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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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make them as understandable as we can, as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae, this is, and use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. no ends inside to the death and destruction, and casa, and moss is, is ready. maybe you guys have rejected the safe spot. and the withdrawal, the 5th forces, riley's really intel, of faith cooling on the government to make a deal with them off to secure the release of captives being held in guns that we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people. brushes, president valves revenge against those responsible for
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a tax on the capital. at least 133 people had been killed. thomas thing the power as nature, how african nations are looking at ways of using renewable technology to supply the energy needs the we'd be getting this use with the struggling mediation, if it's in the bloodshed and johnson, i am, us official has told al jazeera is ready media says, have rejected proposals for a safe spot and the reports that the negotiators have left the largest round of talks. and oh ha, and of return to israel, that's we're pressure is mounting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his handling of the war. protesters have gathered on the streets of tennessee demanding, moving down to secure the release of as rarely captives. it comes as a mouse says one of those captives,
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a 34 year old as riley has died. and guys are due to a lack of medicine and foods, a, i'm dissolute, has more from tele face demonstrators and television really prime minister 9. and that election should be held immediately. additionally, they're calling for and be able to bring back, and the remaining is really captive the big payment as the enters each month. the government simply have not done enough to secure their release. no pressure has been bouncing along the direction, both internationally and domestically. but the seemingly on page by all of these protests that are still going on, and 6 weeks later these protests are said, they're going to continuously be walking rhodes every saturday until those demands are met. him the son who is just the, the television really i spoke with by some 9 who is a member of the most political bureau. he said israel is the only interested in
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securing the release of captives and not about ending its war on gaza. our proposal in which was a comprehensive proposal but handed over to them does and also to the americans from the 5th moment. they have believed it as a very positive call, but active and constructive story. and it is within the context of studies one on studies to unfortunately the despite but least one on buddy's to has been negotiated with the eden directly. which means, well this what needed to be the 10, what the to the uh to be. well, they have to then you can ship those to the is much where, well, the beyond the police, one of the over, what do you need to do for the move because clearly told the mediator that we cannot accept negotiating any prison of the list or even give the
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guarantees and the commitment guaranteed by the media doesn't by uh, by the usb antoine also on this, on the p. uh, did you talk to us, he's failed to what to do on withdrawal. i told him i'd like to, to attend to the dispute. so you say this from what you've heard from israel. this is much worse than what was put out there when it came to the parents towards health. much of a surprise is this thing because certainly from the outside, at the very least it seemed like real progress was being made here. this is very shocking because i've been with you. it does have unfortunately accepted tool tool tool to convey or to handle this. but so the idea as to the, to, to, to our, to our side because based on the bodies went on, but he's to and the good folks and the confusions and contacts with them and it does and with the americans. we have promised that at least these to 3,
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the minds of adult as these fail, the tooth and withdrawn, and that attend of a lot of the 6 people to them houses. there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either, so i know suddenly uh out of nothing this right is out of the district and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about who sees fab is about benjamin ethan. y'all is the your thing vending machine issues as a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plans by a complete bombardment. the rest of the guns, a slip and coughing, cut off until the attention inside is played and also to amuse the enter measuring . i'm pretty sure you're in the security council discussion they have been for it is about nathaniel hard rejection of and think this aggression despite of all the bushes. let's take a closer look at what we've heard about the lysis round of negotiations. according to al jazeera sources, as well, has told me,
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the ice is reject stuffing the war and withdrawing his forces from casa for the mazda is demanding a full spot. and also also wants palestinians to be able to attend to northern gals of israel says it will only allow 2000 displaced people a day to return a debt, right? it would take more than 2 years for the oldest place, palestinians to leave rafa. israel once the release of israeli captives of old categories in the 1st stage of the deal. but them off has indicated it will only release women and children. they are also differences over the release of palestinian prisons, saving lives, sentences, and is rarely, giles luciana. luciano is a kind of a, is an associate professor of gulf politics. it counts. i university's golf study center. he thinks, as well as dragging out negotiations as a tactic to gain time before launching it's offensive on rough is the same, the same that the where the monday and since the beginning of the negotiations,
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the, the stop of the the cease fire. i mean, this is fire on the day we drove all over the a for the forces on the parts of the deal. and people in augusta and a lot have to return to the northern guy. so these are the same, the month they have been doing since the very beginning, eh, but according to what we have, just the discussion about the uh, the cease fire its not on the table or on base for these type. um, unfortunately this has been based, valuable, seasonal stays there, but it begins as well. there is no discussion about as far as far less or that was the subject is where we are. and at that point that it's difficult to break while i assume that and both are expecting someone to pursue the other side to reach to, to, to close the discomfort that exists. i mean, we saw that i've listened, i did say how it's being pushed, a little bit more pressuring more at israel a. but as far as that, as know, the united nations security council resolution supported by the us asking for the
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monday for the media face far east read, we not feel that the pressure from the united states. so if i can keep pushing the limits, i mean they said that the, they agree with they, we got to the proposal regarding how many people can exchange for the hostages. but it seems that the united states and they'll be, they're requesting that the united states requesting northwind thing into rafa. but they are not requesting them directly to stop that up. and it is fine. it's one of the interpretation of we have the we, we said every fee for it, this would be a just gaming time to push the limits for the operation. meaning the impression that off of that they keep repeating the we do, regardless of any a rejection from the that the states or the international community, even a good there. is this a good? is there a better job? you know, if it facials, so maybe this is a way to being fine rather than in uh, honestly, following
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a negotiation that we finished with something that didn't fund 0 as a licensed us budget approved by the senate early on. so that includes a year long band on funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. monroe israel says 12 all of his employees to pop in the october 7th to tax the band as part of the $1.00 trillion dollar budget. to avoid a partial government shutdown of the us as the agencies biggest going on for more on this. ellen fisher joins us now live from washington, dc into ellen with that budget. now pa, sooner is the biggest casualty. can you just bring us up to speed as to what this actually means for getting items a gallons a? and so 1.2 trillion is the size of the bill that has been passed and signed by joe biden, but there will not be a single dollar for the underwater organization know. last year, the united states gave $422000000.00 to under what to fund its various efforts
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in guys. uh uh, that's about 50 percent of its budget. so you can see just how significant this car will be. the united states suspended payments back in january because as you say, uh the listen to the families who alleged that uh, 12 of the more than 3000 underwater employees in guys that were involved in the attacks on october the 7th. they have yet to produce any evidence and public that this was actually the case. but certainly there are a number of representatives, both republican and democrat, who are glad to see this freeze and fight. one member of the house of representatives said that under wall was essentially a diffract to operation for him. us, but barely saunders who is of course i send it to a he voted against the proving the budget because of the caught in under what funding. he said at a time where there is actually mandatory in crisis in gaza,
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this simply was not the time for the united states to start cutting humanitarian aid to guys. okay, and is there any way it will around this for the bottom white house? you know, this is, this is it blocked for essentially a year which will take is of course be on the election. and then the whole situation may change significantly. if donald trump, where to when the white house, the people have said that there might be walk around for the bite. and what have you said in terms of maybe changing the way that us a this is sent into guys a but essentially this is the house of representatives and the senate, passing it on the signature of joe biden saying to underwear for the next year. at least you're going to have to find 30 percent of your budget from elsewhere. and of course, if you lose 30 percent of your budget, if your household suddenly lost 30 percent of the money that was coming in, it means that things have to change. i've have to change drastically un under what
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will be hoping other countries might make up the funds. but that seems incredibly difficult to do so there will be impact and it's cooperation. remember not just in guys up, but if under was hit, it will also impact operations in lebanon and city and the other places as well. okay, thanks so much ellen, ellen fisher, for us there in washington, dc for tamara algebra. hi. as in ruth spokeswoman, she says, denying the agency funds will destabilize the region. us in the us, this not give us funding to the us be being our largest doing or this will create a huge gap in our budget. and that is a budget we use not only in government, but across the region for 700 school offering education to half a 1000000 children, all was fine. refugees, vulnerable communities in the region, but also a health care to $2000000.00. sand refugees will be impacted if we do not get that
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money. the west is our largest builder as such a decision. that's something we would really request isn't really make sense, because this is not the time at the time of this immense warrant garza and possible regional repercussions. this is not designed to the stabilize the region further by weakening and main components of regional stability, which is other are the most important thing as to know that the allegations around 12 under uh, a staff member is 12 out of 13000 in guys out and out 230000 in the region. these allegations are under a very serious end of us. engaged in right now at independence. you was investigation with overall being fully committed to transparency and to upholding the highest you had principal. therefore, it is truly our wish to reassure the us government, but also other governments was concerned with the possible instigation under right
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under our staff members in the number you when advocates asked including the horrible attacks of the 7th of october, we wished to reassure them that we're doing everything we have to come to the bottom of the story and to make sure that we have all the safeguards that all of the rest of our 100 percent compliance with the, with the principal, several of the governments that had suspended their support to interrupt over these allegations, have now reversed their decisions and therefore have reviewed their trust in the agency of their trust. and that's irreplaceable. like saving role the agencies playing in gaza in the region or the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez has again called for a sweet spot and gaza during a visit to the egyptian side of the roof of crossing on the ground. the ministry of health is $72.00 palestinians were killed in just the last 24 hours. is there any forces up in file in crowds waiting for a killing at least 19 people and injuring 23 of us. victoria guy,
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somebody has more hungry palestinians, desperate for food shows up by his really full, says, nick, you wait round about an intersection often used by a trucks and goes to city many with less seriously injured and strong. i've done the elements after the more we survived this, they showed that this there are many that many injured almost died to get our children a bite to eat. and about the injured we taken to ali baptist hospital, bought with gauze is health care system in the collapse many which we did outside in the openness with the ones who could read round about because they wanted to eat. they wanted to live. these rallies fired at us. some people died, some were injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than
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32000 palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's. we're on garza more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting of palestinians wasting the age accusations. israel denies this attack was carried down to around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez was visiting the egyptian side of the rest of the crossing. he again calls for an immediate cease fire, and israel to lift its blockade and allow the delivery of desperately needed. aid is our only hope. it's that i am totally flog guys. so we'd like saving a of the choices we use, either search or side of ation. let's choose the size of out the size of the home and the right side of the screen. the diplomatic efforts are continuing to find some form of agreement between israel and thomas. the people of gauze in no time is
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not on the assigned victoria k to be i'll just talk about as soon as well for ross or in southern gaza. and so the main interest right now for palestinians is following all the latest developments related to the assets to, to reach, to a ceasefire agreement spot here in goal. and so people are completely desperate time to start to lose hope in terms of the ongoing negotiations, especially in light of the is valley ongoing refusal of the return of evacuate to then other parts of the cars. and they are ongoing demands and denial of these to sation of the war till now as they use very prime minister benjamin. it's an yeah, is it still insisting on the delay you the a withdrawal and the end of fighting until he achieve his military codes that he had set up since october the 7th. but that's for palestinians is a contest perfect scenario, because people are always wondering about the day when they're going to hear an announcement for us. these files choose agreements between how much is well until
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now the see that's the, it's barely a response to the american proposal. for a ceasefire, considered to be not sufficient, and they expect that from us once, easily agreeing with these terms, which means it's a more that is a fight thing and it could be more potentially expanding of the men attacks to be thoughts here in a rough i means that the might be a green live bite, but it is i by the, as many prime minister benjamin isn't. yeah. hope for the is very all meet this talk, military encourage and which definitely will the bring catastrophic humanitarian consequences for more than 85 percent of guns and population being dropped here in a rough off. but at the same time, they heard that they've got to be much more pressure, might be exhausted by the american administration as well to amend its the month and also to bring to the gaps of arguments that we and how much is val, which from the power steering perspective might take much more time in the gaza.
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health industry says 240 patients and 10 medical personnel, a being pinned down by this very forces inside el cheapo hospital. i'll just here is on the social reports from a school nearby. i'm a little fluid and i'm handling which i'm not sure if i'll be what that means. we managed to reach this part of the l. she for medical complex as the northern areas were being heavily bombed with time with all this really occupation forces have burned and destroyed the number of buildings here is you can see as if you had the, the amount of destruction is massive due to continues bombardment and error rate on that guy that i know some families are still here because of the presence of it is really sniper and this really armies policy of targeting and shooting it, everything. moving in the area. i mean, the, some of the dead are still under the rubble of the block and the medical teams couldn't get to this place because of the danger. and because you can see the buildings and the roads are destroy, the match it up would be also the issue again. we are under siege and the northern
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part of the chief medical complex. we have no food, we have no water. all the houses had been leveled and is really f 16 attacked at least one floor in every building on the remains of dead bodies are lying in the street. so there is no way anyone can help anyone out in the system. there are 10 people in my family, so what can i do to find food for them? all these raise have destroyed everything in the complex. yeah, i hope i can see just one person with a good conscience. and i hope to see just one person who believes in god designs and stuff, the genocide and guys that come on it. and we managed to reach us cooled under siege in the vicinity of the l chief, a medical complex in which the marsh. this school has been under siege for the last 5 days. there is no food and no water for the display, sp, from inside. and the pressure of stepping up security officer at least 153 people were killed and nearly
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200 injured in an attack on the constant hole in most go on friday. the attack claims by a group link to i saw was the worst. and rusher and decades. president vladimir opponent has declared sunday a national day of mourning dosage. a battery has more for most of the seen the morning after one of the worst attacks by an army group in russia's recent history . emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived on this list and they started to shoot in our direction. they shot people and through federal bombs. people were panicking and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear there animals, skid on the heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials called
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a terrible tragedy. the task of recovering that, that is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country. president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the move in? we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them on you. no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of this golden panic connection multinational society as a president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute, to donate blood at centers in moscow of the fs. the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall,
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suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i. so and i scanned us down, has claimed responsibility door, so jabari algebra 0 moscow in his address to the nation president post, instead, he said, the alleged attack is, were arrested while fleeing to you. crime that your crimes president below them is a lensky, has accused person of trying to shift the blame to cave for the attack, which is on the stores of st. montessori you, instead of addressing russian citizens put in, was cited for the whole day. thinking about how to link it to you on a crate and everything is completely predictable. steps in the area of rob mcbride sent us this update from kids. the ukranian officials here have dismissed any claims of a ukrainian connection to this attack. we've heard from under the yourself, who is a senior representative, where the military intelligence here at cooling such claims and nonsense, that the alleged pub traits is what we haven't get his a we're approaching the buddha area with ukraine saying it's the kind of
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explanation put out by russian security, the f s b a for what he called a zone defied russian population. making the point that off to a more than 2 years, a full scale will that border area on the russian side is so saturated with roadblocks, with soldiers, with security. that if you were trying to escape such an attack into state free and then the escape the law, it's the one place that you would not be heading. and we've also heard for the from the center, full counseling, this information, another government body here and other government agencies which is gone further by suggesting, suggesting but without any evidence that this may have been the work of the russian special forces as a so called false flag operation intimating that russia has been suspected of conducting such attacks before around about the. busy of the century is that was a pre costs that they say to the invasion of chechnya,
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and the reason that the security forces of russia may have august rates it'll be involved in this attack is as a justification for a new round of mobilization robot price houses era keep them until the 2nd most. so is a senior lecture and security and development at king's college, london. she says, rushes attempt to link your crying to the attack and most goes on justifies. and i see that this is a huge security failure also because of the audacity of the attack, the number of casualties which keeps growing and uh, the big fire which and dogs the place. i also left behind it were not many policemen. they took them quite some time to get there, and this is the sort of the security structures. and that is also quite astonishing because this is a very big place where people like gatherings. so one would have expected some kind of for least deployment is only for internal and security reasons. you know. uh, so it is, it is very embarrassing and a mortgage very side is like,
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it seems that the russians are using this to bring the connection with the brain. so i, i, i very much see about ukraine and as i gonna see most of our tax and massive, uh, sort of, um, bombardments or something of that kind, coming from russia. or though i don't think they have any connection whatsoever. but they say easy showing that they're in your brain is that somehow behind you don't have 14 to sort of divert the attention because where would he or attack otherwise, i mean, he's not going to start bowman or friends done turning to send a goal. now we're up to weeks of uncertainty verses and preparing to hit to the polls for a long and wasted presidential election. on sunday, they will choose the success of the president, mac yourself, who's been in pallet the 12 years, and with one and 5 people unemployed. improving jo prospect will be one of the main issues to be young versus,
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as nicholas hunker points from in the on the edge of the fishing village of and die on lies a fashion design hub. it's been created by designers, sophie ends in go see to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home. instead of go. the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source, didn't meet in san diego. in 2019. i think is he had hope that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election, she wants to change. in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction
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here. and mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village instead. it has brought this fair says unemployed. well, there, yeah. could you? there are no jobs for him, nor others from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but what is this, what am i speaking with? what's an injustice that i can't find work? i was given a state diploma from the state count to find work for a month and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since 2019. it's degrading. i want my dignity back that 53000 migrants arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed. skilled men from senegal, the mayor of, and diane is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave, but to stay in the vote in this election. women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal sector and their contribution to the economy is overlook. but they have
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a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in the selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical makeover. she is supporting opposition. candidates you might find hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair. and overlooking said, it goes on top potential nicholas hawk algebra and diane look ahead. dom is, is a senior risk analyst at the, the level of risk intelligence fan of risk maple croft. he says, in the goals, useful population hasn't been affiliated from the country's economic, but this to a political camp stand on the opposite side of the political spectrum.
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so the ruling polishing up going present, been south and william polishan candidate, and they are a set out the liberal policies mock and friendly policies and the present itself. proceed building a lot more projects over the years. and then i called a business and economic b as a result because of this constantly, a liberalization programs, a truck that the huge up in flow is also a for an investment. on the other hand, we have an awesome on song call and a position made a position can do that. fire and de plans to introduce a new power and see we negotiate contracts with oil and gas prices in the country and, and they really getting that huge support from the young people. i think the issue here is that on the spot,
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the economy be that the country that it's over the years under the president. so as not to really facilitate that the why, the socio economic development for the countries youth for population and a 30 percent of those age between 18 and 35, the job list to facilitate here on the images here, i will tell you why protest isn't presented gathering in defense of democracy, the had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image of australia. and you can see dense cloud that continues to show where the heaviest rain is going to 4 o'clock central areas on sunday, that songs to the remnants of tropical franklin, meghan bringing very heavy rain, some thunder storms, gusty winds, and also very low temperatures. for this time of us,
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a paste is like alice springs and the rain rushes out, not just for the northern territory, but across queensland. with some of that with ping down into new south wales. before the south of this, it is a very why and settled picture, southern pots, oval stray, and remains of that way for southern parts of western australia despite some of the rain touching up into the north. and that's not good news. the path which is on the drum bulge of its driest 6 months, spelled in about a $148.00. yes. and was also dry in the office. a cool enough for south eastern parts of a stray sydney sing also settled whether with sunshine no to settled down in the south the tasmania you can see those gusty winds blowing the shallows of the tasman . see that we'll see a slip in full chains, phone use the land. it's much more settled in the south island on sunday. what's up in the north. but the change comes in on monday with
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a very heavy rain across the western parts of the south side. and now let me tell you about the cold result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only. and that's just very common. he sits on 2 legs with a large 3rd space with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, resulted in gun in the biggest global electron yet in history. the was biggest democracy off its own epic showdown. join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of prime minister in that in there will be a free thing,
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an avalon that often charges even before full talk on the other 4 spots due on the, the, the, the fuel watching else is there a reminder of our top stores, the south? a mazda is israel has rejected the license proposal for a 65 jury torques. and uh huh. mazda official has told l to 0 that as well, will not agree to anything as bombardments or withdrawing troops from cancer. a mouse is and is ready, captive has died and guys are due to a lack of medicine and food. it coincides with weekly protests and as well, would you put any pressure on the government of its handling and you kind of present a lot of measurements, cases,
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rushes presidents is trying to shift blind to ukraine for the attack at a constant hole in moscow. at least $133.00 people's accounts, letting my persian says a living people with the times including the full gunman, while moving towards you, crying. or its trowbridge season in the occupied with banquet street vendors and sell mountains of the popular firs. but many say the sweetest berries in palestine have traditionally come from cancer with the boy has destroyed bomb and communities for account has been meeting families in the west bank. so they've told korean and sent us this report. the smell of sweet stories well through this found the run foam in tow. crowds with foam is a walking fost to fill a short full the usual input from guns that have stopped leading a void and the local market of palestinian parties. the business was so lucrative in garza, the fruit was known as red gold. the sweetest we're grown. if they tell noon,
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i'm state law here. what i'll just say are filmed 4 years ago. now the war has destroyed farming communities and everyone in gulf is threatened with salvation. experts say military hardware bones of damage, the soil for many years that meet at the destruction of the farms and soil is why due to the military vehicles. and there will be use of destruction because of the material used in the explosives. and 1st correspond to use that this was the effect of the land and water for the long term. i can tell could of foam of was up about him says harvesting the fruit is become increasingly dangerous now little bit. i mean, lot of soldiers are protecting these release tests and the tests and we don't know what they can do. they may pick up the guns and start shooting and they talking to the neighbors called was life. but when he was trying to go to his farm, we're driving to another part of what's land we were turned back earlier in the morning. as pharma said, is ready the soldiers with their it's dangerous to great parties here. about 400
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meters away, isn't a legal is right. assessment is protected by is right. the soldiers pharmacy a say since october, the 7th, when they've attempted to access the often opened fire at some this fruit is right for picking, but it's sometimes left throughout the, in this room, all the market to all cell phone from going so would compete every year with this really produced to fill the schools, even though the amount coming from gone so would often vary depending on these radio restrictions. the fruit is popular with bias. the i see profound peace, i'm speaking, but my heart is chattering. this is the 1st time i have boots to raise the season, but i'm not sure if i enjoyed them with increasingly tight to restrictions on local farm is then not able to produce enough to fill the short full. so it's really sore brace still fill the small kits, meaning this sweet fruit for so many is,
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will remind to the best to reality the con elda 0. occupied westbank. the us is the number of 8 apostles being dropped into the guns a has increased as israel continues to block the entry of trucks into the strip of correspondence. honey monkwood has details of one deliveries and from an american advice. in cutoff, the us air force include make last minute checks at the low date, military air base near go to american c. 17. a plains are loaded with 80000 meals as part of an 8 dropped into guns. us and bassett, or par, jamie davis, is there to oversee preparation. i don't think there's a limit in our thinking to what we're willing to do with our partners. and we know that we have a military team here that is capable of doing much, much more. and whatever is needed, the nearly 2000 kilometer journey from don't have to gaza, takes a 3 hours. this is the largest us military
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a drop since the war and gaza began. it is an attempt to get a to those who are desperate for famine is immune and in the northern part of garza . and there is a risk of famine across the gauze district. but as roman themes at the block, a much to the exasperation of agencies who say the situation on the ground is catastrophic. right now, you've got unnecessary impediments, you've got unnecessary restrictions. one land costing you could have 5 land crossings very, very easily. that's not happening and when i does get in and remote i, it is now getting in food water medicine, but nowhere near the amount needed that is the critical point. the reason weeks is row has been accused of deliberately targeting the tiny amount of 8 available and shooting of palestinians waiting for it. here in gaza, one and 3 children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around 60000,
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pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration causing the low birth weight and increasing the risk of a silver aid agencies say a drugs such as this are the most efficient way of delivering 8 an opening gland borders. is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them from starving to death. a. hi miss moore. this is eda, but of i, southern gauze. hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of the indian capital for a 2nd time that demanding the release of dallas chief minister, whose being arrested as a corruption allegations. he denies any wrong doing in his pot. and since the charges are politically most devices and the risk comes this weeks before general elections begin. mister t z above is indeed a letter. there is no evidence. there is no citizen or no money. mister moody,
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the prime minister of this country is scared off miss sullivan. because these are on this as soon as he does that can challenge this. and that is the only reason why he's been put behind bars on the dish and the doors are slowly being put behind bars. it's like an emergency situation in our lead, i know panful storms in southeastern personnel have killed at least 9 people. 7 of them died and re edition aerospace, including 3 in the city of the troll palace when the home collapsed. this was the moment the 4 year old girl was found to live there after being buried some 50. now, as she was one of 5 people rescued, the situation has been described as critical due to intense rides and overflowing river near by. it was saying in brazil, suppose the president louisa now see in the seal of the sofa holding relatives in defense of democracy. protest is a cooling for those who posted last year's attack on congress to be punished. and
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for an in to genocide and gaza, monica you in a cube has moved from st. paul showed up here in the center of the 3 of the 9, the military. and the reason is that they see that in the palace in on january the 8th, 2023. and the 3rd reason is that they are protesting against israel. and again, the attacks that are going on in the end, the death of so many children and women monitor you not him for his president and the but alas,
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i has denied wrong doing up to the public prosecutor's office, launched a preliminary investigation, accusing her of elicit enrichment, she's being asked to explain her ownership of the 16 undeclared luxury watches including rolexes. and they the seemed at a meeting to those on december 7th, 2022. i entered through the big door and they would need through the same door. on july 28th, 2026. all the was all the was was clean hands. we would be assisting the prosecutor's office with the truth. as i have always sent. as the new security law has come, a divorce in hong kong just by concerns or the human rights. the little note is on the co. 23 imposes. heavy penalties, including life in prison, meant for water cools national security offences among the trees in insurrection endangering, national security and submission. it also grounds extra pallets to police such as
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the ability to cancel passports and to detain suspects for 16 days without charge. christy young is a journalist in hong kong. he says the lawyer will have major implications. the media work is jennifer. this is on call actually have been covering the china stories say in china and also living in hong kong and giving out a advantages say happy against chinese. as far as the in terms of coverage is always be very strong. but now in view of the view of variance, all 5 of us, they see chris, the definition is quite for a lot and almost cover everything. so um that low cost of significantly and also it gives us the logical even press save on pull in terms of this. so probably what was the more so essentially you have a forwarding say, extremely sensitive or unclear materials. even though it went
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through the legislative process with the legislators say scripting, i think the bill of cross spark crossed but still with there are so many questions left and answer. and in, in the find the worship of the, of the bill that, that, that becomes a goal and thinking effective today. there are, there are still other things that are so broadly be fine. and, and, and it was things that you never know until a case of cuz that but, but then given the severity of that, all i want to taste is too much talks to try and in the doctors try continue. i have collapsed again. health services have been severely affected as the strike into the 2nd week. the union representing the professionals that says, the protest will continue until all the demands for a bit of pie and working conditions in this. and the government says it's budget
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isn't big enough to cover those pages. katherine story for reports from nairobi. the doctor said the plan to stay away from walk into the canyon government. he is dead, please, and see that reminding better working conditions. they also want more doctors employed at on the stock state hospitals. these complaints are not means and data back 7 years. that strikes lasted a 100 days. the consequences for the health care system was devastating. some patients died, a deal was reached, but doctors see the agreement has not been fully implemented and renewed negotiations had been please. busy listed in march, the for the local ventures on the 3rd enjoys and right. so the days that you took you out in the year 2017. but the government no. go much,
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much stretching on the most of the 5000 doctors have stayed home for more than a week. now. some hospitals have stopped at me to patients and hold to emergency and specialized services that only doctors can provide. a majority of canyons can't afford private health care. many of those are here today. all young jobs. some say they don't even cross country yet in the right. and the reason says the striking doctors are also calling for the hiring interns. say the bearing the brunt of waterloo, state hospitals for relatively low salaries. we graduated
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a month ago. we saw the news of immunization has. i'm due to the they have not posted. i have been presenting to the booking for the for the next bill. and we've had, you know, the health ministry says it can't afford to more than $36000000.00. it estimates it needs to hire more stuff kathleen, solely or to 0, not ruby, a facilitator on al jazeera, neural co sunshine policy. we take a look at how the north african nation hopes to provide renewable energy to hear the call, choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has
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a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and this has to be treated equally . we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key, is you to
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the morocco is bidding on renewable sources to secure its energy independence and position itself as a provider of green palate to your, of the government has set a goal of making more than half the countries the energy needs with renewable sources by 25th, a national bar has this report from tension in northwest in morocco. and this is one of the world's largest solar plants built in the desert city of was of that it spots of a major plan to shift to green energy. the abundance sunshine may soon be crucial to follow homes. not only here in morocco, but also the field. but the government's ambitions don't. and the, the north african country wants to produce
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a surplus of clean power. hot. one of the largest storage facilities worldwide with such kind of to technology that to allow us to produce electricity from sun even during the evening for around 8 hours during the night. we're walker wants to produce 10 gigawatts, a year of electricity from renewable sources by 2030 entities, a looking high up in the mountains directing you to binds to harness the power of the wind. this wind farm is on your doorstep, and for a reason we're working wants to produce enough electricity for renewables, unexplored due to a euro. but he's turning gradually towards green energy and taking steps to and it's a dependence russian gas impulse seen as well as the device for the phone number own is the wells bank regional direct of infrastructure for the middle east and north africa advisors, governments on energy security and efficiency is really
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a game changer. i mean, country is weird to yours to depend on or the impulse we've but merge on this over here. nobody knows. bid soto, we can know, reduce very dependency on part input. clean energy isn't just helping morocco reduce costs. it could soon be driving the economy. the government is allocating a 1000000 hacked toes to hydrogen projects, possibly putting the country on a path us to net 0 emissions in the future. it's fully invested over budget can to get involved building facilities to produce more clean power and storage for as long as it takes to sell globally as you might. but i'll just do a 10, g is morocco across africa. that has been an increase in renewable energy investment, but it still remains low compared to other regions. fuel poverty is still a major problem. almost half of that for kids population lives without access to
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electricity. that's just by the continent being rich and renewable sources. almost a 1000000000 people to not have access to clean means of cooking. most people in urban areas rely on liquefied petroleum gas. the rising process of pushing people to use bio fuels like would africa accounts for 20 percent of the world's population, but only 2 percent of the level spending on clean energy. the international energy agency say that that comes in that needs $25000000000.00 investment per year to meet renewable energy goals for the 20s to see what the difference is. a renewable energy specialist. he says increase investment and renewable energy will help african countries become less dependent on energy inputs to morocco is taking 30 minutes. last steps, one to be able to address advantage of security. renewable energy has the potential to generate electricity, which goes onto the economy, create jobs,
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improve livelihoods address different um image needs, of course, different sectors, the health care be that acacia are interested in the one exciting thing that you see with myrtle clothes development and the decision to prioritize renewable energy, it's also the opportunity creates, you know, to be able to become a manufacturer. you know, of critical equipments as well. when you look at the critical many rows reached a report for africa, usually countries like morocco and i need in the past and you know, god create as showing that there is a huge opportunity for countries that more roku and i do have other countries across the continent to not just be consumers, you know, often as you equipments but also the produces at the end of providing to sort of instructor dec himself and meet the image and needs i ended confident but even across the globe was lives in bosnia and herzegovina. have been closely following
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the war and gauze of this rama down. many of them recall their own experiences during the pulsing and bore in the ninety's when they too had limited access to food and medical supplies. and the housing is a triple, it's from sorry i buy this is a traditional starter for rama the meals in bosnia homemade, sour cream and cheese mountains together. didn't greedy and swear impossible to put in the tables during the balkans war a vehicle. probably a name was a to put we used a list of bits of powdered milk, not much. we could not afford to waste 2 tablespoons. if that was oil we would use that would some more. um, for the solid taste you normally get from cheese. we use vinegar, she says genocide in gods that reminds her how she broke fast with improvise meals or luckily funds. i think of people who can cause every night re at least has some bravo, flour,
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all wheel drive. but thousands of children and gaza don't even have the mothers to make a star for the few supplies of humanitarian aid were often the only option for meals in war time. bosnia, this is a set up of a typical board time kitchen in the historical museum of bosnia. the display shows most people ate at the time, mainly canned goods from so many terry and 8th. the 1st challenge was lots to put on the table. the 2nd was how to prepare food with vows gas and electricity. cooking was mainly improvisation on a makeshift stove like this one. how good was not the only problem? it was nearly impossible to pray and mos kinda constant from bottom in the central mosque and sorry of it was heavily damaged. but the more as in who close to prayer says nothing stopped him from performing his duty with or without food. and despite the losses in his own family,
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the ms. moore rogers, who, bedroom above the valley, my mom is used to get one 3rd of of bread low. it was sour and almost impossible to eat. but that was it both for so for and for. if dar know, yep, there was a blessing and are fast the man who broke his fast with a couple of water. and today's was happier than to day was 7 plates on the table. on the day of judgment, i will ask my lord to face whoever dismembered my son's body. the same is happening cause it today. women give birth and one square meter and war criminals have no mercy upon them. the 2 years own rama then for bosnian, muslims feels normal again. but philistines, suffering garza remaining, their thoughts and prayers. ida had the most that you all to 0. sorry about that. so for me, tell mccrae for this new job but my colleague, lor, kyle, will be here in just
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a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us. the . why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. we are the ones traveling the extra mile, the media don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. unique perspectives that his dad has one of the most . the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from other countries. really want to leave really connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. we
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have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra. gary's who knew their children have been sleeping on comic center this 3 since cling their village a week ago. part of the we waiting to join us community. they live in the sierra nevada. they sent them like the mountain range in northern columbia, but they were forcibly displaced when they were caught in the crossfire of worrying paramilitary groups piping for control of a key corridor for cocaine trafficking in either illegal activities. we were among the 100 steps flagged in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind and finding shelter in the city of you are sure. we lived with the hope that those times were gone. but unfortunately, the pain and sadness back are united nations reports published last week and confirmed that despite the governments and ask for the legal on groups have expanded their control over colombia territory in 2023. back in shelter to get
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these to sharing a medium meal with their families, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home the the know and insight to the death and destruction and gaza. alas says it's rarely mediations have rejected a see spot on the withdrawal of the forces. the other them are kyle, this is down to 0. live from doha. also ahead is where it is. riley and tennessee of cooling for deal with him boss to release concepts held in garza plus the movie


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