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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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you make the rules, not sales people empower, investigate, expose this and question the youth and the business of our around the go on out just there, the the nearly 6 months into the wall of the united nations security council demands and media of ceasefire. and gosh, the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is obviously around life and go house and coming up on the ground, a little changes. the casualty is still mount as rarely as strikes. it targets across central garza getting at least 50 big political changes in senegal. the country sits opposite. so youngest of a president,
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7 people are charged in the court for fridays, deadly attacked on a concert whole. and most of the united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and gauze after months of failed attempts, nearly 6 months of israel's war and gone. so it has left more than $42300.00 palace demands bed. the resolution calls for a cease fire for the remainder of the muslim holy month of ramadan, which ends in 2 weeks time. it also demands that unconditional release, civil captives held in gaza. i'll just say it was gabriel. as on the beginning coverage from human headquarters in new york, the drops is the 27th 28th in a rear brake of decorum. the security council chamber erupts into applause. perhaps he signed a release. it was moments after the council adopted
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a long awaited resolution for an immediate ramadan cease fire in gaza and the expanded flow of humanitarian aid. the vote was decisive. 14 council members voting in favor. the us abstain, was allowing the resolution to be adopted. the fight in most of the killings, most of the subsidy and inclusive punishment most and after more than 5 months of a war of auto, tara and destruction. a ceasefire is the difference between life and death. ford hundreds of thousands of palestinians on orders. we are man sure, the palestinian ambassador. god emotional, this must signal the end of this assault about thrusts of these, against the people and nation is being mounted that the nation is being disclosed as
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a nation is being displaced for decades now. but not at this scale. since then on these really ambassador said the council is biased against his country. this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted in the, in the last few months the us has vetoed 3 separate draft resolutions demanding a ceasefire. but this time was different. critically a cease fire and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to get into gaza at a time when famine is looming. large. when you and security council resolutions are adopted, they become international law. but during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding. after the vote when asked about
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this, a un spokesperson said that the us appears to be wrong. all the resolutions of the security council are international law. so uh, so to that extent, uh, they are as binding as international lawyers. you know, post on social media, un secretary general said deceased by a resolution is long awaited and called for it to be implemented. saying failure to do so. would be unforgivable. gabriel's on the out is eda at united nations in new york. what little has changed in guys i since that security council, resolution of these 15 countless demands including 4 children, were killed and on his ran the s drive targeting a home. the roof of a night is where the ministry has intensified its attacks on rough gauze as some of the most city. we're moving to 1500000, possibly just based palestinian is seeking. shelton houses here is kind of god bless, whom has more of a rough and southern gauze as domestically this step. and the resolution that had
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been a passed to day by the you and the security counseling to set it to be a gates of hope for palestinians here, who has been on the unrelenting bombardment for over now 5 months as the i have a multiple fail is that you on security council did not manage to agree on a ceasefire resolution, but now they have agreed with us attention that could clearly a fleet shaft and the american stands against israel. that is to now was pressing on with minute with its military, bombardments. of course, the territory and the palestinians believe that is been, might not fully and completely commit to the un security council resolution. but they believe that it will, by the way, later to increase and to exec, international pressure on, as well, to commit to commit to it's a to it's resolution that had been created, created under, issued by the on security council. initially that will also be a key change in the situation on the ground and the same time palestinians are
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looking from the uh, if looking from the un security council to accept more pressure on as well, to commit to its resolution of the same time to agree more later when there was an ocean that might bring a permanent c spy to old palestinians and to stop the blood, the bloodshed to you into 2 or 3. well hands. how could i re, is that i like the hospital where engine palestinians are flooding in? of course the size, the emergency department in the hospice and in the middle area of the gods as to where the hospital is past with injuries. after that is ready for it says target to a house in the wide uh, in the middle area or outside the family. we see uh, injuries severely at heart by that is there any error strikes the target to the middle area?
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and this is the 1st attack after the u. n. resolution caused by the security council. and earlier today we see women. we see also children injured, the air strike target to this time of the after they had their mean of star in their house. according to my weaknesses, there are also children and babies that were killed in the air strikes after the you use in the past or the day cause the thing the bomb in the congress to but still policies have been killed and injured. this isn't the city i just need uh, i left the hospital. there is a number of products demands of died while i'm trying to get food in northern gaza . they drowned in the sea. well, trying to retrieve aid that was dropped into the water. you an agency for
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palestinian the rest of june says the situation in northern gauze it is beyond desperate $27.00 children have already died, hung us and the hydration as well. how might association a statement welcoming the un security council votes of finding its readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides a muscle so sad as important to ensure the freedom of movement of palestinian citizens and free of humanitarian needs for all residents of the gaza strip of my soul, so cold on the security council to pressure israel to commit to the ceasefire and stuff. it's genocide, a war of extermination, and ethnic cleansing of the palestinians. when mohammed, my son was a member of how much his political bureau, he told down to 0 that i'm asked requires an agreement with israel ahead of the release of captives held in guns. we are literally to put that is in your sentence regarding the mix. these files is because the really is commented to limit events is find out how much is the limits each
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player about the government did know we have negotiations and we are really, really nice. the is i really the dams what's harassed, but we want to make an agreement to make it really easy. oh, big is that ideally, there we go without an agreement. we can't really then freed a wedding this ponds to that resolution is really officials of cancel the trip to washington in protest against the us funding to veto its passing prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office issued a statement saying the fund the us did not vinto the resolution is
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a tray of departure from its consistent position since the beginning of the war. the statement says the resolution gives how much hope but the international pressure. it will force israel to accept the ceasefire without the release of these really captives held in gaza. i'll just say it was on the fluid reports now from occupied east joseph slot of his really reaction this evening and to the un security council vote. we've been hearing from his roles, prime minister from the foreign minister, from the defense minister, and also prominent war cabinet member benny ganz. now essentially all of them are saying that there will be no ceasefire. and in fact, the war will continue until all of the goals and objectives are meant to be as rowley, defense minister jo i've go launch has said that israel has a moral right to fight this war. while israel's foreign minister has said, essentially, there will be no ceasefire until all of the remaining captives held inside of gauze on our return. and also until how much is eliminated?
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all of this comes as nothing you all who has now canceled a trip. volume is rarely delegation to head to washington in order to brief american officials on how exactly they plan to invade garza southern most city of dropbox. this has been quite a point of contention for both american and his really officials. this delegation even came at the request of us president joe biden, who has said previously, but entering about flash would be a red line. the americans maintained that an invasion, interguards, the southern most city would be a mistake. but these really prime minister remains defiant with canceling this trip from the central, which is just the, the occupied east. jerusalem. israel may have cancelled that delegation visit to the us, but it's defense minister you have to go on is already in washington for separate tool for the officials. an official has more now from washington, your secretary of state until they blink and has been meeting your glands, these really defense minister in washington. in the last few hours,
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the united states again voiced its opposition to any major operation in and around rough. uh, what do you think about the 1500000 people who are in that area have him being forced out to other parts of guys until he blinked and told you'll go out there where alternatives that they could still protect is really security and also ensure the safety of palestinian civilians, but no details of what those alternatives could be, what actually given now they've also said that they want to see the surge and maintenance of humanitarian aid and guys, all of this company against the backdrop. when is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu decided to pool a high level of delegation that was due to come to washington to discuss the raffle operation. he is deeply upset that the united states abstain in a un vote calling for a see spot. and guys,
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a he said that this was the retreat from the us as previous position since the start of the war. something that has been rejected by the us joint, kirby who is the spokesman for the national security council said there was actually no change in the us possession. all of this coming as the state department . and that means that they had to do that and investigation as far as the what consent there was no breach of international humanitarian law. in the way the israel was using weapons that had been supplied by the us in guys. so no breach of international regulations, international law. but what is clear is that there is a split and a growing split between these really government and also the bite the administration in washington dc. and how that plays out, people will be watching closely over the next few weeks. and so sure, i'll just see the washington as well. they've been almost daily raids across the
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occupied westbank vines ready for assistance. the war on guns. i began so many palestinians and cities like hebron 30 life has become a struggle even trying to reach the neighborhood musk this ramadan is challenging under there was need to. abraham reports now from have had of job, but it has an unobstructed view of the able to he, me mosque from his house and have room in the south of the occupied wes thing. but to pray there, he has to overcome several obstacles. hi, my house is over there and the most is 100 meters. from here is that with checkpoints and restrictions its 2 minutes away, which should be a spiritual journey, is now one of the few and barriers understood. he is trying to pass through his reading with the 3 check which can be sent back held 4 hours, rest of people's tele summer, even assaulted. the more than 120 checked points. gates and obstacles scouts are
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the most. now south of us to hide if is trying to tell the residents of this house that he's coming through. it's one way to avoid some of the check points going from one home to another. that even some of how i just have to cross at least 7 is really military check points from my home to the most, the intimidation fear is not only from the army, but also from settlers has been attacking palestinians the most, cuz now 20 meters away. highest and has 4 checkpoints to go through and routes, but he's not allowed to use the off limits for palestinians. so he takes another day to until he finally arrives. the pre mosque is considered the 2nd holy aside for muslims and palestine after looks almost compound in occupied these jerusalem. it has been divided into jewish and muslim prior areas after and is really set to expire on wisdom worshippers in 1994,
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killing 29 palestinians people as good. so we have less than half the worshippers that we usually see during ramadan. even the call to prayer on a saturday is not allowed and i'm alone is the time to spend with the family. but don't add ups we back home. he's reminded of the isolation. he lives in one of several neighborhoods in the city were palestinians can only move around by foot. and during certain hours, the vehicles allowed, or only the ones used by is really settlers. but there are few starts at 9 p. m these days until 7 am the next day. these 2 men with going home minutes after the curfew starts. they've been held for 4 hours, at least for now. i was supposed to miss out on 3 important pains i need that, but he just need to have her own. we have to find the last time for short break
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here. and i'll just here, when we come back a busy day and cool, the donald trump proceeds to rulings as he continues his campaign for a 2nd presidential term on why venezuela's opposition candidates a lot from running and the upcoming presidential election on the state of the hello well, the rock has been hammered by acts of whether both in the north and the south, and now it's capital blocked, getting in on the action, picking up half a year's worth of rain or the span of 24 hours within winds there. and some hail, know things do turn commer for, bucked it on tuesday, but still rain locked into northern iraq. it's a breezy story through the golf and get back to that in one set, that those winds are also pushing those down pours into southern and saudi arabia. of course there's been a lot of rain up and down the golf, but really winds will be the big story on tuesday for us here in the gus is about
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50 kilometers per hour. that rain has pushed further east, injected a lot of moisture into the atmosphere in central asia. so in the coming days, temperatures will drop here by quite a few degrees. the turkey and we go the eastern size unsettled here, mountain snow, and that will push into the caucasus. it's also been unsettled in north west africa . we've had sand storm in morocco. i think we could see sand storms into these in libya, over the next 24 to 48 hours. it is of what picture around bunky same goes for the coast of congo and equitorial, guinea. and speaking of what most in big capital, my poor toe saw, half a month's worth of rain in the span of 6 hours, but things are beginning to dry off just a few showers for about put you on to stay with a height of 27, a unique perspective that plays students up. does they told the palestinians to go
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to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on algebra, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book i'm actually watching out as a record line about top stories here at this hour. the un security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and cancer. during the remainder of
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them has been holding months of run the goals for the unconditional release of captives, unrestricted access to desperate to needed humanitarian a was with no less up in israel, plumbing. i've gone so since the resolution, at least 15 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed in an asteroid, targeting a home in northern russell over night. and several college students in northern dogs have drown, trying to get food. they're attempting to retrieve parcels and dropped into the c. u. an agency for palestinian refugees as the crisis is beyond desperate. now, 7 suspects and fridays attack on a must go concept whole of informally charged in court. security has been increased across the russian capital of to 139 people were killed when gunman opened fire. a concept goes, i'll just say was doing such a barrier reports from us that under heavy security for man brought in to pose money court in moscow. all accused of being the gunman and fridays attack, caracas city halls appeared,
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one by one bruised and battered tajikistan natives sat silently while terrorism charges were brought against the charges which carry a maximum of life imprisonment. as one of the accuse appeared semi conscious and was brought into the court on the wheelchair accompanied by his doctor as accusations of torture had been spreading, president put, and once again questions who is behind the attack? let me come with the, with the who benefits from this, this atrocity may be just a link in a whole series of attempts by those we have been at war with our country since 2014 by the hands of the neo nazi key of regime on the nazis as, as well known, have never hesitated to use the debt to use and most in humane means to achieve that goals. on monday, 3 more men charged with complicity for their religious involvement in the attack appeared in court. meanwhile, the search operation continues across and city hall that makes shift memorial at
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this side continues to grow. hundreds of people gather to pay tribute to those who lost our lives. and what president vladimir putin called a blow to the nation. the prime minister of tajikistan, set his country a post terrorism, and intended to fight it together with russia. as he signed the book of condolences at the russian embassy and to show him back the f as b security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. the ukranian officials have denied involvements. security in the russian capital is still high at most public places. these measures are likely to carry on in the coming days as officials continue their investigation and number of plants, large events, and most coal has been cancelled, including the golden mass festival as of gold story theater. a reminder that russia is a country at war on more than one front door such a l,
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g 0 moscow. the window, the presidential election incentive goals, expect it to be all position challenger, bessie ro, jamalia, fight his main rival. i'm going to borrow the routing coalition conceded defeats following the election on sunday. via is a form, a tax inspect it was pledged to tackle corruption and poverty, as well as restore stability. he was chosen by disqualified opposition leader also one sancho. both were released from prison before the rescheduled election nicholas on cuz mona from deco there's a lot of excitement in senegal to finally here. president elect brussard. jim, i fine take to the stage and address the synagogue these people. we saw no the candidates, but the president elect in a suit and tie, trying to reassure the population. and he also congratulated and recognize the fact that the other candidates, including the ruling party candidates,
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conceded defeat before the official results were out. but he also addressed the issue of trying to reconcile the country. german guards are post equity. i vowed to fully devote myself to rebuild the institutions to reinforce a need for peaceful social harmony. the absent in this press conference is opposition. the dirt response don't co, no teen bust through to my fire referred to him in his speech banking him because none of this would have happened without expense on coast support. he has been a key figure in this election. it was almost like an american style campaign. a ticket about sancho and joe mike, and it wasn't the candidate that they were selling but more a project to change the way democracy is run in senegal, german guys are moving to me. i voted, govern with humility in competing corruption at all levels of society. and now the real work starts, which is behind closed doors,
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trying to find out what kind of alliances but through to my 5 will have to make what kind of government he will have to form present. lucky. so we'll leave office on april. second, he has congratulated bus huge amount of 5 who effectively at the age of 44 and on his birthday has become the youngest president in san diego, making history not only for center go, but for the continent as a whole. nicholas hawk al jazeera the car. now soldiers in nigeria have rescued dozens of kidnapped school children just before a run. some deadline run out. gunmen abducted a 137 boys and girls. my school in kaduna state or the this month. a teacher was also seized, died in captivity, 6 of the children, and our receiving hospital treatment that came up as the amount that are run some of $9700000.00. there are a few details of the rescue,
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but not g. it was information minister says no money was paid for the children's freedom. so the main opposition condition in venezuela says it's been bod from running in the presidential election in july. after midnight registration deadline passed, the opposition said his efforts to name a candidate to run against president nicholas maturer. had failed. obviously was money to run that report. approved government rally on the streets of got atkins, most or supporters of nicholas modem was seeking a 3rd 6 year term as been as well in president on monday. model officially registered his candidacy in the upcoming national election. i've called molto need to inscribe my name to inscribe a dream follow homeland bill 9 other presidential candidates have also registered vin as well as main opposition leader, money equity, num,
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machado and her hand pick substitute cody majorities have both been bored by the government from officially registering miss did it to school to i know in this, elana my rights as a vendor as well and citizen are being compromised by not allowing me to access the system and registering my candidacy for the presidency event as well. the policy experts say this is part of a concerted effort by the government to block out political opponents. so, you know, gets it, but okay, do you see that kind of thinking that we were expecting and, and even playing field. so what we've seen over the last 48 hours is not only and not even playing field, it's become a vertical wall and that changes the game. human rights groups have accused the mother little government of not only undermining the democratic process, but of going to extreme links to silence the opposition often somebody's going $45.00. and so i read that, but i thought i thought what are the, and the ones that are full disappearance, arbitrary detention, talk to that occurred against the political, the presidents. despite all this,
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the opposition and the people that mobilized and have demonstrated a very important desire for change. the open as well as elections are scheduled for july. concerns are growing from international observers, like the us state department, which referred to the recent arrest of opposition members as a quote, disturbing escalation of repression. but was it up a little challenges here? in haiti, schools and government offices remain closed off for intense violence over the weekend in the capital for the prince residence, assess the damage on monday off the gang set fire to complex housing, small stores and workshops violence across haiti has spiked since the beginning of march of leaders outside of the country struggling to establish a transitional council to replace prime minister ariel only. donald trump will become the 1st for my president and us history to face a criminal trial. it'll get underway on april 15. the case is centered on the concealment of a hush money payments to an adult film installed in
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a separate case and a few of gold granted, trump attend extension to pay a penalty in a food case. i'll just, it was my kind of as the details. it was a busy day for the phone. the president in the band hasn't quote, is void is it argued for the hush money case to be postponed for a lengthy period of time. offered to be dismissed completely. but the judge rejected the argument and the trial to begin on the 15th of next month. the case relates to knowledge payments of $150000.00 to a form. a point stuff by tom said lawyer michael cohen. just before the 2016 election comes, we paid the money but reported it as legal expenses and it was charged with falsifying business records of the following. the president continues to maintain this, along with 3 of the trials, is a plot to buy his political opponents to interfere with his campaign for this he is election all of these things. so what they do is they do election interference,
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which is court cases. and let's try and tie him up and let's take as much of his money as possible. trumpet cheap, the partial victory, and another trial. a civil fraud case in which the judge found him guilty of lying about his assets and find him over $450000000.00. a 5 judge cpanel didn't reduce the amount from those that ruled till only need to post the bottom full pots . the total was, he appeals $175000000000.00 and gave him 10 days to come up with the money. trump agreed to do so, but continued to lash out to the judge that the case or the prosecutor york attorney general leticia. james points out tons still facing accountability watch of coals is staggering. fraud and says a misstatement,


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