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tv   The Stream Virtual Activism - Gaming For Change  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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a 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any infections as cause, move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expanding the sport in 10, g is. the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 costs every year. a seed, hawaii, and his team on a charm offensive to persuade the german and japanese call makers to establish helps he did. industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created 800000 jobs. and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 off exports value made in his own. morocco sees high potential for growth in green energy, they gold and is also planning to stock manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years. the hallways off because the biggest export total cost decades
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with tax breaks, investments incentives and sweets my agreements with the us. he took the on golf nations to establish itself as a serious play in the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global and it's not just about manufacturing calls, but wal cove is also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca is working full capacity. it's manufacturers, boss, of backgrounds. these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, weiss and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the economics, the zone middle blog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical
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coat cables and why. oh, how does. uh, today we have uh, companies that are producing uh, uh, engine component, very complex company, big airplane manufacturers. find in morocco's highly skilled and low cost labor force and proximity to your unfortunate to, to make that profit for actually mine. but i was just you, casablanca, and that's it from me, laura kyle: and you can find much more on, on top stories, on our website that's out to 0 dot com. elizabeth cronum will be heck and just to make more news on the ounces era officer, the street, the body has just though to d 7 at school,
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she dreams of becoming an arabic teacher. one day tends to your often sponsorship, she can now will for the tuition fees screen from station we book, she needs to excel. her dream is fast becoming a reality. she's one of the top students in her class. human appeal makes them, most of your massey to hundreds of thousands of people had turned out to protest in solidarity with palestine in london. d. c. paris roadblocks. video games are becoming a platform for activism and people are showing up online calling for change. amount of these forces in this industry, the purpose of white gloves smoke no way. this is insane. so kids will do to help kind of 5. so the open, the 7th approaches will pilot side. so how the loved
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the, the know things are changing when kids are protesting on robot. 3.2000000000 people, nearly half of the world's population play video games on a regular basis. online. multiplayer games are particularly popular, allowing users to interact virtually. and one of the ways different interacting is to protests from the black lives matter to home calls pro democracy movement. i'm to now palestine online. protests are and import outlet for those who are unable to join them. in the real world, chick goes a helped organize the protests until a directly with palestine online and our producer justin mass or joined him in roadblocks to understand how it all played out. i'm here in the world of roadblocks
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and the malaysia palace times square to meet 6. you said the man responsible for organizing the march and support a palace time that went viral. hello, there's a, can you tell me how this protest came to be? i, it's really, i already played or block, sees 2021 and then uh, we are doing many events before like multi door slowly. yeah. like, uh there on my den. uh, get the room i didn't month. and then we tried to do this, even though the palestine. much o'reilly, even under i'm not. uh, we are actually more focusing on i will look on the on i will to the right, you know, what country but i, i don't, i don't know. you've been very vitally across all over the was and then you have been this. so melisha bands, children under the age of 15,
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from protesting is this part of the reason that you decided to go online to organize your protest. so i, i just did our blog originally because i am, this gave me the money you felt gave me seamless. and then i use the regular platform at tools, but i do a witness about the palestine. what happening, ballast i mention. and then uh, most of my view was to do it, but also at the end of the actually was though they also can join you the all the games they have their own community. so we, uh, we also need to tell them as to what about the familiarity with our police team, but i just thank you very much as a right and to help us understand the potential impact all of the video game activism. i'm joined today by adel lynn, a designer and engineer who organize the black lives matter pro test on animal
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crossing danielle for non this guy. they all to and award winning game designer and game. as dictation researcher and jennifer's travels a culture journalist who also has written about both protesting but also weaving in virtual space. so thank you all so much for joining us today. adel, i'd like to start with you. can you help us understand how the video games went from this fun way off into payment to the tool for expressing descent? yeah, um yeah, it was um, you know 2020 and it was a very interesting circumstance. smith. the game animal crossing came out and we were all of you know, at home playing a lot of animal crossing. and then the pandemic hit. and then also, you know that this is george fluid really created this outrage across across the country. but most of us for sitting at home and unable to be out in community with
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each other. and so a lot of us turned to, um, you know, social media as me, i was now crossing lot and so um, you know, i wanted to figure out a way for people to visit my island, but then also understand what was going on in the world. to be seen, you know, in america at the time and yeah, kind of created the space for people to grieve over by folks who, who died and, and justly persecuted. and it created this sort of like a moral space. and then with a couple of friends we kind of decided to hold and events and had kind of turned into a protesting of march. and yeah, kind of things are from there. and jennifer, i believe you attended that protest organized, but i don't. why. why did you decide to join a protest online? um, so when i was uh, in 2020 i was living with an i mean
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a compromise for adults and i could not attend the physical protest. i also, i'm a weirdo and the fact that i live in los angeles and i don't on the car. so it makes getting the protests a bit difficult. um uh a very interesting twist. um i was actually, i had changed to write about my own pro test and then adult. and i have a um, a mutual friend who attended my pro test uh that i ended up being the reason why i ended up attending a dog. so i actually wrote a report of kids about adults pro test and then had originally had an essay that was supposed to go live about my own, which ended up didn't not going live. and then nat geo ended up writing about it. so it was a really a kind of a weird,
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wonderful kind of community experience that was being brought forth from people around the world that were trying to figure out like how we can participate. daniel, do you believe that video games can offer this new space for people to express themselves, especially young people? and i think it is something that we are hearing is already happening. and i think the most relevant part of it, this is just a tool that is joining a toolbox that already exists. people making policy called spaces everywhere. you make political spaces, the workplace, you make them on the street, you make them at home, you make them in social media for example. so if we are not surprised that people share cost is that they care about on social media, then it makes a lot of sense. and then in video games to in the front spaces where people spend many hours for a year or so now they make
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a new connections. they maintain connection that they already have and they become visible in this way. it does make a lot of sense that this would become a new space for political expression if they are already doing everything online. why not a protesting as well? i want to share a message that we found on x from mar. 1 osborne, who was talking about her 8 year old, who had joined an a roadblocks protest. she said she had never been to any protest with me, unlike her older sister brushing you all the chance and told me she wishes. she can help people in gaza. adel, what was interesting is that many of these server rooms um, in road blocks were shot. um we have read reports of accounts as well, being suspended. what is the scale of this? i mean, how many people are involved in these demonstrations? how many people are viewing them? yeah, um, i mean, i think for the roadblocks one, um it was, i actually,
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i don't really know the exact number, but definitely seems like it was and hundreds of thousands of for the ones in animal crossing. there is a limit to the number of people that can visit the server and also they're not as open and easy to find. so concurrently there's a limit to the number of people that can attend the space. but then afterwards, people can, you know, once people hear about it, they can start testing for the one that i organized. it was a people at a time that's the limit of the island. but people were coming continuously for the end of the few hours that we were hosting. and we're kind of like there and. yeah, and we, i hope that over 2 weekends, saturdays and sundays. and uh, yeah, we had a whole bunch of different people coming from america, but then also all over the world, even as far as trulia. i knew it definitely a wide range of stages. mm hm. the agenda for video games have been increasingly
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becoming the stage of political debate. not only for protests, we've seen, also political campaigns online in the space is the vitamin harris campaign published in alamo, crossing at a time or some 11011000000, forgiving me. people were playing during the fun demik in the current context of israel's war on gaza. could these platforms serve as i don't know, a new way for people to get informed and to get, get these people attention to potentially people that are not necessarily following very closely what's happening on the ground. uh yes, uh, i absolutely believe the pages are a great ways for a public awareness and a different space, especially uh the use of this generation. um, as were seen on tick tock for example,
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um with with different content that is more towards the gen x demographic video games are in that same sort of space. and there also for these younger people to get versed in politics and, and i think it's a really, really strong component into what we're going to, what, what think should really be thinking about? because i, i don't feel like these protests and these demonstrations are going to stop. i think that they're just going to continue and they're going to be amplified and include people that might not have been able to uh for whatever reason, participate in these demonstrations in a safe way or um, either way, daniel jerry, do you agree? and i think that one thing that is also important in terms of information is that it's not that people will only inform themselves through uh, platforms well,
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whether it's video games or social media or anything else. i think the ideal situation would be that people have the media diets, so to speak. that was very the in a way that you receive all of these inputs and you make sense of them in this way. but i think in many context, it might be a very good thing that people get together or they share whatever information they have to share or whatever a points of view. and i think that for example, video games such as and many other forms where people get together and talk, you know, good things and can come out of it. i think all sorts of things can come out of it . but definitely some of those can be positive. it's interesting that you say obviously people are not going to find all the information they need there, but at least it could entice, sold their, um, attention to something else that was happening in the world in this is not necessarily new. i mean, video games have had an important role to play in the hong kong protest movement back in 2020, at the law who runs the facebook page. hong kong in video games didn't want to show
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his face, but sent us this message. nowadays video game, a spot of the live of quite a number of phone people, including paddles, teenagers, and even small kits. they play video games that discuss video games. they could buy games get easily, take a chunk and promotion events and even competitions in this other city. a speedo gaming is part of a life. it is natural for them to use these media to express that bill on. number of things like social, easy use of political, easiest. and that's why you see in 2020 somehow and people are just taking time editing capability of a popular video game. animal crossing to show that banners listening out their political pushes, but they wanted to fight for in the 2019 mess of protests as some action games in a play as i put inside of the policies pre as to enjoy the stand station. the excitement be surrounded by fire and t, i guess,
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trying to escape from the time of the oddest, i cetera. but at the same time, they could see how dangerous it could be in the project. seems so a lot of it, daniel had already mentioned about so many people are already online sharing. so many of their experiences tell how about um, translating this engagement, this growing engagement that we're seeing with video games. how about translating that into real world action? yeah, i mean, i think it's such a important form of self expression when your you know, when you're a teenager to be able to try on different styles includes and, you know, have different forms of art. and i think that's where, you know, video games have become such a fertile ground for, for that kind of like development of your, your yourself. and so, you know, when people are coming to. busy my protest um they has their own um,
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black lives matter, shirts, banners, and that sort of thing. and you know, that kind of feeds in. that's a, you know, this the video games skins. they're totally away. busy for experimenting and in developing b, u r, and d as well. then for the go into your real life, you know, you can try something out in the virtual world. and if it, if it works for you, isn't that something that you would, you know, do in real life? and i think it's, the lines are getting blurred between what is virtual and what is real. and it's very important for us to have a similar advocate and these, those of how we are in line with how we are in your life. and so if you have a political expression you want to make, you know, you can be doing it. and in all these different spaces me, daniel, obviously politicians are also watching what's happening online. i mean, we just mentioned the fact that bite and harris campaigned in video games. how can this impact in the context to context such as israel's war on gaza?
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the i'm in my point of view, i think it depends. people are very sensitive to who are seeing the things that look fine, not genuine or, or not authentic. so i think that's when things are organized from the bottom. it is perfectly normal that then hundreds of thousands of people with joined a movement and they perceive buddies, crap, sort of grass roots in that way. but i'm gonna be more skeptical when, when organized political movements or political parties are institutions, are established, use the same channels for these things. i understand the for marketing purposes or from these i v off being everywhere and having a complete media strategies to make it make sense to them. but i am not quite sure how it works in these cases, for example, in political campaigning. no, i was just mentioning precisely the fact that these politicians might be watching what their voters want and what their voters are saying, not only on the streets, but also in video games. i mean,
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you research games in connection with climate change in gauge meant that you created several games to educate people about climate change. how does gaming find these experiences help? i don't know, capture new audiences. i think that there is generally a very positive response in this way. i think people are generally wary of ways of learning or ways of engaging with we see risk topics are traditional that they have already seen that they have the perception that they already know very well. and they are even entire and off or wherever you off. because they remind them of experiences that they didn't enjoy particularly. so i think that there is quite a bit of potential not only for learning, but also for developing uh, or at least try to find your own findings when you're in fact and with the systems trying different practices maybe or practicing them in this virtual wells. and then, and then seeing how they feel so that then you can translate them to your to on the
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rest of your life. so i think that there's, there's quite a bit of potential if, if nothing else because the games are quite engaging in the sense jennifer, do you agree? i absolutely agree. i. i think that games are a part of the cultural identity of this generation. they have been around for a while, but not just for kids. there is adults that are playing these games. i know that, but this is a thing that can serve. it was like to think that it's only just kids that are doing things things. but this is a wonderful place where art and creativity and conversations i believe are going to continue happening. and i hope, i hope that that are leaders of these countries and things actually listen to these things and start paying attention and making actionable change. people are saying
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things like, we want to cease fire already like, what are these things going to happen? we want police account ability, please, please. i dare them to listen please. so it's not for any other reason to actually gain some space in video games. i'm a dell. what about, what about you? i mean, we talked about how, um there's a lot of potential here. obviously games are such a huge part of young adults, but also adults in general and the people are spending so much time in video games . but there's also another way around to look at this, a game designer named jane mcgonigal. she talks a lot about how the qualities that people actually developed while playing games can actually help with real world solutions. do you agree that it helps? i don't know, solve problems, games can help us solve problems. it can help us strategize things and come up with real world solutions. yes, definitely. i mean, yes. and you know,
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has done some really positive work in, in this and kind of an intern inspired even. yeah. i was definitely inspired by james work and had been to some of her workshops and um, you know, games are about decision making. there's all kinds of different mechanics and it really is up to game designers to, to build in these mechanics and building in these environments. that people have choices to make that could seep through real words and pack and, and for them to think about the way that they carry themselves. uh, you know, daniel made some really good points about trying out different ways of expressing defense and, and then that being shifted towards your own own life, there's a whole festival games for change which corporates media in games that are not just using existing platforms, that people creating their own games and mechanics. i think there are a lot of
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a real world in person games that people are building to that, that has this kind of the fact that there's the hardest just of who know from new york who's built a game that has from the talked about racism and use the lens of escape friends to to um, so kind of look at to look at those sorts of things. so yeah, i think there's all kinds of different kind of games that we can look to and work with to help people think about the way that they are impacting to it's jennifer. uh, another quote here by computer scientist alan k, who says the best way to predict the future is actually to invent it. i mean, gamers and you guys are part of that are developing incredible scenarios online. we just talked about jane. jane actually predicted a whole ton demik before corona virus actually happened. can we envisage
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more ways. a to get gamers to actually participate and come up with solutions to real world problems. i believe the conversations are really waiting for the of the avenues to and the tools to help them facilitate that. unfortunately, um like we witness with the roadblock shut down. and we still have powers that be that are kind of controlling the narrative to an extent. um and it is something that is going to take a whole collective of folks to push back a about. but i, i absolutely believe that there is capacities to do it. um are, is there to help inspire and change the world to be a better place in my opinion?
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and i think that video games are another outlet to affecting that change. so hopefully it comes daniel, final word here. where do you see video game activism going forward? and i think the one thing that i was thinking now is that for example, many game developers are now getting quite serious about, for example, environmental topics, which is my, my main end, right? right now, there are in the international game developers climate, a special interest group 30 so so gain, debris, value, which is another group. and all of these, i think the compliance between developers getting more serious about the activities and even games from the design or point of view. or from the point of view, we play or set increasingly see video games as others need to make arrangements to talk about these things. i can create a combination that is quite interesting,
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gladly see. so we can say that the, the interesting things are happening right now. is these confluence of different source finding themselves in video games and seeing what can what can happen from here now, jennifer, very briefly, do you agree? i do video games are here to stay. we're. we're not going to get quieter. we're only going to get louder. so i think it's important that folks start listening and payment pension because these are the voices that are going to change and the future. they're already doing it right now. adel e, i see you nodding. i want to give you a chance to conclude as well. oh yeah, no i, i totally agree with jennifer, and i love everything that she's been saying. yeah, i mean the, the folks on the thoughts on all these platforms, they are as a future and it's very important to listen to their voices and help cultivate their voices. and not shut them down because you know, the alternative as we know, you know, refreshing causes all kinds of damage. and um yeah,
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uh they'll have to send in more than you and jennifer. thank you all so much for joining us here on the stream today. and thank you for joining us today. please don't forget you can keep the conversation going online and for that you can use the house on the handle aging screen to tigers. and we'll look into your feedback and your suggestions. take care and i'll see you soon. the these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely undesirables. the viability of many ecosystems is at stake. as is the viability of civilization, as we know it's dying. coming soon on counting the cost nuclear a pallet is back in the energy debate. is it on the edge of a come back? the e u has pledged, but it's of dollars to cash strapped egypt. what's behind the deal?
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w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the heavy funding and from bottom into the southern gaza at least 6 pounds of samantha, being towed in this way. and strikes of a nice and drop off. the put ottoman this is allergens, even live from the, so coming up no end and side to the death and destruction in gaza come off, says is rarely mediators have reject to the sea spot. and the withdrawal says is
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