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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the $38.00 it welts where women come and feel niche, it relates to trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around the israel says the un resolution calling for a ceasefire and gaza will have no impact on its war. but the you and sheet says it must be implemented and attacks continue in gaza, strikes targets, civilian homes, killing at least 17 pal listing the serial venue. it's good to have you with us. this is alison 0 live from the also
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coming up a bridge in the us city of baltimore collapses. and afterwards it was hit by a cargo ship authority say this is a mass casualty event and change of leadership incentive goal. the nation is set to habits. youngest, several presidents after delayed election, the defiance. israel says a un security council ceasefire resolution will have no operational significance for its military in gaza. the resolution passed on monday, but little has changed on the ground since then. at least 17 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed and, and this really air strikes targeting a home there, rasa overnight is really government has repeatedly said that it plans to launch a ground defensive. on the rough side, that's gauze. as 7 most city were more than 1500000 palestinians are now sheltering in the united states changed. it stands by not doing the security council
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resolution. and that decision has angered israel is gabriel is on the reports from you in headquarters in new york. the drug facilities of the $728.00 in a room, break of decorum. the security council chamber erupts into applause. perhaps he signed a release. it was moments after the council adopted a long awaited resolution for an immediate ramadan cease fire in gaza and the expanded flow of humanitarian aid. the vote was decisive. 14 council members voting in favor. the us abstain, allowing the resolution to be adopted. the fight in most of the killings, most of the suffering and inclusive punishment most and after more than 5 months of a war of auto, tara and destruction. a ceasefire is the difference between life and death for to hundreds of thousands of palestinians and orders. re add man,
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sure. the palestinian ambassador. god emotional. this must signal the end of this assault about thrust with these against a lot of people. and nation is being met and that the nation is being disclosed as a nation is being displaced for decades now, but not at this scale since then on these really ambassador said the council is biased against his country. this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty, and i am disgusted in the, in the last few months the us has vetoed 3 separate draft resolutions demanding a ceasefire. but this time was different. critically a cease fire and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to
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get into gaza at a time when famine is looming. large when you and security council resolutions are adopted, they become international law. but during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding. after the vote when asked about this, a un spokesperson said that the us appears to be wrong. all the resolutions of the security council are international law. so uh, so to that extent, uh, they are as binding as international lawyers. you know, post on social media, un secretary general said deceased by a resolution is long awaited and called for it to be implemented. saying failure to do so. would be unforgivable gabriel's on do. i would use ita at the united nations in new york to see how this is all being perceived on the ground in the gaza strip . alpha 0 is honey mountain road is joining us. and joining us now from rossa. so
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honey, on the one hand we have what is the diplomatic breakthrough with a binding international call for a cease fire? at the same time, we're already seeing that is having no impact on the ground. so how or palestinians and guys are feeling about all of this? yes. already proceed largely positive by the vast majority of people despite the fact that it's happening. after 5 months of our annihilation and genocide relax across the gaza strip. works all means of life. have been destroyed completely, and the fact that this resolution will help in the flow of a human at $3.00 and $8.00, you'll hear that people have expressed prostration over. it's not as the media of these fire for ramo dom, that we have only 2 weeks left in this holy month. and just the time of rain is not enough, according to you in a visual is not enough. and doctors that border,
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it's not enough to allow human to 3 data to respond to the uh, the capacity of human to do and copatrick caused by the intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip. now despite all of this, it is still at seeing as a change you position significant in no way that you asked who has traditionally supported is really within the quarter doors of the united nations. maybe a day you on security accounts that have protected it for the past 2 years or from any actions by the united nations or the security council. a change of position that not going to go public. as we heard of from the, the advisor, the gnostic advisor and said this is not a binding. what are the same time you out of visuals? i said it is a binding resolution at, but what we're seeing on the ground right now is the, is really military is completely ignoring the red, the illusion. and to think it as ned, the site is not, is not, operational is not going to be
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a bind invite and continued to pound across the strip where more people got killed in rough i city in the central area as well as the northern part continue to operate aggressively around public facilities, many health facilities, and right now we can confidently say that most of the, if not all of them, all the health facilities in the notes are pod galvin city. the city of con, units are pushed completely out of service. in fact, they have turned it from places of feelings into graveyards for, for children and for injures one and for the ones that been killed inside the courtyard. now, honey, not mood reporting live from rough in the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. how much has issued a statement welcoming the un security council vote? and the group says that it affirms its readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides. as also said, it's important to insure the freedom of movement of palestinian citizens and the entry of humanitarian needs for all residents of the gaza strip. i'm also also called on the security council to pressure israel to commit to the ceasefire and
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stop. it's quote genocide, a war of extermination, and ethnic cleansing of palestinians from a home and as well as a member of homeless political bureau. he told us as you are early or have the group requires an agreement with israel before it releases any captives held in gaza. we are literally to put the man that is in your syllabus regarding the mix. these for you is because that are really is commented to limit events is find out how much is the limits? is player about the garbage ends? you know, we have to go through your actions and we are really, really nice. the is i any, the dams what's harass, but we want to make an agreement to make it easy.
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oh, big is that ideally eh, did we go without an agreement? we can't really then re in response to the resolution is really officials cancel the trip to washington and protest against the us. failing to use it's vito prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office issued a statement saying us actions were a clear departure from its consistent position since the beginning of the war. the statement goes on to say that the un resolution gives almost hope that international pressure will force israel to accept the ceasefire without the release of these really captives held in gaza. houses. there was a run con, has more from occupied east jerusalem. so the statement from prime minister benjamin netanyahu is unambiguous and it's clear it's a disappointment in the us is use of the abstaining vote of the un security council
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. the fact that as well, there's also cancelled a delegation visit to, to the us is crucial as well. that's not the case. it was, goes to go in and discuss any potential ground defensive into rough. uh uh they were going to be presented with all tens has by the us for us simply doesn't want to say a mass ground offensive into that tiny enclave which now who to about $1200000.00 palestinian civilians. that's not happening now. that's a disappointment. but this goes to show you how angry at these rallies are over the us as role in that you and security council resolution. however, where it counts, the money is still that the us is still supporting is well, $3500000000.00 a year. so it was the, is a rift in the relationship, it hasn't changed anything radically. and that's really what the is really media is talking about today. these ready media is generally very, very divided. you have a large kind of hard right section of the media and
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a very small liberal sites to the media, very divided in all of these issues that united it today in talking about the rift between the us and israel and what it means, the odd, right playing the simply as a bump in the road, but something they'll get over the us will never abandon israel. and then this was a liberal media saying, well actually this is netanyahu constantly constantly undermining the us in votes and in resolutions and in criticism of the us, not just over the will on goes a bunch many years previously. and now it's all coming to a head emerald. come out, is there a occupied east? jerusalem? and is breaking news now from the us. the in baltimore, the fire department has declared a mass casualty incident of the major bridge collapsed into the water. that's after being struck by a cargo ship. this here is the moment that it happened around 1 30 am local time. so that's just a few hours ago. now. police say that they're trying to rescue up to 20 people from
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the water. the ship caught fire on impact then the ship say, what we know is that this was a single port flag vessel headed to the shrunken capital. and here's the why shot the live pictures showing the collapse francis scott key bridge in baltimore, the spring and our corresponded mike hannah on the phone from nearby washington dc . like can you, can you, in a 2nd, you'll run us through with the timeline of events around $130.00 local. but for that for now, tell us what's happening now and where the search and rescue efforts stand as well because god are now on the scene. they have been for the last hour or so trying to see what the off people in the go to initial report said that at least 7 people were on the bridge when it went down when the ship struck it as well as possibly attract taylor trailer was on the bridge as well. now those, uh,
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if it's to find out exactly the extent of the casualties on going. although the baltimore fire department is describing this as a mass casualty situation. now just to go back to the timeline of what happened to the ship, which is a container ship carrying a single pole flag that called the donnelly. it was on its way to sri lanka to colombo had just left the port in baltimore when it appeared to strike one of the pilots on the bridge. the entire brig. some 3 could have meet as long as it collapsed into the river. the protests good river, which is the major river flowing in 2 fold, being the titled base, and that his potable habit leading into chesapeake bay and the wide ocean of the situation at the moment. the coast guard, as i said on the theme, the fire department is bad, but the exec extends them all the situation. not clear at this particular point. i
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must point out as well that the bridge is part of the 695 highway, which is a major highway going through the us is in the northeastern seaboard. this is a major arterial load. so obviously the problem is with traffic and that to absolutely the mens now given the fact that this bridge has gone down, this is one of the sweet key crossing bridges over the the where the that falls and spoke them all have a so this, apart from the immediate tragedy and of the situation and the possibility of people in the war to as created a major issue in terms of traffic flowing from washington d. c. along with the board to new york. mike, this is a very rapidly developing situation. there are a few things i want to check with you. do you know if anyone has been pulled out of the water so far? at this stage, the fire department has not given any details about whether people have been founded to go to. what we do know is that there are people in the war to be exact.
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number is not known at this particular point. obviously they will in cause when that bridge, when done, that initial report is once again saying that way, at least 7 to begin cause on the bridge when the container ship struck it. but the exact extent of the casualties not clear at this particular point. that's why the coast guard on the sea glitching go looking in the river near the vicinity of the bridge now and also to note the temperatures and that sort of the at present, according to the weather offices, some 9 degrees celsius. this is a way below the level so that which hypothermia can occur. so this is a critical situation as the exact extent of the human casualty. not clear at this particular point. the ship though we are told by the baltimore, the fire department, everybody on the ship is okay, including the 2 pilots who were on board the container the ship when it struck the
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best. so now the pilots, the, any traffic moving out of both and we'll have a, we'll have pilots on board to we'll take the uh, shipped out into the open uh, open sea. uh, but we are told by the fire department that they all know casualties on the ship it . so that's remarkable because based on the pictures i would have assumed that they're likely would have been casualties on that ship. but that's the reporting that everybody on the ship is now known and confirm to be ok. mike hannah, as soon as you find out more information on what happened, where there are still people in the water, people being pulled out of the water, we will want to talk to you again. thank you very much, mike. the still ahead on alpha 0. why a simple walk to a mosque that should take 2 minutes. this turn into a journey full of check points and details the
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. let's go with your weather report, a few places i want to talk about in australia right off the back. hi there, good to see you. so purposes look into see it's drive 6 months stretch, and a 148 years, then we've got milburn potentially dry as march and a 170 years. and then just suppose that so what's going on in central and northern australia, alice, what is 3 days and 36 years for the month of march. now we do have this wind off the coral sea here. so that's given us downpours up and down the coast of new south wales state, including brisbin, where it's been raining for days here really has installed. so that will continue on wednesday. but look, it's still dry and melbourne still dried in perth. and that what weather is scripts away from alice to new zealand, we go rain and wind alerts and play for south island to get the cool wind. so need in just 13 degrees for you. on wednesday, temperatures though, are going up into pets at 38 degrees and has been storing for that eastern side of
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china. not too far away from shanghai. look at this hail storm here, and there is some more action rolling across the yangtze river valley on wednesday . stretching out to shanghai and dropping a bit further south into glen jeep profits. good news is those things have tried off in japan, so tokyo sends out and temperature 16 degrees for you on wednesday. see the the biggest global electron yet in history. the was biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for park. be focusing in depth. in this episode, i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of prime and assume that in there will be a facing an avalon that often charges even before full talk. com being the port spots do on the the, the,
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the the hey, you're watching else or 0 reminder of our headlines. it defines israel says a un security council ceasefire. resolution will have quotes, no operational significance for its military and god. the resolution demands an immediate cease fire in the streets during the remainder of ramadan. it also calls for the unconditional release of captives. and there's been no change on the ground in gaza since that resolution passed at least 15 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed in an air strike targeting a home in northern iraq overnight. and as we've just been reporting the us city of baltimore and major bridge, there has collapsed after being struck by
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a cargo ship. and the ship caught fire on impact is happening around 1 30 am local time multiple vehicles fell into the water below. and authorities say that they are trying to rescue at least 7 people from the war. the fasting month of ramadan usually brings life to the city of hebron and the occupied westbank with thousands heading to the abraham most for prayers. now hundreds of his really checkpoints and making it difficult for palestinians to attend those prayers. that abraham joined, one palestinian worshipper on his journey to reach the mosque. a hi it's deb, but it has an unobstructed view of the abraham, the mosque from his house and have from the south of the occupied wes thing. but to pray there, he has to overcome several obstacles. hi, my house is over there and the most is 100 meters from here. is that the check points and restrictions? it's 2 minutes away. which should be a spiritual journey,
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is now one of the few and barriers. and the city is trying to pass through is really, really through check which can be sent back held for hours arrested. people tell us somewhere or even a salt at the more than $120.00 check points. gates an obstacles scouts are the most. now south of us to hide, if it's trying to tell the residents of this house that he's coming through, it's one way to avoid some of the tech points going from one home to another. so how do i just have to cross at least 7 is ready, military check points from my home to the most. the intimidation and fear is not only from the army, but also from settlers, has been attacking palestinians the most cuz know 20 meters away. highest and has 4 checkpoints to go through and routes that he's not allowed to use the off limits for palestinians. so he takes another day until he finally arrives.
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the pre mosque is considered the 2nd holy aside for muslims and palestine after lock. so most compound in occupied east jerusalem. it has been divided into jewish and muslim prior areas after and is really set the whole entire on wisdom worshipers. in 1994 killing 29 palestinians had a people as good. so we have less than half the worshippers that we usually seen during ramadan. even the call to prayer on a saturday is not allowed and i'm alone is a time to spend with the family. but don't add ups we back home. he's reminded of the isolation. he lives in one of several neighborhoods in the city with palestinians can only move around by foot. and during certain hours, the vehicles allowed or only the ones used by is really stuff. those that are few starts at 9 p. m these days until 7 am the next day. these 2 men with going home minutes after the curfew starts. they've been held for 4 hours,
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at least for now, i was forced to miss out on 3 important pains. who knew that he was just the to have your own? you have to find listening, rushes, president vladimir putin is blaming the most go concert hall, shooting on what he called is luminous radicals. a 139 people were killed in the attack on friday. 7 suspects including a father and his 2 sons have been charged with complicity in a terror attack. one of the sons is allegedly the owner of the car that the gun menus to reach the venue and to escape all else as it was. dorsey jabari is with us from las go and stay for since they attacked the play store. so can you, can you sum up for us what we've been hearing and learning from russian authorities as well. so we're a little concerned now that there is a suspect has been brought to does money court here in the capital just
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a short while ago. this is a man who authorities are saying rented out an apartment to the attackers near caracas, city hall, and this was an apartment that was used basically as their a central command posts for planning on flooding this attack. this gentleman is the 8th, a suspect to be brought into court and charges are being made against him as we speak . we saw a earlier on sunday evening, the 4 gunmen that our choose of carrying out the attack as being brought into budwani court. all for being charged with terrorism acts which carry maximum penalty of life and present mature. and they've all, as far as we understand, have pleaded guilty to the charges and they seem to be pretty at bad physical shape . there's been accusations that they authorities are being very heavy handed with the choose. on monday we saw another 3 man, a father in tucson sons as being brought into the same court house. they are
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allegedly the people who provided the vehicle to these gunmen, and those 3 men are police pleading not guilty for their legit involvements in the attack. so as the authorities are acting very quickly, and we heard from the russian president vladimir putting the during his security council meeting on monday. or he continued to blame at keir for having a role in this attack. right. dorsey jabari reporting live from moscow with the very latest on the investigation and the court appearances in this case. thank you very much door. so in the winter of the presidential election in senegal is expected to be opposition, challenger bust through july, fine, his main rival, i'm a new boss of the governing coalition conceded defeat after sunday's election 5 as a former tax inspector who is pledged to tackle corruption and poverty as well as restore stability. he was chosen by disqualified opposition,
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leader was months sancho. both men released from prison shortly before the election . nicholas hack has more from the car. there's a lot of excitement in senegal to finally here. president elect brussard. jim, i fine take to the stage and address the syndic these people. we saw no the candidate but the president elect in a suit and tie, trying to reassure the population. he also congratulated and recognize the fact that the other candidates, including the ruling party candidates, conceded defeat before the official results were out. but he also addressed the issue of trying to reconcile the country. german guards are post equity. i vote to fully devote myself to rebuild the institutions to reinforce a need for peaceful social harmony. the absent in this press conference is
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opposition, the dirt responds sancho. now he bust through to my 5 referred to him in his speech banking him because none of this would have happened without we spend some coast supporting has been a key figure in this election, it was almost like an american style campaign, a tickets about sancho and joe, mike and it wasn't the candidate that they were selling, but more a project to change the way democracy is run in senegal. german guys are we really, i vote to govern with humidity in competing corruption at all levels of society. now the real work starts, which is behind closed doors, trying to find out what kind of alliances best would you mind if i will have to make what kind of government he will have to form present. lucky, so we'll leave office on april. second, she has congratulated by sewage m. i fi who effectively at the age of 44 and
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on his birthday has become the youngest president in sending go, making history, not only for center go, but for the continent as a whole. nicholas hawk l g 0. the car, it china has denied western accusations of a government sponsored hacking campaign is groundless, saying that the evidence provided by the u. k. and the us, as in sufficient britain, them and us of accuse beijing of a years long cyber espionage program, targeting politicians, journalists, dissidents, and critics. around the world. the us has charged 7 chinese nationals, the u. k. section 2 officials and one organization. they say the attacks have been going on since at least 2010 and millions of people have been effective. o l 0 is katrina. you reports on this from badging. of the cyber attack accusations have been made by the governments of the us, the u. k. and now use the lens and they say, the goal of this type of espionage as i pulled, has been to disrupt and compromise government institutions to steal trade secrets
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as well as silence any critics of aging. now the latest accusation was made by the zealand government on tuesday, and they said that a hacker group known as a t t for c, which they say is linked to china's news reinstate security. managed to access the paul them entry service online as well as the problem entry council office notes. these are internal systems. one is responsible for servicing lawmakers in new zealand and the other. it's a system for the new laws that are put into place that now the government says that this was, can change relatively quickly and this malicious actor was expelled. now the us and the u. k. all saying that there was a group, they called a p t 31 that has been active for 14 years. and they say that this group conducted various activities including sending about $10000.00 militias, e mails to a dissidence politicians, journalists and defense contractors as well. and we've most recently, hudson,
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the government of us fairly that is trained in support of the us u. k. and he's dealing saying that in the past, certainly a has also been targeted by a chinese take sponsor packets. the main opposition coalition in venezuela says it's been barred from running in the presidential election in july. after a registration deadline passed, the opposition said its efforts to name a candidate to run against president nicholas monroe failed. meanwhile, regular reports a pro government rally on the streets of got atkins, most or supporters of nicholas mother was seeking a 3rd 6 year term as been as well in president on monday. model officially registered his candidacy in the upcoming national election. i've called molto new to the squad. my name well to inscribe the dream follow home life though 9 other presidential candidates have also registered vin as
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well as main opposition leader. muddy equity to my child and her handpick substitute good e majorities have both been bored by the go.


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