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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the counselor is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessment school admissions with the often in the highest level, they've been using games for the policy when they come out to implement aid. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, the report by you and special raffle to keys is as well and genocide saying it's due on golf, which shows and intent to destroy the palestinian people. i find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the trash showed indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against palestinians as a group. and ghost has been met. the i'm on the inside. this is all it. is there a nice and don't also coming up the day off to the
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un security council pos, the reservation cooling for an immediate c spot in gauze that there was more cottage across the street. a bridge in the us city of baltimore collapse is off the call go ship rams and switch someone to say it's a mass casualty event. the governor has declared an emergency and a decade of death. the people on the neighbor report finds a record number of muslims dying while i'm trying to find a best to keep the to the un special rapids has just presented the findings of a report that says they are reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide in garza and jessica alban easy says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention, including killing members of a specific group causing serious bodily or mental home and deliberately inflicting
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conditions of life. calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole impulse. she also found that genocidal acts were approved and given effect of the statements of genocidal intent by senior is randy, ministry and government officials of these acts, albany, zombies, all costs of a sec. let colonial process as a ratio which has been on the way some more than 70 years. she recommends, amongst all the things and immediate alms and ball going on israel and some member states to support some applicant and it's attempt to prosecute, as well as the international court of justice. let's take a listen to posts of what francesca albany is you presented to the human rights council. he's really sold yourself, published footage, both think about their keeling of families, mothers cheating for in the bottom to go home, smokes, and schools such as incriminating videos,
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show them so distinctly mocking and mediating their policy and victims not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity, the most intimate to professions and spaces that the soldier 7, 3rd and looted and by disagreeing cemeteries and places of worship. when the ground defensive started, the number of the casualties seem to reduce body, in fact, that even though the atrocities increased, must these up periods and arbitrary detentions widespread in systematic torture in human treatment add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people had to search to rubble with their behinds, many have been unable to bery hungry of loved ones. these acts of genocide have be motivated by the human on people is seen in this course, which characterizes the entire policy opinion, people in gaza as enemies to be eradicated or for simply removed are joined now by optimize it, get it to a james base. james, a,
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an impassioned and powerful tests many by francesca albany, albany is a, took us through some of the key highlights that she, she went through a not to me, of a genocide is the report that she was just presenting these reports that normally have titles. she gave it a title, and that is the case that she made. she's a human rights lawyer who before she got this job as an independent advisor to the human rights council. impulses of 10 years. and you and so she knows the un system and how it works. she knows this file extremely well. and she went through why she says this is a genocide through the various things that constitutes genocide to prove that they were that they had taken place, including the fact of course that they were killing palestinians, which of the group that's she's claiming of being targeted for genocide saying, yes, we know what about uh, $30000.00 palestinians dead, but she's at another $12000.00. certainly dead under the rubble and the amount of explosives used by these writing ministry. about $25000.00 tons. she estimated
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that's the equivalent she said of 2 nuclear bombs. and she said it's not just the genocide as we know from the discussions in the international court of justice in january, which is also been discussing the genocide case. you need to prove intent of genocide. she said that the been a quotes from a source of is ready officials all the way up to the come on structure, right in the way to the defense minister and prime minister netanyahu the prove genocide. she said the genocide, that intent was actually so ostentatious in this, in this case that is where i wasn't covering up what it was doing. she said they will say preventing the international humanitarian law and using it to justify what she said was that war of elation. and she said it was working on the premise that if you tell a lie enough times, people was not believing it. james, tell us why reports like this tests many like best matches because people watching this may 1 day, especially off to the you and i see as yesterday, which has been rejected by israel. this testimony by francesca companies has also
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been rejected by israel. why does it matter in terms of the big picture when nothing seems to be appears appears to be changing on the ground? yeah, israel was already said a report has an obscene inversion of reality. and israel is worth noticing is not that the special rep will to, or any of her 3 previous sessions, who did the job in to even examine the situation. she has to examine it from evidence from a false. so there is a problem of problem with, with a post and what she can achieve, thoughts adds to what you have seen this. yes. so for the international court of justice, it's provisional measures that, that ruling the un security council. they took almost 6 months, but it is voted for c. so is, or i will ignore that as well. the fact that in that security council meeting 24 hours ago, there was a pause at the end is that a know, april is the end of the security council meeting. when a vote is costs, there was a pause at the end of this meeting, very unusual, and those people applauding that not members of the public there and pass,
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it is sort of floating showing what that feeling. and i think in the security council, in the last 24 hours, you saw israel. yes, the us didn't vote for the resolution and abstained. but israel was alone. and i think what is slowly developing is global i solution and condemnation is route it's developing into a situation where it could become a per i state, go back maybe to a past site in south africa. then that country for 20 years was eventually suspended from united nations for 20 years. it wasn't even like pay costs in m u n activities. and i think it's that sort of an installation and, and global distain, israel might be facing that is exactly that this weekend that the us secretary state move on prime minister netanyahu of, when he talks about the possible rougher offence if he's it, is route, is facing global come to condemnation and
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a real tarnishing of it's of his reputation on time. okay, thank you for that. up the night to get us to james space. i wanted to find israel as we were hearing this as a un security council seized by resolution. will have no operational significance for its ministry in gauze at the resolution post on monday, cooling for an immediate cease 5, but mitchell has changed on the ground. so fall and a 17 palestinians including 4 children were killed. and is there any asteroid targeting a home near rafa? as nice as early government has repeatedly said that it plans to launch ground. defensive on rafa. calls is southern by 16 when more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians off sheltering as the last one of the domestic and happened around 1230. that's off to the un security council. israel doesn't look to the council. these were good people off displaced civilians. this is how they met their end. israel told us to go to rough,
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or if you want to strike rough or tell us to leave, why destroy the houses over our heads with the protection of civilian lives? what are we supposed to do this? let's go just hard assume who is in russia in southern gaza. so can you please tell us what the latest monetary and situation across sconces? yes, in fact, smelling the i made the humanitarian situation of course much. eric, much of areas in the to treat, remains that critically dia on, don't changeable, despite the you and the resolution. and also, despite all the international calls for isabel to mitigate the restrictions being imposed on a delivery to a, to another at pots of the church and also to the south. here as the southern palestinians have been drowned as the work trying to get aids that had been dropped in to see bought that house. and you make an ism duct because it, it to be absolutely rest key for the majority of people that have been talking to
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an up or a residence in the another at pos, asking them about how the situation looks like right now off to the younger solution. and also, um its the on getting quotes they are describing the situation to be the ultimate telling you, specifically they have been running extremely out low in terms of sewage. both the i'm the are describing the can you making isms of a deliveries for them to be the hardest ever they are fighting in order to get a supplies specifically with ongoing is very a denial of a humanitarian flow of age as were outlined. clarissa was on one of the latest, is the denial that had been given to the owner, what a human italian trucks that will not be allowed again to deliver a dozen other parts of the territory. and that is terry reality that on the ground and something isn't happening, informing us that even animal speed has to run out from that entire nother at pos of casa. and it's hard. can. you also update us on the situations in a facing hospitals across casa, we know as the people of a people are hit by strikes and so on. so they have to rely on these hospitals,
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which are really on this a lot of stress. yes, that's right. and sorry, so we are talking about c felt hospital has been on the full military siege alongside with and also another hospital in the city will find you in a spot. the most critical situation right now is in a she felt hospital, eye witnesses who have managed to fleet from the on getting seeds all over to the hospital by the is what it forces had described the situation to be completely kiosk, as they have seen, is very build those as an almost an almost a vehicle to run over the full house, the employees on approved applicants as being stationed inside the medical facilities out the facility. it's ongoing also for students of the people to stay inside the hospital and get also a permission to leave from the medical compound done at the same time. but those are still ranging. we own roads, that's all leading to the hospital. as i've been seeing more videos,
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imagine show how difficult is the situation on this to be. and she destruction being inflicted to the in tell you make or who it's due to the ongoing bombardment that had destroyed doses of residential houses. but you'd also into saki and han eunice. the hospitals are still remain traps where patients are not allowed even to fleet, especially those who are with disabilities part completely need another assistance . but despite all of this, are still ongoing. cold, spite, trump, people inside, asking the international community entry, it's rated multiple times. the necessity of if leading them are no longer able to cooper the situation in light of the ongoing shortage of food, water and medical assistance. power covers in that for us and rasa and southern gaza. see how much this told political leaders now? honey. a is in the a rainy and capital for talks. he met with the foreign minister hudson. i'm in of july and in just the past few hours around, maintains close ties with hom, us,
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and the 2 sides of health self. several meetings since israel osborne gauze i begun take on his cold. how much is attacked on israel, on october, the 7th, a success unless man above cuba, despite the heavy prices and huge sacrifice, he's paid by the palestinian people whose namely goes in was designed to extend the file to chief any of the military objectives of strategic goes they are now losing their political umbrella, if not the protection, as seen in the resolution handed down by the security council. the resolution, although it came late and with some gaps that need to be feel is an indication that these riley occupation. he's on the unprecedented political i selection. yes. yeah . what does he may? yeah. the to the united states now with 1st responders in baltimore, dealing with won't by describing as a di emergencies. 2 people have been rescued off the vehicles,
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plunged off the collapsing bridge when a container ship rammed into it. it's not yet clear how many people are missing. the ship was heading out of ports when the crash took place just before 1 30 in the morning. like we'll time investigate as all questioning the crew of the single pole flag vessel. i don't know how many vehicles yet. i know that we have detected the presence of vehicles as far as a number between the 7 and 20. that's been a dynamic count throughout the morning. just given the fact that we haven't yet nailed that number down. we do believe that at least 7 are involved in that at least 7 at this point. a. okay, less 10 to all corresponding, mike kind of who is not too far from that clamps bridge in baltimore. and mike, i believe we just had a press conference from officials. did we learn anything new about what might have
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caused this incident to take place? well, 1st of all, on the question off the survivors uh at the news conference. now they have confirmed that 8 people went into the wall to 2 were rescued immediately, often the collision one was taken to a hospital, but at present 6 people are still unaccounted for the subject of a massive search that is under way of code and aged search involving several agencies, including of course, the co scottsdale, helicopters up the aides and assets and the all boats on the water as searching the water using so not infrared to try and find any of those 6 who left fell from the bridge when its collapse. now, as to the circumstances of the actual collision. well, we understand and there's a report from an us intelligence agency which says that the vessel last
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propulsion was when a message passed from the ship to the show, saying that a collision was imminent. now we understand as well from the news conference that at some stage before the collection, the bridge was closed. so the vehicles were not allowed onto the bridge, which we just could, the ability to avoid did a massive loss of life. so the situation now is that the search is continuing all assets on volt. this is now a multi agency operation. we've just been hearing from the f, b i from the maryland transportation bold, the maryland government to and to the senate to afford the state of maryland. but the focus not completely is on the survivors is another deep now that we've heard is that this is a major commuter bridge into baltimore and along the eastern seaboard as well as i'm so t 5000 people commute across this bridge every day. so obviously that is going to
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have an impact on the whole area. and to this, of course, the fact that the harbor has been closed and the surrounding area, no ship is coming in or out. now this also has a major impact. baltimore being the 2nd largest taba on the atlantic seaboard, and in fact, is the primary supply exporter of vehicles. for example, from this particular all the in the entire united states. so the search continuing, there's no timeline on how long the search will go on. and at this stage as well, there's no timeline whatsoever on with this bridge is going to be repaired or whether it's can be okay, thank you for that. mike hannah, all correspondent, may have collab spreads in baltimore. the still ahead on the out is there will have more on which legs found a judy and a sondra. suffice against his expedition to the united the
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glad you're here. warm. welcome to you. let's go with your weather update for india . not much to report that was storm starting to peter out through the northeast, but i think are the activity is picking up is right across through long around the capital colombo, some down portland forecast for you on wednesday, but talking about india, it's really they cheated. so neg, poor, and my for extra state temperature is locked into about $42.00 degrees. that is well above average, not record breaking stuff, but still hot. we could call this a heat waves and we've had some pretty vicious storms in eastern china. not too far away from shanghai, hail storm 0 smashed out some windows caused quite a bit of damage. and some torrential downpours and we got another batch of what weather work and across the yangtze river valley move on to shanghai and that's dropping down into one g. providence. on wednesday, stride off through japan looking good in tokyo. we're pumping up the warmer errors . so trying this capital beijing at 20, also one across the korean peninsula. and let's go to indo china temperatures on
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the way up once again and prove cut to $38.00 degrees. and it does look like a rather white forecast for jakarta. some pretty big downpours across java island, sumatra, and borneo. and let's send off in this part of the world where what weather is now coming into northern focused on, also hot for parts of sim profits to a unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot, it's right here. and right now the stream on out the
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you're watching out is there a mind as i told the story is best our thank you and special roberts as relates to report the funds there is reasonable grounds to believe as well as convincing genocide in gaza for just companies, he says, israel has bought agent 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention. defined as well says the un security council cease fire resolution will have no operational significance for its ministry. garza resolution demands and immediate c spot in the strip during the remainder from a john as also calls for the unconditional release account. in the us city of
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baltimore, 2 people have been rescued off the vehicles, launched also collapsing bridge when a container ship rammed into it's initial report, say the ship lost power and the crew one for store seasonal feet in pending condition. a mass grave containing the bodies of thousands of migrants has been discovered in libya, at stores, at least 65 people died as they were smuggles through the does it around 750000 refugees and migrants all in libya, many all day laborers and depend on work from their families by comb, the jobs jobs us gas during ramadan is malik trainer reports from miss rosa. i believe theres uh how old and her family recently arrived in the slot from sedan . she says it was a long and dangerous journey. they spent their life savings paying people traffickers to get here. but that then how do you, after the fighting started in sudan,
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things became horrible. and it was no longer possible to live there. our neighborhood was a war zone and was being showed. there was no more work getting food or water was a huge problem. we had no choice but to leave with their savings depleted. and that's the says putting food on the table for a month on this year is difficult to do. you ins, migration agency says around 6500. so the news refugees have arrived in libya since fighting started last april. but libyan officials say the number is much higher. according to united nations, more than 700000 migrants in libya. while some of them are flood violence, the vast majority, 86 percent cited economic reasons for coming to do sophia and from niger supports his parents, 3 siblings and the wife and so on the back. so i can miss coming to see if i sent my family what little money i have. they need basic food supplies for them of them
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. but i didn't have much money. i started watching and i'm with done is very slow. and i went to the round about today, but there was no one good wheeling it will get back to me, because i have to send the money fight. as good out a round about images. router is usually busy with hundreds of migrants looking for work. but during the whole, the month of ramadan, things slow down and work is hard to come by. many migrants find it difficult to feed themselves and provide for their families back home. during the holy month of ramadan, a time for helping those less fortunate donation centers are scattered across the city, such as the small the sending to help we usually feed $250.00 to $300.00 people every day. we've been doing this every ramadan for many years, and some people donate food where they bring money and we buy the food for the whole, really, libya has long been effected by conflict and political divisions,
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but migrants still risk coming here. although challenging and at times dangerous, for many, it's their only hope to provide for their families far away. now, trina ultra 0 as well to the international organizations migration has recorded an alarming increase in the number of people's dying while trying to migrate. in a recent report, it found that move and age and a whole 1000 people either died or disappeared last year. that's the highest figure in the past decade. last majority of them on dying and the mediterranean over 45 percent of my gwin debts have a cut on that route. and while most victims an identified if those who all one in 3 comes from a country that's in conflict, is big enough to impass or use the acting chief of mission for the international organization migration in libya. he joins us live from london. thank you for your time sir. people fleeing persecution impulsivity is an age old problem
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unfortunately, but your report is highlighting that more people than ever before and dying in the process. tell us more about your findings of the sheer fact is that people, the central registration groups, doctors here from some countries are up to you or is that yes, migration retained the world. and yes, you're right. portion of that some fatalities is increasing. 2023 shared cost, and we just need to acknowledge that there are solutions to this. why all the increase so many reasons as you start yourself or you report to say there's one in seriously conflict capacity. sure. you showed the situation of sort of these refugees, increasing numbers are coming to live. yes. lot of people are coming in because all the cultural liability on sustainable climate change increasing to that location.
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but there's a, there's a cruise to get security on the southern possibly be a few 90 a dish, a chat box model, the more time. yeah, going for the tax are economic dispatch is the courage of people awfully. and not just culture to persecution, but they're looking simply for better lifetime, for decent where i cannot be rich in many parts of europe and elsewhere around the world. we've seen anti immigration, extreme rights growing in popularity. that doesn't bode well for the future. does it a strange and uh uh, appreciating uh bd channels like your salary show, watch uh the reasons behind vibration that's important. and let's also remember the, the on the other side, we have a very negotiate to that green and to get your services you at a 164 percent up to the global compact for safe and regular migration. so in your
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countries don't commit to finding comprehensive ways to address my questions, the directions at all site or not. but my question is actually to contribute to for 2000, but it's not a negative park recreation cartridge. suppose to the bottom of all countries of origin, most of my friends on the countries of destination, one of the headings. unfortunately, most countries don't see it that way. uh, in fact, on we seeing a growing externalization of the migration management problem. i mean, take the u. k and it to runs a policy. how do you see that going down? i think the way that we can turn the table is by looking at the costs. are some lakresha wire people uh, moving because they're looking for better might be original opportunities to comfort many countries show that the display shortages, the democratic deficit. and that's why couldn't come help fulfill some of those
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microsoft to just properly try and my kids don't have to take a dangerous jeremy's through the hands of smokers. so we have to create a new quote for just the way that we can create to accomplish it. it just is by showing that the economies of best congress not stopped to benefit from operation. i've actually opened up the neighbor sectors, then we can have more microscope again, as well. so in the countries of origin migration are sure to be the contributor to the finances of those countries river because it just makes them back, okay, microns contributing to whether it's in the cartridge or okay, i appreciate that. so head pasha acting chief of mission, is to be international organization for migration, and that be a funky we can expand the duty and assault is facing another way to find out whether he can appeal his expedition from person to the united states. high course in london has a gen,
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a decision on the appeal until the 20th may found that if we can meet spaces, 18 charges in the us related to the release of classified documents about the was in us kind of stone and iraq. sounds has been fighting expedition since he was charged back in $21910.00 whole has moved from one to of the highly nuanced decisions the in the end. they haven't thrown out the grounds for an appeal hearing. they have a sense of the, of help them. i've said yes, we understand there is the basis here for an appeal. however, we're going to defer a decision on that until may the 20th, when they called for a 2nd hearing. here's a high call is in london, and they've lost the us and you pay governments to bring to that hearing, assurances that through the massage would in fact, between family would receive a fed try would prince and not be given the death penalty in the united states. if indeed, extradition goes, it has to remind you that these legal team has spent 2 days arguing before that to senior justices. here's
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a high quote that he should be given grounds to appeal against the 2022 decision to expedite into the united states. those grounds including the belief that the us charges amounted space retaliation by the us government to seek legal retribution again in the song of publishing communications back in 2010, 2011, thousands of them revealing alleged criminality by the us government to rock and it's got a sense that therefore he has no chance of a fair trial. those charges are illegals, like boys as well. can see at c, i a communications received through the supplement instruction that suggested type of funding to possibly abduction, even assassinate mistress on. so that's easily nuanced a situation here at the firm and essentially on the decision of whether he china has denied western accusations. if a government sponsor, the hacking campaign is groundless, saying that the evidence provided by the u. k. and the us is insufficient person on
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the us of accused beijing of a years long side, the espionage program target thing politicians, journalist disciplines, and critics around the world.


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