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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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too, and so do we, it's why we work with bill cuz he'll make a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the the and that is in use our on the clock, live it from coming up. the next 60 minutes falls close and send it goes tightly contested in much delayed presidential election month by months of political unrest . nicholas hawkinson, it goes capital. the car where polling stations are about to close after day. a voting is really trying to send soldiers receives to hospitals in southern guns,
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and then the know of a deadly rate on our ship. a hospital gauze is not just continues or weak. israel tells you and that it will no longer allow, in the food convoys to northern gauze. despite an imminent, from it and russia in morning of the friday's concert, whole attack that killed a 137 people suspects are expected to appear in court for the 1st time. and then support from one world champion match for staffing hits problems. the else really roam free fire fire for stipend fails to finishes ferrari's. carlos sens claims victory in mail. the so we didn't just pause 1800 as jim t impulsive, literally just close instead of goals. type the contested presidential election
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with a nail by the right up front of the political onset and see and indeed unrest. it's mostly be the race between 2 kinds of it. side of a point of 19 content is among the front runners of the former prime minister. a do by he was hand picked by outgoing president of mackie style, and then the is about to do jeremiah fi. he's the anti establishment. cons that it was recently released from prison is also the chosen kinds of to your position leader who has been sung k. 7000000 senegalese were eligible to vote. election date was confirmed only just every 2 weeks. k. that's off to an attempt by president cell to postpone the vote. spots mass protests. and now here we all, we can see a voting cause literally just thought to this uh, sort county i should say is that you just started eventually close to 3 minutes ago . and now it's under way of to this huge amount of appeal, how people leading to this, maybe $7000000.00 votes to be counted. we'll find out fairly soon. who the winner
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is. if attack is live outside the police station of the capital dock and he can tell us more hazardous route next to this point. but here we are both use closed. when might we get a result? well look, it'll take some time before they can do the tally. in fact, in this pulling station where i'm standing at the building is still taking place. the assessor the same, well let's give some people some leeway. it's the holy month of ramadan. maybe they're hoping that some are late and maybe they will come in before the break of the fast. but let me show you around what voting looks like. incentive goals? do you have the assessors you have the list of candidates and the voting booth right behind me? and it, we've seen just moments ago, a few women coming in to vote. and then there's crucially the missouri versus the servers from the political parties representative of a really important candidate. i my due by july 5, maybe just some of the candidates here. they will make sure that once they start
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counting the votes that they all have the correct housing at the moment in some areas of the capital in a region called a comma. so there's some issues over the counting of votes, or are people not being able to make it to the polling station. but overall, we see that this has been a fairly peaceful election where most people have been able to cast their votes. nick, it makes it and i imagine for many it must be what some most is a huge relief that democracies in action off to all the people is lit up to this point. huge and it's a relief for so many people i've been here before in 2019 with the election took place in 202012 earlier when i present microsoft came to power. and this election is like, you know, father, it feels like there's almost a generational shift for the voters, but also for the politicians that are in the running. there is a greater sense amongst the villagers that their vote actually count. we met
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earlier today when the voting pulling stations open julia sonya, someone that hadn't voted for all her life. she's about 34 years old and she decided to vote when she saw present microsoft attempted to cancel the election when she saw the security forces storing the parliament to try to to cancel the elections. and these had into a bill. but what happened was a lot of people to conscious that their democracy is at stake, and that's why we have so many people still coming out right now to go near the police station. the police officers are here arguing with the assessors and the the person here in charge of the thing. let's keep the pulling station open so that people can continue to vote. meanwhile, the police officer had no,
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don't. we need to close the whole the station i have a sense is that what you're seeing here is something that's happening in other places across the country. this is really an important election. the end of president like yourself, monday to ever wins. this selection will be new to visit these people in new, a new president for the country. so there's a lot of to show you around what's happening right now. still police officers discussing with the assessors and we seem civil society actors really closely monitoring the situation on the just the observers are the african union. but members of civil societies trying to ensure that this democratic process is inc put into question or is in sabotage by a candidate or the other, or perhaps even the government itself. so
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a really important election and accounting is about to begin as upholding stations . so let's just reach out to the advisor was supposed to start what 56 minutes ago, but as ever, in the national election, some in some areas it continues. but in this case the police have come and they're trying to get him to shut the door. so not allow any more votes has to come in, is that right? and that's, that's right. i mean, well, the people here are saying it's no, no, let people come give them a chance to have their say you sense after this day of hurting that. now the tension is going to start to rise as the counting will be getting in certain areas . now, what through the stake is whether or not this selection and accounting is credible . this is a key moment for this selection. we've had a serene day where we've seen people being able to, to vote now the pulling station. so just shut the door. here's democracy into
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action. removing all of the list of candidates here. the observers from the political parties are here. and he's about to open that box with all the votes were inside the classroom. so the pulling stations takes place it inside pools. and this is one of the classrooms where the counting is about to start. okay, the, the with that. so now that faces drawing to a close, the tension for any high there and dr is, is facing finishes and, and accounting will begin, will come back to you as that counts and continues. and we reached a conclusion for with a, for the selection. thanks very much and if i typed the inductor or the
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that is really ministry, is systematic. the talk, the hospitals across guns, if you medical facilities, still functioning all for anything other catastrophic conditions. that's according to doctors, overwhelmed with a number of casualties and injuries inside 3 hospitals in the strip. and now under attack, bias ready for since i'll ship a hospital in garza city, a metal hospital west of hon, eunice, and just a kilometer away. not the whole spring. all entrances, indeed to alamo hospital. a blogs by b is rarely ministry. is ready for assistive killed and emergency workers inside the palestine. red crested society says displace palestinians, and patients who move all have been effectuated. the style from patients with disabilities remain in the hospital. is there any minute treat vehicles of surround it and as a hospital near by, these are pictures from inside. the facility 3 weeks ago is ready for us is laid siege, the hospital forcing pedestal news to abandon the complex to all of a sudden been almost done by many,
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yet since 230th night. we have been copying bump. tobias really were planes when the entire area near nicer hospital was shaking. it looks like we're in the earthquake. we took shelter in our building stairwell until the morning. we've seen these really soldiers release each to the area. so we ran for our live off. some took shelter in the hospital and others remains trend. it is really snipers or shooting bill was moving in the road. they knew that bodies are lying in the street . both nasser inger danny, and hospital servicing spies. really tags for the assessment or if i do on a sock that stuff i did on. so the early morning hours we kept hearing gunfire. many injured are right. and this medical facility, mostly women and children, one child to come to his wounds and for others are in critical condition. they all suffered direct head injuries. all of them are displaced from other parts of the gaza strip. mm. so i that the, what the, the down, you know, most of it, since these really occupation forces returned to the nasa hospital area. we have
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lost contact with the medical teams that many are still working on as during pots of the hospital to provide basic services to use and the injured. we do not know what has become of the medical teams bump writing down the gun when asking and stuff like that. no file ship a hospital and does the city is being is ready, sage for 7 days now in a row goes as health ministry says, is there any forces of killed at least find medical stuff and that includes doctors . i'm. this is hundreds of people have been detained, a palestinian say, is there any forces to carry out a campaign of execution to mass arrest, hundreds of patients and forced to be displaced, palestinians a trapped inside the complex. and the 7 palestinians have been killed by these readies try calling reference, southern guns. that means you to be rushed to the nearby. not your hospital at these rally military has intensified as attacks on the city for more than one of the half 1000000 forcibly displaced palestinians seeking shelter attire to is, is joining us now live from referent. talk 1st will just tell us about the latest
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and the situation strikes roughly yes, in fact, neck in the past with been witnessing more attacks on the roof. that the why the is very minute to fight to just hot targets in residential house in the eastern areas of russell. according to the ministry of health. par scott, the city is tough to report that killed while 20 others being wounded. and they have been uh, completely transferred to our hospital to receive medical treatment from boatman. today you have to go to be destruction and the entire area. uh uh, the total uh dispos that had been resulting from the ongoing gives way of tax for the rough i district since over at nights has had risen to $21.00 out of city and at least being killed in the past 24 hours here only in a rough, i know this area has been designated by the miniature as a save. so one where every single house of this very densely populated area is very
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crowded. not only with assisted with us, but with also the back to reason. we're taking shelter. i'm following the is wait a minute, you oldest to say to refute in a rough while and what about the strides near hospitals in southern does that tell us what patients and doctors of the day with yes, in fact uh, patients are facing particular conditions as the it's very unwilling thing, a cycle of destruction and bombardments continued till now in the vicinity of both hospitals that are barely functional in han you. and as we're talking about some nasir and i'm a hospice so that it's patients had been dropped off for weeks. and now under the, it's very men of trustees, but yet today, these very forces has a lot for an impulse, patients to a fleet from the hospital on 4th to the a most the area while the are still dozens of injured people except the sufferings from disabilities and they are a so springs from city conditions,
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they are still inside, alongside with some numbers of medical teams that um its own going back to the confrontation, raging inside the entire areas. we have been seeing the staffing images and seems from villamore hospice. we see how the struction is completed unfolding the hospital along site. that is well, basically, coincidence rates and hospitals as a fulton pots. so it's military campaign in all areas that they had oprah rates in since the beginning of the conflict. thanks very much for that topic. that update the situation and southern garza, thank you. well, as we mentioned earlier, i was chief of hospitals being on the siege by these really all me for 7 days as well says it's killed a 170 people during heavy fighting, never medical complex. as far as there's also claim they've questioned, at least $800.00 people and according to the is really all me. at least 480, have been detained. that speak now to us and that by doing who is the acting director of advocacy and campaigns at medical aid for palestinians joins us from
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remodeler in the occupied westbank and has been monitoring the situation that very closely your people have been trying to help with the evaluations, so just tell us what they've been experiencing. so yes, let me tell you, 1st of all the, the communications is the doctors inside the ship, the husband and we have stored them to the last time i was in touch with the doctor . it was last night and the updates is that a doctors we me into that vicinity treat to 6 versus 160 patients to mean very because there's a i in the army, told them anyone who can walk can be so critical patients. patients who kind of walk speed in the hospital and i know that between friday and saturday we have lost 15 patients due to lack of clinical treatment. and you didn't mention that there is a submitted to the of access to food and water. it is a,
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the army is allowing minimum of food and water to the beach, the patients and the medical stuff. so i'm all those trapped inside the hospital. the we are trying desperately to back to read to children. there's some things that seem to know. she's 13 years old and her brothers, i think the last you 16. so these children have suffered a severe injury to use for this baby or strike. that's just their mother and then other family members and have them had their lives subsidies. so since the she saw these children, like all the people talk about this, just have not eaten property in the tub, drink water properly, and most people, as we knew, a really my notice in these children is pacific. they have an addition. so we are really calling for an urgent needs as to we let them access medical treatment and the we know that they need surgery according to their medical records. so i have been in contact with the outcome. who was the only one that's from the family and
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he stayed with them in the hospital. but is it a n forest or people to need to be buying food? so he told me i was forced to need my nephew and niece looks to me. the injuries normally think of treatment under is the ab seeds on fire. he was studies like, you know, imagined eating children when 100 patients crap together in the hospital with no meant the kid again. he told me like he just trying to contact people inside the ship. every day i was in contact with them and every day the situation with the city of aging and seeing how the storm. uh and the storm. i have a big kid off. he has a bed sores and the bed sort of started to be inspected. the started see was and he said like i come up really by the in thing and see it in the most cruel circumstances. can you just just so help me the names of getting the children's names again and i will fail to see the one that's what i'm
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doing this now. she's a she's been girl. she's 13 years old. feet and a boy of 16. and what with injuries and what treatment have they had so they had to get injury to the nurse, try to be had them conditions and then a petition. a big had to invest in the large population. just as you have a store. i'm not really in a number that could be pointless to fuchs yet, but they must also, in either way to do surgery. because again, you know, you can never survive unrestricted though it's meet the injuries. so we have 30 points with the details, but i'd rather not say it in something the needed for the cleanup. i will definitely provide an all of a of these to receiving any treatment. what is the situation with the doctors in the hospital of adult to still they're all they are they being killed if they managed to leave what, what's going on with them? so they just like had, was last night, as i know a doctors are there,
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but they don't have a method can. they don't have medicines, they don't have dressing, they don't have the basic medical equipment or medications. so i know that they're there, they're doing their best. so because do most of often as i mentioned, the woods that'd be inspected. no one is changing the dressing, you know, when it's giving them education really have fluid. they told him that the army just didn't to give them the bare minimum survive, like some can't food, like each patient and have one more of the filter each day. so i know the to, according to him, i have her to doctors. they're not giving anybody because treatment or kid that'd be heard of doctors and medical stuff being killed. i couldn't say that. i heard that for somebody, but all of us here it is on the news, but they were looked in contact with a doctor who region and there was nothing contact with any doctor who's so. so the doctor was just that i know from the news and from other this one is that this was what was happening. well, what could they hateful for better days?
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especially for those 2 siblings that you describe not that terrible situation i have blooms, amputation, joyful. so by doing thank you for talking to us. thanks. thank of the unit agency that palestinian refugee says, israel will no longer allow the food convoys from entering the living cause of where people are dying of hunger, try to general affinity polezza really releases statements on the social media platform ex, stating that the is revenue authority 7, phone, the you and they will no longer approve any or food come voice to the north of casa run. it's called a decision not rages. it says it's rented to make it intentional, to obstruct life saving assistance during a man made from it. meanwhile, in his statements, the director general of the world health organization says the lucky own right from delivering food is in fact denying staffing people the ability to survive. this decision must be urgently reversed. all efforts to deliver food should not only be
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permitted, but there should be an immediate acceleration of food deliveries that speak now to some rose is a direct for planning it or why joins as life from a mind. so this order by israel to not to allow any root can voice through to give a to add, potentially stopping people. what are the implications of this, of the implications of dramatic coming after 5 and a half months of the relentless pool of the an independent no authority. one last week of, of evidence comments. people are already dying of starvation up and up in the north . and this is essentially a death sentence on many of those people i'm hearing ralph and not in on mine. in this situation, the bombings are relentless everywhere, but, but the situation conditions, particularly harsh in the northern gauze for it, where we estimate there are about 250000 people who've been track that for about 5
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and a half months under is by far the largest aid organization inside gosh, is that blocking on rough from delivering of the arrows? i say just lessons. the conditions on is that the lift for an obstruction? that's my boss said the commissioner general of and ready to deliberate on struction like stating assist is to offer a population that is already facing hunger for assignments and salvation. so sick but simply most people will die. of course you have high, the incredibly limited access anyway, so i guess this is israel doubling down on the policy already in place, right. a policy already in place to restrict access to human rights or an access to the no. but we have now been informed to explicitly that on ro missions to the know we have 3 plan this week i myself was used to be on one this morning. we've been told explicitly now that those missions will not be co ordinate 6. so that means less a trucks do a trucks to the starting people of northern gauze or the gravity of the situation
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is such that the entire 8 community has to work together to get as much a as in northern garza as possible and taking on right away from that you're taking the largest access away from the equation. so you stop unwrap you stop garza so we have a situation where we have 2 jobs quantities of a just sitting there. and it's really a matter of mere kilometers away from thousands of starving people. absolutely. there are problems on the border with egypt. there are hundreds of trucks that are stuck with that, but literally those trucks are all kilometers away. on the other side of the border, the eastern side of the border, we have seen small kids. we have hydroponic phones. we have all the food, all the new trends, all the minerals, old investments that we need. so i put a stop to this. when you say people essentially dying, how close do you understand people the to reaching starvation to actually
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died? now people, people are already dying of starvation we've, i, i can't remember the exact figures about the numbers and attends in the twin cities . the situation is already extremely center is very, very catastrophic. reducing the amount of age that he's getting and setting off or just make this situation thought was what has to happen here? now, do you think? so what has to happen is that that has to be a pressure put on israel to reverse this decision that has to be an immediate and a sustained increase in access to northern. got to allow the human it's are and community including on right. this isn't about on rep button rest and is by far the largest units are in organization inside jobs or the entire community working together to get as much a into a northern gauze as quickly as possible. if we do this,
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we can stop this. but if we don't do it, we've been waiting for months. what would happen? we're now starting to see it happen as israel given any reason for his decision and tell us a little bit about what the prices of approval is. we are not aware of for any reason for that decision, we were, we were in phones 3 nights on the run that on mission. so the knowledge would not be approved for operational considerations. we don't get much more than that, but essentially every mission that the units are in community inside garza plans for the no has to be communicative, has to be coordinates. it has to be approved by the as riley, all star sees to in my new level of on the tv. so uh that happens typically about 24 hours before the missions aren't you to, to happen. and we get informed a couple of hours before whether or not it's going to go ahead. so the trucks were ready, the materials were ready, i myself was ready,
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our drivers were ready and we were stuck down. are you getting any indication that any pressure from the united states is, is being put on as well to try and enforce than to allow for more aden that we are holding on holding on to say. so i have insults on israel, some of that pressure on the day of the entities that kind of implemented since the united nations century general was in rafa. yesterday he passed the same message on as well. and now we're not seeing it having any effect, but it's us absolutely urgent and critical. it couldn't be more critical that this decision be with us. indeed. all right, summarize, we're going to leave it in the summer as the director of planning on joining us from rafa. thank you. for the extra generals. i'm trying to gutierrez, who's in neighbor, egypt is also reiterate the cost of desperately needed supplies, looking gift, gaza. it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war or fat mean conk was then this out of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to made it
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satisfy it is now the spirit of compression. i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages, the suffering must, and while the scene ends even does a desperately needs, what has been problem is a flock of 8 you as far as presently tomlin harris is refusing to roll out whether that will be consequences for his ratliff, it pushes the head with the ground, evasion of rafa. she made the comment stirring an interview on a be seen. you show this week. i see, believe but then yahoo is an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening and gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of security and,
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and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out and getting aid in 9. yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about an offensive and rasa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafa would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something i have studied the map, there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in rafa who are there because they were told to go there most of them . and so we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operation, a mistake. but would there be consequences if he does move forward?
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but we're going to take it one step at a time, but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you ruling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am ruling out nothing. so what does it, let me join me here in the studio is mohammed, i'm actually, he's a political analyst and professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies are welcome. and so it comes to her as, as suggesting that that could be consequences for is right. if it moves ahead with this plan invasion, a rafa, what's your take on the, what do you reckon she's means but i mean, i think it was. there's more just a fancy way of saying nothing. that was pretty much empty rhetoric, but they're not ruling out anything, but that doesn't mean that they're going to do anything. i think they've been very, i agree with her on one thing that the, the u. s. has been very clear. the us has been very clear that they are not willing to put in place any red lines for the israeli government. they said that repeatedly in october and november even as you know, the accusations of,
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of genocide and then um, you know, when, when it came time to obviously with, with the un security council. are they vetoed resolutions? they've been asked since then. you know, are the red lines, joe biden said no. last week, he didn't interview with m s. nbc. he was asked again about red lines. and he's, he initially said there, there could be a red line, but then you immediately walked it back in the same breath. and now you have kamala harris effectively, in my opinion, saying that the us isn't prepared to do anything. but given the degree of to which that by the ministration, who said that israel must not going to wrap them is not in invade reference. the way that they said they would, if they end up doing it in the united states, does nothing that's not going to look good. is it the optics about? well, the optics are already bad. i mean, if you look at the us of global standing, you know, i just don't know how much the, the us care is at this point. i mean, if you mean the closest analogy i can give is with the settlements. so for decades the us has reviewed israel publicly for settlements and settlement expansion. but
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what has it only goes? yeah, but what has the us done about settlement expansion even though it makes them look bad? they've done nothing. they've done absolutely nothing about the settle us. and this is really more of the same. so, you know, i'm a skeptic until the us actually does something. i'm not going to believe it's going to happen. and from nothing you know, his point of view, do you think it said that he will carry his threat through to invade rough as well? i think we should take his words very seriously. i mean, on these particular issues, he's usually pretty honest and candid and upfront, when he told us in november that he was going to immediately start the bombing upon the end of the, the truce. he was true to that. he's been telling us for weeks now that they are going to invade the offer that they have to invade off in order to achieve their objectives. so i think we should take him at his word. it's been my opinion for a long time that unless the us and i think that us is the only entity that can do
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anything about any of this, unless the us is willing and prepared to use. it's leverage and it has a lot of leverage that it can use against israel. then i think we can expect israel to proceed as though there are no practical consequences for its actions. and what about the implications of all of this on the, the piece, the price is where it leaves disability funding goes stations that are being discussed here in the heart. and the potential for letting you know who just to buy time by refusing to, to accept the deal. yeah, i think i think it's a very difficult negotiation. we've been saying for weeks that it's very difficult to square what from us wants with what israel wants from us, wants and ends to the, to the war. they want to permanent ceasefire for obvious reasons. and israel wants to can, to continue the war. they want to as far as i can see, just destroy garza and i think winds guys are and so that is rarely some can take it over. so how do you square those 2 positions is very difficult. i think that's why we don't have a ceasefire. the us position at the u. n. was very clear. they continue to be in
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israel's corner. they put all of the blame on the palestinian side on from us. they've mentioned from us they mentioned other palestinian groups and mentioned on our, well, they mentioned the hotels and they associated all of them with terrorism. so i think the implication is clear, the us continues to be fully in israel's corner. believe that having to, thanks very much my have them as are here this you day. thank you. thanks still ahead here and out 0. i'm rubbing. i didn't have a key ukraine with a physio therapy teams, helping keep the country. so just in the fights for 3 people to be interested in brazil for their role in the drive by shooting of accounts of women, 2018 windows full time, you have 15 minutes. society tennis will number to talk to 2nd consecutive type of power will be here with the the
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the hello from joe, or let's get going with your weather report for the middle east and africa. so it's still soaking rains in iraq dropping down through equate but that energy is pushing into iran. let's go in here for a closer look. i think southern iraq by stress, huge amounts of rain coming again. and this is also going to kick back some showers by hiring cats are central southern saudi arabia, where there have been some big storms lighting up the night sky from mecca rate through to re out. again, let's pick up this story because as this moves into iran, i think we're going to see about a months worth of rain in sure as over 24 hours ahead of this quite a bit of heat look at ask about interpreting to spend 30 degrees, but your temperatures will fall as free head toward tuesday, same situation, but weather pulls into that western side of circa. it's going to be a bit breezy, as well as stumble down to 14 degrees on monday to africa. we go disturbed weather
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run. the canary islands is pushing rain into bronco northwest, spelled jerry, it wouldn't be surprised if we see some jolts and bolts. they're quite cool for this time of the year in new ok. shutting. we've got rain stretching from ethiopia rate to northwest stand kola. but i gotta take your south if this we've got persistent rain up and down the east coast and madagascar and for southern mozambique as well. my puts are looking at a month's worth of rain and 48 hours. the despite being housed in 2018 sort of practice, prime minister is back in power, along with his hotline politics. he needs someone to hate. that's helping his own words along with didn't. how would his reappearance affect neighboring you prayed, and the persecuted minorities within the slovak republics, borders? honestly, i have to say that i met free. go back here. the return of itself on the jersey to
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the latest news as it breaks. steps of on any social media platform could face court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate with detailed coverage. people here come from places where this whole nice, nice, the full health services a close that comes off from the food from around the world. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants, including children, or in the the, the cloud can watching out 0 reminder about some stories as our polls have now
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closed and counting has begun. instead of goals, presidential election, 7000000 people are eligible to vote for one of 19 candidates results respects to be announced in the coming days. full entrances to out amount of hospital blogs by these really minute treat. forces have killed an emergency where i couldn't side the pound of sun. red crescent society says displace palestinians and patients who move all have been effectuated the director general of what it says is ready. authorities has informed us that they will no longer approve any of it to come voice to enter the nose. jobs at the head of the w. h. o has said that the decision must be urgently reversed the court proceedings and beginnings of suspects in the west attack. on russ renee, the 20 is repairing before a judge in a musket court who's expected to place him in pre trial detention. 11 suspects were arrested in connection with private to tacket. the constituted moscow, at least 137 people were killed. prussia in terms of having
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a day of national morning service, was held by making shift memorial just outside the concert hall, emergency services to steel. recovering bodies from under the deputy of the building. it was mostly destroyed by 5 that were started by the attack is of the shooting russian president vladimir putin. he went to a russian orthodox judge in moscow and could be seen like a candle honoring the victims. i proved invalid vengeance for the attack and his address to the nation on such let's have more now from mount deserves those 2 power . in most of these ruins are all that's left of caracas, city hall. a popular concert venue in moscow. emergency personnel are working around the clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those kills here . when gunman stores the venue, you know,
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what can i feel terrible for the people who suffered here? it's horrible. at least the situation makes this thing that many things need to be changed to this house. reality. i'm assigning over the play me up with my colleagues and i worked here at the events, competition. they were more than 1000 children participating when this whole start to do and the desire was to remain calm and affected the children, which with this last one, i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment. the security service says 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them were detained while heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement the flags or it have stuff, and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have answered an appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called it's half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security services continue with
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investigation. many questions you may not answer about one of the biggest failures in the russian intelligence in years. sources avari algebra, moscow. russia carried out and strikes in west and ukraine in the early hours. this sunday keeps as a defense systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary report suggests the casualties of major damage. witnesses say they heard explosions and sort something themselves being shut down. publish authority, say one russian missile volunteered there, a space for, for returning to ukraine. well, the reason the increase in russian and type said putting pressure on you creating medical units on the front line elsewhere cuz of looking at individual ways of helping wounded soldiers recover from mcbride, travel to east and ukraine to find out more not far from the front line and you don't yet region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of drone attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars is the trend,
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little book, the bottomless, there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we are a lot busier fellow medic late and it shows us their ambulance, which they used to meet up with units bringing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transfer to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion, and will likely return to duty officer treatments a sentence like this one in hockey, the northeast, and ukraine. also a physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion 2 years ago. so we can always machine, the shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog. you only remember fragments t like via the so just come here for regular treatments before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring offensive by russia. there's
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a growing awareness in ukraine of the need for most soldiers, with an emphasis on keeping the experience troops on the front line even enough to enjoy the centers also offer vocational training for students. while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patients are so high, but it's like they're on holidays when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line. and this offers a distraction from that. as this was, shows no sign in defending these a service is seemingly in increasing demand. run mcbride, don't use it, or how to keep you cry. too many awake gunman ever pulled, at least on the police station in the capital, entering several people. witnesses say they had a blas and gunshots, i'd say yet, if i'm police department in the district have no not according to local media. the attack has threatened to death named grenades of the site to be also an explosion in the facility place in brazil, of the rest of the men suspects,
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of ordering the killing of a ridge generic council women, 201990 elliot franco was killed in a drive by shooting sparking international outcry. federal congressman was detained on sunday, along with his brother from the head of rio, civil police departments was also detained for allegedly instructing the investigation. frank kay, who was a black and gay activist born in if a villa was named for defending minorities and for speaking out against police brutality, brazil's left wing parties held rallies ahead of the anniversary of the 1964 military. too many people still worried about the country state of democracy after lost his attack on congress, monica etiquette reports now from sup, holler. the protestors took to the streets of stone phone despite the heavy rains marketing the 60th anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say the preserved young democracy is still
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a businessman, military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment for those responses. the he's referring to former presidential able so now do we send or investigation by federal police? he's accused of plotting this cool to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections. demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left when parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both. so nato rally last month, we're seeing clearly that society is divided even an issue. there is no consensus in today's society. the, uh, the quote was something bad for a resume or some people who would support. i'm other to resend military
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taking action against the government, the back from running the estimate the right. make it come to the advise if you're not here. as president says, $137.00 school students have done to daily of this month have been freed. previous media reports had put the number of children taken that 287 government attached to the school in the northern state of kaduna, a mazda 7 or to chide, where the constitutional code has bought 10 candidates running in the presidential election scheduled for any may 2 of them are outspoken critics at the ministry
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governments court rejected the application sites and regularities. 10 of the candidates remain in the race, including the current of june to lead them. how much interest debbie know, and his prime minister demand opposition, anita, who was expected to join the race for president, was killed at his party headquarters last month. seminar is set to become orleans youngest of a prime minister itself that he was elected to lead the governing fee to get the policy. it follows the surprised resignation of a promise on the for outcome. on wednesday, the 37 year old is best known for helping stay of the country's initial response to cape of 19, as a government administer. as i said ahead, so now does your morocco is able to become ask, who's industrial pounds look at out the nation to subtract the common factor it support, send it to the impacts of training ground free thrills of wrinkled braking crowd melvin. the
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in the biggest global in the next 2 and you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode, i'd be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us. been that in the body of the thing, an avalon of cut often charges even before full talk com. the report was due on the visa examining the headline is an is of publicity for forms of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver audience. only create a world where women come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore
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and abundance of world class programming on which is era and the, [000:00:00;00] the i, let's get of this for his for next. thank you so much for me. one world champion, match the shop and had some problems at the australian ground. pre break failure brought us race to an early and giving for our a driver, carlos sans the chance to win in front of a record melvin crowd. and the richardson reports prior to the phil is telling me to use much the stipends written call it failed him
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. is on fire. it's completely melts at the car. after winning the open sea races of the season, we'll tackle hold of a stop and was out to the australia in chrome pre on lot for that when the lights on both the right rear brakes stuck on. and um yeah, it didn't cool. so i just kept them being warm or warmer, giving me really weird. instability is, and then of course, a cold fire phase 7 time will champion lose hamilton's re school. so i finished early is mercedes, came to it on the schedule, hold on left 16. hamilton post to watch on this for rory's call a science put on a driving master class. meanwhile, the gas out in front about 447 seconds selling system on hamilton is set to replace out the autonomy and say next season. it is this funny, missed the last girl and pretty in saudi arabia, because he was having surgery for a pen. besides this, this was quite the come back to a regular with melvin proud of more than 130000 or a miserable day from
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a series that even worse on the final lap. because george russell crushed doubts as the british trying to was on her to the incidents of science went on to secure the 3rd grown pre when of his career. it was a fairy one too. with charlotte cut in 2nd, blunder norris, as mcclare and finish stood for now the stipends still leads the overall cycling race to start the year with the news of a non renewal. and i'll be thinking ok, what's next day in my life. and then the appendix, then that no, no what am i going to be back? i'm i going to be bugging platform and how long it's going to take me to to get back up to speed and uncomfy and unintended. you come back and when the at the moment so it doesn't have it seem to draw only for next season. this pool. you won't be sure of office on the richardson,
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l. g 0 model g. p. ryder, jorge martin has won the portuguese ground, pri, this fighters finish the head of the not a best the i'm need started from pool. well 19 year old pedro acosta. earn his 1st podium finish after starting from 7. martin takes over the lead after reading champions. francesco banana crashed out of the race following a collision with 6 time a world champion, mark mark has i'm really happy and proud of the team we are doing. we said they knew the copy is working, but they didn't sign these on saturdays, these for sure. and you know, doing here and i tried where i almost lost everything and i almost stopped racing high. and now i'm here on the, on the 1st place. this is amazing and i'm so grateful to describe because i learned a lot or 02024. how strongly do you have found some form with a confidence visiting a went over france. florian verse made history by 4 in germany's fastest ever go on versus heading that after just 7 seconds to help and a 3 game, a winless run for his country. the goal was set up by round madrid's tony cruz who
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was back in the team 3 years after announcing his international retirement. i have her, it's cool, completed is to know when over the walls have a runners up. certainly won't kick off the heroes on june. the 14th with a group game against football is guaranteeing body sci fi has canceled the world cup qualifier between north korea and japan that was due to take place on tuesday. north korea had refused to host the game without giving an official reason . japanese media is important that north screen officials were concerned, the japanese squad with bring infectious diseases into the country will cease to sub the issue on the much outcomes will be refer to their disciplinary committee tennis out in top. see carlos alcaraz has reached the 3rd round of miami, opened the well number to beat fellow spaniard roberta, car bay as a band in straight sets. it's his 7th street when the 20 year old is looking to
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complete what's known as the sunshine, a devil after his victory at last week. it was uh, it was retail for me. uh, 6 to assist you. um. but uh, he seems like he was uh 1st uh it was uh, very low mots. uh, uh, but said we were really happy with uh, with the letter that i hit the ball um that i solve the, uh, everything. and uh, hopefully keep, keep going. of the time, the champion and the right is that his best when of the year so far? you want in straight sets against thomas martin at chevrolet, the advertising marie in the 1st round of the australian open. earlier this year for 36 year old womack space tech player thomas win as well. the one that used to be on track is also into around 3 college. started to see that it least committed to midland group for a for lots of just 2 games. it was the 81st when of her $100.00 level match only
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serena williams had more wins at this stage of her career. nearly a socket continued her combat journey with the 2nd round victory. for a time grand slams. having beat 17th a seed, elena selina in straight sets, was off his plane and her 6 tournaments giving birth to her daughter. so faith, certainly not garcia now and before we go, there were some bizarre scenes on the streets of paris earlier. the french capital, which is very up to has the lympics as yourself beast ro, waiters square off against you against each other in a rate. the event is more than a century old and makes slips return. after 13 years, waiters have to carry a plate with a croissant coffee, add a glass of water for 2 kilometers. whoever finishes 1st with out is blowing anything when summer. okay,
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and that is all used for that purpose pull that is perhaps likely thanks very much . no, america is a me to become a manufacturing help. the nation's current sports reached nettie 40000000000 dollars last year and also hoping to make his mark in the aerospace industry. this actually my reports now from tunzia, and then northwest of the the call and making industries taking center stage in morocco. this plant owned by friends, auto manufacturer, will know its pride in africa. 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any input sections as cause move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expanding the sport in 10, g is. the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 costs every year. a seed, hawaii on his team, on a charm offensive to pursue
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a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps he did. industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created 800000 jobs. and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 of exports value made in the zone. morocco c's high potential for growth in green energy they called and is also planning to stop manufacturing hydrogen powered cause in the upcoming years the hallways off because big a $64.00 total cost decades with tax breaks, investments incentives and police many agreements with the u. s. e u t on gulf nations to establish itself as a series, the congress call industry. now, we're also wants to go global, and it's not just about manufacturing calls,
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but wal codes also setting it sites on high end technology and aerospace. this plant recently built in casablanca, is working at full capacity. it's manufacturers, also craft these engine components will assume the flow to its customers, such as boss, boeing, bowls, voice, and many other giants of the industry added has sent. he is busy expanding the economics, the zone middle blog, attracting big names in the industry. 20 years ago we started why electrical coat cables and why a honda is a 2 day. we have the companies that are producing the engine component very complex companies, big airplane manufacturers. find in morocco is highly skilled and low cost labor force and bucks submitted to your unfortunate to,
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to make that profit for actually mine. but i was just the casablanca, that's it. for mainland cloth, with these uninstalled, you'd say the, the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has no being violated. then we have some western powers supports of israel's actions. this world has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing, just how deeply corrupt materially am tomorrow the day i look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel goal is to conflict. israel above the low on al jazeera people who is lived here for generations, still use the natural terrain for shelter since israel's war on god. so begin host
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indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank say. similar attacks have double put a coordinated campaign by is really sensors and soldiers. one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves. subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances, tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground. but they say they can't be forced to live uncomfortable. but the threat of displacement to silence is never far away in palestine. it is another from blowing another struck the indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land. the 1st, when they saw that we see 3 of the victims themselves along the surface disconnects between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing
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on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered to the election day comes to an end and synagogue. but accounting is now underway and the country is tight. taking tested presidential race, the color that i'm just on the day, and this is out of here at light from dog. also coming to israel tells you and that it will no longer allow on rough food convoys to northern cause that despite an imminent from russia and morning after fridays concert hall attacked and killed


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