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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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oh, strengthening the stability of the country. well, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sensitive ponts at the store the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life from doha. i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes, 11 suspects that are arrested fall. i'm going to talk in a multiple concert concert hall that has killed at least a 115 people like group link to iso claims responsibility. i'm dar, says avari is a crock of city hall. where the does, we is terrorist attacking the past 20 years to place
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the more disturbing videos. imagine people inside the hall taking counselor to try to evade the gunman. you are the secretary general antonia . it's at his visits, egypt close to the border with jobs and he's expected to reiterate his call for a cease fire. the us senate passed as a law that includes a year long find on funding for the un agency, supporting palestinian refugees the reports and set a goal for campaigning has ended the head of the presidential election on sunday. the 90s felt much. the stipend insists sundays. australian groaned, pray will be a close race of the dominating the start of the season. erect full driver claims. he surprised himself by securing pole in melbourne the
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to that's all the law school concert hall attack is, was into it least a $115.00 and many more have been injured in the mass. choosing the attack a storm, the venue on friday night and the open fire adoption police say they have arrested 11 people, including for they say, were directly involved in the attack. an isolated group is claimed responsibility. let's go to our corresponding dosage bodies. she's joining us from moscow. so what's the latest on this door so well, uh, according to the search federal security service is known to be known as the see here who are so brief, a russian president vladimir putin as he mentions 11 suspects and custody. 4 of them are the gunman. so we also understand that there was a number of people, the change along the border in the brown squeezen. but when they were trying to cross into cranes, those include 2 men that have also be interested in their all being now at brought
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back to moscow. now the latest that we're hearing is that the investigation continues. and the russian foreign minister has called this an act of her according to the speed. this was a well planned attack and carried out why the number of gunmen who stormed the building behind me. as you can see, the smoke is still rising from the portion of this complex that will set a blaze via the gunman. let's take a look at how the events unfolded of the inside one of the biggest performance. then use of moscow gunmen open fire as they make their way through the caracas concert hall, leaving a trail of bodies behind. and this is a scene once gunman reach the main auditorium. there's panic and chaos as hundreds of concert bars try to escape
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the scene. the shooting, there are many dead and wounded. a flat spots, and then now all i heard was gunshots, that's it. and inferno also breaks out, taking firefighters hours to contain a tax on this scale, are rare in russia. this incidence has raised questions about the security services abilities. security guards of this and concert hall were not armed. they had only new users or something like that. they didn't have with the weapons. so no one is really a trip there for a major terrorist attack. and that's going to, of course, that's not good for the crime of the russian foreign ministry is calling this an act of terrorism. while the investigative meeting has opened a criminal investigation, so sorry, l 20,
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moscow. so those are you talking about the investigation carrying on what happens next of the? well, we're expecting the russian president vladimir put in to deliver a message to the russian people in the coming hours. and we also know that this investigation's continuing for the time being the area you see behind me is cordoned off as emergency and security personnel carry on their investigation. we do know that all a public events and gatherings in moscow has been cancelled over this weekend due to the security concerns. and also the ford main airports in most so have also been put on the highest alerts. and we do expect further details to be released via the federal security services and the investigative committee as they continue their investigations. i have to tell you on our way here, we went through at least 3 check points where we saw
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a number of vehicles being searched by police officers as well as we saw a number of people carrying flowers to a place as a scene of where this attacks took place, doors, so thank you very much indeed. dosage of body talking to us for moscow for more now in the group it's claimed responsibility for the shooting has called the iso enough kind of stone or isolated cape. and it was formed in 2014 by break away 5 to assume the off gun. and pakistani tell about the own group spent was behind the 2021 attack on couple airport is killed around a $170.00 civilians and 13 us soldiers. it's opposed to us involvement in the region and it's also fought against pakistan and security forces. and the taliban in afghanistan based on norman is professor of security studies at kings college, london. he was the o. s. c e. special representative on counseling, violent invited colored station. he is joining us live via skype from london. very good to have you with us. why would, if i so k as, as it's known,
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choose to target russia. and so the important thing about ices k or i shifts in car as on troubling. it is as it is also called to understand is that it's information to you is becoming increasingly and vicious and aggressive group. so they've been expanded. yolanda gotten, it's done, especially in 2 countries in central asia. countries like the g gets done, took many spend those biggest bang care, good stuff. they've eclipse the last people is there. and they are probably the only isis i'm explaining yet that is currently active in the planning terrorist operations abroad. they have tried in western europe and they are also trying and brush, or they are trying very hard to make themselves the leading isis affiliate amongst the many provinces that the united states has said that they want the russian government that something was, was going to happen on a large scale, but in practical times, how difficult is it for a government particularly in their country,
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the size of russia to be able to protect its people against something like this as well. you're absolutely right. the americans have for a number of months and probably for one or 2 years been very focused on this particular affiliate devices. and they've used a huge global surveillance network in order to 0 in on them. and they probably picked up information, very precise information that led them at the beginning of this month to issue a warning to their own citizens, but also to the russian government to say that there is an attack pending and boscoe. now moscow is of course, a city that under puts it and has become very aggressive against you. how does terrorism, but apparently not completely in vulnerable. and this is a very difficult situation. so it's not him approach. and because he has to admit more or less that they have failed to protect their citizens from this kind of threat, despite the warning funds. and given the tensions that, of course we're seeing between the united states and russia because of the war
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a and ukraine just gives a little bit of context. the, the, the lines of communication that exist between moscow on washington dc when it comes to something like this, others still open the eyes. moscow, for example, still willing to accept the information that day the washington may provide it when it comes to circumstances like this. as well, the answer is yes. and so in the past, the us as always, my peers that it will provide information about impending attacks, even to all spelled states, calls it a duty to one. why does it do that? it does do that because a one of those governments also to provide us with information if they have information and this has happened in the past. prussia has provided us with information about planned jihad is attacked by 10 years ago. and so you asked for, but ship ok. the important thing to keep in mind however, is that us also has a duty to protect its bone citizen. and the warning that was given to russia was
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not actually initially given to the russian government. it was posted on the u. s embassy website, as a warning to track for travelers and us citizens in moscow. so is even necessary necessarily to give it directly to the government. you can just posted on the website and address it to us. it is uh, the f as b is already a shooting a statement saying that there are links between this group and ukraine. um, how confident given your experience of the, of, of incidents that like most of that have happened before. how confident can we be that even though i saw k has accepted responsibility for that? it may actually be a box group that we can be very confident. i've been studying isis ever since it came into existence. i've seen many of these attacks and many of the declarations of responsibility they have come through the right channels. they use executive language, isis would use. i have
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a 100 percent confidence in ben isis being responsible for this. i think what we're seeing now is russia trying to raise what's of upside because of course barry embarrassing for blood in that puts in that a group like isis has been able to pull this off in a country where uprooted and has a sure that's people that this sort of thing would never happen. so they are trying to raise as they're trying to make ukraine responsible. but there's actually no evidence for that whatsoever. that's important to keep in mind is really interesting to get you in analysis and analysis of the speak to norman. we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed sir. thank you. the starting point i had on the news are including the un security council gets set to vote on another resolution calling for the same spot in gaza after the us draft of text was a veto to by russia. and china and new security law comes into place and hong kong with heavy penalties for treason and espionage. despite human rights concerns,
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the, the ones that could be genuine visiting agents voted with the jobs or to reiterate, has called for humanitarian sees 5 attorney. that's how this arrived in the past are, is expected to meet you and aid workers on the objection side of the crossing. it's been a vital entry point for a time supplies during israel's war. around 1500000 palestinians who fed attacked elsewhere in the strip. sheltering in the off israel says it's going to launch a grind defensive in the city despite international condemnation. well, while international diplomacy carries on there being more strikes and guys, overnight time, you're welcome to joining us from rough. uh, let me ask you, 1st of all about the visit until you have a chat. as to the crossing near a rough, i know that one would imagine getting a chance to see the trucks that are lined up in egypt inside the yes,
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at this moment we're talking about miles of humanitarian to trucks at the opposite side of the border, the mainland the gibson side, unable to cross over to the gods, or delivered much needed for a desperate population now for food supplies and, and other survival items needed right now for the northern part that is struggling with acute fam. and that caused the depth of silver, 27 and children because of that and for the hydrogen start vision and hearing over crowded robert, where people who struggled on daily basis to find their basic supplies and, and then essential needs to keep them a combat. and the difficult living conditions created by the intense bombing campaign, the visits of that, the secretary general of the nation. to reiterate the importance of a human and trans sees fire and to ensure a smooth, efficient flow humanitarian aid aid into the gods from. it's important to point out
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the past week, so we'd see a direct that tax on a door goes in april voice, making doorways into the northern part and got to work. a tens of people were killed in these attacks. also, there were deliberate facts on distribution points, a range and operated by underway itself and, and then with the growing the threats of, of expanding the ground envisioned throughout the city. this is a direct, a spread to the work and efforts in the ground by aid workers, and it was at the wells a, it's for sure him there, there worse and delivering much needed food for large the trauma size and as part of population in the words of believe it was a really the head of honor while here. that's the united nation for policy. refugees only the flood. gaza was with a live saving good. is the solution for the ongoing 5 and that is a spreading everywhere. mm. tiny. we're going to be talking to us, what's going on, why just in a, in a few moments i want to talk to you about the strikes they've been happening overnight in rough. uh,
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just give us some more details about that. this is where the overnight of tax targeted more residential buildings in the eastern part of broadcast city will look at at the same exact pattern and scenario by the aftermath of these by the when the dust settles down, the people are removed from under the rubble of the vast majority happens to be women and children 5, it turns and killed an overnight attack on 7 other critically injured from the same family. been children inside the residential home, and just couple hours a part of a faster this a talk, another home and eastern tanya. and this was also targeted and destroyed, and 5 people were killed including 2 children and this a tax. meanwhile, in the part on golf and city, i'm merely around the vicinity of ship a hospital works in just bombing going on. and these really military is just systematically as setting fire on surrounding building,
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just bulldozing and setting buildings on fire clearing the vast majority of the residential buildings at the vicinity of a ship, a hospital with the same time continued aggressive the operating inside the complex itself. honey, thank you very much indeed. honey monkwood talking to us from rough or whether you are lazy cus, budget approved by the senate out here on saturday includes a year long, but i'm on funding for the you. an agency for palestinian refugees on israel says 12 its employees to pause from me until the 7th attacks the band is part of the $1200000.00 budget to avoid a partial government shutting down. the u. s. is the agencies biggest donor on was folks from one time on a, on a reply and joins us now from i'm on. if the us does not give money to own, well, how is that's going to impact on your efforts a huge impact in the us, the small to do the funding to own the us being our largest donor. this will create
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a huge gap in our budget, and that is a budget we use not only in government, but across the region for 700 school operating education, the half a 1000000 children all was buying refugees, marble communities in the region, but also health care to to $1000000.00 in revenues will be impacted if we do not get that money. the west is our largest builder and such a decision. that's something we would really rewrite. it doesn't really make sense because this is not the time at the time of this immense warrant garza and testable regional repercussions. this is not designed to the stabilize the region further by weakening and main components of regional stability, which is other uh, as i mentioned before, these are in the government has alleged that the around a dozen or so on water employees have taken part in the homicide attacks and the trouble, the 7th and southern israel and how much of the us position do you think is done to
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that and how much of it is done to internal politics within the us. the most important thing is to the that the allegations around 12 of your staff members, 12 out of 13000 in the and out 230000 in the region. these allegations are under a very serious in the nation right now on independence. you was investigation with the owner of being fully committed to the transparency of the whole being the highest you as the principal. therefore, it is truly our wish to reassure the u. s. department, but also other governments with concerns about the possible instigation underwriter, suddenly, under our staff, members in a number that you, when advocates asked, including the horrible attacks of the 7th of october, we wished to reassure them that we're doing everything we have to come to the bottom of the story and to make sure that we have all the safeguards that all of us that are 100 percent compliance with the, with the principal,
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several of the governments, the pets and the they're supposed to run over these allegations have now reversed their decisions and therefore, have reviewed their trust in the agency of their trust. and that's irreplaceable. like saving role the agencies playing and got in the region with the money that those other governments are re establishing that the flow of cash answer and so on . we'll be getting again, does that in any way can of offset for the us has been offering you nothing will understand what our largest donor will will will, the told nothing. however, we are extremely grateful for a number of countries that have continued to stand by monroe and for a number of countries that had increased their support to the agency were also extremely grateful for individual people. man, women, and children. institutions of public personalities that are supporting both
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politically and in their personal official position. but also by doing anything to the agency. we are receiving the highest number of individual private donations by people including through so got that we have ever received before. and that space to have a little sentiment in support, the against the board of people and guides, and then support the refugees under runs and removing any sort of funding at any time i would imagine would be significant. but particularly at the moment, i would imagine it is incredibly vital to get that funding because of course, the un itself has been saying that jobs up particularly is on, on the edge of a finding is exactly exactly more than like 90 percent of palestinians in the day the civilians are that considered to be insecure, that as there is not getting the minimum calories required for the for their survival. so it is really, really a personal plan to continue supporting monroe. and what it has to remember,
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the overall is the expression of the will of the international community to provide assistance and predictions. what category of people in the region, alexander could use a 170 governments both to through the continuation of the operations of interrupt. so there is a strong international support for the agency. we need to make sure that the funding we receive enabled to continue on distribution, including those are running the shelters where more than a 1000000 people are taking refuge. but also to continue the schools, the health center and social production in the west, and enjoy the in syria and lebanon, in addition to the data, to mollify. we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. the ones are here to kansas due to vote in the coming days on another draft resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza. the text is reports of the most strongly warranted than the one that failed to pass on friday. russia and china chose to veto the us drive
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thing and failed to put enough pressure on israel is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's determined to carry out just fine, defensive and off with or without us. support is comments follow to meeting with the secretary of state who was an original tour to show up support for a cease fire, the muslims, whether he's joining us in our studio until he's the director of the golf study center. i can tell university good to have you with this again. so we've seen complex resolutions appear before the u. n. and none of them has been successful so far. there's a lot of speculation that even if one more successful, israel probably wouldn't pay much attention to. how important is it that we know, look at the alpha and what is likely to be happening there. not only in terms of course of what could be happening on the ground, but in terms of the negotiations that are going on in doha, as far as becoming a, an important point. uh now in, in this war because of the following reasons. number one,
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there's 1400000 people that there is a huge awareness into was about. the consequence of is what i insist on, on, on invading. but off of the expectation that at least would be, it would be 55 percent. that's 5 percent of the people that would be basically injured or killed. and that was a huge number. if you look at the total number 3, the, the, the, the point is the, you know, this operation or this offensive, when i does it asian up as i from the american perspective. and that's the reason what blinking is trying to convince that it is not to do so. and it says the 4th point is the link that made by and it's in your home between the off and the she ation in the basically he was trying to say the more i didn't have a concession from, from us in this negotiation that of the nation with the offensive would be delayed or maybe postponed or based off. so now all of this together give us one important conclusion that so far now is becoming an important of
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a i would say chop to on this one on this a genocide. and i think what would happen, in addition to the restriction in doha, will give, it will give us a, uh, a light about what would be, what would happen in, in definitely mm. i saw a line that was coming up from is really radio, which was reporting that a part of the war cabinet has given a additional powers to these really team that's in to householders negotiations. what does that indicate about the way in which the negotiations are going? you know, the, the issue of mandate was raised from the, i mean for the 1st time and, and part of the go she ation when the most that director accepted or actually to give it green light to talk about some importance that goes from the palestinian site. and that to us, close the crisis between him and the thing, you know. now the issue of mandate came again and this negotiation because the medication wanted more mandate to, to connect actually, to be a post 9 to just to convey messages and, and, and the direct total shut back insisted that if there is no mandate, he would not go to the now he's coming to the how,
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which means basically the mandate was given. so the mandate is basically means either of the inside, let's talk about the details. you know, would it be out or least of them by this thing is the length of this cease fire. what about the, you know, the, the nature of the who may tell you in a way to go, how much was the so there are a lot of details that you need to talk about because that's when we accelerate that negotiation and we'll come, i would want to add this up to quickly, that is if it's given, that's would be an important shift. and this is where she is. and i'm going to talk about the position that benjamin netanyahu finds himself with regard to as often are because there is. and then it would be easy to assume that he is essentially box himself into a corner in as much that he has to do something in the rafa in order to be able to either bring it into the war or shortly show that there's been some movement there's some sort of a sort of achievement there, but give us your analysis of that. i mean, does he, is he absolutely locked in to having to go into it off or does he have other
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options? you know, if it has become an important to, to the whole from this, from different angles number one. but this is, his, is, is approach from the one. you know, he wants to go to honeywell just because that is a victory, wouldn't be made that. and then he wants to go to the body of the list. so he would say he put to himself as the not to your, to present to the old yes to his base. that that's how he's on how or how to monitor the, the work. and that it's so basically full time, an activity code situation because he needs to deliver. and the 2nd, the 2nd issue, he's basically and, and was, comes to it off. he's under severe pressure from the americans. and by saying, i insisting to go to off, she's appealing to his base and his life. and that's what that is. and if you watch last night, he aligned to the social media. so talk about the negotiation with blinking and talk about, look, this is what i talk about. i'm a subject to go to it off because he knows by showing that an american,
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i would say this course that will give him support. and that is what he's doing, he's, he's playing what's called the strength of his position as right. so he can get more support again, just as of the opponents are basically the brush running him a lot of muslims. why the as always, we appreciate it 5 very much indeed. thank you. the still ahead on i'll just say about improvising to put food on the table during the final done how the water and gaza as we might have balls. so there conflict in the 1990s on what offers sunshine policy, the north african nation hopes to provide renewable energy to europe, kind of sports, providing australian open tennis truck and makes an emotional return direction. and it's going to be here with that stuff. the had a lot of the spring bloomed across the europe this week, bringing with a high
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a temperatures woman conditions and a blossoming of flowers. suddenly in london, we had the cherry blossoms out, enjoying the sunshine and settled for conditions. but things have changed. this. we can go to cold front, sweeping its way from the north, down to the south, bringing more in the way of windy wet and wintery conditions with it. so you can see the gale winds across the north of the person on the island of island on saturday. when warnings and watches remain in place for fonts for germany and austria, that heavy rain pushes its way across poland. and we've got a wintry mix coming in once again across norway, sweden, denmark, moving across and to finland as well. but for the sol, so this appear a picture for the southeast corner for greece and took a lots of sunshine continuing for france and portugal, spain as well down in the cell. we are seeing temperatures at a move, which is the summit here. and that will continue as we go through the weekend
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temperatures not level offset to come down as that cold front pushes its way for the east. we have a look at bell grade in serbia. we'll see quite a dramatic dip from saturday to sunday with some light rain on monday. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. there should be moments. international law is vehicle. be this model on sort of discussions. the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront, without a 0. the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor of international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been one of some western powers supports of,
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of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially, morally. they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignore. to me is ro cause a conflict. israel above the low on al jazeera, the georgia zeta. reminder of our top story is based on the death toll and i'm also closer to all the tax visits. so at least a $115.00. many more people have been injured in the mass shooting russian. police say the rest of 11 people, an isolated groups,
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claims responsibility. you on the secretary general until your status is visiting egypt folder with gaza, to reiterate his calls for the humanitarian seems fine. it's been a vital entry point for a jury. israel's war is that as, as inspection to the new n 8 workers, the us senate passed the law that includes a year long bond on funding for the you and agency for palestinian refugees. on one israel site, it's 12 of its employees. took part in the october 7th to charge us is the biggest don't or the muslims in bosnia have been closely following the warning guys of this ramadan, many of them recall their own experiences during the bosnian war in the ninety's when they too had limited access to basic foods by the hunting most, that's reports from san diego. this is a traditional starter for rama done meals in bosnia homemade, sour cream cheese mountains together. didn't greedy and swear. impossible to put in
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the tables during the balkans war. so sorry to know nickel power, the name was a to put we used a list of bits of powdered milk, not much. we could not afford to waste 2 tablespoons. if that was oil, we would use it with some water. um for the solid taste you normally get from cheese. we use vinegar. she says, genocide in gods, that reminds her how she broke fast with improvise meals. lucky, always punch. i think of people who can cause every night we at least had some bravo flour, all wheel drive. but thousands of children and gaza don't even have the mothers to make the star for the few supplies of humanitarian aid were often the only option for meals in war time. bosnia, this is a setup of a typical board time kitchen in the historical museum of bosnia. the display shows once people ate at the time, mainly cans goods from so many terry and 8th. the 1st challenge was lots to put on
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the table. the 2nd was how to prepare food without gas and electricity. cooking was mainly improvisation on a makeshift stove like this one. how good was not the only problem? it was nearly impossible to pray into mos kind of constance embodiments the central mosque and sorry of it was heavily damaged. but the more i send, who close to prayer says nothing stopped him from performing his duty with or without food. and despite the losses in his own family, the means mode. oh god, use your bedroom box with the big only my moms used to get one 3rd of of bread loaf . it was sour and almost impossible to eat, but that was it both for so for and for if dar no. yep. there was a blessing in our fast man who broke his fast with a cup of water. and today's was happier than to day was 7 plates on the table. on the day of judgment,
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i will ask my lord to face whoever dismembered my son's body. the same is happening cause it today. women give birth and one square meter and war criminals have no mercy upon them. the 2 years on rama then for bosnian, muslims feels normal again. but the fellow simians suffering garza remaining, their thoughts and prayers, idaho the most that you all do. 0 side of the of them is very forces have counted on more raids over noise in the occupied westbank. palestinians confronted is ready to join the ink cartridges incursions in debt of c until the armies being conducting raids nearly every day. since the watering does have began in a tow, but at least 450 pounds, a standing and so being killed in 7700, have been detained strawberries season in the occupied west bank, but many say the best batteries grown and possibly come from gas out, israel's war has destroyed farming communities, all kinds be meeting farmers and then also city of so from the census this report
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as the smell of sweet store breeze was through this found me run foam in tow. crowds with foam is a working fost to fill a short full the usual input from guns that have stopped leading a void and the local market of palestinian produce. the business was so lucrative and gone to the fruit was known as red gold. the sweetest grown if they tell noon and state law here, what i'll do, sarah filmed 4 years ago. now the war has destroyed farming communities, and everyone in gulf is threatened with salvation. experts say military hardware bones of damage the soil for many years that to me that the destruction of the farms and soil is why due to the military vehicles. and there will be use of destruction because of the material used in the explosives. and 1st correspond to use that this will affect the land and water for the long term. just back in tokyo, following up was apple mattie, and says harvesting the fruit is become increasingly dangerous now little bit. i mean,
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lot of soldiers are protecting these really sensitive material and we don't know what they could do because they may pick up their guns and stop shooting and they talking to the neighbors called was alive. but when he was trying to go to his farm, we're driving to another part of the watson and we were turned back earlier in the morning. as pharma said, it's ready the soldiers with their it's dangerous to great parties here. about 400 meters away, isn't a legal is right. assessment is protected by is right. the soldiers pharmacy is say, since october, the 7th, when they've attempted to access the line, the often open fire at some this fruit is right for picking, but it's sometimes left to roll the end, it's remote, the market to all cell phones from going, so would compete every year with this really produced the silver stools, even though the amount coming from gone so would often vary depending on these radio restrictions. the fruit is popular with bias. the i see profound
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piece, i'm speaking, but my heart is chattering. this is the 1st time i have boots to raise the season, but i'm not sure if i enjoyed them with increasingly tight and restrictions on local farm is then not able to produce enough to fill the short full. so it's really sore brace still fill the small kits, meaning this sweet fruit for so many as we're moving to the base to reality. johan elda 0 occupied westbank, the multiple ukrainian jones strikes that fits the rushes bordering regional bells are not kidding. 2 people in engineering, at least 7 residential buildings have been damaged and the attack a separate drone attack into some model region caused a fire at a key oil refinery. no casualties have been reported. these attacks come just a day after the rush out. last a mass of air result in your training energy infrastructure. china is postcard has fired
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a water cannon out of the philippine supply vessel. and as i was trying to see if it'd be military, the size of the vessel was damaged, but no casualties have been reported. the incident happened here, the 2nd to thomas showed it's a disputed reef, controlled by manila, but also claimed by china, taiwan and vietnam. a series of incidents that taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in recent months and use security laws come into force and hong kong. despite concerns over human rights for law known as article 23, imposes a heavy penalties and let including life imprisonment for what it costs. national security offensive. among them are treason, inspection, endangering, national security and submission. it also grounds extra powers to police as such as the ability to cancel passports and to detain the suspects for 16 days without charge. chris young is a journalist in hong kong, and he says the law will have major implications for media workers. jennifer,
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this is on call actually have been covering the china stories say in china and also living in hong kong and giving out a advantages say how you guys charges as far as the the charge the coverage is always be very strong. but now in view of the view of variance, all 5 of us, they see chris, the definition is quite for what almost cover everything. so um that low cost of significantly and also it gives us the logical eaten press save on, pull in terms of this. so uh, probably what was the, uh, more uh, so essentially, shit out of forwarding, say extremely sensitive or unclear of materials even though uh, it went through the legislative process. so with the legislators say scripting, i think the bel cross spark crossed still with there are so many questions left on
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an answer. and in, in the find the worship of the, of the band with that that, that becomes a goal. i think you've tracked it today. um there were, there was still a lot of things that are so broadly defined. and, and, and it was things that, that you never know until a case. uh, okay. but, but then given the superiority of that hole, i, one case there's too much can, paintings, ended in senegal ahead of sundays presidential election. the country was plunged into crisis after president mocking. so postponed the vote as days before it was due to take place. but after a mass process court cases and a national dialogue it was rescheduled, nicholas hank has more for one of the final campaign. ronnie's in board they've already. 1 the elections but the
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the jury, this town pain has risen to start as many people to your home that he will change the country and be elected under that charge of the grant. the this has become the symbol of the opposition. there have been busted your mind to victory and sweeper up to the right now, but transformed it into the biggest
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challenge. the candidate being for us today due to the continuity of the states, i think is extremely important. you cannot build on ruins. i think some things have been achieved in senegal and we need to consolidate. we need to defensive, we need to broaden, we need to improve. we need to move foster. 5 this route we do not trust and i do by the same name as a continued the president. my key solved, lived as a crowd behind me, many of them were young to win. murphy sold, came to power. they see age on life by someone that represents their oscillations. i'll get xerox and 10 board. hundreds of medical professionals of march through king is capital demanding, better pay on working conditions. level choosing the government of failing to
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implemented promises made in the 2017 wage deal. the government says is budget isn't big enough to cover the pleasures catherine. so he's been out the demonstration and not only his doctors said the plan to stay away from walk into the canyon government. he is dead things and sees that. do you mind doing better working conditions? they also want more doctors employed at on the stock state hospitals. these complaints are not means and dates back 7 years. that strikes lasted a 100 days. and the consequences for the health care system was devastating. some patients died, a deal was reached, but doctors say the agreement has not been fully implemented and renewed negotiations hasn't resulted in much the
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local ventures on the 3rd. and the reason why so that day is that you are in the government no, much, much stretching on the most of the 5000 doctors have stayed home for more than a week. now some hospitals have stopped admitting patients and holsted emergency and specialized services that only doctors can provides a majority of canyons can't afford private health care. many of those are here today are young. some say they don't even cross the hunter on the right. and the reason distracting doctors are also calling for the hiring interns say the bearing the brunt of waterloo,
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state hospitals for relatively low salaries. we graduated a month ago, we saw the news of a municipal has, i'm due to the they have not been presented to delay on the course of the metro and we've had, you know, the health ministry sees it can't afford to more than $36000000.00 it estimates it needs to hire more stuff, kathleen solely or to 0, not ruby a. m u k castle and the princess of wales says she has cancer and she was undergoing chemotherapy. she revealed her condition and a video message for the royal household isn't providing more details during a whole house. more for london. weeks of feed speculation about the health of britons princess of wales has come to this a 2 minute video statement on
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a pretty pop been traits. catherine revealing that she's being treated for cancer in january, i on the one major i don't know, surgery and london on at the time, it was thought that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, the test of to the operation found cancer has been present kensington palace as these traditional is made. few details known about the princesses health while she's been absent from public duties, often major abdominal surgery in january. i'm sorry. where is kate middleton? i do wish if there's more transfer you to a vacuum of the official information and online friends that you have. conspiracy theories flourished. they were fueled by a family portrait release to reassure the public, but pulled by press picture agencies offered was revealed to being digitally altered by catherine herself. she admitted and enthusiastic about to photographer. in this week, it was alleged that stuff at the london hospital where she was treated,
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had access to private medical records. and the investigation is on the way with friday's video statement suggesting the possible data breach false, the royal communications machine. to get a head of a leak to the media, we hope you'll understand that as a family, we now created so time space and purposely. while i complete my treatments, it's mandatory a few months, but britain's royal family. in february, it was announced that king charles had an undisclosed form of cancer following treatment for an enlarged, prostate. 2 of the family's most senior and hard working figures rocked by your health and out of the public eye. it is a royal house, no family and crises less than 2 years after the death of its longest serving monarch, the queen during the whole elder 0 still had an autism in sports and national teams are building up to international football tournaments around the world. i'm these going to be here with the best of the actions
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the examining. the headline is it is hopefully today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche, it relates to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the resilience can sprout from even the harshest urban environments. a soaring costs worth in the communities green. some curious, so i fair. my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we're going to, it's probably going to pay already before a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking
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a greenstone in the new case. biggest city we over london grown witness on a jersey to the little co is betting on renewable sources to secure its energy independence and position itself is a provider of green power to europe. the government set a goal of meeting more than half the countries energy needs with renewable sources by 2030. i should talk about it as got this report from tons here in northwest in morocco of the this is one of the wells largest solar plants built in the desert city. was that it spots of
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a major plan to shift to green energy. the abundance sunshine may soon be crucial to follow homes. not only here in morocco, but also the field. but the government, some visions don't and that the north african country wants to produce a surplus of clean power. hot. one of the largest storage facilities worldwide. such kind of the technology to allow us to produce electricity from sun, even during the evening, for around 8 hours. and during the night, where we'll go once to produce 10 gigawatts, a year of electricity from renewable sources, by 2030 entities, a looking high up in the mountains erecting new to binds to hahn is the power of the wind. this wind farm is on your doorstep, and for a reason, we're welcome wants to produce enough electricity for renewables and exported to a euro. but it's turning gradually towards green energy and taking steps to and
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it's a dependence russian gas impulse seen as well. if it's a device for the phone, number home is the wells bank, regional director of infrastructure for the middle east and north africa advises governments on energy security. and efficiency is really a game changer. i mean, country is weird to yours to depend on our impulse. we've but merge on so you know, to know it's mid soto, we kinda know reduce the dependency on part input. clean energy isn't just helping move. all could reduce costs, you could soon be driving the economy. the government is allocating a 1000000 hacked toes to hydrogen projects. possibly putting the country on a back us to net 0 emissions in the future. it's fully invested over budget can to get to involved building facilities to produce more clean power and storage for as
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long as it takes to sell globally has to my but i'll just do a 10. g is morocco. yeah, this type of support here is on the thank you so much for up. well max to stop and insist some of these australian chrome pre will be a close race. the rep will dry. the clemency surprised himself by securing po position in melvin the officer. crazy the 3 time will champion has been an easy way to write the 1st to draw on praise of the season. but he struggled for long periods during qualifying, still managed to finish a fraction of a 2nd ahead of ferrari's color signs when it really match the dog science missed the last race in saudi arabia. after having an operation for pen the sites this mcclellan's atlanta noticed that he'll stop the 3rd with 7, simon will champion louis hamilton of the pace and 11th. quite tricky. um to find the right balance. uh try the weekend so far. and even a cool thing. i didn't expect to fight for pulling through to even uh so uh yeah,
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i'm very happy with the lapse that we did in q 3 and i surprised myself probably a little bit as well. expect it to be tough tomorrow. and that's the real las erases. i think we have the upper hand, but of course you have to be with courses because you never know right. but i do think that tomorrow um they will be very strong. and today i cannot ask for more, you know, because it's impossible to be a 100 percent on the go up there. pick you up today, but i feel like if the more i feel good, i will give you my best shot. but to be max tomorrow you need to be 100 percent. know you're a 2020 full heis gym and he will stuff of the preparations for the toilet lights of his out today with the game against world cut runners upfront. the highest of in groups with scotland, hungry and switzerland lights on it, a full continental trunk while the trophy that that's being on show in stuttgart, the team there in lee on for the front matched germany going through a bit of a full run, a phone, just now with see wins on the from the last 12 matches price on your mind striking
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killing. and by says he's kings of life of friends that she has power. so lympics by is set to leave pace to the end of this season with ranma trip. the favorites to sign it in and then see if i didn't say anything because i still have nothing to say. i have always said that when the day comes. so i have something to say, i'll come in front of you guys and that's because i'm on them. so if i do not say anything, this means i have nothing to say. you know me, hold on, but i will come up against the netherlands in the group stages. not be your rose. faith to fall. i qualify school in full now and friendly on friday. scotland now without a win in 6 matches, the scouts will face high, stood an open game of your 2020 full earling hall is no way they missed bounce on qualification for the yours in the mountains city, striking credit score and his friendly against the check for public checks when he see one of those low, they have qualified for the finals and were faced stuckey thoughtful on the win is of the place between george and greece in the great stages. columbia are building up to the corporate america,
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which will be hosted by the united states in june and july. they beat spain one new the london stadium. little loose the as the setting up crystal palace defend daniel munoz, the school bus funding go. and the 2nd health is 1st international go spain's 1st from the last 626, the of england, the building as a friendly against presented wembley. that would be some fine listed in the last year. i was losing it's lee and a penalty shootouts caps in how retain among several senior players will be missing . this one cheats in a so brilliant opportunity for other players, we need to see other players had zeros. and if we were playing less the teams, you'd still have that little question and you mind if i played well, ok, well how are they going to be against the next level of position? so from our perspective, and it's a great exercise and a great opportunity, really form and manage it, span your own erickson will achieve a lifetime. impression of the lights thrown,
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he'll get to take challenge of little, pull it out and failed. opiates, elections live, a full st. playing i x and a charity game ericsson, he won't chuck piece with roma. some doria unlocked, sierra moved in january, but he had about a year to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. black, if i could do a. yeah. and i could never had the rent about that, but when i was a manager, i would, i spent about 3 that but that never happened. it was close, find somebody to some discussion. once i'll tennis will number to arrange a sub blank has returned selection. just a few days after the death of the full, a boyfriend, the constance in cold, soft b australian open champion on the right to were old blackouts. it opening much of the mind me i can. she was taking on the pallet, but i so the feller risk and winning in straight sets to reach the 3rd round coast of a former and a shell. hockey plaid died in miami,
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age 42. and what police described as an apparent suicide. well, number 3 car cut off also into the 3rd round the 20 year old american facing nadia . on our ask of auction seen a 6162. this one have just 6 matches completed on friday as rain disrupted the schedule as a major league baseball has launched a full investigation into illegal gambling and fest allegations surrounding and i don't just show, hey tony tony's interpreter. if i miss you holler, i was fine on the don't use earlier on this week, it's alleged maybe horace stone, millions of dollars from economy to pay of gambling debts. schools busing is illegal in california. the states where autonomy is based on the bone, james and the lake has ended a full year losing run against the philadelphia. 76 is james, have 20 points, 8 re bounds. and 6 assist says the lake has 111 to 94. the lake has said 9 in the west and conference. okay,
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that is useful for that real time. you. thank you very much indeed. and the size is going to be here in a couple of minutes before known stories. i real madison stay with us on august. the, this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions onto british jurisdiction vs jobs of endangering national security, security and civilians and soldiers by accents and reveal vast amounts of classified information among not classified information. was videos of the us helicopter attack in iraq, the killed 11 people, introduced civilians, and 2 voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision. whether he kinda feel his legal team says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech. there's never been a prostitution via, you know, i dropped the call to use a lot of free speech arguments. fair trial arguments of the why get
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a federal back in the us? his wife died and said he is set to united states political prisoners. that's what happens is legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court human rights. palestine was once a very different place for comments on homes for most of the cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film which is 0. well, here's historians and i'd witness accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers. the reach of was open investments were excess, moving from one city to another kind of stein. 1920. on al jazeera, a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house,
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thought provoking on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, the 11 suspects are rest and following an attack on a most co concept horse that kills at least a 115 people. a group link to iso claims responsibility. i'm doors as of are, is a crock of city hall, the scene of the deadly is terrorist attack in the country in the past 20 years. the more disturbing videos, meanwhile than much of the people inside the whole taking cabinets to try to evade the con,
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the color there. i'm the associate pay and this is elena 0 at life from the also coming


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