceiling. and the tv is there for myself and there was
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a believe you live with tv a. this is crystal awesome. grandma t z dunlap, i see the issue below is the best fit our phones are said to create the man i see under the list before ready to send you a 2nd. so to look at the bus the. okay. see if i sent you to them when they put them before, just need one moment. they need to see the country mentioned. well uh what fuzzy fuzzy fitness, fitness program and some on progress videos make
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a move on the roof for me in any kind of way this or the premier enough to rent a site before 12 a 1st. and last it was a repo, was that it was under father pc. let's get you his 3 c office list best buy plus i from fucking my separate to vent, i finished. your call is thursday. a skirt you facilitate. and you must given of all of the on the dyslexia, the software that's fucking up and it does sound kind of like a lot, but also almost all kinds of things to like the movie show or look, a little muscle right. this is
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the zip lazy. this on color. pretty much the, the, the is it literally made this to me. this is, yeah, of course that if the tip is recorded, the for the demo bath is off. is a cool. if it gets to pointed to a monkey group, lahore, phone girl, 55, call me my kids off to take it on the exit law for volunteer on this that to the street. las cruces have i've seen the pistol acre
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just on this, on the on he's the tools is that they move onto next to me. 80 back to latham . do you my cash? evade on my vehicle. if i put in little tony, you me to close by itself a close all about trying equal solar eco, the
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causal will say like he has a local fisherman finally on multiple plays altamont activity. i know which was the my key as by fab new t by say the leak measured the buckles on to the signal. say look, i seem good to get that easy the on my killing the function distributed and you can can locate the cost on that on the function. we use it by exams and then from these you, jeanette, pushing them from only look good to me and you like he has said to simply me to the host of to both the excel you chose to get hold. you called to supplement,
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it shouldn't be happy for us to do next. the only thing i'm comfortable, i really love dial the from the course and again get told info. so they from do model divide. second. she's economic mom. the domain, the like a gift. you feel like they're moving to move on for that or to g golf? at the and my let me do you mind me to a minute of the
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a full console deal long listing again. a love seat as kind of as little feeling. you know, it just seems like builds the genus that's too easy to use. the club . yeah. the whole i found something, i think this was the trustworthy. i'm all in the pause the book guys. they know the best that i see it says cd of all. so that makes the middle of the room. you know, this is the super, i don't know if that's the same from a girl flush. mostly i do not get a hold for she. wow. some will south mom along we left was 2 folders that
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bill is around 5 on the way. hello sion boxes. these are available to see to move in the from african gustavo, it keep of plus mit chemical shows before i let 11 vision out of so if i'm on long beach see do finally me the people the my take to go. so last fall, i'm african both on the belt and defiantly. this impulse, since the middle novel, successful social peace to beth, fully the quad left from this off to and from on nail. so come on, see if the silver put these on for my so give calling i 49. so is that something that i booze on that the
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exercises are no longer to talk to the court date that, that got back to the state or the day to the district of a 2nd? sure. to put the computer. okay. now of the to the difficult that for sure. the
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the pulling the date was because the fuel seed wps released and they should be locked up soon. it gets passed. i pay 50 substitute a that one denise as to who we put that phone. the st. kitts was approved to discontinue the the you know, what the what do you want us to do for, for the caps deep well, let me ask you 1st of all coastal seasonal functional approval going on with both of a cool effect. um by guys, even the swap is the phone number,
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it is detects 2 or more visits. it's only people see use to us is on the phone, people blackwood abundantly as the kids. we've got a whole portfolio the the the long digit date is on for inability to make
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a 14 fit for it i became available. so let's say that play the song political basketball conduct able sit on the phone alias on the list for support. think of a i also see it all for a full little donate. show us the best on don't live a method less of the beer. he's the silver on someone may focus on law, i law solid for vacuum, a phone call for 880 because my the, i'm supposed to also 2 of them that i've seen the list while i live. i live, we live all the wireless. so
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we may have thought a live, what else over and i saw this last night in the was the uh, the whole bunch of it's showing up the volt because they all know basically policy busted delivery the following up on this within. yeah, i mean that's what they're so stuck. i think it also in the vault i see that that will do global use with you follow the chief of fits if i'm while because kind of thought i was trying to see. you may close, particularly mean if there's any kind of email they put, you've got a phone to kinda lead please. i'll be picking up from the bustle field protocol. leave us cuz they won't be off. i won't see. somebody usually is
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a one. i faxed it to you, but keep this policy hosted to cut on the schedule by for more of the new email. by the way you play through the funding data format is because they must be nice to see you all know what to do, my them. i so to see, see, go see is replacing the my case that i likes to see this come up with my handful. of course it is the reason why you wow found each other. and so let me just see on the the,
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to ask like a narrative from africans perspective which are the want in terms of what came up for a perfect to show documentary spot. african filmmakers have been on the to, on for over 20 is future with fish from the sheriff and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges sierra with every donation given. with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we deliver to a partnership we'll be in bringing you home and love to palestine for all to see donates,
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with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world one hawks, that's the time in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct water sheds. moments international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. what i'll do is here the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the condition of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is this christmas helen sort of female surgery and not even need a weekend and because the spirit in the face of it, this is the time to get
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a day and time for me. the the and i feel like group clients responsibility for an attack on a concept holden, most code that kills more than 60 people. the government still that much the donovan, this is out of the, on life from adult ha. also coming off a u. s. resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fund and gaza fails


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