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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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the, the the claims of victory by suppose is if an empty establishment canceled it and sent a goal is votes the counsel in the presidential election, the, i mean site, this is out, is there a life and also coming up more is really strikes in the southern golf, the city of rafa where one half 1000000 forcibly displaced palestinians on taking shelter as well. talk to you and know most viewed con, voice will be allowed into move and gone. so where is a desperate need to age and suspects of pete in court? charged with terrorism often fridays, a time at
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a most good concept the we begin in senegal, where supporters of an anti establishment candidate all celebrating off the sundays presidential election passed through domain by as an outline of the opposition need. those non sancho. busy who's disqualified because of a defamation conviction? the governing collections candidates, i'm a do boss says he expects a run of. vague counseling is on the way and official results so expected in the next few days. nicholas hock has moved from deca. this is the road that leads to free funds, so it goes, house for people. here is the road to victory though so, so it's not a candidate to the residential election, but his deputy brusset or jim i board is some of the other candidates in the
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running have already conceded the seats and the have to rush related busing to my 51 of the arrival candidates in this election, it was the ruling party candidate. i do, but who across the nation, just try to tell this and they get these people that continue or this was their way forward. but for people, here's change a break from the past. a more fair or society is the process that they're going for . and during the campaign we saw most of your wi fi who was just recently released from prison. this former test inspector that's on the, to the public, over the course of a re, rose to start of the project. say that it's not about the candidate you thought about it or what it's about changing the system to create and really don't see the oil and gas didn't change
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the dressed presidential for the occasion. julia sonya cast her vote for the 1st time, a solemn movement that almost escaped her. i felt like i make my voice heard for all the fight i've been doing. when president, mikey saw canceled february's election and security forces stored in parliament to remove opposition and peace, who had tried to prevent the delay. sonya says she felt robbed of her voice. voting was the right she had taken for granted. so yeah, took to social media to fight while young people across and a go demonstrated, the constitutional counsel stepped in forcing the president to hold that vote. this is the far we have where i saw the main one is, is just we feel like sending guys small fan the more we feel like they
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so much a gap between the points of the light and the use. it's candidates put on the show and a short and fast campaign unemployment, good governance and reducing the gap between poor and rich. have been the main issues for voters to former tax inspector. stand out opposition. pick your best through jim. why fi is competing against his former boss, governing party candidate and former tax inspector. i'm at 255 voted from his hometown in the countryside, react instead of silver and to get is on the one. so for a need to in reality and that is that of the people who to day will choose a man or woman to be the president. his opponent, i do by voted in the car limits as to the last message we are sending out is one of peace sending god belongs to us. we are old children of this country. they looked at her companions, well, even if it was short, but it was swift and called popular opposition to figure it was men soto who has been disqualified after a criminal conviction for defamation is supporting fine. so co supporters say whose
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charges were in attempt to derail his candidates. there is a high border turn out in this election with many travelling across the country to cast their votes at this pulling station. a lot of young women and young men coming out early to vote. they are a key demographic that can take the vote in what is a tight race the the counting has begun. there is a sense of anticipation and excitement after 12 years of mock yourself and the last few months of interest and delays. san diego awaits the outcome of the vote, and the name of its new president, nicholas hawk. l to z right, the car the to go so now was riley forces, a targeting residential areas in the south with districts. and strong calling
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a family home in the, in the account. and rossa has killed at least 3 people. the dead and injured have been taken to the coates hospital. the another strongly can rock until at least 7 people is really ministry has intensified its attacks on the city way more than one and a half, many, and forcibly to space palestinians have sort shelter. sorry. couple assume has moved from this is verified, the jets had targeted residential house in the facility of an ajar hospital in the eastern parts of rough off as the number of casualties have been transferred to the hospital to receive medical treatment on this was not the only attack that had been carried out against the roof i district to day you bought, isabel had been pitching a ruffle multiple times. we're talking about for residential houses. have been completely flattened. what, at least 23 palestinians have to report at killed while 20 others being injured till now. and that's absolutely a specific number that had been resulted from the ongoing is very attacks on
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a rough on this area where more than 85 percent of guns as population are taking and seeking refuge. and as these body forces had been designated since the beginning of the work as a safe side and the situation is as a guessing much more die and difficult because as tech has been time to be a graveyard, hospitalized a residential house was being attacked and destroyed where the and most of the hospital in con units had been on to complete as well. you see during the past 24 hours where these very forces in it i'm on hospice. so had been forcing a number of patients today to sleep from the hospital under really a critical condition. 12 years to patients inside suffering with from disabilities are still unable to get out from the hospital as people abutment and confrontations between almost like this and the is very so we'll just continue. but what we can see on the ground that is a systematic creation of a curse of environment in which is well throughout it's
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a systematic destruction of neighborhoods and hospitals. they are completely changing the milestone of living, the making it livable for the majority of causes. and this absolutely force the residents to flee more to the south in order to seek safety. where he and the south compartment did not stop in the past 24 hours, but that's exactly the situation that were different fee was being made in order to evacuate. the patients from such hospitals to see you an agency for palestinian refugees as israel will no longer allow it soon come voiced and smooth and golf, where people are dying of hunger. director general phillip plaza really released the statement on the social media platform x saying the is rarely authorities having formed the un. they will no longer approve any on the food con, voice to the north of golf. and raw has cooled the decision outrages and says, israel is intentionally obstructing life saving assistance during a man made. and summers is the dollars of planning at the agency. he says,
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israel's decision is a death sentence for palestinians, the implications of dramatic se coming after 5 and a half months of the relentless or the an independent no authority was last week of, of evidence comments. people are already dying of starvation up and up in the north, and this is essentially a death sentence on many of of those people. i'm hearing ralph in this situation. the bombings are relentless everywhere but, but the situation conditions, particularly harsh in the northern gauze, is for it, where we estimate there are about 250000 people who been trapped there for about 5 and a half months. and where is the i saw the largest 8 organization inside garza start blocking unrra from delivering of the arrows. i say just lessons the conditions and is a deliberate obstruction. as my boss set the commission to general of on ro, deliberate or destruction of life saving, assist is to offer
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a population that is already facing hug for funding on salvation. so sick pub, simply, most people will die. the main walls ahead of the world health organization has released a statement saying, blocking and ref from delivering food as denying stomping people, the ability to survive. this decision must be gently reversed. all efforts to deliver food should not only be permitted, but there should be an immediate acceleration. the un secretary general. and so any gutierrez, who's a neighbor in egypt house were peace of his calls for desperately needed supplies. looking get guys though, it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war, family and conk was then this out of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to man and satisfy it is now the speed it's of compression. i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages. the suffering must and
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policy means even does a desperately needs. what has been problem is a flock of 8 was really a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has pledged to kill. how must lead a yeah, yes. in law, he compared this mission to the death of a biblical count. is that cool? how mine was an enemy of the jews? he said we have financing and will be victorious. we will end to rasa and achieve total victory. we eliminate at home on and we will also eliminate some walk you as far as president, come to harris is refusing to rule out consequences for israel and it pushes ahead with the ground invasion of profit. she made the comments during an interview on the abc new show this week, a c believe at the end yahoo was an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening and gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent
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palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of, of security and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out. and getting aid in nan, yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about in a sense of, in rasa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafa would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have studied the map. there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in rafa who are there because they were told to go there most of them . and so we've been very clear that it would be
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a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operation, a mistake. but would there be consequences if he does move forward? but we're going to take it one step at a time, but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you ruling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am ruling out nothing funny guns, a member of israel's war cabinet says he will quits the government as a bill exempting ultra orthodox jews for magistrate military service becomes little . the proposed legislation is set to be tabled in parliament next week. also orthodox jews have been exempt from is rarely military service on religious grounds for decades. a little while actually meet the nation kind of acceptance. the concepts must lots votes for it covered under my colleagues and i will most of the members of this emergency government should such legislation pulse in the connected
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and to enter the olympics of israel in a way that's will have unity. i'm from national security in general and especially in time of wanting to come up to the occupied westbank where a video has stuff is showing is why the forces assaulting a child in a shop in hebron. now in the video, soldiers can be seen attacking the boy and forcing him to take off his top apparently because it had a guns slogan on it. the incident took place a week ago, off to the video was published. these are is really on a right at the shop and confiscated the original footage on fridays in process and support of the palestinian people have been stage around the world since as well began. it's one golf and october. these are pictures from the jordanian capital where a demonstration has been taking place outside these really embassy tensions escalated, and there were confrontations between the security forces and addresses sled
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on ality, 0 senior adults as in south korea offer support to the junior colleagues. i angry about the government's plan to increase the number of medical students, the the hello from joe, or let's get going with your weather report for the middle east and africa. so it's still soaking rains in iraq dropping down through equate but that energy is pushing into iran. let's go in here for a closer look. i think southern iraq bus ride huge amounts of rain coming again. and this is also going to kick back some showers by hiring cats are central southern and saudi arabia, where there have been some big storms lighting up the night sky from mecca rate through to re out. again, let's pick up this story because as this moves into iran, i think we're going to see about a months worth of rain in sure as over 24 hours ahead of this quite
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a bit of heat look at ask about in, circling to spend 30 degrees but your temperatures will fall as free head toward tuesday. same situation. what weather pulls into that western side of turkey a. it's going to be a bit breezy, as well as stumble down to 14 degrees on monday to africa. we go disturbed weather, run the canary islands. is pushing rain into bronco northwest spelled jerry, it wouldn't be surprised if we see some jolts and bolts. they're quite cool for this time of the year in new ok shot. and we've got rain stretching from ethiopia right to northwest stand gola. but i got to take this south of this, we've got persistent rain up and down the east coast and madagascar and for southern mozambique as well. put. so looking at a month's worth of rain and 48 hours, the, the biggest global that extra in the out in history, the was biggest democracy off its own epic showdown. join main street of
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oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode, i'd be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of prime minister in that in there will be a free thing, an avalon that often charges even before full talk. com being the port spots due on the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out. is there a mind at the top? so is this our, the incentive going suppose isn't until you stop this, been candidates all celebration and also sundays presidential election. 3rd
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counting is on the way on official result, expected in the coming days is ready forces and targeting residential areas and someone gone said, let's try kind of family home and you have an account and ross are killed at least 3 people dead and injured have been taken to wage hospital, you an agency for palestinian refugees says israel will no longer allow it to con, voice and smooth. and garza famine is imminent that agencies of 170 percent of the population is already suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger. in south korea professes at medical schools, this is missing the resignations in support of striking training adopters. they want the government to restore as planned, to increase student enrollment and medical training institutes. athens of training doctors walked off the job in late february to protest against the plan. last week, the health ministries threatened to suspend their licenses. absolutely. so why
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don't we do the expansion of medical school admissions, which is really to the collapse of our country's medical education system, beyond the breakdown of medical education itself. unless the government withdraws this decision on the admissions quotas and quotes on vacation, this crisis cannot be resolved. if the government has the intention to withdrawal or is considering yet, so we are ready to discuss all issues in front of the people. how does arrows, eunice kim has more from sol, as we're right outside one of the top university hospitals in the country. so national university hospital, this is one of the many hospitals that we'll see. it's senior doctor as a who's double up as, as medical school professors begin to submit their resignations. and this is a group that really has been keeping a distance from the stand off that is now has entered a 2nd month. these doctors have been working overtime to fill the void that was left behind by the some,
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13000 resident and entering doctors in protest of that government plan to hike the number of doctors in the next decade. now the good news is if there can be any good news in this situation, they don't plan to walk off the job immediately likely to your doctors dead, but they will let the process play out with the resignation is expected to process throughout the better part of the month during which they hope the government will be able to find an off ramp, but they will be working shorter hours. and by shorter hours, i mean 52 hours per week. that is the maximum cap allowed. but they had been working back to back 24 hour shift. they've press conference this morning, said to keep up with the hospital operation needs. and it's led to not only health concerns, but also psychological health concerns. really providing a rare glimpse into how much pressure the medical staff across the country has been
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under over the past month. and russia for sale, spikes, and fridays, dudley must go cons. that whole attack had been charged with terrorism. the men of head out of district course in the russian capital had been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. bruce, the 137 people were killed when government opened fire on concert goers at the crew because 60 whole. meanwhile, people in russia have observed a day of national mooning. the service was held by and make shift memorial just outside the console. majesty services that will still recovering bodies from under the deputy of the building. it was mostly destroyed by fire that was started by the attack as often as shooting the russian president vladimir fusion went to a russian orthodox church in moscow. and mister candle honoring the victims. he vowed vengeance for the attack and his address to the nation on saturday. or now from al jazeera,
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his dosage of bar it was in moscow. these ruins are all that's left of caracas, city hall. a popular concert venue in moscow. emergency personnel are working around the clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those fields here . when gunman, storm the venue, who, you know, what can i feel terrible for the people who stuff with here? it's horrible. at least the situation makes us think that many things need to be changed to this house. reality. i'm assigning over the plan we have with my colleagues and i worked here at the events competition. it will more than $1000.00 children participating. when this whole started doing the design was to remain calm and evacuate the children, which we did this last one. i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment. the security service says 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them for
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detain was heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement. the flags are at half staff and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have answered in appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called this half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security services continue with investigation, many questions you may not answer about one of the biggest failures in the russian intelligence in years. sources avari algebra, moscow. police in brazil will have arrested to pull additions on a former police chief ordering the killing us a re edition near a council woman in 2018. maria le franco was killed in a drive by shooting. she was a black, gay activists known for defending minorities on, for speaking out against police brutality. want to tell you on a key reports from re edition,
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it took 6 years for federal police to make the arrest and answer the one question. many brazilians have been asking who killed by the foot uncle? the council, woman and her driver were shot dead in march 2018 in the streets. a free addition narrow this to me in this work and at least now until new elements emerge is at this moment we are very clear about the perpetrators of this heinous crime, a crime of a political nature congressman shaking, but as soon and his brother state auditor the mean was but also were arrested accused of having ordered the hit to the brothers allegedly have political ties with the militia. gangs made up mostly a former policeman who controlled many poor neighborhoods and re addition narrow and charge. the residents for protection of 3rd suspect was also taken into custody . realtors in narrows former police chief,
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he followed the bob laza is being accused of obstructing the investigation. and you have all to bump was rather barbosa received the family the day after the murder saying that it would be the police, his priority to solve the case. and we learned today that the man who hugged us pages respects and smiled is involved in this crime to try to get his sister was also minister of racial equality. he said that putting the culprits the hind bars will strengthen themselves democracy. that of my age, we can finally give ounces to all those people who voted for her, who believed in her ideas, and who felt represented by her lawyers for the 3 suspects said they were innocent and denied that they were involved in the murder marielli found, who was a champion for minorities and stood up against political corruption and violence and reels for ballast or swans idea that of she was human. she would always be present among us. i am happy that you forgot to call it people here and we have
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just a narrow swavay hope solving my daddy's murder is a step towards impressing one of realtors in narrows main problem. 60 percent of wheels, metropolitan area is controlled by drug lords from by the power military militia. that might be fought against monica and i have also sierra we have just a narrow and advise if a know jerry is president says, or a $137.00 school students, abducted in this month have been fried previous media reports had put the number of children taken at 287 government attacked the school and the northern states of could do not on march the 7th to save the children says that 2 and 5 children in human on not going to school because of conflicts. that's the equivalent of 4 and a half 1000000 children across the country and with a declining economy. many of them have no choice but to try and find work to help
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support their families. victoria gave them the reports it takes courage for 9 year old rebecca to attend school in the city of la. he's in southwest and young, and many of her classmates stopped coming. last month after 2 children were killed when a discarded artillery show exploded. in this data and you've got, if you have a lot happening, the explosion was biden's and close to our homes. it's the 1st time we've heard such an explosion. we used to feel safe, but not anymore. we're skate of stepping on. something like a bomb that might explode fia has taken over us. i get anxious when the teacher isn't around. say the children says there are around 4500000 children who aren't in school in yemen. lack of security is just one reason for the 85 percent of human ease live in poverty. and the decade long was forced many parents to take their children out of school. so they can work and help ease the financial pressures that millions of families face every day. i have a home because they don't usually, my classmates quit studying,
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to support the families financially to assist the father. since things have got more challenging economically, many of them live to work on funds. honey knows best of the most, the value of a good education, but his teacher's salary doesn't call but his family's basic needs. he's had to make some difficult decisions way uh, out of love and i have 4 daughters. i took 2 of them out of school. my son, it is $46.00 a month, which isn't enough of these days due to the cutting our prices and health care expenses. out of the whole saturday, the student fees take 25 percent down un broke, a truce officially ended in october 2022, but still lodge the homes. that saved the children says without an official ceasefire, him and he's don't have the stability, they need to rebuild the lights and an entire generation risk being left behind with long term consequences begins recovery and development. victoria gates and b l
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g 0. politicians in turkey, a all campaigning ahead of next week's local election spaces will be electing may. as i'm city council members, president wretch of tip edwin's oc potties trying to win back 2 of the largest cities is stumble and uncle us the will last, the main opposition policy in 2019. so then, because you only reports from a stumble, one year after 1st to confess of national election, turkish president, ridge of type r drawn is back on stage to support his governing up parties. mayoral candidate and assembled addressing thousands of supporters. he promised saucer a new era with more at school. former organization minister who rose to prominence after lost who is powerful earthquakes. once a mayor of the city add ons, campaign motto is recon caring, assemble in sundays, local elections or to view the showed him in the we have still the city for 30
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years as may or prime minister and president. we are the servants of my brothers promise, stumbled. there hasn't been a single day, you know, 50 your political career when we haven't thought about the city and agonized over what we can do for it. us uh, we will never admit any segment to a society every individual to see people is service from estoppel shop. politan city. the governing rock part of loss is stumble in 2019 to the opposition block. losing is 25, few control scratch this rally. assembled with the man population around


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