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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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this episode i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us then that in there will be a facing an avalon that often charges even before full talk. com being the port spots due on the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the to that want to know about this. and this is the news online from dell, i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes. hospitals under siege, across the gaza strip. at least 3 medical facilities have wonderful time, bye is really forces you to step absolutely essential to ship a mess safe supply. a few minutes at the navy. now the you and the secretary
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general condemns israel decision not to allow una trucks, engine, northern gals. the set of goals celebrate itself to a peaceful presidential election. vote counting is under way and adult to strike widens and size korea. medical professors join protests against the government's plans to increase the number of medical students as quote, homophobic taunting forces the suspension them say at the nations leak final. between the us and mexico, the referee stop the game at twice and the final minutes of the mattress, which was one to now by the united states. the, we're going to be getting guys are what are, is really forces have legs saves to 3 large hospitals. medical supplies are already running low and the number of injured is still growing. now, the targeting of health facilities is making the humanitarian crisis even worse.
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and then all is very forces have been and talking. i see for hospital for a week, palestinians in flight. the scene i've described seeing is rarely times running over dead bodies in the courtyard, as well as crushing ambulances. witnesses, se is rarely troops of surrounded knots. the hospital in the southern city of con eunice stuff, patients and people seeking shelter. they are trapped inside the south and been almost not even married yet since nighttime we have been carpet bombed by. it's really war planes the entire area and you're not ser hospital was shaking as if it were a nurse quick. we took shelter in the building stairwell until the morning we assume to the is really soldiers would lay siege to the area. so we ran for our lives. others took shelter in the hospital while others remained stranded. is rarely snipers are shooting all those moving on the road again on the night. these really will things kept selling the area all home was hit and we all around and took shelter enough at home to shut off. we were besieged by israeli tanks and snipers.
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all around, many were killed and a still lying on the right. meanwhile, there's a continuing to seize at a mile hospital in the side of medical teams. i said to be pin done by heavy gotten fire. the palestinian red crescent says one of its stuff has been killed. i'm going to go straight to most all colors in jamalia and northern guys are for the latest on the situation in all shafer hospital. tell us what's been happening at the hospital, not the yes world is right. the forces have been violating all your old to national lows by committing genocide and the tension and use the brought us to news wash filtering inside the ship hospital. at least 200 people have been can sofa, it's 100 people have been arrested. and 150 about 111-1150 . a patients have to get inside the room without any thoughts of water for
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the medical devices. so determine is the inside wash and throwing inside the should cost with a building all international bodies to, to be evacuated safely from that place. but no one can get that because of the intensity of the fire combined use of the base runs also have been arrested and is to to many of the many kind of stuff have been count to a and this, this, this tensions and, and this get task for fix situation approaches to the family law as a living in the surrounding area of the ship house, the so hunter, just families, all they are beating through the roads across 0 to run the civil defense and all it's a national body's to be evacuated from that place safely, but as they know, no one can get to it because of that is still fired because that is only a shooting at is very moving by the, the as well as i told you to bring us up to date of the situation. and obviously
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the hospital talking to us from somebody else. thank you very much indeed. was all is, is it is kind of my fluids life for us in rough as we're hearing about the situation . and now i'll, she said they, i talk to us, honey, about the, what's happening at the all the hospitals. we've mentioned the yes, very catastrophic situations in the, across the health facilities. and the entire gauze is for been over crowded rough estimate. it will looking at 2 hospitals, 0 and $1.00, and be in an area between hon unit and drop out of the guys are reviewing hospitals has largely turned into a refugee camps given the large number of in fact we've been displaced. families who are taking over now to the courtyard of the hospital, but also the court doors that inside their own, just preventing a staff medical stuff from doing their job. and they, because there is no safer place other than the hospital right now,
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an overcrowded drug has to be and the other 2 are mid sized hospital, largely odd, equip donnie prepared for this. so now me of injuries that keep coming on daily basis. and the number is increasingly increasing by the hour in han you and is merely right now we're looking at to hospital nasir hospital that was formed within the past few weeks and largely destroyed then pushed out of service with people is still inside the injuries patients that involved with and right now has been encircled by this really monetary where the quad copters and the skies of hon. you and student get avery moving object and preventing people from leaving the gate of the hospital as libraries taking position into surrounding building. so to manage to evacuate an earlier hour, describe or vig situations as they were being shut out. but they managed to escape it from the area of from the snipers to the western part of han use. what are the hospital that is a hospital, a charitable organization health facilities managed and operated by the palestine request then society has been under comes the bombings is the beginning of this
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genocide that weren't that expansion of the ground and vision and hon. you in a city but right now, evacuated and medical staff and injured the patients are ordered sharply by a lot of the speakers attached on acquired coffers. these are tactic drones, ordering people to be evacuated immediately with their underwear on all lee. the endurance of the hospitals being blocked with palo fans, checkpoint, been setup, therefore, mazda arrest. that is going to happen. there's constant shooting a little further to the west, where 5 more people have been killed as they were leaving both from north or hospital. and i'm almost positive the industry about the story is not different. it's more horrific as the entire facility has turned into a graveyard. not a place of p like honey. let's bite inside a little bit. and that will be in focusing at the moment on the, the situations around these 3 hospital has broadened it out across the guys or just talk us through what's been happening over the last several hours or so the,
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this is, well why, like this really military continue it's deliberate attacks on health facility is it continues to pound across the gaza for just making it and possibly difficult for injuries or medical a staff to do their job if they, when they get to the hospital. and that's the, the reality of what's going on. then more people have been killed and overnight attacks then we look at within the past 24 hours, only real fast city being the killing of 30 people, mostly women and children as intense bombing across the city from the central parts of the eastern parts. and here, just half kilometer away from the q, with the hospital where a residential homeless, targeted and destroyed the central area has been targeted repeatedly, including their black city. i'm very particular place where people were told or evacuated do because it is safe. as per these ready military order, only to find themselves, the victims of these on
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a predictable bonds destroying their residential homes, that they have been filtering. and since they were told to evacuate it, 10 people and there's still more people under the rubble. and that's almost the aftermath of every stripe that will look at huge part of concrete sense, rumbles buried underneath the children and women and takes sometimes they then weeks for them to be removed or their lift their disease, given the lack of equipment of proper machinery to remove them from under the rubble. honey, thank you very much. indeed. honey monkwood talking to us from a rafa. whether you are the secretary general is reiterated. that humanitarian assistance must be allowed in 2 guys unimpeded as comments come. a day off to israel declared on was can no longer deliver age to northern gaza. we must face facts. there will be no sustainable humanitarian solution with an ongoing war as blog the,
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as these in relation to the northern parts of gaza. it is absolutely essential to have a mess safe supply. a few minutes at the ne, not. and this means opening more entry points. these means the a cost insulation of efforts of all entities with all obstacles. we don't leave mutations from these rarely sites in order to be able to rescue the people of northern gaza, of an imminent risk of feminine. okay, on what is the us agency for palestinian refugees? let's take a look of what it does. the agency supports mainly 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east. it runs 706 schools on a 140 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance more than $1800000.00 palestinians. most of them in gas have we're going to bring in jonathan fall. that is a spoke spice and for on where he's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. thank
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you very much indeed for being with this. what's your reaction to this latest move by israel to the, the, the science, and the know the cause that is absolutely catastrophic, as has been repeatedly on the school. this is a mind, mind finding and northern casa is the, at the center about not made funding. so we simply have to have access to get food supplies in this kind of weight. we cannot be delayed and we certainly cannot be boss. where you also mentioned just a moment ago that one was not only is that sort of indicating the integral to the supplying aided is also running schools and primary health care facilities. what kind of knock on effect is this going to have in terms of for providing that kind of service to people in gauze and a lot. susie, i should stress that is all schools close to close to the beginning of the war, and they have been transformed almost all of them into emotions, the shouts as a 1000000 and certainly despise people. but we're still able to continue running
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our clinics to some extent. um we have 24 clinics in the gaza strip before before, but we still are able to validate the services. now when there are enough. but any move which reduces the capacity for us to work on the ground is of course going to have a knock on effect on the people that we saw as well, has objected to the i to on we're operating in, in guys or before. certainly i believe that there has there have been restrictions and getting aid and to the north of uh, garza and the last couple of occasions. why do you think or what explanation rather is israel giving you far for preventing and well for providing that age? well, we didn't receive any explanations. unfortunately, we seem to lose some to receive another permission to do our work in the event that this is not renewed and that on why is unable to get aid into the north of jobs. and what is the eventual outcome? do you think? well, i absolutely catastrophic. we are the largest humanitarian agency on grazing in the gaza strip. i mean, just to give you one example, we have around
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a 1000 magical stuff. hotels, um we have uh, 15000 star pricing in the district before the start of the war, around 3 to 5000 just being able to continue working on as i said, well, thousands of those are medical stuff. others are involved in coordinating supplies logistics this week we are an essential boss of the chain. as the un secretary general is stressed, we are repeatedly we all by one of the i know pricing and costs us. if you unplugged us, you'll basically unplugging the lifecycle system for the entire population. does anyone have any stuff? what can be in northern guys? and is there any sort of trying to get them out if at all, if they all their so we, we, we have stuff for the remainder, it's extremely difficult for them to all right, and this is a constant challenge. what kind of communication do you have and, and also what are they telling you from the stuff that are, are currently in northern guys, or what kind of description of the giving of the situation that they're seeing on
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a daily basis there. the observing what has been happening, investing since the beginning of the war, and indeed the alarm bells be wrong and they've been wrong and they've been wrong. so it's up to everybody around the world to listen because that, that they see with that was what is happening out there. possibly communities which are affected. most of them in fact have been displaced from the items themselves. items i hear where i would need continuing to balance, all right, but yes, absolutely. they all observing the, the impacts of his mind made finding that are on the grounds and only the health impacts and the the extent of the situation which must be ended immediately. jonathan, father, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just, you know, thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. is there any problem? those have benjamin netanyahu supplies to kill? how much the the yes and what is compared this mission to the death of a biblical counter to called how long it was an enemy of the jews. he said, quotes,
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we are fighting and we will be victorious. we will enter roughly at a chief total victory. we eliminated common, and we will also eliminate, send one, many guns. a member of israel's wall cabinet says you quit the government if a bill exempting ultra orthodox jews, mandatory military service becomes law. proposed legislation is set to be tabled in parliament and next week. alter orthodox jews have been exempt from. is there any military service on religious grounds for decades? thousands of israelis have protested against the bill in recent weeks or a little what actually make the nation kind of acceptance. the chemist at most the most votes for it covered under my colleagues and i will not be members of this. i'm adding some government should such legislation pulse in the connected at the end to the little bits of israel in a way that's will have unity. i'm from national security in general, and especially in time of war to come to want to take you to the occupied westbank court. a video surface showing is very forces assaulting a child in
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a shopping paper on 2 weeks ago. soldiers can be seen attacking the boy on forcing him to take off his tall upon thing because it had a gun slogan on it. off to the video was published, these really ami evaded the shop and try to confiscate the original footage. is there any forces of short at least 5 palestinians during the night, and novelist palestinian groups confronted soldiers and the east of the city. troops of also rated to crime, katia, romano, bethlehem, and have them at least $450.00 pounds standing so being killed. a more than 7700 had been arrested in the occupied y spike since the war on johnson began the abraham joining us now from ramallah in the occupied west point. let's talk about this video. first of all, what do we know about why this incident happened? well, this is not the 1st time we see is really forces at cracking down greedy on any one wedding. those shirts that have the slogan, all the rifle on them, it became some sort of
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a passion here in the occupied with bank. and we've been reporting on. it's not a recent the only spot in the past few months and years. even we even reported on a story of a young boy who was forced to also take off his church while he was going through a checkpoint, reading through his village in the north of the occupied wes thing yesterday night . this video has emerged showing these really forces being very aggressive towards the child. we learned police are that he's is 7 years old. he lives in the area surrounding hyper on as old city. and the it is that out there, which has been going under a night's curve few, but also very numerous is really me little the check point with this incidence happened in the jet, but neighborhood. and these really for us as soon as they've seen the video being published and being widely shared online, they have rated the store at the store yesterday. and they've, it took the store owner and also have to give them the original files. they could
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not find them because the incident has happened 2 weeks ago. but this gives you an idea about the fear that palestinians face when they want to show that these are the fixtures and the videos big have of what has happened to them to the entire world. they can be, or they can face retaliation, arrest, intimidation. this is why it's so unique opportunity that we have this video, but it's not a unique incident in it. so one month is also need to have this kind of video would resonate with palestinians when they're seeing this kind of thing happening on a fairly regular basis. as you were saying, we were mentioning before the pano standing groups, i think in frontier soldiers in the east of a novelist. no also being rates and talking to him because he had romano and bethlehem the rates are continuing. but the, so are the confrontations with palestinians yes, and it would be easier for me to tell you which cities have not been to for the beauty that by these really forces, then the ones that have seen grades overnight. you know,
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it's becoming part of the daily routine palestinians don't wanna use the words norm that it's not normal. but these really forces raised the villages and towns and refugee camps intimidating people and making them feel scared, even if they're just going about the daily lives. but in general, we're talking about those is really risk husband incense. if i, even before the war and gaza started with after the war, we're seeing the intensifying and how as soon as we tell you, yes, they want to add a seat. but yes, they want to intimidate people, but the real voice of those address and those ways is to remind paula city is a better what the consequences if anyone thinks the change very ality and resist the fact that they are under me to city occupation for decade. seeing the loved ones follow palestinians being bombarded in the besieged because it is trip and receiving news of what's happening to families, women being star, all of that you know, takes a lot on the palestinian population. that is not only seeing those visuals online,
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but also are feeling and sensing those restrictions that keep happening. you know, i just wanted to point out that when you say that this is happening a lot to kids and to children when we talk to them, they brush it off. oh yeah, it was written by a soldier. so what this is becoming these are, is because if you talk to children who are getting used to that they're seeing as, as, as you know, the part of the infinity odyssey lot kind of a generation. are we raising what kind of a generation are we expected to see here in the occupied title of the day, but human, the amount i need to thank you very much. i to talk about ahead on the news are including 2 suspects and the multiple concert hall attacked the killed a $137.00 people make their 1st appearance in court police in brazil making arrest and the killing of a homeowner's active is to respond to an international outcry on an sports, we're going to take a look at the unlikely hoops the to the end of a lucrative nfl contract.
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the supporters of an opposition candidate in senegal are celebrating off to sundays presidential election. early results suggest the box. it means who may fly as in the lead. he's an ally of offices in the ocean sancho. it was disqualified because of a defamation and conviction. if you have any collections candidate i'm and by says he's ready for one of the boats. official results are expected in the coming days because tax outside some co size in the capital doc mix. so sunk was not on the butler, but his support is that essentially calling a natalie victory for his chosen candidate? that's right. i mean, we haven't heard from richmond, so i'll go himself, nor have we heard from the bus in july of 5, but we have referred from the ruling party candidate. he said that he would make an announcement today his uh,
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talking to and some of his stuff. it seems that he believes that the tale of votes are still out and that there could be a 2nd round. but those other candidates there to be the former mayor of the car, 25 saw, has already congratulated bus region my 5 for his victory, and there are others who have congratulating hampton brenton actually doing him for his victory in the 1st round right now. what's happening is there's still a town thing of the votes of regional bodies are taking a tally of the polling stations. and i spoke to the a chief observer mom in york yesterday. and she really emphasized encouraged, aesthetic needs government to make that as transparent as possible. so that the pictures of the pulling station results are published and that they have access to the regional bodies that are keeping that housing because the what's happening right now this, this, this moment until the results are actually out is the most crucial part in this
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election there's so much fear of foul play despite this country going through credible free and fair elections since independence. this is an election like no other. it is a high stake election. now i'm actually standing outside the main ruling parties headquarters. and it's interesting to see that this is where i'm going to be expected to talk an hours from now, but it's in, it's interesting to see that at the headquarters, there's no sign of i'm we do, but you can still see the picture of president mike. he saw and he was quite absent during this presidential campaign. he was, we didn't see him rally in favor of the ruling party candidate. and i'm going to buy was a loan trying to get vince, the synagogues, people that he can both ring continue reading and change at the same time change that the synagogues people are hoping to come from next. thank you very much. indeed. obviously we're going to be coming back to you when those speeches take place at the routing parties. headquarters where you are in dot com for not,
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and it goes back in dot com. thank you very much. i as far as our spikes in the moscow concert hall attack, have been charged with terrorism. the men appeared in a district court in the russian capital that being placed in pre trial detention for 2 months, at least a $137.00 people were killed. 4 gunmen opened fire on concept goes on friday nights you the shuffle. volume is joining us now from multiple things. you'll be moving very fast since that attack, the men have been a rest of the 11 suspects in total and assembled originally arrested. know these 4 men have appeared in court. well, that's correct, and what we know that little squares bus monte court has charged those full suspects in uh, in the case of the fries that talk of corporate city, whole with terrorism. at least 2 of them have pleaded guilty. now the man a going to spend 2 months in free trial detention and later back can be sentenced
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to life in prison. so be cool. hearing was held behind close tools and own vineyards from the cold. all the for accused order showing signs of torture. now with this latest steps hot, it tends to be a heavy blow to the society. a discussion about a bond on the moratorium, on the death penalty has resumed, and russia and some politicians say it is necessary to return at other states that these discussions may lead the country to the wrong direction. meanwhile, russian presents led to the patient is going to host the security council meeting shortly. it will be devoted to the fries as talk and as well as measures taken off short. so hopefully we'll hear more details about just very shortly midway. russian media source has continued trying to convince that audience that's that time in call cause was carried out by you friends, but the only one more or less reasonable argument in favor of this version is that
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the white car, with the suspects was driving tools to vote with ukraine, a. yeah, thank you very much. indeed, dealership of altima in most go in south korea, professors have medical schools are submitting their resignations and support a suite striking training doctors. they want the government to withdraw is planned to increase student enrollment and medical training is institutes. files of training. doctors walked off the job in february to protest against the plan, saying it will drive down wages and compromise the standard of care up to one a. so what we do, the expansion of medical school admissions, which is, will lead to the collapse of our countries medical education system beyond the breakdown of medical education itself. unless the government withdraws this decision on the admissions quotas and quotes on vacation, this crisis cannot be resolved. if the government has the intention to withdrawal or is considering yet, so we are ready to discuss the issues in front of the people. i'll just say this
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unit is kim has more from sol. we're right outside one of the top university hospitals in the country. so national university hospital, this is one of the many hospitals that we'll see. it's senior, a doctors who's double up as, as medical school professors begin to submit their resignations. and this is a group that really has been keeping a distance from the stand off that is now has entered a 2nd month. these doctors have been working overtime to fill the void that was left behind by the some, 13000 resident and entering doctors in protest of that government plan to hike the number of doctors in the next decade. now the good news is if there can be any good news in this situation, they don't plan to walk off the job immediately likely to your doctors did, but they will let the process play out with the resignation is expected to process
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throughout the better part of the month during which they hope the government will be able to find an offer out, but they will be working shorter hours. and by shorter hours, i mean 52 hours per week. that is the maximum cap allowed. but they had been working a back to back 24 hour shift. they've press conference this morning, said to keep up with the hospital operation needs. and it's led to not only health concerns, but also psychological health concerns. really providing a rare glimpse into how much pressure the medical staff across the country has been under over the past month. so i had an old disease, almost all of a job aids in here, and i'll tell you how often are continuing to export, even if it's all the fine arts and the friction. that's a generation out of school, a grim reminder of the if i was hired on millions of children in yemen, and in support. another injury, scale and run some champions on the my son is gonna be here was actually from the
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miami over the, the, the, the full after a 3 day deluge. and alas, the rain has turned lighter ahead for one. let me show those details right now on tuesday, just a mix of cloud cover, mostly cloudy sky there. the bulk of the rain will actually be falling around parents. for example, on tuesdays some pretty good downpours. they're still dry off in the west, though. in perth, at 30 degrees and looking good in that southeast corner as well. temperature is not bad for this time that the year has been a saga. forecasts for the south island still a few showers hanging around here. that breeze given us a cooler push of their so need in this i can do for you is 16 degrees on tuesday. the winds have turned lighter through the south china sea. so we've wiped out that committee in northern vietnam, and china is find an island. few sprinkles of showers here for a noise though with
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a height of 29 degrees on tuesday. sun doing its thing across china. so temperature is not bad in the 20s for many of us, but soaking rains through the japan. in fact, for q island, some parts we've had land slide alerts in play, dark, the blue in the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling. so tokyo, you're going to be in a sick of this on tuesday for monday to tuesday, half a month's worth of rain in that 48 hour period. and we'll end back in this part of southeast asia of focusing on into these that were in central job of providence. there's been more flooding and more rain to come on tuesday of the the end of time when is that? that's right. the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe, christine exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try
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to if you have just read a book in the process. praying for pharma goodness episode 2 years from al jazeera on the go. and me tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at using is it the,
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or the people you know, just need a reminder of adult stories this uh, is there any forces of late seems to 3 lodge hospitalized in gas palestinians or 5 b as many right of all ship a hospital, se types and bulldozers drove over at least 4 bodies and ambulances is really ministries also surrounded on mall and lots of hospitals. do you and the secretary general antonio hotel has, has condemned israel's decision to not allow its food convoys to enter. northern garza fireman is eminence. they have 8 agencies, a warning, the 70 percent of the population is already suffering from catastrophic levels of fund. and tony, on the tablets has reiterated calls for a cease fire in gaza and express whole head of boats later on monday in the un security council, members are going to be voting on the resolution calling for a ceasefire during the time. yeah. as far as pricing is coming on, how this is refusing to roll out the consequences. if israel pushes ahead with
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a ground invasion in vasa, she made the comments during an interview on american media, a c believe. but then yahoo is an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening in gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of, of security and, and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out and getting aid in 9, yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about an offensive and rasa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that
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any major military operation in rafa would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have studied the map. there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in rafa who are there because they were told to go there most of them . and so we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operations, a mistake, but would there be consequences if he does move forward? but we're going to take it one step at a time, but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you ruling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am ruling out nothing as the un security council is going to be meeting later on monday to vote on yet another draft resolution calling for the seas. 5 and guys are often more than 5 months of israel's war. the security council has yet to possibly solution calling for cx. 55 draft resolutions failed. the us,
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israel's biggest ally as use its veto powers 4 times and just days ago, russia and china veto to us the resolution that stated axis fi is imperative. joining us, those are the dogs off our he's a fellow and director of the foreign policy security program at the middle east council on global affairs. thank you very much indeed to to, thanks for being with us. we're gonna talk about this un resolution. it's come to the done to this. as far as i can tell, watching is that are to clear proposals, one that the us will back, which supports the need for the cx 5. the other one demands as is fine, but there is no crossover, but there is no middle ground. we're going to get a vote in the next few hours or so. how optimistic are you that something may actually move? well, or i'm not very optimistic because i think for it's part of the us would most likely be to that the resolution as it's supported by other power, such as russia and china. and this highlights,
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the jew political context in which the un security council is operating when it becomes less about the issue that they're bolting on, and more about the rivalries within the council. if you reflect on last week's resolution, where the us proposed the imperative to have a cease fire, the, the, the resolution of this word it today is actually much stronger. and what's the emphasis on is there and to really stop it. so i'm going on start in because unfortunately, you'll see the us most likely veto because if you look at the history of the voting pattern of us, since the establishment of u. n. u s. has a little bit more than 40 resolutions when it has come to israel, and this will be a continuation of this. and one of the issues maybe be reflected in what we just had from us, vice president come of the house. they are the, when she was pushed on whether or not they were going to be consequences for israel . and the event that had carried out a ground defensive into the alpha. she was pretty vague on that. she said, well, we would look at the situation. we would say, but you know, she would not be tied done to, for them. know, even the us would actually take any action if it's 0. what the us, as described as crossed
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a red line that's to and i think really what the us can do if they really want to stop this on stilts and ongoing genocide. just put the read the pressure on is the pressure will come by a 3 avenues. first of all, we're stopping the export of the weapons and munitions. secondly, stopping the, the provisional financial aid and finally supporting a united industry solution at the international stage. i don't really see that happening because that also does a domestic us considerations for, for the us. it's a us election year and the republicans would really pounds on any further democratic pressure on, on the x rays. so i think there was really carried us beginning when it comes to action effects on the gone and stopping this ongoing genocide and there it would be easy to assume the given but you've just said that is released essentially being allowed to act with impunity. and this, that there is no, there are going to be no consequences for israel. i least in the foreseeable future . again, for those of us who are trying to follow the geo politics or what is going on, what do you think we should be looking at to try to get
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a sense of where there might be some sort of movement, some sort of a broad consensus or agreement about bringing this war to an end when we're seeing this actually and merge right now, despite the us protecting is sort of an actually, we'll seen a shift in the national stance, especially when it comes to other countries. for example, like in europe such as spain, benjamin other countries who actually said that they would even recognize that the city and state university. we also, so of course, the south african case at the national court adjustments. we. so of course, coming from as far as present highlighting the south south solidarity that's happening right here. so even though us as protecting is really, it's actually the national dynamics of distortion is changing. and it's really isolating israel in a very similar fashion, like the apartheid regime in south africa. and it's the ending days. and we're going to be going to be paying a lot of attention to that vote in the year. and when that happens in the next few hours or so, we're probably going to be talking to you later on the gulf. i thank you very much
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indeed for the moment. so the sort of thing for the ministry to some of the senior chinese diplomat instructed stuff. amazing to lodge a complaint against what it caused. aggressive actions by china is postcard. on saturday, the chinese postcard followed walter with canon at a philippine supply that so in the south china sea, the philippines and the ship was damaged, but reported no casualties happened today of the 2nd thomas show its a disputed reef control by another, but also claimed by china, taiwan, and vietnam. a number of incidents have taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in recent months. rescue isn't even asia have recovered the bodies of 3 usual hindu refugees believe to be from a boat. the cap sized last week, 75 people were rescued at sea from the overturn vessel on thursday. the one agency is to say around 70 all those affairs missing. and the attempted crossing from bangladesh around a 1000000 most of the most, the more who can get people live there after spring persecution. and the more say
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the children says 2 in 5 youngsters in yemen are out of school because of com site . us about 4500000 children on with the declining economy. many of them have no choice but to find work to help support the families. victoria gave them the reports. it takes courage for 9 year old rebecca to attend school in the city of la . he's in southwest in yemen. many of her classmates stopped coming last month after 2 children were killed when a discarded artillery show exploded. in this data and it's got to be a lot happening. the explosion was violent and close to our homes. it's the 1st time we've heard such an explosion. we used to feel safe, but not anymore. we're skate of sleeping on something like a bomb that might explode. fia has taken over us, get anxious when the teacher isn't around. said the children says there are around 4500000 children who aren't in school in yemen. lack of security is just one reason . moving 85 percent of human ease live in poverty. and the
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a decade long was forced many parents to take their children out of school, so they can work and help ease the financial pressures, the millions of families face every day out of a home because they don't usually, my classmates quit studying, to support the families financially to assist pay 5 and since things have got more challenging economically, many of them live to work on funds. honey knows best of the most, the value of a good education, but his teacher's salary doesn't cover his family's basic needs. he's had to make some difficult decisions about not i have 4 daughters. i took 2 of them out of school. my son, it is $46.00 a month, which isn't enough of these days due to the cutting our prices and health care expenses. out of the whole saturday, the students fees take 25 percent down un broke. latrice officially ended in october 2022. but still lodge the homes that saved the children says without an
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official ceasefire. families don't have disability. they need to rebuild the lights and an entire generation risk being left behind with long term consequences. the humans recovery and development, victoria gates, and b, l g 0 is an echo door. the man of a coastal times has been shot dead. there's been a surgeon gang violence linked to drug trafficking in the country. garcia's body was found inside a cotton san valente along with that of another local official and investigations under way. the president's impose the state of emergency in january, after a wave of violence and local prisoners, police of arrested more than 12000 people since then. police and brazil have arrested 2 politicians on a former police chief for ordering the killing of audio diginero cancel women in 2018 money at le franco was killed in a drive by shooting. she was a black, gay, active as known for defending minorities. and for speaking out against police brutality, monica,
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you're not gonna have reports from the vision at all. it took 6 years for federal police to make the arrest and answer the one question. many brazilians have been asking who killed by the foot uncle? the council woman and her driver was shot dead in march 2018. and the streets are free edition. narrow this to moment this work and at least now until new elements emerge is at this moment, we are very clear about the perpetrators of this heinous crime. a crime of a political nature. congressman shaking but also and his brother, state auditor, the mean was by myself, were arrested accused of having ordered the hit. as the brothers allegedly have political ties with the militia. gangs made up mostly a former policeman who controlled many poor neighborhoods and readjust and narrow and charged. the residents for protection of the 3rd suspect was also taken into custody. re addition narrows, former police chief,
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he followed the bob laza is being accused of obstructing the investigations. and you have all the bomb was relative. barbosa received the family the day after the murder saying that it would be the police, his priority to solve the case. and we learned today that the man who hugged us pay his respects and smiled is involved in this crime to try to get his sister was also minister of racial equality. he said that putting the culprits the hind bars will strengthen themselves democracy, that of my age, we can finally give ounces to all those people who voted for her, who believed in her ideas and who felt represented by her lawyers for the 3 suspects said they were innocent and denied that they were involved in the murder maralie frank, who was a champion for minorities and stood up against political corruption and violence and reels for ballast or swans to idea that of she was human. she will always be present among us. i am happy that you for it. i've called it people here and we
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have just a narrow survey hope solving my daddy's murder is a step towards impressing one of realtors. a narrows main problem. 60 percent of wheels. metropolitan area is controlled by drug lords. somebody's of power military militia that might be fought against monica and have also sierra we have just a narrow sizes across ours and tina taking part in demonstrations to mock the anniversary of the 1976 military to human rights groups submitted on searching. 1000 people were kidnapped, tortured and murdered, under military dictates. that is the 1st demonstration of its kind to take place under president henry miller. those critics accuse of done playing the atrocities committed during that time summit. horace is set to become islands. youngest of a prime minister until after he was elected to leave the governor infiniti gave party as follows,
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the surprised reservation of 5 minutes early on products. on wednesday, the 37 year old is best known for helping to steer the country's initial response to go with 19 as a government administer. so it had an autism in sports, a 3rd consecutive nation is leave waiting for the united states is always shuddered by the behavior of live on the findings,
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sinus baby here with that story. the it's the side of this part is on it. thank you very much. rob, well, of the nation. so the final between the us and mexico was suspended due to
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homophobic taunting the referee stopped play on 2 occasions in the final minutes of the title decide to mexican 5 have a history of targeting the opposition goalkeeper with discriminating language. you mexican football federation that has been hit with multiple fines and functions and recent years. as a consequence, mexico, the us and canada will be co hosting. they woke up in 2 years time and football statements in the state and the football is governing body for the region. a said calling cutoff condensed. discriminatory is taunting security stuff in the stadium identified and ejected, a significant number of fans and the referee and match officials activated the fif of protocol. it is extremely disappointing that this matter continues to be an issue. to the usa won the match to an owl, to secure the nation's league. a title 4 said straight time to add them to school. the opened up to keel reno's 2nd half effort made the game save us coach set off
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towards the plays were hit by deputies. so not from the stands was celebrating the gold, the united states have now stretched there on beach and speak against mexico to 7 games. so far as the group in terms of today, i'm just so proud of how we saw and how we stuck together. it wasn't a pretty game, but we took our chances and so obviously the guys are for everyone and organized our tonight that image would have continued his title defense it with the said around when at the miami open, the world number 4 became bridges. cameron laurie in straight sets met with the a wrapping up the match and just 81 minutes as he aims to in this 1st form is of the, the russian will now say, show me is dominique to time time can anymore itself is another injury scheduling he said, well, match against that check on this much of his 6 year old has said that he's likely
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to tie before the end of the lobby. eventually losing this much and 3 sets off the 3 and a half hours went into old number one and defending champion egos. 5 to a was taken just reset by linda and the school bus before the star came from the set down to when it gets her checked opponents before but happy to the so i to add the australian open earlier this year. so i think when next phase at 14 see, it has to be not alexander, the coco groves has her sites said to own a home victory the world. number 3 has reached the last 60 and for the 2nd time in her career, a native of southern florida gulf at the front into fits. 18. 20 of the how special is for you to be back in florida? this is home for you. me to be here? in south florida, definitely where our garage, i have
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a lot of family in over there and over there. so yeah, it's really nice. this is a play in front of them and obviously play in front of the main crowd. the nfl address is coming up next month in detroit. the majority of picks for the sports biggest league will have played the game since they were children. but one individual hoping to break into the top level of american football has a very different background pull, race reports from or able in sweden. it's american football. but not as we know, it's the error for the black noise is a semi professional team in the swedish leak. aiming for an nfl career from harris, the football sign. something of a hail mary, but it's not impossible. this is how we can look at all that when you go over to the us, she think, okay, they've played 10 years more than me, but they're not better than me. in any case, they weren't what caught of them me?
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he's like, started playing the game in his native sweden at age 14. he was so good, but he said what, how it takes to american colleges and then play every single game of his 5 years at temple university in philadelphia is an offensive lineman of the last is draft. he was recruited to rookie squad's with the seattle seahawks and green bay packers and the nfl, and now placed professionally in the next best thing. the cfo in canada with the calgary stampede is not bad for a bully from a pro. and it could be just the stops, and that's gonna have all the all good to me in the out. and if i don't want to in canada, i'll have a chance that the nfl c f l is great. and i learned a lot from the nfl veterans. i have to keep playing hot and hope that i get a chance to read while the us is becoming less of a closed shop. the nfl is trying to get some more your a pain players involved in american football. but the swedish lake is, it's bad to say one of the more unusual routes. so the top alongside games held in
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europe. the nfl also recruits elite plays from other sports through the international play. a pathway. welsh rugby world cup stopped lewis, re summit is one of the latest. but the era broad black north american coach believes sweden can be a good starting place. the nfl dreams like these, like most one who was with the black knights, the black knights have really created a good organization. so it's like when he was over here, he was learning good techniques of yet didn't have the fundamentals. maybe he wouldn't have gotten picked up by a school in america, so it does work together. so we didn't is known for having great, like athletic talent. so literally i just walk around the city and i see like these huge people and i'm just like you want to play football as the game grossing, sweet, and then to start to wiping in america. maybe more of the world. full rece out is there are broke sweet and the face bowl as big as stars set to talk publicly for the 1st time about legal gambling and sift allegations. so here tiny feature that
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for the edit daughters and exhibits in game on sunday. the japanese pleasant to to it, to me. so hara was fired by the door just last week. it's a legit means of high still millions of dollars for most tiny to pay off. a gambling debt or sports betting is illegal in california. the states low, tiny spaces time is due to hold the media conference later this monday. and that's it for me, rob. so thank you very much indeed. now i've got a sons economy has suffered since the telephone to cover in 2021. some sectors have been collapsing altogether, but businesses are still finding ways to stay afloat despite significant restrictions in banking, some of inch of a travel to the city of colorado and has been speaking to business owners. multi $1000000.00 production lines have been pumping up some of the funds most popular for the great dislike all the term on over the last 20 years. these buckles have not only retained the local space,
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but they've now found the market in $28.00 countries. it's an important economic lifeline for hundreds of workers and associated supply chain industries. since the collapse of the form of government, renaissance exports have declined. many large business owners instead of companies abroad the sacrament. sanction that's going to stone has to be acknowledged as a nation. by all countries, we have to deal with problems related to banking visas and international travel. we need facilitation assistance and access to the global market for purchases and banking activities. although there are banking on, no other government recognizes this $150000000.00 loan. so i click on sort of products including pine. that's what i mean. the biggest export china is buying the largest amounts of bossing
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traditions, markets in the gulf states, europe in america. once punished, roasted sorted. besides a higher price, a chinese import is by non processed or wrought pine. that's that means less revenue and fewer drums for many off guns was livelihoods, depending on the industry because of drug trafficking, cargo strongly upon the sun go to extra scrutiny. not has a for that impact on exports, etc, but which cannot the get actually what i'm most of the time our neighbors purchase of getting fine that's at the reduced cost were smuggled dental and then the export to other nations. we require facilitation for regular trade. there should be arrangements between governments for businessman and both sides. so theda holding much from mountains of minerals to the most expensive spice of guns. no, they have enough to offer to the outside world, but hand pick delicate strands of south front are no match for minerals like coal, whose exports headed rustic decline. it's an important contributor to the nearly a $150000000.00 annual exports,
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but understands increasing imports mean it's buying more than it's sending the result a whitening trade deficit. and unless the kind of government comes up with a comprehensive economic time and extended restrictions on have gone to stay on the eve, it's industry is unlikely to flight. some of these items are the, are all now in india, millions of people living celebrating the hindu festival of holiday. take a look at these pictures. the 1st of all takes place annually on the side of the spring, and it represents the triumph of good over evil. the so called festival of colors includes the use of colored powder and most of and the celebrations of also taking place in the city of conchee in neighboring pakistan. although condos are a minority to this year's festival, both sides of the most and fostering month of ramadan said it was going to be here in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories. don't forget,
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of course the website alda 0. don't com and a lot more information and more pictures there is, but alonzo madison stay with us. so now is the a brutal occupation resulting in a her wrist take your time? i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify israel. the soap on garza to dozens of children, bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official supports person october 7th. on tuesday or palestine. this one's of very different place from today to cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well,
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here's historians and i'd witness accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers reach. it was open investments were excess, moving from one city to another, kind of starting 1920 on al jazeera gary sonya, their children have been sleeping on the comic center this 3 since cling their village a week ago. part of the we waiting to join us community, they live in the sierra nevada. they sent them like the mountain range in northern columbia, but they were forcibly displaced when they were caught in the crossfire of worrying paramilitary groups piping for control of a key. cory, there for cocaine trafficking in either illegal activities. the were among the 100 steps flagged in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind and finding shelter in the city of new. actually, we lived with the hope that those times were gone. but unfortunately, the pain and sadness is back. united nations reports published last week and
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confirmed that despite the governments and ask for the legal on groups have expanded their control over colombia territory in 2023. back in shelter. and yeah, these to sharing a major meal with their families, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home. the hospitals under siege, across the guns a strip at least 3 medical facilities are under attack by israeli forces the times or of any age. good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 live from don't. also coming up is real, says you in a trucks are no longer allowed into northern gaza that you an agency for palestinian refugees calls it


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