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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every packed of 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the nearly 6 months into israel's war on guns of the un security council demands and immediate ceasefire. the un chief saying it must be implemented the times or of any age. it's good to have you with this. this is alice has 0 life and also coming up today despite calls for a ceasefire. no change in is really attacks and gaza airstrikes targets civilian homes, killing at least 17 palestinians. and this bridge in the us city of baltimore,
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collapses after it was hit by a cargo ship. the west has to wake up to the fact. this is a challenge to the very way that we live our lives to, i believe in democracy, human rights. freedom of expression, freedom of worship, cleans and counter claim. so we're computer hacking by china aging denies years of cyber attacks. it's a gmc, that's 10 am in gaza for the 1st time and nearly 6 months of israel's war on the territory. the un security council has passed the resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. it's also calling for the unconditional release of all captive held in the gaza strip. the united states changed. it stands by not feet during this time the resolution. israel has been angry by that decision. gabriel elizondo begins our coverage from un headquarters in new york of the drugs. this is the reason,
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the reason for the 7th 28th in a room break of decorum. the security council chamber erupts into applause. perhaps he signed a release. it was moments after the council adopted a long awaited resolution for an immediate ramadan cease fire in gaza and the expanded flow of humanitarian aid. the vote was decisive. 14 council members voting in favor. the us abstain, was allowing the resolution to be adopted the fight in most of the killings, most of the suffering and inclusive punishment most and after more than 5 months of a war of alterra and destruction. i cease. fire is the difference between life and death for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians and orders re add, man, sure. the palestinian ambassador. god emotional. this must signal the end of this
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assault about thrusts of these, against the lot of people and nation is being met and that the nation is being disclosed as a nation is v displays for that kids now, but not at this scale since then on these really ambassador said the council is biased against his country. this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted in the, in the last few months the us has vetoed 3 separate draft resolutions demanding a ceasefire. but this time was different. critically a cease fire and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to get into gaza at a time when famine is looming. large when you and security council resolutions are
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adopted, they become international law. but during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding. after the vote when asked about this, a un spokesperson said that the us appears to be wrong. all the resolutions of the security council or international law. so uh, so to that extent, uh, they are as binding as international lawyers. you know, post on social media, un secretary general set deceased by a resolution is long awaited and called for it to be implemented. saying failure to do so, would be unforgivable. gabriel's on to i would use either at the united nations in new york of israel's foreign minister says that the military will not stop fighting little has changed on the ground and gaza since that security council resolution, at least 17 palestinians, including 4 children,
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were killed in an is really air strikes, targeting a home, now, rasa overnight is really government has repeatedly said that it plans to launch a ground offensive own rasa scouts as 7 most city where more than 1500000 palestinians for now. sheltering well, else is here. as honeywell, who is in russia joining us now, honey, i wonder this morning of palestinians and gaza even talking about this un resolution given that it hasn't changed anything on the ground. the, you know, several so far we've been approached by many people inquiring about the, the status of the resolution on to what extent can be implemented and is the word is going to in or not. but so far it has to be largely perceived that it viewed as a positive resolution, particularly within the past month, the you, as the country that has traditionally protected israel, it's all live from un resolutions veto to 3 resolutions. and as of yesterday, the,
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the, the position that it took to upstanding from the board just allow the, the resolution to be passed. and as we heard of from what are you an official that this is a binding resolution. contrary to what you as the officials, including the national security advisor, john kirby, who said this is a non binding resolution, it to the extent where it's an international law and it has to be implemented. now the concern right now for people is when it's going to be implemented and is it immediate implementation or not? because we're looking at a 2 weeks till the end of ramadan. and that's absolutely not enough time frame to deliver and to respond to the humanitarian catastrophe. caught by these really it's intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip. and that's what worries, beautiful demos, they are whole thing with their causes optimism, there will be a push for more than just due week that will extend hopefully. right after that,
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particularly after reading how not to statement that it clearly will come the resolution and the stated that it's ready for a full, a swab deal if the israel is, has agreed on or is agreeing on that, that, that gives them a sense that there is something going on on the grant, but it's still, there's a lot of questions going on whether it's ready to go into respect this resolution will do it to be a by, by it as an international law or not. well, they've already said, honey, that in terms of fighting in terms of how they fight this war, they, this resolution means nothing to them. and it's, i believe it's what you're seeing on the ground with more strikes and ross and more palestinians being killed. can you update us on the humanitarian humanitarian situation? because that is also part of this resolution, right? it is demanding a rapid swift increase in the delivery of humanitarian assistance across the gaza strip. of the right man, this is not the 1st time we've seen these really military and it's political leader
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responding in a negative way do an international body resolution, whether it's the issue with a cold for an eye, for uh, this road to uh, its stop jude aside those acts on the ground, it responded with the surgeon via tax. when the security council demanded that increase of love are given to $3.00 and $8.00, we got to the point now where united nation is not allowed is completely bar to from delivering aid to the northern part on gauze. is it the right now just couple hours after the resolution is really military continued pounding across the guns, trip and overnight attacks at 10 people at bottom, mostly women and children in a residential homes and continued to pound into a central area. were more public facilities, a residential building, being targeted, 5 more people in golf and city, the western part of y'all's if they were targeted and killed inside a residential home as well. and there's more more of the public facilities and public infrastructure including costs. but those that are now completely out of
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service in the northern part and gaza city in the city of hon unit, where there is a military sees around and i've been hospitalized is very military has already blocked the entrance, wood pile of dirt, then sans and demanding people do evacuated, then sending them back again. then the ordering didn't sharply to leave, would they're only in the under wears on. there is a complete disregard to international law and resolution and in, in a, in a public way. and that's, that's the problem. and that's what, where is people that move that as well, does not respect international law and, and willing to go so far as for, for whatever reasons that they have honeywell who was reporting live from ralph. and thank you very much, honey. to come off as issued a statement welcoming the un security council vote. the group says that it affirms its readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides. as also said, it's important to ensure the freedom of movement of policy and citizens and the
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entry of humanitarian needs for all residents of the gaza strip. a must also called on the security council to pressure israel to commit to the ceasefire and stuff. it's quote genocide, a war of extermination, and ethnic cleansing of palestinians and well mohammed and as always, a member of hamas as political bureau. and he told elsie earlier, the group requires an agreement with israel before it releases any captives held in gaza. we are ready to put that is in your syllabus regarding the mix. these for you is because that ideally is going to do to limit events. you split out how much is the limits for you about the good did you know we have negotiations and we are really, really nice. the is i, every. ringback the dams eh,
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what has, what we want to make and the to make it easy. oh, big is that ideally, there we go. without an agreement. we can't really then re in response to the resolution is rarely officials cancel the trip to washington in protest against the us. failing to use it's vito prime minister benjamin netanyahu is office issued a statement saying that us actions were a clear departure from its consistence position since the beginning of the war. the statement says the resolution gets home us hope that international pressure will force is real to accept the ceasefire without the release of these really captives held in gaza or in my office 00. and con has more on this from occupied east jerusalem. this the statement from prime minister benjamin netanyahu is unambiguous
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and it's clear it's a disappointment in the us is use of the abstaining vote of the un security council . the fact that as well, there's also cancelled a delegation visit to, to the us is crucial as well. best other guys are with goes to go in and discuss any potential ground defensive into rough. uh, uh, they were going to be presented with all tens has by the us. the us simply doesn't want to say a mass ground offensive into that tiny enclave which now who to about 1200000 palestinian civilians. that's not happening now. that's a disappointment. but this goes to show you how angry at these rallies are over the us as role in that you and security council resolution. however, where it counts, the money is still that the us is still supporting is well, $3500000000.00 a year. so it was the, is a rift in the relationship, it hasn't changed anything radically. and that's really what the is really media is
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talking about today. these ready media is generally very, very divided. you have a large kind of hard right section of the media and a very small liberal section of media very divided in all of these issues that united it today in talking about the rift between the us and israel and what it means, the odd, right? playing the simply as a bump in the road, but something they'll get over the us will never abandon israel. and then this was a liberal media saying, well actually this is netanyahu constantly constantly undermining the us in votes and in resolutions and in criticism of the us, not just over the will on goes a bunch many years previously. and now it's all coming to a head emerald. come out, is there a occupied east? jerusalem? it is rarely strikes over nights has sent more injured palestinians to the already overwhelmed deluxe. the hospital in central gaza obviously was in her diary reports from there on the side,
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the emergency department in the hospital, in the middle area of the cause as to where the hospital is past with injuries. after that is ready for says target to a house in july, the in the middle area or outside being family. we see the injuries severely at heart by the is there any error strikes the target to the middle area? and this is the 1st attack after the u. n. resolution caused by the security council. and earlier today we see women. we see also children injured. the airstrikes targeted this time and the after they had their mean of a star in their house. according to the eye witnesses,
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there are also children and babies that were killed in the air strikes after the you use in the past or the day cause the thing, the problem in the district. but still policies have been killed and injured. this isn't the address of the hospital that has been in the us city of baltimore breaking news. the fire department has declared a mass casualty incident after a mass and major bridge collapse into the water. that is after it was struck by a cargo ship. look at the pictures. so this here you see the cargo ship screen left . it appears to have run into it collided with one of the pillars, maintaining the bridge. and you see the aftermath. now there were emergency vehicles on the bridge at that time. this happened just before 1 30 am local time. the ship caught fire on impact and then it's think it was a single poor flag vessel headed to the sri lankan capital. what you're seeing now
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is the live shot of the same part of the baltimore harbor is the collapsed francis scott key bridge. multiple vehicles fell into the water below, and authorities say that they're trying to rescue at least 7 people from the water . this bridge was built in 1977. we'll get you more on this as soon as we have more information, a still a head on alpha 0, the russian president believes friday's concert hall attack. and moscow is linked to ukraine. so will be reporting from moscow. and donald trump is set to face a criminal trial in april for accusations, of course money payments to an adult film star the while they're feeling a staying with the winds up and down the coast of portugal high one. so not only is
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it roaring with the winds here, it's also pour in. so places like northern portugal ports. so looking to pick up on months worth of rain over the next little bit. all of this is being funneled into the south of france. so number of weather alerts in play here for the potential to see some funding. this energy will move eastward. it will impact italy, but you're going to be in the stick of it by wednesday realm, youtube could see a months worth of rain over 24 to 48 hours. this is tugging up warmer air. that warm air is going as far north as berlin and warsaw your temperatures, and the double digits here. we've got mountains. so for the eastern side of the turkey a what, whether along the border with syria, iraq and circuit, but really it's northern iraq that you've got another what day. today on tuesday to the northwest, we go unsettled weather for the islands of ireland in britain. that rain is filling in right across france and for the northwest slice of africa still unsettled for a bought maybe half a month's worth of rain over the next little bit for you. second highest level alerts issue for winds across sale jr. yet so sense on seem likely here are pushing
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into the northwest of libya and a tropical cycle and has developed to the northeast of madagascar over the next several days. we could see up to half a meter of rain here. so there could be flooding the beams as a content creators have become journalists, the rescuers, us heroes and targets tier 2 customers in a sofa and a vehicle jeanine. and yet they continue to report that the cost of this is the story of just one of the shall be, should be a, have been, had been here for the love of cuz on the just the to the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else a 0 reminder in our headlines many world leaders and welcome to un security council resolution which demands an immediate cease fire and gaza during the remainder of ramadan. it also calls for the and conditional release of captives and unrestricted access to desperately needed aid. but there's been no lit up in israel's bombing of causes since that resolution. at least 15 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed in an air strikes, targeting a home in northern rasa. and in the us city of baltimore, major bridge has collapsed after being struck by a cargo ship ship caught fire on, impassioned and sang multiple vehicles fell into the water below. authorities say that they're trying to rescue at least 7 people from the water in china has denied western accusations of
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a government sponsored hacking campaign is groundless thing. evidence provided by the you can, the us is insufficient britain. none of us have accused badging of a years long cyber espionage program, targeting politicians during lists dissidents and critics around the world. the us charged 7 chinese nationals where the u. k. section 2 officials and one organization. they say the attacks have gone on since at least 2010. so more than a decade and that millions of people have been effective in the west as to wake up to the fact. this is a challenge to the very way that we live our lives to, i believe in democracy, human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of worship. these are the things that we hold there. but we seem reluctant to want to defend those against the others who hold none of those virtues and values and want to take us as it were from us. a spring in katrina you live from aging, some very serious accusations being leveled at the chinese state. katrina,
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what specifically are they saying that china has done or assisted or supported or back till the cyber attack accusations have been made by the governments of the us, the u. k. ends now let me zealand and they say, the goal of this 5 espionage as a whole, has been to disrupt and compromise government institutions to steal trade secrets, as well as silence any critics of aging. now the latest accusation was made by the zealand government on tuesday, and they said that a hacker group known as a t t full c, which they say is linked to china is news reinstate security. managed to access the problem entry service online as well as the parliamentary council office. now these are internal systems. one is responsible for servicing lawmakers in, in new zealand and the other. it's a system for the new laws that are put into place that now the government says that this was,
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can change relatively quickly and this malicious actor was expelled. now the us and the u. k. all saying that there was a group, they called a p t 31 that has been active for 14 years. and they say that this group conducted various activities including sending about $10000.00 malicious e mails to just sit in support of children's journalists and defense contractors. as well, and we've most recently, hudson, the government of the strategy that is trained in support of the us u. k. and zealand. saying that in the past is truly a has also been targeted by a chinese takes one, some packets. okay. what's aging responding to this? a little bit clean, very, very angry about the staging has said that a report is all forms of cyber security attacks and says it's not responsible in relation to the case accusation about this group a t t. there's one they say that you guys provide it, insufficient evidence and for the us, well, the agent has responded with its own accusation,
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saying that washington is encouraging its allies to fabricate and disseminate false information about china. and it also says that banking has, in numerous past instances, raises a report about cyber attacks originating from the us targeting china. and it says that washington has itself responded by being deaf and dumb on the issue. we've also had from the trojan seas in the us, u. k. a new zealand saying that this is malicious plaza and trying to oppose it. also, it does have experience in other governments. now it may seem that this practical impact is going to be quite small at seeing that the there's will be relatively small group of individuals. what impact impacted by the sanctions. however, this is a big blow to china is each national image, especially at a time that it's trying to read bigger rate, it's slowing economy and attract much needed foreign investments. okay, katrina, you're reporting, they're from badging. thank you very much. in russia's president,
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vladimir putin is blaming the most school concert hall mass shooting on what he called is limits. radicals, a 139 people were killed in the attack on friday. 7 suspects have been formerly charged towards the jabari reports from the russian capital. under heavy security for man brought into pose monte court in moscow. all accused of being the gunman and fridays attack. caracas city halls appeared. one by one bruised and battered tajikistan natives sat silently while terrorism charges were brought against the charges which carry a maximum of life imprisonment. or one of the cues appeared semi conscious and was brought into the court on the wheelchair, accompanied by his doctor as accusations of torture had been spreading. president put and once again questions who is behind the attack and come with the, with the who benefits from this. this atrocity may be just a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been at war with our country since
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2014 by the hands of the neo nazi key of regime on the nazis as, as well known, have never hesitated to use the debt to use and most in humane means to achieve that goal. seriously. on monday, 3 more men charged with complicity for their religious involvement in the attack appeared in court. meanwhile, the search operation continues at caracas city hall, that makes this memorial at the sight continues to grow. hundreds of people gather to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in what president vladimir putin called a blow to the nation. the prime minister of tajikistan, set his country a post terrorism, and intended to fight it together with russia. as he signed the book of condolences at the russian embassy and to show him back, the spea security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. the ukrainian officials have denied involvement,
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security and the russian capital is still high at most public places. these measures are likely to carry on in the coming days as officials continue their investigation and number of plants, large events, and most coal has been cancelled, including the golden mass festival at the bowl shore theater. a reminder that russia is a country at war on more than one front door sense of worry l g 0 moscow. in the winter of the presidential election incentive goal is expected to be of position challenge robust georgia. my fi is main rival on the do boss of the governing coalition has conceded defeats, also sundays election fight as a form of tax inspector who has pledged a pack of corruption in poverty as well as restore stability to cynical he was chosen by disqualified opposition. leader, it was months sancho both were released from prison just before the election. now since he was nicholas nicholas, hank has more from the car. there's a lot of excitement in senegal to finally here. president elect busing to my fine.
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take to the stage and address the synagogue these people we saw no the candidate but the president elect in a suit and tie, trying to reassure the population. he also congratulated and recognize the fact that the other candidates, including the ruling party candidates, conceded defeat before the official results were out. but he also addressed the issue of trying to reconcile the country across that great. i vowed to fully devote myself to rebuild the institutions to reinforce a need for peaceful social harmony. the absent in this press conference is opposition, the dirt responds sancho. now he bust through to my 5 referred to him in his speech banking him because none of this would have happened without we spend some coast supporting has been a key figure in this election,
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it was almost like an american style campaign, a tickets about sancho and joe, mike and it wasn't the candidate that they were selling, but more a project to change the way democracy is run in senegal. zimmerman guys are moving to me. i voted govern with humidity in competing corruption at all levels of society. now the real work starts, which is behind closed doors, trying to find out what kind of alliances best would you mind if i will have to make what kind of government he will have to form present. lucky so will leave office on april. second, she has congratulated bus huge amount of 5 who effectively at the age of $44.00 and on his birthday has become the youngest presidents in san diego, making history, not only for center go, but for the continent as a whole. nicholas hawk, l g 0. the car firefighters in mexico
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a battling nearly 60 forest fires across 15 states. one of the worst effected is vera cruz. several families have evacuated after homes, live stock and agricultural fields were destroyed. the fires have been made worse by a severe drought. there's been affecting multiple regions across the country. and donald trump will become the 1st former president and us history to face a criminal trial. it will get underway on april 15th. okay, so centered on the concealment of hush money payments to an adult film store in a separate case and appeals court granted trump a $10.00 day extension to pay a penalty in, in that forward case mike, hannah has the details. it was a busy day for the former president and the man had some quote is why is it argued for the hush money case to be postponed for a lengthy period of time offered to be dismissed completely. but the judge rejected the argument and the trial to begin on the 15th of next month. the case relates to a knowledge payments of $150000.00 to
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a form of pulling stuff by tom said lawyer michael cohen. just before the 2016 election comes, we paid the money but reported that as legal expenses and was charged with falsifying business records. the former president continues to maintain this along with 3 of the trials. is a plot to buy his political opponents to interfere with his campaign for this he is election all of these things. so what they do is they do election interference, which is court cases. and let's try and tie him up. and let's take as much of his money as possible. trumpet cheap, the partial victory, and another trial. a civil fraud case in which the judge found him guilty of lying about his assets and find him over $450000000.00. a 5 judge cpanel didn't reduce the amount from those that ruled till only need to post the bottom full past . the total was he appeals $175000000000.00 and gave them 10 days to come up with
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the money. trump agreed to do so,


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