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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the, the hello until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. now the deadly day and gone. so is the vision's wine in between, as well as mastering sci fi tools. as thousands in israel approaches the government's handling of the war, a mazda is a 54 year old captive has died because of a lack of medicine and food also hits we will identify and punish everyone who is behind this terrorist attack. vowing revenge, the russian president declares the dye of national morning as the death toll from an attack on the constable in moscow. rises to 153 count
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down to elections. i intend to go off to weeks of uncertainty. final preparations being made for sundays, supposed to elect a new president and sport england separate defeat as they build up to the european championships. they were beaten one no 5 or so at west austria. makes history baseboard 6 seconds after take off to record the fastest advert goal in international football the we begin this use uh with emerging details of the safe spot towards between as well . i'm us sources tell just are that a breakthrough appears to be far off. the reports that is rarely negotiate as of lift, the latest round of talks and try and have for tunes is room. that's where pressure is bouncing on prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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a his handling of the war. protesters have gathered on the streets of tel aviv demanding mood, be done to secure the release of his ready captives. now it comes as a mouse, says one of those captives as to the 4 year old is riley, has died and gone. so due to a lack of medicine and food. well, for more on all of this is go live now as a homeless salute who is in tell of a standing by for us. and along with the talks, the death of this captive will no doubt fuel protest. they are even more really ramp up pressure on nathan, yahoo! look this is something that families have is really captives were afraid of that. they were going to die while they were in captivity in guns. they've been calling on these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to change his policy to enter into a deal that we'll see the release of the remaining captives to be released from. 1 mazda, now this evening's protest was the 6, the anti government demonstration in
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a row. and there was seemingly a much angry or tone, remember nothing y'all, who was under immense pressure internationally, but he's also under a lot of domestic pressure from his own population. who wants to see things done differently? they're calling on him to resign. they're also calling for immediate election saying that this government has failed these really public as they are prosecuting store. and honda has these processed being able to make any difference at oles really when it comes to newton. yeah. whose decision making here the short answer to that question is no. these really prime minister is seemingly on phased by all of these demonstrations that have been going on. you have side by side demos here in what's become known as hostage square, a weekly rally held by families of these really captives and even ones who have been released. and then on the other side of the street, outside of israel's defense ministry, you have these protests against the government. this is not the 1st round of anti
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government demonstrations that israel has see last year. there were protests on a weekly basis, sometimes bi weekly against s and yahoo was still on phased by them. he has said previously that he hears the concerns of these really public, but maintains that military pressure is the only way to bring about the release of these captive. so no matter how many protests there are, no matter the size and scale like the one we saw this evening, which did turn into a little bit of violence. there were several demonstrators arrested as they were, blocking roads, police on horseback, going in all different directions to try and stop these protesters from blocking roads. but despite all of that, these really prime ministers still remains on phase. okay, thank you so much and i'm to select for us the intel of face. so let's take a closer look at what we've heard about the largest round of negotiations. according to al jazeera sources, as well has told me,
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the ice is reject stuffing the wall and withdrawing its forces from cancer. but i'm off is demanding a full seas fine. i'm also wants palestinians to be able to return to northern cancer, but israel says it will only allow 2000 displaced people a day to attend. now that right, it would take more than 2 years old, this place, palestinians to leave rough on israel once the release of israeli captive civil categories in the 1st stage of the deal. but a mazda has indicated it will only release women and children. they are also differences over the release of palestinian prisoners serving lots sentences in is riley chiles. are we now joins on the line by some name, a member of the most political bureau. first of all, that is what i want. that is what we understand as well as response to be, is that how you understand things right now, and if so, just helping us sit back is this to any sort of satisfied deal?
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ok, thank you very much. a lot of information that you took the media this night on the day before the autumn, misleading information from the side to side. unfortunately, also from the american side. because in order to exercise the maximum shuttle and then it can cheat those from the, the sides of that existence to you, to the so either way uh, we are negotiating for ending the collection. we are making sure you think floor seats for you. we are making sure you think to relieve the suffering of all the people and go know on people who has been forcefully under color with whom bug meant to lift their houses to the south, to the 10 back to their house in the so it is are looking for the negotiations as for it, according to one or one in the context. so fun going hostages, but at least it is not about ending the war to not about to throw
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a withdrawal of the forces from that. does it fit and it is not about, and the thing is to attend back to their houses would a lot for both of them to which was a comprehensive proposal, but handed over to them does and also to the americans. from the 5th moment, they have believed it as a very positive call, but active and constructive story. and it is within the context of studies one on studies to unfortunately the despite, but he's the one on, but he still has been negotiated with this so that he didn't directly, which means, well this what he needed to be the 10, what the to the uh to the well they have to then you can ship those to the is much where or beyond the police. why not be over? what are you? who are these tools? and therefore, the move with has clearly told the media does that we cannot accept negotiating any
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prison on the list. so really give the big guarantees and the commitment guaranteed by the media doesn't by uh, by the usb antoine also on this, on the see if i understood what to do on withdrawal until the dispute. so you say this from what you've heard from israel. this is much worse than what was put out there when it came to the parents towards health. much of a surprise is this thing because certainly from the outside, at the very least it seemed like real progress was being made here. it is very shocking because i've been with you, it doesn't have a unfortunately accepted tool tool tool tool convey or to hand over this. so any ideas to the tool to, to our, to our side, because it's based on but each one on buddies to and the long get folks and the confusions on contacts with them and it does and with the americans. we have
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promised that at least these to 3 the minds of adult as the child, the tooth and withdrawn on the gym of a lot of these people to them houses. there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either so i know suddenly uh out of nothing this what it is out of getting before we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about who sees fail. it is about benjamin ethan. y'all is the using the negotiations as a cover and to gain more time and more time to continue with his plans by a complete bombardment that is still that doesn't fit in coping cut off until they leave. the tension inside is to aid and also to, to use the inter measuring, i'm pretty sure you wouldn't least the security council of discussion they have been for it is about nathaniel hard rejection of and think this aggression despite the on the bushes, given all of that you still going to sit down at the negotiating table and try and
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hash out a ceasefire here that we have to and then you can create those tonight that we are not going to do to discuss any further. the mean pieces of proposals we are in need for a total comprehensive, both of responding to own a lot of demands and then we can be engaged in prison out of being the to each find them a total loss. think fees fail. so that's what, by the way, i have to tell you something that on your audience, on the countries who have explored have presented it in a 2 month to submit in the rebuilding of augusta and the leaf on that he met in pennsylvania. that goes to the have said, we kind of do it until this. we see it clear to dalton and comprehensive and less increase for you. okay. therefore, without this, it means, because that will not be the admin, but
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a senior when will not be able to defend back to their house. okay, so just to clarify, at this point in time, these talks, these latest round of negotiations in hot they are over as of right now because of the issues because it is, it, is it we are we can talk about talks between that's what it is. i'm the media to read is normally confusions with us. we are not now engaged in a negotiation process with the latest and directly from them, and yet, so what would it get you back to that table to, to speak with a mediation is once again to, to get a total comprehensive response about regarding all of the month of the 3 main points, the total fees failed to attend, withdrawing on the, on the loan or be able to display from their houses to attend back. so we have houses again, how confident are you that you would be able to get those 3 points across the line
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at some point in time? unfortunately, it depends not we on the we are, we are ready to continue the order or to accept this. our fit substance under. this is as long as missing your one because the, the, we have no choice, but it depends on the dns on the super bowl out of the americans and europeans fix it says more to finish up in uh on benjamin netanyahu, in order not to endanger, not only that but a female situation because with the heart of egypt and to undermine any shots for long term stability, security post sort of thing. and the reason, okay, thank you so much. we do appreciate your time and taking us through all of this that is designated and then the of the a mosse political bureau. second, with joining me now, right here is this the on is a car. he's an associate professor at the golf study center. first of all, what is your response to him?
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asked the a you a surprised and taking it back as best some name appeared to be no surprise because he had the keep the same the same that the word, the mundane. since the very beginning of the negotiations, the, the stop of the the cease fire, i mean, this is fire on the day we drove all over the is for the forces on the possibility of people in augusta in a rough. i've to read them to the northern guy, so these are the same, the month they have been doing since the very beginning. eh, but according to what we have, just the discussion about the uh, the cease fire its not on the table and they as far as the sites. um, unfortunately this has been based variable seasonal stays there, but it begins as well. there is no discussion about as far as far less or that was the subject is where we are in at that point, but it's difficult to break. yeah, i mean, it would have sold a lot of this would have been discussed before. both sides came to talk with the
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mediators, because we've known this for some time israel reject, reject, stopping the war, and withdrawing a and m us. what's the full? 65. i mean, it seems quite strange at this point in time that they both sides knowing the ones positions would, would even sit down with mediators as well. i assume that both are expecting someone to pursue the other side to reach to, to, to close this gap at that the exist. i mean, we saw that i've listened at that say has been pushing that to be more pressing more at east rail a. but as far as that is, know, the united nations security council resolution supported by the us asking or the monday for the media face far east. right. we not feel that the pressure from you can have this sites. so if i can keep pushing the limits, i mean they said that the they agree it with they, we met the proposal regarding how many people can exchange for the hostages. but it
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seems to be, and i think they smelled the they're requesting that the united states requesting northwind thing into roughly, but they are not requesting them directly to stop that at the end. if he's fine, me best them name was saying that he doesn't delay from us does not believe at this point in time. that's a israel, as a thing in good faith. this is not really about it trying to come to any spot agreement. this is about extending the war on gaza. what did you make of that statement? this is one of the interpreters or we have the we've, we've had a review for it. this would be a just gaming time to push the limits for the operation. meaning the impression that off of that they keep repeating the would do regardless of any a rejection from the that the states or the international community, even a good there. is this a good, is there a better job united patients? so maybe this is a way to being fine rather than. mm hm. honestly, following a negotiation that we finished with something that didn't fungible. and at the same
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time, we've heard the young doing it from boss, say that as to the 4 year old is ready, captive has died due to a lack of medicine and foods. what did you make of that and how much extra pressure do you think that that is going to put on the yahoo? or is he immune to that? so the pressure at this point in time, i don't think he will cover care of that much about about timing we, we can seem that the weekly brought this, it is right itself with the family members of the people that the house this they are with the money and then it, then you have with the change of the month and even then i'd have to sit down 6 months so far and she hasn't changed. she's fine. so why someone what one of the hostages 9 would change his mind. okay, we'll have to leave it there, but we do appreciate your time to send us a car. thank you. that's what the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, has again called for us the spot and gaza during
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a visit to the egyptian side of the rock of crossing the on the ground. the ministry of health is $72.00. palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours. is there any forces i've been via on crowds waiting for? i'd killing at least 19 people and injuring 23 others. victoria guy, something has more hungry palestinians. desperate for food shows up by is really full, says nick, you wait round about an intersection often used by a trucks in gauze the city many were left seriously injured and found the moments after the more we survived this. they showed that this. there are many that many injured almost died to get our children a bite to eat and about injured were taken to ali baptist hospital. bought with cause is health care system. it near collapse many which we 2 outside in the openness with the ones who could wait round
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about because they wanted to eat. they wanted to live. these really fired at us. some people died, some were injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than 32000 palestinians have been killed since israel boost it's. we're on gauze and more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting at palestinians waiting for age accusations. israel denies this attack was carried out around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, was visiting the egyptian side of the rest of the crossing. he again calls for an immediate cease fire, and israel to lift its blockade and allow the delivery of desperately needed age is our only hope. and it's that i am totally slug guys. so we'd like saving a the choice is clear. i the search all sort of haitian, let's choose the size of how the size of the home and the right size of the city.
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the diplomatic efforts are continuing to find some form of agreement between israel and thomas. the people of gauze in no time is not on the assigned victoria k to be l g 0. we'll talk about as and joins us now from proffer and southern goals or entire could well, we've been talking about the latest breakdown and talks between israel and him also . i mentioned people they had been following this very closely. what of people may have found these like us developments? right? yeah, same side. so the main interest right now for palestinians is following all the latest developments related to the assets to, to reach to a ceasefire agreement spot here in gone. so people are completely desperate time to start to, to lose hope in terms of the ongoing negotiations, especially in light of the is valley ongoing refusal of the return of evacuate to then other parts of the cars on the or ongoing demands and denial of these to
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sation of the war till now as they use where the prime minister benjamin that's in . yeah. is it still insisting on the delay you and the withdrawal and the end of fighting until he achieved his men at treat goals that he had set up since october? the 7th. but that's for palestinians is a contest. suffolk scenario because people are always wondering about the day you when they're going to hear and announcements for us. these files choose agreements between homeless and as well until now. the see that's the is barely a response to the american proposal for a ceasefire. considered to be not sufficient, and they expect that thomas once easily agreeing with these terms, which means it's a more that is a fight thing and it could be more potentially expanding of dementia attacks to be thoughts here in a rough, i means that the might be a green live bite, but it does i by the is very prime minister benjamin this and you hope for these
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very all me to start military encourage in which definitely will bring catastrophe even at target and consequences for more than 85 percent of causes population being dropped to you in a rough spot, but at the same time, they heard that they've got to be much more pressure. might be exhausted by the american administration as well to amend its the months and also to bring to the gaps of arguments that we and how much is val, which from the power steering perspective might take much more time into his way of saying the bombing has continued, can you just tell us about the lives of strikes, including more attacks against people who uh, whitening queueing upside. yes, in fact to these, when you fight the jets has a but have bound that much, a very isn't the garza's trip. i'd be happy and seeing you please such a village you attacks on the middle areas in the past, out what exactly derek by a residential house belongs to a lot to our family has been completely destroyed. were 8 palestinians have to
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report that killed with those of injuries that had been recovered from under the degrees of this house being drunk, a 4th at 2 o'clock. so hospital for medical treatment and check, but yet we have been also seeing got tax had been cards earlier today on 8 see cuz it can wait around the balance where 19 palestinians have to report that kills according to kansas, a government media office while $23.00 of those have been wounded in more repeated scenarios of house regarding the tax on 8 c cause and also do still have been securing them in the course of the past few days, which reflects systematically the is very military approach on solving people and preventing the flow of humanitarian chromeboys, to hundreds of thousands of palestinians who are still trapped in the north of garza, an unrelenting destruction compartment unfolding them in that very desperate thing . place. okay, thanks so much tara tucker. but within for us here with the light is from reference,
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southern gaza as well to us is the number of 8 puzzles being dropped into gaza has increased as this road continues to block. the entry of trucks into the strip of correspondent honey mac mood has details of one deliveries and from an american advice and come to us air force. it could make last minute check at the low date military air base near go to american. c. 17 a. plains are loaded with $80000.00 meals as part of an 8 dropped into guns us some basset or took a tar, jamie davis is there to oversee preparations. i don't think there's a limit in our thinking to think we're willing to do with our partners. and we know that we have a military team here that's capable of doing much, much more, and whatever is needed. the nearly 2000 kilometer journey from don't have to gaza, takes a 3 hours. this is the largest us military a drop since the war and gaza began. it is an attempt to get
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a to those who are desperate for famine is immune and in the northern part of garza . and there is a risk of famine across the gods. but as roman themes, if the block a much to the exasperation of agencies who say the situation on the ground is catastrophic. right now, you've got unnecessary impediments, you've got a necessary restrictions, one land costing. you could have 5 land crossings very, very easily. that's not happening and when i does get in and remember i, it is now getting in food water medicine, but nowhere near the mountain need. that is the critical point. the reason weeks is row has been accused of deliberately targeting the tiny amount of 8 available and shooting of palestinians waiting for it. here in gauze on one and 3, its children is suffering from acute malnutrition and health officials are saying around 60000 and pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration
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causing low birth weight. and increasing the risk of a silver agencies say, a drop such as this are the most efficient way of delivering 8 an opening gland borders is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them from starving to death. honey, more, more data are fine, but during garza, the pressure is tipping up security officer at least $133.00 people were killed and nearly $200.00 injured in an attack on the constant hole in the capital. the attack claimed by an officer links group is the worst and pressure and decades president vladimir persian has declared sunday a national day of mourning dosage. bowery has moved from moscow. the scene, the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent
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history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived. and it was, this was enough, they started to shoot in our direction, they shot people through federal bombs. people were panicking, and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals still talked of. heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. the people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials call a terrible tragedy the task of recovering that that is expected to continue for the next few days as will the morning of the families of the victims along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the move in?
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we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them on you. no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of discordant panic connection multinational society as a president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow. the f. s. b, security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i saw in afghanistan has claimed responsibility door, so jibari, i'll just sarah moscow. present person said in his address to the nation that the alleged attack has been trying to freezing you crying for ukrainian president. a lot of me as a landscape hooton's intention was clear which is on the stores of st. montessori
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you, instead of addressing russian citizens put in, was cited for the whole day, thinking about how to link it to you on a crate and everything is completely predictable steps. and overall, mcbride has more reaction from cave. the ukranian officials here have dismissed any claims of a ukrainian connection to this attack. we've heard from, under the use of who's a senior representative, where the military intelligence here at cooling such claims and nonsense, that the alleged perpetrators were apprehended good as they were approaching the buddha area with ukraine saying it's the kind of explanation put out by russian security the f s b a for what he called a zone defied russian population making the pointed off to a more than 2 years, a full scale will that boulder area on the russian side is so saturated with roadblocks, with soldiers, with security. that if you were trying to escape such an attack into state free and then the escape the law,
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it's the one place that you would not be heading. and we've also heard for the from the center, full counseling, this information, another government body here and other government agencies which is gone further by suggesting, suggesting but without any evidence that this may have been the work of the russian special forces as a so called false flag operation intimating that russia has been suspected of conducting such attacks before running about the. busy of the century is that was as a pre cost. so they say to the invasion of chechnya and the reason that the security forces of russia may have august, right, it'll be involved in this attack is as a justification for a new round of mobilization. rob mcbride, i'll just say eric keith slow. so the head here on the l just are the young knowledge of that. i was hoping for a major political make of it and send it goes presidential election will tell you why. protest isn't priscilla gathering in defense of democracy and then less likely
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runs full the formula one will championship liter claims. the surprised himself by securing poll position to the strategy and from pre details coming up like that. the had a lot of that things turn to cold, the animal wintry for the 1st weekend, the spring across europe. and that's going to follow us into the new week. we'll see temperatures come down, not just because more move in and central areas, but also down in the south. west was gonna see more of the way of rain coming in to spain and portugal. but on sunday, it is looking a little bit clearer for southern parts of bruce and i was a little rain starts to pour into island. and you can see the rain from the cold fund for the wintery mix, pushing its way across germany, on woods to poland,
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as well, with some snow across the outs, a winter mix as well, could sweep into the bulk and some of the country is this thing that went to whether you can see the showers stretching from it to the old web, through ukraine, on, on woods, to western pots of russia. now it is cold across the north, we will see some of that cold weather pick up for the southeast corner as well. for likes of greece and took here. he doesn't know sex old with sunshine physically is that mass of rain that stopped to take hold of the library and pending sheila for places like spain and portugal. a bit of a wash out as we go into the new week and we'll see temperatures comes down across the se, but also across the southwest to cities like lisbon madrid through to tuesday. the despite being housed in 2018 sort of rock, just prime minister, is back in power along with his hotline politics. he needs someone to hate.
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that's how police and works, along with food in how it is re appearance, effect, neighboring you prayed, and the persecuted minorities within the slovak republics, borders. honestly, i have to say that i met free. go back. yeah. the return of freak. so on a, just with every donation given with every hops that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we deliver upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts, that's time. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the for you, which of the options here, a reminder about top stores, the sell a mouse is that this route has rejected the license proposal for sponsoring tools. and an official has told al jazeera that as well well known as agrees ending his phone 5 minutes and withdrawal of troops from cancer abbas is. and this really captive has died and causes are due to a lack of medicine and food. it coincides with weak link protests and as well which of the pressure on the government of its handling and russia is basing up security after at least $133.00 people were killed and nearly 200 inches and edits hack on a concert on the capsule, police say they have arrested living people,
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detect claims fine isolates creek is the worst in russia and decades. attending to send a go now we're up to weeks of uncertainty. both is preparing to hit to the polls for a long of wasted presidential election. on sunday, they will choose the success of the present mackey sell, whose pain and palate the 12 years and with one and 5 people unemployed. and proving job prospects will be one of the main issues for the young versus as it goes, hawk reports from in the or on the edge of the fishing village of and die on lies a fashion design hub. it's been created by designers. sophie ends in a see to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home. in senegal, the cotton fabric tech styles enclose here are all source didn't meet in san diego . in 2019, i think is he had hope that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election,
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she wants to change. in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction here. a mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village instead. it has brought this bear says unemployed. well, there you. there are no jobs for him, nor other is from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but we'll do this before marching and so it's an injustice that i can't find work and i was given the state diploma and the state count to find work for a month and i have dropped my cd. and so many places i have been working on the streets since 2019 it's degrading. i want my dignity back that 53000 migrants
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arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed. skilled men from senegal, the mayor of, and diane is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave, but to stay in the vote in this election. women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal sector and their contribution to the economy is overlook. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in this selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical makeover. she is supporting opposition candidates you might find hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair. and overlooking
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said, it goes on top, potentially nicholas hawk algebra and diane, hundreds of protest as have taken to the streets of the indian capital for a 2nd day demanding the release of daley's chief minister, whose being arrested at the corruption allegations he denies any wrong doing and as potty says, the charges are politically motivated, the risk comes just weeks before general elections begin. mistake is e above odd is isn't in need a letter. there is no evidence. there is no citizen or no money please. mr. moody, the prime minister of this country is scared off miss sullivan. because these are on this, i'm going to be done. that gets challenge. and that is the only reason why has been put behind bars on the dish and the doors are slowly being put behind bars. it's
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like an emergency situation in our monthly right now. so full size of preserves presidents. louisa no sale, no, let the sofa holding relatives in defense of democracy, protest as a cooling for those who plus of last year's attack on congress to be punished. and for an end to genocide and because of lucky and the cube has moved from saint paul showed up here in the center of the military. and the reason is that they see that the presidential palace in on january the 8th 2023. and the 3rd reason is that they are protesting against israel. and again,
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the attacks that are going on in the end, the death of so many children and women, monica, you're not you all just there are some awful storms in south east and brazil have killed at least 9 people. 7 of them died and rio de janeiro state including 3 in the city of the trouble us. when the home collapsed. this was the moment a 4 year old girl was found alive. the opposite being very, to 50 now was she was one of 5 people risk. the situation has been described as critical to 2 intense friends and overflowing griffin. nearby, a bustling head, here on l. just aaron, morocco's sunshine policy, the north african nation hopes to provide renewable energy to europe and in sport, in spain, and neither of rapid fire goals, those teams get ready to be yours. details coming up in just
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a moment. the . this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. now let me tell you almost suffice the cold result of the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here, like common here, sits on to a large stairs place with
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a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone. the the the post office for now his far tom, thank you so much. england flip to the feet as they build up to the european championships in germany. later this year. they were beaten by brazil at wembley stadium, teenager enter. it came off the bench to seal the last one, neil in. what was your whole junior's 1st theme in charge of brazil, aged 17 years and $246.00 days entered becomes the youngest senior international 2 nets at wembley. anyone who had key players out injured for this one,
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such as harry came. because sancho will now turn their attention to their next friendly against belgium, farm shoes, to your host, jeremy scored one of the fastest international goals of all times. laurie inverts netting in just 7 seconds against france and legal dispatch coming up to full time . it's currently 2 now to germany. of germany were not the only ones that found in that quickly, austria were even faster in there to know friendly when against the back. yeah, crystals that from gardner scoring 6 seconds after kick off the fastest recorded goal in international football history, belgium had their keyboard. a thank is they avoid it a slip up against ireland maxwell saving ivan ferguson's policy with this friendly ending in a goal is draw the result means belgium extend there on the run to 9 games. once in all competition,
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we specialize in the next a former england manager was fen gordon. erickson achieved a lifetime ambition. he took charge of liver fluid and filled in a charity expedition that to go i x x and oversaw for to when for the liverpool legends, the 76 year old to one trophies with roma, santorial, and lots the overview in january that he had about a year to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. max for shopping in since sunday's australian grand prix will be a close race. the rebel driver claims he surprised himself by securing cool position in melvin. the officer. crazy. the 3 download tammy has been an easy winner of the purse to freeze of the season, but he struggled for long periods during qualifying. he still managed to finish a fraction of a 2nd ahead of ferrari's carlos. and when it really matters,
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think missed the last race in saudi arabia after having an operation for a pen. the site is clarence lando norris. we'll start 3rd with 7 time world champion. lewis hamilton off the pace and 11. quite tricky. to find the right balance to ride the weekend so far and even a cool thing. i didn't expect to hard for pulling through to even so. yeah, i'm very happy with the lapse that we did in q 3 and i surprised myself probably a little bit as well. expect it to be tough tomorrow. and that's real. last to raises, i think we have the upper hand, but of course you have to be with courses because you never know right. but i do think that tomorrow they will be very strong. and today i cannot ask for more, you know, because it's important going to be a 100 percent on the good what they're picking up today. but i feel like if the more life is good, i will give you my best choice. but to be max memorial, you need to be 100 percent to but
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a g p is maverick's analysis claimed his 1st sprint victory of his career at which keith law pre judged at mark marquez and jorge martin for an all spaniard podium, defending role champion francesco, ven yanna finished and forth in the spring race, and 4th and qualifying earlier, were in yet that's the in, in a claim pulsation for sundays, from pre uh, the top 9 finishers in the sprint race will score world championship points and most very copy. and i think the water, we have another good chance and the objective is to fight in the front. the result, of course, is always motto, but if we do a good job, we're going to fight for the top. or rain is continuing to disrupt the miami open, but there was some ton is played on saturday world number 5, jessica pool or reach the 3rd around after a 3 hour delay the american was on court against you, lynn. the chinese player was looking for her 1st when over a top 5 player, but the 30 year old was struggling both on and off fort she needed medical time
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outs with leading to retire due to illness. but the will face canadian layla fernandez next week. the number 31 c knocked out to qualifier amelia, i'm at orlando of columbia in straight sets. this will be fernandez, is 1st career meeting with the girl that goes to lena fernandez. just majorly. baseball has launched a formal investigation into a legal gambling and fact allegations surrounding la dodgers star show a tiny, tiny center per day. i pay mitsu hara was fired by the dodgers earlier this week. it's alleged me so hard a, so millions of dollars from the japanese started to pay off gambling debts attorney's lawyer say the player is the victim of mass of best sports betting is legal in california. the state where autonomy is based are abroad. james and the lakers ended a 4 year losing ron against the phil is alfie assembly, the sixers james had 20 points,
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a re bounce and 6. this is the lakers 100 and wife and 94. the lakers sit nice in the western conference a since from each conference gets to parts in the playoffs. gotcha. okay, and that is all you support for now back to utah pretty and thanks so much bye. so overall, so is basing on renewable sources to secure its energy independence and position itself as a provider of green pallets in europe. now, the government has set a goal of making more than half the country's energy needs with renewable sources by 25th, a. how small bar has this report from tissue in northwest and neural code? this is one of the wells largest solar plants built in the desert city of was, is that it spots of a major plan to shift to green energy. the abundance sunshine may soon be crucial. depaula homes, not only here in morocco, but also the field. but the government, some visions don't and the, the north african country wants to produce
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a surplus of clean power. hot. one of the largest storage, most of it is white, especially in the technology to allow us to for this particular steve, from sun, even during the evening for around 8 hours. and during the night, we're walker wants to produce 10 gigawatts, a year of electricity from renewable sources by 2030 engine is a looking high up in the mountains erecting new to binds to harness the power of the wind. this wind farm is on your doorstep, and for a reason, we're welcome wants to produce enough electricity for renewables and exported to europe. but it's turning gradually towards green energy and taking steps to and it's a dependence russian gas impulse seen as well. it does it divide his phone number home is the wells bank regional director of infrastructure for the middle east and
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north africa. he advises governments on energy security and efficiency is really a game changer. i mean, country is weird to yours to depend on our impulse, the waves, but no, john silver, you know, but oh, no, it's big soto, a wind con, no, reduce the dependency on part inbox. clean energy isn't just helping move. all could reduce costs. it could soon be driving the economy. the government is allocating a 1000000 hacked toes to hydrogen projects, possibly putting the country on a path to net 0 emissions in the future. for the investors of budget can to get the involved building facilities to produce more clean power and storage for as long as it takes to sell globally hosted by the 010, g is morocco. across africa. there has been an increase in renewable energy investment. how we've,
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it's still remains low compared to other regions. fuel poverty is still a major problem in africa. almost half the continents population lives without access to electricity. now that is despite the confidence rich renewable sources, which could provide hydro electric, wind, and solar pallets, and almost a 1000000000 people do not have access to clean means of cooking. most people in urban areas rely on liquefied petroleum gas. we have a rising process of pushing people to the use of biofuels, such as would advocate accounts to 20 percent of the world's population, but only 2 percent of global spending on clean energy. the international energy agency say that the consonant needs $25000000.00 investment per year from the global community in order to meet renewable energy goals by 2013. so the more on all of the state veterans is a renewable energy specialist and program officer of, of good energy and diamond development initiatives. he joins us now from those. you
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thank you so much for being here on the al jazeera festival. if we can start with morocco, that's taking a big bit here on renewable sources for the energy independence. how likely is it that that piece is actually going to pay off? thank you so much for having made such a pleasure to speak to this ensure this time, i would say that the morocco is taking very meaningful steps. want to be able to address advantage of security. renewable energy has the potential to generate electricity which goes on to the economy, create jobs, improve livelihoods address different um, energy needs, of course, different aspect of the healthcare beautification. i'm interested in the one exciting thing that you see with myrtle clothes, um development and the decision to prioritize renewable energy. it's also the opportunity creates, you know, to be able to become a manufacturer, you know,
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of critical equipment as well. when you look at the critical me narrows risk report for africa, usually countries like morocco on the lead in the past. and you know, god create as showing that there is a huge opportunity for countries that more roku, uh nigeria and other countries across the continent. some of those be consumers, you know, or finish equipments, but also the produces the end of providing this sort of in cost structure that can save me damage and need that in the company. yeah. but even across the go. yeah. or just on that, i mean, how can, what is happening in america should be replicated elsewhere in africa. oh, absolutely. yeah. and then the barrel cool has taking this step by ensuring that the creates are they need been environmental investments to come in, put it into a very defined time of policy frameworks, revolution frameworks in place to attract this investors. and also going ahead to
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provide incentives. you know, for the private sector develop upfront, but for 5, it's like the developers to be able to come in and look at the country as an opportunity to feel, you know, to be able to create this sort of valley. because energy is a business at the end of the day, and it must be paid for. and we would also seen across the continental countries like by julia with the lots of the image of transition plan. guys, what would the lots of an edge of it, just add an image, just transition plan. clearly states into the world. right. that we are willing to trust. transition from for so for us to renew, but i do sources across specific um, sectors talking about the level of investment that needs to be done, you know, and also taking steps to begin to broker unsigned specific, you know, agreements you know, between testers, you know, show that this country in the country is ready to receive the set of investments we, we don't have much time left. so just just very briefly, a big part of,
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of this is providing energy to you of especially when it comes to morocco. but they just held a huge nuclear energy summit, where there was a real push to go down that path and build more nuclear reactors. so what do you make of that? that we have already identified the roots of the outcomes of complete the 8 e mails at the blue globally. we need to triple re naples by 2030. if i'm going to even i change the images because image excess as, as that the prime mover as that the nibbler. so it seems to be all the is the genes . and so making up of, um uh, looking at the sort of different tests dropped her off. i do see songs that ive been that bad been taking the did need to be able to privatize this. okay. it looks like we have a couple of connection issues with you this. sorry david david are in, so we really do appreciate your time and well, muslims in bosnia and herzegovina has been closely following the goal and guys of
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this ramadan. and many of them were cool their own experiences during the post the invoice in the ninety's, when they to have limited access to basic foods. has a message for pull. it's from, sorry, i say this is a traditional starts here for rama the meals in bosnia homemade, sour cream cheese mountains together. didn't greedy and swear. impossible to put in the tables during the balkans war us. so it's a matter of nickel power and amazon. we used a little bit of power to milk, not much. we could not afford to waste 2 tablespoons. if that was oil, we would use it with some water. um, for the solid taste, you normally get from cheese. we use vinegar. she says, genocide in gods that reminds her how she broke fast with improvise meals. luckily funds not me. i think of people who can cause every night re at least has some problem flour,
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all wheel drive. but thousands of children and gaza don't even have the mothers to make the star for the few supplies of humanitarian aid were often the only option for meals in war time. bosnia, this is the setup of a typical board time kitchen in the historical museum of bosnia. the display shows most people ate at the time, mainly canned goods from so many terry and 8th. the 1st challenge was lots to put on the table. the 2nd was how to prepare food with vows, gas and electricity. cooking was mainly improvisation on a makeshift stove like this one. how good was not the only problem? it was nearly impossible to pray and mos kind of constance embodiments the central mosque and sorry of it was heavily damaged. but the more as in who close to prayer says nothing stopped him from performing his duty with or without food. and despite the losses in his own family,
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the ms. moore, the user bedroom box, would be valid. my mom is used to get one 3rd of of bread low. it was sour and almost impossible to eat. but that was it both for so for and for. if dar no, yep, there was a blessing in our fast man who broke his fast with a couple of water and today's was happier than to day was 7 plates on the table. on the day of judgment, i will ask my lord to face whoever dismembered my son's body. the same is happening and goes it today. women give birth and one square meter and war criminals have no mercy upon them. the 2 years own rama then for bosnian, muslims feels normal again. but the simians suffering garza remaining, their thoughts and prayers, idaho the most, that you all do 0, sorry about that. so for me, tell them a credit for this news hour, but there is much more news on the website that is l g 0. don't com. i will be back in just
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a moment with much more of the dice use to stay with us. the of these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely undesirable. the viability of many ecosystems is at stake, as is the viability of civilization. as we know it, sign a coming soon. a mechanic knows a motor home from a macaroni. and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz who may could zip business to know your business? yep. we all, we, you. oh, why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on, got that from going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line of brutal occupation
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resulting in a hurry, stick your tongue. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel, the soap on garza, dozens of children bounds him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes 1st of october, 7th on tuesday, or the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has no being violated. then we have some western powers supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially on tomorrow. the day i look at how the international news are being applied and ignore to me is real goal is to conflict israel above the low on al jazeera, a lot of the stories that we cover
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a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is and use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes . no ends in side to the death and destruction, and casa, and moss, is, is rarely mediations have rejected a safe spot and the withdrawal the fearful. since it's riley's rarely intel, of faith cooling on the government to make


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