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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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with a democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us been that in the body of the thing, an avalon of cut often charges even before full con, being the board bought due on the the, the, the 7000000 senegalese had to the poles for presidential election after months of unrest and delays, the time 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is alice has 0 life from don't. also coming up overnight is really are strikes force widespread devastation across the southern guns at least 6 now is the indians are killed talks to reach a ceasefire and gaza seem to stone again from us as israel has rejected this
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proposal to end. i'm rubbing, grinding how to keep you crane with the physiotherapy teams, helping keep the country soldiers in the find the so we begin an incentive goal where voting is underway indeed delayed and much anticipated presidential election. the new pulling date was announced just over 2 weeks ago. that came after an attempt by the president to postpone the vote of december, which sparked mass protests. 7000000 senegalese are eligible to choose a successor to president mackie saw who's been in power for 12 years. houses here was nicholas hack, is that a polling station in the senegalese capital the car? what are you seeing? and hearing this morning this morning, nick and so the point stations have been open for an hour now and we're seeing growing numbers of people that come out to vote. a lot of people that
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have woken up early this morning. this is the holy month of ramadan. they've been fasting, and the whole month of lent him quite a solemn atmosphere and not a lot of people talking to each other. you sense the seriousness of, of this event because of this delay the election. i mean, we spoke to a 1st time border earlier on who felt like their vote had been robbed when the decision came out to cancel these elections. and you can certainly sense that or anticipate that is going to be quite a high turn out to this election. so much is at stake for so many senegalese, this is the end of 20 years. 12 years of present lucky solves mandate. so there's a lot of hope that this vote will bring change pulling stations have opened, not it's not just across the capital, the car, but across the country we're hearing in the gas or in the southern city where we spend circle will be voting later on today. a lot of people have turned out there,
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but also in the north, in the east, really a sullen moment for the sending of these people to finally have a say on how this countries run 0 in nick the candidates have very different platforms from one another. there are establishment figures, there are political newcomers or anti establishment figures. give us a sense of the landscape for voters today. all right, so we have 17 candidates in this election. some of them just days before the vote have a said that they were counseling their elections and have dropped their wages depending on various candidates. there are 2 stand out candidates though, and they have much in common. both of our former tax inspectors there is the ruling party candidate. i'm a do boss and his former employee by through jim i fi, he's the n t establishment candidate. he was in jail just a week ago. and yet, shorts campaign where
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a lot of people didn't know who he actually was. so during the campaign we saw him the rise to stardom, their motto, the, the band political part party passed. this is sancho is july in july as sancho just to give a sense into reassure the population that's behind this candidate that isn't really well known. there is the fire brand popular opposition figure we spend sound, go behind it. this is a high stake election because this year sending goals will start extracting liquefied natural gas. all of it will go to europe. you're a bit strained to move away from russian gas. and this country will receive on president it, well whoever is president of the country will have to manage this. well, it's quite interesting that we have to former tax inspectors that are really leading the race. and that will have to decide on how that revenue is going to be
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spent 0 that that is really interesting. indeed, loading is just getting underway. we see people lining up behind you, and this polling station in the capital. nicholas hack will be coming back to you throughout the day. thank you very much. nick. as an advisor for nigeria as president says, all $137.00 school students, abducted earlier this month, had been fried previous reports. had put the number of children taking that $287.00 gunmen attacked their school in the northern state of kaduna on march 7th, kidnapping victims as young as for abilities, i feel as easy as a special assistant to the nigerian president. he says, no ransom was paid for the student's release. this is something that took a dis, a she knew o s u l said a bunch and actually a code on the 7th of march legend some 16 days ago. and since that time, the president gave it much and all that to the security forces, and they hate about, you know,
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security agencies to ensure that the students of fried in good time and induct and in the, at the hours of to do well. finally, at least by the uh, by the, the, by the abductors. and of course it took a lot of bucks, you know, engagements were in which of the prison directed that money should not be involved . and the money was not involved in this operation. there were no action was paid because the president had and yes they did that and some will not be paid because the government believed that the tories, those engaged in such a pain off by email act should not be you or that you the end is military has warned an arm group based in the democratic republic of congo is planning a tax. last year fighters from the allied democratic forces killed 43 people at a school near the border. well, cameron saw
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a has this report from pond away in west and uganda. the sight of that attack julia simple site is still in morning, live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on the group based in the democratic republic of congo, crossed the buddha, a top, a secondary schools, $43.00 people, mostly students, were killed, included, he's 18 year old son, mckindoe's idea of over took over the we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning, our porters are not safe. eliza, i came to who lives next door is suffering. a different kind of pain passed on. festus was among several people. keep about doing the raids. he's called the least diamond. he came to him pond way to look for work and stay safe from rebel. the tox nickel now, but i pray my child is a life in the far east. i pay to god every day to perform a miracle,
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so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on a bundle and show off the petrol boom talks by assailants with machetes, the escaped across the border into the beluga national park. these are the reminders of what happened here. the students were in there, don't. when that talk happened, it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape the adf, which pledge allegiance to i, so was based in uganda years ago, before being defeated by the army. the rebels been fledged to d r. c, where they've killed or kidnapped many civilians. various government forces including the, you've got an army and a peacekeeping mission are reinforcing. the companies on e 10 big the money to give you permission to the wrong 30 minutes. because of the you from me to fund it. we discovered it was quite
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a petition as you to be. i think the press for the data or both over the score. now that enables these agents to how do they get both the box importantly, ugandans. here tyler's life may never be the same again, but they also say the will not in leaving fia kathy saw you all to 0 pond way less than uganda. the . it's a goes in where is really war? planes of bombing hun, eunice in the south of the strip. one staff member of the palestinian red cross has been killed by his really forces while working at the amount of hospital for the south in rasa. at least 6 people were killed when is really forces targeted at home . emergency crews are trying to reach the wounded, were buried under the rubble and recover any body's 84 palestinians have died in
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the last 24 hours. while alison's here as honey. my mood joins us now. live from rough, honey. what's the current situation on humanitarian aid? getting into the strip. i ask you this because the un secretary general says that it's time to flood gaza with a those are his words. but the head of the largest agency in gaza on the wall says that trucks have once again been denied access to the north. the yes, we're looking at right now or yes, across the board. this a tragedies after a tragedy, not all the people that been in during the intense bombing campaign that literally has destroyed the old means of life, including distribution points. whether here in rough city, within the past couple weeks, or in a, in the northern part where there is an actual spam and spreading like fire and has already killed a 27 and children because of that. and for the hydration and as far vision. but the
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fact that the you and achieve visit the not discharge is really military or from making a decision of denying humanitarian trucks to largely hungry traumatized northern part of this trip. not only do united, but within the past few weeks, these really military deliberately targeted 8 seekers. 8 more cars as well as in a truck called voice, making their ways to the central parts as well as the northern part of the ga strip . there is a large, there's a lot of restriction and obstruction on the global human, a $3.00 and $8.00. we're looking at people here are searching for essential basic needs on daily basis. the daily struggling for people to find food, to find water, to find basic survival items. so they could combat they were really grave situations are created by the ongoing bombings, every with that has literally changed everything for them and made their life very difficult. so far,
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we're looking at very trick amount of 8 since the beginning of the war. it's important to remind our viewers that before the war, god, the daily needs of food supplies and water supplies, and other survival items is about 5500 trucks a day. and right now, the total number of a truck since the beginning of award that happening allowed into gaza is not nearly enough of what people need to face the greater needs of their daily struggle analysis. here is honeywell mode reporting from rough, a honey as always, thank you for your work, a nation efforts to end israel's war and gaza appear to be storing houses. he or his learned is really negotiators rejected homeless. his latest proposal for a ceasefire. there are reports, these really delegation has left the talks in doha and returned home by some name is a member of homeless political bureau. and he told eleanor 0 is really only interested in the release of the captive, not in ending the war. it was very shocking that i've been with you to have
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unfortunately accept it to, to uh, to uh, to convey or to handle this. so any ideas to the, to, to, to our, to our side. because based on studies went on buddies to look good to certain decisions on products with them and see if those ends with americans. we have promised that at least these to treat the demands of adult as these failed the tooth and withdrawal. and that it can, of a lot of these people to them, houses, there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either, so i know suddenly uh out of nothing this right is object and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. because nothing about these fab is about intermediates in yahoo is so we're using the negotiations as a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plan by
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complete from budman, the rest of the guys a fit, including good offer and to release the attention insight is laid up also to the needs and measuring. i'm pretty sure you're in these to security council discussions in it before it is about new or rejection of anything. this aggression, despite of all the bushes, is still a head on alpha 0 must go in morning south to friday's concert whole attack. while the government brings in new security measures and the us vice president calls the stricter gun control of the sides of the high school shooting that killed 17. the remnants from a tropical storm injected quite a bit of moisture into the atmosphere in central australia. however,
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one cares of proof, alice $136.00 millimeters over 48 hours. might that sound like a lot, but this is actually half a year's worth of rain and 48 hours. so i think one more day of intense rain on monday before eventually this rain will begin to pete out and dry off. nobody is drive across southern australia, especially in the west, per se could string together. it's dry 6 months stretched in quite some time. so watch carefully also in the southeast corner, looking quite good as well to new zealand, different story rain and wind alerts and plays this disturbance rolls into south island. and let's go to and to china right now with this phrase off the south china sea. that's pumping in humidity to northern vietnam and china is high and an island temperatures will feel in the forty's here and then for china is against the river valley. this is pretty interesting, both in the west and the east. we've got warrants, but sandwiched in between cool and wu han, this will eventually drop down temperatures in shanghai. and once the sun pokes out temperatures and will hon,
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come up. now this disturbed weather will pour into japan que should cocoa in southern honshu. and this one's going to be quite trenching on tuesday. the steve nature does not function. we don't exist. we depend, which takes care of itself from nature, we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct, is exception was there should be this month on sort of discussions that come through the noise upfront on how to 0 the
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the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. voting has just begun instead of goals delayed presidential election. the new pulling date was announced just 2 weeks ago after an attempt to postpone the vote of december sparks and months of interest. at least 6 people have been killed. and then this really strikes on a home in rasa that some southern gaza is really wor, planes of also bombs on eunice, explosions and gunfire happened, reported near the necessary medical and mediation efforts to end. israel's one doesn't appear to be stalling out as you were. sources say is really negotiators have rejected almost as late a ceasefire proposal and left the tongues that were happening in doha. does talk about that with some very professor of international affairs here at guitar university. it's always hard to know exactly what's going on really in these talks from the outside looking in. but what is your read on it?
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i think the gap is still there between these writers and come us and it is where it is our met and willing get to me how much, how much demands at least the love you through on. and they want to uh, offer them something that can help them sending out to continue the door. so this sees fire department one is nothing has electric on until uh what he's looking for is just, you know, um to be seen as someone who's looking for a permanent solution. but the, you know, simultaneously he's undermining the folks from within buying. that's empowering his delegation to, uh, negotiate, and every time you know, they have to go back to leave and get the instructions. and these i was told in tactics used by nothing you all in order to bring the whole negotiation source 10 to 7. so if i understand correctly, your read on it is, benjamin netanyahu is not negotiating in earnest. he doesn't actually want a deal in that you're set up in a bit safe. yes, he's not willing to get the deal that would enable him as to be seen as someone who
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achieve something he wants to continue his war and he wants to probably at the the americans end up here. and as if he's trying to help everyone to get to a deal, but you know, he's undermining at the negotiations by a changing to getting into demand. that's all actually uh, that's even larger than the argument of netanyahu. and other seniors really figure is, is that the more we meaning, the more they these realize put pressure on how much the, the better deal we can hope to get in yet? do you believe that argument? why do you mean uh that they've been, they made this perfectly clear enough from the get go and the only minutes we operation? well, we can have my son mix him as a compromise and, and conceived and disabled as it, has there been much compromise so far? i think they offer something. i mean, i'm, us, position has changed a little bit execute will say in order to make this be possible. but there's rate
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is not buying into these ladies once more concessions they want to me, the human beings even come us. and they simply, i mean, he, i'm talking about and it's in the all, personally, he wants to keep his coalition in tax without really going in and, and, and in a deal that would raise different questions that he can't answer. i mean, he, i'm talking to more than tennessee and as a word on the united nations because we saw the un security council and ultimately, vito, a draft resolution that would have called for that did call for an immediate cease fire that was put forward by the us, there's going to be another draft resolution that's expect to be voted on. that's tomorrow. monday much shorter, much simpler calling for an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan. do you think that has any chance of passing this time? i doubt that because the americans, i'm not really into this kind of business. the americans want to, they called but they just yesterday or 2 days ago they called for a ceasefire. yeah. but it's condition, you know,
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it's condition for with the release of the, with the hostages. but like is straight for a cease fire resolution without condition, i doubt that. so you don't think that they'd have their backs against the wall because they've been arguing for the last 34 days. the us now wants to cease fire. there's a very simple short simply where did text on the table going for a ceasefire. they kind of would have to vote for it. you don't believe that i didn't believe that the americans will go down that way. all right, sounds good. all right, thank you so much for joining us. is it out? or russia has carried out your strikes in west and ukraine. in the early hours of sunday, keith says it's air defense systems managed to repel the attack. a polish authorities say that they will demand an explanation from most go after one of the messiah was breached. it's your space. meanwhile, the ukrainian military claims that it's hit to russian ships, a communication center and other black safely infrastructure that's in the crime in port this deductible. the recent increase in russian attacks are putting pressure
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on ukrainian medical units on the front line. health workers are looking at innovative ways of helping wounded soldiers recover. officer with rob mcbride traveled the eastern ukraine and spent time with soldiers on the front lines. not far from the front line, they don't yet region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of drone attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars of the trend, little book, the bottomless, there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we are a lot busier fellow medic late and it shows us their ambulance, which they used to meet up with units bringing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transfer to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty off to treatment centers like this one in hockey, the ne, in ukraine. also a physical and psychological support to help recovery,
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but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion 2 years ago. so we can with this machine or i shall landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog, you only remember fragments t like the other. so just come here for regular treatment before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring defensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need. formal soldiers with an emphasis on keeping the experienced troops on the front line even enough to enjoy the scent, is also offered vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patient's are so happy, it's like they're on holiday when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line. and this offers a distraction from that. as this was, shows no sign in defending these are services seemingly in increasing demand. rob
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mcbride, douches, era. how do you crate? a russian president vladimir putin has imposed new security measures after friday's concert hall attacking your moscow at least a $154.00 people were killed and more than a $150.00 were injured. sunday has been declared a national day of mourning or sa jabari reports from moscow. the scene, the morning after one of the worst attacks by an armed group in russia's recent history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived. and it was, this was enough. they started to shoot in our direction, they shot people through petro bombs. people were panicking, and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals struck a heavy security and check points. now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. the people have been coming here all
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day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. and what officials call a terrible tragedy the task of recovering the bed is expected to continue for the next few days, as will the morning of the families of the victims. along with the rest of the country, president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the move in? we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them on you. no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of this golden panic connection multinational societies. as the president address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow. the f s b security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine, and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported. we show stores of ammunition seized by
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officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i saw in afghanistan has claimed responsibility door, so jabari, i'll just sarah moscow. you'll be a shovel. oliver joins us from moscow. you'll get start by telling us where you are and what's happening around you. yes, 0. i'm just standing majors away from the coca city whole. what the upside, the bloodiest subsonic in the decades a took place. so basically, hundreds of people are surrounding me because they said bringing flowers of balloons, candles, and toys as well. because as you remember, at least 3 children have been killed in that attack and many more were wounded. and just a short while ago,
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a minute of silence was held here. we're receiving information that the band concert hole will be restored and that follows from the official statements of the call cuz a city whole international group. in the meantime, the clearance of the verbal continues inside the whole address cruise and looking for people who are remaining under the rubble as well as for the voters of the dead and the numbers may rise. okay, but let's talk a little bit about the investigation still in fairly early stages of course. but what is the latest that you've learned as well, the investigation, of course, is under way uh, yesterday on saturday 11 people who allegedly took pos, invest sold, including those who had to let you live in a sure thing as killing people. where does haynes and there is a heavy police presence near the bus monday kolton most co way here is
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a security measures have been tyson that a series of civilities at the suspects of back to me. thing that talk in congress may be taken into cost to do that with a question still remains about who's behind that the time of the russian president alleged the b ukrainian side. what's involved and we hear the some of the rhetoric from a number of russian politicians while the russian needs as directly blames ukraine . so that's how they say the big talk cuz we're trying to flee to ukraine. but the ukranian side was preparing a safe passage for them. and they also tried to avoid saying the beast, cuz i'm actually work from subject castanan older not to ignite the races. so nationalist, red tricks, they have all those transactions trots people's attention from thinking about the role of intelligence and security services and prevention. they talk you'll hear something valuable reporting from uh, just outside the sites of the attack in moscow. thank you very much,
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julia. now the us nice president is pushing for tighter gun safety laws while on the campaign trail. complet harris's toward the margery stone and douglas high school in parkland florida. we're in 2018, a school shooter killed. 17 people. i do show castro reports from parkland. this is hallowed ground, the margery storm, and douglas high school building where 14 students and 3 teachers died in a mass shooting 6 years ago. even now their blood stains the classrooms. the cameras were not allowed inside the building out of respect for the dead, but vice president carmella harris described the horrible time capsule she entered . i was in class rooms where, frozen in time, the laptops of that era are still on the desks. investigators left the crime scene untouched all these years to preserve evidence for the shooters trial. he was
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a troubled former student reported to police many times, but still allow to buy guns. now that he's been sentenced to life in prison, the building will be demolished. we tell the stories, not only of how they were shot, but who they were. you know, the students, they all had bright futures ahead of them. tony mont alto lost his 14 year old daughter gina. he says the vice president's visit was meaningful. having the attention of, of that high and office to focus on school safety and violence prevention. certainly of course is, is helpful. she spend some time going around with each of the families. she sat with us. she spoke of us, she heard about our loved ones. since the parkland shooting florida and 20 other states passed, the red flag was those allow police to temporarily take away guns from people were deemed to be a danger to themselves or to others. and here in florida alone,
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that measure has been used more than 12000 times. harris announced in.


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