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tv   Al Jazeera Investigations October 7  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the head of them or a highlander? how these are the top stories on challenges era? samples has a key anti establishment, kansas aust, celebrating incentive goal of to sundays. presidential election crowds a gathering outside the residence of opposition to osmond sancho, who was disqualified from the race because of a defamation conviction. but he's backing bestardo joe, my fy who's standing in his place. both counting is still underway and official results are expected in the coming days. because hawk reports from the congress old . com dressed presidential for the occasion. julia sonia,
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cast her vote for the 1st time. a solemn movement that almost escaped her. i felt like i make my voice heard for all the fight i've been doing. when president mikey saw cancelled february's election and security forces stored in parliament to remove opposition and peace, who had tried to prevent the delay. sonya says she felt robbed of her voice. voting was the right she had taken for granted. so yet took to social media to fight. while young people across indigo demonstrated, the constitutional counsel stepped in forcing the president to hold that vote. this is the far we have where i saw the main one is, is just we feel like so many guys, small families. we feel like they so much a gap between the point to go life and the youth. it's candidates put on the show and a short and fast campaign unemployment, good governance and reducing the gap between poor and rich. had been the main
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issues for voters to former tax inspectors. stand out opposition. pick your best. bu jim, i fi is competing against his former boss, governing party candidate and former tax inspector. i met you by 5 voted from his hometown in the countryside, react instead of silver, and to get is on the one. so for a need to in reality, and that is that of the people who to day will choose a man or woman to be the president on his opponent. i do by voted in the car, members to the last message we're sending out is one of peace synagogue belongs to us. we are old children of this country. they looked at her companions, well, even if it was short, but it was swift and called popular opposition and figure it was men. so cool who has been disqualified after a criminal conviction for defamation is supporting fine. so it goes to puerto, say his charges were an attempt to derail his candidacy. there is a high border turn out in this election with many travelling across the country to
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cast their votes at this pulling station. a lot of young women and young men coming out early to vote. they are a key demographic that can take the vote in what is a tight race the. the counting has begun. there is a sense of anticipation and excitement after 12 years of mucky cell. and the last few months of interest and delays, san diego awaits the outcome of the vote. and the name of its new president nicholas hawk, l g 0. the car is ready for us is continuing to target residential areas in something gone. so at least 3 people have been killed off restaurant. kids have family house and the gap that comes in the proffer, it adds an injury to being rushed to the q 8 hospital there and another strike at least 7 people were killed in rafa. is there any minute trans intensified its attacks on the city where more than 1500000 possibly displaced palestinians of
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seeking shelter but against a member of israel's will. cabinet says he'll quit the government if a bill exhibiting or ultra orthodox jews for magic trained military service passes by his laura is set to be presented before next week before. as well as part of the capacity as well as out to orthodox jewish community has been exempted from military service on religious grounds for decades. and russia full suspects and fridays, dudley must go concert the whole attack of being charged with terrorism. the men appeared and adjust the quote in the russian capital had been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. at least a 137 people were killed when coming opened fire on concert goes at the crocket 50 whole 11 people were arrested in connection with the attack. those are your headlines. we back with another update of to alger 0. well, to stay with us the
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the greater syria was a major region of the middle east at the turn of the 20th century. it became part of the ottoman empire in $1516.00, and remains ottoman until the end of the 1st world war and 1918.
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the greater serious southern province, palestine was an active part of the ottoman world. trade boomed in its commercial centers which included jerusalem joshua and say, fuck the. so let's think i see a shop can see a shop shipped, find one digit move, move down the 1st world war, changed everything in november 1918. the allied powers of britain, france, italy, and japan defeated the central powers of germany, austria, hungary, bulgaria. and importantly, the ottoman empire, britain and france conspired to divide greater syria to their best advantage. but
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they could not agree on the future of palestine. so with 1920 the league of nations put it under interim british control or mandate some christian and zine as jewish writers described palestine as quote, a land without a people. what is the main one? accept walk, so i have one how to and the so you need and message to you in india who the if the public volume at yahoo dot, in the standing the feel had shut out the door, shut out and for laughing. no, it was a shop when they would have had the zip. uh, what is that what the spot and the site is, what the soonest the heck was they had the sub also had the executive gonna. but this film looks at the region and the 20th century from a different perspective. here historians and personal testimony by contemporary
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witnesses argue that far from being an empty wilderness. palestine was a vibrant eric country with a developing commercial and community infrastructure. this is the other side of the palestinian story. on the sofa the the
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person in society 1920 was assigned to the transition. it was uh the, the period of corporate position. this is late in the last quarter of the 19th century to a degree of development. certainly. and in the cities jaffa heifer and to some extent at jerusalem jerusalem was becoming an important commercial sensor as were the ports of gaza and the awesome. they combined to turn palestine into a trading hub with 0 north africa and the middle east. these old trading records in the jerusalem archives are evidence of its business activity. jerusalem exported soaked egypt. lee ann greece, through gauze green egypt roads underbrush next through jasa cotton to
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friends, and does mir and antiques and religious gifts to assemble italy, portugal, and spring. the gaza. mdf also imported rice and fabrics from egypt, textiles, from stumble, glassware from, i know souls from india and legs from friends. i'm another lens in europe. the 3 trades palestinian cities kept pace with development and the rest of the world in the late 19th century. the palestine also developed a transport infrastructure and built a railway network to connect jerusalem and other towns and cities with the ports on the mediterranean. the
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reopening of jerusalem's main train station was a landmark event in this part of the ottoman the with the help of what you see, you look at that, are you making it to put yourself in the old? and then what uh, in the uh said outside of that this asha, they didn't put them in me, it was new to see the dentist. and also how does that mean? and then i got a son who was a domestic supplemental, as many on the items. so we have what's on it, and then what can i the live, what kind of items i mean as to what went on awesome. and what was it easy? i'm again a typical when medina, b i n b i n as in this whole to such as she is quoted. i'm always who did well i
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then also i'm a when shut up jimmy again and with all of it on. when this went into the setup, so i was in the hands of the, the the, the ones that are in the scene and its on it and the stuff and the funds in medina . but nothing. what it does, if it is out of the harbor, which i'm interested to see, what pops up on top of that off my mac. and also i'm not on the way of those thoughts the from the seems to get that off. most of most of the city of ash sound like of the, you know, the
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minimal down to come with us as our most money in the gutter. boost estimate will be subject to the more floss dot thought of both. yeah. see, i'm one of the telephone. them fall asleep by then, and luckily by unable to put the alpha because i'm going to do a lot of the i'm not even a live now, once let's see my boss come on, the 12 go on the cut, then how did the sick good, how do you can see much on the how just loving the body out, but heifer available the much. yeah. for that they'll call him and i see the month and i've done. it could be as much as you can use. yeah, i'll go to just the, i'll be a for your, for the next day. oh well, how about that?
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if shutter i'm coming up later, the yes, a, a good benefits in uh yeah, that, uh do you have that had the. ready do here on the dash uh they had the candid yes, the jacket was the main portable, some kind of fine, but it was wrapped in the overtaking uh by haifa. which in 1905 was
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uh, or chief, the very important step forward with the arrival of a branch of the hedge of roadway. uh that was from damascus to delta in southern syria. and it was extended to hyphen. so after we are so that you can travel from, from by roadway to, from heifer to damascus. and to medina in the modern day surgery radio and the significance is, i was, i think, talked maritime booth. it's an age of an age of european colonial expansion in industrial expansion. the 2 overland groups, which i'm and that was later in years to connect to places as far away is a critical can in northern new reg, which is obviously an oil producer to add to the white of the
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harmony and has a lot of afford maybe in the 5th, i think so for the, you know, most of your know how to get through setting you, can we use it the way that possibly is what it is, get on the spot. fair enough on that, that's what we use has done about this. it has to be heavy and maybe a few tests here or should the should be done here? how many is fun sheets in front of that the jetting? you definitely keep that even the last minute hold on. moving to the shopping or the the the yeah. the, the, the 35, i hope that for the, the, for jersey, why did it 10 is that's about it's going to pull up the edit for them. that's what
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was said. so what kind of business? what do you also feel for you? also member phones encouraged me if you like the the growth is your pin interest. certainly capital and, and trade in communications. and that's of course led to growth in jerusalem. jeffery, in particular and, and heifer economic growth was that it was a driven month to look at let's, let's do. huh. it's this model. it's mostly what the, how look at the product minimizing the limited and the lowest as much available to us labor was or no one is this model of the art go where you foley f. o has the
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business model business model. i mean there's not enough. when calling little quotes, well that's the bad or the daddy how to get these ideas above on the back of the how many if there's a few that the, the, i mean you can see, you should see what kind of how heavy, the owner of how to get usually if there might be any math before. i mean that would that a nice man? i think that this one study you will sort of, you will open any you have to help you. uh is just the, the pharmacy and what do you need? what are the, on the far successful the, what it does for hire you? what so coffee? yes. the philistine big cavities. know many the credit to use? yeah. it been a study shifting of fishy,
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that the candidate has show many vs the really the, to the, to a lesser degree of an age is model of fish who i showed what low for the, the, for me that you were just so you can fill up the minute the lift and come down on the shut off the ahmed, even see me that the this radio report, however, talks about the way the british mandate kept a tight grip on era workers by regulating the influx of foreign labor. the
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nothing demonstrates the development of palestinian infrastructure at this time better than the efficiency of the new railway network. if the train was late by so much as a few minutes into haifa, it was big news. the affordable care thought it'd be much higher. and the most of the body from the beginning. the 2nd no, nothing visit was so many of them a while you've been up. so what could find it default the with the foam at the chevy? is it kind of a different result of not many of them took lumen the much, the pharmacy and the diesel, 30 of meeting the treatment on political ticket to the end of attempting to clean up. medina, to effect on the sofa cost is ma'am, and i'll quote it to you. why the shock and i'm going to need this. and she said, what is the many power steering and cities became known for their manufacturing sectors. each developed its own specialties,
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annapolis was associated with manufacturing a well known brand of so hebron with leather products and i go with construction and oil exploration through the costs company. if you have the commission to get paid said, hey, honey, be here for you for sending the alpha. so the cutler a 2nd. so keep in mind then, when does the sum of the, the software you make about time will set up and why the and the f a shitty key issue that should keep the 2nd bid for this the, the mother i see whom i saw now the quoting and the time that the definition, 56 dentist right. does this mean is the end of that,
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or is it that the, a good citizen devin at the should that a julia to chub noise should use should the author palestinian companies were set up to import modern luxury products because he was one of the best known it had branches and several cities and imported electrical appliances, bicycles and a new musical device for playing music. got phone using disks or records as they were called the, the government for that. johnny. she has the smartest one
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a, b and to show it i let me assume a 1000000000 too short for them to call gun because i mean i was cause is still what i do. it's an hey, it is easy, but the only follow up in the next command, it quite a few and they are in the mail. the, as they look at the store, not web, such as he kept the intelligence the store not well. we shouldn't even know in the queue, but the homework. can you put it in? no. let's walk. medina, truthfully, shall i get this out though? we should have them hard to submit a slot and will they need to be in the hold on just a moment. so you might see him if he missed it and if you told me to put it in her left, if there's any usually kind of told her the by that google, the
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technician said so, you know who's kind of this thing or not. you know, anybody that does a lot of the notion any yes, the kids are difficult when i go when it a one who i took over a couple of or should look at them was a lot to bury for. that's it for the seeing what time be the total cost, maybe and then we're done in tennessee and i go to court in order to talk about how much is done, who i bought it. and since you know when a subsequent business, the for since the last minute for the math, and if i try to measure and it's something for the really that's up to you and have you thought i know most of the, the the common model and the, the moment, heck on in the my,
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i'm convinced that if you follow spinning event declared, the more means you've done mean less. if it done the cabinet, the solution is a it will be check. allow me if you're done, put a check in with someone from us. the c f i'm not the most of the done the from the test that i should have seen. my daddy's. how do you use them in house money? which is what i mean a dentist. i should not be the one that got an interesting enough select it. was you that cut out the fullest in the how well it didn't bring me in. no. my been assessed rejected. dean. oh bob, the most of i'm familiar with the manual auto body and kind of how the nurse been julie show up, leave you the color. i will definitely follow staying home. same with me. i'll come right here, but i will start out. i'm useless. almost all full of the oh, of the name is matt and i'm see for the student nutrition about how to turn
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the am system in the settlement system. can feet that even more funny can seem at that as well. funny it any of the head on if it should be enough for it? is that of the studio? well, i can even insure it, but that is what i did that definitely. i mean, i will be at the man on the desk and we'll see for the scene either that is i've never used that then the then that me in a c as in dog the to whom it as an online payment that it was in was cool. that's what, that's what i did that kind of people seem like and somebody is that's what i'm seeing here. and then there was who was more of b and keyboard. yeah. a set of them on me. mean mission with long as you pointed out, a lot of your head that's a lot of them. yeah, i mean, what's really cool don't she has me. that is what i do to get to tell them what i must have done. no, no, doesn't allow for the of a lot of them and ought to be like i'm putting that's going to put dement in that i'm not in the center of some your head or should in and so for the husband, how many, i mean it's the same the most standard, put the medina to put in
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a one is given that and will stick and that usually this is what i just, i mean is i'm at a time and just leave me and see him again. and we'll head what i mean at the home . oh is that like a dog and was yeah, it's an issue home with what i live on with deductibles on the subject of my head, the data center hosted me and less than often with the offer that it wasn't started on them was missing. i have to assessments, analyze it as a by, as people are what they see, they put the what kind of most bottom out. yeah. that be i don't, the they said i thought somebody else said a teen what can i have a had assigned me. i need it all and canada be and the, and show or then sort of like a shuffle for, for almost a year. because the so yeah, the equivalent of sending email is the most useful for you. and one with that, the, the, me that nothing was that the, was talking about the dod estimate, c as in model house, all of the old must, i have them scanned the items for the,
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for the. and that's what your site is on behalf of the palestinian society showed every sign of raising to the challenges of the 20th century. but always lurking beneath the surface was the promise that the british had made to the scientist movement to support the founding of a homeland for the jewish people. and this would soon threaten not just the development, but the very existence of palestine itself, the it in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. walter sheds moments. international law is vehicle b, this model unfold. discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community?
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a sense that message that andy out of bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront one out of here. when the alarms go off at the new jerusalem neighborhood on the outskirts of 3 young men, women and children rushes with sticks and stones. the 5 year old jenny, this is there living in fear flow, mika ford is the only way we can defend ourselves from thieves. because we can't carry guns. we have whistles in alarms to scare them away. in this already file and city, an unprecedented new crime wave has residents and the forward is alarmed and police is because of this. illegal miners and peruvian gangs have allied with wonderful up in america's most powerful criminal organizations. and this will and bring that out one. they're trying to control the country's largest go deposits in the last week. the battle the book, dust has built into to see you, homicides, kidnappings, extortion. anyone is the target, the state governor, since the government,
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the name has not given him details of the security plan for this region. and the residents are angry. they have not yet seen the army or police securing the city. the again, i'm nora carlindo, how these, the top stories on al jazeera suppose is a key anti establishment. cons that in senegal, celebrating off the sundays presidential election, the best road jeremiah fi is a key ally or disqualified physician the the us months. okay. sound good with disqualified from the race because of a defamation conviction. phone counting is still underway. the official results are expected in the coming days as where the 4th is continuing to target residential
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areas in southern dogs. them at least 3 people have been killed entre strike, here's a family house and they happen to come in rafa the bed and the injured have been rushed to the queue age hospital. they were in another striking, these 7 people were killed in rough. uh, is there any minute tr has intensified its attacks on the city by more than one point. 5000000 full should be just based upon us. citizens are seeking shelter them through an agency. if a pot of suzanne refugees, as israel will no longer allow that food convoys to enter northern garza, but people are dying of hung up. the inspector general attorney guitars there's a neighboring egypt has repeated his calls for desperately needed supplies. looking get guys, though. it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war or fat mean conk was then this out of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to man and satisfy it is now the speed it's of compression. i also urge the immediate
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and then conditional release of hostages. the suffering must and policy means even guys that desperately needs what has been problem is a flock of 8 and russia. full suspects and fridays definitely must go concept whole attack of being charged with terrorism. the man appeared at a district quotes in the russian capital. they've been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. at least a 137 people were killed when government opened. fire on concept goes across the city. whole. a russian president vladimir putin went to a russian orthodox church and last go into the candle honoring the victims who to invalid vengeance for the attack and his address to the nation on saturday. stating out with all the headlines, i'll be back with more news head on out to 0. but now i'll just 0 wells again. the
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100 years ago palestine was a very different place. compares with today it was under british control or mandate, and there were those who suggested it was just an empty land. but in fact, cities like jerusalem had an established commercial sector transport networks and then emergent cultural life the they began to attract the error of intellectuals writers and artists and interest grew and developing new media like cinema and film, making. people were also getting interested in sports and hosting international events and competitions, municipality a few off discuss the time to host an arab olympic event while palestinian as
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a leads one international championships, fema thought on, but the model of your dental or for the or the feeling will that coming with that in a dealership then meaning allow be this will deal with the so to deal with the soap to how they are fairly well covered in the house. i love will do it at the shock for them will not come by the un has i bought the sodium when we bought the live nanny, we bought a little most of it for them. when i come in, i look for sure, but it's the number of how many i have to have on the phone. but i, like i said, but it's in the shop and it tell you to do to send them to stomach let's, let's fuck a lot of the of them go to cinema. how, what a lot more like a circle for you. because if you come on, you might see it could be a v, i come on out of lemme stuff. is there a fee come on or the most likely to be it? when was it? that was the come on auto buffalo, the
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alongside commerce and culture and active political movement developed during the ottoman era, palestine high representatives and the chamber of deputies, the lower house of the ottoman parliament. but at the start of the british mandates, the palestinian national movement began to take shape in jerusalem. it called for the independence of palestine. the 1st arab, palestinian congress was organized by local muslim and christian groups in 1919. it's 30 attendees denounced the british mandates and called for their different groups to unify under one association the know coming up to. so the government, i'm like,
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how to csc electronic most will do before us to just look up the front door. see if as well as the cloud, as with the, with, as i've been plenty of where i lived in jose any. and you can see it or be able to get them to help them all do as a land necessity. highly of the so the usual you'd what do you hold on a lift this my neck. tiffany: i see a big deal. minute. they are just like the the some of you will have to send a teen jetta. medina to some of them. yes. the name is low, how the substance was on the nursery and had an issue. i mean, i was, i haven't looked on accidentally meal pharmacy and hold one minute while i pull out of our she is, comes to our speed better than ought to be in what so let me infant on them. and
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then with that, i should have a, i'm a, some of the few, but then at the, what's your design without dick as you start out with, i mean, a thought at the csc is an open. and then what somebody told you have of you have some that into the for now you have to have the finish. want to see if you have an ex i had the other stem of the dentist, i might have thought on see the limited the yeah. well, for the home goodness and somebody else of that, or if you need be a death to some of the results of the, of the good. well, why? the far as the gauge, it'll be 9 was sort of looking, but it's on a and the bidding is. and if it's one genet a caught up with i did it. well, i've been this about the for the steam is a month in may. it's because of it. sure, sure. i mean, i can measure that of the stuff. that's because he had a sense of humor by the the and well, some of it kind of hot, but
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a lot of them had diesel mazin at live. i'll do that. and, and also about my neck, the one have the model, have them put them in there and it happened. and, but any decisions taken by these congresses were increasingly overshadowed by a growing phenomenon in the 19 twenties and thirties, immigration, designing. and his movements had grown up in europe in the late 19th century, lobbying for a homeland for the jewish people. the pressure put on the british government led to a major announcement in november 1917. the ball for a declaration was named after the british foreign secretary arthur balfour. it was the letter he sent to a leader of the british jewish community, which set his majesty's government here with favor the establishment in palestine and of a national home for the jewish. and we'll use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievements of the subject as being fairly understood that nothing should be
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done, which will prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non jewish communities in palestine. the eventual impasse of the ball for a declaration was to encourage you repeat and choose to emigrate to palestine. that's emphasis had not really built up by 1921 in the in much the so thunder. and it's the amount of slow you want. if you falsely and few model for the confession that was a level outcome and um of what's i mean you to soft bosh or should we have done much to much little fashion with the assess it wouldn't matter because we don't want to shop a lot of the fullest and if it's a headache, look the flip side, you know, look on the outcome. mean any user can be come up with minimal. much less likely only but not enough. so fema unit, the how would you mind unit the for the on that kind of thing might be another home
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from false or bundle or that you will not i'm on my own go cut. that is, throughout these you learn more much the confession bill out of the management of put them on me. i didn't end with the money had the i'll put this on me or to solve the i the video the most with didn't seem i didn't get the full wish on most of them at the end of the, of a home i've been living as i have i'm in, in a more has really kind of to sort of high low blood and who am i kind of feel that it's come a lot in my life with this kind of now that in the home while i can, what of the file for you, what kind of usually 100 mom, a high level. so the family, uh oh, well, auto being um in my stores slow, you know, i'm, i should go refreshing things began to change. however, as the victorious allied powers of britain, france leandra ton discussed how to divide up the old ottoman empire.
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brittany was granted a mandate for palestine at a conference in the northwest, the tale and city of some remote in april 1920. this was approved by the league of nations in july 1922, but there was a crucial contradiction within the mandates. members of design, this movement, including the british politician, herbert samuel, attended the sun remo conference. and the ball for declaration was incorporated into the british mandates. but the british also had a dual obligation to govern and conduct policy in palestine on behalf of both jews and arabs. in reality, however, the sun remo conference took the balance significantly. one way the that was sure,
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originally important landmark for design this. if i 1920, when to send regular conference withheld. of course, that was also separated as an important victory on the basis of the power for declaration promise. and also because design is we're working hard to ensure that the terms of about for declaration would be incorporated into the terms of the mandate itself. so that was a sure it's really important moving movement and become pad under review. your end decision in 1947 took partition, defined this time into jewish, or the maritime and then the on what the, the time you originally. but the into the, the economy be shifted. us me be tell you in a woodman to send me a buddy tanya for us to you. well ahead, but someone well, well yeah,
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who just saw you and him with office might many for you and are you what are the kinds of motor look he's not here that's up to you. i'm going to send you. yeah, we will do so. so you have in front of the site the i'm on the phone from that. so the issue from hubbard samuel was one of the sinus losing and delegates at this time really no conference. he was then appointed british high commissioner for palestine in july 1920. but before he took office, he visited the region. some of his meetings were administered unpublished, and the press. the surviving records shed light on the tents relationship between samuel and college thing and leaders, as well as his attempts to persuade them to share lands with jewish immigrants. i see a group of jews in your country who kind of help you construct to land and teach you the economics in a good home this way. our country has enough qualified leading people to properly
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invest in overland and really feed a lot of states. i see is we felt as of the 7 of the groups, but if the jews came to your country, they built the on planted lands which are unsuccessful. people's nice. there are no implanted lands in our country except for some small areas that are of fit for a week or 2. we will definitely have the plant and invest in them in the future because our people really produce big numbers. think each one of us has an average of 7 children. we must prepare loans for the the we have here that you are one of the founding soonest. leaders. i'm not one of design is we know that you're one of the key scientists leaders. you organize your finances now that you've seen our situation and hurt our wishes, you must have realized that our land doesn't fit other people and that we won't let
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design in the stand. as long as we live. to the heart of a lot of these you ended up put on c i then we'll see ended up being funny. i eventually that off. why the, what will be 2nd i have i have them and meet with the neck and see what the status, the door, the end, or some sort of scene of the product and ended up with it isn't the part of the, like on the why is it what, what they said, oh you that as good pulled it off. when i said we'll just discuss, are you then live in the, is that i can back on it? yes, i'm in the why you live in the fun you can make any of them. and like and pulled up the look in the had been the stuff up the the increasing tension between arabs and zine is jews boiled over when they clashed in jerusalem in august 1929 in what's known as the uprising, the
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most powerful country on a promise to create the national have for years people. so whatever the progress of palestine has made under the ultimate one to the purchase reserve or shattered certainty by, by what was happening politically. for example, jeff for, which was the most causing problems in searching in palestine dire. this is registers living right with well known for it. so for example, during in the mandatory parent and see the, the strong local culture and so on and so forth. but everything was dominated by the politically challenging situation of the british culture of the country
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and promised it to promise to turn it into a national home for another people. the jersey migration became the main clang of the purchase monday. most east european jews had wanted to go to america for to western europe. 1925 more. choose the story and then to america because of restrictions in jewish immigration. so for example, by 1935 which was the peak of jewish immigration during the mandate. the immigration rich to $65000.00 and just one year
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what's more, the british mandates allowed jewish immigrants to become palestinian citizens, palestinians. we never consulted about these things. and again, it's to do with the overall strategy. promoting the idea of a jewish national home in palestine from 1920, which was formalized in the mandate which came into force in 192300 granted palestinian citizenship, teachers, immigrants, etc. the here many of the hotels and see the best specialist. and they can do some sort of the within why is really and you must go through the videos and it was, look the total cuz it said, are you divine it and look at it. so frontier doesn't and why is you need to be more work on most of the fee on assess the bottom of the equipment product. and so you only, you'd be the most useful closure them home web. it's going more about them sort of
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jersey menissi. this is more of a theme they, y'all would tell you when interested a little see and the, the you, you understand the norman, the to be yet, norman, man, a few most booklet other english. and why the, there's a lot of, i'm victim of it that he had up though because he had him in urgency yet. well, michel was at the sofa video doing a, a hook, the home field, the one the main one. that was 71 had a. and so i do need a message to you as i and the old, the, if the of the public volume at yahoo dot, in the same thing that they all had, shut out the door shut on the left. and now it was a shop. when they would have had the zip. uh, what is that what the spot and the site is, what the soonest the heck would be good. had the sub also had the get up
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in december 1947, the british announced that their mandate for palestine would end 5 months later. this led to increased violence by arms, scientists, and jewish groups. on the 14th of may 1948 the day before the mandate ended the head of the jewish agency, david been going on claim the establishment of the state of israel. the new state incorporated, 78 percent of mandatory palestine over 700000 palestinians were forced from their homes and became refugees in neighboring countries. got sold for leslie, but kind of the father of them and have somebody put off for let's think garcia shop can see a shot. sheep side when there's more foot. get moved there. so what,
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what do i need to do? you just must have a, b, b, f, a back this off of somebody up and be sent the most. and beauty said, i believe, but humbly middle quotes visit. i'm in the fullest on the boat and had didn't want us to send it to god and send it 1st anyway, so, so cool. and what on and then do you say you don't use them for those tv? how to find any i'm a sub for your husband on the left hand. i'm any of the okay. well thought of this again. go ahead and you mentioned that set that would benefit you the harlow table as you need and was built in. and the old lady and also the quickest cards and yeah, i don't think honestly, really me said if you're on the month to month, how many us just put the payment? and i'm looking at my cuz yeah, well, most of them but go less than what i sort of was so fun will fuck it up. meaning tomorrow shooting idea would mean most of us, pardon you. but it will sort of fell asleep when will but should have done 1030 and
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home for the new york and my 2nd of photos to me. and no one's going to have the silver settlement covers. you can get between a 100 cuz i only saw about the heavy. he lost a lot of eserman. and why is it in 3 minutes? it's simple to you know, how do my data scammed and then it can be mosley for the quarter left and we're done with them twitter submit it. i'm sure i saw you on the east side of the coming you are to be been heck age. so to be venue at the and then her kids, the side of the, when you are the, we've been had cash issues because you will end up getting the shifter back piece. you this met that and then it shoots the
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keys to when you have the the you said the in the you have what, then they see it till a t n a. and the questionnaire. a slow you and how is that? i had well a little but what us and by you all don't, will muscle and then we will see you on option negatively believe you will have the will overall within a month with them i said well know who to share. my god, the sat in my staff, just this goodness for ladies. have well, how well the hook most the thump, but i some food, woodman. oh, what do we do?
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oh, god. rather than the edge about nickel and we're not going to box them on an island without, i'd be more nastic when i looked on the plan and i'm not gonna go to the american studies will pop up. there are many a shuttle on, at the city in the to be tell you sort of big gun 0 buttonhole. yes. debate that we have good philadelphia of goodness couple. they molar by them. and what had the chevy be hoffman and because of the hoffman and i many, yet to view the you wouldn't use it on me. you wouldn't have the how cool and you have for me enough. so why the account will help with that? and you, what do you like to,
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and you don't want it almost just when you know the left. should it too fast? so easy a don't. is anybody r g b for the highland? the book thrilled with them. not in new york. generally i had the means medina, the which i already met the 50 met fox and had to look it over to the washer. i took, the altima said had it's a 40 to the law. so that's easy enough to say, well, i mean, you have to ask a minimum, the most of the hawking said an engine incentive. but can you hear me, ma'am, yet i'm not going without you for telling me that. is that like a city call, you least dsl code so you can shut on. it took on the end of the cycle was the data we just met, exception sheet g a g f louse by in a. m a chef with trucks to be sure the showed you i the i,
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it's a when it is v as in cat, m i t t, she said, and the board in the us with that said you have who was that all in love and him and then he said that much, i know a lot of my has fish with the vicious i gotta do the had us low. so just in gen x a and a tv. yeah. the
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over 30 years after the signs of the 0 was tell us the to follow the story of no ways in the oslo accords. let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable in nurturing this of the secret negotiations. and wyatt's promised peace as remain unfulfilled. a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the trunks of also on notice eve sears from. i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the
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brought to you by visit a their highest level alerts issue for rainfall in brazil is rio de janeiro state and as for see to assign to state this is in the southeast corner of the country was in copious amounts of rain here. roads turned to rivers, cars flicked around and that is set to continue on monday. we've got this feed of moist and humid there off the south that bind to so that will continue to spark these storms. also north of rio in patropolis, there's been more flooding there just 2 years ago. so deadly rounds of funding elsewhere in the country around the i'm a zone estate getting into some pretty big downpours there, but i want to take you to central america. we see those winds pick up hopefully that will give us some relief from the heat in sun spots storms rolling across his spaniel and now pushing into bought the rico. let's go to the us for these storms are fueling now probably not pretty much from texas, louisiana up to missouri,
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but north of this blizzard conditions for the upper midwest. i think for minnesota we could see 20 to 42nd peters over the next little bit. let's go to the west, also snow draped over the northern plains, moving into the upper midwest. rainbow turns for western canada and it begins to dry off for california. so los angeles, 19 degrees for you on monday. that's it. catch you later. the weather brought to you by visit cost us 2 weeks ago. the government of china now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world foot program size, the food in these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support the nation. that's 2900000 people for depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out,
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especially now the ages is couple of to or no money to help the, the claims of victory by supposes of an empty establishment candidate incentive goals. let's face accounted in the presidential election, the kind of them or kyle, this is alex, is there a life from co? ha, also coming up or is riley strikes and something dollars is rough associated with up to one point. 5000000 or something, just placed palestinians taking shelter. israel tells the un no more food convoys
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from unreal will be allowed to move. and garza as a desperate need for a.


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