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tv   Al Jazeera Investigations October 7  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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so, striving to spend that in the body of facing an avalon of corruption charges, even before full con, being the report was due on the, the, the, the this is all to 0. i'm telling you navigate over the check on your world headlines view and special rapids her for the palestinian territory has released to report the fines there are reasonable grounds to believe. israel is committing genocide and gaza. francesca, albany z says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention through port offer 7 recommendations among them, an immediate arms embargo on israel and his darkest hour. the international community can not continue to ignore that. it's israel's project to read palestine
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of policy in seeing their fee and so the international law and the world's failure to go to 0 to account the test led to genocide, laid bare and gaza denial of the reality and the continuation of these role, st. puny during the exceptionalism, he's no longer viable, especially in light of yesterday's binding security council resolution. i implore a member states to abide by their obligations which start with imposing in arms and barble and sanctions on useful. and so ensure that the future does not continue to repeat itself. at least 12 palestinians have been killed by is really or strikes enough or israel continues to ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza told her about zoom has more from that of off or we have that recording multiple strikes that targeted 3 residential houses. that is some english were informed to evacuate work,
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no casualties have been reported till now as the destruction was completely she in areas that had been targeted. and that absolutely reflects the ongoing reality here and reflect that is no longer at the safe for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians being displaced here. how much has pushed back on claims by that is really military that it's killed the deputy command or if it's military wing, israel says milan or you so was killed by an arrow strike earlier this month. is really soldiers have carried out. several raids and cities across the occupied westbank, a 19 year old palestinian was killed and 5 others injured and come back to you in southern jeanine, bulldozers were seeing destroying infrastructure during that raid. several more people had been wounded in operations there nablus is really army, has killed more than $450.00 powers citizens in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th for lease in georgia. and have this 1st hundreds of people rallying outside
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is really embassy. and i'm on officers try to push demonstrators away from the building during the march in solidarity with palestinians. the testers are demanding the retaining government. i know it's peace agreements with israel. in other news, the u. s. coast guard says it's a spending search and rescue efforts, and baltimore after a cargo ship lost power and hit a bridge causing it to collapse. state police say the rescue mission has now transition to the recovery operation. to find the 6 people who are still missing. 2 people had been rescued after they were thrown into the river. the cargo ship lost power and collided with the bridge a lot. so now, so not that based on the length of time that we've gone in the search. the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature, that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. what's being called one of the most restrictive social media bands for minors in
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the u. s. has been signed into law in florida under new rules, social media accounts for children under 14, for the band. 14 and 15 year old will require a parental consent to use the platforms. florida governor rhonda santa says the law will protect miners stay independence us presidential townsend at robert f. kennedy junior has announced his running mate for november's election, california lawyer. unrelenting 1st nicole shanahan will run for the vice presidency alongside kennedy's bid for the white house. the 38 year old has never held any elected office setting goals. presidents elect says he will govern with transparency bus 00 my a 5, a promise to fight corruption at all levels. this has to be the country's youngest leader following a delayed election on sunday. those are the headlines as, as their investigations is coming up next. the
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top type of 72023. $1200.00 them us government for 3. the barriers separating the god script from israel, they over on army bases and kill more than $1000.00 is rating and foreign nationals . they took the dozens of children, found them up during them and executed them. the stories like this, we used to justify that a sold on garza, that is cube, at least 31000 palestinians, 13000 of them children finished,
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finished then don't ever forget what happened. oh, just there was an investigative unit has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of october 7th, the unit 77 hours of footage. much of it taken from the head, comes of that time as 5 to review the testimonies of hundreds of survivors and compiled a comprehensive list of victims, found widespread war crimes. but discovered that many of the most horrific stories and true misinformation has been used. and sometimes deliberate, this information has been used by official spokesperson. i'm sorry to be graphic here, but i can't see a baby here. if you can activate people, sense to discuss the more likely to support die. retribution you guys probably get reveals some of the victims were killed by is really forces this footage post. find
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very disturbing. who doesn't know who those individuals done? the civilians for hostages and it finds that a purpose 7 may have changed the politics of the region forever. i regret to say that i think it was a phenomenal success from their point of view, october 7th, who has sent the various to clear message. no one can bypass the but his team has the styling that exists, minutes driving community. it was built by refugees who had already found a home there. these really settlements known as keep seeing that surround the gaza strip, were built around the time of the creation of the state of israel in 1948, and made it area around casa is mostly small villages. but
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seeing in the early years at least equal the same and other villages had a defense role. there, there was wherever you establish the people to like this. i mean that would determine if it was bought or that would hold the board today. but keep, would seem a prosperous finding communities the same just a few kilometers away from gaza. with 2300000 people live crammed and then strip of land. 41 kilometers long. most of them families, that one's own land. on the other side of the fence, 70 percent of the population gospel refugees. and every day they go to the fence and they would see the land,
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their homes and lands beyond defense. and the sense them to the protest against it belong to the palestinians. they have lived there for millennia. how much is an arabic i put in for the atlantic resistance movement? it controls because of the winning elections that took place throughout palestine in 2006. a mass advocates and resistance the case where i was on the patient, its policies and actions have resulted in its being designated a terrorist organization by many western countries. the gaza has been on the blockade since 2007. you could never imagine. lodging goes except if you have lived in garza and if you have experience, i think goes especially when you are a child. when you are and goes like you would always feel since that coupon and present. it's really
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a prison in 2018 in 2019 god's in stage mass demonstrations demanding the right to return to the lands they one's own across the fence about a senior so that down there. so there's a to it and they needed to remind the was and that it was still that there was still hoping to return to their homelands. these are it is they responded with force today or snipers target that many young men, including gender, this son, maddox. hundreds of what i see means was assessing native remoted in this way. the israel says the killings are justified because the demonstrate dispose of security threats to the south of the country. you agree? if i'm not sure with them, we will be useful in thousands. but what was that us most of the initial community,
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and i think keeping the ears and eyes on was closed within this context. we have discussed in many times, many sessions. what can we do to another neighbor? what, how does that concerns us in the political bureau? we have to move, we have to take action. if we don't do it for this time, it wouldn't be for a button to attorney, i'm deleted from the international not to on october 7. how much fight is still in the main crossing point at it is it's one of at least 10 breaches in the sense the
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thousands of broken by it is around the power as light as cross of the mass uses folks to attack targets no of the goal is to strip what is impressed us about it is that there were lots of synchronized things that needed to happen for it to succeed. some very low tech features up against, you know, probably the most high tech sort of military machine. anywhere out that the simple drones not even particularly sophisticated ones, took out a lot of the rate on the sensors that were placed on top of all sorts of power. took out communications notes that were placed along the border so that in effect
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they blinded the southern command from the get go. the israel's best line of defense is overwhelmed. the masked move on to attack military bases throughout the region. among them is a base at pack of a few 100 meters from the fence. the
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chris club smith is a human rights investigator. he said 20 is in the british military. he analyze video of the assault. unpack a list is clearly significant size. is there any defense for spice and how they've actually managed to get through the premises into type by surprise. this number of cars riley defense for soldiers is just staggering me. i just found to see how this can be allowed to shop. for must have just let me go. see, marshal should have fun. little really collaborative, unofficial. before the more clear you will remember what you should, as i say, slide edition from bits of the adverb. most of the attack begin to come through. i'm actually just outside of gaza
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gather to print the. but the leadership was as surprised as anyone by the swift collapse of the israeli military. tiny ones who have watched this list surprised. i myself. i was told that a surprise, okay, this happened how most people that have shed their experience of what happened and send them the trouble with the vice spoken to suggest that they expected a fall high casualty, right. and expect to that may be 1890 percent of those who sets out on the 7th of october would actually die as much as before. they returned back with hostages in 2016 the opposite actually happens exactly in diametrically opposed really in terms of only 10 to 15 percent of those find is what killed before. they made it into his really settlements. the resistance was so underwhelming from the homeless point of view that they had absolute freedom to maneuver
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the mass, find themselves with the towns and keep it seem at the messy. just 5 kilometers from the fence, thousands of young people. i've got it for music festival. the mine informations, they were not the reason for, for us to fund in the area. there was a surprise they were finding hundreds of youngsters celebrating through the whole night in the early morning, still being up out in the music festival. the
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the, the hundreds of on, on the potty go is, are killed. the some take refuge in the small from shelters that don't the main highway the they are trapped the
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the i'm doing i'm doing. i'm doing go. no, no, no, no, no, no it was. oh it, it was the sure that took the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
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gunmen quickly penetrate civilian communities. the hundreds of cubits residents are killed. the from asked, sees as large numbers of hostages. probably the, the as word spreads of gaps in the sense, hundreds of guns pull through the
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many people were able to leave the causal script, including those people weren't even called the reparations civilians, smugglers criminals who thought they could make a quick buck themselves. people would go through and just do their own thing. there is a ways of king the, the, the look to be with assembly or then it'd be with kim from. does that include the keyboards has been to the area houses into this area. and therefore, a lot of what's happened that was not gonna reflect the wrong. i mean, it was not having only by the fight to many if there was abducted appear to have been taken by causing the civilians
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rather than how much 5 chairs the keyboard snare of a group of ty, labor as is caught up in the chaos. i don't know how many home nobody's on the front on have a home ma'am, but are you call now on us? if they don't have up how long it will want to know, he will not match on that. but the dang finalizing the life on it. by monday, let me hold my phone even honey and see when you can find that i've been on wrong getting in the keep keep the, the one more one of the new. yeah, none of them been homeless. but when you, when we turn is direct cost the room where his tie colleagues have been added,
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the key is placed on a motorbike and joins a trailer. people heading back towards the gaza strip, carrying loot and hostages will allow 5 months. i don't need the d as riley's mobilized, helicopter gunship. how much fight is trying unsuccessfully to shoot them down? the israelis late to release footage of dozens of strikes. sty caught on his riley television. the pilots admitted it was difficult to distinguish gunman from israeli civilians. the above vill thank you for the name of the motion issue for the most of this is one of it seemed easier to use it for the setup of
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the system. ok of it. the is really newspaper. you do your, our not says that at midday, the army issues a version of what is known as the hannibal directive. not coming by long before, but show me that. okay, this one was shot for ya. yeah. maybe we should note the 1st 5. the animal directive is the result of previous humiliations where israel handed over hundreds of palestinian prisoners in return for the release of one is rarely sold. you have another shot thoughts. i don't the lesson for click because it'll just say on the general for you on the industry for the on october 7, it seems to hannibal directive may have been revived and applied even to civilian hostages . the air force of correction during those hours under an instruction to
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prevent lou phone from john's that into israel and return from is rather into the concept 70 vehicles with it. at least in some of the cases, everyone in the vehicle was killed. the is riley military does not deny the report is really fast respond. this really splits age of civilians band and a call. the call was struck from above the belt, tomatoes, inexcusable. 5. how difficult to any weapon system to be engaging any target to be the target is the 1st is where the staff fair. so i find very disturbing. we have a lot of people here making my way back through the breaks in the back end. because my concern is with this voltage, we cannot tell whether the how much government or civilians will possibly hostages . glad i believe have a cup to pilot. well,
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the machine gun operator will be able to tell you what to do. is rose channel 12 late to interviews, a kibbutz resident who was affected. she describes coming on the fire from a helicopter. that's the whole mean. let's take a little longer bill. oh, so people with a slow all too well and move on into the hospital. the vows and anybody wants to watch when he behind him the show how behind this footage shows the optim off of what appears to be a similar helicopter strike. there. 19 hostages in the vehicle, described in the is rarely tv report. one was killed. the other 8, including 3 children, survived the hostages, a latest films being taken to casa and the 2nd vehicle. the analysis of the
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i units list of the dead reveals 27 hostages. 2 died somewhere between the home and the cause of fence and circumstances that have not been explained. the vision of his name is rarely security forces arrived at the sight of the music festival. before i'm going to get put on the corner of them. oh, good god. oh goodness palmer's, you'll see him on fire to the police and ami unit stone cube scene. it seems that they too may have applied a version of the hannibal directive and killed civilians. betty is the
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largest cubes in the region. the is really media reveals the 12 die back when police and ami open fire on the house that contains hostages. so now it's relative channel 12 speaks to to survive. as families usually comes down to the left, the how the, the things i liked about them know by the local sense of what's the name that with you, all the valley san increase in the big on wound or e. then you don't want to color there's going to be i am, this story hasn't been acknowledged by west and media. and then when the minister is not on the computer for me, me me, me. yeah, yeah, i ask them. yeah. the last by little out from time to get me on the august the is
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that it was because i even mentioned caught up in alabama. so that's why any in part 2, we explore where the other civilians fell victim to israeli forces and reveal inaccuracies. and many of the accounts of october 7, inside this house with another 15 band people. among them 8 babies is born in size, the content creators have become journalists, rescuers, heroes, and targets tier 2 customers in a sofa and a vehicle jeanine. and yet they continue to report that the cause of this is the story of just want to be had be let me know if it had been higher for the loved because on that just eat
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a huge reserves of relief. you used an electric battery, some fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. fly, be nice to vast audience. so place a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the mental without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white go on. just in an increasingly complex world. it's paramount to be direct instruction was there should be this month on sort of discussions that come through the norm upfront on how to 0 in a world full of drunkenness. hope was so scarce, you donated we deliver it in remington's and breaks. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month, the power of kindness, gray,
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in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the this is all just there. i'm 30, you navigate over the check on your world headlines. the when special rapids her for the palestinian territory has released a report that finds there are reasonable grounds to believe. israel is committing genocide in gaza. francesca alban easy says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the u. n. genocide convention. the report offers 7 recommendations among them and immediate arms embargo on israel. at least 12 palestinians have been killed by is really our strikes and rough. israel continues to ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. thomas was
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pushed back on claims by the is really me the tree that it's killed. the deputy commander if it's a military wing. israel says model one already so it was killed by an air strike earlier this month. this is really soldiers of carried out raids and several cities of the occupied westbank. and 19 year old palestinian was killed and 5 others injured and come back to you in southern jeanine, bulldozers were seeing destroying infrastructure during that raid. several more people have been using an operations near novelist is where the army has killed more than 450 pounds of citizens in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th police in georgia. and have this 1st hundreds of people rallying outside the is really embassy and i'm on officers try to push demonstrators away from the building during the march and solidarity with palestinians. protests are demanding the jordanian government and know its peace agreement with israel. in other news, the west coast guard says that suspending search and rescue efforts and baltimore
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after a cargo ship lost power and had a bridge causing us to collapse. state police say the rescue mission has now transition to the recovery operation to find the 6 people who are still missing. cargo ship lost power and collated the bridge. what's been called one of the most restrictive social media bands for minors in the u. s. has been signed into law in florida under new rules, social media accounts for children under 14 will be banned. 14 and 15 year olds will require a parental consent to use the platforms governor on desantis as the law will protect miners. center goals president selects as he will govern with transparency bus 00 my if i promised to fight corruption at all levels, he said to be the country's youngest leader following a delayed election on sunday. those are the headlines. it's back to alta 0 investigations in top one
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be revealed. how is really hostages were fired on by apache helicopters in tanks. the scale of destruction on october 7 suggest these may not have been isolated incidents full such as soon as the mass assault across the board, across the fence into the composer. that's pretty much only with light weapons. this is a pj's 5 rocket propelled grenades and personal side on this is taken from the inside of a house, 2 holes in the wall here. i would say probably by some sort of heavy weapon fight against the house, most probably a tank. there's no way out and on a page and that would make that sort of damage is catastrophic structural damage. so many of these buildings this can i live happen by heavy weapon systems being used against the keyboards itself. the i unit calculates that $1154.00 is riley's and foreign nationals are killed on
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october 7th. and in the days, immediately afterwards of these 256 of soldiers, 53 belong to the police and office security forces. and 63 of civilian security guards. the remaining $782.00 victims are unarmed the units list of the dead reveals that at least a team are killed by is randy ground troops. a number of other bodies are recovered from beneath brussels who died in circumstances at the unclear the in the days following october, 7 journalist shown around the keep it seem by the is right, the me, the something that monsters do not humans
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from us fighters and others committed crimes on october 7th. the is really media, however, focus is not on the crimes they committed. but on crimes they did not. i'm talking to some of the soldiers and they say what they've witnessed as they've been walking through these different houses, these different communities. a baby's, their heads cut off, that's what they said. no one could expect that it would be like this, the horrors that i'm sharing from these, these soldiers. that as i mentioned earlier about 40 babies, at least were, were taken out on various the i units list of the dead shows. no babies were killed and could far as a kid. but this report came from a senior is really military officer, late to speak to the dentist in front of a bad child house in cuba. spivey to get to the house where 12 hostages appear to
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have been killed during these thoughts by the is ready police and ami inside this house with another 15. then people among them. 8 babies is for it. were comfortable for you to them and they killed them and they burned. you do see i got you to the list of the dead shows that they would know babies in the house and kind of does not tell journalist without the casualties almost certainly caused by is ready forces. 2 days later, the regional head of zach of a voluntary organization charged with collecting bodies gives a different account to sky news of what happened at the same house. they need to cook, children's piles of 10 children each with tied to the back burner that this
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is something behind this is next level and i mean it's actually in describing and it's indescribable. it's indescribable. and i won't describe everything that i so this account is repeated by, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a conversation with president biden? they, they took dozens of children, bound him up during them, and executed them. the list of the dead shows to 12 year old twins uh, killed one police and ami storms, the house in betty. but there are no other children. is a, an interview with the sky, television, from preston to piles. we found them in very 2 piles of 10 children each were tied back to back and buns to death. oh again, i'm going to be if we looked at the, the desk because at betty there, there are only 10 children. died that a little,
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not children of this, but the, it's 18 year old. the so we're all together when you look at them and the burned you don't know exactly the age is it is not the only questionable story that you'll see. land out tells about cable. it's betty. we go further than we see woman. she was lying on the floor, puddle of blood, big puddle of blood. she was a pregnant woman. their stomach was butcher doke. the baby that was connected to the court stepped. she was shot in the back
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cable. it's patty has denied this account. the story of the pregnant woman reported by sika is not relevant to berry. you'll see lando insist. he witnessed the scene at betty. she want to see the picture. i have the picture of it. are you able to share the photographic evidence with us to show you? yes. hi. that was my phone phone, so i will will not to put it in front of me. no, no, that's fine. i'll come on. this of the nice to use chills, but over here was the, the, that's the imagery off to the bought is, has been cleared away. this is a baby. this is, i'm sorry to be traffic here, but i can't see a baby here. you can see the baby because, but this is the picture of the mother for sure. you know,
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we didn't think when we'll, the, we didn't think that to the camera. everything we didn't have that. this wasn't then our the scientist shows an identifiable piece of child flush. the list of the data contains no victim that fits, you'll see land as description. on october 7th, 2 babies die. one is code when a bullet is fired through a to the other dies following an emergency uses area of to the mother is shout. neither is bundled or headed. when you're taking the baby's cutting them and tying them together and burning them to death. you're treating them less than an animal. 1700 people that nodded. babies in bastards, put these babies in the oven and put on the oven. we found the kid
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a few hours later. us secretary of state and to be blinking describes the fate of 2 small children, family for the young boy and girl 6 and 8 years old and their parents around the breakfast table. the father is i gouged out in front of his kids. mother's breast cut off. the girl's foot empty too. the boy's fingers cut off before they were actually it. and then the rest of the users sat down and had a meal. that's what the societies deal with. this story also comes from y'all slammed out. and zach of an analysis of the evidence suggests that it is also untrue of the $782.00 unarmed victims of october 7, 36, a children 13 under the age of 12 non died in the circumstances described by antony blinking media analyst mark of insurance tracts, the spread of such stories on the internet he believes,
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based out of purpose. so how, as israel do create that balance and, and sort of saying, well, what we're doing is more rewrite even though we're killing way more people will. you have to emphasize the brutality, because you can say, well they, we've, we've come less than how about us. so how do you do it? well, you tried to make the significance of those individual tests. it was more disgusting and objectionable. in december, benjamin netanyahu meets with zach of volunteers, and thanks them to speaking to the worlds press one now to acknowledge this month this month. and they are gonna have you down to the con, the special bestbuy. the customer says i'm gonna need you. it's not just stories of matted babies and children that are open to question is ralph head of forensics describes the sky news, the state of adult corpses. he's examined so many bodies were filled. but before
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the, she'll do a tough for me to execute in style. you can see stop the ones here, the beck and on the head. and you should do see, you can see that the bill of easiest shutter nice of bullets inside. and so he was sold to a stop was bend and then he was run over b as riley say they recovered numerous bodies, mutilated by him as fighters and others. but the evidence suggest some, at least may not be as res. the in the off the month of october 7 large numbers of videos of the abuse and mutilation, of palestinian corpses are posted on line. i mean these really government late to admit that 200 of the buddies initially identified
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as his railways. what in fact, palestinians we originally said in the atrocious, from us attack upon our people. on october 7th, we had the number 1400 casualties. and now we revised went down to $1200.00 because we understood that we did over estimated we, we made a mistake, there actually bodies, the bizarre battery, but we thought that whereas in the end, apparently they were come up stairs. there's a lot of evidence out there that's been produced by these really is, which is even in the contradictory or potentially self homie, if people was saying, oh, actually we, we went through the different bodies and we realized some of the button bodies were actually palestinians. and they want, they want our civilians that makes the question why, why they bond and who bunt them. how would they mutually to then who make mutually to the appropriate forensic investigation would have to have to clarify who killed them and how they were killed. the israel
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also alleges that have mass is guilty of widespread and systematic rate. these randy government has published a video attacking the u. n. and other global institutions for what it claims as an action and a difference to the plight of his really women. i'd like to report a crime guess that was raped, so sorry. we're here to help socially atkins without a music festival. we heard gunfire and everyone was running. i started running the men can grab me. you know, something in arabic and then a reply. sorry to interrupt you. you say yes. yes. madeline reese is head of an international women's rights organization. management decided that all violence against as early as is legitimate resistance. because it's
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very cheap shots immediately upon as a the risk attacks on a topic sentence. um, there was a response from the land from the commission of inquiry which already exists to look into the atrocities in the region to say we want to come and investigate. we already were willing able to come and investigate and that was not that was blocked . and that's been blocked by as well as denies that rapes occurred on october 7 in no case, it was a proof that there was any, no one case. but there are others who say they witnessed women being raped. one is a survivor from the music festival, who says he so a group of palestinian civilian surrounding a woman. and maybe because of the minutes that seem, i gotta see over the best selection of the payment, the dining room with us at home. so it doesn't spell and because i'm just like i have been a little bit on a few of them, it's good with him,
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show what you call him back on the sheet with uh they oh and it's these randy police presents and anonymous witness who described a separate rate also at the music festival. a double play mom across the room. so get the name in the shop for the shot. the shot vision came in that in another interview. this witness says she. so a total of 5 women raped gunmen walking around with the 7 heads of 3 women. but no forensic evidence of sexual violence has been produced. a website created by the is really government to document atrocities on october 7 contains just one video indicative of rain was looking for the features, the body of a young woman lying by a roadside 14 kilometers north of the side of the music festival. she is wearing no
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one the way in december. the story from the sent a piece of new york times investigation. but the report was undermined when the woman system posted on instagram that it was untrue. yes they right. it's in the case of my system, know the family night that tripping right beside it would have been really difficult for her to have been raised because she was in contact with them during how much is attacked. and that's her last correspondence with them was probably about 4 minutes before she was reported to the right. and so they sort of say, how could she has been, you know, shot band and rapes within the space of 4 minutes. it didn't make sense. i believe that was right in every conflict, when ever the men with guns intent on perpetrating violence, it is highly unlikely that went up the central loans. but nothing that i've seen
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put forward so far suggested that it was widespread in systematic. it's a very high thought to actually reach to show if it was widespread in systematic doesn't have a lot more evidence that has come to like to dates on a lot more corroborative evidence than what's has been profound 5 months after october 7, a report by the un special representative on sexual violence and conflict concluded that with reasonable grounds to believe that conflict related sexual violence could deal with the stress to report was not investigative. she is released to permit a fully fledged investigative process and to grant, without further delay access to the international commission of inquiry, which is mandated to investigate human rights abuses in israel and the occupied territories. israel still refuses to do so.
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the un report relied largely on his riley officials and 1st responders. it state is the visual evidence provided no tangible indications of rate. a conclusion supported by the i units own analysis of footage and photographs in january is ready. the police said they were struggling to match witness accounts with known victims. the police women leading the inquiry told is really newspaper reads. at this stage, i have no specific bodies without any credible investigation, an independent accredited investigation. i don't think we can possibly say that was widespread in systematic. essentially, what we've got is a state has instrumental i is the, her effective tax on women in order we believe to justify a tax on casa,
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of which the majority is suffering. other women in response to the events of october 7 is around launches of them. but edmund of the college districts, the 1154 people were killed on october 7 of to 5 months of embodiment around 31000 a confirmed killed in gaza. 27 percent adult man. 29 percent adult women, and 44 percent children. there are many hundreds of babies among the dead.
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on the destruction of health services in casa means, many of the dead are uncounted, and the real death toll is likely to be far higher. the repeatedly accounts of rate on the matter of babies by have must have been used to justify is rouse actions are you because for is this fire to tell me what is up a personal response for getting going babies for re pullman unbundled but they have been go for try. they proposed that always phones to the 7 must, 2nd is the thought of destruction at the destruction to the last one of the most kidding slaughtering women and children babies rapes
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a be heading. we're going to wipe them off the mouth, wiped them off the face of yours. first thing i said, jeannette, yahoo! when this happened was finished them finished and don't ever forget what happened. the structural violence and other forms of violence being weaponized, dehumanizing enemy, and dehumanizing action is important and conflict. why? because the human eyes, as low as the threshold by which we're willingly degree to attack or from another group of people. and how do you do that? well, you've seen them as of human more of a 70 percent of those dying to bring women and children the 70 percent. and we know more than 160 women today have to give us without adequate medical protection tools since arians without any sort of anesthetic subsidies offers
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the for the mass leadership, the consequences of october 7 for the palestinian people appeared to be a price worth paying for ending as rouse, occupation, october 7th, who has sent the varies to them and clear message waiting to find message. no one can bypass the business team this. no one can enjoys submitted to us security as long as the scene is done or does not enjoy the on june 1, price independence. so civility, dignity, and freedom. the, i regret to say that i think it was a phenomenal success from their point of view,
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a put the power steering issue back on the regional and global agend. but the world will and sooner or later already people are coming out of their homes. and they're gonna see what guys it looks like today, and it's not a pretty picture. and part of this was necessary for operational reasons. and part of this was because i think it's always been trying to make the point that this can never happen again. and be aware that this is the price you will pay the price paid by the palestinians is terrible. that is true. it's half of tea. but been point to me. one struggle for liberation in which there was no costly price. so you see there is no easy way. there is no smaller
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price for freedom and for independence. cnn's no understand the they are revenging. the only thing that they do is revenge and davinci ken's to as the policy and people, the civilians. the women to children is going to be a trauma. that the kind of thing is when. if i hit the the
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the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the to coverage posting and say that what areas did during his final words, free policy made them feel since then for that he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least 9000 palestinian families are missing at least one loved ones. at the bar tables the the, the, the weather brought to you by visit supercharged temperatures in parts of south america. however, one, so we've been sitting records hottest march days, georgetown in diana, 35 degrees colors are on dark, the red, the hard, the temperature. you're down a bit on wednesday, but it's been hot. it's been dry here. so that heat will continue plenty of storms
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through the amazon jungle to be expected and still some showers into the mix for the southeast corner of brazil, but not as bad as it has been warm breeze, but likely to see some storms around by blanca. so also been hot in central america, hot and dry. and when do so, we see these wildfire is erupt in eastern mexico and vera cruz stayed quite stock images. bear again, all has to do with the heat. we've seen it through hundreds, nicaragua, temperatures into low to mid thirties, and with this warrant coming in to the us call fall, it's triggering the storms around northern florida pushing right through to the carolinas, but no hurts if this we are talking about snow from the upper midwest, pushing into northwestern ontario. it's starting to wind down, but by the time of setting down 30 centimeters and warmer air, coming into the great lakes and the us northeast to otherwise we go. another pacific storm, so rain for western canada, the pacific northwest, and that was weather drops down to northern california, but likely just some showers in our stuff. the weather brought to you by
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visit castle science and you can see the change is going to occur. when you turn that science into policy, you got to go to court to get people in trouble. dying coming soon in the biggest global that extra and you out in history. the was biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode, i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of prime and assume that in there will be a facing an avalon act of corruption charges even before full talk. com being the port spots due on the visa. why have american evangelicals become, his real strongest background? is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us
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support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the u. n. special reputation human rights for they occupied palestinian territory says there are reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide to get rid of palestinians and calls for an arms embargo. the you're watching all to 0 life from headquarters in delphi, navigate are also coming in at least 12 palestinians are killed in the air strikes. and as israel continues to ignore the un security
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council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza search and rescue reference sources.


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