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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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this tony would you like us to simply make chocolate revolution from booking a file. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just be around the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and then this is the news on life from joe coming off in the next 60 minutes. millions of selleger leaves are voting in a presidential election after months of unrest and delays. i am nicholas hawk, and then it goes capital the car, 5 hours before the pulling station close,
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sending these people have come out in numbers to cast their votes. and a nightmare. and a 137 nigerian students kidnapped by government are released. the government insisted did not pay any run some. israel target's guys a southern region of rafa, which strikes some 3 residential buildings. at least 15 palestinians are killed, the auctioneer strikes or can you find it in capital for a 2nd time in a week on poland says a miss isle violated it's airspace is full for me. no one will champion max for stop and his problems at the australian go on pace for fire, fire, there's 1000 fails to finish. as sarah is called a science claims victory in melvin. the
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we're gonna start this out in senegal for voting in the much anticipated. i'm much delayed presidential election is now under way. 7000000 people are choosing a successor to president mackey south has been in par for 12 years now. these polls what an artist just over 2 weeks ago after an attempt by the president to postpone the vote to december. that sponsor mass protests threatening setting goals position is one of those westoff because most stable democracies. yeah, they look at the demo glossy democracy's being rolled back. the bubble of democracy is very important in this country. cool, so i resume will say, no, there's not enough working. young people are struggling like me. we're struggling. we don't have a good joke. we want the president to help, especially the young from instead of migrating his budget to stay in your country with the advancement of your country and above all yourself, you study to have a good family. what kind of goals enjoyed an economic boom under prizes and solve, but many people in the field of that wealth hasn't been shared equally us unemployment and the rising cost of living have been the main issues in this
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election. i don't get to take a look at the main candidates incentive goals election. i'm gonna do boss is present in my case, i was hand picked successor from the alliance for the republican party. bought several deal may fate as the chosen candidates of opposition. the ocean sancho, both of them were recently released from prison. fate is part of a coalition that includes members of the dissolved pos stuff policy for the for how because saul is a to time mayor of car and he was previously jailed and phone charges, which is supposed to say, well, politically motivated. if it is a set as a former prime minister, who came 2nd in the 2019 election mohammed boon dollar deal and is also a former prime minister. and he was chief of the central bank of west african states. and on top of account and rome is the only female candidate, she advocates for helping the private sector and for your health care on nicholas sykes in the medina neighborhood of the capital dot com. and if you want me to cover these elections,
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turner is always key. what kind of impression are you getting about the numbers of people who are turning out to vote today? well, this is a police station of the medina in downtown the car. it's a place where we've seen protests in 2021 even last year or a few months ago when these elections were delayed. and i've seen a lot of women and young people coming out to vote in this selection. a came demographics in this election is he mentioned despite a booming economy. we've seen a record number of young senegalese men leaving this country, trying to make it to europe to find employment that they cannot find at home. join me, you know, is the new chief observer for the european union, molly, new york? thank you for joining us. now. you've been observing these elections since this morning and on many of these before. what have you seen so far? where the european union has an observation to begin with, and it's around
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a 100 of servers, but also a, a love and a list of experts that are here since the 13th of january. so we are following the process throughout, you know, the preparations and also, and the, the, the, the, the day as we say i'm in the, after the counting him and the, the completion of the, from the opening this morning, our servers, i mean, it's a partial partial the picture, but we have seen that there has been quite some juice on the bill cuz it shows that people are mobile. i. it's not necessarily the best thing if it's called the move likes to go and use their the right to go to and to express, you know, they're, they're used for the future. and then we also see that everything has been done. you know, people have the, the image, these are, are punching in when they're serenity in the process. i would say the quality power
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of sufficient was the people here want to free and fair election to delete old x. and then that was taking place when the counting begins. what are you teaching? try to observe and to make sure that is made public and you know, as, as you know, we're here on the invitation of the synagogue visa. there's, this is a partners you put them up for sale for democratic institutions and it'd be on the goals. you know, we do our own servers. we'll let you know, look at the count because of all saying that in the, in the bureaus to their survey. and then they will also be hopefully be at the sensors where, where quotes are completely combined. and that's the national one. and there are also the hoops, our service will be there and able to transparency a part of this process and trying to publish these results online. and some of the also that you're calling for, well, i think, you know, in, in fort for us to have the most comfortable transparency for all stakeholders. it says it's a very good practice. we try to push on that everywhere we go into publish results
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and but for each of the bureau isn't very good practice to, to the transparency of the process. and i think the compilation is another one. and of course the com around the whole linux space. it's a huge sale until the election results will be published. yeah, our mission is here with our around 100 of servers and all the regents of 10, again, they wouldn't be there tonight to put all the process. and we will also be here on the days to follow on victoria. so of course it should then be a 2nd while in your, from the european union. thank you very much for joining us. so this is an election that is high in stakes to stand out candidates. but through jim i find from the opposition a former employee from the tax department running against his former boss. and i do by the former prime minister, and also
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a tax inspector at state is the number as well that will be exported to europe fits or the liquefied natural gas that will go to europe. what, who and how well this will be spent is one of the key issues in the selection and of course, unemployment, unemployment, and unemployment. these young men that are still looking for jobs, trying to keep them in the country and to find work for them. this is an election where there is no clear leader which clearly is change is going to come. it's the end of president monkey. so 12 years in office. so there's a lot of expectation. and then with the change in this election 5 hours ago before the posts for this and we'll be watching next. thank you very much. indeed. obviously, as you say, there's a lot of stake of these elections. we're going to be coming back to you regularly to find out what the next 5 hours, how things are going either voting nicholas hoc in the car. thank you. as an advisor from nigeria, as president says, all 137 school students, abducted earlier this month,
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have been fried previous media. reports had put the number of children taken at 287 gun on attack. the school and northern state of kaduna on march the 7th, some of the kid, nothing victims with as young as 4. can you is the executive director of partners, west africa, nigeria. it's a non governmental organization dedicated to improving security in the region. and she's joining us from a bush. i thank you very much. indeed for being with us. can i ask you, 1st of all, why there is this discrepancy and the numbers that the media were reporting what originally came up and the numbers who have actually been freed. thanks for having me again. i, well, i struggle with me personally and this up, but this is a question. i've also asked them some of my clinics around this morning. why does this we've been in the, in see goes the one you've been like him. the only reason all suggestions that come to my head is i though we did not get the numbers right at the beginning,
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which speaks to i would, i'd say it'd be the responsibility love to be made to a responsibility. the part of the act of it means that that was not the proper audits of the community to know how many children way should not go, how many persons by taking the weight of a big. i mean, that's a we, i what can, in such a, as we know that the schools are not the 6 up the way the schools in may just, it is that sets up. so you can have a number of children coming to school depending on the time of the day how, what, but no matter the situation there ought to have been a proper audits for us to be for us to know precisely how many to dread with fox, the way, how many went boys, how many way girls? i saw the i read online the statement from the h q. i'm the broke down the numbers for all this time around 137 of the numbers of
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go, the number of the mills, the numbers of females. but from the initial story, we've never got that kind of breakdown. we never had to be we. we never had a situation where the initial fiegel came back. anybody came about to say no, it wasn't this number, this was the number of persons that were taken away. so i'll state level because the bbc and not the due diligence on the part of all active. and i imagine it was probably very concerning for parents and relatives and thoughts, and perhaps their child may being close up and this because initially the number was so high, but obviously subsequently didn't turn out to be the case. i want to ask you about why the kidnappers free the students, what's your assessment of why they might have done that, given the fact that the government is saying upon me that there was no run some paid as well. i believe that there might be some that was the issue on taking place. right. and we are in the rama down season. but whatever,
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18th, right, whatever the, whatever the reasons are, and the fact that the girls, the children have been rescued. we do not see. there's still a little matter of hope. i've come to be easy. so who are the people that took away this go the ticket with the children? oh, the which girl? why did they take the big children the way? i mean they did, we run it. something was not paid, same reason. you're asking, why did they release the, the, the children? these are questions that are big in full and that is not enough to have the children baffled for us to see it. so to add to this trust that is to this criminal activities that people need to be held responsible to the guy, the system needs to be held accountable. i wanted to ask you, because i mentioned before that your organization's dedicated to improving security in the region. and if i understand correctly,
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the kidnapping of children and families, not only for ideological reasons, by groups, but also phone monetary reasons for financial reasons to get run since is very wide spread. given the scale of the problem, how difficult is it to try to keep people safe in the face of these possible kidnappings? it is 50 times. it is um, on a scale of $1.00 to $10.00, i'll say $1.00 a month, less than one ride of keeping people's dates. because the other mental, the structure that is within your own, we bring the individual own responsibility, see what the individual can do. what, how much more kind of individual do with dana struck so within that that has become a pervasive that has become criminalized, right? or you don't even know who takes ross, right within the community. so that's all you would say that the different elements
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of the carry just basically apartments is that could be put to place by the community meant. but overlying that all that we enforce and that is the space appliances and the space of parts as best from the local government before it comes to the states itself. display comes to the federal . like i said, the last time the local government hired to is totally not like this that we kind of know, but we, we kind of shy away from this. right. so when you say come in, it just struck just put in place at the local government level. what are we looking at with seeing the system invest in the reports. we get the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the rescue operation was carried out by the office of the national security to advise the, working closely with the, with the, with the, with the defense headboard size and weight game. right. what's the role of the police and what was the role of the police?
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and this was the role of the night dress to go. he can still defend cool in that. what was the role of the space at the end, the rest your ration all the differently. yes. and these are the may, as we said, we need to look at a we need to make sure that we're watching a unit and all across purposes. and also for the, i think the one of the apartments is based that the 19 has to go to civil defense. cool. the responsibility for protecting critical government infrastructure. the person i said really wants to tell that we define critical governments infrastructure to can i can hear the hear me i, i'm going to have to interrupt you because i am terribly sorry, but time is against this. but quite clearly from me you're saying there are lots of questions that are still going to have to be answered following this incident. we appreciate your time. i'm thank you very much indeed for being with us. thank you very much for having me. thank you for your kindness. military is wanting to non boot based and democratic republic of congo is planning
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a tax last year fighters for me. i live democratic forces killed, 43 people at a school near the border. catherine, so as this report from pulling away in west and you've gone to for that attack, took place julia simple. site is still in morning live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on group based in the democratic republic of congo. crossed the buddha, a talk, a secondary schools, 43 people, mostly students were killed, included. he's 18 year old son, mckindoe's idea of over took over at monday we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning guard porters are not safe. eliza, i handle who these next door is suffering. a different kind of pain. pass on suspects was among several people keyed, not doing the raids. he's calling least donnelly came to him pond way to look for
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work and stay safe from level the talks. me go now, but i pray my child as a life in the far east. i pray to god every day to perform a miracle so that he couldn't come home. and the school is now an abundant shell. of the petrol boom talks by assailants with machetes, the escaped across the border into the beluga national park. these are the reminders of what happened here. the students were in there don't. when that talk happened, it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape the adf, which pledge allegiance to iso, was based in uganda years ago, before being defeated by the army. the rebels been fledged to d r. c, where they've killed or kidnapped many civilians. various government forces including the, you've gone to an army. and a peacekeeping mission are reinforcing the companies on a sunday,
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but big the money to give you permission to the room governments. because of the you for me to, for, to meet with discovery. that was the issue i used to be. i think the press for the data or both over the score. know that and it was these, i get to how do they get both the box importantly, your guidance here tyler's life may never be the same again. but they also say that we're not leaving fia kathy saw you all to 0 pond way less than uganda. the to guys and i would at least 15 people have been killed. one is ready for us, has bombed homes in the off are children among the wounded victims of the latest from bomb and to have been taken to the on those off hospital. the health ministry says at least 18 for palestinians have died in the last 24 hours. and these really
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i'm is also kind of dotted strikes and holmes in general bala, in central guy. so it was, was now killed more than 52200 palestinians with more than 74500 injured. obviously, that's how the mocking was live for us from a roof on honey. bring us up to date, was this what's been happening over the last few hours? the, the near now is of this morning, i've been very intensive defense for larry on the part of the gauze distributor. and over crowded roof. i see the not only over, not to the people, but also the brake pads we have, but these 2 locations were targeted by the air strikes here in the eastern part of the city will live in a at least a 7 p. b more were killed. the 3 of them happened to be to read,
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but as we spoke with the civil defensive crew members on the ground of her marriage, we were told there are more people. it's still under the ready with the light. busy the numbers are increased within the coming dollars. it's very, very high. i did this, similar to every, every strikes were more me, it will be due to the trap. then missing under the rumbles. and we'll look at the 1000 since the beginning of this war. a vast majority have been deceived, under the rubble within the central area area straight. and then the pop of our targeted a more residential homes and causing further civilian casualties and more people are pours into internal displacement. meanwhile, there's really military continues to act aggressively in the western part of hon. you and is city and air. the hours of this morning started to push deeper under here the coverage of military it shoppers any quiet gap. there isn't times that the vicinity of not that hospital,
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but all the way to another hospital where it's literally blocked the entrance of the hospital that i've been ordering people to evacuated. the hospital, the hospital has hundreds of displays. families been evacuating inside the facilities since the ground invasion of honey with honey. let's talk about the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, who's being to egypt over the last couple of days. he was at the, in northern egypt at the, off a crossing yesterday. today he was speaking in cairo, he's been talking a lot about getting humanitarian aid him to guys or this morning karl. he was saying that the only way of really effective way of getting it in was by road. i'm not so much by the air drops that we've seen just told us through the situation with aid and the strip right now. yes. well, within the past week,
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the proposal would be to present it as alternative to deliver humanitarian aid, the through the air drop rate and get fluid packages or through the construction of appear in so far. these don't turn a is have proven to be very insufficient. ash a do not get to people or the most part, when a drop happens or dock is just landed on the roof tops of buildings that are within military actions. it's hard for people to get in or they are in the middle of the ocean here. it's very hard for people to go. so to get them out so far, we're talking about miles of a trucks on the opposite side of the board of education board as of miles of humanitarian trucks filled with wood supply. is that why live saving goods and survival items and haven't been allowed to enter the gaza strip and the fact that we're looking at alternative ways to provide support. it is because live across things have been a clause. and there has been a blockade since the beginning of the war, and that's exactly
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a practically translation of what is really military. and it's political leaders have to say have the big of the where it's a total seas which there are no for no water. and so far to, to, to prove that it has been all the trick of amounts that have been allowed into the guys and script. another part where is from it. and here and over crowded right back were signs of a star vision. it started to be visible. honey, thank you very much indeed. does honeywell, who talking to us from rough, a non con eunice, but it is really armies killed in emergency walker inside the mall hospital, but all reports of intense shedding and bottles near the hospital, the palestine right present societies as soldiers have surrounded the facility and workers are in severe danger, nimble far, soc is the spokes person for the pot assigned to red crossman society and she's described these very seeds on the hospital. the situation is just escalating about the whole speaker, and we just learned one of the engine free. she wants to who are taking shelter is
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going to the hospital. the shots and injured of with the injury in the head is right, and his drawings are now calling for everyone inside the hospitals to leave the hospital, his truck stripped off their clothes, is the situation is very dangerous. and kind of shedding is all taking place. when type a gun fired is ready to be comes on now reducing the area in the front of the hospital . the only area of the hospital, the closing, the me a date of the hospital with a doctors. every one inside the hospital is no big or chopped. since there is a very intense and heavy dog i for the life of all of the patients and the medical staff and those who are taking some that are in the very dangerous because of the continuous fun for your as with off, as i said,
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the continuous city as well, this is not the fear straight food at the hospital at the hospital. it was under continuous disease for more than as 40 days. and now again, it's really the occupation forces to see the hospital on demanding every one to leave. if problem inside the hospital, at the same time, they are firing bombs at the hospital. one of the whole speaker leads towards the fire because of the smoke bones being lost out. the whole spitted of absorbing ramadan and gaza has been a challenge for many palestinians, but despite the hardships, some are finding ways to keep alive the spirit and traditions of the fasting months . country i lopez, the young husband has come a deal with the luckless shabby green. never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for another ha, without
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a kitchen or electricity. but since these rules were on garza, her life was changed. she has managed to get some vegetables, but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the hand why that is never mind before we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out the dish. no like labor, rice dish. now we have to make do before the well we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e been sick. last name a, a, all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians like if i a say it can also hoping a sense of normality and a taste of home. it's only for a moment, had the cliff enough to allow us to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no b for chicken, but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings
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with one another. now like thousands of palestinians and garza people living in this camp. and rafa have lost everything and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives changed in the home on the button. the vis ramadan is different than others. last year was full of joy and happiness. democracy before then we were living in houses and apartments, but now this year we live in the 10. i see the view, it shows that even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience of the oh and um can i pick the one this room adonis does so because of the lack of food we oscar go to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods and a house was a may have this year more than others. families say cooking is about much more than food. it's a reminder of faith, generosity, tradition,
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and ultimately of survival. katia a little bit so the again, how does here intern springs triggered severe flooding across south eastern brazil . heres jeff with a check of the weather their highest level alerts issue for rainfall in brazil, as realtors and narrow states, and as for seats are assigned to a state this in the southeast corner of the country. we've seen copious amounts of rain here. roads turn to rivers, cars flipped around, and that is set to continue on monday. we've got this feed of moist and humid air off the south. it bind to so that will continue to spark the storms. also north of rio in patropolis, there's been more flooding there just 2 years ago. so deadly rounds of funding elsewhere in the country around the i'm a zone estate getting into some pretty big downpours there, but i want to take you to central america. we see those winds pick up hopefully that will give us some relief from the heat in sun spots storms rolling across his spaniel and now pushing into bought the rico let's go to the us for these storms
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are fueling out bubbling up pretty much from texas, louisiana up to missouri, but north of this blizzard conditions for the upper midwest. i think for minnesota, we could see 20 to 42nd peters over the next little bit. let's go to the west. also snow draped over the northern plains, moving into the upper midwest re returns for western canada, and it begins to dry off for california. so los angeles, 19 degrees for you on monday. that's it. catch you later. i a so ahead and i'll just say to the us, vice president calls for stricter gun control or the side of a high school shooting that killed 17 people in support or serious scroll. the history making gold and the match against the sun is going to be here for that story. the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike. on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era in the biggest global, that extra and you out in history, the was biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for park be focusing on india. in this episode, i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of prime minister in that in there will be a facing an avalon that often charges even before full talk. com being the port spots due on the visa, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the what you know, does it a reminder of adults stories. this boat is under way instead of goal is delayed. the presidential elections view. folding date was an i was just 2 weeks ago after an attempt to postpone the elections to december respond to months of unrest. advisor for nigeria as president says, all 137 school students, abducted earlier this month of being freed previous media votes and put the number to 287 from an attack. the school in the north instead of do not on much substance at least 15 people have been killed. one is ready for us, is bombed homes in the off i, in southern gaza. children on among the village. at least $84.00 palestinians have died in the last $24.00. the russians counted on air strikes in western
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ukraine, and on sunday, the capital key van, the western city of levin were both targeted polish authorities, say, one russian miss are violated the air space before returning to you train. meanwhile, you printing and forces say they fit to russian ships that communication center and all the infrastructure in crimea, going to take a closer look at who controls want in ukraine. after 2 years of war, the russians be making small advances in the east. it says that seized a village on the western outskirts of buck boat. last month. russian troops also captured, i've kept near done yet the 1st major territorial gain in 10 months. and this comes ahead of reports that most was preparing for a new offensive possibly by the end of next month. so patrick buddies, the defense and security analyst at the university of boss, is also a former nato analyst and the joining us live from london. thank you. very much indeed for being with us when we've been reporting what's been happening between russia and ukraine, certainly over the last month. so, so they,
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the targeting appears to be more centered towards infrastructure and military targets rather than apartment buildings resulting in the many desks that we saw at the start of the conflict. what's your assessment of where we are in the war at the moment. stockton, in, rob, i think essentially the, the momentum is zalinski himself said the russia has won the winter, and i think the men's and the ship says that to, to the russian forces on the ground at least, i'll give k was approved for the interpreter fi hotspots, and they took it in on the last on the big question that are is, is there something brewing? um, in probably may ones the most starts to dry in the area a few cranks, so we'll have to wait to see, i'm sure the ukrainians priorities are basically mon power. rather short. the soldiers are exhausted because they don't have enough troops to rotate the night. so they really need to get the mobilization of the next batch of, of a conscripts essentially sort of i and that takes time. it takes time to train them
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. oh um, they've also got the issue of fortifications which they need to prepare and better prepare than they have already there. they've been starting out since december and it's ongoing. and of course you've got the immunization question and the way this question, which is a lot heavily reliance on the us, they're not entirely given france u. k, germany in the u is pumping money in my um, so essentially the, it's not a whole body is being brian. and they've obviously hit, you know, as we saw in the last few hours, they've hit the black sea statements of us to call again, i'm with you some of their carriers that they have for via, by 30 percent over the last year. and so they are making gains there. we've seen the attacks on the refineries as well, which will happen to harassing impacts, but it doesn't look good either for, for russia. so i'm on russia, although they're getting into their grades, if they haven't totally found it. yeah, i mean, they still have major problems. they are learning though, i'm getting better. as you were saying, there's a lot of speculation now that that might be something of a spring offensive by russian not least because of course
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a lot to be approved and had such as a success in the presidential elections. recently, there was a lot of suggestion that that would give them as an extra input to us to, to push forward for those of us watching from the outside. what should we be looking for that might give us an indication that russia is gearing up for some sort of major action in the coming months. or, of course, the russian. so he'll be doing the absolute best to, to disguise and come up about any kind of to build up on like the, the initial invasion. and so that's what that means. it's very, very difficult to do. now given the a, b could a surveillance of satellites and other platforms. it's very difficult to do and that means that actually the defends a former or as we'd see with the ukrainians defending kids. first of all, with a mobile defense, then a static defense pushing the, the, the russians back then, uh the lessons the site, the binding and struggling against the russian prepared defensive. so it's very
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difficult to mouse in secret and then break through up in the car in a moment. so the defense is on the ascendancy. i'm gonna just have to see where the russians have the ability to do that. but i've certainly seen footage in the last 6 weeks or, you know, arm and attacks on the phone line which, where the whole basically the company. so, you know, 20 vehicles on white died in about 3 minutes. it goes to show you the, the fallacy of this, uh, it would be, could a surveillance on the battlefield. and if the russians can do something, uh is they'll probably revert to type which is by firing their way through with huge amounts of our 10 already. and they're trying to exploit that window, which is, you know, growing because as the supplies have them come in, especially from the us, which that'd be needed to be in and back in november. so there's going to be a window now where the findings are really against me. and one of the things that we've ever seen repeatedly is the training and forces taking our targets from the black sea fleet. i'm given what you were saying about a possible russian move forward in the event that it gets to to spring. why should
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the ukrainians be focusing these things so much on the black sea things that are suggesting that there might be some threat from that angle as well as being one that is really good success for the you friday and said it's, it's obviously, but they're managed to do is destroy some of the air defense on, on the semester problem, and start to use what look like new case applied, storm shadows, and frames. scout missiles to destroy then uh, you know, blocks the shipping essentially these landing crossed. but until a few weeks ago, this sort of being really important because the russians were using those landing crop to resupply some of the fire troops and the size of the their engineers. as far as their understanding of how she managed to get a rental way running um so that they both have the same as the change of getting back. so that's the one thing on. on the other thing, of course, by pushing the black c c back further east, and either the block c essentially it is allowing you crying to get more and more grain exports site, which is important to the war economy. you know, these big wars are more than by civilians essentially, and this is a big war and it was, you guys going to be
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a long war and there one by civilians on industrial capacity. and that includes both, you know, obviously the ukrainians decided also the industrial capacity of the west because rushes but it's more economy on about a 75 percent more flooding. mm. patrick, buddy, we appreciate your giving us the benefit of your expertise. and this is really interesting, thank you very much indeed for your time. thanks rob. as well, there is an increase in russian attacks and putting pressure on ukrainian medical units on the front line health workers and looking at innovative ways of helping wooden soldiers recover rope and bride travel the eastern new train to find out more not far from the front line they've done yet region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of drone attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars is attributable to the bottomless. there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we have a lot busier fellow medical
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a and it shows us there on the lens which they used to meet up with units bringing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transfer to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty off to treatment. a sentence like this one in hockey, the northeast, and ukraine. also a physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion. 2 years ago, so we can always machine, the shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog. you only remember fragments. t like via the. so just come here for regular treatments before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring offensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need for most soldiers, with an emphasis on keeping the experience troops on the front line even enough to
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enjoy the centers also offer vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patients are so high, but it's like they're on holidays when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line. and this offers a distraction from that. as this was, shows no sign in defending these a service is seemingly in increasing demand, run mcbride, delta zeta. how to keep ukraine a loss of pain chevy to those killed in the most school concert hall. the attack on friday. they've been laying flowers and lighting candles outside of the venue, at least a 154 people were killed on more than a 150 were injured in the attack. president vladimir put his on on a national day of mourning and his impose new security measures across the country all the visions that on the campaign trail and took care of a head of local elections next sunday, voters are going to be electing mayors and city council members present as their zip tie up. the other ones are parties trying to win back the stumble and incorrect
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. i've lost them both in 2019. the other one is policy. one last year is general election with an outright majority inflation and the rising cost of living, a major campaign issues, sending costs with all these don't even not from a volley for the incumbent matter, we stumble x, i'm in my model. so he runs out and running one of these chances and i'm, and my mom is, has received many, many, many reaction into the in 2019 when the election was scheduled severe redone and translate, he's very strong according to the polls that have been seen. so far from a memo the incumbent may or may not clark these cabinet. we're all squared away as of more minutes 0 environment, the nerve renovation. our next slide, he's still strong, but however in 2019 uh the,
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the rolling golf bar to the national, the spark, the had joined the election as the the presidential cross presidential alliance and the opposition. busy party 6 parties joins the election as the nations block opposition block and that's time protocol or just par, the h d p, and other nationalist o 2 parties supported the main positions. candidates, i come in, i'm all about in this election day i have the nominated. they are all intended as the broker, and as far as his own cabinet is nominated, it is stumble and the other party is as well. that's why that is that those votes that made him assembled mayor as a king make her votes, can be delivered to the wrong candidates. um the scene may change, but of course everything is full of surprises when it comes to tour, just politics. and after one week we will see who's going to win the mayoral seeds bucks. so it's a very tight race. you're just as you've been touching on there,
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it's clear that assembled is extremely important for both the opposition and of course, that one's own act party. why is, is tumble, is such a key as well as manuals. remember, presence ardon starts of his career and assemble as a district officer of his uh, party. back then it was the, it was the a and now it was another approach, something as far to and he became a menu in the late ninety's. and so he started his career as a mayor and assemble, we can say in that seat carries him up to the presidents, the enter key and of course assemble is the largest city generating nearly half of the jew. they feel that comes with the population. and oh, for sure, that's the 16000000 bucks. everybody says old analysts that's with the autopay. so number, it is much higher than that. and of course is stumble on, cut off. these are the attraction points for the politics and they call number.
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that's why all parties want to win and assemble, and for our job, it is important to regain control over this is it because the time he lost his son moved to a company. my mobile is the time one of the party support started to decline and for the opposition, gaining control over his stumble was very important because that was the time that they were born from. they were ashes after so many years losing against our dogs. all these all position parties started to have hopes, so this is white. assembled is very important for everyone psychologically, politically and financially certain. and thank you very much indeed, sitting costco, talking to us from miss trumbull, whether you guys vice president using hardly election campaign to push for title gun laws on saturday, capital house to a high school in parkland florida. what a gunman killed the 17 people in 2018 hydro. castro reports a. this is hallowed ground. the marjorie snowman douglas high school building,
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where 14 students and 3 teachers died in a math shooting 6 years ago. even now their blood stains the classrooms. cameras were not allowed inside the building out of respect for the dead, but vice president carmella harris described the horrible time capsule she entered . i was in class rooms where, frozen in time, the laptops of that era are still on the desk. investigators left the crime scene and touched all these years to preserve evidence for the shooters trial. he was a troubled former student reported to police many times, but still allow to buy guns. now that he's been sentenced to life in prison, the building will be demolished. we tell the stories, not only of how they were shot, but who they were. you know, the students, they all had bright futures ahead of them. tony mont alto lost his 14 year old
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daughter gina. he says the vice president's visit was meaningful. having the attention of, of that high and office to focus on school safety and violence prevention. certainly, of course is helpful. she spend some time going around with each of the families. she sat with us. she spoke of us, she heard about of our loved ones. since the parkland shooting florida and 20 other states passed red flag was those allow police to temporarily take away guns from people were deemed to be a danger to themselves or to others. and here in florida alone, that measure has been used more than 12000 times. harris announced a new federal program to help states implement red flag laws and call them more states to adopt them. she said she would continue pushing for a ban on assault weapons and universal background checks, measures that lack support in congress. and we must be willing to have the courage
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to say that on every level, whether you talk about changing laws or changing practices and protocols that we must do better. critics of the vice president's visit save. this was political theater. a campaign stopped exploiting tragedy. but jayden do you know, for you, a young democratic activists says voters in his generation had been craving harris's message. and so by meeting young people where they are, by going to these high schools where these tragedies happen, where a lot of people have been affected. i think that shows that commitment to making sure that young voters are heard. guns are now the leading cause of death for american children and gun violence. expect it to be a top issue for young voters in november. heidi to castro alger 0 parkland to florida. i had an autism morocco is i mean to become ask because industrial powerhouse we're going to look at how the nation is attracting car manufacturers.
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time in sports and incident practice training and growing pretty throws a record breaking tried in melbourne sinus with that story. the the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the 2 coverage posting and say that what areas did during his final words, pre post stuff made them feel sense. and for that, he will soon be forgotten from the home to the story. at least 9000 palestinian families are missing at least one loved one. at the start table,
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the the the, [000:00:00;00] the office folders on. thank you very much, rob. well, formula one? well, champion knoxville, stipend hits problems as the australian col. okay. brick failure brought his race to an early and giving so i drive a call a size which has to win in front of the record melvin crowds and do is it's an open . the fire fire for the phil is telling me to use much the stipends written call it failed him completely melts if it's all up to winning the open sea races at the season. we'll tackle hold of a stop and was out to the australia in chrome pre online full when the lights on both the right rear brake stuck on. and um, yeah, it didn't cool so it just kept them being warm or warmer,
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giving me really weird and civilities. and then of course, the cold fire fade 7 time we'll champion louis hamilton's rice, also finished early dismiss. ladies came to it on the schedule, hold on left 16 hamilton post to watch on this for rory's call assigned to put on a driving mess the class. meanwhile, the gas out in front of about 4.7 seconds, sign system on hamilton is set to replace out the italians the next season. it is, the spaniards missed the last growing pre and saudi arabia because he was having surgery for a pen. besides this, this was point to come back to a record melvin proud of more than 130000 for a miserable day from a series that even worse on the final left is george russell crushed doubts as the french trying to was on her to the incidents the sites went on to secure the food growing pretty when if his career was
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a fairy won't suit with charlotte club in 2nd, london, north of mcclare and finish foot. for now, the stipends still leads the overall cycling race start the year with a news of a non renewal and i'll be thinking okay, what's next day in my life and then the appendix then yeah, no, no, what am i going to be back? i'm i going to be bugging platform and how long it's going to take me to, to get back up to speed and uncomfy and unintended. you come back and when the at the moment. so it doesn't have it seem to draw only for next season. this pool, you won't be sure of office on the richardson alger 0. 02024 host gemini, have found some form with the confidence boosting when over frosts showing if it's made history, vice going. germany's foss this as a goal fits the hitting the net to off to just 7 seconds to help and this we game
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or in the run for his country. the goal was set up while we're on the joys tony cruz who was back in the team for years of the announcing his international the time that i have. it's for me to to, to know when over the world cup run about 70, we'll kick off the use onto the 14th with a game against all sort assets and new goals going recording the 2 now friendly against slovakia. we saw football, gartner going just off to just 6 seconds. if the foster school international football history of yours, austria, a group that with frost and netherlands, and the winners of a playoff between wells and poland. and you'll do a beaten one. now by present london wembley stadium that teenager undertake was the match when age 17 years and 246 days. and it became the youngest c international asis for as a venue and get into it. we'll regroup for another friendly against belgium on
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tuesday, which is 15 minutes ago. we think while we've managed to see a lot of new players, we've had more than our share of the game. we've had as many attempts on goal as i have um. so the difference in the end was uh, was one moment really, and that that is the ruthlessness of football. at least level football is governing board. if he has canceled the walk up, qualify between north korea and japan that was due to take place on tuesday. so it's great, i had to refuse to host the game without giving an official reason. or japanese media is reporting that no screen officials will consent. the japanese squad would bring infectious diseases into the country. he for said the issue and the match outcome will be a fed to the disciplinary committee subsidies. carlos, i've kind of said, has reached the said wrong. the of the miami opened the wall number to beat the
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federal spaniard. that will be able to kind of be a band in straight sets is who 7th straight when 20 old is looking to complete what's known as the sun shines double off the his victory at indian wells. women's well number one, eagles, 5 tech a is also into round space by type. good. the piece it's, it is at come a lot of georgie for the loss of just 2 games. it was the 81st. when and how long does it need to level match only so we know williams, i had mullins at this stage of her 3. it will finish with some sailing boats that can hit speeds of more than 100 kilometers an hour. these uh at 50, caught them on that were completing at the sell g p. waste and use in australia were in the lead club, had to tie off to they crashed into a race, monica that opened the door for the home team, who are known as the black foils, while new zealand between france and canada, in the final,
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to claim the full rent of the season and take the overall and that's all you'll support for me far as now. we'll have more for you later on that as well. so i don't thank you very much. indeed. now laraca is called exports reached nearly 14000000000 dollars last year. the nation is aiming to become a manufacturing hop, but it's also hoping to make it smart in the aerospace industry as how small come bottom reports sometimes year in the northwest. the call making industries taking center stage in morocco. this plant owned by friends, auto manufacturer would know is it's right in africa. 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any input patches of calls, move down the production line. as the industry bu of morocco is expending, the sport intends. yes, the aim is to be able to ship more than a 1000000 columns every year. a seed, hawaii, and his team on
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a charm offensive to persuade big german and japanese call makers to establish helps here. these industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created the 100000 jobs and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 of exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy day cold, and is also planning to stock manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years. the hallways off because the biggest exports, total cost decades with tax breaks, investments incentives and sweets. my agreements with the us. he took the on golf nations to establish itself as
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a serious layout in the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global. and this is not just about manufacturing calls, but wal codes also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca, is working at full capacity. it's manufactures possible craft. these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, voice, and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the economics, the zone mid bog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical coat cables and why? oh, honda says, uh today we have uh companies that are producing uh the engine component, very complex company, big airplane manufacturers find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor
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force. and bucks submitted to your unfortunate to, to make that profit for actually mine. but i was just the casablanca try and get it back in a couple of minutes or more and all these stories. don't forget the website, obviously, the don't come, i'm about this and stay with us. and i'll just the or places that now with jason we did heavy rain storms, those storms will likely to be effected if we don't get the problem under control. we'll just have help coming soon. critical debate, otis farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments,
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while in addition to the highest level, have been using games for the political economy service because we can submit even course the rivals inside story. on al jazeera. when the alarms go off at the new terms of the neighborhood, on the outskirts of 3 young men, women and children, rushes with sticks and stones. the 5 year old jenny, this is through living in fear flowing, mika ford is the only way we can defend ourselves from thieves. because we can't carry guns. we have whistles in alarms to scare them away. in this already violated city, an unprecedented new crime wave has residents and the forward is alarmed and police is because of this illegal miners and peruvian gangs have allied with wonderful up in america's most powerful criminal organizations. and then this will and bring that out what they're trying to control. the country's largest goal deposits in the last week. the battle the book, dust has built into to see you, homicides, kidnappings, extortion. any one is the target, the state governor. since the government,
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the name has not given him details of the security plan for this region, and the residents are angry at they have not yet seen the army or police securing the city. this is the 1st genocide that we see. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers how the news is come. the millions of senegalese, a voting and a presidential election, optum months of unrest. i'm the legs. i'm nicholas hawkins. the cars incident goes capital, the car for hours to go before the poll full is closes and thousands of senegalese


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