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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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is the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict. it's left to many families wondering about the bodies of their loved ones, who vapor each before the work. many others are also waiting for the fighting to end to give they loved one proper burial. the brushes president vows to punish those responsible for an attack on a musket concert whole at least a $133.00 people killed when gunman stone, the building the around the clock. this is out. is there a light from the also coming up? the more disturbing videos and merge of people inside the whole taking cover to try and evade the attack in the group linked to ice of his claim responsibility. also,
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it has let's change the site itself. the size of the home and the right side, disease your and sorry, can you general into any gutierrez visits, agents border with dogs, a cooling for an immediate spot to allow more aid into district and the young entrepreneurs hoping for major political make over instead of goals presidential election, the so we've getting most of the russian capital really off the, one of the west attacks in the country and decades that killed at least a 133 people. and injured 190. it happened to one of the cities largest concert halls. this is what's left of the building. a government storm that on friday night firing indiscriminately on civilians, the text onto the fi that swept through the venue and investigation is underway. police have detained 11 suspects. moscow says 4 people suspected of taking part of
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the check have been arrested. a group linked to iso has claimed responsibility. president vladimir putin has declared sunday as a day of morning space. look to be gets a little girl that gets it in the, in the criminals. were cold, hardly focused on one task, to kill, shooting our citizens, our children at point blank range, just as the nazis before in public executions and occupied territories in the past, and which was a bloody active terror. all the perpetrators and organizers behind this crime will inevitably face a just punishment, see, regardless of who they are and who was directing them, we will identify and punish everyone who is behind this terrorist attack. you this with a strike against russia and it's people. those who have from across when adults jabari, who's in moscow and explains how friday nights attack unfolded the inside. one of the biggest performance then use of moscow gunman open fire as they make their way through the caracas concert hall,
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leaving a trail of bodies behind. and this is a scene. once gunman reach the main auditorium. there's panic and chaos as hundreds of concert bars try to escape the exceed the shooting. there were many dead and wounded a flat spots, and then now all i heard was gunshots, that's it. and infernal also breaks out taking firefighters hours to contain a tax on this scale are rare in russia. this incident has raised questions about the security services abilities. security guards of this and concert hall were not armed. they had only new caesars or something like that. they didn't have with the weapons, so no one is really a trip there for
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a major terrorist attack. and that's going to, of course, sound beast. that's not good for the kremlin. the russian foreign ministry is calling this an act of terrorism, while the investigative committee has opened a criminal investigation shows as r e l 20 moscow. let's good luck to most good. now you guys shop over of joins is from there. and you did tell us more about what we heard from the russian president of the, of the russian president's address his nation, 19 hours after that cycle, for his condolences and declaring national morning the day of national morning on sunday. he said that's up to that time the terrorist allegedly moved towards you create a new, recreate, and food at west virginia inside to pass some kind of refuge for them. he called it a window. so according to let's increase in russia. believes the ukrainian aside is
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involved in be a time, a preaching, also cold, cold is a heavy blow to the nation and promise to revenge. meanwhile, tech is present at one cold legend page and on the phone at to express his condolences and told the russian presidents that's a day such hans demonstrated the needs to quickly result conflict in the region peacefully while they had to be united. russia policy problem is that now it's time to return the death penalty in the country. and so the tragedy at so focus to the whole has become the dead less terrorist attack since the best long school seems 20 years ago. next year, i guess the focus tends to be investigations. right. so yes, absolutely. in 1st of course, the day of morning is a head for russians in some regions, even 3 days of mourning have been declared. and as you say,
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the investigation is underway. the main question question is, who's behind that talk and, and is several russian politicians directly blamed you frame for, as well us and ukrainian officials rejects as the claims. but it seems like the russian, somebody does know, came to believe. and i sold involvements that i'd be f as be reported the rest of 11 people, including full terrorist who participated in that's hot. the suspects were detained near the boulder. was you praying? as i mentioned in the, the ask region, they were allegedly planning to close the building to ukraine, according to the f as b that fox also indicates who most of mine did that time. administrative internal affairs has now denied a lever, pulls that the suspects were citizens of russia, saying that all of them, what foreign nationalism, that identities well being established in moscow and citrus route, russia,
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which seems paid spontaneous memorials springing up in memory of those killed and many people or q and throughout the day as a number of medical centers in most cases, to donate to the nice blood unit. thanks to that to unit ship it by reporting from the present patient said in his address to the nation that the electronic doctors would try to flee to ukraine. pride is monitoring reaction from keith. now, the ukranian officials here have dismissed any claims of a ukrainian connection to this attack. we've heard from under the yourself, who is a senior representative, where the military intelligence here at cooling such claims and nonsense, that the alleged perpetrators were apprehended, get his, they were approaching the buddha area with ukraine. st. gets the kind of explanation put out by russian security, the f s b a for what he called a zone defied russian population. making the point that off to a more than 2 years,
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a full scale will that pull the area on the russian side is so saturated with road blocks with soldiers, with security. that if you were trying to escape such an attack into state free of the escaped the law, it's the one place that you would not be heading. and we've also heard for the from the center, full counseling, this information, another government body here and other government agencies which is gone further by suggesting, suggesting but without any evidence that this may have been the work of the russian special forces as a so called false flag operation intimating that russia has been suspected of conducting such attacks before around about the. busy of the century is that was a pre cost that they say to the invasion of chechnya and the reason that the security forces of russia may have august rates, it'll be involved in this attack is as a justification for a new round of mobilization robot price. how does era keep
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the view inspector general oppose the gain cooled facies far and gaza during a visit to the junction side of the roof of crossing? i think it's harris described the blocking of 8 and a few minutes here in crisis in this trip as a moral outrage around one and a half 1000000 palestinians who fled to tax elsewhere and gaza. a sheltering and ruffling, israel says it will launch a ground offensive in the city despite international condemnation. this is very dangerous to this, the boots, humanitarian navy, and gaza. on top of that law and daughter, this completely being broken. which means that we have witnessed several situations in which the distribution vision that aids into a situation of violence and also situations the rich people who are bugs when
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distribution was taking place. so there is a fundamental question. there is no way to have any back teeth. a these 3 motion, even garza, without a humanitarian sees fire. at least 7 policies have been killed. south of gauze, the city is a way to freight. a witness to say is ready. forces open fire on crowds at q 80 round about before a trucks arrived. dozens of people were injured. men invitation to the baptist hospital in northern gonzo is one of the few medical facilities still functioning in this trip. target who is in rough or, and has more a and a is there is a new attack that has been carried out by the use of the military troops against pizza. because on the same around about that to be multiple talk. it said in previous occasions by the is by the troops as those people were extremely hungry, have nothing to feed on. they were waiting for a humanitarian aids to be delivered to another part of the territory. as we have been seeing images for the victims,
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they were completely just as that is why the forces had it killed them on the ground list justification still now. but yet this very minute 3 did not commence on the occasion and on the incident that had been how that had happened today whilst we're subbing palestinians have to report to killed alongside with those of injuries that had been transferred to our up hospital to receive a primary medical cap, the this is absolutely seems to be a police directed to being adopted by the is really bad that you're using is tough ation as a cli. what then for the award order to force people to asleep from then other parts of the gaza strip do us who did not receive much needed live savings supplies and the ongoing restrictions being imposed by the as well the military and humanitarian comb, voice thoughts till now did not sufficiently being delivered to the other parts of garza as well as it goes. the health ministry says 240 patients and 10 medical pass . now i've been pinned down by is ready for us as inside as chief hospital. i'll
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deserves honest al sharif reports from a school nearby stomach. and i'm in a little 40, i'm health plan, which i'm not sure how to do of that mean we managed to reach this part of the l. c . for medical complex, as the northern areas were being heavily bombed with time with all this really occupation forces have burned and destroyed the number of buildings here is you can see as if you had the, the amount of destruction is massive due to continues bombardment and error rate on that guy that i know some families are still here because of the presence of man is really sniper and this really armies policy of targeting and shooting it, everything moving in the area. i mean, what are some of that that are still under the rubble of the plot and the medical teams couldn't get to this place because of the danger. and because you can see that the buildings and the roads are destroy the match it up would be also the machine. right? yeah, we are under siege and the northern part of the chief medical complex. we have no food. we have no water. all the houses had been leveled and is really f. 16
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attacked at least one floor and every building on the remains of dead bodies are lying in the street. so there is no way anyone can help anyone out in the system. there are 10 people in my family again, so what can i do to find food for them? all these rates have destroyed everything in the complex. i hope i can see just one person with a good conscience. and i hope to see just one person who believes in god designs and stuff, the genocide and guys that hold on a minute. and we managed to reach us cooled under siege in the vicinity of the l chief and medical complex, which are marsh. this school has been under siege for the last 5 days and become there is no food in the water for the display space on the inside to the latest us budget approved by the senate to italy on site. so that includes a year long bind on funding for the you an agency for processing your refugees under war. israel says 12 of its employees took part in the october the 7th to time or tax. the bond is part of the $1.00 trillion dollar budget to avoid a partial government shutdown. us is the agencies biggest donor to motor either way,
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if i is, it was specs women and she says, denying the agency funds will destabilize the region. if the u. s. does not give the funding to the u. s. b being our largest donor, this will create a huge gap in our budget, and that is a budget we use not only in government, but across the region for 700 school of free education to half a 1000000 children, all was fine. refugees, vulnerable communities in the region, but also a health care to, to $1000000.00 sand refugees will be impacted if we do not get that money. the west is our largest builder as such a decision. that's something we would really regret if it really makes sense. because this is not the time at the time of the immense warren garza and possible regional repercussions, this is not designed to the stabilize the regions burner by weakening at main components of regional stability, which is other of the most important thing as to know that the allegations around
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12 on your staff members, 12 out of 13000 in guys, out and out 230000 in the region. these allegations are under a very serious in the edition right now. and independence u. s. investigation with only being fully committed to transparency and to upholding the highest us principal. therefore, it is truly our wish to reassure the us government, but also other governments was concerned with the possible implication under uh, under our staff members in at none of the un adequate apps, including the horrible attacks of the 7th of october. we wished to reassure them that we're doing everything we have to come to the bottom of the story and to make sure that we have all these dates cards, that all of the rest of our 100 percent compliance with the, with the principal, several of the governments that had suspended their support to run over these
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allegations have now reversed their decisions and therefore have reviewed their trust in the agency of their trust. and that's irreplaceable. like saving role the agencies playing in gaza and then the region center had here and out 0. delivering aid to garza where on board a flight ad dropping much needed supplies into the strip a plus morocco, sunshine policy, the north african nation, april to provide renewable energy to europe. the the route to you by visit capital had low they. let's have a look at the weather across the south asia and it is looking laundry. settled with lots of sunshine. so much of focused on and india. the heat is a dominant feature to the south of this for the bulbs we think records broken so
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much on a daily, across some of the islands, the, that heat moves up to move west in pots of india and pakistan on sunday. we've got a heat wave warning out for sure restaurant, but even corrupt sure. you continuing to see the mercury rise about 5 degrees above the average where it should be that on monday, this is what the weather coming in. however, for rod just on. so what's the weather as well, creeping across the very north is india. thunderstorms are on the menu for that northeast corner on sundays, some of that rain dripping down into bangladesh and rain picks up as well for, for lanka on sunday. but by monday, it is looking like a most settled story. not so settled, however, for east asia. we've got found the storms bubbling up across central pots of china, rushing out across the north, bringing a wintery edge across the northern areas. and that's going to post across the korean peninsula, bringing some more heavy rain to southern parts of japan. we could see some
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flooding the. the rain turns heavy in tokyo. on tuesday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on resilience can sprout from even the houses urban environments. a soaring costs, threatening the community screen, some curious affair. my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we go and how we're going to pay our rent for, for a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a green stone in the new case. biggest city, we are richard london, grown witness on a jersey to the the
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guy you're watching out 0 mind about top stories is the death toll from an attack on the comfortable and most good has risen to at least a 133 people that makes it the worst attack of the country in 20th. prussian police say they've arrested 11 people. the group linked to iso has claimed responsibility . the inspector general internally gutierrez, has a game pulled for seas foreign garza during the visit to the gyptian side of the roof of crossing. he describes the lucky of age of his trip in the humanitarian crisis and gaza as a model outrage. the us senate has passed and load it includes a year long band on funding for you, an agency for palestinian refugees. and right in right says the israel says bits of 12 of its employees to punch in the to the some to talk to us is the biggest down there. it says the number of 8 persons being dropped into guys that has increased is israel continues to pump the entry of trucks into this trip across potent honey mood has details of one to reset it from an american database and come to us air
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force include, make last minute check at the low data military air base near go to american c. 17 plains are loaded with $80000.00 meals as part of an 8 dropped into got us in baset or took a tar jamie davis is there to oversee preparation. i don't think there's a limit in our thinking we're willing to do with our partners. and we know that we have a military team here that is capable of doing much, much more, and whatever is needed. the nearly 2000 kilometer journey from don't have to gaza, takes a 3 hours. this is the largest us military a drop since the war and gaza began. it is an attempt to get a to those who are desperate for famine is immune and in the northern part of garza . and there is a risk of famine across the gods. but as roman themes, if the block a too much to the exasperation of agencies who say the situation on the ground is
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catastrophic. right now. you've got unnecessary impediments. you've got on this sincerely restrictions, one lan costing you could have 5 land crossings very, very easily. that's not happening and when i does get in and run it, i, it is now getting in food water medicine, but nowhere near the mountain need. that is the critical point. the reason weeks is row has been accused of deliberately targeting the tiny amount of 8 available and shooting of palestinians waiting for it. here in gauze on one and 3 it's children is suffering from acute malnutrition and health officials are staying around 60000 . pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration causing low birth weight and increasing the risk of a stillbirth. agencies say, a drugs such as this are the most efficient way of delivering 8. an opening gland borders is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them
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from starving to death. honey, my more data fi, southern gauze it strawberries season in the occupied westbank west street vendors sell mountains of the popular fruits, but many say the sweetest berries in palestine have traditionally come from garza but the will of destroyed farming. communities for economy meeting farm is in the west bank city of to cut them. and so does this report. the smell of sweet store breeze was through this found me run foam in tow. crowds with foam is a walking fost to fill a short full the usual input from guns that have stopped leading a void and the local market of palestinian produce. the business was so lucrative and gone to the fruit was known as red gold. the sweetest, with grown and fate, noon, and state law. here, what i'll do, sarah filmed 4 years ago. now the war has destroyed foaming communities.
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and everyone in gulf is threatened with salvation. experts say military hardware bones of damage, the soil for many years. that to me, that the destruction of the farms and soil is why due to the military vehicles. and there will be use of destruction because of the material used in the explosives and foss correspond to use that. this was the effect of the land and water for the long to get back in token and found that was apple body and says have a sing. the fruit has become increasingly dangerous a little bit. i mean, a lot of soldiers are protecting these really sets of that today. and we don't know what they can do. they may pick up the guns and stop shooting and they talking to the neighbors called with life. but when he was trying to go to his farm, we're driving to another part of what's land we were turned back earlier in the morning. a storm is said is ready. the soldiers with their it's dangerous to great parties here about 400 meters away isn't a legal is right. assessment is protected by is right. the soldiers pharmacy
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a say since october, the 7th, and of attempt to access the often opened fire at some. this fruit is right for picking, but it's sometimes left to roll the in this remote market to all cell phones from going so would compete every year with this really produced the silver. so even though the amount coming from gone so would often vary depending on its way the restrictions. the fruit is popular with bias, the i see profound grease, i'm speaking but my heart is chattering. this is the 1st time i have boots to raise the season, but i'm not sure if i enjoyed them with increasingly tight to restrictions on local farm is then not able to produce enough to fill the short full. so it's really sore brace still fill the small kits, meaning this sweet fruit for so many is, will remind to the best to reality the work on elda 0 occupied westbank.
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the, the hundreds of protests have taken down the street to the indian capital for a 2nd. day yes, said the money, the release of dell is chief minister of in that category. well, who's be interested? i have a corruption allegations. he denies any wrong doing. and his policy says, the charges are politically mites of great risk comes this week for general elections begin. mr. izzy above that is indeed a letter. there is no evidence. there is no citizen or no money. mister more the, the prime minister of this country is scared off miss sullivan. because these are on this as soon as he does that can challenge this. and that is the only reason why he's been put behind bars on the dish and the doors are slowly being put behind bars. it's like an emergency situation and our friend right now,
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a china is coast guard is 5, was it kind of, it's a philippine supply vessel in the south china sea. the philippine military says the vessel was damaged, but no casualties have been reported. the incident happened to the 2nd thomas show a dispute to grief, controlled by manila, but also claims by china, by taiwan, and by vietnam. a series of incidents has taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in recent months. as a new security law has come into force in hong kong despite concerns of a human rights delores known as school 23 and imposes heavy penalties including life, imprisonment for what it caused, national security offensive. among them, a treason, insurrection, endangering national security and sedition. it also groans extra powers to police, such as the ability to cancel passports and to detain suspects of 16 days without charged. cuz young is a journalist from hong kong, then he says the law will have major implications for media workers. i travel
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a simple call actually have been covering the china stories say in china and also living in hong call and given out the advantages of say, happy against chinese. as far as the in terms of coverage is always be very strong . but now in view of the view overhead and saw 5 foot of the see course, the definition is quite for a lot and almost cover everything. so um that low cost of significantly and also it gives us the logical eating test. save all important journalists. so probably what was the uh box uh, so essentially ship how affording, say, extremely sensitive or unclear materials even though uh it went through the legislative process. so with the legislators say scripting, i think the bel cross spark crossed, but still there are so many questions left and answer. and in,
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in the find the worship of the, of the bill that, that, that becomes a goal. i think in your practice today, there were, there was still a lot of things that are so broadly defined and, and, and it was things that, that you never know until a case. uh, okay. but but then given the severity of that whole one case, there's too much. so this is instead of accurate costs and pallets and the 1st round of a presidential election that fits strength and prime minister of a t codes, griffin power, the populace anita has been tightening control over public media and trying to relax. and corruption loss is ally pelligrini is a front runner in the contest to replace president is designed to have a positive presence. do not wield many executive powers. they have a role in government and judicial appointments for his presidency. the board archie has denied wrong doing after the public prosecutor's office launch the preliminary investigation accusing however,
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mrs. enrichment. she's be asked to explain her ownership of 16 undeclared luxury watches, including ro lexus. if it is the same that at the meeting, few those on december 7th, 2022. i entered through the big door and they would need through the same door on july 28th 2026. all was all. it was with clean hands. we would be assisting the prosecutor's office with the truth. as i have always said. possible storms in brazil have killed at least 9 people. 3 of them died in the southeastern city of metropolis when the home collapse. situation has been described as critical due to intense rains and never flying river nearby. many of the displaced the sheltering in schools. morocco is betsy on renewable sources to secure his energy independence and position itself as a provider of green pow to europe. work is already underway to expand production capacity, so the pa facilities and wind farms and the government to set
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a goal of meeting more than half the countries energy needs with renewable sources by 2030. how soon will help are, has this report now from tunzia in northwest and marker. this is one of the wells largest solar plants built in the desert city of was that it spots of a major plan to shift to green energy. the abundance sunshine may soon be crucial depaula homes, not only here in morocco, but also the field, but the government's ambitions don't. and that the north african country wants to produce a surplus of clean power. hot one of the largest storage facilities worldwide. such kind of the technology to allow us to produce electricity from sun even during the evening for around 8 hours. and during the night we're walker once.


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