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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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donates with confidence to nights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the well one hawks that's time the of the heavy sizing and bombardment and southern gaza at least 6 palestinians killed. and it's really strikes of a nice the kind of the problem and this is alan to 0. i live from the also coming up, no one inside the death and destruction in gaza. so my says israel has rejected a proposal for a safe spot. and the withdrawal, one of his forces is various valley and kind of beads,
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urging the government to secure the release of captives held and gaza. plus the news. we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people. russell's president promises revenge as a desktop from an attack of the capital rises to $163.00, the as well as bombing, con eunice and southern gaza explosions. and gunfire has been reported needing officer medical complex. the facility was evacuated late last month and for the thousands, off of the 6 people were killed when is ready for us has targeted a home. and i didn't see cruise of trying to reach the wounded, who was buried under the rubble and become a, any body's mediation efforts to end, as well as one, gaza, appear to be stolen. a mazda official has told alger 0 is ready to negotiate,
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has have project to the latest proposal, pharmacies far. they robert pulse is writing, a delegation has left the talks. and uh huh. and returned home instead of the protests have been demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu do more to secure the vase of captives held and gaza. earlier la said one captive a 34 year old is riley has died from now nutrition and the lack of medicine. i'm the son who it has moved from tennessee. it's interesting. tell him to be really prime minister must design and metal legs and should be immediately. additionally, there calling for a deal to bring back and the remaining is really captive. the big payment enters it makes the money, the government simply have not done enough to secure their release. no pressure has been bouncing along the direction both internationally and domestically. but the seemingly on paid by all of these protests that are still going on. and 6 weeks
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later these protesters say they're going to continuously be walking rhodes every saturday until those demands are met. come to some who just need all television. let's take a closer look at what we know about the nation's round of negotiations according to our to 0 sole source is one has told me the a says it rejects proposals to end the will and withdrawal. it's 1st from the gaza, while some off is demanding a full seas file. the group also wants old palestinians to be able to attend to northern casa, but as well says, it will only allow 2000 people to return a day, and at that rate, it will take more than 2 years for oldest place palestinian and cindy. rafa is there as wants old captives released the 1st stage of the day and put him off as indicated will only release women and children. there are also disputes of the release of palestinian president, southern life sentences in his writing jails. awesome name is a member of the him off political 0 and he told alger 0, that is right, is only interested in securing the release of captives and not ending the war. it
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is very shocking because i've been with you. it does have unfortunately accepted to, to uh, to uh, to convey or to hand over this. so that any ideas to the, to, to, to our, to our side. because based on bodies went on. but he's too long to talk suddenly confusions on contacts with them and it does and with the americans, we have promised that at least these to treat the minds of adult ethics, fail the tooth, a withdrawal. and that again, of a lot of this dispute was to them, houses, there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either side, no, suddenly uh out of nothing. this right is object and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about you sees fab is about benjamin you to know is the. ready your thing, vinegar, she issues as
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a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plans by a complete bombardment. the rest of the guys a slip and coughing, cut off until at least the tension insight is played and also to the music and measuring. i'm pretty sure you wouldn't least the security council of discussion they have been for it is about nathaniel hard and addiction of in think this aggression, despite of all the bushes during a visit to the egypt sin side of these off of board across an un secretary general antonia good heritage has again called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. the gaza house ministry says it's rainy strikes, code, 72 palestinians in the past 24 hours. and one of the worst attack forces up and fi on crowds waiting for the aid and gaza city. kind of at least 19 people. and in june 23 latoya gave shouldn't be reports hungry palestinians, desperate for food shows up by is really full, says nick,
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you wait round about an intersection often used by a trucks in garza city. many were left seriously injured and some of the more we survived this, they showed that this there are many that many injured almost done to get our children a bite to eat and about the injured were taken to ali baptist hospital, but with causes health care system in the collapse many which we 2 outside in the openness with the ones who can read round about because they wanted to eat, they wanted to live. these riley's fired at us. some people died, some were injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than 32000 palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's. we're on garza more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting of palestinians wasting the age accusations. israel denies this attack was carried
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down to around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez was visiting the egyptian side of the rest of the crossing. he again called for an immediate cease fire, and israel to lift its blockade and allow the delivery of desperately needed age is our only hope. it's that i am totally flog guys, so we'd like saving a choice is clear i the search was thought of ation. let's choose the size of how the size of the home and the right sides of the screen. a diplomatic efforts, a continuing to find some form of agreement between israel and thomas. the people of gauze and no time is notes on this side. victoria gates and b l g 0 elsewhere and gaza, said he, the is ready. seizure of i'll ship a hospital this continuing, the health industry says 240 patients and 10 medical personnel,
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the inside the complex, almost all should have reports from the school, nearby stomach and them in a little solely i'm handling with them. i should also be what that means. we managed to reach this part of the l. she for medical complex as the northern areas were being heavily involved with time with all this really occupation forces have burned and destroyed the number of buildings here is you can see as if you had the, the amount of destruction is massive due to continues bombardment and error rate on that guy that i know most of families are still here because of the presence of it is really sniper and this really armies policy of targeting and shooting it, everything moving in the area. i mean, what are some of that that are still under the rubble of the plot and the medical teams couldn't get to this place because of the danger. and as you can see, the buildings and the roads or destroying the mess it up, but also the receiver. we are under siege and the northern part of the chief medical complex. we have no food,
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we have no water. all the houses have been level and is really f 16 attacked at least one store in every building. the remains of dead bodies are lying in the street, so there is no way anyone can help anyone out. there are 10 people in my time and again, so what can i do to find food for them? all these rates have destroyed everything in the complex. yeah, i hope i can see just one person with a good conscience. and i hope to see just one person who believes in god designs and stuff, the genocide and guides that you hold on a minute. and we managed to reach a schools under siege in the vicinity of the el cheapo medical complex, which i'm not sure this school has been under siege for the last 5 days. there's no food in the water for the displaced people inside and the occupied best bang is rarely ami has been carrying out smooth rains and incursions. video shows someone just heading into the city of hebron and targeting a shop, a number of palestinians were reportedly detained within 7700 have been arrested since the war and gossip again is rarely strikes on the east and 11 on have injured
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at least 3 people emergency crews and bring the floor to the city of fall back is raining, administrator says a positive a has the weapons workshop as follows, a series of costs go to attacks between his while out of his bullet. in the past 6 months. the u. s. military says yemen, so things have 5 full ballistic massage, and they are chinese oil tanker and the red sea, the ships off with minus damage and the fire on board was extinguished within 15 minutes of casualties of upholstered and the vessel has resumed its journey. what they find is have previously said they wouldn't attack chinese ships only those linked as well, and responds to what's won gaza. the new kinds of russian forces launched as strikes on keys in the early hours of sunday can use as a defense systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary report suggest no
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casualties or major damage. witnesses say they heard explosions. and so some of the songs being shot down, and there are also reports that poland his crime would find suggests to monitor the situation. russia is taught tightening security off to an attack on a concert hole in moscow. killed at least a $133.00 people and ended almost $200.00 on friday. the massacre claimed vive group linked to i so was the worst in russia in decades, president fusion has declared sunday a national day of mourning. joseph jabar even quotes from moscow to the scene. the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent history . emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived. and it was, this was enough. they started to shoot in our direction, they shot people through federal bombs. people were panicking, and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now?
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it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals still talked of. heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials called a terrible tragedy. the task of recovering the debt is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the movie and we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them when you no one will be able to show the poisonous seeds of this golden panic connection multinational society. as it president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow of
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the fs. the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported. we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i so enough got us down has claimed responsibility doors to jabari, alcera, moscow. and his address to the nation president food instead, the attack is what arrested while fling to ukraine president for the modem is a landscape, choose russian of trying to blame to for the nasa which is i missed the wish of st . montessori you, instead of addressing russian citizens put in, was cited for the whole day, thinking about how to link it to you on a crate and everything is completely predictable. step single of darma. tell us solve the most of the thing and lecture and security and development of kings called this london. and she says,
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russia's attempt to link your claim to the attack is on justified. and i see that this is a huge security failure also because of the or the safety of the attack, the number of casualties which keeps growing and live is big fire which and dogs the place i also left behind is that we're not many policemen. they took them quite some time to get there, and this is the sort of the security structures. and that is also quite astonishing because this is a very big place where people like gatherings. so one would have expected some kind of police deployment. these only for internal and security reasons, you know. uh, so it is, it is very embarrassing and a mortgage very side is that it seems that the russians are using this to bring the connection with ukraine. so i, i see a, i very much see about ukraine is, are going to see most of our tax and massive uh, sort of, um, bombardments or something of that kind. coming from russia. or though i don't think
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they have any connection whatsoever. but base amc showing that they're in your brain is that somehow behind you don't have 14 to sort of divert the attention because where would here attack otherwise, i mean, it's not gonna start. bowman upfront is done to the head allows you 0 ramadan and time of war. alice today, and some guys are fine ways to keep traditions alive. again, story logs, the science and you can see the change is going to occur when you turn that science into policy. you got to go to court and get people in trouble dying coming soon. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president joe finding right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that
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can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the number of elephants about the news and he paused, has increased in the last several decades. officials attribute these to you gun does protection efforts. today's another challenge. a big problem here is human wildlife conflict. ellison's are increasingly going into villages is search of pastor and what happens. we try to trace the animal is using many means, for example, the fire of a pharmacy. he paused how the invaded the rice funds and killed several people. officials say they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected the
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the, you're watching out for me, elizabeth donovan, doha molanda of on top stories to saw us as israel, and has rejected the legs proposal for a says, find your and talk some don't. hong mazda officials told odyssey or israel will not agree to anything, it's from bond, went to the casa or withdrawal insurance. the group has also analysis and this really captive housing garza has died of non nutrition. and a lack of medicine. coincides with we keep protests and is around the corner of the government to secure the release of captives observing ramadan and gaza has been a challenge for many palestinians. but despite the hardships, somehow finding ways to keep the spirit and traditions of the holy month and live katya lopez holiday on has more. i got my bill because i had the luckless job. the
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rain never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for now without a kitchen or electricity. but since israel's war on causa, her life has changed. she's managed to get some vegetables, but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the hand. why does this number before we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mac labor, rice dish. now we have to make do before the well, we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e, even if last name a, a, all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians like if i a say it can also hoping a sense of normality and a taste of home is only for a moment. had the cliff enough to almost to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it. despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no
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b for chicken, but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings with one another. no, like thousands of palestinians and garza people living in this camp and bravo have lost everything. and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives have changed. and the one the button, the vis ramadan is different than others. last year it was full of joy and happiness. democracy before then we were living in the house on apartments, but now this year we live in the 10th. i seem to view, it shows that even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience over the model. and them cabin electric, the one this room a gone is stuff because of the lack of food we oscar go to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods. and the house was by this year more than others. family say cooking is about much more than food. it's
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a reminder of faith, generosity, tradition, and ultimately of survival. katia a little bit so the again, houses here to senegal. now the closest little head to the poles and the coming hours for a delayed presidential election. they will choose a successor to monkey saul who's been in pals of 12 years now with one and 5 people unemployed and proven job prospects, is one of the main issues for young functions. as nicholas hans reports from n, diane on the edge of the fishing village of and die on long as a fashion design hub. it's been created by designers. sophie ends in a c to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home, instead of go. the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source didn't meet in san diego. in 2019, i think is he had hope that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election,
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she wants change. in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction here. and mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village instead. it has brought this fair says unemployed. well, there, yeah. could you? there are no jobs for him, nor others from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but what is this, what am i speaking with? what's an injustice that i can't find work and i was given the state diploma and the state can't find work for a month and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since 2019. it's degrading. i want my dignity back that 53000 migrants
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arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed. skilled men from senegal, the mayor of and diane is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave, but to stay in the vote in this selection. women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal sector and their contribution to the economy is overlooked. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. 6 they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in the selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical make over. he's supporting opposition. candidates you might find, hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair,
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and overlooked instead of goals on top potential. nicholas hawk elgin's era and diane, i wish i had done was as a senior risk analyst at the global intelligence, the, the risk maple croft. and he says young people in signing golf haven't beneficial from the economic boom. this to a political can stand on the opposite side of the political spectrum. so the ruling college and i'm going present been south and william college students candidate. and they are a set out the liberal policies mark and friendly policies and the present himself proceed. building a landmark projects over the years, and this time i go uh, business and economic b as a result. because of this constantly liberalization programs that track that the huge app in flow is also
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a for an investment. and on the other hand, we have a smart phone call and a position made a position can to that fire. and they plans to introduce a new power and see we negotiate contracts with oil and gas prices in the country. and, and they really get in that huge support from the young people. i think the issue here is that despite the economy be that the country has been over the years under the president. so as not to really facilitate that the why, the socio economic development for the countries, youthful population and a 30 percent of those age between 18 and 35, the job list. and so vakio the presidential election is headed for a run off pro e u candidacy. avon co chocolate. the 1st round, with nearly 40 percent of the voters in the face piece of kind of green,
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an ally prime minister of all that fits go. and the run off, which is scheduled for april 6th to hundreds of people have been protesting in the indian capital for a 2nd day. the demand in the release of dallas chief minister has been invested on corruption charges. he denies wrong doing. his body says the accusations politically motivated, the arrest comes just weeks before the general election. results less than policies have held rallies to mock the anniversary of the 1964 military clue. the code for those who posted last year's attack on congress to be punished. monica, our kid reports from south follow protesters took to the streets of stone phone despite the heavy rains, marking the 60th anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say the present, young democracy is still at the point, but it's not. businessman,
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military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment to those responses the he's referring to former president tables. so nato was under investigation by federal police. he's accused of plotting the school to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections, demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left when parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended a bowl. so that will rally last month. we're seeing clearly that society is divided even an issue. there is no consensus in today's society to the uh, the quote was something bad for a resume or some people who would support on order to receive military
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taking action against the government. the run the risk to meet the right to make it come to the games and haitian police have been exchanging fire on the street. so full 5 hundreds. the nation's violence has killed a prominent gang. lita bodies but needs to be of gang members were found on one of the streets rights groups estimate gangs controlled around 90 percent of the capital. hundreds of pay for an auction tina have rallied in the capital protest against and in portions all the legislation allows women to terminate the pregnancy . and the 1st 14 weeks,
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the new forage presidents have internet has promised to hold a referendum to repeal at the loan. and that set for this half hour of news, but to stay with us top to ours is era is coming up next. thank you very much for watching the i had a lot of there. it's been a story of exceptional heat to cause much of africa, but things will be cooling down. at least it goes, move in areas of the next few days before we get the let's have a look at the middle east, levant because things have turned on settled. you can see that the cloud bringing more heavy rain to the likes of iraq as well as around to weight as well as some very blustery wins that are likely to kick up some dust effecting visibility across the gulf and into saudi arabia. rain trickling down towards the west coast of saudi
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. it doesn't prove, however, as we get into monday, but the heavy rain continues for central areas of iran. nothing rain is coming into play for the north west of africa. we've got something of a swelling system. bringing that range the canary islands, it'll push some across the northern parts of morocco, the temperature in rebecca. it's coming down with that. but it's probably winds will pick temperatures up full algeria. l g is coming in at 26 degrees celsius. the $27.00 on monday is a hot the story to the south of that for the central areas of africa. but some heavy rain coming in to gone to a more heavy rain for eastern areas, with a developing system to the east of madagascar on sunday. the, the, the biggest global that actually out in history, the world's biggest democracy,
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off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new full block be focusing on india. in this episode, i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us in that, in the body of the thing. an avalon of cut often charges even before full talk. com being the report was due on how to delete the, the palestinian israeli conflict has been a key dividing line of international diplomacy for decades. ever since israel's foundation in 1948 disputes have revolved around, we call to public policy and territories human rights violations. and the fight for posting and self determination. the struggle contrast with the conflicts escalations and the state code and secure.


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