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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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ations, you aren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is hot, it's right here. and right now the stream on out the the drugs as an adult at $57.00. thank you. and security council adults to resolution, according for an immediate safe spot in task. the don't carry johnston, this is alex is here a lot from day. also on the inside the street. israel targets displaced. palestinians strikes have killed over 100 people since that today with women and children among the day and a good amount of time in christ. this is the thing across the street. israel says
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it will stop working. the main un agency providing 8 palestinians in guns on a set of goals. presidential election, c d, a may have wins more than 50 percent of the main rock conceits defeats. the dr. nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate and last and see spot and garza and elizabeth hold. the month of ramadan. the drugs, after the 7th 28th of 14 members voted in favor us was the only country to abstain. the historic resolution calls for the on conditional release of captives and unrestricted access to desperately need nice saving aid. or what else is on best the,
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to the un voted in favor of the resolution this month expressing some reservations on the wedding to so slow it from the fact that the wood permanent in relation to a cease by is replaced by a weaker wedding. it's something we've learned a little over an hour before the beginning of the meeting. that is unacceptable. we all received instructions about voting on the draft which had the word pub in an image. and we believe that this is fundamentally important. all other wording leads to broad an area for interpretation which could allow israel to resume its military operation in gaza after the expiring of the seas boxes, which we hope will be established today. the us, which was the only country to abstain from the by it has blamed time us for delay in a cease 5 deal with as well. we're getting closer to a deal for an immediate cease fire with the release of our hostages. but we're not there yet. now let's be clear a ceasefire could have come about months ago. if
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a mouse had been willing to release hostages months ago. instead, tomas continues to stand in the way a piece to throw up roadblocks, car in town almost beneath because the cities and behind under civilian infrastructure and hide among the civilian population. so today my ask to members of this council and to member states in every region of the world, is this speak out and demand unequivocally that from us accepts the deal on the table. okay, for others on there joins us live now from united nations. uh gabriel, a significant moment for the un security council as it really was. and as soon as the boat for a cast and it was announced that this resolution was adopted, you saw applause in the security council chambers. and that's is, is quite rare,
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quite frank because it, you see that i think it points to how long that they have been building up to this moment if you will, nearly 6 months after, uh, the beginning of this conflict. finally, the security council reaches a, a draft resolution that is adopted that does demand an immediate cease fire. the council has looked a 10 different times that security council resolutions related to gaza. this is the 1st time they've ever been able to get something past that does demand an immediate cease fire. the other draft resolutions have we spoken about before. we're vetoed by the united states at least 3 times. so they finally got to a point where the us found a draft resolution that was acceptable. it's important to point out that it does call demands for an immediate cease fire, leading to a lasting and sustainable cease fire after ramadan. but then also the key part of this now adopted resolution is that it emphasizes the need to expand the flow of
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humanitarian aid in the guise urgent way. and that also is now part of international law as well. so certainly a long time and coming if you will, but you've got a sense here that this was overwhelming support for this. and there was just simply no way that the us could be in a position where they could veto it. and while they have stayed because of that extension that was allowed to pass. now clearly there were some calls for it to make to make it a little bit more permanent. as you heard there, russia wanted some language calling for permanent ceasefire. the us fight against that and ultimately was just for a lasting ceasefire after i'm a done. the key question now is, what will is real? do we've already heard from the spokesperson from the start for the secretary general just a few minutes ago and saying it's now the will of the international community to see that this isn't forced and adhere to statement is on the assigned case
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un secretary general intended to terrace has responded to the fight and the statements. he said. the security council just approved along the way to the resolution on concepts, demanding an immediate cease fire and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. this resolution must be implemented failure with the unforgivable which a gallon is direct to the international crisis groups advocacy division at united nations. he joins us from new york now. welcome to the progress of put simply the resolution has been passed. what happens now? well, we will have to see if the mass or israel responds constructively to the resolution . this isn't cool for a cease fire. it's a cool for her nice to release b as randy hostages. but there's no enforcement mechanism in this text. and this is a significant diplomatic, went in for the security council,
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but i think we have to recognize that it is only a diplomatic win. and it is very much down to a mass on to israel, to decide whether to respond constructively to the school or whether to ignore it. and we've already seen some signs the prime minister netanyahu this route is, is very angry that the us has allowed us to go through israel has cancelled a visit by dedication to washington. so that's and also incredibly positive sign. this is a binding resolution, but given what you say, what happens if a country does not comply? a while of the security council has passed many resolutions, cooling facies fires, in many was and very often they have been ignored and just become footnotes to diplomatic history. i don't think that we're going to see the us shift from abstaining on bits resolution to supposing any resolution that
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threatens israel with concrete penalties. if it doesn't, all right, then it's military operation. i mean, i think it is important to say that from the is ready perspective is disturbing. the us has allowed this resolution to go through a tool. i don't think that the us was suddenly responding to pressure from other members of the un. washington is quite happy to a little pressure from other members of the un. i think the washington was actually using this as an opportunity to send a small signal to his route that it is losing patience with the campaign. and especially with the rest of an assault on rough uh, but nonetheless, ident thing to us is now going to take the next step and support any real sanctions or penalties against israel if it continues operations. if that's the case, how does the adoption of a resolution move things forward politically and therefore eventually in practical tests. and what did i say?
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i do think it is a very deliberate, if thoughtful and from the us to israel, it wants to see the will come to a conclusion. and this is in line with what we've been hearing from individual us officials. but the mere fact that the us put a ceasefire resolution website and on the table last friday, a little bit with a lot of caveats. and just now to stand on this text and it does give the message additional falls. i. so i think this is one diplomatic step towards bringing an adams to a phillips ease. however, if a mouse ignores the resolution to from us does not know. sorry how much does not release any hostages, that it may be to the us. we'll step back again and say, we know we cannot put any further pressure on israel while on us, refuses to let some the is ready. citizens go free. so the outcome is on
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such and there was much wrangling, wasn't that over the, the wording of this last a new, permanent. see, so i why, why is the wedding of this so important diplomatically? well i think that it was important to the us that it didn't let through a text that imply that israel should cease operations been pub too. with the especially as i'm asked is not released the hostages. so last thing is a deliberately slightly teese. i'm phrase as opposed to permanent ceasefire. the us is also contents, but in this way did the other council members to combine power graphs on the need for these 5, during ramadan, with the nice a and asked about the hostages go, the us would actually have like a strong good conditioning of the ceasefire. on the hosted race,
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but i think it probably didn't go what they wanted in a rather modeled paragraph in the text today. so you know, these word games fascinate diplomats in new york. and i think that american diplomats of the different, that sort of understood what really masses is the us has acquiesced to attacks. that includes the phrase ceasefire to in the last 2 months of 2023. and as recently as february of this year, and the us just was not lap the security council took about a ceasefire. it would like to the security council took about some humanitarian aspects of the situation and gaza. ok, but it wouldn't let it focused on 6 by now that has changed. all right, we leave it there, which again we appreciate your insights. thank you. thank you. a lot of times on best the to not to nations. we had months. so says he hopes the votes would be the beginning of the end, as well as war on gosh,
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this must signal the end of this assault about thrust with these, against a lot of people. a nation is being mounted that the nation is being disclosed as the nation is being displaced for decades now. but not at this scale since then. a mass has issued a statement welcoming the un security council, but on the funding its readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides. i must also set, it's important to ensure the freedom of movement of protestant and citizens and entry of monetary needs for all the residents of the gaza strip. a mass also called on the security council to pressure israel to commit to, to the c spot, still fits genocides, a rule of extermination and ethnic cleansing of palestinians. what
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can i hear now from tamarac? i assume it joins us live from rafa in the southern garza. so what, what has the reaction been said to the adoption of the resolution at the un security council? the yes, uh the effects of the majority of palestinians he into besieging play will come the adult with the adoption of the un resolution. that is demanding for an immediate cease following agreements that consider to be the 1st to procure. in fact, since the beginning of this conflict light, especially of the repeated rejection on the veto, being made by the us multiple times against different and similar resolutions that were quoting for a ceasefire agreement to now, the city is also understand that legally this resolution cannot completely enforce as well to commit with the uh, the estimates of such resolutions specifically that it's absolutely temporary,
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that's only includes the whole month of ramadan. but to know also, palestinians are wondering about how um, what is the mechanism that will up please to force as well to commit to dr resolution on at the same time. they are afraid that as well with a person with its men, it too offensive. yep. in talking to a number of residents here saying that they are not really surprised to from this, but they are also appreciating that there is a clue shift in terms of language from the usa. util, which is, well, there is a clear awareness right now in terms of the uh, what's happening on the ground. the site costs are best, the international community is pushing forward to a to reach for more resolutions that might bring an end for the fighting on the ground. but what they are one thing to insight going is that, is that a real practical resolution that bring pregnancy cease for a to the ground here that will still the block chip inside the territory. i've also
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will allow for, for the fed, the humanitarian, the flow of humanitarian homeboys into the territory just to help gonzales who are desperately need all kinds of humanitarian assistance. just to recover from the often that somebody is very offensive and gone to sorry, i'm assuming rafter for us. the thank you. or israel has cancelled in official trip to washington in protest against the adult to you in resignation courting for see spot for a minister benjamin netanyahu. his office issued the statement saying, the fax, the us did not due to the resolution is a clear retreat set from his position since the beginning of the war. i'm the public report so occupied easter was usually israel either disregards or slammed decisions like this. but before the vote even happened, we were getting word from is really media that these really prime minister was thinking about, canceling this delegation that was going to go to washington. if the united states did not exercise their veto power. we have since learned also from is really media
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that this trip has now been cancelled. this isn't as really delegation that was supposed to arrive in washington sometime this week at the request of us president joe biden. and that's because he wanted is really officials to brief american counterparts on how exactly these really were going to go about this round invasion instead of off and how they were going to evacuate more than a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in gallons of southern mo, city, this has been a huge point of contention between us and yahoo and biden, and has further really received these kinds of relations between the 2 countries. in the united states has been saying that it would be a mistake for these really centered off calling in a red line. most recently, the us vice president commer harris, not ruling out consequences for these really is if they go against american wishes . so this visit was crucial for these really is to get the americans on their side
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. but now we're getting more than nothing yahoo has cancelled this delegation all together in just the continued back and forth of public moves and comments between both american and his really officials are still ahead. on the al jazeera, 3 more people have been accused of thoughts dissipates in the tax. when a consequence must go on friday, the critical debate punish farmers are angry. people have starving and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level have been using games for the policy for the economy service because we can submit even close the rivals inside story. on al jazeera,
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being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the
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the fucking back her mind off on main stories. united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate and austin signed goss during the movement of the month of ramadan. the historic resolution calls for the unconditional release captives, unrestricted access to desperately needed nice savings from us on the protest. and also to have welcome the costing of the rest of the mass of fleming. it's renting us to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners killed by both. israel has cancelled an official trip to washington in protest against the adopted un resolution quoting for us the spot mister benjamin netanyahu. his office issued a statement saying the fact us did not v to the resolution is a clear retreats from its position since the beginning of the
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as well as defense for us to go get out is already in washington for separate tools and national security advisor jake sullivan and secretary of state anthony lincoln before those meetings, concepts, and the as well has no plans to end. its a sold, as long as hope will solve it. we have no more a right to stop the war and gaza until we return all the hostages home for you not reach a clear decision in gaza. may bring us closer to a war in the north with the feel. neil: i will stress the importance of destroying a moss and returning the hostages home. we will operate against almost everywhere, including in places where we have not yet the gums and the culture. i want to ask correspondence kimberly how could joins us now. so now that the un security council resolution has been adopted, how is the us likely to handle its meetings with is welcome as well. we already know that as we have been reporting there has been one meeting
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that has taken place or is taking place. and that is with the as really official, along with the national security advisor, jake sullivan, and the secretary of state. and what we've heard from the national security council spokesperson, john kirby is in fact a flat out denial of the accusation coming from israel. that in fact, there has been any sort of retreat from the earlier policy decisions with support towards israel and it's conflict on god side is worn god. so in fact, kirby saying the vote does not represent to shift in our policy and also work on further to explain why the united states felt that had to abstain on that un security council vote saying that the united states wanted to get to a place where it could support it, but the issue for it was the final text didn't have language that the united states was looking for. uh, namely that it was looking for some very clear condemnation of her mouth and the
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october 7th attacks and israel it as a result. according to john kirby, this was something that could not be supported. now, with respect to those meetings that we have not only going on, but the ones that we know or to take place later in the week that have now been cancelled as a result of the us actions. we have also heard and it had reaction from the national security council spokesperson with regard to that in it. he is saying that the united states is particularly disappointed, given the fact that they were looking forward to exploring viable options and alternatives where he's talking about there is the plans for rough. uh that were going to be reviewed by uh, the united states was in terms of the is really military operation. uh, and then once again, what we know is that doubling down to what the vice president commer harris said over the weekend, kirby going on a little bit further to say that the united states is not believe a great or offensive in rasa is the right course can be how codes for us the thank
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you or ways where i will stop working with you an agency for palestinian refugees, according to a government spokesman, the comments come a day off to us. it is well no longer now, it's trucks to deliver a to northern gauze and where people are dying of hunger. the head of what has called a decision outrages choosing is right of typically obstructing aid. some a trucks reached cause a city on monday and events. we deliver to the gulf view and reports has found the guns as population could be hit by finding any time between mid march and may, but also the founder is a spokesperson for on. he says preventing the agency from delivering a to northern casa, will have a catastrophic impact on palestinians. this is a mind made sign in ons, northern causes the epi sensor that not made funding. so we simply have to have access to get food supplies in this kind of weight. we cannot be delayed and we
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certainly cannot be bothered. i should stress that our schools close to close at the beginning of the war and they have been transformed almost all of them into emergency shelter as a 1000000 internally displaced people. but we're still able to continue running our clinics to some extent. so we have 24 clinics in the gaza strip before before, but we still are able to validate services nowhere near enough. but any move which reduces the capacity for us to work on the ground is of course going to have a knock on effect on the people that we saw. we are the largest humanitarian agency embracing and the causes trip. i mean, just to give you one example, we have around a 1000 magical stuff. oh, toes. um we had uh, 13000 stop raising in the district of oldest off the wall around 3 to 5000 just being able to continue working. and as i said, well, thousands of those are medical stuff, others are involved in coordinating supplies, logistics this we are an essential part of the chain. so as the un secretary
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general is stressed, we are repeatedly beyond the backbone of the ideal price and in causes. if you unplugged us, you're basically unplugging the lifecycle system for the entire population. the sun nicole now whether main or positioned the presidential candidates see where they are. may have say it is on costs to when the presidential election is rival the routing conditions cancel. the time of the bomb has conceded defeat is an anti establishment counted. it's chosen by opposition, lee, that was months on cuz they were both released from prison just ahead of the right a a must go, quotes has a tooth 3 more people if participating in the attack on the concept whole nat mosca, which killed a $157.00 people, they've been faced in the pre trial detention for 2 months. the 3 suspects the father and his 2 sons have been charged with complicity and a terror attack. one of the sons is allegedly the last, i don't know, the called. the gunman used to reach the venue and to escape. 11 people have been
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arrested in connection with the friday attack. a buffalo, that's quite constructive pop. when you get a kidding, several people are destroying around a 1000 rooms. they're not going to the 6.9, quite a kidney, remote east of septic region, open 700 kilometers north of the capital for more speed and thousands of villages editor's office and we're already backing wide spread flooding with us quite happen. the regional governor has appealed for medical supplies, drinking water, and temporary shelter and south korea senior adults has and professors, the medical schools are submitting that resignations and so forth, of striking training the doctors. they want the government to have joints and to increase student enrollment. and medical training institutes, thousands of training adults has walked off the job in february to protest against
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the plan. so things would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care. the government says more doctors on needed to cope with the countries rapidly aging population to talk to one a. so why don't we do the expansion of medical school admissions clicked as relates to the collapse of our country's medical education system. beyond the breakdown of medical education itself, unless the government withdraws this decision on the admissions quotas, unquote, time the cation, this crisis cannot be resolved. if the government has the intention to withdrawal, or is considering yet. so we are ready to discuss all issues in front of the people in the us, former president donald trump, pressing to rulings on cases of the funding for years from scott, a short term victor, in the us, federal court, which we hope that he could pay just hoff of a $454000000.00 bond on a penalty for tax fraud. while he appeals of looting against him. but as noise were unable to secure it today in a criminal case of the concealment of hush money payments for women who said they
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had an effect, that trial is now set for the 15th of april. the weather is next for the inside story. the hello, well, the rock has been hammered by acts of weather, both in the north and the south, and now its capital barked, getting in on the action, picking up half a year's worth of rain over the span of 24 hours within winds there. and some hail, now things do turn commer for buck that on tuesday, but still rain locked into northern iraq. it's a breezy story through the golf and get back to that in one sector. those winds are also pushing those down pours into southern and saudi arabia. of course there's been a lot of rain up and down the golf, but really winds will be the big story on tuesday for us here in doha. gus about 50 kilometers per hour. that rain has pushed further east, injected
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a lot of moisture into the atmosphere in central asia. so in the coming days, temperatures will drop here by quite a few degrees. the turkey and we go the eastern size unsettled to your mountain snow, and that will push into the caucuses. it's also been unsettled in north west africa . we've had sand, stormy morocco. i think we could see sand storms internees in libya over the next 24 to 48 hours. it is of what picture around bunky same goes for the coast of congo and equitorial guinea and speaking of what most indeed is capital. my poor toe saw half a month's worth of rain in the span of 6 hours, but things are beginning to dry off just a few showers for by puts on to stay with the height of $27.00. the roof closing for the auction rate. when i'm hearing the fact,
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how is 10 or airbnb content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrate it or is it president lucky sauce? wrestling, the stability of the country will style just a was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store, another blow to underwater and u. s. law includes a year long then on funding to video, an agency that support spot of seeing refugees, washington spends with, as well, like choosing some employees of taking part in how much the task. what does this mean for the people of casa? this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i'm how should i have by the united nations relief
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i'm with agency or on.


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