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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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then finding, did you find everything is much more difficult? ukraine has accused both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian fantasy f made things even worse. the, [000:00:00;00] the on several venue if you to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program. this hour is really, are strikes, killed at least 18 palestinians, and central gaza is darrow the region. israel says una trucks are no longer allowed into northern gods. they un agencies, palestinian refugees says it's
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a death sentence. the senate goals celebrates after a peaceful presidential election. vote counting is still under way. and the doctor striking south korea widens medical professors joined protests against the government's plan to increase the number of medical students. the is really, are a tax on the central gaza has killed at least 18 people a family home in darrow bother with hits. 2 children and 5 women were among those killed. meanwhile, striked on a family home in the oven to camp in rough night has killed at least 3 people. the dead and injured have been taken to the quite hospital. well sure 0 is honey mountain who joins us live from rough. a honey, it's 9 am in southern gaza where you are been barman's have not stopped. what's the
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latest that you're learning? yes sir. law intense bombing campaign continues to pound across the gaza strip, causing further civilian casualties, then to your level of destruction, to residential homes and public facilities on infrastructure. this started as early as early, not early hours of last night overnight and extended to the early hours of this morning were to a more residential homes and real fast that the work targeted and destroys in one of the residential building for people work for now, did as they were transferred to a job hospital, the other 4, we're looking at 3 more people who were killed. but later on a later hour, the 3 more people were pulled out from under the levels. just writing the number to 7 people from the 1st attack were looking within the past 24 hours. only in rough estimate to 30 people have been killed. mostly women and its children. just shattering any remaining sense of safety. for the 1500000 displays housed in, in,
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in this is full part of the gaza strip in the center of the area where there's really a military, relentlessly targeted. the center of the area in the city of deer is about a where a residential home was targeted and destroyed. the initial number of people were transferred to a lock. the hospital was 6. but later on as more people with the help of paramedics and civil defense, like when volunteers are from the area, we're able to remove them from under the rebels. we're looking at 18 people so far . 5 women and 2 children were old. with the remaining people. where's where residing and shouldering inside this residential homes. meanwhile, in the, in hon. you and if there's really military continues to push deeper into the central part of honda and it's on the western part of mainly around the vicinity of i'm in the hospital where it's at loc, the in the entrance of the hospital with pile of sans then ordering people allow the speakers to come out and evacuated the hospital immediately. i'm going to
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switch checks point that they have set up around the vicinity of lots of hospitals . there is a re positioning of a snipers at the vicinity of naso hospital where reports of from the area and i witnessed told us there were several people who were killed at the gate of not their house, but as they were shut advice by this night. first, we're looking at a surge of error strikes and attacks despite all the talks about whether there is a ceasefire the or not. but it continues in the ground in a very difficult way. how do you stand by for a 2nd? because i want to bring this to our viewers. antonio gutierrez, you in secretary, generally speaking, live from amman. and the nature of that is absolutely fundamental to preserve the life of the people in augusta. so we have been needing assisting
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them on the needs of these fires in the beginning, all voice was relatively low, but no. yeah, seeing more and more the international community, recognizing the say recently, do you opinion for the 1st time was claim the needs of the a balls leading to a sustainable ceasefire. and the we have to day and the so good the calls to a resolution in which sure as these fires is a required. so did you have this? but not in the linkage with the, the release, the unconditional release of all subjects. and we have also always claims for the needs for that please. so i see a growing consensus emerging international community to tell these valleys that the
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seas via these events. and they also see a growing consensus iron, and it's in the us. i heard it from the viewing union, not to mention of course, the muslim welts, a growing consensus to tell clearly to these values. that's it. and the grounds, evasion of rough uh, cause mean a catastrophic humanitarian. these offices. and i strongly hope that this consensus that's easy munching in the hold of the international community will make isabel reflects and divides what would be a good emetics that actually. okay, sorry about that because of the credit is
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receiving on our on our website there is a very strong efforts that we are making in order to address the natural problems and difficulties that we would do. i had the wound as been systematically on the fund. it says so we need to split us anything different aspects. and i think we are moving in the right direction with the, the investigation with the inspection, with the managers, the thought already being taken by the commission, the general. but on top of that, i see more and more countries recognizing the essential role of laura. and they've been several of the countries that have suspended the funding. i've already restarted that funding and the others are telling us that they hope that the
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results of the investigation and the results of the review will needs to be established months of the funding to or what it is we hope. and with the conviction that i see the future of the organizations you have in the last last question, that's what was lots of see we have another score for us through the ministry a and a in your the and uh huh. and he loves you. lucky uh
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huh, yes, but i didn't understand, but it is the biggest question i've ever heard in the press conference. well, in the life of the united nations, as well as the guide the united nations. and that's where we have seen the voice, the united nations value is due to the what it has related to the, the washing of the, like israel has, you know, some is it that there is only the in the international community that was daniel my
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vision of those was all the, the, the, what is the fact is on the ground is not a war, but also, and genocide. so all of a leading to the standards in the international community arena. and the question is, where they did all any chosen, unlimited should be chance and all the dimensions, the intervene there might be double standards in many places. it on the walls, there is a place with that. i know double standards in the secretary of the un and the, the all flooded the of the seconds that a general for us. what's met this other? pretty simple g and on that and the police, it pulls up you and shot at the via the police are both are international law, then internally, integrity of country but also international humanitarian law. the rights of self. that'd be a nation of peoples,
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including the people of palestine and the listen to those principles. we have maintain our clear positions, you know, circumstances. we were very loud and clear when he didn't last, the russian evasion of the us. and so we have very loud and clear when we the and also the violations. i mean some national you mentality law does not taking place in god. that is really and also the attack of a mouse in the 7th. so most of our principles are the same and we have no double sentence. unfortunately in the world, not everybody can say the same. thank you so much when you can ask and they've just been listening to the un secretary general antonio baterri speaking live from amman. he's currently touring the region. he was in egypt yesterday. we
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also saw him inspect the roof of border crossing this, of course, one of the main border crossing through which a goes into gaza. the context of this as will be known to many of our viewers is that's a very liberal aid has been going into the gaza strip over the last 5 months, really, since the war has begun, such that uh the i p. c. the body tasked with looking at food and security warranty just last month, that famine was imminent in northern gaza and that the entire population of guys that was at risk assessment. so that is the context and telling you to good cheer is saying yesterday, the international community needs to be on the right side of history and it is time to flood gaza with international aid. all right, let's go to all zeros honey. my mood, who's back with us, from rough and 7 guys, and there's another part to this honey which is what we're looking at today, which is israel has informed the largest agency in gaza. and that's phone along the
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agency that deals with policy and refugees across the middle east, 6000000 people. but specifically also of course, those and gaza is real, has informed them that it will no longer allow for new off food deliveries to northern guys that can you speak to us about what this is going to mean for the 250000 palestinians live in northern garza, a yes sir. well within the past the few weeks then since the, the 5 and a cute 5. and it started to spread in the northern part and already caused the death of a 27 and children and more are in, in hop that it cannot go on hospital just waiting to die given how cute. now the nutrition is happening right now and the family is going everywhere and the more we talk to a group that 8 workers and, and write to groups on the ground here in gaza. nothing of what's going on is
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shorter than a forced exposure. and the prevention of a delivery, the, the under my started with the undermining of the united nations and on or what it's role on the ground here with the allegations. but by does read a military and right now, the completed prevention of food delivery is part of a well, a declared the plan, the strategy at the beginning of the war when these really defense secretary imposed toto seizure and the goal is a 3 then what we're seeing right now is a practical translation and interpretation of the statement that was made by nathan, y'all and his defense secretary. what is going on right now? no, for to the northern part means a death sentence, new. the 500000 people stranded in the northern part in ga the city without offering any alternatives. because so far, the proposal for other alternatives have been proven to be an efficient air. dropping not only is inefficient, but has caused the death of people in couple times when it was able to experience
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malfunction. and it is more than what we expect. in fact, because force explosion is nothing shorter than and if, think it cleansing of what's going on, visually, people will die older will leave. and that's what, what we hear from experts and, and ada groups on the ground is hunting the mood as always. thank you for your work . thank you for your reporting. thank you for that context. we will continue this conversation with our guest. thanks for that honey. now, before i do that, a closer look at on the wall, one of the least pronounced symbol un agency names and what it does, it is the united nations refugee and works agency. this agency supports nearly 6000000 palace, senior refugees across the middle east. it run $706.00 schools and $140.00 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians, most of them in gaza. joining us now to discuss all of this is a bit of i thought a he's a fellow and director for the following policy and security program in the middle east council on global affairs. thank you for being with us. israel has been
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signaling, not just signaling, saying out, right that it wants to get rid of and why israel has been saying this for a while. and they have taken one more decisive step in that direction. they say no more and why food goes to the north your thoughts? well, this is the reason of the surprises or part and parcel of the collective punishment of the palestinians. what the basic attack of the 7th of sober have have done is really shaken. the view of is one of invincibility in the region. so is there it has to be on this, this genocide on the part of sending people to 1st put starvation as a tutor of war, which is an international war crimes. and secondly, perhaps leads to the expulsion of people out there because what cannot really maintain and live on the diesel risk conditions. who else can take food to the north if one was not doing it? well, the other international, the and regional powers have been doing this, these angels, but they're not actually enough. and we have this far skin situation by which the us is dropping a book in the same time or so giving is
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a dream weapons to bombard kind of thing. and so if you, if your husband, if you buy this thing and you look up to the air, you can find the usa coming down on you can find the us bump coming down on what needs to happen is the opening of all of the crossings. no, just the roof and a massive increase in a, but i don't think this one is printing cuz this parts and parts of the collective punishment of the pedestrian p. yeah, this is what i was gonna say. i just asked you who else can bring food to the north, but i'm, i'm thinking this is possibly a very naive question. 8 groups has to have said in the un also a said that israel has used starvation as a weapon of war. uh, the top diplomat. for the european union has said, famine is not immune and it is happening in gaza. and with all of this, what we hear 2 days later from israel is not how we get more food to northern guys . it's how we completely shut down this avenue for food. and this is intentional. this is deliberate, this is the goal. exactly. and we'll have to look at the domestic. is there any context? nothing else so far as i'll be able to come up with
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a winning for his domestic constituency, and he wants to stay in power. you have his father right, courtney for even more drastic measure of the re occupation of as of the expulsion of people. and so on. so that's why is what is going under is using this, the assignment as another weapon of war to put further pressure on, on the pedestrian people to potentially leave a has the exposure. so the situation in the food security situation is bad everywhere. catastrophic, according to the official language of the un, the across guys that but it is worse even in the north. why is israel targeting specifically the north? it has cut off gauze into and you know, nobody crosses from the south back to the north. why is the north a particular area a particular focus for as well? is that for some in the found right, the is ready to government? this is their dream. to go back into as a re established supplements and look at it, look at this real estate, this is jared cushion. i put up the search we accident uh beach suite of state on uh, on the mediterranean. and so he's, he's the son in law of the trump. of course i couldn't do that. and,
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and was one of his foreign policy advisors. was the author of what they presented to them at least deal at the time. that is correct. and basically what does a is want to do is make it because that so on and habitable, you know, the destruction of schools, hospitals, infrastructure that becomes almost livable and force international for me just take for the refugees. i'm filling out the professional as a, if not all the thousands of leave i think is a wants to have a big chunk of the population, leave them become refugees of a sore. and of course, we know they're already refugees, by the way, to exhaust the, the majority of people in god's already refugees from 1948 exacts. and we know from historical experience and one's understanding leave, they're very unlikely to return. yeah. okay. uh, i know you're staying with us, we wanna talk to you a little later in the show because there's also important things going on at the united nations today. there's going to be a new resolution for a ceasefire. we'll want to talk about that later. thank you. i doubt it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has pledged to kill him. us leader. yeah, yes. in war he compared this mission to the death of
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a biblical character called him on who was an enemy of the jews. he said, we are fighting and will be victorious. we will enter russell and achieve total victory we illuminated. come on and we will also eliminate send war many against a member of israel's war cabinet says that he will quit the government if a bill exempting ultra orthodox jews for mandatory military service becomes law. the proposed legislation is set to be tabled in parliament next week. ultra orthodox jews have been exempt from is really military service on religious grounds for decades of thousands of israelis have protests to get protested against the bill in recent weeks. um the actually meet the nation kind of accepted the chemist at most, most votes for it covered under my colleagues and i will most of the members of this emergency government should such legislation pulse in the connection and to enter the olympics of his route in a way that's we'll have to unity, i'm from national security in general and especially in time of wanting to come up
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us and to be occupied westbank where a video has surface showing is really forces assaulting and showing a little shopping. hebron this happened 2 weeks ago, but we're getting the video now. soldiers can be seen attacking the boy, forcing him to take off his top apparently because it had a gun printed on the shirt. after the video was published, these really army rated the shop and confiscated the original footage and is really forces of shot at least 5 palestinians during a rated novelist palestinian groups confronted soldiers in the east of the city. troops also rated to car. him go kill you or muller beslee him in hebron at least 450 pound listings have been killed and more than 7700 arrested in the occupied westbank since the war on gaza began. did abraham joins us now from ramallah and the occupied westbank. did i want to talk more about this boy? what have you been able to learn about that incident as well?
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we know that he's a 7 year old who is wearing a shirt, as you've seen there in the video that has a picture of a rifle. this sort of fashion. let's call it. we've been seeing many palestinian children wearing those blouses in the occupied west bank leading to similar incidents. we've reported activity on a boy who was 3 or 4 years old. who also was asked by these, where the army to take off his shirts and go through a check point in a similar incidents in the north of the occupied wes thing this time we have actual footage of what happened sloughing, the boy also it being very violent towards him, just because he was wearing that shirt, we spoke to the store owner who was scared of releasing that video. and you would know why he was scared because he is really forced. as soon as the video went viral yesterday, they stormed his story, trying to look for the origin and footage he tells us because the incidence has
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happened 2 weeks ago. they could not find the original funds, but that gives you an idea of why would we report on so many stories here in the occupies westbank. much of those stories remain untold because people fear to show those footage to show what happened to them really is really retaliation. and as we've seen happen in have, remember, we're talking about this neighborhood in the old city of had thrown in the outskirts of the old city. this incident happened in the neighborhood that sees still large curfews people that we went there. they can not use the cars to go, they can only go walking if they want to go and buy the groceries and stuff. so that gives you an idea about the intensity about the difficulty that palestinians go through day and then they are the minute i want to talk a little bit about a more about that with you. because look, our viewers have been watching, especially since the beginning of this war. they know that these kinds of things happen. but when you see the video, it's, it's, it's jarring. you know,
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the seeing the video hits differently. this is all you're reporting from the last 5 months and before that tells us that this is only the tip of the iceberg up. so notice this is exactly what we've been saying. that the things that we don't know the things that we cannot show you on camera, there are things people feel scared to talk about. there's a story, i'm not going to mention where exactly it's happened, but a palestinian who was trying to cross a check point. and he was killed it shot and killed by these really forces because the check which had been closed. we tried and tried with the family to speak to us . you know what they said? we see it for the other children who are alive that they're gonna face it a lot of retaliation by these really forces they might lose their job, they wouldn't get the rest of. so some families would tell us and this family indeed was say, we've lost enough. we don't want to speak to this to the media about just because what would happen next. that's why this is the tip of the iceberg. that's why when
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we say we want to tell you what's happening and be on what's back, what to tell you that there's little violence going on. it's not because it palestinians are not. it's not because that is not what's happening here in the occupied with the bank, but it's really hard to, to 4 to each and every story that contains that pilot. no, absolutely and, but you've done a wonderful job. i have to say of doing that. and i still have in memory the report, you brought us a while back of a, a man who had a medical condition and the policies, i forget what exactly it was, was shot dead essentially at a made up check point by is really authorities, one of the many stories that you brought us. thank you very much. did abraham reporting today from ramallah in the occupied westbank as the supporters of an opposition candidates and set a goal are celebrating after sundays presidential election?
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the really results suggest bessie, who am i fi, is in the lead is an ally of opposition leader of a sense sancho who was disqualified because of a defamation conviction. the governing coalitions candidates, i'm a do boss says that he is ready for a rental boat official results are expected in the coming days. nicholas hack has more from the capital, the car. this is the road that leads to respond. so goes house. people. here is the road to victory though, so, so it's not a candidate to this presidential election, but his deputy president jim, i board is some of the other candidates in the running. i've already completed the seats and have things rush related. buzzer jim, i 51 of the arrival candidates in the selection. it was the ruling party candidate . i'm a do bob who chris crossed the nation to try to tell the synagogue these people
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that continue or this was the way forward. but for people here, change a break from the past. a more fair or society is the project that they're going for . and during that campaign we saw both of your wi fi who is just recently released from prison. this former test inspector that's relatively unknown to the public over the course of where we rose to the start of the project. saying that it's not about the candidate concerned about what it's about, changing the system to create and really don't see the change the the dressed presidential for the occasion. julia sonya cast her vote for the 1st time
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a solemn moment that almost escaped her. i felt like i make my voice heard for all the fight i've been doing. when president, mikey saw cancelled february's election and security forces stored in parliament to remove opposition in peace, we had tried to prevent the delay. sonya says she felt robbed of her voice. voting was the right she had taken for granted. so yet took to social media to fight. while young people across indigo demonstrated, the constitutional counsel stepped in forcing the president to hold that vote. this is the far we have where i saw the main one is, is just we feel like so many guys, small families. we feel like they so much gap between the point to go life and the youth. it's candidates put on the show and a short and fast campaign unemployment, good governance and reducing the gap between poor and rich. had been the main issues for voters to former tax inspectors. stand out opposition. pick your best.
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bu jim, i fi is competing against his former boss, governing party candidate and former tax inspector. i met you by 5 voted from his hometown in the countryside. react instead of going to. yeah, he's on the one. so for a need to in reality, and that is that of the people who to day will choose a man or woman to be the president on his opponent. i do by voted in the car boomers, the last message we're sending out is one of peace synagogue belongs to us. we are old children of this country. they looked at her companions, well, even if it was short, but it was swift and called popular opposition and figure it was men, soca who has been disqualified after a criminal conviction for defamation is supporting fine. so it goes to porter, say his charges were in attempt to derail his candidacy. there is a high border turn out in this election with many travelling across the country to cast their votes at this pulling station. a lot of young women and young men coming
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out early to vote. they are a key demographic that can take the vote in what is a tight race the. the counting has begun. there is a sense of anticipation and excitement after 12 years of mucky cell. and the last few months of interest and delays, san diego awaits the outcome of the vote. and the name of its new president nicholas hawk. l g 0, the car to look for suspects in the moscow concert hall attack had been charged with terrorism. the men appeared in a district district court in the russian capital. they have been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. at least a 137 people were killed when gunmen opened fire on a concert goers on friday night. you're a shop of oliver joins us from moscow. you'll hear what can you tell us? we were just seeing the footage of this quarter parents. what can you tell us about that quarter parents? what did we learn from that? hearing was held behind close tools of the men, as you mentioned,
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are going to spend 2 months in free trial detention late sunday evening. most cruz, bustamante cold, indeed charged them with terrorism and so on. then in that case of the day, i talked in talk, this city whole that age ranges from 19 to search years old, and all of them are supposedly subject nationals and the reviews from the court. all the for keith were showing signs of torture. one of the suspects were the bondage of his head. as during his arrest, part of his ear was told. another one with a swollen face was tortured with his son gun. several telegram channels associated with the security of services published any surprises where he was actually tortured the said one with bruises on his face could not stand by himself and lean his elbows on the will be the 4th one was taken to cool, cool,
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intensive high was wheeled into the courtroom, accompanied 5 talk to his. meanwhile, the investigating committee claims that a total of 11 people were to change it on the twins. it said and said most of the rest of shortly, but the press service of the community hasn't commented on it. yes, you, i am seeing also the live footage of the people in moscow. russians still laying flowers and paying their respects at the side of the attack. can you, can you speak to how people are feeling and what the conversations are that, that the russians are having amongst themselves. you know, on, on day 3 after the attack while of course, the issues are heavy blows to the whole nation because people really feel there's victims and their relatives will that charge the today of course, is
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a working monday. but still, as you say, there are some people that's cool, but no, no use like yes, very close, but yes, today, many work here until very late hours, several big jewels were held millions of flowers and candles, prove useful lights. projections with a flying white frames were on the walls of the centre, a memory of the victims. and today, the holes officials will be returning calls. and the thing is to select the hole on friday during that time, as was left behind us on the thank you very much. i a still a head on alpha 0, a generation out of school. a grim reminder of the effect war has a war has had on millions of children in yemen and police in brazil make an arrest and a killing of
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a permanent activist that spots an international out. the, here's your forecast for europe to start the weather in the west stand disturbed the weather in the east. let's break it down region by region because there is a lot of rain to talk about. we've wiped out that summer field across southern spain, so be dropping those temperatures and seville. we've got rounds of rain to go. then the winds picking up through central and southern portugal, especially the south west coast to portugal. could see those winds were up to about 80 kilometers per hour north of this what by their slides into the islands of ireland in britain, no weather alerts here suggest lighters, showers to be expected. and we've had some rain move across the bulk and so that's dropped down temperatures through 2 romania dow by about 10 degrees. and now greece and turkey. you're getting into this wet weather as well, especially that western side of the turkey a is stumble,
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coming in at 14 degrees. raining wins combo also to be expected in morocco with that disturbance around the canary islands. so for morocco is capital robots, i think we'll see those winds up to 60 kilometers power storms into northwest spelled. you're in luck. we're pumping in that heat to libya. is capital triple $833.00 that's fall above where you should be for the sum of the air. could see a tropical storm developed along the northeast of madagascar. but either way, we've got some soaking, rains up and down the east coast on monday. a team in the gaza strip as there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing
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this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the let's think that's the latest news. as it breaks demonstrators, law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the to coverage toasting and say that what areas did during his final words, free policy made them feel since then for that he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least 9000 palestinian families are missing at least one loved ones. at the start table the the the, you're watching else
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a 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour is really air attacks on the central guys. i have killed at least 22 people overnight, a family home and they're all of all that was hits, 2 children and 5 women were among those killed you in chief antonia gutierrez, hes reiterated calls for a ceasefire in gaza and expressed hope ahead of a vote later on monday and the un security council members will be voting on the resolution folding for us whose fire dream ramadan, the incentive goal supporters of an opposition candidates by seal. would you mind fire or celebrating after sundays presidential election? but vote counting is still underway and the official results were expected in the coming days. instead of career professors at medical schools are submitting their resignations and support of striking training doctors. they want the government to withdraw its plan to increase student enrollment and medical training institutes. thousands of training doctors walked off the job and late february to
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protest against the plan, saying it would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care. last week, the health ministry threatened to suspend their licenses to one a. so what we did, the expansion of medical school admissions, which is really to the collapse of our countries medical education system, beyond the breakdown of medical education itself. unless the government withdraws this decision on the admissions quotas and quotes on vacation, this crisis cannot be result. if the government has the intention to withdrawal or is considering yet, so we are ready to discuss all issues in front of the people as alpha 0 as you this kim has more on this from. so we're right outside one of the top university hospitals in the country. so national university hospital, this is one of the many hospitals that we'll see. it's senior doctor as a who's double up as, as medical school professors begin to submit their resignations. and this is a group that really has been keeping
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a distance from the stand off that is now has entered a 2nd month. these doctors have been working overtime to fill the void that was left behind by the some, 13000 resident and entering doctors in protest of that government plan to hike the number of doctors in the next decade. now the good news is if there can be any good news in this situation, they don't plan to walk off the job immediately likely to your doctors did, but they will let the process play out with the resignation is expected to process throughout the better part of the month during which they hope the government will be able to find an off ramp, but they will be working shorter hours. and by shorter hours, i mean 52 hours per week. that is the maximum cap allowed. but they had been working back to back 24 hour shift. they've press conference this morning, said to keep up with the hospital operations needs. and it's led to not only
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health concerns, but also psychological health concerns. really providing a rare glimpse into how much pressure the medical staff across the country has been under. over the past month. that's bringing alex take want to lease or your professor at the school of global communication at the killing he university. we really want to understand what this is all about. tell me if i've got this right, this is all about how to manage south korea's aging population and ensure that there are enough doctors for the growing number of patients. am i right about that? or? yeah, that is out to the general as you know, concepts of seem to come in society brought to you know, the to the doctor a little bit the now to reduce the, not that kind of to go on the policy. because actually you should understand that, you know, the very unique of backgrounds you know, the, of the korean and medical assistance. because, you know, lots of inquiry on the doctor is the employee to buy in a private hospital. nothing like like an a funded by the public, you know,
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the undercover mentors something. but the thing is that even though you know, they actually to run their own business. but the don't, you know, the medical pediatric that they're kind of assuming, you know, the expense is a control divider government. so after this, after virginia system with a coating is kind of conflict in my opinion. so the government wants more doctors and the plan to have more doctors in the country is to increase the quote for the number of people who can apply to if we can study that, who can go to medical school from about 3000 it present to 5000. why is that a controversial plan? a to actually the problem is not that how many doctor we have and a bunch of this, you know, the medic, our system is actually the double, you know, that control totally control divide to the private hospital. then the problem at the cost of this problem, what i mean, you know that you to actually private hospital o as in a goal zone, do you know these kind of a deposit toby and, you know, bridging us and then that's why your government try to control and then intervene
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this kind of a market system and, and try to control the, you know, this kind of number. so that's about your number turn into issue. but the, the issue is not too many shares, not they know that kind of but the numbers. so, but dr. but the know how to distribute that gives, you know, doctor to that kind of in a public has system. you know that, that is actually the problem of, if you sort of see about the, actually the, some criticism that the government has no concrete, the plan to, uh, you know, to actually to manage this problem. okay. as you say, the issue and the problem is not the number of doctors in the country. we just saw the person speaking for medical professors who said that increasing the, the enrollment authorize enrollment, that medical schools would lead to the collapse of south korea's medical system. why now to the that is actually the, the, you know, the read. we have a lot to be, you know, the hospital, lots of what the doctors. but the thing is that this kind of public health system and, you know, couldn't at the, the function you know, to fit the well,
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that's what i could do. so because i could profit oriented the know, the america's business is i could tell me that to this, you know, the medical system. that's why actually in general, it sounds, you know, the many uh, the, the, the, you know, the, the people in korean. so, so i have to agree with this, gonna come with the policy, you know, the, because it would be a big one that i should look if talk to you. but it goes to just about the what the after happening at the moment. these are a little bit older with this kind of issue that is related to the problem. by the way you, you've said, and i think you've said it several times that there are enough doctors are there are many doctors in the country. but the fact is that the, the south korea has one of the lowest doctor to population ratios in the industrialized world. so the facts don't quite a line with what you're telling us there. in other industrialized countries, there are more doctors relative to the population. a no, no, actually the, the actually the compared to the, you know, united kingdom and the computer to the know, france and then for instance, you know, the, we have more doctors can do, you know, for us and united kingdom. so, but you know, they still disagree,
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but what i mean actually that, that kind of portion of it, that sort of a, so to me, you know, the parts of our field over the maybe causing the service isn't quite a lot, because uh, i said, you know, just to the hospital is the own divide and actually the private, you know, the business owner or something like that. that's why i asked you to couple months you know, to try to control these under many car system about to. but thing is that the, as you said, these are, does kind background or ways to quote this sort of the problem. because the former couple months or so try to, you know, search it out, you know, these problem. but it wasn't quite, you know, successful, you know, actually to the point. oh, so the doctor, you know, protest dates and, and we'll talk, you know, try to worked out and then that's what i to the diploma government didn't you know, to actually push this policy. but the current government is because of this concern of election, you know, the approaching that's why just to include in the push this policy, you know, because of, with this kind of a, that the general public opinion. okay. professor alex, take on lee. thank you very much. for joining us on the program this, our,
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me thank you. the philippine foreign ministry has some of the senior chinese diplomats and instruct its stuff and badging to lodge a complaint against what it calls aggressive actions by china is coast guard. on saturday, the chinese coast guard fired water cannons at a philippine supply vessel in the south china sea, the philippines and said the ship was damaged, that reported no casualties. it happened near the 2nd thomas shoal, a disputed reef, controlled by manila, but also claimed by china, taiwan, and vietnam. a number of incidents have taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in recent months. the rescuers in indonesia have recovered the bodies of 3 ranger refugees believe to be from the boat capsized last week. 75 people were rescued at see from the overturned vessel on thursday. un agencies say around 70, others are feared missing from the attempted crossing from bangladesh. around 1000000, mostly most of them are
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a hinge of people live there. have to feeling persecution in me. in lar, save the children says $2.00 and $5.00 youngsters in yemen are out of school because of conflict. and that's about 4500000 children. and with a declining economy, many of them have no choice but to find work to help support their families. victoria getting the reports it takes courage for 9 year old rebecca to attend school in the city of la. he's in southwest and young, and many of her classmates stopped coming last month after 2 children were killed when a discarded artillery show exploded. in this data and it's got to be a lot happened in the explosion, was violence and close to our homes. it's the 1st time we've heard such an explosion. we used to feel safe, but not anymore. we're skate of stepping on. something like a bomb that might explode. fia has taken over us, get anxious when the teacher isn't around. say the children says there are around 4500000 children who aren't in school in yemen. that could security is just one
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reason for the 85 percent of young men who used to live in poverty. and the decade long was forced many parents to take their children out of school, so they can work and help ease the financial pressures that millions of families face every day. i have a home because they don't usually, my classmates quit studying, to support the families financially to assist the father. since things have got more challenging economically, many of them live to work on funds. honey knows best of the most the value of a good education, but his teacher's salary doesn't call but his family's basic needs. he's had to make some difficult decisions way uh, out of love and i have 4 daughters. i took 2 of them out of school. my son, it is $46.00 a month, which isn't enough of these days due to the cutting our prices and health care expenses. out of the whole saturday, the students fees take 25 percent young. un broke, a truce officially ended in october 2022,
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but still lodge the homes that saved the children says without an official ceasefire. families don't have the stability, they need to rebuild the lights and an entire generation. risk being left behind with long term consequences begins recovery and development. victoria gates in b, l g 0 to the police in brazil have arrested 2 politicians and a former police chief. so ordering the killing of a realtors in narrow council women in 2018 marielli franco was killed in a drive by shooting. she was a black, gay activists known for defending minorities and for speaking out against police brutality. monica yanna cab reports from realtors and arrow it took 6 years for federal police to make the arrest and answer the one question. many brazilians have been asking who killed by the foot uncle? the council woman and her driver was shot dead in march 2018 in the streets. a free edition. narrow this to me in this work,
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and at least now until new elements emerge is at this moment we are very clear about the perpetrators of this heinous crime. a crime of a political nature congressman, she can, but as soon and his brother state auditor the mean was but also were arrested accused of having ordered the hit to the brothers allegedly have political ties with the militia. gangs made up mostly of former policemen who controlled many poor neighborhoods and re addition narrow in charge. the residents for protection of the 3rd suspect, was also taken into custody re edition, nero's former police chief evolved. bob laza is being accused of obstructing the investigation. we're not going to have all the bomb was relative. barbosa received the family the day after the murder, saying that it would be the police, his priority to solve the case. and we learned today that the man who hugged us pages respects and smiled is involved in this crime to try to get his sister was
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also minister of racial equality. he said that you putting the culprits the hind bars will strengthen themselves democracy, that of my age, we can finally give ounces to all those people who voted for her, who believed in her ideas and who felt represented by her lawyers for the 3 suspects saved their innocence and deny that they were involved in the murder maralie found, who was a champion for minorities and stood up against political corruption and violence and reels for ballast or spawns some idea that of she was human. she would always be present among us. i am happy to to, for, and i've called people here and we have just a narrow survey hope solving my. the ellie's murder is a step towards impressing one of realtors and narrows main problem. 60 percent of wheels, metropolitan area is controlled by drug lords, power, military militia. that might be fought against monica and of also sierra. we have
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just a narrow the 3 on demand have attempted to storm a police station in armenia is capital your refund. investigators say the attackers designated a hand grenade was running to seize the building. 2 of the suspects were injured in the explosion, or the 3rd was detained. after brief, stand off the gun metal, reportedly members of a group that opposes the plan to transfer a villages. intermedia is publish region 2 neighboring azerbaijan. assignment harris is set to become islands youngest, ever prime minister after he was elected to leave the governing in a gale party. it follows the surprised resignation of 5 minutes to the over red car on wednesday, the 37 year old is best known for helping steer the country's initial response to kobe 19 as a government minister. i want to thank you. i want to thank every single person in this room and every single community you come from across ireland. i want to thank
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you for your trust and i wanna promise. i'm pledge to you today that i would repay that trust with hired work, with broad selection tiers, day in and day as with responsibility, with humidity and with civility, the still ahead on alpha 0. i must all of the job aids in here and i'll send you how often businesses are continuing to export, even if it's all of the finance and restrictions the
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the thousands across argentina has taken part in demonstrations to mark the anniversary of the 1976 village recruit. human rights groups estimate around $30000.00 people were kidnapped, tortured and murdered, under military dictatorship. it's the 1st demonstration of its kind to take place under president heavier malay who critics accused of down playing the atrocities committed during a half got us down is economy has suffered since the taliban took over in 2021 with some sectors collapsing altogether. but the country's businesses are still finding ways to stay afloat despite significant banking restrictions. but some of inch of aid has been meeting business owners in the city of herat. a multi $1000000.00 production lines have been pumping up some of the funds most popular for the drink . just like all the term on or the last. when to use these bottles,
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if not only retain the local base, but they've now found the market in $28.00 countries. it's an important economic lifeline for hundreds of workers and associated supply chain industries. since the collapse of the form of government and the cons, exports have declined. many large business owners instead of companies abroad, the sacrament, sanction mama, that's kind of stone, has to be acknowledged as a nation by all countries. we have to deal with problems related to banking visas and international travel. we need facilitation assistance and access to the global market for purchases and banking activities. although there are banking restrictions on no other government recognizes over $50000000.00 loan comfortable products, including pine. that's what i mean. the biggest export china is buying the largest
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among surpassing traditions. markets in the gulf states, europe in america once punished, roasted sorted. besides the higher price, a chinese import has by non processed or wrought pine. that's, that means less revenue and fuel drums for many off guns was livelihoods, depending on the industry. because of drug trafficking cargoes, from a bunch of sun go to extra scrutiny, not as a further impact on exports, etc, but which cannot the get uh, controlled on most of the time our neighbors purchase of getting binding that's at the reduced cost were smuggled dental and then the export to other nations, we require facilitation for regular trade. there should be arrangements between governments for businessman and those sites are key to holding myself from mountains of minerals to the most expensive spice of guns. no, they have enough to offer to the outside world. but hon. pick delicate strands of south from are no match for minerals like coal, whose exports had
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a drastic decline. it's an important contributor to the nearly a $150000000.00 annual exports. but i've gone to sounds increasing in force mean it's buying more than it's sending the result in whitening trade deficit. and unless the kind of government comes up with a comprehensive economic time and extended restrictions on events on the eve, it's industry is unlikely to flight. some of these items of era here all millions of indians are celebrating the hindu festival of holly. this festival is celebrated annually, the onset of spring. it represents the trends of good over evil festival of colors includes the use of colored powders and water bottles. and celebrations are also taking place in the city of crunchy in neighboring pakistan. although hindus are a minority there. this year's festival coincides with the muslim fasting month of
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ramadan, from the federal venue for this news hour. but the news is continue at the top of the hour, so i'll be back with you in 2 minutes on the a pod huge, i mean to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the end of time when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about the template is the return of the
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lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those to the us is event jellicoe, christine exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try that. you have just read a book in the process, praying for pharma good episode to protest against policies from brussels. ok, escalating these farmers increasingly consider the debt and then me only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's blocked . pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone too far. so ukrainian green is flooding . poland, and we're getting 4 and poor. we don't know what to do with our products anymore. while the pharmacy saying that they like military and humanitarian a past, these protests of seriously damage your brains relationship with the one country that's help is most sense to wash in faded ukrainian drive is hope to locate will
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and they have 0 loans that have get everything and i still carry, and ben is complaining and you find everything is much more difficult. ukraine has accused it both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian banners, estimate things even worse. the is really airstrikes cube, at least $22.00 palestinians in central garza 0 dollar range. the pennsylvania is good to have you with us. this is l 0 life from the also coming up


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