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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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what they are, they are in raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the election day comes to an end and synagogue, but accounting is now underway and the country is tight. so you can test the presidential race, the color that i missed on the day. and this is algebra, live from dog. also coming to israel tells you and that it will no longer allow on rough food convoys to northern gauze, despite and in russia. in morning, after fridays concert hall attack, killed a 157 people. the suspects are expected to appear in court for the 1st time. on the end of a nightmare, a $137.00 light, jerry and the students kidnapped by gunman released the government and says it did
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not pay any of the full. we begin in senegal way, pallets and now being counted in the countries presidential election halls close just about an hour ago. there are 2 front front is as of a pool of 19 content is one of them is a full, a prime minister. i'm a do boss. he was hand picked by the outgoing president lock you saw on the other is bus 0, jeremy fi, he's a g establishment candidate. he was also recently released from prison. he's a chosen candidate of the opposition. the that was not a phone call from 7000000 senegalese were eligible to verse the election day, but it was confirmed just over 2 weeks ago. that was often a time to buy presents how to postpone the vert sparked mass protest as well. that's kind of strange, all correspondent nicholas hunk. he's live as upholding station in the capital co way, but it's on currently being counted, nick,
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so much has been resting on how things went today to focus throughout all and full that it feels like things went relatively smoothly. well and relatively smoothly. i'm going to be quite quiet here because the voting account accounting is, is underway in one of these pollings in this voting center. this is the only polling center of organization where the assessor allowed us to stay and he actually sit at 2 police officers that wanted us out of his room and very much the case in other areas for either members of the media. the seems to be told to leave the premises when the counting at takes place. this is unusual. this hasn't happened at previous times before. it's a very tense situation. you can see those that are to preserve hers from the candidates that are making their own tally. as the counting is under way,
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and it's like this not says here at this pulling station a poor at this voting center, but it's happening across the country. what we're hearing is jeremiah, as you can hear, which is the opposition figure and the name of a do by the ruling party. a candidate, it seems that they seem to be in the lead, at least in this pulling station here, besides. yeah, let's do. we have a sense of channels. i can imagine that people with very keen to vote given what it took to actually get to this point as well. there was quite a lot of excitement and anticipation with this selection that was 1st delayed. and then that in effect took place today this morning we met a 1st time voter who hadn't planned to take part in the vote when the cancellation of the election took place decided to get her homework for her id. and there's a lot of young people that came out in vote in this morning. we saw women and young
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voter in their demographic in this election that could take their vote in this tightly contested race. but really what we've seen is a peaceful day so far. there's been some elements of tension in some areas works confusion over whether voters were at the right polling station. the government changed the method in which the voting takes place at the very last minute. but with that stake here is who is going to be the next president in this selection? 2 very different provisions, 2 very different candidate stand out. both have something in common list as if they both former tax inspector. one was an employee 2 and the other was the boss ring party candidates. i do bye with the boss. and the former prime minister has the whole state apparatus behind him to help him campaign during this election. meanwhile, on the other side by sewage, a, my fi was in prison
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a week ago and was just released under and i'm the seat belt. he's relatively unknown, but he's sort of thing on the wave of support for his boss is not a candidate opposition. figure who spends sancho move in force. that bound political party pasta is about to find it. sancho, in some who is a, by sci fi we, we get a sense that these 2 candidates have a very different perspective on how to set a goal for one wants more of the say, continue building on the infrastructure projects and the booming economy and try to address the issue of unemployment, that's i do that on the other side by to do my 5 says we need to renegotiate all these big contracts with, with these infrastructure projects led by for an investment. she's saying san diego and senegalese, 1st. that's his prior the and we seeing a lot of young people that seem to see that as their vision for the future of the
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country. a break from the past is what is needed. that's what we're hearing from many of the voters during the day today. sounds very interesting. nicholas, are they on the ground for us and the seneca use capital co keeping an eye on vote counting now that polling has closed. thank you so much. thank the body is randy. minute tree is systematic. the targeting hospitals across casa, a few medical facilities that are still functioning, operating under catastrophic conditions, according to the dumped as overwhelmed with the number of casualties and injuries inside 3 hospitals in the strip. and now on the attack light is really forces. i'll see if a hospital in the northern garza city alamo hospital west of con eunice, and just the columbus or away nasa hospital. we understand all entrances to our
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hospital has been built. find these rated men. entry is where the forces of also killed and imagined see walking inside the palestine with cousins. society says despised palestinians, of patients who are more about has been about 2 races, stuff and patients with disabilities remain inside that hospital. well, is there any minute treat vehicles and also surround at nasa hospital nearby? you're watching pictures now from inside that facility some 3 weeks ago. is there any forces have laid siege to that hospital, forcing palestinians to abandon the complex than most of the medi yet since to 30th night, we have been carpet bombing. tobias really were planes when the entire area near nicer hospital was shaking. it looks like we're in the earthquake. we took shelter in our building stairwell until the morning. we've seen these really soldiers release each to the area. so we ran for our live off some shelter in the hospital and others remains trend. it is really snipers or shooting it, though is moving in the road. many dead bodies are lying in the street. both nasser
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injured damien hospital service seized by his reading tanks for the assessment. or if i join us on the stuff i did on so the early morning hours, we kept hearing gunfire. many injured are right. and this medical facility mostly women and children, one child to come to his wounds and for others are in critical condition. the old stuff, a direct head injuries, all of them are displaced from other parts of the gaza strip. me. so i that didn't the left left, left the down, you know, months of it, since these really occupation forces returned to the nasa hospital area. we have lost contact with the medical team that many are still working on storing parts of the hospital to provide basic services to canadians and the injured. we do not know what has become of the medical team operating the gun. one estimate of how does that off, i'll shoot for hospital and garza city has been on the is rarely siege for 7 days in a row. now, because of the health ministry says is really for so they've killed at least 5 medical stuff that includes doctors, nothings,
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hundreds of people have been detained. how this thing and say is really forced as a carrying out a campaign of executions. not the rest. hundreds of patients. so for somebody, just paste palestinians are still trumped inside that complex or where the 7 palestinians have been killed. fine, is there any strike on rough up and southern garza, the injured husband rushed to the nearby on nausea hospital. these really minute 3 has intensified a tax on that, said he, when more than one and a half 1000000 forced to be despised. palestinians have been seeking shelter for let's be taught correspondents on the ground tarka boys and he joins us now from rafa. tarik, we know nothing. yeah. who is now in that his rough or offensive will go ahead in the meantime it feels like the strikes are intensifying. yes. um it the, the ongoing uh, the is rarely warnings uh repeated also statements regarding a potential monitoring cogent in a roughly district. uh, the is where the 5 to just has been massively bouncing the entire area with
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a heat farms. as in the past a 24 hours. we have been seeing a police jamil attacks on the eastern and also in the central areas of a rough on this area that is initially being designated as a saves though. and one of the latest attacks and fox had killed 7 palestinians along that along with a 20 others being wounded and being transferred to an adar hospital for medical treatment. and the latest out for attacks that had been carried out in a rough, i had it contributed to rise, the desk told to move down to 20 palestinians have been killed alongside with a 20 a person who had been injured in great now and this is absolutely terrifying guys who lot to destruction has been completely close a for the areas that had been directly targeted without any prior warnings that tar, if this has been a well, we know on hospitals, what is the situation at nasa out of modeling and she for right now as well,
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the situation right now and these hospitals sound really critical as the spend a minute to choose uh, surrounding the entire buildings. they are completely consoles and what the control what goes in and what comes out from the hospital. the past few hours as the published thing in the records that society has been stating that they have allowed to unimpressed patients who can will conform to leave the hospital to a more of the area without a forwarding them with a method of transportation. but they are still some patients with disabilities who cannot well without assistance. the tow truck, the, it's ongoing city shortage of food, water, and medical supplies. as the entire facility had been multiple, you targeted by the is very military troops on the end of the different departments of both hospitals have been rude as a part of the is very manager of operations. but this, it sounds to be a clear approach that's adopted by the as well the military and old areas that they have operated and the systematically destroyed hospitals. the keep arresting people
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inside. um, also they are have they have been also executed thing residents and medical teams as what happens in a ship hospital in the course of the past few days were bottles and confrontations a little bit for sending through the process of, of course that there are 3 continue this continued, so now without any kind of we did the work for the is wait a minute, your troops are a couple 0 that with the latest for us, from the ground for pushing from rasa and southern gaza. thank you. time a hold of you. an agency for palestinian refugees, says israel, it will no longer allow the food convoys from entering northern goals where people are dying of hunger director, general felipe another, a new release. the statement on social media platform, x staging, that the as rarely with are at ease of informed to you, and then they will no longer approve any on rough food convoys to the north of casa for high school, the decision outrages and says that as well as making it intentional to obstruct a life saving assistance during non made fun. meanwhile, in
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a statement the director general of the world health organization says it's blocking on rep from delivering food is in fact, denying starving people the ability to survive. the decision that must be urgency revised all efforts to deliver food should not only be permission. there should be an immediate acceleration of fear deliveries. sunroof is the director of planning it on. he says, as well as decision is a death sentence for palestinians. the implications of dramatic coming after 5 and a half months of the relentless or the an independent no authority was last week of, of imminent comments. people are already dying of starvation up and up in the north . and this is essentially a death sentence on many of of those people. i'm hearing ralph in this situation. the bombings are relentless everywhere. but, but the situation conditions, particularly harsh in the northern gauze for it,
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where we estimate there are about 250000 people who been trapped there for about 5 and a half months under is the i saw the largest aid organization inside gauze and start blocking unrra from delivering of the arrows, i say just lessons the conditions and is a deliberate obstruction. as my boss set the commissioner general of on right at the liberal destruction of life stating, assist him to art for the population that is already spacing. huck some in on salvation. so sick, but simply most people will die. meanwhile, is there any forces of conduct in more range across the occupied westbank? tongues was seen entering the western town of a zone near cafeteria, facing both hands between the military and palestinian fighters. these really ami has now killed 450 palestinians in the office, replied westbank since october, the 7th. moving on to some other world news and court proceedings on beginning for suspect and the worst attack on russian or the 20th. they are hearing before judge
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animal sco quote, who is expected to pay some free trials, attention. 11 suspects were arrested in connection with friday's attack. and to con, support and moscow, at least a 137 people were killed. the russians had been in solving a day of national morning a service was held by and makes up for more than just outside the comforts at home and emergency services. there are still recovering bodies from under the debris. if the building was most needs destroyed, 55 at the stones, and 5 the same attack as often the shooting a president government prison himself has gone to a russian orthodox church in moscow. and he can be seen lighting a candle honoring the victims pigeon has vowed vengeance for the attack in his address to the nation on saturday. and now from out of the results of jabari in the russian capital, these ruins are all that's left of caracas, city hall, a popular concert venue in moscow. the emergency personnel are working around the
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clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those killed here . when gunman stores the venue, who, you know what i feel terrible for the people who suffered here. it's horrible. at least the situation makes us think that many things need to be changed to this house. reality. i'm assigning, over the summer i me have with my colleagues and i worked here at the dance competition, it will more than 1000 children participating. when this whole start to do on the desire was to remain calm and evacuate the children, which would be the last one. i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment. the security service says 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them were detained while heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement flags,
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or it have stuff and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have answered an appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called this half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security services continue with investigation. many questions you may not answer about one of the biggest failures in russian intelligence in years. sources avari algebra most. so let's go ahead here about mcbride and how to keep ukraine with the physiotherapy teams, helping keep the country soldiers in the fonts the the. so here's a forecast for europe to start. the weather in the west stand disturbed the weather in the east. let's break it down region by region because there is
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a lot of rain to talk about. we've wiped out that summer field across southern spain, so be dropping those temperatures and seville. we've got rounds of rain to go. then the winds picking up through central and southern portugal, especially the south west coast of portugal. could see those winds were up to about 80 kilometers per hour. north of this went by their sides into the islands of ireland in britain. no weather alerts here suggest lighters, showers to be expected. and we've had some rain move across the bulk and so that's dropped down temperatures through 2 romania dow by about 10 degrees. and now greece and turkey. you're getting into this wet weather as well, especially that western side of turkey. a is stumble, coming in at 14 degrees. raining winds combo also to be expected in morocco with that disturbance around the canary islands. so for morocco its capital robots, i think we'll see, there's winds up to 60 kilometers power storms into north westfield. you're in luck . we're pumping in that heat to libya is capital triple $833.00 that's fall above where you should be for the sum of the air. could see
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a tropical storm developed along the northeast of madagascar. but either way, we've got some soaking, rains up and down the east coast on monday of the in china. this is a stomach room. the bathroom for the father was killed, boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and developing parents to be ready to protect the country. i would make your run so hard to one. 0, $1.00 east visits china as military camp for kids on out to 0. even nature does not function. we don't we the pen, which takes care of itself. the urine from nature, we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon. the
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. the parking lot, you're watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories here. the phone, holes of clothes and counting has begun instead of y'all's presidential election. some of the 7000000 people were eligible to vote. so one of 19 candidates results are expected to be announced and we're coming at least 7 palestinians have been killed. fine is really strikes on rough and southern garza and just happened. rushed to the nearby on lodge. i'm the director general of unrest. so there's radio, sorry to have informed to you in that they will no longer approve any of its food convoys to enter the north have gone ahead of the w h r. has said the decision must be causing people to an advisor for nigeria, as presidents as old 137 school students who were abducted earlier this month have now been freed. previous media reports had put the number of children taken out,
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287 government attacked their school and the northern state of kaduna on march 7th . well can you will, can you order is the executive director of the and you're talking to the west african nigeria. she says there are still several on, on such questions surrounding the release of these and dr. children i believe that they might be something that was visual, i'm taking place right. and we are in the realm of them season of whatever, 18th, right, whatever the, whatever the reasons are. and the fact that the girls, the children have been rescued. we do not see there's still an element of lack of accounts to be easy. so who are the people that took away this go the ticket with the children? oh the what's good? why did they take the, the children the way? i mean, if they, if we run some was not paid. same reason. you're asking, why did they release the, the,
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the children. these are the questions that i big info and that is not enough to have the children back full for us to see it. so to add to this, i trust that these to this criminal activities that people need to be held responsible. the gun systems need to be held accountable. are you going to is military. it has one dependent on degree of based and democratic republic of congo is planning more attacks. the allied democratic forces have been linked to a number of killings and they include an attack on a school near the border last year that killed some 43 people. catherine, so it has this report from them on way in western. you found the julia some boost is still in morning live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on group based in the democratic republic of congo, crossed the buddha. talk a secondary schools. 43 people,
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mostly students were killed. they included, he's 18 year old son mccain though i did go over, took over monday we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meeting our porters are not safe. eliza, i handle who lives next door is suffering. a different kind of pain. pass on suspects was among several people. keep about doing the raids he's calling release time. he came to me pond way to look for work and stay safe from level the talks. me go now. i pay my child as a life in the forest. i pay to god every day to perform a miracle, so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on a bundle and shell, after the petrol boom talks by a silence with my check, he's the escaped across the border into the room, the national park. these are the remind as of what happened here. the students were in there don't. when that talk happened. and it's really hard to imagine the tyra
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and fear because there was no escape on the adf, which pledge allegiance to iso was based in uganda years ago. before being defeated by the army, the rebels been fledged to d r c, where they've killed or kidnapped many civilians. various government forces including that you've got an army in the peacekeeping mission, are reinforcing. the companies ami some big the money to give you permission to the room going to minutes because of the you from me for it. we discovered there was quite a body shop including, i think the press for the data almost over the score. yeah, exactly, and it was these i get to how do they get both the box importantly, your guidance here. tyler's life may never be the same again,
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but they also say that was not leaving. fia kathy saw you all to 0 point way west and uganda. brazil. the left brain policies of how the rallies ahead of the anniversary of the 1964 military. too. many people, though a still worried about the country space of democracy after the last year's attack on congress. one. okay, on, if you have reports now from south palo as proof, gestures took to the streets of some phone despite the heavy rains marketing the 60th anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say that preserves young democracy is still a businessman and military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand punishment for those response to the he's referring to former
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president tables. so nato was under investigation by federal police. he's accused of plotting this cool to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections, demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left wing parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both. so not will rally last month. we're seeing clearly that so sorry, it is divided even an issue. there is no consensus in today's i'm so sorry to the uh, the quote was something bad for a resume or some people would support them. other things with the military taking action against the government. the from running the
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under estimate the make of the assignment harris is set to become islands youngest. if a prime minister unsolved, he was elected to lead to the governing fina gail apology and follows the surprised resignation of the prime minister leo veronica. on wednesday. the 37 year old is best known and hoping to stay of the country's initial response to 5 of 19, how's the government minister? hi ross, i carry it out as strikes in weston ukraine in the hours of sunday. he, if it says it's an event, systems managed to repel the attack, witnesses say they had explosions. and so as a missiles being shut down, publish with archie isn't say that one russian missile violation vera s. space before then returning to ukraine. meanwhile, ukrainian forces say they've had to russian ships,
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a communication center and all the infrastructure in crimea. let's take a closer look at who control is walked in ukraine right now, off to some, 2 years of all. russia has been making some more advances. this in the east, it says it's seized, a village on the west. them outskirts of block was new or cold. last month. russian troops also captured. um, did you have done yet? this comes ahead of reports that moscow is preparing for new offense and possibly on the end of may. well, patrick barry is a defense and security analyst at the university of boss. he's also a form and they show on us. he says, russia does appear to have the upper hand at the moment a, i think essentially the, the momentum is the landscape himself said the russia has won the winter. and i think the men's and the ship said to, to the russian forces on the ground at least active k was approved for that. they took it as high puff spots, and they took it known the last on the big question, natalie is, is there something brewing?
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um, in probably may ones the on what starts to dry in the area of ukraine. so we'll have to wait and see. and i'm sure the ukrainians priorities are basically mon power rather short. the soldiers are exhausted because they don't have enough chips to rotate tonight. so they really need to get the mobilization of the next batch of, of, uh, conscripts essentially sorted by and that takes time and takes time to train them up. and they've also got the issue of fortifications, which they need to prepare and better prepare than they have already there. they've been starting up since december and it's ongoing. and of course you've got the ammunition questionnaire and the weapons question, which is a lot heavily reliance on the us. so not entirely given france, u. k, germany in the u is pumping money in the so, so essentially the, it's not old ideas vu grinding. they've obviously hit, you know, as we saw in the last few hours they've hit the black sea fate. and so 1st of all, again, i'm reduced some of their carriers that they have for it by 30 percent over the
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last year. and so they are making gains there. we've seen the attacks on the refineries as well, which will happen a harassing impact, but it doesn't look good either for, for russia. so unless yet, although they're getting into their groups, they haven't totally find it. yeah, i mean, they still have major problems. they are learning though and getting better. well, the reason to increase and russian attacks is pushing freshly on ukrainian medical units who are there on the front line. health workers are looking at innovative ways of helping wounded soldiers because of a correspondence of the private travel to eastern ukraine to find out not far from the front line. they don't yet region this medical cruise days, mostly hidden during the day for fear of driving attacks. it's night time they.


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