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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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a gift from detailing insights into the toes from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0. the . ready ready ready precious president valves to punish those responsible for an attack on a musket comfortable, at least a $133.00 people were killed. when done with the stone building, the around the clock, this is out 0 in life, in the house, it coming up more disturbing videos. imagine people inside the whole taking cover to try and evade the attack is to create blink twice of his claim responsibility. also a head. let's change the site itself. the size of the home and the right
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side disease your insect, the general internal gutierrez, visits agents border with gaza. 20 for an immediate cease 5 to allow more a into district. and the young entrepreneur type fee for major political make over incentive goals. presidential election, the se rusher has bbm security, after at least a 133 people were killed and 9200 injured and an attack on a constant hold in the capitol. it's hacked planes by isolate enough dentist on the west and russia in decades. president vladimir putin is declared sunday, a national day of mourning. joseph jabari reports now from oscar to the scene. the morning after one of the worst attacks by an army group in russia's recent history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened,
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including those who survived. and it was, this was enough, they started to shoot in our direction. they shot people through petrol. bombs, people were panicking, and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals still talked of. heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials called a terrible tragedy the task of recovering the that is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the movie and we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared
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this strike against russia and its people keep them when you no one will be able to show the poisonous seeds of this golden panic connection multinational society. as it president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow. the f s b security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures proportionately show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i so and i scanned a son, has claimed responsibility door, so jabari alcera moscow as well. present patient said in his address to the nation that the alleged taxes were trying to flee to ukraine from a pride. his reaction from cape ukrainian officials here have dismissed any claims
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of a ukrainian connection to this attack. we've heard from under the use of who is a senior representative, where the military intelligence here at cooling such claims and nonsense, that the alleged perpetrators were apprehended good as they were approaching the buddha area. we do crying, saying it's the kind of explanation put out by russian security, the f s b a for what he called a zone defied russian population. making the pointed up to more than 2 years, a full scale rule that both the area on the russian side is so saturated with roadblocks, with soldiers, with security. that if you were trying to escape such an attack into state free and then the escape the law, it's the one place that you would not be heading. and we've also heard for the, from the center full countering this information. another government body here and other government agencies which is gone further by suggesting, suggesting but without any evidence that this may have been the work of the russian special forces as a so called false flag operation,
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intimating that russia has been suspected of conducting such attacks before running about the. busy of the century, that was as a pre cost. so they say to the invasion of chechnya and the reason that the security forces of russia may have august rates will be involved in this attack is as a justification for a new round of mobilization, rubber price. i'll just say era keep the, the, the units extra general is the gain cold for us. these far in costs, which we can visit to the junction side of the roof of crossing. turning, gutierrez, describe the blocking of aid and the humanitarian crisis in the strip. as a moral outrage around one and a half 1000000 palestinians who fled to tack, sail square and gauze, a sheltering and rougher israel says it will launch a ground defensive in the city. despite international condemnation. it is very
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dangerous to distribute humanitarian navy and gaza on top of that law and all of those completely being broken. which means that we have with there's several situations in which the distribution vision that aids into a situation of violence. and also situations in which people who are bugs when distribution was taking place. so there is a fundamental question. there is no way to have any effect these a, these to the motion, even garza without a humanitarian ceasefire. it's literally 7 palestinians are being killed. south of gauze, the city is a way to freight when it says ready forces. open fire in crowds, a q a roundabout. before a a trucks arrived. dozens of people were injured. many were taken to the baptist hospital in northern garza. it is one of the few medical facilities still
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functioning in the district. let's say not from terry because if he joins us from rockford and southern gaza until i got a graphic scenes from the state tacked on the 280 round about yes, that's right. and that in fact, this area had been one of the main areas that they use with the military had been focusing on in the course of the past weeks as they have been multiple cases of deliberate shooting of 8. see, cuz as they were waiting for humanitarian comb, voice to be delivered to the another at pots of dollars, that's not only also the, the 8 c, cuz we have been also shots by these very, to also the people who were securing yet, had been attacked specifically those who had been working in locate committees to guarantee a safe arrivals for such a to the you on warehouses and in other parts of the territory i didn't today is that time had killed 7 that had killed till now. a 7 power city is of this number, it's expected to rise were doses of casualties have
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a bit reported that there are 2 bodies that are on the defamation of the targeting, where they are ongoing attempts in order to recover them from the areas of the compartment and it clearly seems stuck as well as completely solving people in the north as they have been allowing us to have been denied access of humanitarian homeboys by laboratory to us by imposing restrictions. on the other hand, they are attacking people who are waiting for it. has to do is have the who have been killed before as the we're, we're looking for something to return back to their families. with that for that to break the foss with the very limited amount of food items that had been completely cut off in the course of the last month and specifically, and then other parts of garza interviewing started the general who's been visiting is we've heard any of the egyptian side of the ref, across the and drumming home the yeah. just me for a yes. uh in fact uh the uh you on secure 3 general visits. uh, internally gutierrez to the
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a gibson boat in order to take a close look on the humanitarian chromeboys that are low enough. expect online top of course uh, cause as broad as that could be very essential in order to create and even to carry out a relative, recover for people here in the very desperate place. it seems to be really uh, significant as the system had cooled, the into the as well, and the international community to increase the capacity of a humanitarian supplies into the gauze as to what yes, all of the international call was being made by the united nations representatives till now had not been complied above with isabel, specifically that isabel is to a did not allow for there's not a lot for clear amounts of humanitarian supplies to be delivered to gaza strip. and at the same time, people did not talk a tactical development in terms of the number over humanitarian pulled voice where people in the notes are in the badge of famine. they have nothing to feed on. people in the south are receiving very limited amount of food, water,
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and medical supplies, which gives a clear indication about the severity of the humanitarian conditions. think cause i mainly as promising you see only says for you could be the optimal solution for the majority of confidence. in order to at least to be partially recovered from the consequences of the deadly as very ongoing military campaign for a time with you. with the target resume and reference, southern garza who does the health ministry says 240 patients and 10 medical personnel being pinned down by is really forces inside l. she for hospital out 0 is honestly all sorry for quotes from a school nearby. a stomach, them in a little fluid, i'm health plan, which i'm not sure how to do of that. we managed to reach this part of the l. she for medical complex as the northern areas were being heavily involved with time of all this really occupation forces had burned and destroyed the number of buildings here is you can see as if you had the, the amount of destruction is massive due to continues bombardment and error rate on
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that guy that i know most of families are still here because of the presence, i mean is really sniper and this really armies policy of targeting and shooting at everything. moving in the area. i mean, what are some of that that are still under the rubble of the plot and the medical teams couldn't get to this place because of the danger. and as you can see, the buildings and the roads are destroy, the match it up would be also the machine. right? yeah, we are under siege and the northern part of the chief medical complex. we have no food. we have no water. all the houses had been leveled and is really at 16 attacked at least once or in every building on the remains of dead bodies or lying in the street. there is no way anyone can help anyone out in the system. there are 10 people in my family and then so what can i do to find food for them? all these rates have destroyed everything in the complex. i hope i can see just one person with a good conscience. and i hope to see just one person who believes in god designs and stuff, the genocide and guys that come on that. and we managed to reach us cooled under
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siege in the vicinity of the el cheapo medical complex, which i'm not sure this school has been under siege for the last 5 days. there's no food in the water for the display space from inside. as an anti government demonstration is under way until a beef protest to say they disagree with the way the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is handling the war and gaza. let's close now to tennessee for i'm to salute his life for us to have to purchase that. greg and number week by week these demonstrations are only getting larger and they are getting louder saying that they are fed up with the policies of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that they have failed to bring about the release of the captives that are still in gaza as this war enters, it's 6 months for the last 6 weeks. you've had side by side demonstrations here in what's become known as hostage square families of is really captives gathering with
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the other members of is really society to call for their release. and these anti government demonstrations have started up, but just 6 weeks ago they were prevalent before the war before october 7th. it was a weekly occurrence protest against his roles, government. but now they are back in full force against israel's prime minister, calling for elections to be held immediately. i so have these products as being able to make any difference in netanyahu's decision making the short answer okay, we've lost that. we've lost the connection that we've come to salute and telling me that these protests to but we'll get it back in the next hour. so i would like to see us the budget approved by the senate early on south. it includes the loan band on funding for you in agency for palestinian refugees and were israel's,
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as 12 of its employees, took pots in our, the october the 7th attacks the band, as part of the 1.2 trillion dollar budget to avoid a possible government shut down us as the agencies because diana tamara, over fi isn't respects when she says, denying the agency funds will be stabilize the region. if the us does not give this funding to the us being our largest doing or this will create a huge gap in our budget, and that is a budget we use not only in government but across the region for 700 school offering education to half a 1000000 children all was fine. refugees, vulnerable communities in the region, but also a health care to, to $1000000.00 sand refugees will be impacted if we do not get that money. the west is our largest builder. as such a decision to something we would really request isn't really nixon, because this is not the time at the time of this immense warrant garza and possible
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regional repercussions. this is not designed to the stabilize the region further by weakening and main components of regional stability. which is other of the most important thing is to know that the allegations around 12 on your staff members, 12 out of 13000 in guys a and out 230000 in the region. these allegations are under a very serious in this position right now in independence. you was investigation with own rubbing, fully committed to transparency and upholding the highest you as principal. therefore, it is truly our wish to reassure the u. s. government, but also other governments with concerns about the possible instigation under right under our staff members in a non un advocates asked including the horrible attacks of the 7th of october. we wished to reassure them that we're doing everything we have to come to the bottom
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of the story to make sure that we have all the safeguards that all of the rest of our 100 percent compliance with the, with the principal, several of the governments that had suspended their support to run over these allegations, have now reversed their decisions and therefore have reviewed their trust in the agency of their trust. and that's irreplaceable. like saving role, the agencies playing and gaza and then the region an estimate head here and the delivery age dogs that we're on board a flight ad dropping much needed supplies into this for the critical debate. pony farmers are angry people of starving, and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians and may be often in the highest level
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have been using games for this policy. let me cut out of the service to him and dave, and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera, with every donation given. with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved the days you donated, we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donate with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together, we are changing the world. one halts that's time science and can see the changes going to occur. when you turn that science into policy, you got to go to court and get people in trouble. dying coming soon the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, how the game watching out 0 reminded lots of stories and saw and rushed for his bpn security after at least a 133 people were killed and nearly 200 injured in an attack on a concert hole in the capital, please say they've arrested 11 people, claimed by an iceland banks. creek is the west in russia, in decades. the you inspected you general internally. gutierrez is a gain cooled receipts far in gaza during your visit to the gypsies, inside the roof for crossing. he describes the blocking of h to the strip in the humanitarian crisis and gaza as a moral outrage. us senate has passed a law that includes
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a year long ban on funding for the do an agency policy need refugees. israel says 12 of its employees to punch in the october the 7th to tax. the us is because dona here says the number of 8 posts is being dropped into garza has increased as israel continues to block the entry of trucks into the strip of correspondent honey. but mood has details of one deliveries sent from an american that base in cotton. the us air force include make last minute checks at the low date, military air base, the or go to american c. 17 plains are loaded with 80000 meals as part of an 8 dropped into guns. us and basset, or took a tar jimmy davis, is there to oversee preparations. i don't think there's a limit in our thinking to think we're willing to do with our partners. and we know that we have a military team here that's capable of doing much, much more, and whatever is needed. the nearly 2000 kilometer journey from don't have to gaza,
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takes a 3 hour. this is the largest us military a drop since the war and gaza began. it is an attempt to get a to those who are desperate for famine is immune and in the northern part of garza . and there is a risk of famine across the gaza strip. but as roman themes, if the block a too much to the exasperation of agencies who say the situation on the ground is catastrophic. right now. you've got unnecessary impediments, you've got unnecessary restrictions. one lan costing you could have 5 land crossings very, very easily. that's not happening and when i does get in and remote i, it is now getting food, water medicine but know we need the amount needed. that is the critical point. the reason weeks is rogue has been accused of deliberately targeting the tiny amount of 8 available and shooting of palestinians waiting for it. here in gauze on one and 3,
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it's children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around 60000, pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration causing low birth weight and increasing the risk of a stillbirth. agencies say, a drugs such as this are the most efficient way of delivering 8 an opening gland. borders is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them from starving to death. honey, my more data, but i'll find that during garza, the less than to send it off to weeks of uncertainty. voters are preparing to head to the polls for along the way to presidential election. on sunday, the old trades and successes, the president, microsoft. he's been in power for 12 years, and with one and 5 people unemployed. improving jump prospects will be one of the
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main issues for young voters. as nicholas huck reports now from indian, or on the edge of the fishing village of and die on long as a fashion design hub. it's been created by designers, so fusing a see to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home. instead of go. the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source and made in san diego. in 2019. the thing is he had hoped that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election, she wants change in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction
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here. and mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village instead. it has brought this fair says unemployed welter. yeah. could do. there are no jobs for him, nor others from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but with this, the formatting with me, it's an injustice that i can't find work and i was given a state diploma and the state can't find work for a month and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since 2019 it's degrading. so i went to my dignity back that 53000 migrants arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed. skilled men from senegal, the mayor of and diane is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave, but to stay in the vote in this election. women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal
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sector and their contribution to the economy is overlooked. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in this selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical make over. he's supporting opposition. candidates you might find, hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as an fit in unfair and overlooked instead of goals on top potential. nicholas hawk elder 0 and diane of hundreds of protests as if taking to the streets of the indian capital for a 2nd day. yes, of the money, the release of dell is chief minister of and to be, well, who's being the rest the day?
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the corruption allegations he denies any room to it and his policy says the charges are politically motivated. the rest comes just weeks before general elections begin . mr. kenzie above is in need a letter. there is no evidence. there is no citizen or no money. mister moody, the prime minister of this country is scared off miss sullivan. because these are on this, i'm going to be done. that gets challenge. and that is the only reason why you've been put behind bars on the dish and the doors are slowly being put behind bars. it's like an emergency situation in our monthly right. no. problem. storms in southeastern brazil has killed at least 9 people. 7 of them died in rio de janeiro state, including 3 in the city of patropolis. and that collapsed is this was the movement. a 4 year old girl was found to live a very,
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to 16 hours. she was one of 5 people risky. the situation has been described as critical to to intense range and an overflowing river nearby and new security. laura is coming to fulton home calm despite concerns of human rights. the law known as article 23 imposes heavy penalties including life, imprisonment for the cause. national security offences among them, a treason, instruction endangering, national security and sedition. and also grounds extra power to play such as the ability to cancel passports and to detain suspects of 16 days without charged. cuz young as a journalist, an ongoing and says the lawyer will have major implications for media work. jennifer, this is on call actually have been covering the china stories say in china and also in hong kong and giving out a advantages say how you guys charges as far as the the charge the coverage is
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always be very strong. but now in view of the new uh, old friends, all 5 of us, they see chris, the definition is quite for what to pay, almost cover everything. so um that low cost of significantly and also it says the logical impact save all important terms of this. so uh, probably what was the, uh, more uh, so essentially, shit out of forwarding, say extremely sensitive or unclear materials, even though it went through the legislative process. so with the legislators say scripting, i think the bill of cross spark crossed still with there are so many questions left on an answer and in, in the find the worship of the, of the bill that, that, that becomes a goal. i think in your practice today, um there are, there are still a lot of things that are so broadly be fine and, and, and it was things that,
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that you never know until a case. uh, okay. but, but then, given the superiority of that whole one case, there's too much back in health enough. next inside story, we'll look at whether the un security council can agree on a resolution calling for sci fi and gone, the he had a lot of there. it's been a story all the exceptional. he took off much of africa, but things will be cooling down. at least it goes move in areas of the next few days before we get the. let's have a look at the middle east, levant because things have turned on settled. you can see that stick a cloud bringing more heavy rain to the likes of iraq as well as around to weight as well as some very blustery wins that are likely to kick up some dust effecting
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visibility across the gulf and into saudi arabia. rain trickling down towards the west coast of saudi. it doesn't prove, however, as we get into monday, but the heavy rain continues for central areas of iran. nothing rain is coming into play for the north west of africa. we've got something of a swelling system. bringing that range the canary islands, it'll push some across the northern parts of morocco. the temperature in rebecca is coming down with that. but it's probably winds will pick temperatures up full algeria. l g is coming in at 26 degrees celsius. the $27.00 on monday is the hots a story to the south of that for central areas of africa. but some heavy rain coming in to gone to a more heavy rain for eastern areas with a developing system to the east of madagascar on sunday. a
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unique perspectives that is done is one of the most the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to leave freely connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra from the united nations security council. agree on a resolution calling for cease fire and going to say it's rejected. the latest text drafted by the us. other members will present a new one, but how not easy to pos and if it does, how would it be enforced? this is inside stored the


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