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tv   Africa Direct Chocolate Revolution I See Beauty  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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shown by friends, auto manufacturer will know is it's fried in africa. 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any input, patches of calls, move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expending, the sport intends yes, the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 costs every year. a seed hawaii, and his team on a charm offensive to pursue a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps here. the industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created the 100000 jobs. and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 of exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy they called and is also
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planning to stop manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years while he's off because the biggest explore total cost decades with tax breaks, investments incentives and free trade agreements with the u. s. e u t and gulf nations to establish itself as a serious play in the congress call industry. now we're also wants to go global and it's not just about manufacturing calls. the wall co is also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca is working full capacity. it's manufacturers, also background. these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, weiss and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he's busy expanding the
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economics, the zone middle blog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical coat cables and why. oh, how does. uh, today we have uh, companies that are producing uh, the engine component, very complex company, big airplane manufacturers. find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force and buck submitted to your i know fortunately to to make that profit for actually month. but i was just you because i blanca and that's it for me in the cloud. we got more news coming up here now to share a ride off to africa direct. i'll see you then by the these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely undesirable. the viability of many eco systems is at stake,
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as is the viability of civilization. as we know it's going uh, coming soon, the, the last week and a bunch of days before symptom up for seat in front of the love any you feel good was that if your adult serial wound up to you officer couldn't
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resolve my to premier the most frequently those indicated easy funded federal suit chemical new deal. if you guys have a new car, uh, did you buy the bedroom? it be a show for christmas or phone i can sit there for them is all use of it and bruce and also i'm used to approval. fees are repulsed when they're buffering. okay. to ship, you know, low, say that fee on these if you can size your, i'll stop it down. if you're looking to ship something else in their home. if you must have pre, the premium will cost you that long as you know,
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she's not shown me. motion partials to fill up premium form because obviously it was the measurements of dollars on this as long as it's a pre uh, the piano is on this list on visits to mr. posey, like as strong as i was curious. i've been long as you know this to sundays it's, i mean, that was fun, coupled with these labels at the corvette golf, hesitate to show what i can do much it if you supposed to share form of it, i'll say louder. he says, we used to must here say something. well the most i do for the just research and find me uh the uh,
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particularly meet your divorce and know some of our kids in den faded. do man and then piece of new measure. beautiful new uh they need a show for us cuz some for most of the work is facing a room for the soonest. and plus you uh, in pa strong don't fall. so just a month to month. i mean, he has to be to the loopo initial uh, mistake you don't to on the coast apart and put you to this the naples lymphoma 3, let's go look at cold capital g a nothing. you pull up. unix seemed a little simpler local, supposedly also me a middle step in my life to death throes for the do you fit on the floor?
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he thought he was just simply me up in a blue dream. you. why would you go now? is that the stormy, separate colors on prior to the vision? so probably even a little bit, i'm involved. it's all from one of your product. there's one you don't any don't to in the don't see this then. okay. now great month it. i think the beautiful book, you know, if i so this will donate in the face of school, please don't do much on con. was already close to mr. to these it for these, this google question. the the,
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i mean you just, you find the pigeon bonds 40 if they want a month, one of the piece is that you are not positive with funding for prescription on very or is it going to see my for special in shipping? so i'll keep with fast for sure, man, a bit more. it was a whole receipt of, but you said something to use the all sounds good. uh, i received a new credit is unpopular. um it's failed, so good a so every month to month. so 2 months do do,
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do the i d 0. so if you could put them on a mazda lot, save this adobe bus cuz he moved on file. almost a we'll, we'll move on to you is that's what the program is. so for a month to mask on slide, it starts to in the up on the, you know, pump or deliberate, turn him on and off. i mean, so very model much sends me a problem. you're sort of age to solve wrong. repeat the mean. if this are afraid to pay the or show you the moment, you couldn't leave a nation, mr. under the funds on the the software simulate again. the
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luca co, you alone. so you can go, you can consult the design edition on the portions of let me me a couple of the
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the jones. why like going to be the most of some stuff. do you see a lot on now? see, they've got to you won't get into salty. is due to all the detail on i got mine. so you need to drop the import ducky soft. simple, do you close? i'm pretty mind with the cruise you for the pre set demo. you don't tend to permit . cool, now they've cleared the thunder peters on a, a and the panels. good luck, a cold continued zip up. we'll see if should be able to drill down to include them . ok, okay. while i say, do you have these ups, this appraisal, the do costco or the so called us sample sauce is shift somebody saw similar to the
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civic or should i'm pulling this off? it was of it, see anybody else to me is your best good is who was the initial circumcision? to fix it for you so well hope sally, somebody lazy like that i shall fall on the post of all. my gosh. all that the pose of all of it also think comes from several parts of but i may not, you looked on the phone because it was a bundle of you know, for the ceiling. and the tv is there for myself. and there was
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a tv, a downstairs express to awesome. lemme see z. dunlap's. i see the issue below is the best fit all phones are said to create the man. i see i'm on the list before. ready to send you a 2nd. so to look at the bus, the okay, see if it gets you to them when they put them before you sleep well, who meant they need to see the country mentioned? well uh what fuzzy fuzzy fitness, fitness program and some progress videos make
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a move on the roof for me in any kind of way this or the premier enough to rent a site before 12 a 1st. and last it was a repo, was that it was under father pc. let's get you his 3 c. office list best buy plus up, front, left in my separate to vent, i finished. your call is thursday. a skirt you facilitate, and you must given them all of the on the dyslexia, the software that's fucking up and it does sound kind of like a lot, but also almost all kinds of things to like the movie show or look, a little muscle right. this is
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the zip lazy this on color. pretty much the, the, the is it literally made this to me. this is, yeah, of course. i think the tip is recorded the for to develop beth is all physical. if it gets to a point, they put them on speaker lat whole phone girl, 55, call me my kids off to think it's only because it's awful. well voluntary come to set to the street. las crucis. have seen the pistol?
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it grew rich on this on the home. he's the tools is a boost onto makes me 8. see like to let them do my cash evade on my vehicle if i put in little tonia. mm hm. go ahead sir. a close all about trying equal fella. echo the
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like he has a local fisherman finally on multiple plays altamont activity. don't really push was you my key as by fab new t by say the leak measured the buckles on to the signal. say look, i seem good to get that easy. the on my killing these some of them distributed and you can can locate the cost on that on the from, can we use it by exams and then find these you, jeanette, which and then from only look good when you do like he has said to simply me to the host or to both the excel you chose to get hold you called good supplement. it shouldn't be hard for us to do next. the only thing i'm comfortable,
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i really love dial the from the course and again cut program. so if i'm do model divide, 2nd tease economic mom, the domain, the like a gift, you feel like they're moving, moving to move on for that or to g golf at the and my, let me do you mind me to a minute of the
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a full cross phone deal long. listen again. a love seat, a red lip infinities. it just seems like a huge is the genus that she is in the club . yeah. the whole i found something, i think this was the possibility of a more in the pause because guys didn't know the best that i see in the city of all. so that makes the middle of the room. you know, this is the super, i don't know if that's the same from a girl flush, mostly i do not get a hold for she. wow. some will south mom along we left will soon folders that
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bill is verified on the way. hello boxes. these are available to see to move in the from african gustavo, it keep of plus mit critical shows before i let 11 vision out of so if i'm old wounds seem to finally me the people the my take to go saw last fall african the belt into valley the impulse since the middle novel, successful social peace to back fully was left on this off to and from on nail. so come on t if the silver fees on for my so give calling i 49. so is that something that i lose one that the
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success or no longer to talk to the court date? that, that, that seems to say that to the district of a 2nd. sure. to put the computer. okay. now of the to put the disk with that for sure. the
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going to put on with a low promotional signal, so i'll see wps released and they should they look up soon. it gets passed. i pay 50 substitute a one, denise as to who we put that phone to think kids was approved took just kind of you know the you know what the what do people take for the cups? well, the best, let me ask you, 1st of all, the coastal stays on the phone, can hold the line with both of a cool effect. and by guys, even the swap is the phone number. it is the texture on more visit that
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is on the people see use to us is on forgetful blackwood abundantly as the kids leave headquarters owners will see all the the full, the long digit date is on file and a vanity maker, 14 fairport n,
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i. d k and more so that seem to play the song, they take a basketball game, duck able sit on the phone, a phone for the list bar support. think of a i thought this is all for the full donate goodshaw stuff. the best on the on i be married. last on the beer. he's on someone male focus on law. i law body for vacuum, a phone call for 880 because my the associate also includes them there. i've seen the list for all the valley volt or the wireless. so
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we may, i thought they knew what us over and i saw this last night in the was the uh, the whole bunch of it. so uh, no volt because you all know busy policy bus a delivery the following up on this, but then yeah, you're not supposed to so stuck on it. and also on the vault, i see that that will do a couple years with you, bundle the chief offensive on while because last night i was just calling to see you may close the ticket. the mean, if there's any kind of you, me to put, you've got a phone to kinda lead police on ridiculous bustle, field protocol, leave us cuz it's to be off. i want to see something usually is a one
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a faster. we'll keep this policy. i still don't see a scheduled thought for all of this. a new email, by the way, you pay for the funding data. the full amount is because they must be nice to you all know what to do. my them. i said to see, see, go see user patient on the lucky side. it likes to be this. come up with my handful . of course it is the why you wow, found the interest which i didn't. so let me just see on the the
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a ask like a narrative from africans perspective, which are the want in terms of what came up for a perfect to show documentary spot. african filmmakers have been on the to, on for over 20 is future with fish from the sheriff and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges, sierra the the
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mission of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is of course it's helen sort of female surgery in the week and of course the spirit and that's the end of it. this is the time to get a a and the time to me,
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the, the insides, the content creators have become journalists, rescuers, heroes, and targets fair to the customers. so when a visa comes to me and yet they continue to report that the cost of this is the story of just $1.00 of the shall be, should be a little bit higher for the love. because on that, just the critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessment school, in addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy
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service because we can submit even course the rivals inside story. on al jazeera, the election day incentive goals. now, after weeks of political turmoil and public on rest, millions accosting the balance for new president, the, the clock this is out. is there a life window? how's it coming up? is ready strikes target, civilian hayes and central and southern gaza. at least 15 palestinians have been killed russia in morning of to friday's concert, one attack that killed a 137 people. the sauce.


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