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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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come down in many costs, well to understand how it affects our daily lives, just outline for us how big a problem is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on outages in the millions of people in senegal or voting for a new president. after weeks of tension and political interest. i'm nicholas hawk. infinity goal is capital the card 3 hours since the pulling stations have opened. and thousands of people have come out here to vote in delayed and much on since faded presidential election. the several venue to have you with us. this is alice has 0 live from doha,
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also coming up. israel continues to target guns, a southern region of rafa in a series of strikes on 3 residential homes. at least 8 palestinians are killed. rema done at the time of more palestinians and gaza. find ways to keep traditions alive against old logs, the russian airstrikes hit the ukrainian capital for a 2nd time in a week in poland says and mister ronald violated its air space. the so we begin in senegal, where voting is now underway in the delayed and much anticipated presidential election. the new pulling date was announced just over 2 weeks ago that came after an attempt by the president to postpone the vote to december, sparking mass protests, 7000000 senegalese or eligible to choose
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a successor to president mackie. so who has been in power for 12 years? houses here was nicholas hack is indeed medina, neighborhood of the capital, the car, nick or are you able to get an early sense of what the turnout is looking like? look this neighborhood in the medina, i've been here this pulling station in previous elections and i can tell you there's a lot more people coming out to vote and it's interesting who those people are young and a lot of men young men, but also women see team members of the electorate key in this election because women make up large essential parts of the electorate in san diego, and young voters can tip the voice, the vote in either direction. what's interesting here in medina is this with the side of unprecedented protest in 2021. we saw police fire tear gas to protest
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or is it just outside this pulling station? there's a large support for opposition. figure we spend some going, we've seen during this campaign, a lot of young people attending these rallies where his deputy, but sewage of my 5 is running the big is challenge for them for the supporters of bi sewage in my part is to make sure that these young people actually come out and vote today, but it seems that this pulling station they are indeed coming out to vote. and so as we know many voters incentive goal there for a lie, we're afraid the election might not happen at all. now that it is happening now that they are voting, what are they telling you? well yes, fear has been replaced by anticipation and for some anger anger due to the fact that this presidential election was cancelled and delayed. and that we had so much turmoil in disturbances provoked not by the people, not by the voters themselves, but that of political politicians and their political leads. and so this election
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is an opportunity for people to be able to express either their discontent towards the ruling party or either their desire for change. and that's what we're seeing. and this selection really 2 different vision of where to take the country ahead. on the one hand, the ruling party candidate and the former prime minister. i do bob who was the director or who presents himself as a tax inspector. and you can see that in, in his campaign, a campaign rallies and on the other side. but through july 5 also a time tax inspector. one was the employee, the other, the boss, and now they're heading to the polls against each other, with a very different divisions on where to take the country. press the region by 5, once an overall visits and he wants to renegotiate the oil and gas contraction wants to break away with the relationship with for us,
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a former colonial power and the common currency known as the csc. on the other hand, the there was a ruling party candidates as well. we shouldn't change things. there has been a lot of work done to invest in big infrastructure projects. he wants to continue that task and he's focusing on food security in this country. now it's up to the setting of these people to decide, and we're 3 hours since the beginning of the polls. so i wish to go before the pulling station or close 0. absolutely. nicholas hack will be road checking in with you throughout the day and later on today for the results. of course, nick hack reporting from the car. thank you very much. i a it's a goes and now where at least 8 people were killed. one is really forces bonded homes and rossa children are among the wounded victims of the latest bombardment have
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been taken to the nurse or hospital. the health industry says at least 80 for palestinians have died in the last 24 hours. i was 0 is honey mountain, who does live from rossa? so it's 11 pm and guys are where you are hunting. what's been happening this one, the yes, well so far we're looking at the an updated number of the casualties of from over night attacks. and the early hours of this morning, it is the attack within the past hour or so. here in the southern part of the city been like half kilometer away from a good way to the hospital where 4 people would pronounce that get killed out as of as a result of an air strike on their residential home to children of mine. those were killed in 2 adults fire. in fact, it brought it up to a hospital in a plastic bag, in pieces that they were directly hit by the missile that was fired by, by a drunk in an early or attack. and the eastern part of robots did the work,
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the people, as one more person was removed from under drugs. the rebels added to the initial number of 7 people who were pronounced godes. an overnight, we're looking at 12 people so far. and one of the bloodiest nights and drop off. uh so do you mean wine in con, you and is these really military and the internal security agency issued a statement about the operations in han you and is where it is stated. that is really military, along with the, with the internal security agency, are conducting a military operation in western part of hon units, mainly at another hospital. and it was very that goes on the city by eliminating and destroying interest infrastructure. so far. what we learned from the policy re, crescent society that manages and operate hospital in han you and is that is really military under here. the coverage of attack, drones and chain shows and military chapters. bush deeper from the area, definitive, not their hospital all the way through the western part of visit upon you and is
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around the hospital where it's blocked, the entrance of the hospital with piles of fans. a right now what it's doing is calling and ordering people to evacuated the hospital using quite a lot of speakers attached on his wife's captors and asking ordering people to leave the building only with their under wears on. and that's what we heard from a civil defense, great apparent metix from the powers by rick preston, society. and that's the very latest from inside the gaza strip, without the zeros honey mountain with their and rasa. thank you, honey mediation efforts. and israel's one does appear to be stalling. houses 0 has learned is really negotiators rejected almost his latest proposal for a ceasefire. there are reports, these really delegation has left the talks in doha and returned home. russia has carried out a series of your strikes on western ukraine. keith says it's air defense systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary reports suggest no casualties or major
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damage. witnesses say that they heard explosions and saw some missiles being shut down polish authority, say one russian messiah violated poland. aerospace before returning to ukraine and ukrainian forces say that they've had 2 russian landing ships, a communication center and other infrastructure in crimea, or russian appointed official says air defenses intercepted and destroyed more than 10 ms. silas targeting the 4th city of deductible. the recent increase in russian attacks is putting pressure on ukrainian medical units on the front line. health workers are looking at innovative ways of helping wounded soldiers recover from mcbride, travel to eastern ukraine to find out more is not far from the front line. and you don't yet region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of drone attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars of the trend,
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little book, the bottomless, there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we have a lot busy fellow medic late and it shows us there ambulance, which they used to meet up with units bringing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transfer to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty off to treatment centers like this one. in hockey, the ne and ukraine of a physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion. 2 years ago, so we can always machine, the shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog. you only remember fragments. t like via the. so just come here for regular treatment before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring offensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need for most soldiers with an emphasis.
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ready on keeping the experience troops on the front line even enough to enjoy the centers also offer vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patients are so high, but it's like they're on holidays when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line. and this offers a distraction from that. as this rule shows, no sign in defending these a service is seemingly in increasing demand run mcbride, delta zeta. how to keep you? great. the russian president vladimir puts in it has imposed new security measures . after friday's concert hall attack in moscow, at least a $154.00 people were killed and more than a $150.00 were injured. sunday has been declared a national day of mourning, dosage of already reports from moscow. the scene, the morning after one of the worst attacks by an army group in russia's recent history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened,
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including those who survived. and they started to shoot in our direction. they shot people and through federal bombs. people were panicking and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals sit on the heavy security and check points, now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials call a terrible tragedy. the task of recovering that, that is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country. president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the movie and we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack and who prepared
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this strike against russia and its people keep one who no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of discordant panic. connection multinational society as a president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute to donate blood at centers in moscow of the fs. the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i saw in afghanistan has claimed responsibility door, so jabari, i'll just sarah moscow. ukraine's president has rejected. vladimir pretends accusation, the suspects arrested for the moscow constant all attack or trying to flee to ukraine. he says the russian leader is trying to deflect the blame for his security
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failures, which is on the stores of st. montessori you instead of addressing russian citizens pollutant was cited for the whole day thinking about how to link it to your crane. everything is completely predictable. step single. still ahead on al jazeera morocco is aiming to become africa's industrial powerhouse. so we'll look at how the nation is attracting car manufacturers. the of these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely undesirables. the viability of many ecosystems is at stake, as is the viability of civilization, as we know it's dying. coming soon, the end of time when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe,
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christine exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try to if you have just read a book in the process. praying for pharma good episode to the biggest global that actually out in history, the world's biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join me street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode, i'd be examining whether democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us been that in there will be a facing an avalon cut often charges even before full talked on being the board bought to the veto, the
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the, the, you're watching else a 0 a reminder of our headline this. our voting is underway instead of goals delayed presidential elections. the new pulling date was announced just 2 weeks ago after an attempt to postpone the elections to december sparked months of unrest. at least 8 people have been killed when he's really forces bummed homes and rossa, and southern gaza children. armando wounded, at least $84.00 palestinians have died in the last 24 hours. russia has carried out the series of the strikes on the west, and ukraine keeps says it's here. a defense systems managed to repel the attacks. meanwhile, polish authorities say one russian miss silas violated poland aerospace before returning to ukraine and politicians were on the campaign trail in turkey, head of local elections. next sunday, voters will be electing mayors and city council members. president,
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rich of type are the ones that a k party is trying to win back is stumble and and correct it lost them in 2019. are the ones party one last year is general election with an outright majority inflation and the rising cost of living. our major campaign issues, houses who were sent him, costello joys me from his stumble, so send him the president, president 3rd one has been active in the campaign. tell us about his role and his involvement and these local elections for $25.00
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. a fact, ms. city basically it when more than $16000000.00 population and it is going to be more out for his off car seat and of course at the wal mad general election last year. but he's supposed to make things easy for him and his id sent him to the stage is set for the symbol rally behind you, which is expected to draw a large crowd. talk to us about the specific big challenges of beat assemble as well as the stumble as the largest city,
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the attraction centers for the whole country. there are too many people around the romans is off so many at the premium selection. the, the the reaction from the retail in the 2nd i guess who's made a captive as a part of candidate that mistake with that change of what the difference of 800000 . that's why he received the level of support not only from the opposition, but also the officers, the people who are offended with the, as far as the policies send them respectfully, i apologize,
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but i'm gonna have to jump in many times. we have a live event out of the go to the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, just as he's been after his visit to ross the border between egypt and gotcha. real quick too. so i don't want to know. okay, um, you know, it seems we're not getting the audio at the moment as soon as we do, we will bring you that speech live. this is by the secretary general of the united nations, antonia with tears who has just been visiting the situation at the border between the egypt and gaza. this is that the rough uh check point where some of the aid that's been getting into gaza. that's been one of the main points of entry along with caring show um as we know the a car and i will sell them in arabic as we know the, the, the position of the un secretary general is that a lot more
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a needs to be getting into garza and he called yesterday on the international community to put itself on the right side of history. he said it quote, it is time to flood gaza with more humanitarian aid. now an advisor for nigeria as president says, all $137.00 school students, abducted earlier this month, had been freed. previous media reports had put the number of children taken at 287 gunmen attacked their school in the northern state of kaduna on march 7th, kidnapping victims as young. as for a city garber shay, who is a security analyst and he says this kidnapping was not motivated by politics or religion. the windows looking up, your static if would have been, but i would get you woke up just to get touched. where would go when you swap for then we'll see just to come up. well, somebody just, once he was there,
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how about some of you have this interest of uh uh, wisdom education is he's a portion of the country, but in the northwest, what's where having just been, what's the group of friends? mostly just i do want to cuz i just didn't want to vision for them. i believe them . what divisions? yeah. is i the peculiarity that is what do you, what is that also? so one of the lead would be to get to the of what you get to you when they get to come to turn them into 6 list. i'm sending it to you. i was like, well, i think that's the way i see it. just one or 2 reasons for just loved. it seemed like one way of seeing uh, we used to see what, but why don't give them a piece this people and the, for the money for the, for the, for the rest of the to morocco's car exports reached nearly 14000000000 dollars last year. the nation is aiming to become a manufacturing hub. so also hoping to make its mark in the aerospace industry as i shall have our reports from 10 year the call and making industries taking center stage in we're walk of this plant owned by friends. oh to manufacturer would
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know is it's pride in africa. 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any infections as cause move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expanding, the sport intends. yes, the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 cost every year. a seed hawaii, and his team on a charm offensive to pursue a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps he did. industrial zones, have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created 800000 jobs. and this same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 off exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy. they gold and is also
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planning to stock manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years the hallways off because the biggest export total cost decades with tax breaks, investments incentives, as please my agreements with the us. he took the on golf nations to establish itself as a serious play in the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global and it's not just about manufacturing calls, but wal cove is also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca, is working at full capacity. it's manufacturers, possible background. these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, weiss and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the
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economics, the zone mid bog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical coat cables and why a honda is a 2 day. we have uh, companies that are producing the engine component very complex. come put on big airplane manufacturers. find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force and bucks submitted to your unfortunate to, to make that profit for ask your mind. well, this is eva casablanca, they're coming back to israel's war on. does it now and observing ramadan has been a challenge for many palestinians, but summer finding ways to keep the spirit of the holy month a live culture lopez holding out and has more. i got my bill because i had the luckless job. the rain never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for another ha, without
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a kitchen or electricity. but since these rules were on cause the more life has changed. she's managed to get some vegetables, but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the ham, i is never mind it before. we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mach labor rice dish. now we have to make do before the will we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e, even if last name a, a, all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians like he fires, say it can also help in a sense of normality. and a taste of home is only for a moment. had the cliff enough to allow us to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it. despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no b for chicken, but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings
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with one another. now like thousands of palestinians and garza people living in this camp. and rafa have lost everything and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives have changed in the i'm on the, i'm a button. the vis ramadan is different than others. last year was full of joy and happiness. democracy before then we were living in the houses and apartments, but now this year we live in the 10th. i seem to view, it shows that even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience over the model. and them cabin electric, the one on this room, a gone his stuff because of the lack of food we oscar, go to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods. and the house was a may of this year, more than others. family say, cooking is about much more than food. it's a reminder of faith, generosity,
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tradition, and ultimately of survival. katia little this of the again, houses here and that does it for me. so then yeah, is it today inside story is next it will look at whether the un security council can agree on a gaza ceasefire as the the hello i think we'll see some landslide alerts issued for southern japan. however, one. so all has to do with this disturbance point in right across the korean peninsula and southern japan. but by tuesday we're in the thick of its q should cocoa and southern honshu dark in the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling. now this is all coming from a system. we have a long chinese. the n c river valley is going to dramatically dropped the temperature in shanghai. but look to the west of the yangtze river valley chung
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chain 26 degrees for india. with this breeze off the bay of bank. all that's going to is sparks and storms in the northeast, right through bung with dash, but otherwise elsewhere across the country. it is a quiet picture to the middle east. we go still this round of intense rain moving from iraq into a ron. but it's also kicking back a band of showers and storms across central southern saudi arabia into the south west of yum. and let's go in here for a closer look. who gets tracked with some showers, kuwait, spa brain and cats are but the bulk of that energy, again falling in iran. and there's that line of showers just now dropping down into southern saudi arabia, where there had been some big storms and hailstones. but i think the worst of the rain will actually be in southern iraq. sure, as could see a month's worth in 24 hours. the palestine is once a very different place for today. most of the cities became connected to the
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interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well, here's historians and i'd witness accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers. the reach of was multiple investments were excess, moving from one city to another, kind of starting 1920. on al jazeera time, the united nations security council agree on a resolution cooling for cease fire, incarcerated, subject to the latest text drafted by the us. other members will present a new one, but how not easy to pos and if it does, how would it be in force? this is inside stored, the hello that on james bay's the.


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