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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the leasing realities government seems here to have whittled down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on told to how does era, the other 10 venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program today. overnight is really our strikes cause widespread devastation across southern gaza at least 6 philistines are killed, fox to reach a ceasefire in gaza, stalls. i'm us is israel has rejected his proposal to end the war. russian airstrikes hit the ukrainian capital for a 2nd time in a week, and poland says
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a miscellaneous violated it's their space. motors incentive all are set to choose a new president after weeks of political tension and delay the beginning, garza, whereas really war plans and bombing hun, eunice, and the south of the strip explosions and gunfire had been reported near nicer hospital. all patients were moved out of the medical facility last month, but hundreds of displaced palestinians are still sheltering there. for the south in rough or at least 6 people were killed when is really forces targeted, a home emergency crews are trying to reach the wounded or buried under the rubble and recover any bodies. all sure 0 is honey. my mood is live from or off. the honey is 9. am where you are. tell us what you're learning this morning. a yes or a little more data and devastation caused by the ongoing relentless error strikes
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in overcrowded dropbox city. where a residential home was targeted quarterly attack that overnight. a toxic. and we're looking at 6 people from one family, remaining family members are critically injured and old right to do on the job. hospital entire family was residing and this residential home was bombed, in killed among, of the 7 people were killed. the 3 children among those, among the casualties remaining 5 of them but were advised transfers were more people that just within the past hour were removed from under the rubbers. not only caused the destruction of this residential home, but also its vicinity. just forcing more people into an internal displacement. meanwhile, is really military at, at midnight under heavy coverage of, of, of fighting jets any quad copier. those are taca, drones and, and military chapters pushed deeper into the vicinity of northwest hospital and,
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and on its way to destroy the remaining residential buildings in the area completely destroyed or severely damaged. and right now, as we speak the, our station about 500 meters away from the main gate of nasir, possibly that a we could literally hear the sounds of shelling off of the buildings at the vicinity of northwood hospital. were not sure whether this a, another limited and precise operation, similar to what happened though she found that this really was very haven't stated . what is the purpose of what it's doing right there separately. more here's trikes and artillery sitting in the northern parts of the vicinity of a ship, a hospital where there's really mandatory for the 7th day in a row, still operating aggressively at a ship. a halt house with a complex destroying the vast majority of its surrounding honey. the head of the largest un agency and gaza on the law says that is really, authorities of once again prevented a food convoy from entering northern gods and is not the 1st time this week. so
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where are we on the entry of a, in the guys at the moment. so this will, the visits of the united nations achieve? the not deterred is really military from talking 8 workers and 8 seekers of to wait . the traffic circle yesterday was right. that's his the press conference when the attack happens in the, in java city where he's prevented a convoy of food from entering through the northern part right now we're talking about the other side of the border. they've just said there are miles of a truck. they've been waiting for so long right now for them to be allowed to enter the gaza strip. so far, we're looking at the very trickle amount. it's a dropping in the ocean of what's in the, in the face of the greater needs, the across the gas for pier and over the crowd, a drop by their, their depletion. and it's causative resource is causing
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a great deal of now the nutrition as well as a, causing it prices to store up for the vast majority of people here with financial inability are unable to, to meet their daily needs of basic supplies. and in the northern part where there is acute famine going on and really enforce the hydrogen as tar vision causes the death of a $27.00 children. because of that, the is really military still imposing restrictions and keep obstructing the global human atoria and at 8 into the gall. this trips just a threatening the spirit of famine here into the southern parts of the gaza strip. alternative to have been a propos, haven't have happened to be insufficient in terms of providing a we're talking about air dropping food as well as the, the construction of appear. uh, that will take at least 2 months. then by the time it is ready and a lot of people would have gotten it through under extreme difficult situations as the farm and keeps the spreading houses. there is honey about mode reporting live
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from inside the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. us and mediation efforts to end israel's war on does it appear to be stalling. houses 0 has learned is really negotiators rejected homeless. his latest proposal for a ceasefire. there are reports, these really delegation has left the talks in doha and now returned home from us also has announced that one captive a 34 year old as really has died of mt nutrition and the lack of medicine in tel aviv protestors have been demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu do more to release the captives in gaza. i'm the fellow who it was at that protesting toby craner and then television really prime minister 9. and that election should be immediately additionally, there calling for a bill to bring back and the remaining is really captive the big payment as the enters, it takes the money. the government simply have not done enough to secure their
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release. no pressure has been bouncing along the direction, both internationally and domestically, but the seemingly on pays by all of these protests that are still going on. and 6 weeks later these protesters say they're going to continuously be walking rhodes every saturday until those demands are met. come to some who just need all tell of you about that name is a member of the most political bureau and he told elza 0 the israel is only interested in the release of the captives not in ending the war. it is very shocking because i've been with you, it does have a unfortunately accepted to, to uh, to uh, to convey or to hand over this. so any ideas to the, to, to, to our, to our side, because based on bodies went on. but he's to and they won't get to suddenly confusion and contact with them with the it does and with the americans. we have
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promised that at least these to treat the minds of adult ethics, fail the tooth and withdrawal, and that attend of a lot of this dispute was to them, houses, there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either side, no suddenly uh out of nothing, this rate is object and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about you sees fab is about benjamin you to know is the. ready your thing, vinegar, she issues as a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plans by complete bombardment. the rest of the guns, a tip, enclosed and cut off until the attention insight is played and also to the news and measuring. i'm pretty sure you wouldn't least the security council of discussion they have been for it is about nathaniel hard and addiction of in think this aggression, despite of all the bushels it's now assembled already joins me in the studio.
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you're a professor of international affairs at guitar university. what do you make of the ceasefire torques and where we are? it's, i know it's really hard to gauge from the outside is, is how most unrealistic is israel says, or is israel buying time as homeless? says hi, i do believe that as well as is buying time. and mr. nathaniel, who wants to be seen as someone who is trying to get his people back. i mean hostages by having to deal with him as worked at the same times. he's undermining this hawks because he wants to continue the war on the pad. a student really want to continue the candy, the state of war. and, and they, the continuation of the state of war is the best tactics for him to play the intent of the domestic scene in his payments. so you're, you're reading the interest of each party, right? because it's, it's hard to know what the actual intention is behind the public pronouncements. so if we look at their interest, we might get a better sense of whether it's just headed. you say benjamin netanyahu has interest or to continue the war?
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what a homeless has interest, how much is interest is to uh, put that into the war. uh and to bring the policy in his back to their homes. i mean the misplaced people. uh, and to have a deal that would at least keep them in power. uh, these are the basic interest. uh, but the game, you know, everybody has his own uh, demands, but at the same time, if they want to reach a deal, they need to compromise them here talking about both sides of the complex. but here we see that how much is fighting and their um, backend. so they didn't have much options either that continued to or until they can get a deal that is satisfying the minimum demand from us. i mean, how much is that fee to asking for the victory in this war? they ask for survival a and secondly, they want the people to go back to their homes and what your survival would be a victory by most people's analysis. i know, i know, i know this, this 10, but this is that there, i mean it's not that they want victory at, at any cost. you don't, the civil rights have other means that they will need different gases that or part
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of guys or whatever. and they want to have a say in the find the outcome, and they want to prevent the international community from imposing anything. and the policy in is because this will expressions have, or they said that, you know, on the scene is kind of decide the future and they'll put aside what is your read on israel's intentions towards roughly it's the 7 most city in the gaza strip. we know most palestinians have been displaced there. one point for 1500000 palestinians and l sheltering there is real, keeps saying we are an yahoo specifically and the defense minister. we are going to launch a ground defensive on rasa. we know the us much of the international communities against it. when you read the move military movements on the ground, israel currently isn't building up troops towards rough or do you feel that they want this offensive? well it's, it's either uh they want to check in to come us and probably this would, we can have mass position and negotiations of suicide. and because they want to
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prevent these ways from invading an invading or 5 because the invasion, so for this is going to be a disaster for they've had a serious. this is one probably one scenario. the 2nd one is that they will do it because the at prior to getting into highness, we've hear the same statement that you know, we're going to do it. you're going to do it tend to work pulling back some choice. and then at the end of the day they got into until i'm 20 minutes. so i'm, i'm not saying this is indivisible, but i can, it's full out of the scenario. but probably what saves it and that's it. it has interest as to we can come us position new. the negotiating is his fire by attracting them. that is a is, are on, on the, on the bank also get taken to offer. yeah. and that's the netanyahu argument of put more military pressure on hamas. and this actually gives is related advantage in the talks. okay, sounds good. all right, thank you very much for joining us as our as o u. n. secretary general antonio gutierrez has again called for an immediate humanity or inspire. and god says this was during
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a visit to the egyptian side of the roof of border crossing. it came just before it is really attacking guys, a city where a troops open fire on crowds waiting for aid, killing at least 19 people before getting the reports hungry palestinians, desperate for food shows that buys really full, says nick, you wait round about an intersection often used by a trucks and goes to the city. many were left seriously injured and some of the elements after the more we survived this, make sure that there are many that many injured almost done to get our children a bite to eat and about injured were taken to ali baptist hospital, bought with gauze is health care system at near collapse many which we 2 outside in the openness with they want to go with round about because they wanted to eat, they wanted to live. these really is fired at us. some people died somewhere
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injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than 32000 palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's. we're on gas and more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting of palestinians wasting the age accusations. israel denies this attack was carried down to around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez was visiting the egyptian side of the raffle coursing. he again called for an immediate cease fire and israel to lift its brocade and allow the delivery of desperately needed. age is our only hope it's that i am totally flog guys so we'd like saving days. the choice is clear. i the search will start advice and let's choose the siding is out the sides of the hole and the right sides of the city. the diplomatic efforts are continuing to find some form of agreement between
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israel and thomas. the people have cause a no time is not on this side. victoria gates and b l g 0. so any morehead on this news, our including i'm rob mcbride and how to keep you crane with the physio therapy teams, helping keep the country so just in the fight. and why protest as in brazil, a warning political history could be about to repeat itself. the prussia carried out airstrikes in west and ukraine. in the early hours of sunday, ukraine says that the air defense system managed to repel the attack. preliminary reports suggest no casualties or major damage of witnesses say that they heard explosions and saw something besides being shot down. rob mcbride joins us live now
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from keith. well, bring us up to speed on these latest attacks to yeah, this was another nice of attacks, a targeting guy, the a capital key. we got the right alarms, been going off in the early hours of sunday morning, and then just before doing a series of explosions across the city. but also that had been a tax in the east of ukraine, around dundee, pro and crematory, a number of drugs and strikes that specifically targeting. it seems power supply and also heating systems and across in the west of the country. we're hearing from the authorities that are around the, the, the region of mold and 20 drones and missiles, once again targeting critical electricity infrastructure. it does seem to follow apart. and we saw a hearing key of a few days ago. one of the biggest missile strikes is taking place in a month and a half that was followed the next day by strikes by drones and missiles across the country targeting specifically ukraine's energy system. it was still to be the
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biggest kind of strike of its kind in the whole of us 2 years. and we'll probably stay with this. i'd like to, um, to bring this to our viewers. ukraine's president has rejected. vladimir pretends accusation that the suspects arrested for the most co costs are all attacked for trying to flee to ukraine. zaleski says the russian leader is trying to deflect the blame for his security failures. not fall from the front line. they've done yet region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of drone attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars is attributable to the bottomless. there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we are a lot busier fellow medically and it shows us their ambulance, which they used to meet up with unit springing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transfer to westfield hospital on this night. they
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get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty officer treatments a sentence like this one in hockey, the northeast, and ukraine. also a physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion 2 years ago. so we can always machine, the shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog. you only remember fragments t like via the so just come here for regular treatments before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring offensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need for most soldiers, with an emphasis on keeping the experience troops on the front line even enough to enjoy the centers also offer vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patients are so high, but it's like they're on holidays when they are with us. there is
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a psychological burden on the front line. and this offers a distraction from that. as this was, shows no sign defending these a service is seemingly in increasing demand. run mcbride, delta zeta. how to keep you? great. so rob, yours who undoubtedly watches keenly will have noticed, obviously that that wasn't the lensky and part of the speech that we were intending to play. this was the report that you have just put together on it. after weeks of reporting from the front lines in ukraine and from the front lines of this war, uh and of course the report is valid. the report stands. i wanted to ask you, based on the last, i don't know if it's been a month or 2 that you've been in ukraine. where do we stand in this war right now? a i mean they is very tough us problem, ukraine's perspective we just know, but the 2nd down to the 3 of this will we, we have full that 2nd anniversary. there is a feeling that when this will end,
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this does seem to be going to going, but from the upside, from ukraine's point to view, this is a 2 year plus, well, that was going to be over in a week. that's what everyone was predicting that ukraine would capitulate within a week or so that is certainly not the case. and ukraine can point to successive successes in the ass, and it's more sophisticated that defense rushes certainly doesn't have a superiority will significantly pull it perhaps is the impact of the scene. drones on the black sea fleet rushes lexi fleet, having to be pushed and pushed back to say, foot pots of the black sea. but on the front lines itself, there is a feeling of a stalemate. the loss of beef co, another battlefield loss is from ukraine's point to view have taken that toll and there is a sense of baffled minds about the show. did you find me they shouldn't. that will be encouraged by the support from the you. from that recent summit, but as far as the us these cars uh, there is a, there is a disappointment and disbelief that the united states is still holding up his
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billions of dollars of military assistance for a fight which they ukrainians, believe they are fighting on behalf of the, the west and back is rob mcbride, with the latest developments in the big picture on this for thank you very much. that was life from keep there. thanks rob. russian president vladimir put in his impose new security measures after friday's attack, at least 133 people were killed and nearly 200 others injured. sunday has been declared a national day of mourning. dorsey jabari reports from moscow to the scene. the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived. and it was, this was enough, they started to shoot in our direction, they shot people through federal bombs. people were panicking, and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by noon?
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it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals still out of heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials called a terrible tragedy the task of recovering that that is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the movie and we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep one who no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of discordant panic connection multinational society as a president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute,
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to donate blood at centers in moscow. the fs, the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported. we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i so, and i scanned a son, has claimed responsibility door. so jabari algebra, sierra moscow is doing a sum of all of us in moscow for us. you'll get what's the very latest that you're learning on the investigation. and also, given that russian authority seemed to be sort of pointing the finger at ukraine, it has the provided any concrete evidence that would actually point a to that are in that direction of the. well, the thing is that the investigation of course is underway and the latest reports
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were receiving right now that according to some sources, most coast bus monte quote is actually preparing for large scale file in the near future. the a terrorist who are toxic focused city whole may be ruled that that's the latest. so holes the country slowly trying to recover from the turnville at the time that took place here on friday nights and on spending right now, not far away from that place. and behind me, you can see people bringing flowers, bringing candles, hair bring stuffed animals and posters. we can see flags, race to have stopped on the russian house of parliament and other buildings in saint petersburg. no $4000.00 candles were lights on pallet square as a sign of philadelphia too was evictions on the top. generally people are shrunk, said grieving, i'm to the, for the new was memorial throughout russia. meanwhile, the clearance of the rubble continues head don't handle is a with dogs that looking for people remaining on to the level of the bodies,
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of course, of the dead, and possibly for some weapons and had some plus explosive devices which can be left behind. and most could, original governor has also said that speed, full days of the death may be under the rubble, it may be still under the rubble, it may assess the car number of the dutch can ro, currently stands at $100.00 and such history. and today the whole day is to be devoted to the search and rescue as to which the main parts of the operation will mostly be completed. as of course, the question remains about who is behind it and we've had from ice souls. i'm going branch. i says case they have claimed responsibility for that's hawkins emitting to national expos agreed with that on the line. i think the way that talk had been carried out in early march, the us and u. k. intelligence services was russia for the possibility of central todd would like to repeat and fox on close the warning blocks mail designed to destabilize the
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country. now the russian president directly expresses the idea of a ukrainian trace. and so do some of russian politicians while the russian media and hopefully blame you. praying for don to todd, they say that the terrorists were trying to flee to ukraine, but the ukrainian side was preparing a safe passage for them. and basically that's the narrative. and also they, they put forward, they push forward rather this ukrainian version i think don't want to ignite, as they say, the nationalist narrative and the country. because allegedly that talk is what from subject gets done. so that narrative can distract attention. so i'm thinking about the bill of intelligence and security services and preventing this attack as many called the actions and this particular case of failure. but as, as security services are the main,
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suppose hope the current political system here criticizing them seems to be highly unlikely. all right, you'll use up of all of the reporting from moscow. thank you very much. julia had done that to you several most so as a senior lecture and security and development of kings college linda. and she says, russia's attempt to link ukraine to the attack is unjustified. i see that this is a huge security failure also because of the, or the safety of the attack, the number of casualties which keeps growing. and uh, the big fire which and dogs the place i also left behind is that when not many policemen, they took them quite some time to get there. and this is the sort of the security structures. and that is also quite astonishing because this is a very big place where people like gatherings. so one would have expected some kind of police deployment, even we for internet and security reasons, you know. uh, so it is, it is very embarrassing and where the service side is like,
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it seems that the russians are using this to bring the connection with ukraine. so i, i fear i very much see about ukraine and it's going to see most of our tax and massive uh, sort of, um, bombardments or something of that kind. coming from russia. although i don't think they have any connection whatsoever. but base amc showing that the brain is somehow behind you don't have 14 to sort of divert the attention because where would he are talk otherwise? i mean, he's not going to start building a funding stone. all 287 of the school students abducted in northern nigeria earlier this month have been freed. the victims some as young as 4 were taken from their school in korea, northern kaduna state. earlier this month. it's not yet clear yet. if a military operation free demo, ortho ransom was paid. well, joining us on the phone from the buddha is abdul aziz abdul aziz?
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he's a special assistant to the nigerian president on media source or can you explain to us in what circumstances the release of the students was secured as well as thank you for having means uh actually uh, this is uh something that took uh this. she knew o s u n s i a bunch and actually a code on the 7th of march. uh, but some 16 days ago. and she was that time the president gave it much and all that you know, security forces and they hate so well, you know, so security agencies to ensure that these students have fried in good time and induct and in the hours of to do finally at least may be uh, by the, by the doctors. and of course it took a lot of, uh, but you know, uh, engage men's way in which the person directed that money should not be involved.
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and the money was not involved in this operation. are you saying no answer was paid, sir? no one was paid because of the president and yes they did that and some will not be paid because uh the government believed that the story is those engaged in such kind of emails. ok, should not be you ordered by. oh so sorry. no, it looks like you're jumping into for no, it's no ransom was paid. what compelled, the abductors to release all the students in their captivity. why do you know there are many things that can be done in the back channel, such as what the details but the details that we may not be able to to state that but pretty much going by previous x rays the instances or with some conversations that the government feel is not really helpful to the admin to the level of security of the country on the compromise national security. and so such
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confessions could be done in a solution like this. okay, so there could be concessions to abductors is what you're saying. concessions made that would not involve the payment of rent some money. yes. how? so 1st of all, speaking about the students, how are they doing, what is your information on them? or what so the people that i mean that the students have reported that they are old and find out well, all the ones that some of them. and that's also and connection that we would have to make. because a lot of reporting, including your interests, you mentioned that it's someone which is not official a few the it was just because been when did um, but the actually if you guys went to southern comprising over some 61. i mean, somebody has something to and female and uh, i think the 65 mill mill students. okay. uh, all of them, well, where at least one of them where, where fine,
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at the time of what the currently been transported is to the capital go cardona, a 137 students, then not, not to 87 will note, will make a note of that the official number that you're providing and we thank you for that . what if anything, do you know or have you been able to learn about the conditions in which they were being held captive? what was their life like for the last 16 days? well, of course you could imagine that is which will be quite horrible. glen, by the fact that uh, this uh, uh, small children and teenagers who uh, taken into custody, you know, very uh, in heavy trouble embodiment and uh, that would be quite dealing on them. uh, but uh, the good news is that uh, that not being any issue. uh well, no, for now, any reports open down to, to manage all how this meant a search box,
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because that would help the software maybe because they may not be able to uh, to show up properly or to each property. and that is some of the things that the government would insure is done immediately to check the status of the health of the cartoon uh before the eventually handed over to them pharmacies. oh, thank you very much sir for uh making taking some time to speak to this on the program this our abilities. abdul aziz special assistance in the nigerian presidents in uh from joining us from the booge of this. our thank you. the still ahead on this else is 0 news. comcast, me story at a school in west, in uganda, with 36 people, including students, were attacked by an armed group spaced in the democratic republic of congo. i'll tell you why such border attacks are on the rise and joy among the
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heartbreak as a child is found, a live off the flooding in brazil. that's something the the had a lot of that things turned cold. the animal wintry for the 1st weekend, the spring across europe. and that's going to follow us into the new week. we'll see temperatures come down to the cause more mold and, and central areas. but also down in the south west was gonna see more of the way of rain coming in to spain and portugal. but on sunday it is looking a little bit clearer for southern parts of bruce. and i was a little rain starts to pour into island, and you can see the rain from the cold fund for the wintery mix, pushing its way across germany, on woods to poland, as well, with some snow across the outs, a winter mix as well could sweep into the bulk and some of the country existing west to whether you can see the showers stretching from it to the old web through
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ukraine, on, on woods, to western pots of russia. now it is cold across the north, we will see some of that cold weather pickup for the southeast corner as well for likes of greece and turkey. he doesn't know sex, old with sunshine physically. is that mass of rain that stopped to take hold of the ib reimpending sheila for places like spain and portugal, a bit of a war shock as we go into the new week and we'll see, temperatures comes down across the se, but also across the southwest to cities like lisbon madrid through tuesday of the science and couldn't see the changes going to occur. when you turn that science into policy, you got to go to court to get people in trouble dying coming soon.
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what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you will see that i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened . best independent. we want peace. we want the education. my wants to be the we don't have lead them in different countries policy on it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services, this placement. and then you're saying you don't have your reports with it. i should just trust the community. austin is 5 times the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the
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you watching else 0 reminder in our headlines this hour, at least 6 people had been killed. and it is really strength on the home in rockford and southern guy. so he's really wor, plains, and also bomb hun, eunice. explosions and gunfire have been reported near the master and medical complex mediation efforts. and israel's warren, gaza, appear to be stalling. allison 0 sources say is really negotiators have rejected how mazda is latest ceasefire proposal and left to talks in doha, observing ramadan. and does that has been a challenge for many palestinians, but despite the hardships, some are finding ways to keep the spirit and traditions of the fasting. month alive . culture lopez holder young has more just as good. my bill was the luckless job. the rain never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for number huh. without
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a kitchen or electricity. but since israel's war on calls, the more life has changed. she's managed to get some vegetables, but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the ham, i is never mind it before. we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mach labor rice dish. now we have to make do before the will we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e, even if last name a, a, all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians like if i a say it can also help in a sense of normality and a taste of home is only for a moment. had the cliff enough to almost to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it. despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no b for chicken, but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings
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with one another. no, like thousands of palestinians in gaza. people living in this camp and bravo have lost everything. and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives have changed in the i'm on the i'm a button. the vis ramadan is different than others. last year it was full of joy and happiness. democracy before then we were living in the house on apartments, but now this year we live in the 10th. i seem to view, it shows that even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience. one of them, i don't have them cabin electric. the one on this room a gone is stuff because of the lack of food we oscar go to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods. and the house was on a is this year more than others, family say cooking isabel, much more than food. it's a reminder of faith, generosity, tradition, and ultimately of survival. katia a little bit so the again,
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houses here in the occupied westbank. the is really army has been carrying out more raids and incursions. video shows soldiers heading into the city of hebron and targeting a shop, a number of palestinians will reportedly detained within 7700, have been arrested since the one guy. so began. palestinians have gathered on the streets of the nor shims refugee camp. east of total current video shows a man telling the crowd to the armed wing of islamic jihad, targeted a vehicle belonging to is really troops. it's apparently in response to is really raids on the camp is really strikes on eastern 11 on have injured at least 3 people . emergency crews have been deployed to the city of the back. the is really military says have targeted to hezbollah weapons workshop. it follows a series of cross border attacks in the past 6 months. the
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incident and nearly 18000000 people are facing food shortages after months of conflict, the u. n. is urging the international community to increase it supports the outlook for food production in 2024 is blink. critical. agricultural inputs, a difficult to access, as we near the 2024 main prompting season, which will begin in june with land preparation activities needing to stops already in april. simple, tiny as we conflict is devastating livestock production a critical source of both nutrition and income. as a voters and set a goal will be heading to the poles in the coming hours in one hour. in fact, polls opened for a delayed presidential election. they will choose a successor to mackey. so who's been in power for 12 years with one and 5 people unemployed? creating jobs is one of the main issues for young voters. as nicholas hack reports
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from and diane on the edge of the fishing village of and die on long as a fashion design hub. it's been created by designers, sophie ends in a see to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home. instead of go. the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source, didn't meet in san diego. in 2019, the thing is he had hoped that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election, she wants change. in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods. the largest deep sea port is under
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construction here. and mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village. instead, it has brought despair, says unemployed welter, yet could you. there are no jobs for him, nor others from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but who did this before much, he wants to get some injustice that i can't find work and i was given a state diploma and the state can't find work for me and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since 2019. it's the great thing. i want my dignity back that 53000 migrants arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed skilled men from senegal. the mayor of, in the end is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave with the state. in the vote, in this election, women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal
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sector and their contribution to the economy is overlooked. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. 6 they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in the selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical make over. he's supporting opposition candidate you might find, hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair. and overlooking said, it goes on top, potentially nicholas hawk algebra and diane, you're going to is military has warned, an armed group based in the democratic republic of congo is planning attacks last year. fighters from the allied democratic forces killed 43 people at a school near the border gap. and so it has this report from underway in west and uganda where that attack took place to julia. some boost that is still in morning
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live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on group based in the democratic republic of congo, crossed the buddha, a talk, a secondary schools, 43 people, mostly students were killed, included. he's 18 year old son mccain the idea of over took over monday. we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning guard porters are not safe, and its eliza. i came to who lives next door is suffering. a different kind of pain passed on. festus was among several people. keep about doing the raids. he's called the least diamond. he came to him pond way to look for work and stay safe from rebelar talks. me go now. i pay my child is the life in the far east. i pay to god every day to perform a miracle so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on
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a bundle and shell, after the petrol boom talks by a silence with my check, he's the escaped across the border into the room, the national park. these are the remind as of what happened here. the students were in there don't. when that talk happened, and it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape the adf, which pledge allegiance to i, so was based in uganda years ago, before being defeated by the army. the rebels then fledged to d r. c, where they've killed or keyed knob to many civilians. various government forces including the, you've gone to an army and a peacekeeping mission are reinforcing the companies on a sunday, but big the money to give you permission to the room governments. because of the, the, you for me to, for, to meet with discovery, there wasn't a welcome addition including i think the press for the data
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or both over the score. know that and it was these i get to how do they get both the box importantly ugandans here tyler's life may never be the same again, but they also say there was not in leaving fia kathy saw you all to 0 pond way less than uganda as as the box as presidential election is headed for a run off, former foreign minister and pro a u candidates event for chunk lead the 1st round with about 40 percent of the votes. you'll face the speaker of parliament, peter pelligrini, who's an ally of the prime minister. the runoff boat is scheduled for april. the 6th the us vice president is pushing for tied or gun safety laws across the country . on the campaign trail on saturday, cumberland harris toward marjorie stallman, douglas high school, that's in portland, florida, and it's, we're in 2018. a school shooter killed, 17 people. i do show castro reports. this is hallowed ground.
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the marjorie stallman, douglas high school building were 14 students, and 3 teachers died in a mass shooting 6 years ago. even now their blood stains the classrooms. cameras were not allowed inside the building out of respect for the dead, but vice president cala harris described the horrible time capsule she entered. i was in class rooms where, frozen in time, the laptops of that era are still on the desks. investigators left the crime scene untouched all these years to preserve evidence for the shooters trial. he was a troubled former student reported to police many times, but still allowed to buy guns. now that he's been sentenced to life in prison, the building will be demolished. we tell the stories, not only of how they were shot, but they were the, you know,
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the students, they all had bright futures ahead of them. tony mont alto lost his 14 year old daughter gina he says the vice president's visit was meaningful. having the attention of, of that high and office to focus on school safety and violence prevention certainly of course is, is helpful. so she spent some time going around with each of the family as she sat with us. she spoke of us, she heard about or our loved ones. since the parkland shooting florida and 20 other states passed red flag was those allow police to temporarily take away guns from people were deemed to be a danger to themselves or to others. and here in florida alone, that measure has been used more than 12000 times. harris announced a new federal program to help states implement red flag laws and call them more states to adopt them. she said she would continue pushing for
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a ban on assault weapons and universal background checks, measures that lack support in congress. and we must be willing to have the courage to say that on every level, whether you talk about changing laws or changing practices and protocols that we must do better. critics of the vice president's visit say, this was political theater. a campaign stop exploiting tragedy. but jayden, do you know, for you, a young democratic activist says voters in his generation had been craving harris's message. and so by meeting young people where they are, by going to these high schools, where these tragedies happen, where a lot of people have been affected. i think that shows that commitment to making sure that young voters are heard. guns are now the leading cause of death for american children and gun violence. expected to be a top issue for young voters in november. heidi to castro alger 0 parkland to florida.
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brazil's left wing parties of hilde rallies to mark the anniversary of the 1964 military clue. they called for those who plotted last year as attack on congress to be punished. monica yanna cap reports from south palm. the protestors took to the streets of stone phone despite the heavy rains marketing, the 60th anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say the present young democracy is still at the point, but it's not businessman, military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment for those responses the he's referring to former
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president tables. so now do we send her investigation by federal police? he's accused of plotting the school to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections, demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left wing parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both. so nato riley last month. we're seeing clearly that society is divided even an issue. there is no consensus in today's society that there was something bad for a resume or some people who would support. i'm other to resend military taking action against the government, the from running the estimate
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the right to make it come. the still ahead on else has 0 morocco is aiming to become and for cause industrial powerhouse will look at how the nation is attracting car manufacture to the the latest news as it breaks demonstrators, law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the 2 coverage posting and say that what areas did here in his final words, free power stuff made them feel sense. and for that he was saying before going from the home to the story. at least 9000 posted in families are missing at least one loved one at the table. the end of time when is that?
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that's right. now the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe christie and exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try that. you have just read the book in the process, praying for pharma good episode to the at least 13 people have been killed after a powerful storm hits southeastern brazil heavy rains of cause land slides and
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flooding. the region of rio de janeiro state has been hit hard a morocco's car exports reach nearly 14000000000 dollars last year. the nation is aiming to become a manufacturing hub. it's also hoping to make its mark and the aerospace industry as hush about how bar reports from 10 to year in the northwest. the call and making industries taking center stage in we're walk of this plant owned by friends. oh to manufacturer would know is it's pride in africa. 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any input, patches of calls, move down the production line. as a industry boons, morocco is expanding, the sport intends, yes, the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 cost every year. a seed hawaii, and his team on
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a charm offensive to pursue a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps here. the industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created the 100000 jobs. and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 off exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy day cold, and is also planning to stock manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years the hallways off because the biggest explore total caused you to that case with tax breaks, investments incentives, as police, many agreements with the u. s e u t on gulf nations to establish itself as a serious play in the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global and it's not just about manufacturing calls. the wall co is also setting it sites on
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high end technology. and aerospace of this plant we sent it, built in casablanca, is working at full capacity. it's manufacturers, possible craft. these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, voice, and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the economics, the zone middle blog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago. we felt as why the electrical coat cables and why a honda says, and today we have the companies that are producing the engine component very complex companies, big airplane manufacturers find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force and proximity to your unfortunate to, to make that profit for how she might,
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but i was just you, casablanca, or, okay, we'll take a short break, and we'll be back in the top of the hour, with a full re around up of world news right here on else's here. seeing how believes that you shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and moved from the natural habitat, family groups separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be and behaviorally sophisticated, they are how complex they are and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking. that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university and best place to understand the books. and so if we don't continue
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with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm. we don't touch. we do. we exploit, ask like a narrative from african perspective for symptom of 4 states and 2 short documentary spine, african filmmakers coordinated through by kias the simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa, direct on, i'll just be around in the land of palestine. hope is then we reach out to and let the giving begin with okay. foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you,
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we'll deliver it. so done the nights with confidence donates without kat foundation . with every has done 19 with every press who will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the whole is open and set a goal as motors, choose a new presidents as to weeks of political tension and delays and nicholas hawk in the cars. capitals set a goal where 7000000 voters are coming out to vote and it delayed but much anticipated the election. the 50 venue this is elsie relied from don't also coming up overnight is really are strikes, pause,
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widespread devastation across southern gaza. at least 6 palestinians are killed, talks to reach a ceasefire and gaza store. a mazda is israel, has.


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