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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the people empower awesome. is it possible to extract the mental without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on that just the, the color this is in use our line from the i'm this positive to coming up in the next 60 minutes. the drugs, this is the reason for almost 6 months, the un security council demands an immediate cease fire and gaza. that's pardon me for the month from israel's prime minister. meanwhile, councils, a visit by a high level delegation to washington. also the us doesn't feature, but rather i've stains from the 5 ton by and legally binding resolution. israel continues it's football and golf
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synagogue. his own goal is to have its youngest ever president's opposition candidates. the hero during my fight, leaves the race off to his rivals. and support from or brazil international danielle. this has been released from jail after paying more than a $1000000.00 in bell 40 year old disappearing a rate conviction. and he's been lost in his spanish prison since january of last year. the to say 171 of israel's war on garza of associates use 1000 palestinians, killed. and now for the 1st time, the one security council has spoken its post resolution demanding an immediate se is fine, but ordinate for the muslim holy month of ramadan. and we are already halfway through us. humanitarian agencies, such as doctors without borders and say that time is not enough to meet the needs. the resolution also holes for the protection of palestinians in garza,
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and for the unconditional release of captives. from 1948 to one to 24, we have endorsed. we have survived, we have is it acted only to face this? once again? life must prepare them. it must be bad and because freedom must be bad in palestine. we're getting closer to a deal for an immediate cease fire with the release of our hostages. but we're not there yet. now let's be clear. a cease fire could have come about months ago, if a mouse had been willing to release hostages months ago. all members of the council on members to the voted against this shameful resolution to this council is rarely
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blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted. so here's what the resolution says. an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan, leading to a lossing sustainable seized upon it also demands the unconditional release of all hostages and to monitor and access to address the medical and other needs. and further demands that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, while dealing with persons that they detain goes on to emphasize. they just need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance into gaza and to reinforce the protection of civilians and the entire gaza strip. 14 countries voted in favor of resolution 2728, only the united states abstained from that verse. a well correspondent give with alexander is live and un headquarters in new york. how does, how hot isn't occupied east jerusalem?
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first let's hear from towers of was and he's in rafa and southern garza tarik. this is obviously a historic resolution being passed. it's taking a huge amount of time to get to hear how it people that feeling on the ground, on people feeling but symbolically they find they've been somewhat hacked. well, in fact, diplomatically this step and the resolution that had been a pass to day by the you on the security council, and consider it to be a gates of hope for palestinians here, who has been on the unrelenting bombardment for over now 5 months as the i have a multiple fairly is that you on security council did not manage to agree on a ceasefire resolution, but now they have agreed with us up to tension that could clearly a fleet shaft and the american stands against israel. that is to now was pressing on with minute with its military, bombardments, of course, the territory and the palestinians believe that is been, might not fully and completely commit to,
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to the un security council resolution. but they believe that it will, by the way, later to increase on to exec international pressure on as well, to commit to commit to it's a to it's resolution that had been created, created under, issued by the on security council. initially that will also be a key change in the situation on the ground under the same time palestinians are looking from the uh, if looking from the un security council to accept more pressure on as well, to commit to its resolution of the same time to agree more later when there was an ocean that might bring a permanent c spy to old palestinians and to stop the blood. the blood should, to you into 2 or 3 tar killed. told him there about hopes that israel will actually comply with this resolution. but even as long as i took pays and, and off to the resolution pos, the strike signs dont have continued it. yes, in fact, there is no any laptop in strikes in the past 24 hours as well as intensifying,
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gets bombardment from land from and also from c as today i think is very fluid is cute. 7 palestinians in the area with mo, exactly, expands and admitted to a tax on the city of con, units were 2 now, both nozzler and a lot more hospital are still on the seat as the is very maneuvering troops on the ground. adopting a key approach of living up residential neighborhoods, one of the of the other, and also the safe area. he roughly had been bombarded in the past where a number of palestinians have to report to him did after being hit with a dro messiah into western parts of the city. to come was over the giving us the latest picture on the ground right now. and rafa and in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank to tara. well, let's move over to the united nations and speak to gabriel as long as there has been a cost. what does this for us in new york gave this was remarkably nearly unanimous, but there was on stand a loss of intense negotiation. rise up until the guard took place.
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yeah, there was, there was a go see there were negotiations taking place throughout the weekend. let's forget, not forget that initially this vote we thought was going to happen on saturday morning, but we were told by diplomatic sources that the us wanted to change some language. they wanted to work on the draft a little bit. remember, this was an e 10 draft resolution by the 10 to the elected members of the security council. all the way up through monday morning, up until minutes before they were gathering in the security council chambers. for this vote, there were changes and discussions about this, but ultimately the draft that was voted upon demands to cease an immediate cease fire with lasting sustainable parties leading to a lasting sustainable seas. part of the us initially there was word for permanent ceasefire. after ramadan, the us was not comfortable with that. so it means that rather council members agreed to change it to lasting. but the big picture is this. it's significant
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because this is the 1st time in 6 months. now, sense is conflict again that the security council has adopted a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. there were other resolutions that demanded cease fires, but at least on 3 separate occasions the us used it's vito power to block those. so the big question now is moving forward. what happens now will is real abide by it. will there be a release of captives as well, by how much these are all things to check and they're coming hours. but certainly here un headquarters. there was a sigh of relief in many quarters that this security council resolution was finally adopted. okay, only 6 months. i mean, many people would say this has been a truly long time coming, including i see the one secretary general of himself or yeah, that's right. he's been calling for a cease fire for months now. and he sees it really firsthand from his officials that are there, that he gets reports from. he sees things and he's been in the region as well. and
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he said all along that as they cannot ramp up humanitarian aid until there's a silencing of the guns and the secretary general posted on on social media statements saying the security council approved a long awaited resolution on guys that demanding an immediate cease fire and immediate unconditional release of all hostages, this resolution must be implemented. failure would be unforgivable. clearly, uh, implementing this resolution is the key now. and that's really a will of the international community to will all parties to actually abide by this, even though it's binding under international law. we've seen in the past multiple occasions is real simply a turn, the other cheek to uh, to uh, security council resolutions. okay. realize on the, the, across all of those happenings for us, you and headquarters in new york. thank you game. well since then,
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israel has cancelled an official trip to washington and protest against that post the security council resolution demanding a safe, 5 prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office issued a statement saying, the fact that the us, the visa, or the resolution, is a cleaned upon shot from its consistent positions since the beginning of the will. the statement says the resolution give some us hope that international pressure will force is round to accept, to cease by without the release of his really captives being held in garza or for more let's go to the honda. so hope she isn't occupied a story. some honda, we keep hearing this defiance from israel, even i say threats to potentially intensify its military campaign. and garza, a whole lot of reaction from is really officials tonight from the prime minister to the defense minister, a prominent members of the war cabinet like ben against, and israel's foreign minister. let's begin with him. israel cats who released a post on ex, formerly known as on as twitter, excuse me,
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saying that there will be no cease fire, no holes in the fighting until all of the captives are brought back to israel. additionally, that until how much is eliminated? the war is going to go on. this is a sentiment we've been hearing from all of these really officials saying that until the goals of the war or achieve their goal is to essentially be dis regarding this un security council decision calling for an immediate and lasting ceasefire. these really prime minister as we know, not happy with the result of this and in protest, not sending that delegation to washington. but the rhetoric from is really officials regarding this un decision is quite interesting this evening because it's not only quite boastful and loud in the way they are rejecting what the new one is saying. but they're also saying that the un is an antique israel bodies as wellness dot seal. on the you mentioned this cancelled delegation visit just how significant
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does it, especially given that the defense minister himself is in washington right now. who else was supposed to be going of this was a delegation that was supposed to had to washington at the request of us president joe biden. it was going to include the minister of strategic affairs and as were all wrong, durham are the head of the national security, who is saucy, head neck be. and additionally representatives from the coordinators of government activities in the palestinian territories for the is really army. they were supposed to go to washington to brief american officials about how exactly israel plans to invade thousands of southern most city to far. we've seen a lot of back and forth public disagreements between both american and his really officials about this topic. and the americans have simply said that it would be a red line, it would be a mistake. and that's, and y'all, who has previously said that with or without us support the invasion is going to
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happen. now. there are some issues internally within these roles government. ben, against a member of the country's war cabinet, saying that it would be a mistake not to send his delegation at a time where us support is critical in this war. and that was the latest for us from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much. i'm that, well, let's now get the view from washington. as well as defense. minnesota young kalonde is indeed amazing top us officials at a time when israel is determined to defy it's close to ally. here's our white house correspondent, kimberly hopkins. or the white house is calling the decision by the israelis to cancel a meeting with us officials later in the week. disappointing. the meeting was designed to discuss is rarely campaigns, plans into rafa. and whether or not there could be alternatives. the state department saying that there was
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a fear that there could be undue civilian harm. also the belief that the by the ministration feels that this could reduce is real standing in the world. and as a result undermined, it security will ahead of another meeting taking place. on monday, these really defense minister spoke to reporters ahead of his meeting with the secretary state and the national security advisor. saying that he felt that the actions of the united states at the un security council. we're certainly not supportive of israel. and as a result, he issue this thinly veiled threat. take a listen as long as hope will solve it. we have no more a right to stop the war and gaza until we return all the hostages home for you not reach a clear decision in gaza. may bring us closer to a war in the north wheel at the feel. neil, i will stress the importance of destroying a mouse and returning the hostages home. we will operate against almost everywhere, including in places where we have not yet be no white house security council.
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spokesperson, john kirby has countered the argument by israel also that there has been a shift in policy as a result of the united states of staying on the latest you as security council resolution, as opposed to vetoing as has been seen in the past. in fact, harvey saying that this is not a reflection of a shift in policy. instead, the united states saying that it was it to get to a place where it would see a clear condemnation of how mosse and its actions on october 7th. and given that they could not get that language. so this was a resolution the united states says it could not support kimberly healthcare alger 0. washington house has also issued a statement welcoming that un security council version of funding its resting us to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides. i must also says it's important to insure the freedom of movement of palestine and citizens. and for
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a few monetary needs for all residents of the gaza strip. mazda is also called on the security council to pressure israel to commit to the seas 5 to stop it's genocide, a war extermination, and ethnic cleansing of palestinians. last name is a member of from us as political bureau. he says the international community must enjoyed israel compliance with this resolution. and i think with a very significant a i'm just very important. but the question is how, how long is the instead of measuring on uh, the community to oblige with lane to implement the uh, video ocean. because we are used to 1944 for a lot of secure video shows initially, but was not limited by the so either you on one side we have one come to the ocean and we have declared the dentist to uh to be committed to the people and or to the conditions in the ocean,
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but it is the owner of the international community to apply that's why you and to end this, the sound of the order to deal with it for you as a 5th above or below. i go with it. i think it is the owner of the whole community . now, if they are not the time limit, the notion to relieve another one, when they cool, they clear the timing's where the clear going to, oh, blood, it's ready to go. uh, go to the what, what, what are making sure thing is not about hosting it. we are negotiating and doing the different nations i talked to and less than detail and their thoughts on what's going on with the folks in the home together. and then when uh, the security it comes to the nation this night, talked about hostages. they haven't the big, the command the, that it is on there about it. so even what it is we have at least a federal government, $77000.00. but i've seen
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a good number there training and because of the, all of them are hostages by the detention. therefore, if it has to come to the, to the need, the hostages, it has to be applied on both side. and we'd have to, maybe we can use this done if this is implemented, the t 12 cool, an equal chance. how come we didn't did in a very serious the version of the so that we can also leave our could not posted just along. the last few a ton has reacted it to the un security councils called for a safe fund garza and it weighs the foreign ministry said that it welcomes the security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fund during the whole, the month of ramadan, catchall says, in hopes of decision leads to a step towards permanency is fine. the statement also stresses and needed to commit to the implementation of the resolution, especially the succession of hostilities and also calls for the industry. if you're monitoring aid to garza without obstacles or even off to the security council
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passed on resolution, is there any forces continuing to their attacks on garza as strikes? targeted residential areas in central areas of the strip inquiry is that the opposite hospital where injured palestinians have been flooding. and of course the size, the emergency department in the hospital, in the middle area of the cause as to where the hospital is past with injuries. after that is ready for says target to a house in the why the in the middle area for us having family we see injury severely at hard by the is there any error strikes the target to the middle area? and this is the 1st attack after the in the u. n. resolution caused by the security council. and earlier today we see women. we see also
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children injured, the air strike target to this time and the after they had their mean of a star in their house. according to my witnesses, there are also children and babies that were killed in the air strikes. after the new password, they cost that thing the bomb in the district, but still policies have been killed and injured. this isn't as alexa hospice does. that is that all? joining me again here in the studio as well. in the short out, is there a senior plus for homeless malware? this has obviously been cool. this is fine, but this is essentially not, not sort of the 2 weeks. so it's more of a pause in the fighting. if indeed, israel complies and is real, it doesn't seem to be some time. do you see that changing before this whole becomes moves in 3 weeks time?
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absolutely. i mean, they're cutting us. i know there is a lot of goodwill on the part of so many people to believe otherwise, but these strategies have told us by the high, the highest officials point blank. we are not going to abide by this resolution. they're going to continue to fight. they would expand the war and my sense is that would probably they would speed up the invasion of that off. i had the south and that's going to be a disaster. but i think that's the plan. i think. and i think some fascists in general, don't care about public opinion. instead, national public opinion in general don't care about abiding by international law. i don't even care for allies as far as i remember. and so i think these are, these are just marching ahead with their plans. they're not paying attention to what the united states is advising them. and they're not paying attention to what the united nations security council is embracing or demanding, which is a ceasefire. meaning stop to fight to or from what we're hearing,
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especially in terms of the rest ranking, it almost feels like israel is trying to lash out against the united states right now. that is there a scenario in which the slashing out crosses some kind of a line for washington? i think slowly, but surely, you know, there's tension between the 2. but the by the administration continues in an election year. uh, to uh, you know, embrace the, the bracht is read in a way that basically is a bit over the understanding of his drives motives or as, or as what drives is. right. and because it's in the midst of war, there's a for there, 7. and so on, so forth. i think in many ways also, you know, the strategic affinity between the 2 countries are much stronger than the disagreement today. and one must admit that the political corruption in washington so called lobbying is quite influential when it comes to decision making,
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especially in congress and the united. and is there a cares more about congress sized cares about the united nations? and as far as is what it concerns, but the congress, legit states is more important the international law that comes out of the united nations security council and for the time being they have all lies on the public funds and congress. and that could continue to be pressure points against by didn't moving forward. you talk about growing tension, sir. could that cause divisions within israel if within the israeli political establishment? there's perhaps not consensus on how israel should be dealing with washington. well, there is already a fraction or friction in days where the society, but as long as nothing you know, government date. and he is maintaining a majority of at least $64.00 out of $120.00. he's not worried about what happens in the streets and a democratic society, quote unquote, a piece of jewish democracy for the jews. he has
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a $64.00 member majority and i think he would continue total total accordingly. now, the water, of course, would have its strep mitigation for the time being the united states has shown that this ran by providing it with all the weapons that need to providing it with $14000000000.00, in addition to $40000000000.00 over 10 years. so in so many ways, israel has basically got away with the weight of the war, thanks to the united states. but now as you and i spoke earlier, there is an understanding in washington that this is the beginning of the end of this war. and israel needs to understand, but then anyhow, government continues to believe that this is only the end of the beginning, and that there is much more to do in terms of uh, and then come us in terms of specified guys, uh, in terms of specifying says, blah, in the north and love and on, and in terms of confronting it on and it's all lies. and it's really,
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i think the government would love the united states to get involved in confrontation, whether you're on, if it's got. so i think it's so it's, and is there a they think this is just the beginning that there's a lot to do now after october 7 in order not to have to over 7 repeated. they don't accept diplomacy, normalization fees and negotiations as they alternative will also say, mainly the beginning of a deepening, international isolation of israel. so i'm afraid we'll leave it that phenomenal and to show our senior political analyst. thank you for joining me again. i want to bring in the view from israel and speak to cuba. elder, he's a political analyst. he's joining us now from tel aviv a key. what do you think we should make is these ongoing strikes and gaza? just having spoken to my one has israel decided to ignore the un on the international community. what it says, as he does, uh, we have to drop a line. i would even say a red line between is low and the person in the individual.
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we send somebody out, he has nothing to do now. where is the strategic long run long term interest of israel? what he is doing now is the graces damage that i can think of to israel's interest. actually, he is sending a message to is reynolds and reese, may you run the police by law from us that the united states is not in the property to police, right. which was the, the image right or wrong. this is what i have controls united states, and what happens now is that the condo is using the confrontation with biden's administration to his campaign. electro. it can be in those that's. he looks at the boys and he sees that the style don't they?
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the uh, beginning of the elections has started in october service and he's trying to pin the $112118.00. so we know that actually the language solution is not changing anything on the ground. the wasteful was the deal was always ceasefire from bringing back to be kept his home joys, right? so actually practically, nothing is changed today. okay. the you say that the, there's a difference between israel, the country and, and the non leading as well right now. so let me illustrate how is these really public reflecting on what's happened today of the security council is the defiance that we're seeing from the nation. yahoo government fully should well, 1st of all, he lost today full man based on these issues. so yeah,
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he's down to 64. i also believe that the, the decision to beat on sounds. he'll be cool with joy to. yeah. well cabinet to the either tabulated wasn't allowed to do anything. well, cabinet is probably, uh, putting the scroll isn't on a slippery slope. um, mr. guys will not be able to stay much longer when that time, you know, actually if he uses them for supposed to come us. when the guns suggested the, you know, to go in yourselves know, to washington and try to gun down the flags. and so uh, you know, time, i mean you wouldn't be back to the origin of 64 and there are members in very cool . cool. um, and those really heavy, we're not the time you always do it especially, you know, we used to joke is always waiting to find ways all the are of countries,
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but not with the united states. because if we uh, if uh, there will be a victoria will not get the american aid anymore. so i think that this, we're getting close to a red line. we see more and more people in the streets and know when that any i'm says that uh uh, what united states is doing is helping come us. and this is the end of the negotiations to bring back the captives. i think that he will use more and more support is from his own procedures e a k. they were talking about fractures, deepening or developing within these really political lead, i guess. but let me ask you about how this could play out and isn't yahoo has obviously been deeply unpopular for some time. is there a scenario where this resolution might give him a bit of
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a boost if people feel like they're then standing defiantly in solidarity with nursing, yahoo against the rest of the while. you know, i, i see that uh, these ready people are smarter than the leaves and uh, they know that uh the, the image of this special relationship. um, what is the united states is the greatest assets. so people say that we have a nuclear power. i think that uh, the image of the united states be controlled by your choice power. the kind of the, i call it the construct. if i decided it isn't, i think that people understand even the natural, simple disclosement then you know, believe that he's going to fall. and when you talk privately to ministers in his cabinet, i mean it says brother, because i think this, the thing will not have a very good sleep tonight. okay. the, the political less speaking to us today from television. thank you so much for
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joining us again on the news hour. keep a really great schedule. thoughts. thank you this, this, the office that i have here on the cell. is there a news? 3 more people have been accused of participating in the attack on a constant court in moscow. on friday. uninstalled, we'll take a look at the unlikely rears that could end with a lucrative nfl. hello, it is a very active pitcher in the south west of europe. so let's pick up that story actually . first, let's give you a wide look at what's going on. most of the action is here. so that's where we're going to start this story raining when lashing both portugal and spain quite a bit of rain coming into northern portugal. and there was winds up and down the coast of portugal, gusts to about 75 kilometers power, then got this fire. who's of rain coming in to the south of france?
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once again, it has been an incredibly white march, and there is more rain to con, disturbed weather, also for ireland and britain were going to see a shot of snow for eastern scotland. it's going to be icey snow, but above 300 meters, 10 to $20.00 centimeters on the scottish hills. they're tugging up warmer air through the bulk. and so once again, temperatures are on their way up and that disturbed weather. now rolling across italy on tuesday, eastern side of turkey. yeah, we've got some snow through the mountains that's pushing into the caucuses. and while we had a sand storm in ne morocco, the winds here pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour. it's why it's wendy and that northwest slice of africa and that is set to continue, could see some sand storms across algeria or to an easy and same goes for libya and then where we had some flooding in my pool. so just some light shows in the forecast for you on to stay with the height of 27 degrees catch you later.
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the latest news as it breaks, that is really our talary shows this area last like kind of janine simon, these web ramadan with their tears and heartaches this year with detailed coverage . the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story. these far hope has been diminished. their prayers continue with a situation to get into the examining the headlines. is there any is properly today for the forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only $38.00 it welts for women, come and feel naturally released to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era of
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the the color are you watching? l 0. i'm still, as you obtained, that's from 100 on top stories. the sound united nations security council has cost a resolution demanding an immediate and last spring space fund and garza, during the muslim holy month of ramadan and calls for the unconditional release of captives and unrestricted access. to desperately in need of long standing. meanwhile, israel has cancelled an official trip to washington and protest against the thought and often un resolution cooling for us. these 5 prime minister benjamin, that's me all his office issued a statement saying the us suspension is a clear to pop check. for me,
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it's consistence position since the beginning of all has been a lot of talk about what the us enough for the said during that session. cooling the resolution non binding, but a fellow embossed as from other nations disagreed. we fully support some of the critical objectives in this non, by name resolution. and we believe it was important for the counselor to speak out and make clear that our cease for our mass, any cease fire must come with the release of all hostages on the chart. the all the security council resolutions are binding. and there every member states are on the, the old big ition to implement those resolutions. i would say it is binding a. so just by what it was,
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it was of the international court of justice and the advice who opinion, 1971 advice your opinion given by the i c j. so i think it should be clear to everyone that this resolution is binding on devices. well, let's take a closer look at the legal way behind these kinds of decisions that the security council resolutions passed by the un security council are considered as legally binding for all men the countries, the contention here comes from whether this resolution resolution 2728 needs to specifically mention chapter 7, a view and charleston, in order to be binding. a chapter 7 allows the security council to use measures such as military force, for instance, to address the threats to global peace. the ones top court had indicated in the case of the movie a back in the 19 seventy's that a resolution doesn't have to directory refer to that chapter in order to be legally binding. israel has also previous a violation of a 2000 and security council resolutions, including those demanding a delivery to goals and an end to a legal supplement building in the occupied westbank. well,
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that's bringing audiences. he's a professor of international law at queen's university. he was also himself un official in the middle east. he joins us now from also audit please. let's try to unpack a little bit of this in your legal opinion. how binding is the resolution we're looking at? and what does that actually mean in practice? first of all, uh, thanks for having me. uh, it is binding under international law because under article 25 for the united nations charter, all member states obliged to adhere to and follow decisions of the security council . and sometimes the terms of the resolution of the general is of the security council use the word decision. other times they'll use different adjectives. but if they are understood in the context of those who passed the resolution, the to be a decision of the council. and the decision is binding as
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a matter of practice, including the practice of the international court of justice. but state practice security council resolutions. decisions and other resolutions of the council are binding on all states. so on the how then is the international community is supposed to enforce compliance? what are their options from the, in the event that the parties to the conflict. but in particular, these riley's because they're a member state of the united nations, do not adhere to their obligations under the under the resolution. then the matter has to return to the council. and security council has to take other measures other resolutions with a bit more teeth to compel compliance. but make no mistake about it to the extent that these re lease have indicated that they may appear to have done that they don't have an intention of, of adhering to the call for a cease fire. they would be in violation of that, or israel is you just refund you. that seems to be flagrantly ignoring all
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international requirements, including those from the i c j as we've seen. so in order for the security council to try to enforce compliance here, they would have to be another resolution you were saying. and that presumably would also need to have the political appetite to happen us. yes, that's precisely it. but in addition to that, i mean the fact that we spend 5.5 months, 5 and a half months waiting for the council to act. and finally, they have with us extension means that the international community speaking with one voice on the need for an immediate cease fire. now the downside is to cease fire would only last for 15 days, even if it were adhered to through the end of the promo go on. but hopefully that can be the basis of further discussion and id be a consensus, including the whole of the security council that cease fire should be imposed. and at the same time, we need to be critical about this. even if there were a cease fire today that would go on and what's going on and gas of in real terms
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for the people there. 1.7000000 people forcibly transferred, made homeless, unable to return by virtue of scorched or tactics, used by the occupying power against them. and most importantly, being starved by the occupying power. many questions would arise or, or would arise in such a circumstance as to how the situation would be made any better, even in the event of a cease fire. the occupying power can start to keep them pressed up against egypt, sion border and, and uh, might set the ground for ethnic cleansing or permanent status like this. so it's, it's not an easy matter. but the 1st step of course is this is the ceasefire. and hopefully this resolution will help to wave that audience i as a professor of international little of queens university, always great to get your expertise here and i'll just share thanks so much for joining us again. audi a thank you. the assessing the
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moving on now and send it goes up position presidential candidates 0. jimmy fire is on close to when sundays election. his rival, the really coalition is kind of that i'm gonna do. bob has conceded defeat, say one summit, 53.7 percent at 90 percent of our it's counted. he's an anti establishment candidate who is chosen by opposition leader. it was not a phone call now they were both released from prison just ahead of this was on nicholas hock is in the capital dock off for us. he's been keeping my old reversing . and it's just how close is set a go now to officially knowing who it's lead a will be the to a very close because we're just at a gathering at a press conference. we're expecting advisor, jim i 5 to address journalist, but also the nation to confirm that he has won this election earlier today. the
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ruling party candidate, i'm going to back conceded defeat and the president of a set of gold. lucky sol congratulated bust through john mike. 5 for this victory on the day of his birthday, he turned 4444. today, he will become the youngest president in san diego. it is an extraordinary turn of events that has a lot of twists and turns with this delayed election and much anticipated votes. joining us now is board, so it tells me that sending the journalists have been following the events for many, for a long time and been behind you. i think we have a bunch of your wi fi come in as well as we spend sancho coming in. yes, both of the community is significant. is this moment? well, this is just another unprecedented event. ok, since march 2021. everything that's taking place never took place in the past or we never took place to such an extent. you know,
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and today is just one more thing. we have the youngest present is ever elected in africa and we have just this less of the leaving. okay. people are so happy with that 1st election please. second, the voices were heard and certainly with her to vote team. and the person that shows is none but the person they wanted. they had of the state. it seems that this is just a victory for the off position, but it's also a victory for different literacy. it's for everybody's core democracy this morning, all the long uh, social media. we had people who supported. i'm about to say this is for democracy. congratulations in the name of the month. so it's for everyone. it's not just 4 or 5 seasons, or 4 is my principal for breakfast? worse, so you in the present in the future present have a lot in common. he spent time in prison for a facebook post authorities try to shut your social media accounts for a post. do you think that the vote that took place was not just about bus or to my
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5, but essentially against the president himself. my cosigned the way that he will bit it was against injustice to begin with. okay, injustice from everything he saw, the repressive just internet binding just shut down everything. it was also just printed on microsoft. very angry at him. people could not understand how come he was elected in such a way that it was clear from sense and now that we have to move power to need the space to someone else who was just doing everything. the black one did this in the past, you know, so people understand that people are very angry because people who have lots of jobs doing co, good with the trying to find all the difficulties that they have to face. okay? seeing young people being in jail still now we have 900 people who have not been with me. okay. so it's still an a show of
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a broken relationship between myself and the people. and i'll tell you this. instead i go into people is broken if, if the relationship is broken, that's it. there's nothing that people can do any more people when they like to, they like to, they don't like you. it is over now the press, the future for us, and that's talking now talk to on about changing the system. mm hm. what is it that, that, that you or others? and it leads voted for is there is, there needs to be a change in the way democracy is played out in this country. well, 1st of all, like i said, change in the justice system. okay. pre trial can take ever for somebody who hasn't done anything. okay, the person could stay in jail for years and just out of the blue they would come and say you haven't done anything. there's no proof of advice that is unfair. that is not fair. that is, that destroys the lives so many people, and that has destroyed so the lives of a lot of people since march 2021. that's one thing. second, what we want to let the government who's supposed to do for the people is not have a lot of government members. this is supposed to be a,
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a construction around what is essential. so tell us about the role that was met in sancho. because when we went and when we were at last night, where, when, when it was clear that bus originally, if i was leading the votes, we saw people chatting, not his name with the main, the name of the opposition they do with my talk. we've been disqualified in the race. do you think that the bus and jim i probably could have one without the support, at least probably not. okay. uh this months uncle is like the godfather of this whole project. okay. when you say that means he was the public speaker, he cloned himself. but you look at my face when he says brussels months is july and then july, easiest months. so not everyone can be july and not as a luncheon. or maybe we should say everyone can be july, as we've seen, all those, you know, coming together and saying we are supporting to my but not the one can be more so
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tall. thank you very, thank you very much. now we're hearing best of your time. i find right now addressing the media and we'll hear from someone sancho, really, the person that has spearheaded this extraordinary campaign that we thought short and fast very much to the image of what we saw, what we see in the united states. it was this, this double bill of sancho and joe mike running, they say no in the name of a candidate, but in the name of a project, one of the things that they are calling for is an overall the system. renegotiating those lucrative oil and gas contracts. also talking about a, a new currency personally from the common currency that sent a goal as part of and also rethinking. and this is quite important. it's relationship with the former colonial power france. there is a lot of expectation from young people, but at the pulling station we solve that. for the 1st time, there was cross generational support towards the bus. you moved to my fight. a lot
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of older voters trusting a young man from sending go to lead the way forward, and that's really a break from the past. a break from tradition and certainly this selection will have echoes throughout the region and seeing what type of new model of democracy she will offer to the people here in san diego and perhaps to the region that hold themselves. and certainly sounds like there's a lot of political energy and talking to somebody, nicholas huck that force and the son of these capital. thanks so much. thanks. how 7 suspects in fine days attack on the last co concept whole has now been formerly charged. and course security has also been increased across the russian capital of a 139 people were killed on gun opened, fired consul goes dosage evaluate reports from the russian capital under heavy security for man brought into pose monte court in moscow. all accused of being the gunman and fridays attack, caracas city halls appeared,
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one by one bruised and battered tajikistan natives sat silently while terrorism charges were brought against the charges which carry a maximum of life imprisonment. one of the accuse appeared semi conscious and was brought into the court on the wheelchair accompanied by his doctor as accusations of torture had been spreading. president put and once again the questions who is behind the attack and come with the, with the who benefits from this. this atrocity may be just a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been at war with our country since 2014 by the hands of the neo nazi key of regime on the nazis as, as well known, have never hesitated to use the dirtiest and most in humane means to achieve that goal. seriously. on monday, 3 more men charged with complicity for their religious involvement in the attack appeared in court. meanwhile, the search operation continues at caracas city hall,
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that makes shift memorial at the sight continues to grow. hundreds of people gather to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in what president vladimir putin called a blow to the nation. the prime minister of tajikistan said his country, a post terrorism, unintended to fight it together with russia. as he signed the book of condolences at the russian embassy and to show him back, the spea security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvement. the security in the russian capital is still high at most public places. these measures are likely to carry on in the coming days as officials continue their investigation and number of plants, large events, and most coal has been cancelled, including the golden mass festival at the bowls, sorry, theater, or reminder that russia is a country at war on more than one front door. so divorce l g 0 moscow.
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once times this vote and he's bar. this sounds yeah, thank you so much. former brazil international danny alvarez has been released from jail in spain after paying him more than a $1000000.00 in bell alvarez is appealing against a rape conviction. he was sentenced to a 4 and a half year jail term. a 40 year old has been in prison since january of last year . the former bar salon a player will not be allowed to lease fame while the weights the outcome of the appeal. a lawyer for the great victim has described the decision to free alvarez as a scandal for sale, starving to see as junior, was brought to tears, he responded to questions about the racial abuse he's received while playing for round the dread result take on spain. on tuesday and a friendly of the bernabie aisle, which of course is where business he is, plays his club football for last blanco's. the forward has been victim every since abuse on several occasions were playing for out. result go into the game having beaten england and a friendly on saturday back
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a bus for the premiere keep us visiting st pierre. i arrive at every game with my head focused on demand in order to do my best for the team, but that's not always possible. well on choose dave unless he has is expected to line up against his route, a teammate, to carve a hall. this being defender believes racism in stadiums and needs to be stopped, but rejected the idea that spain is a race. this country, you know, good talking to somebody, it's not the start. i don't think spain is a racist country. we have a very high level of integration. i come from a home, the neighborhood regardless and grew up with boys of all types of nationalities. i have a lot of friends with different color skin. sadly, there are people who go to football. it seems to let loose all their rage, their anger, when it seems that it hurt someone, they do it more and it's a pity. those type of people should not be allowed into stadiums because it's the
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ugliest thing that exists in sports channel. and i'm about to take a arsenal star. jacqueline rice well kept in england for the 1st time on choose date against belgian. it's a special milestone for midfielder on. what's his 50th international cap regular captain harry came out into your rice has been an impressive form. the season following his new from west time to ourselves, become seat 12th gunner to captain. the 3 lines. this match will be england last before manager gara southgate name, so squad for the rose. service space has to be honest with you. so the last, the was, i think when he, when he said to me last night, i was going to be caught to not give him a hug. took his hand and said, you know, thanks very much, you know, my law since i profess coming to the team is always made me feel i'm, i've always felt so comfortable plan under him and i sort of really groaning confidence i. i'm a 50 if caught to i will kind of when the front of my family, my friends. yeah. so not to the on off. and you can see by my face
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a fit space. this to be honest with you. former wimbledon champion, elaine or rib akina is 3 to the quarter finals of the mind. the open, the count has excitedly play or not so local hope, florida resident and madison keys in straight facts. this is ruby keen, is a 20th when of the year. she'll play moran parking accepted greek player and got a walk over into the last state when her opponent withdrew due to illness, to turn it in straight sets this time, the 2nd with over on the men's tour, alexander is there. a rabbit came through each house opening set to be american. christopher eubanks, german file number 507663 victory to clinch of spots in the last 16 for jose rushes . karen catching got the nfl draft is coming up next month in detroit. the majority of the picks for the sports biggest league will have played the game since they were children. but one individual hoping to break into the top level of american football as a very different background pull race reports from her eyebrows in sweden.
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it's american football. but not as we know, it's the error of things like noise is it certainly professional type in the sweetest leak aiming for an nfl career from harris. the spoke will sign something of a hail mary, but it's not impossible. this is how we can look at all that when you go over to the u. s. she think okay, they've tried 10 years more than me, but they're not better than me. in any case, they weren't what caught of them me. he's like started playing the game in his native sweden, a t h 14. he was so good. that's he send work out, takes to american colleges, and then played every single game of his 5 years at temple university in philadelphia is an offensive lineman of to last year's draft. he was recruited to rookie squads with the seattle seahawks and green bay packers in the nfl. and now place professionally and the next best thing, the cfo in canada with the calgary stampede is not bad for a boy from
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a pro. and it could be just the stops of this kind of off the all good to mean the other. if i don't mean a in canada, i'll have a chance that the nfl, the c, f l is great. and i learned a lot from the nfl veterans home. i have to keep playing hard and hope that i get a chance to read while the us is becoming less of a closed shop. the nfl is trying to get some more your pain players involved in american football. but the swedish leak is, it's bad to say one of the more unusual routes to the top. alongside games held in europe, the nfl also recruits elite plays from other sports through the international play of pathway. welsh rugby world cup stopped lewis, re summit is one of the latest. but the error of our black north american coach, believe sweden can be a good starting place. the nfl dreams like these. like most one who is with the black nights, the black nights have really created a good organization. so it's like when he was over here,
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he was learning good techniques of yet didn't have the fundamentals. maybe he wouldn't have gotten picked up by a school in america, so it does work together. so we didn't known for having great, like athletic talent. so literally i just walk around the city and i see like these huge people and i'm just like you want to play football as the game grossing, sweet, and then to start to wiping in america. maybe more of the world. full rece out is there are broke sweet and i mean i like yours produce are highest scoring performance and close to for decades. austin rece pulled off this know of past and the 2nd quarter is the way to speed indiana pacers by 150 points to 145 wrong. james is team or 9. okay, and that is all you support for now? back to you and a spouse. yeah, thanks so much far. oh well that's it for me for this news of it. don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with another news out for you here on out there to stay with the
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the insides of content creators have become journalists, rescuers, heroes and targets chatting with customers. so when a visa queens you meet on and yet they continue to report that the close of business, the story of just one of the shall be, should be a little bit higher for the love of cuz on as just the future reserves of lithium used and electric batteries and fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels live be nice can fast idea of salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe?
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argentina's white go on just well, it's hold on buildings in with new by we show signs of fighting with the marks of artillery shells that landed on them a met 0 in images of lives. this truly the army and the architects have been fighting since last april. the united nation says at least 13000 for the news have been killed. local responders statements hotel is likely to be 3 times higher because many bodies have not been able to reach hospitals to be counted. and many others are yet to be buried. for the 1st time since last august. yeah, yeah, of products, it's returning to his home district of what new boeing and on demand. he's comfortable with the degree of his friend and neighbour, malia who is buried in the street in front of his beth isn't the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict. it's left to many families wondering about the bodies of a loved ones who they buried before the world. many others are also waiting for the
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fighting to end to give they loved ones. proper burial. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and associates, hey, this is a new, the life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the drugs 26 long months of all. but the united nations security council. finally, the month, an immediate faced fund garza or need for the final 2 weeks of ramadan on the ground, sir, this will changes the casualties are still mounting. israel's ministry continues to


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