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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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administration basically supported that resolution, but to keep israel happy, they let it pass by abstaining. and i think you've seen something pretty similar here. but i think the reaction from israel is going to be even stronger this time. prime, this and nothing yahoo has made it clear that this rafa offensive is going to happen . whatever anyone does, including the u. s. a. now, if you know if, if israel continues it's bombardment of israel, doesn't that heat to the humanitarian aid in god forbid. if israel does actually stop the offensive, we're in a very difficult place. it will so now off to the us as abstained on this resolution and allow that pos puts the bite and administration in an even trickier . and then i want to ask you about that because um us vice president campbell of hers was being interviewed on us media. she said that she had refused to rule out the consequences. if israel pushes ahead with a growing division in rafa, which funds cleared enough, except that she was then pushed on? what, what were those consequences actually be?
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and she was very cagey about that. she refused to kind of tires of time to anything specific about and diplomatic times. i can understand that the us doesn't want to make any commitments to anything particular. it's the stage i'm particular for something that doesn't happen, but it does create a very degree of difficulty, doesn't it? for the us in the event that israel does, as we all concerned about, which as it moves into graphic crosses, that red line for the us. despite the fact that the us has abstained for this vote of the un and the bite and administration, and particularly, preston biden, have continued throughout everything to ultimately, when it comes to it, support israel. that's where much triple of weaponry comes from. that's where a bunch of the money to from this will comes from, even though every time president biden, to suggest something, even from the beginning. when he said very early on, don't go over the top, don't make the mistakes that we made in 911. be very careful what you to the
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israeli government, particularly these right, the prime minister have not listened to him and that be no consequences at any stage for that. james, i want to interrupt you for a 2nd move because we're going to hear from funds. this is because the boxes are french, i'm positive, isn't any way. i don't keep it like law. my time for it to coal, full, comprehensive humanitarian access and mass aid at a time when funding is rife and goes up. the adoption of this resolution demonstrates that the security council can still act when all of its members make the necessary effort to discharge the mandate. i wish a mis connection to personally commend the permanent representative of the united states for the role play the security council. 6 silence on garza was becoming deafening. it is high time now for the council to finally contribute to finding a solution to this causes. this crisis is not over
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a lot. so now council will have to remain mobilized and immediately get back to work. it will have to following ramadan, which finishes in 2 weeks. it will have to establish a permanent ceasefire. it will need to strive to see the recovery and stabilization all the guys. finally, the above all the security council will have to get a political process back contract a political process aiming to bring about the 2 state solution. the only solution able to guarantee peace. all council of cost cannot replace the pro case to the how to use. but its role will be a pivot for waterfront who sold its responsibilities and will propose in the coming days an initiative within the security council. i thank you. i think the representative of the cross for this statement, i give the 4 to the present to do over suite 7 smith. see mister the place you
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don't. thank you mister president. that's what she said to the storage. it's in favor of this draft resolution and welcomes introduction by the security council. and this is our last assign of hope. this food should mock a return to great to humanity in the middle east conflict. human dignity and decency must define us as a global community. this is how the secretary general of the united nations who together with all of the humanitarian. so it can, i would like to thank you, underlined business us to, to yesterday at the rough crossing. today's votes demonstrates the importance of weights that's elected members can have when the counsellors blockages disrupts the fulfillment of its mandates as my country, switzerland web, tirelessly with the old council members who i would like to thank you to get this resolution adopted. always in a spirit of solidarity essentially from quits in talking then i often numerous
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a failure of the united nations security council has pos to draft resolution to montana needed and lost in the safe spot and gauze it during the muslim holy month of ramadan. the drugs, the 7th 28th of 14 members voted in favor us was the only country to abstain historic historic resolution because the conditional release of captives and unrestricted access to desperately needed life saving aid you in the 2nd, the general has caused the resolution to be implemented warning, a failure to this, so it would be on the forgivable one. you in the 60 channel, i'm kind of guitar, which has responded to the by the statements. he said to the security council, just approve the loan a way to the resolution on gosh, that demanding an immediate cease spot. and the immediate and unconditional release
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of all hostages. this resolution must be implemented. failure would be on forgivable. ok, but it is on the joins us now live from united nations. gabriel, take us to the mechanics of what just happened the last few minutes and the significance a well 1st, the 2nd part of your question, the significance is very big. quite frankly, this is the 1st time since this conflict began, that the security council has been able to agree on and demand an immediate cease fire language in a draft resolution. and it's been adopted. and that's certainly very, very significant because security council resolutions and draft when they are adopted become international law and all parties are the need to abide by, by what's in there. so that in of itself is clearly significant. in that sense, what we got here though,
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was some very much last minute negotiations on this draft is drafted. i have here in my hand, it's very short to the point varies this think only to really key parts and that's the man's an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan, leading to a lasting and sustainable cease fire. there was some back and forth about that word lasting initially in the draft for the tenant called for a permanent she's, for out of the us, was negotiate on that, asked to change it to lasting, which is not clearly as permanent as the word permanent, of course, but then also in this draft resolution, it's now been adopted. it emphasizes the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance as well. so clearly this is a significant to a resolution. now that will go into effect. and the key is now what happens after the only month of ramadan, because that's where this could be left up to some interpretation because there's
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demands an immediate cease fire. but after ramadan, what happens then, and those are be certainly questions that will be asked in the coming hours and days. but for right now, this is the resolution that, that has now been adopted by the security council unanimously and overwhelmingly. ok, gabriel, that we're going to cotton dad because the representative of china is speaking. let's listen to together without you area. and russia voted against it. is a comparison of the 2 trusts shows the differences function that the common trust type is an equivocal and correct in this direction though to demanding an in me to cease fire. while the previous one has been invasive. and, and because the comments draft to demand an unconditional ceasefire,
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while the previous one has said preconditions for society to come and trust the facts, the general expectations of the international community and enjoys the collective supports of the arab states. while the previous one has been jointly rejected by the arab states, now the differences between the 2 drafts boil down to nothing much whether there should be an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. and whether the collective punishment of the people of gaza should be allowed to continue on. this is to china. what do you like most members of the international community has been very clear from the very outset over here, whether we voted against it last friday or in favor of it today. and
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i'll vote was based on our consistent position and propositions. mabel this to so for the after repeated vito's off the causal actions, the united states and finally decided to stop obstructing the council's demand for an immediate cease fire. despite all of this in the us still tried to find all kinds exclusive and made accusations against china in the, into the eyes of international community and open and discerning the acquisitions of the us untenable. on the contrary, your one good. yeah. it's because of china and other countries concerned because of our upholding of principles and justice. then the us, we force us to realize that it cannot continue to
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obstruct the efforts of the council to move in the right direction and take the a decisive step and justice will prevail. in the end, mister president, your to 6 months after the outbreak of the goals are conflict. over $32000.00 innocent civilian civilians have lost their lives for the lives that have already perished. the council resolution today comes to light, but for the millions of people in gaza, who remain myers in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. this resolution is fully and effectively implemented could still bring long awaited hope. i live with the security council resolutions are binding, or may we call all the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the united nations child to and to take due action as required by the resolution.
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we expect the state with significant influence to play a positive role on the part to you concerned, including by using own necessary and effective means at that disposal to support the implementation of the resolution to this and all home civilians must seize immediately and the josh on the offensive against guys must be prevented at one's a ceasefire. during the month of ramadan is only the 1st step that must serve as a basis, leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire. and the early returns of the people of gaza or forced to flee the homes at the same time, the blockade of gaza and the men laid barriers to access offer. military supplies
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must be listed immediately to ensure that humanitarian supplies and took as a, in sufficient quantities, expeditiously to reach people in need, in a safe and timely manner. we appreciate a sequel to arrest and the minutes having agencies for the assets. israel must fully cool parade to open up the cross of rafa and other land crossings. unrra is indispensable, and you respect the replaceable for the people of guys to receive international humanitarian assistance. we urge all parties to fully restore funding to as soon as possible. i and we categorically reject israel's recent vicious campaign of attacks against on law and the right nation system as a whole. we want to come the assets of egypt, katara, and the united states to promote the release of the hostages and expect the speedy
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release of all hostages and detainees. and that early return home is the president, the security council that would be based on the adults at resolution today continue to follow closely with the situation in gaza and get ready for further actions when necessary and ensure the timely and full implementation of its resolutions. china will continue to make our meeting as us together with all parties to bring an early and to the fighting and gaza alleviates the command, terran catastrophe and implemented the 2 state solution. i think who mr. president, i thought good to present to do with the china for this statement. i gave the pro are to the visit the table ricardo scott's cmt. thank you mister president. i quit all condemned the terrorist attacks in moscow. we were just has problems on june.
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china is representative from united nations security council. he described the actions against palestinians in gauze as collective punishments. he also said that the security council resolutions are binding to join now. but if the magic editor james base james, israel has a history of ignoring resolutions is not likely to change. probably not. and we've already seen the distain of this route, even before this was passed by saying that if the us didn't veto this resolution, that they didn't, they abstain. but unless it passed by abstaining, then they were going to stop that delegation that was going to washington discuss how perhaps the rough or offensive could be just conducted in a way that would would satisfy the united states. so i think we now need to watch what his role does of to this resolution, and we will at the end of hearing all the on buses and the security council here. the is ready on bus to speak. but this is an important milestone. 6 months after
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the, almost 6 months after the start of the war, after the u. s. is used as veto for different occasions. what was a draft now is resolution 2728. it is now international law and out this question of binding i think is, was just looking at for one moment because the us in one line, it was a very strange comment. the us ambassador described it as this non binding resolution. now everyone normally considers security council resolutions is binding international law. the spin coming from us officials, i'm told in new york is that this is not on the chapter 7 of the un shots. so that's the part of the un charter that endorses the use of force for that reason. it's not binding while i was sitting here was also to heating and i treated the what she said. and there was a, there's a book, a academic tone called the procedure of the security council pretty way to i can
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demick tone that also happens to have a twitter, and they reply to me on twitter. they said that 1971 i c j. nobody advisory opinion says that because of our school 25, just chapter 7 citation isn't necessary to make a resolution 202728 is binding. so that is from what is seen as the key or 40 on the security council. they consider the us, nebraska is wrong, and this is binding international law. but it's interesting the us going to is this is post is trying to give is around a bit of wiggle room, right. and talking on the us from the us abstained. what message does that send to israel if any, as well, it doesn't send a message of unity. i mean we have 15 members of the security council is 14 and one extension and no one blocked it. i think the us felt as it did back in 2016 when there was a resolution on sacraments resolution 2334 that's it's better to abstain. let something pos than actually stand up to israel and,
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and say yes because you might get less push back from these ready side. but we've already had the push back from these ready start to the us. what will happen with regard to events on the ground, the comments of the un secretary general, a very strong but the direction of travel in the last few weeks will be going exactly the wrong way. the u. s. u and it's been demanding more aid goes in. we've only had a trick of aid going in, in terms of trucks ever since this started. and actually the number of trucks going in is reduced the head of and roll, which is the main agency that is doing the delivery for the plaza. really, he wasn't allowed into goals or in the last few days and the israelis and now saying the under won't be allowed to deliver on the 8 in gold and also will no one else has the capacity to do so. so there is a real, real problem. ahead and remember this resolution is very significant because it mentions to see spa and cools from the spot, but they've been to resolutions cooling for the scanning up of humanitarian aid at the end of last year. and possible, the international court of justice,
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the highest cool in the world, came up with his professional measures saying is roshan scale up humanitarian aid and his around the gold. all of them. i do not think it's likely with his rouse pos, record that they're going to comply with this resolution. but for the people of gauze, or at least this has the more weight of being the word of the un security council. and that would bind in particular kind israel be compelled to comply. and what if it doesn't? it's all there any kind of sanctions that can, yes, it could be compelled to comply. but the way it works is the un security council pauses a resolution. and if someone doesn't comply, then they posit, tougher resolution it with all sorts of sanctions in his potentially this isn't going to happen. the us will never do it. potentially. they could put sanctions on this row. they could put sanctions on all weapons going to israel. they could put an opposite ball game on israel. they could, they have the power to under that chapter 7. i just mentioned it to it. forcing use of force. they could send troops like it's an international trips. know if that is
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going to happen because i think this is as far as the us will go all the way along, present bite and has been telling align keeping. i mean he's not being happy. what with what israel has been doing, but he's been very, very restrained. it was one to me that told me that is what was the situation. that is the israel, us relationship, but it's even more complicated and politically charge this year. and the us selection. yeah, i mean he was, might be wondering, why does this take so known? we seen so much diplomatic to and fro and even last minute discussions and literally huddles on the floor that you and why does this happen? well, i think most of the members of the security council will tell you because these resolutions are international budgeting. so that's why the words match. so i'm, so that's why i think it is bizarre, that the us and bass that was using this, this come into this being non binding. but the problem with that, with, with the united nations is also its strength. it's an organization of a $193.00 countries. i may try and work on consensus. they try and come up with
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agreements that satisfy everyone. it took a long time to get the security council to come up with something that wasn't going to be tied by one of the 5 permanent members. but that has happened in the last hour. okay. james, stay with us. we'll get across now to, well actually it's ready me to tell you this 1st he's really made his reporting that and he's ready to go shop with us has been cancelled off of us. did not the to un security council resolution as we just heard. well, we all going to get it out to him. the sulfate then, okay, parts east jerusalem. and so i'm the, the reaction from israel to this, but then of the will. usually israel either disregards or slams decisions like this. but before the boat even happened, we were getting word from is really media that these really prime minister was thinking about, canceling this delegation, but was going to go to washington. if the united states did not exercise their veto
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power, we have since learned on so from is really media that this trip has now been cancelled . this isn't, is really delegation that was supposed to arrive in washington sometime this week. at the request of us president joe biden, and that's because he wanted is really officials to brief american counterparts on how exactly these really were going to go about this round invasion instead of law and how they were going to evacuate more than a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in dogs of southern low city. this has been a huge point of contention between us and yahoo and biden, and has further really wristed these kinds of relations between the 2 countries in the united states has been saying that it would be a mistake for these really centered alpha. calling in a red line, most recently the us vice president commer harris, not ruling out consequences for these really is if they go against american wishes
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. so this visit was crucial for these really is to get the americans on their side . but now we're getting more than nothing yahoo has cancelled this delegation all together and just the continued back and forth to of public moves and comments between both american and his really officials. and we're also hearing that israel will start working with the main agency, providing food on the 8th part of students as well as me is really is have been trying to shut down the honor. what for some time, since they've accused several under what employ use of being a part of chemist or taking part in the attacks that happened on october the 7th. they have successfully influenced a lot of countries as well to not provide funding to on our wall. and remember, israel has also wanted on or what to be replaced with some sort of other body in
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gaza. but the problem is, is that on our will already has all of the infrastructure, the schools, the a distribution, the network of people who assist when there is a crisis in gaza. so israel wants it to be eliminated entirely and wants some other sort of organization to go in one that they approve of. but how exactly or who exactly, that's going to be is still unclear, but this has been and is really demand now for some time to completely dismantle the united nations relief and works organization from house and the refugees from the thank you for that. we're going to bring in the i don't nail now, a former director general of is rose administrative furnace. the as and format is ready and passive to south africa. he joins us from tennessee. welcome to the program. so put some feet. what's your take on the vote that it's happened that the un security council in this elisa is
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a very meaningful decision for is because the more ending the was a and is really, really the stage prior. no, no, but i think so. the cation of this decision, as i said, this is really raises the, by the religious, some serious blow, eh, this is also the reason the delegation to be mindful states. i say once you do such a decision on the phone though, i don't see myself for me to be wrong. so the also would be slow
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because your decision. it's all in the members of the security council. so the slim between these one in the west and also the all the fusion we went over the oil change, we do or the, the, the, the different what you say that. and so want to extend to the united states. actually, i'm just going to stop you that forgive us for the cutting and then we're just going to to see the united kingdom representative and dip into that now without to return to destruction. fighting and loss of life as the fastest way to get hostages out. an aide in that is what this resolution calls for and why the united kingdom. so to do yes,
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on this text president is royal continues to reckon with the brutal hara of the october 7 attacks. an innocent hostages continued to be held by homos and garza. israel has a right to defend itself, uninsured. such an attack can never happen again. we regret that this resolution has not condemn to the terrorist attacks perpetrated by him. us. on the 7th of october, the u. k condemns these attacks, unequivocally. this resolution sets out the urgent demand for the unconditional release of all hostages. and we welcome the ongoing diplomatic efforts by egypt data and the united states. to this end.
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the intense suffering of interest in palestinian civilians in goza shows no sign of abating. as a humanitarian catastrophe is on folding before our eyes. the resolution settings a clear and united message on the need for international humanitarian law to be upheld and for aid to be scaled up urgently. including the lifting of old barriers and paging its deliveries. president b, u. k. foreign secretary and prime minister have reiterated these messages in all contacts with prime minister netanyahu and other senior is rarely political leaders in recent weeks. we call for this resolution to be implemented immediately. this precedent,
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we need to focus on how we show the way from an immediate humanitarian pause to a law sting, sustainable peace without a return to fighting. that means the formation of a new palestinian government for the west bank and gaza, accompanied by an international support package, removing how much capacity to launch attacks against israel mass. no longer being in charge of garza and a political horizon which provides a credible and a reversible pos way towards a 2 state solution of israel and palestine. living side by side in security and peace. i think you i think that the presented to over the united
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kingdom for the statement i gave you the for was to the, presented to the overall show for the ration this put him, put the mr. president, distinguished colleagues. let's see if it is russia voted in favor of the draft resolution prepared by the 10 and on permanent members of the security council is a fundamental importance of the un security council for the 1st time is demanding the parties, the observance of an immediate cease fire even if it is limited to the month of ramadan, unfortunately, we'll see what happens after that ends remains on clear. since that was the last thing we can do in could be interpreted in various different ways. you have to be smoke and just very telling these to be says, those who are providing cause of israel still wants to give it a free hand,
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which is which we very much want to believe that this world thing will be used in the interests of peace rosa then it's on saying the inhumane is rarely operation against the palestinians. the words in permanence would be more precise. and we are disappointed that it did not make it through most of them. but nevertheless, we believe it is fundamentally important. it's too much in favor of peace. nevertheless, disagree council must continue to work on achieving a permanent ceasefire. me to we owe certain notes and what is contained in the resolution, the demand for an immediate and conditional release of the hostages. what's the word on the 22nd of march? there was another very tragic day in the history of a security council. when through intrigues and to blackmail they tried to put
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us on the wrong pass and to cause us to adopt a document that that's not certainly didn't contain a demand or at least a call for a ceasefire. but essentially was presented as the proud representative of your insight on that day as a license for the, for the coming up. i left the engines still. so when you, when you muscles is, this is neither way, you know, our own cherry and chinese colleagues could allow that spirit with news from, from the 1st day of the escalation. and the posting is really conflict. so in the russian delegation has been cooling up on members of the security council to respond to the unprecedented up search and violence with precise and unambiguous demand for an immediate permanent ceasefire in the gaza strip. and so doing fulfilling its mandate for the maintenance of international peace and security today during the votes on our amendment, we once again sold the true face of our colleagues on the security council. and we realize to truly wants to end rather than suspend the been to maintenance
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really authoration. we would like to point out the following 1st to see what is what took place today is a response to those who criticize the veto power of the permanent members of the security council. because if we haven't used it, if restaurant try it, i haven't used it on the 22nd of march instead of a sure what's the text that crude and the violence in the gaza strip? we could have ended up with a very home full text and the us resolution. that's not any didn't demand a ceasefire, but also essentially would have given israel as a license to continue its actions against the published engines, including and rough uh, the tables. in conclusion, i would like to remind the representative of the united states who time and again accused is the counsel of not being able to condemn attacks on israel and russia. have helped being able to condemn the 7th of october terrorist attacks. on the 18th of october, the us delegation has an opportunity to
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a talk to the brazilian draft resolution with a clear condemnation of the 7th of october and with the humanitarian pause. and yet, in that wording that we presented to washington, that was insisted upon by washington a pool. just remind you that at that time, the delegation of russia soldier citizens, when voting on the resolution, abstained, but to see united states if he took the present in text. therefore, you should, any refuse yourselves, shows that it shows that we must not return to this moment endlessly as instead of the 6 months that are taken posts and specific doctor that you have my sections that have repeatedly been condemned by all members of the security council. in the national capacity, israel responded with an inhumane crime is on the collective punishment of the published and young people as a result of which is more than so to 2000 entirely honest and citizens have died. the majority of freedom of women and children who just think about those numbers
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that you go to. i would also like to remind you that just use immediately and unambiguously russia condemned what took place on the 7th of october. and there's no need to continue speculating on that subject. you know, 1st we know 1st time to watch international terrorism is unfortunately, we faced a monstrous manifestation of it. it's brutal face, a set of tires. and once again, some results to the 22nd of march terrorist attack committed on the territory of our country. we use the ship. we're collecting these took 3 need at least 143 entirely innocent lives. at the very least of 143 entirely innocent civilians who with shots and cold floods. and we have faced such manifestations of terrorism also in the ninety's. and we suff and heavy losses as
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a result deemed we're grateful to all of those who are today expressed their condolences. thank you. i think so to present it to both across you on for the restaurant for the statement. i certainly not now make a statement in my joseph capacity as a present of over japan. this you money $30.00 aster a showing you goes a is cut the story. even during the holy month of ramadan we the height of or is a who the security. you mean is you mean so farming and near the wrong point, 5 medium people, shirts, headings and golf, are struggling each day for the survivor. read the pre moon, the 10s of thousands of arrived. still seeing the conflict starting from book the 7th service that back on the off the ground in this vein is obviously a 3 essential for the security concept to demand an immediate cease fire for the
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month of ramadan just picked it by all parties, leading to dusting sustainable shoes, if i, in gaza, we or consume members also need to demand the media. don don, decor unconditional reduced overall seizures. as or as ensuring she wanted 30 access to address them. maybe call on the other she might any on these. this is why japan was running her with a quote for co pay hold of this has the table, the draft fees. the reason we welcome the concert was able to pass that is origin proposed by the e 10 today. you know, additionally, we strongly support the ongoing with the problem with the care for see particularly the, for the pot full party talks to as a ceasefire in connection with the lease of all the remaining policies. a, we believe that sees for you could pay the pots to us, to sustain of a piece on stability in the region, which is what the international community voices to us every day. if i were to
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continue to work with the concept to achieve that, but i think if i didn't function as a present over the concert, i now give the floor to the permanent, to resolve the over the over the over the state of the policy and who's the president i wish to begin my statement by convey in deepest condolences to the government, people and my good friend was silly. our condolences too, of that option for the nation. following the heart of the title it title list attack . in moscow, we express a lot of sympathy to the very families and stand in solidarity with our russian
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brothers and sisters. in these difficult days. mister president, it has taken 6 months over 100000 palestinians can a name to a 1000000 displaced. and simon, for this consul to finally demand an immediate cease fire, a vote for humanity to prevail for life to prevent the palestinians in guys a pleaded apiece. shouted cried. goods preyed defied. i'd set my time on time again. and yet continued to fetch this, the destruction and displacement, the probation and disease,
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and of an occupation made from the bomb, besieged bedded on the end of the houses. they had been they are killed in their homes, in the streets, and hospitals and ambulances in new and shut those. and even in tents, that out of the must come to an end and must come to any need that. and now, as we speak, families prepared to brag that fast, missing loved ones around the table. and they may, will find nothing to put on their children's plate. in fact, there is no home shutting them. there is no table to gather around and there and no plates defend and no food 3. they
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lost their homes. they lost loved ones, some of them stead crap. and the imagine being a parent with kids and the other is a life feeling broken. but for us to go on for those who remain yesterday. athenian christians silly celebrated palm sunday and the seed and destroyed churches that have become shelters and gaza. they gathered surrounded by this and praying for these action. palestinian families come up more or he'd they have to find a way to sort of live and had it. what is left over there to find me the set of
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life. mister president, when such a trustees are being committed in broad daylight against defenceless civilians including women and children. that i think to do. the only thing to do more to lead legally, politically, is to put an to put an end to it. that can be no justification for the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. accepting any justification for such crimes as the renouncing out of humanity and destroying the road of international be under the pitch. mister president, 2 months ago the highest international court, the i c, j, determined there was an, an imminent risk of the rep for the bill. padget as to the plausible ride,
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spoke palestinians under the genocide convention cape or that is the end to undertake immediate magic in relation to its mass and indiscriminate getting the palestinians to depriving palestinians of the essential goods for they have set them either to the incitement to genocide instead of implementing this man the to the or the by the court is an, has been down in the commission of its crimes. your lead that it was have said in no uncertain terms that is responsible for the 5. and i'm the way in gaza. and how used starvation as a muscle, do they have coal don't? is it a lot to use?
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you monetary, an aide as a bargaining chip as they spoke? well, the mind made disaster meaning. and is there any occupation made disaster they have called repeatedly on? is it a editor, stop its indiscriminate bombing and to spare to civilian life? to know of it? they have called repeatedly on, is it a to give civilians safe haven instead it that that them even in hospital and do on shelters it at that them in the very places it ask them to hit to he to it's get them if they stayed and killed them if they left a now it continues to threaten that ground operation. another offer. well, it has pushed them and couldn't find them at the very edge of the gods,
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a slip in yet another attempt to forcibly displace our instead of heating these goals, is the fact those making them. it continues, in particular, it's incitement against that you and it's the correct agenda and home we salute him from this place. it's agencies not that really on or on the lifeline for the palestinians in guys that is what i usually for the minister wrote the owner was cooperates with that or is and the you and has become under the leadership of antonio gutierrez and they quote and the some at that and, and is there anybody that shouldn't, that was an in bold instead of defend the secretary general under you and
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this out today, just incitement, or how's the allies going sequences for you and, and do you mind if the audience stuff on the ground to our target, so but docs who are candid, i sit and torture. who lot of human lated and trust. it has also the alive can sequences for palestinians as it has used, used it as a pretext, the book, humanitarian aid to be distributed, but under it is time for all these is riley actions today got a serious and thought. imagine under the action one that enforces consequences for these crimes are all that of then just to make please. that is the end continues to dismiss. there is no money to you when our lives are treated as
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expend them in. there are no rules without enforcement. and is it a, has been treated as a state about zillow for the so long that it feels, it no longer has to hide when acting as an outflow state from ethnic cleansing, to genocide. oh, i mean is, goes by is riley's actions, but also by the impunity. it has been afforded by the fact countries have not taken decisive matches to stop it and money continue to call it and treat it as a lie, even while it is committing such atrocities.
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mister president, we express our appreciation to the 8th and all of you for having put for this resolution. and we welcome its adoption by the console. we found gotta julia for representing us on the, on all of the other countries in this endeavor. we salute out of the unity and demanding immediate ceasefire and prevail. this must be the turning point. this must lead to saving lives on the ground. this must signal the end of this assault about thrusts of these, against a lot of people. a nation is being mad at that and the action is being disclosed as an action is being displaced
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for that kids now. but not at this scale since then. a number of this openly from thought out the was from 1948 to one to 24. we have endorsed, we have set of i we have it is it acted only to face this once again. life must prepare the most pretty bad thing because freedom must prepare. it didn't but it's nice for 6 months now. it didn't get it, but i see. and then gaza has endured and i'm told somebody
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most pain and tragedy. this must stop now. but i see nothing hostages, palestinian victims not less deserving of come compassion and empathy of outrage. and so that they must be freed from fear and want from siege an occupation. from that sun disposition families must be, are united and thought to read, at least from the owns that can actually be heated. they must be given the chance to buddy their loved ones to modern data loss, to rebuild what can be even if the ceasefire happened now. and the siege was lifted now. it would take generations to deal with the trauma and the
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devastation. mister mister president. now that this council has finally called for a ceasefire on forces should call it less to make sure it is enforced apologies to those who the war has failed to those that could have been saved. and where not save the lives of those whose advice against all odds, 10 of them had is on the way hold accountable those who inflicted such self funding up on them and this injustice. and now all of this is long overdue. and they thank you very much mister president.
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i think the permanence of what was of over there was the state, the listing for his statement. i now give it a for law to the representative of reason. i thank you mister president. president at the outset. i want to express my deepest condolences to the russian people and to the families of all the victims of the heinous terror attack on friday of terror must always be condemned. in the harshest terms, the security council was just defiantly quick, very quick to condemn friday's tara tech in russia. just as it was wait, it was waited no time to condemn the terror attacking you run against the police station back in december. yet still, to this day, the council refuses to condemn the most widespread and barbaric massacre
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suffered by the jewish people seems to be holocaust. at least $137.00 people were murdered at crocker city concert hall in russia on friday by radical jihadist and yes, almost 6 months to go. nearly 400 people were murder the nova. music fest, yvonne is right by the rad because you had the so come us. why does the security council discriminate discriminate between the russians murder the concert? and he's riley's murder, the music festival. civilians. dear colleagues, no matter where they live deserve to enjoy music in safety and security. and the security code so should have the more of clarity to condemn such acts of terror equally without discrimination. sadly to day as well. this council
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refused to condemn deal tober 7th messic mess occur. this is a disgrace. colleagues, it was the come us massacre that started this war. i repeat, it was the come us massacre that started this war. nearly 6 months have passed and the security council still has not condemn the child murdering rapist. that began this war. there is a solution just voted upon makes it seem as if the war started by itself will let me set the record straight. is, are, as did not start this war, nor did is read once this war is around this engaged. and we drove from guys 18 years ago. we wanted to cease fire and co existence. you can repeat here slogans and purports to know for the palestinians. what the palestinian seeks,
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but this one's make it the truth or the reality. they put a senior on representative here is lying through his teeth. when he says that these people want to live side by side with israel. by the way, as you probably know, he does not represent from us. he does not represent the guidance. they did not choose him to speak for them easily. the president, the bus refuses to even condemn domestic or, and he continued to pay terrorists after ease read, we drew from guys the police thing as elected from us, a terrorist organization, they elected a tear organization. how much converted every inch of guys ain't to a terra war machine, right? under the ones knows, maybe with the help of the some of the winds agencies like honora and how much the
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initiated, ceaseless attacks on these rarely see videos throughout the past 18 years. thousands and thousands of industry, many rockets and me solids at civilians to day from us is the most popular movement among palestinians. and according to every pole, the vast majority of palestinians support mazda is messic or on october, 7th, not only in guns, also in your dance tameria. this is the reality you should face, and you should address or colleagues why the resolution fails to condemn from us. it does state something that should have, should have been the driving moral force. this resolution denounced the taking of hostages, recalling that it is in violation of international law. taking innocent civilian and hostage is a war crime, and there is no arguing that this is what from us has committed the release of the
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hostages should have been the number one priority. when it comes to bringing the hostages home, the security council must not settle 4 words alone, but take action real action. it is on fathomable that when it comes to releasing the hostages, we still only see in action. not a single step has been taken by the college. so aside from symbolic words. yeah, 20 comes to the situation in gaza because the rushed rush to take action. you appointed the suppression coordinator and established a monitoring mechanism. the council visit the draft for to see the aig shipments 1st and, and the secretary general has already visit the dreadful crossing twice. why do our hostages not receive concrete action? what have you done to advance their release?
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colleagues, following this call says adoption of u. n. s c r 227122720, which both code for the release of the hosted. all those to just come. i did not stop to even contemplate for even one moment that it should be very clear that as long as how much refuses to release the hostages in the diplomatic channels, there is no other way to secure their return other than through a military operation. so on the one hand, the resolution says that taking civilian hostages, even violation of international law. yet, on the other hand, despite the fact that you know, come us won't listen to your calls and release the hostages. use the man the ceasefire. take a moment and think about this more of contradiction,
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your demand for a cease fire without conditioning gate on the release of the hostages. not only is not helpful, but it undermines, undermines the efforts to secure their release. it is harmful to these efforts because it gives how much says terrorists, it gives us how much terribly it's the hope to get a ceasefire without releasing the hostages or members of the council. old members should have voted against this shameful resolution. mister president, where are these columns? those actions, why don't you designate, come us, is it their organization? even if there is, there are council members here who would prevent this due to their political a light and says we've come us leadership. where are the more or less efforts to
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advance such a designation? i wish to suggest an alternative text that should have been adopted by the council. if it, if it was in so biased against is red and the security causes strongly condemns and deplores all abuses of human rights and were a clickable violations of international humanitarian law by the terrorist group. including those involving violence against civilian populations, notably women and children, kidnapping, killing hostage, taking, pillaging rape, sexual slavery, and other sexual violence, recruitment of children and does and destruction of civilian property. the security .


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