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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Tor Wennesland  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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etc, and please take some questions the if the t extra amount, unless you might without the wizard expense do what is currently taking place in the mode of guys. this word is not enough. it's my it's my hello. i have to take results to be able to listening to you. yes, i can. you know, ma'am i have a few years from i was just calling to check in with a lady in the most of guys this thread. so did i don't, but at least a at so you might obtain use the with is really a statement that they were, i had said corrupt how you together with the international. but those should be
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working towards less sending the apply the palestinians full of tutoring on the vanity of salmon. first of all, in relation to the not the products of gaza, it is absolutely essential to have a message supply a few minutes at the ne, not. and this means opening more entry points. these means a cos installation of efforts. that's all entities. we'd all obstacles. we don't leave mutations from these rarely sides in order to be able to rescue the people of northern gaza, of an imminent risk of feminine. many children already today dining upon and finally in relation to the sol stood upside. all position has been very clear.
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we can see this that's a good on the offensive, the games throughout the could leads to look at this, but i think you made it and situation i thought would dental be from that to my job . so as i was a mental thing, and so any guys that is a redid eating on the side of it and then those thoughts, those guys that is in a dire situation as these really based on the flow. so these are using that to deliver aid as width in old days can come to an end a besides these really blinked, events comes to an end and a delivery of a 10 be allowed. so to see more, both of the crossing salmon is a dot. it's close of a policy or number of denial of freely paid in to my i thought you guys us today, we are prepared to provide old what is needed by the guys and population. the rebate is already present. the making is the amount of nipple out and place. what is missing is to eliminate is really,
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is policy of total denied of delivery over live agent to guys of a sudden the by it's a question to the secretary general has not been another one. is there a lot of instruments about the event on or from delivering, believe, have to answer the most of the guys district because they are also using honor what to be collaborating with the pen, assume you know the assistance he's my dad has lead. i just thought, you know, position by case of the international community to respond to is the, is claims and also to put an end to the situation. and then on the 2nd question to the denny and have a folder in minnesota,
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it is believed that is what it is simply buying time refusing as cease fire. on the other hand, you are still holding for a c squire. well, how do you, what do you call the citizen a good i know most for the where is what the end of the response to the entire up zip columbus see. and how can we make these schools effective and taking place in reality? not will the decision not to allow the school boys to go to northern garza where we have the med take that satisfaction situation is totally unacceptable. and those that took the decision must assume
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the responsibility facing history, of the consequences of the decision in relation to the met the situation of the people in northern godsa. where as i mentioned, you have already children dying of hunger. the moment i'm like this, the position of just door then is the lead to i would cry, cold. but when they were doing your best to a couple of things, day one to bring this war to an end. and our efforts have not come to a whole example. let's be the, let's take the low and cannot learn, and that'd be a brain vis or 2. and then that's the time what is defying then to the nice, in a little cute and tide was violating the it's a mess and a love of that. and i know, continuing with the pleasure was however, we started to see more outcries on the intervention community. the international
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communities position has been sifting towards isolated side dealing most the policy of, of starvation. he said we're dealing with the reality. what is a, is defined and violating the international law. they are even going again with the historical ally, the united states, and we'll come up with today as it is today to the there is a draft resolution before the security council calling sort of see slide and switch to the delivery of free legal aid. we are urging all the member states to adopt this draft as the loose and even to take a mold and legal and ethical stand, stating that what the policy of getting started facing is unacceptable and
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undermine the international community. and then to invest in a little law and the internet as an organization at the end of the day is a, is doing what they're doing. they're protecting their crime simply because they a month that has nothing to do to, to is a we have gone beyond that. the, as a government is led by right because of the racist ministers, we cannot, that allowed them to continue to dial in the entire region until further k s. and rather than sending alms to as well, diplomacy must work, then it gets as much visit as a year to date. like there's a current as a government. and the current government must be held liable for the crimes and the top of the crisis. and the tragedy of guides and guidance are exacerbating the into the entire international
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community is those incurred the ability before the do understand that and as well as the continued violations of international and the system. god knows that since the 1000 has been doing all the can, the policy and goals will remain. our focus is to the palestinian people. this safeguarding of the rise, what their interest and their rights to life will be our little thought i might priority we including then to that as soon as you might, they are faced with is a, in a government the most radical in its history, attending the blind i'm not on the to the internet as and a low but old, the human and ethic and values continue to kill. star guys and guys have done well during bold, what we can with our regional and then so that so that apart those, including the united nations and all those willing to take a clear stand again. and there's a cool base in for the sake of humanity, dignity,
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and that i took the palestinian people. and even further that the position of adult than has been cleared during goal. what we can to bring this conflict to an end. and the only means is by ending the occupation and enabling the palestinian to have their independence over in the state established on the 1967, both those with each other as a limb at its gap. but then let this of a war or not come to an end. and even if it in small wars would be waged simply because this position, this situation can notes, could continue with the horizons of ho, afraid them before 5. but a scene in and more are on their mind. and maria, when dining the drawers in times after more than 5 months of brutal violence and
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collective punishments, and that inflicted upon palestinians by israeli occupation forces. today the security council is held hostage by a couple of members who stand behind the empty arguments at the expense of punched in life. thereby the council failing to assume its risk responsibilities and maintain international peace and security. the question is, how will the un remedy the diminished credibility of its own promises and what are the new challenges to the, to, to conflict resolution? that is, that this work presented. finally, what are the mechanisms to pressure israel at this point to allow full aids into gaza? taking into consideration that denying aids contradicts i. p j. 's routing, which orders immediate measures to protect, understands in gaza from the risk of genocide by insuring sufficient humanitarian
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assistance. i think it's necessary to recognize that the united nations is a complex organization, united nations who have you meditated agencies that, that today what in gaza with an extreme cottage. we have already went into the 721, what codes stuff, numbers the home that would kill industrial and they had united nations. so you have in united nations, extraordinary examples of colorado and then also and sony that he needs people suffering. you're not the nations, he's also the general assembly that as assumed. clear positions in relation to this call united nations use. the 2nd said he didn't know the debts as been assuming that on behalf of the 2nd said he had clear
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positions in relation to this conflict and this exit and does not today some of these also the simply because and indeed disagree. the concept today is the victim of the numbers. your points will be vibes envelopes with the, the superpowers of thoughts with each other and creating the situation in which it's very difficult to find consensus can relation to any of the difficult crises we are facing in the world. not only in addition to gus and that is why it is so important that finally disagree because who became able to approve the resolution. asking for a ceasefire in gus. but to at the same time, it is all due to, to do every seems to mobilize the whole of the international community. and i see
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a consensus was emerging in the international community, even in the countries that the friends and allies of israel. i see a consensus was emerging that's these lot from us store. i see you can see this was the merging that in the ground, the offensive against that also would leads to a catastrophic humanitarian situation. i see a consensus was emerging in the international community to tell israel that's not using the grievances caused by the or a fee. good tax of a mouse. in the 7th of october, for the cook and isaac, the them of your cities that need to be immediately and unconditionally released forms recognizing those aspects. nothing can justify this collective punishment of the policy and people that is causing such any mental status of the invest.
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sir, if you've just been listening to a joint press conference by the jordanian foreign minister, i'm on society and the secretary general of the united nations. antonio gutierrez, a few of the headlines from that conference and both the minister and the section general. we're taking questions at the end. so some of the headlines here for us from the georgia and foreign minister. he said israel has violated every moral principle. the gaza is now an open graveyard. the israel's government is led by radical and racist ministers, were dragging the region into chaos. and he called on the un security council to adopt the draft that is going to be put before the the council later today. they
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finally, he said, if only to signal to the world and that enough is enough. so that's on the part of the jordanian foreign minister. now the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, has says, has said that speaking with his teams in gaza, they've never seen anything as bad as guys, and he was pointing out. this is coming from, sees into humanitarian veterans. he also said the scale and the speed of the death and destruction in gaza is on an entirely different level. let's bring in a bill off of that, he's a fellow and director of the fine policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs. you were listening to the whole thing with us. what stood out to you. well i, i'm struck by it or the secretary general's as the comments. i have to say. they're very courageous. open and critical of, uh, is there a button the same time? you highlighted it, his comments, there's invitations of view and as an organization and the inability of the un security council to find the binding resolution against israel. so you find him
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where you showing him to highlighting the work of you and within the same time highlighting it's invitation. so this semester really interesting that's, that's what he ended with. and that's also what stood out to me. he was asked a question about how the international condemnation of israel's war can actually be implemented into facts and into a ceasefire. and he gave this rather long answer, but i think we should get into it because it's interesting. he said, look, that you, it is a complex place, it's a vast place. and the if i power power phrase who was essentially saying the one thing that's not working, the one thing where we're stuck is the security council. but everything else there is clarity, whether it's the general assembly, which has passed a resolution back in, but was few months ago now have passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire. whether is the general assembly, whether is the secretary general himself, whether it's the people that you and staff working on the ground, many of them have been killed. he says, all of that's working. the one thing is not working well. we're not finding consensus of consensus on major world issues,
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including israel is the security council. that's correct and this is the reflection, of course, of the geopolitical issues. medications of the russia, ukraine war, the fragmentation of global order, the rising us china, competition by which the secretary or un security council now is an arena, a border of these issues. so it becomes less about, cuz i'm part of the time i'm, i'm more about that, you put it in context. but actually if you look at the resolution from last week and you look at the resolution that they are voting on today. if the u. s. actually joins and you're going to be voting for the actual to cease fire. then this will actually become further pressure on israel black, but i don't see that happening. yeah, you told us earlier they want, i don't think so because since the u. n was established, the us has a hold of a veto of more than 40 resolutions. that's to have condemned. is there a actually 46? and what we see today is probably the 47, told them as a u. s. provides the fig leaf for israel to cover his crimes. and if it's fixed, if it's removed, then really is there
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a little be exposed for the genocide that's actually doing for the 1st thing. and this is an interesting and useful reminder, you're saying this would be if the un gives diplomatic cover to israel this evening later today of the security council, it would be the 47th, a veto that they have use you said, since the creation of the you with that, that is in more than a house, that means in 75 years, almost. that's correct. and this included the invasion of the southern lebanon and occupation of the golan heights and all the resolutions, according to national. what is there it has broken international, but i mean, this means raises the question. what isn't the national wonder, is this a national lived or, or did that to us, seems to uphold as a big double standard when it comes to russia and ukraine. the national community is mobilized quickly, their atrocities preparatory preparatory to them condemned by the federal community that the russia has, has done in ukraine. but when we focus a shift on israel is, or it was given a bit of a cut lunch. but i would say that this is really changing, put aside for us for now, and that's the focus on other countries. like,
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for example, in europe, we have the spaniards, the belgians and other european countries are saying now we're ready to recognize a kind of thing in the states. we look at the solidarity the south. so sort of directly with south africa, brazil, and other countries. and there's over the south, a highlighting good, the sort of that you would find a sign that we show is how the international community has really moved uh for the standing issue to be resolved once. and for the, this extra general, antonio butera seemed to be alluding to what you're saying at, at the end of his, his last remark. his last answer, he seems to be suggesting the answer may not be coming from the security council. the answer may be coming from this pervasive feeling among the international community. he said including friends of israel, this emerging consensus as he put it, that the warmest stop that the operation and rasa would be catastrophic. and nothing can justify the collective punishment of palestinian people who seemed to be saying these values they exist. they are widely shared,
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not acted upon by the security council, but he sees something rising as i listen to him, the executor. if you look up your star compared to this, you know, with apartheid south africa, what really puts pressure on a part time between south africa is this international condemnation, an isolation of the south african regime and sanctions. and a, an, a boy called movement a global, you know? so i think this is really what's going to put pressure on this. right? is the national installation, a concert of campaign at the sanctions, potential sanctions and trade impacting trade and weapons transfer isn't. i'm finding the need for unified understanding and movement if you remember, of course, the proceedings are divided amongst themselves. so the big owners comes to them as well to have the unified moving. they've got advocate collectively for their demands. one last thing, the jordanian foreign minister was asked, you know, how, how this can be brought in in this war the, the humanitarian catastrophe in, in gaza. he was very honest. he said look, let's be honest, jordan can't stop this war. this speaks to something that we've heard so many times
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yours that what, what can be done and what can be done specifically in the region and by arab countries. and his answer by the jordanian for him mysteries we can't and unfortunately is speaking to us because the that i me from the region highlight that also a number of states have a piece street is a long term interest with the with is there a why they didn't connect to the work together at the reading level over the gc level or at the international level with you. and there are limitations of, of this approach. and when he comes down to how much pressure of, of us can exert directly on israel in terms of stuffing weapons, supplies, stuffing funding. and removing the fig leaf we discussed earlier. yeah. at the thought. uh, thank you very much for following that live with us in the studio. thank you. officer as honey. my mood is light from rough. uh honey. you were also from covering as listening as best you could to that live event. so antonio gutierrez has been speaking about the humanitarian situation in the strip. he says starvation
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is bearing down on the people of gaza. he's again called for a lasting into the violence. he's made many of these calls during the war from where you are standing. what impact is that you went had on this conflict and on the situation in gaza so far? of the yes, well so far they you on unfortunate may have been a cripple by the only super power in the you on security accounts that keeps to protect the thing it's out live and that has been traditionally done for the past 75 year. the usda is the firmly by it's a close this allies, it protected it from you on agency. the actions on the line resolutions and cited unanimously with the is really on the expense of the, the palestinian and the ongoing misery right on the ground. the fact that we have the largest and international bodies on a boat to provide humanitarian aid and to help in this
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ongoing and genocide across the gaza strip is something that is the making people who are very frustrated as palestinians across the board here. whether in gaza or that get pied with bank the feel, they have been live alone with reckless decisions made by the united states. that the, the preventing, the, you, the, the, you on it from doing its job as the united nations. as, as an honor. what as the united nations for palestinian refugee doing the job on the ground, allowing for the mass going and then tens bombing campaign and the destruction of public health facilities and private ones and public facilities. an infrastructure to the point gather has become on livable land. life living conditions are becoming very difficult. now, coupled with the an acute famine in the northern part and got the city and visit signs of his tar vision in over a crowd. a rough estimate, the ongoing,
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the threats of expanding the uh, the ground and vision, and the rough estimate of which would be catastrophic and people will have know where to go. as all the talks about safe zones have been proven to be false, misleading, contradictory, and either way, you can't really create a safe zone in a war zone. it's just largely misleading and the fact that it is happening right now is just we're looking at very difficult days ahead of us that you and it's almost like a pleading to the world to intervene and to stop what's going on and banning it from delivering it to the northern part just shows the level of, of, of, of, of, of, of it strains the level of, of power that these really have over this international body. yeah. and how do you, to your point this, this speaks to one of the things that the 2nd, the general said. he said there will be no sustainable humanitarian solution and gaza as long as the war continues. honey rough. uh and i beg your pardon, honey mountain with reporting from rossa and the southern part of the gaza strip.
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thank you so much. the for suspects in the most go concert hall attack have been charged with terrorism. the men appeared in a district court in the russian capital. they've been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. at least 137 people were killed when gunmen opened fire on concert goers on friday night. in south korea, professors, that medical schools are submitting their resignations and support of striking training doctors. they want the government to withdraw its plan to increase student enrollment and medical training institutes. thousands of training doctors walked off the job in late february to protest against the plan, saying that it would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care. last week, the health ministry threatened to suspend their medical licenses. houses here is eunice kim has more on this from so as we're right outside one of the top
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university hospitals in the country. so national university hospital, this is one of the many hospitals that we'll see. it's senior, a doctors who's double up as, as medical school professors begin to submit their resignations. and this is a group that really has been keeping a distance from the stand off that is now has entered a 2nd month. these doctors have been working overtime to fill the void that was left behind by the some, 13000 resident and entering doctors in protest of that government plan to hike the number of doctors in the next decade. now the good news is if there can be any good news in this situation, they don't plan to walk off the job immediately likely to your doctors did, but they will let the process play out with the resignation is expected to process throughout the better part of the month during which they hope the government will
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be able to find an offer out, but they will be working shorter hours. and by shorter hours, i mean 52 hours per week. that is the maximum cap allowed. but they had been working a back to back 24 hour shift. they've press conference this morning, said to keep up with the hospital operation needs. and it's led to not only health concerns, but also psychological health concerns. really providing a rare glimpse into how much pressure the medical staff across the country has been under over the past month. the right that does it from the serial then yay. now as a reminder, we were listening just earlier this hour to the united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez, who was calling for israels moore on gaza to end adding that there could be no humanitarian fixed and documented serious situation in gaza. that could be improved as long as this war continues saying, even that the staff, members of the u. n, who work there say they've never seen anything as bad as guys. and then use
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continues and offices here after talked houses here. the thing is, this is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us than divides us.
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the latest news as it breaks, types of on any social media platform could face court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate with detailed coverage or comfortable placement, whether it's nice, nice and full health services. a close that comes off from food from around the world. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants including children. the places that now with asian lead that heavy rain storms, those storms will likely to be effected. if we don't get the problem under control, we'll just have help coming soon. the biggest global that extra and you out in history. the was biggest democracy. oh, if it's own epic, scroll down. join main street of oxygen for a new full block be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining where the
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democracy is being undermined as political opponents of prime. and that's been that in there will be a free thing. an avalon cut often charges even before full talk. com being the port bought due on the the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the to that want to know about this. and this is the news our life from don't. i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes. hospitals under siege across the gaza strip, at least 3 medical facilities around over time. by is really forces you to step absolutely essential to ship a mess safe supply. a few minutes at the navy. now the you and the secretary
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general condemns israel decision not to allow una trucks, engine, northern gals, the set of goals celebrate itself to


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