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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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trying to find the reach of was multiple investments worth texas moving from one city to another. palestine 1920 on al jazeera, the alarm several venue. good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program today at least 12 palestinians are killed in russia, while israel continues to ignore calls by the un security council for an immediate cease fire and gaza. charities are doing their best to provide food in gaza, but hundreds of thousands of people in district are starving. at divers, get ready to search the bodies in baltimore after a container ship rammed into
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a bridge, causing it to collapse. on tony chang, on the time in puerto with thousands of military age, men and women are expected to flee in the coming months to escape the drop the it's 7 g m t that's 9 am in gaza. where is really forces have again targeted residential areas in rasa. gases. health industries says at least 12 people were killed in the latest attack on the city. more than 1500000 people are taking shelter. there is really military is continued the strikes, ignore the un security council's resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza houses here is honeywell who is in rossa. joining us live honey. so tell us about this striking on rasa. and more generally, i mean these airstrikes on the welfare happened almost every day. are you able to discern or make out what the is really military is targeting
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the yes. well, not only i intends a tax across the roof i city, but also the constant butts down of a drones causing and grinding physically and mentally on people causing the sleep deprivation. coupled with the massive air strikes on, on residential homes, across the city, from the eastern part of it all the way through the evacuation zone in the western part of mos evacuation. so we looked at the early hours of last night all the way to just within the past hour, almost 5 residential homes have been a talk with length of sleep for people have been confirmed go the transferred to an adjust hospital with a close to 25 of different injuries over reported to either here wait, hospital or and the judge has a gather european hospital give it,
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given that location or depending on the location where the residential homes that have been targeted. but also not only residential homes, but also looking at farm land live and stock farms have been targeted as well. just causing further destruction. not only now to the physical land escape of the city, but also the resources and areas that it provide supplies and some food supplies for the $1500000.00 display as the palestinians across the rough city. it is really military. just we're looking at little lives on 48 hours after the the resolution demanding an immediate seeds fire was passed and an intense bombing kenzie and concentrated in rough estimate in what seems to be nathan the whole and his work cabinet just makes me want to confirm that only military options are working across the gaza strip and further confirm his ongoing, the threats of expanding the military ground invasion and drop activity. now,
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honey, my who reporting live from rasa in the southern part of the gaza strip. hold on honey. before i let you go, you just informed us that there's been a raid on nicer hospital, little further north from ross, that's in han units. what do you know about that? of the yes. what within the past do they? there's really military under heavy coverage of attack and drones that military, it's shoppers and times an army. the vehicle push deeper into the vicinity of nasir hospital all the way to the western part of the city around the vicinity of animal hospital, where it locked the entrance of the hospital with a pile of dirt and sands, and ordering people to evacuate. and then sending them back inside the buildings. and later on, ordering sharply the medical to stop the injuries, the patients they evacuated, to leave immediately with their under wins on all late today at early hours of this
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morning. because really military push deeper into in their own do not. so the hospital and it stormed the facility one more time and causing a great deal of damage and something similar to uh, what's going on in a civil house. but then also happening under a list of above allegations. the primary among them is the presence of, of, of offers is at home, not associates, inside the hospital. the honey mountain would reporting from roughly thank you very much, honey. that's why local charities are doing their best to provide much needed. a hundreds of thousands of people are going hungry in gaza. and during this fasting month of ramadan displaced palestinians in rough reflect on the dramatic shift in their lives. since this time last year, mohammed vol. reports the sound of cutlery in this relief kitchen must be music to the ears of hundreds of thousands of paula steve's face and stop ation. it's been nearly 6 months since these lady offers. she began couples with
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any adult of seat. the majority of these policy needed not being forced from their homes even of the holiday. most of them are on the minus them. but today's of the cost. normally we have spoken preparations and declarations and reach us for the for the month of ramadan this year. the situation is different. and as you can see, everyone depends on the 8 and support from others. we lived in peace and security during the last month of from a dental we've been living in our house as the markets were full and we could buy anything for our children. but the situation was kind of trimming. done is different because of the war. instead of bank 1st fruits and vegetables from the markets, now we only need to can from with only tiny amounts of a guessing if the local effect is crucial. a hospice child or 2 is one of the local groups about to have to the survival of thousands of people himself. in
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a pool, we prepare food for the people here since the 1st day of the war. during the holy month of ramadan, we need to exit more efforts. we divided ourselves into 2 teams, the 1st for cooking, rice, and meat, and the 2nd for cooking, other things such as beads, peas, lentils, et cetera. we try our best to provide food to the displace people in rough time but it's hasn't always been east with the ship's cap, secure supplies. 6 we face some difficulties, such as the lack of meat, rice and oil at the beginning of the roll, we used to cook 5 calls. but now this is difficult due to the lack of called spirit, and the very high prices is found. before is facing the double incidental finding potentially. so these are going to affect you. what's the situation is for the project on sunday, easily informed you and that it was no longer
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a low food convoys to be finding. just close the families that are forced to to die chose to specify the need for safe and too many to support husbands. it'd be more urgent. how much fun? just you and your united nations report says there are quote, reasonable grounds to believe is really is committing genocide and gaza. the report which was released on tuesday also recommends and immediate arms embargo on israel gabriel. as on the reports from the un headquarters in new york's as the title of the report says, it all anatomy of a genocide for words, it's some up. the actions of israeli soldiers highlighted in findings by the un special rapid tour occupied palestinian territories. these riley sold yourself, published footage, boasting about their killing of families. mothers cheated for in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools such as incriminating videos,
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show them so distinctly mocking and discriminating their policy and victims not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity line by line. the 25 page report reaches a clear conclusion is real is in violation of the un genocide convention must disappearance and arbitrary read attention so widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people have to search to rumble with their behinds. many have been unable to bery hungry of loved ones. the report offers 7 recommendations among them and immediate arms embargo on these real. while the briefing in geneva centered on israel's acts of genocide, here in new york, the security council heard from tour venice slide the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. he brief the council about israel's continued
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expansion of illegal settlements in the last few months. he's a radio thirty's demolished c sub force, deeper to them all these 300 structures. displacing 314 people, including hundreds, 37 to france condemned israel's announcement last week that had seized 800 hector's in the west bank. that couldn't you just raise, guide you into both 3 of them. 6, is there 80. set them in buildings containing an even x and everything in the west bank. france condemns decent policy which to contribute to international law to live or recognize the illegal an exemption of territories has not been legalized, vision of outpost. these really decisions on the 22nd of march, confiscating 800 hectic offline in the westbank is unacceptable. this is the largest confiscation offline, but is right in the occupied with the scene in 3300. it seems a lot quoted. so fran said it is considering measures in coordination with european
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allies against settlers and is planning to propose an initiative to the security council related to a unified palestinian state. gabriel is under how does either at the united nations in new york. let's talk about how all of this is reverberating within is really society without the zeros and we're on con, your in occupied east jerusalem, everyone. so this, so this top you an international lawyer says, this really is committing genocide. you have that. you also have evidence that palestinians are starving to death on account of israel's and this restriction of humanitarian aid. these are things that no country, no society wants to be accused of. how is that playing out within his really society? so let me give you the official reaction. first, it was strong and it was swift and it came from the you in diplomatic b is ready, diplomatic mission to the you and in geneva. and that's what francesco, ven, easy is based. they accused of a campaign of de,
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legitimize in the very creation and existence of the state of israel since the war . they say, she's continue this campaign unabated, accusing, excusing him to just buy them new types of october, the 7th, and dismissing the antique symmetric nature at any concrete evidence of acts of several drink. and they go on to say it's clear from the report of the special rapids who began with the conclusion that israel was committing genocide and then tried to prove distorted and politically driven views with weak arguments and justification. so an incredibly strong statement that but not a surprise. so any time the you and does anything we sold as just a couple of days ago with the u. s. resolution. sorry with us abstaining from the 10 resolution. i'm calling for an immediate c swipe. what they do is they accuse the united nations of being anti semitic. they then dismiss the united nations and then they simply ignore anything that happens. that's a classic buttons because the lead is about doing that is really,
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society is simply following. remember, this is a much more right wing society than it has been an impact in the last 20 years or so. it is still a lot of support for apartments to benjamin. that's and you know who the coalition still holds. so he's ready society as a whole, considered as the united nations to be this anticipated body simply because the ladies keep telling them that it is so is there and perhaps this is behind closed doors. is there a conversation about values, you know, what's acceptable and not acceptable for these really society in pursuit of the government's military goals. and we've really got 2 things going on. hey, you go people that i sort of connected to the government, but outside the government, they don't part of the wood cabinet. they're not part of the security cabinet who are very vocal and the criticisms of how this war is being played out, spots. they are open opponents of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so
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a lot of what they're saying is simply to use as a stick to beat, to prime minister benjamin netanyahu in, within the cabinet itself. the wall cabinet itself are all divisions as to how this will. ready being played out, been against has been very clear. you have guns have been very clear. they seem to be on a slightly different side to way prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants to go, but the war still continues in this same fashion. now if you're talking about it's sort of a big labor. ready left wing perhaps is, you know, an organization that is anti government that wants to talk about all of this. so they don't really be talking about the occupation or any of the recalls the best of treatment palestinians. they're talking about once again, that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and they using a lot of the, the war and the way into israel, the scene internationally to use as a stick to beat. and with this isn't about the occupation or ending the occupation of the treatment palestinians. what this is about is criticism all benjamin
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netanyahu, and that's the way it's really framed to emerald. com. thank you very much for all that perspective in run con, reporting live from occupied east jerusalem there. this is really soldiers have rated several cities across the occupied west bank. at least 3 people have been killed. one of them, a teenager and 8 others injured in jeanine, bulldozers destroyed roads and facilities during the raid. several other people were wounded in operations near novelist. these really army has killed more than $450.00 palestinians in the occupied west bank since october. the 6th that abraham is in rom, all that needed. tell us more about this rate. tell us more about the teenagers to people now. who's been killed in jeanine. yes, the 2 of them were 19 year olds who had killed in 2 separate incident incidents. let me tell you what happened. first of all, there has been a read to an area near the janine refugee camp that has led to the killing of the
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19 year old that took place before midnight. and that has resulted in the killing of a 19 year old. so these really forces, if left, but in the early hours of the morning they did during this time, not with the ground. read the book with a drone that has truck can kill to palestinians in that you need a few g kemp. one of them is a 27 year old. he is reportedly working with the p a and the customs produced another 19 year old. it's not clear if that drone has targeted the 2 men specifically, or it has been targeting the area they would in. but this has happened just like a few hours ago, 3 hours ago at when palestinians are getting ready to start their day to move around. and that stark has happened, resulting in the injury of 9 other palestinians who it in the vicinity. now we're talking about those air strikes we've been seeing is were an intensifying that use of those drones that just go in, it shoots and,
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and strikes palestinians and leave without any ground troops. although these really forces have ray that the area is close to the janine refuse you can just before midnight. now we're talking about rates. it's not, are not only sensors. and janine, but also in other areas. as you mentioned that in the occupied westbank. and we're seeing a lot of era, but also a lot of palestinians who have been injured as a result of those rates. okay, and it abraham reporting from ramallah, thank you very much and it it is really striking. 711 know now has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit, the village of high berea, had targeted health center used by 11. he's armed group, these really military and has below have exchanged cost board or fire since the war on gaza. again, this is plenty more head on this news hour, including how mazda pushing back against reports, that one of his deputy military commanders was killed by the is really army. and the
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. so here we are, then the search to find survivors of tuesday's bridge collapse in the united states has been called off police in baltimore say the focus has switched to finding the bodies of 6 people missing. since the container ship crashed into the bridge, divers are waiting until it's safe to try to recover bodies from the twisted wreckage. allan fisher reports from the scene. throughout the day they continued to search the broken bridge. the stranded ship standing overshadowing it all. as it was just as the one sucked in the morning when the single pull registered cargo ship dally sent out to meet it. it it last propulsion. 2 minutes after leaving the port to baltimore, there was headed for the francis scott key bridge, a major transportation link on the us east coast. as it collided it, people were thrown into the water, too were rescued almost immediately. one of them badly injured, pressed into a bike and was kept informed of operations through the night. and so as the tragedy
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could have been much worse, personal on board the ship were able to alert the maryland department transportation that they had lost control of their vessel. as you all know, reported as result, local authorities are able to close the bridge of traffic before the bridge was struck. which on dollars saved lives, the value was just minutes into a 2070 johnny. the owners say all 22 crew on board are safe. no, the national transportation safety board has sent a team to investigate what went wrong. the team of experts include experts in article operations and what they're going to look at and begin to collect as information on vessel operations, safety history, safety record. the look at the owner, the look at the operator and they'll look at the operations this day. baltimore is the 2nd busiest port on the eastern seaboard of the us, bringing in $80000000000.00 that imports last year. the wreckage and the river
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below the stranded ship. mean the only channel in and out of the port is blocked and could be for some type that will impact the wider us economy. on the all important supply chain, this is no ordinary rich. this is one of the cathedral of american infrastructure. it has been part of the sky line of this region for longer than many of us have been allies. so to pass, to normal, say will not be easy. it will not be quick. it will not be an expensive, but we will rebuild together the bridge took 5 years to build back in the 1917. still biting says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it, given the damage given the state of the area. there's no indication of when that process might even begin island for sure. i'll just see the baltimore heidi. so castro is live from near the collapse bridge and baltimore. so heidi you've been finding out more about the victims. tell us who was still on that bridge when it
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collapsed. yes, there are the 6 missing people who rescue workers were diving through the wreckage all day trying to locate they have been presumed dead at this point. and so now it is a recovery efforts. and all 6 of these men appeared to have been immigrant workers who were in that span of the bridge. repairing ass falls when this collision occurred. the guatemalan embassy here says 2 of them weren't guatemalan. one, a man in his twenties, another in his thirties, and reportedly a man in his forties, a father of 3 from el salvador, was also among those presumed to cease. there were 2 other workers in this group who fell into the waters and were rescued early on. one has already been released from the hospital, the other apparently on injured. and this is asking,
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this is open a lot of questions. yes, this ship gave a made a call that allowed the authorities that control the bridge to have enough warning to stop traffic from crossings or was there an effort made? was there even any potential of alerting these men who were working there? and if so, why didn't that happen? and was there any chance that they had to get off the bridge safely? all of these answers, all of these questions are troubling ones that investigators are now beginning to look through. yeah, especially as when you look at the cars, you see the pictures of the collapse. you see the last car, 2 cars that were on the bridge, the by because they've been told it was unsafe. so as you say, this raises some pretty big questions. what's the next step then for investigators? yeah, apart from the question about these casualties as also just of what, how, how does the catastrophe happen in the 1st place? what went wrong on this ship?
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and top of mind is getting investigators of a board this container ship, and they will be looking for the ship recorders to say to tell them exactly what was the failure here. why? the guidance system, the propulsion system, went offline and it, is there anything that could have been done to turn the ship report at least one of the pilots did try to veer the ship as far to the left as possible. try to drag the anchor along and perhaps said, did limit the velocity may be giving those traffic those those that drivers that you mentioned 0 that those extra brief micro seconds they needed to get out of the way of danger. and those are things that the n t s b will be investigating. also looking into the construction of the bridge itself was it was something like this, possibly avoidable? had there been more say protection of this pillar. obviously you saw from that
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video, how at the very, at the instance that this pillar was trust, the entire bridge failed. a spectacular image. that certainly many will be analyzing to see what lessons maybe learned. yeah, heidi, all right, thank you very much for your reporting. i know is the middle of the night where you are, we appreciate you staying up for us, heidi show castro reporting from baltimore. now calling confronting is a bridge design expert. then head of structural engineering at menache university. he explains why and how the bridge collapse, the way it did. is this a single point of failure? look at it shouldn't have happened. there are protection measures in place that are supposed to make this not happens that there is a, what's called a dolphin. it's a concrete element which is about a 100 meters off the pillar. it's the 1st line of defense against the ship collision. after that, there is the fender, which is a protection light. the bumper on the car is around the pylon at the ship seem to
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avoid that all sense. and then the sender just wasn't enough ad for the size of this special. now once it hit that pylon, the design of the bridge, the way the structure is if it's empty, there was no other way for it to to, to go others on to collapse. there was no what we call the c at once you remove top support. i think the protection measures around the bridge charity weren't up to the task here at the question then becomes why weren't they up to the task? and it seems that this bridge was designed in the seventy's onto started in the seventy's. the requirements in the seventy's were quite different to the requirements that we have today. and you know, for me, what's in my mind is, are we checking that the existing bridges we have today are adequately protected against the shipping that we have today. so i wonder if the ship stopped this bridge was designed to be protected against or much smaller on the ship that we saw unfortunately, impacted the bridge to set a goal is president elect is promising
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a clean break from the past to bessie. would you mind if i pledged to tackle corruption at all levels and govern with transparency? he is said to be the country, his youngest leader following his victory and sundays election. because hack reports from the car were in downtown to car, not too far from the presidential palace square after 12 years of mackie. so change is coming despite the delayed election that brought so much term oral. the outcome of the vote did not divide the people, but instead, united the senegalese people just to get us to be very proud to be synagogues, and to belong to a great democracy. today we have shown on proven that we are a country that will stand by our democracy. we have proven to be a silver in under our destiny is in our hands. bar. i'm hoping for change in the economy and the use unemployment will be addressed. there's only $200.00 status electron when 12, it took place in peace and stability. and the best has one for
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a peaceful, senegal, and for the whole of africa from the european union into the african union. and most importantly, the reason embodied echo was to all have commended the authorities for organizing what they described as a free and fair election. this is important because it's a region marked by democratic setbacks with a number of who is in the region 2 programs. and he did, but we need to be so similar of what is, what did you need from prison on the eve of the elections contributed to their lively east breakfast, where we set out there to conduct the origin front visit, and exit asap. heading goal is at a cross road, taking a new direction away from a roof team that had a lot of police repression. an authoritarian over tone to a new president that has spent the last 11 months in prison for
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a is the post t is relatively unknown, does not from the political leads. and people here hope that he can deliver on this promise to bring justice more freedom and fortify senegalese democracy nicholas hawk. alex's the right, the car still ahead on l. 0 a big game. so donald trump social media company on its 1st day of trading on the stock market, the the hello there are a lot of active other important in to the central mediterranean here. so why look at what's going on across europe? but let's go to where the action is. this is going to be a deluge through italy, including amelia romana, likely to see some flooding down through rome. so we looked at the next few days,
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could scoop up to a month's worth of rain over 48 hours, but we're lifting up warmer air from africa. so your temperature as well showed up once the sun comes out. also a sting with the winds through portugal and spain supporting rain in the north. so port, so you to be looking at a months worth of rain and wind got 7080 kilometers per hour. you'll lock your temperature in to about 14 degrees. what weather swirling around the islands of ireland, britain, france, and the low countries here. so pretty to all day on wednesday for you into turkey. we go, i've got a lot going on, few showers across the country. light is free, so assemble you're up to 17 degrees, and what weather will extend from robot rate through to tune is likely to see some sand storms really right across libya. now kind of give you an update on this. we've got a tropical storm that's formed here in the northeast of madagascar. this one is going to dump potentially up to half a meter of rain over the next. so bits and the rain fills in. across south africa, could see some thunder storms here. of the
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hard hitch, i mean to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say. no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the to coverage hosting and say that what aaron did during his final words free policy made them feel sense and for that he will soon be forgotten from the home to the story. at least 9000 palestinian families
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are missing at least one loved one. at the start table, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching alpha 0 reminder in our headlines this, our divers are waiting until it's safe to try to recover 6 bodies from the twisted wreckage of the baltimore bridge collapse. the u. s. coast guard cooled off the search for survivors after the bridge was rammed by a container ship relief on tuesday and is really striking. 711 on has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit the village of hum barrios, his target to the health center used by 11. he's armed and is really forces have
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again targeted residential areas in a rough and southern gaza because his health ministry says at least 12 people were killed in the latest attack. more than 1500000 displaced palestinians have been forced to shelter us defense secretary lloyd austin has told israel's defense minister, the safety of civilians in rasa is a top priority. you will have go on to is that dependent, gotten some meetings on tuesday. israel says it's going ahead with its plan for ground defensive and rough on that's in southern gaza, where $1500000.00 displace palestinians have been forced to seek shelter. this is despite warnings from the us and the international community that eco hate and reports from dependent on a pretty strong language from the us. secretary of defense, lloyd austin, at the beginning of the meeting, know we know the is really defense minister you'll have kalonde has come here. was a long list of weapons that he says, israel needs to get from the united states including really advance fighter jets. this is seen as the most critical, critical key piece of leverage that the us has if we want to try and force israel
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to change course. so what happens? well, we were able to speak to a senior defense official and a background call. and reporters repeatedly pressed where the weapons granted are they on their way. and he would only say that the western strongly believes israel has a right to defend itself, and to defeat him off that israel says, and the us believes they are following international laws of war. and any announcements would come in the future. but again, it was fairly tough language at the beginning, the main, lots of that protecting palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore on the subsidy strategic impaired and gaza. today, the number civilian casualties is far too high and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low. gaza is suffering, humanitarian catastrophe. situation is getting even worse. the safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also
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a top priority for the united states. the senior defense official said that he believes more aid is getting into cause, although he said it's still not nearly enough. and when it comes to rafa we per, we are able to process and say, what does the us want us to happen? you said basically the us wants to see $1500000.00 palestinians, they're being able to move safely to somewhere else as long as israel can provide for their basic needs. and then start the assault on rough. uh, the problem is this vice president come on hers. she just said in interview that she's looked at the map. there's literally nowhere for these 1500000 people to go. so obviously still a big debate behind the scenes, but the kind of god's choosing not to let it go public political home. i'll just here at the pentagon and how mouse has pushed back on claims that one of his deputy military commanders was killed by the is really army. israel says more one is was killed by a targeted air strike earlier this month in the central gaza strip. and other
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senior homeless commander was also reportedly killed in the same attack. well, earlier my colleague missed as you pay, spoke to a summer home down the senior spokesman for home us. he says he cannot confirmed the death of our one is so unclear. i'm on a solemn repair that everybody knows that might want to isa is one of the major commanders. i focus on brigades. and everybody knows that the israelis had been saying since day one, that they want to target the outcome some and how much commanders. and because us trip, however, in the absence of an official statement from from us or some confirming the martyrdom or wounding us any of its commanders or members, we cannot confirm such information. have you heard anything from the all? cassandra gave you a minute feeling as to mister hughes as whereabouts and safety are missing, having the monument, the attempt to that will have this information is not usually traded inside the movement, the whereabouts or information pertaining to the safety or outcomes. some commanders
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is not information that is exchanged internally. however, in the absence of a statement by of cosign brigades about the martyrdom or wounding if any of its leaders, then the information published by the enemy is not deemed as confirmed. it could very well be part of the psychological board that is waged by the occupation against the resistance and the palestinian people, or is bringing some yellow around director of the center for islam in global affairs. it is stumble, design university, send me. i want to take a, a big picture look at what's going on. the multilateral system has pushed back against is really in almost every way can the un security council resolution called for a cease fire. the un general assembly called for a ceasefire. there's a trial at the hague, for genocide, there's a u. n reporter who says, genocide is happening. the institutions that the world has to deal with conflict of all been activated. this is how the system is supposed to work and it had no effect
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. so what happens now that is correct because they're actually normally presumed to force is right to comply with all these institutions. what we have on here is the most states has been saying to us since day one that they are with is a shoulder to shoulder. they have been providing it with the width and with the ammunition, with even for the interest of shield and the binding is face and consequences domestically. and that's why we saw the latest you and the resolution. that really the security council has mentioned that has no mind. i mean it does not forces to do anything. actually. they says it's non binding. that's why we're saying this still is, is punishing does that is getting civilians is targeting or means of a bit of assistance to the population. nothing is happening. but it's not true that the nation does not have the power to go to to the 4th is to comply. the
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consistently the sanction is an external security council. can do that the method nations in our assembly. so can, we can do that. they can suspend its membership to the you and they can't even explain it if they want to. they can panel or empower it. so i didn't know that then actually a try is what you need me. they typically those the low criminals attempting to link thousands and thousands of civilians. the cannibal sorta customize the, the stadium. people that buy this thing in states. they can certainly, uh, enter it into the united nations and recognize that so many means must. there is no international willing to do any of that. oh, so far. and so this is very interesting and i stand corrected cuz i, i said he is released it. so i beg your pardon. the multi level system has been activated in every imaginable way. you're telling us there are more levels that could be activated, but there's nobody's talking about doing those things that you mentioned. but your point is well taken. so what, in light of all of that,
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what is the calculus now for israel as well, is trying to convince the world that is going to head with its invasion throughout 5 no matter what they want to kill or eliminate how much lead those as, as, as many as they can in order to appear domestically that they are winning this battle. obviously, the condition of a certain has taken huge hit, not only across the world, but even within the united states. now we have even within the democratic party, people is not, it's a vocal minority, but it's still very vocal and they are trying to, and they're the buying an administration that this kind of policy is going to have a huge backlash. not only in terms of what happens in the elections in november, but also about u. s. interest towards life. you know, the question i wasn't gonna go there, but since you bring this up, the question of, of what electro consequences there are going to be for november for by mid november . seem to me,
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it still is an open question because anybody who wants to show more support for palestine and condemnation of israel, they may be dissatisfied. and then there may be a lot of disquiet with biden's policies, but will those people really then choose to hurt bite? and when his rival is trump, you know, at some point it becomes a binary choice. i'm not sure if voters would say, don't like what biden's done. he's not showing up support the palestinians. let me vote for trump instead. or actually there is a particular cause here we're talking about swinging states so far by then it was in bold, swinging states. this one here states where 6 at the beginning of this on slot. now it has reason to a phone line. that means that a certain stage that was supposed to be in by that is call him, but he is losing much minnesota. but he can't win with it without michigan and michigan had a substantial number of our ups and muslims in which they have found that they will not vote for by that they will either not uh, go to hold or upstate or,
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or choose if they're attempting to reset the drum, but the point if i don't vote from light and they're helping trump, and i don't think ultimately they, that constituency would want to do that. what does that argument is not way anything with these people because they see that there is no difference between the other side of joe, but what they call him and trump, at least trump is not going to be wasted into the bike. and how can you even be worse than by then when you give is right and all the green lights, the practice of green lights to commit atrocities in genocide last time you all around. thank you very much for the conversation. we'll talk to you again. let's look at some of the world news now. i independent us presidential candidates. robert f. kennedy junior has announced his running mate and that is nicole shanahan . she is a california lawyer. the 38 year old has never held any elected office, but she's previously donated to presidential candidates for the democratic party. rob reynolds reports from oakland,
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california. as robert f. kennedy junior and his new running mate, nicole shanahan spent just a few minutes on stage together waving to supporters as the announcement event ended. but earlier each spend time praising the other. i want nicole to be a champion is a growing number of millennials and gems. the americans who have lost faith in their future and lost their pride in our country. there is only one candidate i have met for president who takes the chronic disease epidemic seriously. it is robert f. kennedy junior shanahan is $38.00, grew up in poverty and became a successful attorney in tech entrepreneur. she's also the ex wife of google co founder surrogate. bryn kennedy is 70 a long time environmental lawyer and an advocate of various discredited conspiracy theories, including the childhood vaccines and on specified environmental toxins cause autism
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. shanahan referred in directly to those claims. no single safety study can assess the cumulative impact of one prescription on top of another prescription in one shot on top of another shot on top of another side. kennedy's broader message is that all major government agencies and other institutions are corrupt. advanced agencies work for the military, industrial complex, and health agencies work for big pharma. at the us, the a work for a big bag and the process food cartels. at the e p. a is in go with the polluters. many supporters say they are disillusioned and distrustful of government, political parties and the news media out of 350 some 1000000 people. and that is that really all we're just happy to be here to support somebody. i want or not just says somebody out. kennedy has support from 13 percent of likely holders. according
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to one recent polls president jo biden's campaign is concerned. they didn't even lead divided swing states. kennedy could siphoned off enough liberal votes to hand the white house, the former president donald trump. so far, kennedy is qualified to appear on the ballot in just one state, utah, in order to make it on to all 50 states. phillips is an arduous process, requiring multiple signatures, expenditures, money, meeting, certain deadlines and so forth. so whether kennedy qualified to appear on all of those state ballads remains to be seen. rob reynolds, l, just your telephone. donald trump social media company has made its stock market debut on wall street. it's called the trunk media and technology group, and it ended the day at nearly $60.00 a share, giving a market capitalization of nearly $8000000000.00. however, some analysts are actually not predicting
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a successful future if truth social cannot increase from its current 5000000 users . trump launched it 2 years ago after he was banned from major social platforms following the insurrection at the us capital. them pre mac is the business editor of the extra us online news platform and he says, trump supporters are mainly responsible for the initial rise and to share price. the best way to really understand this is a little bit like games stop. if people remember that from a couple years ago, which was a real company, it was a retailer, they sold video, games online and then stores. but there was this moment which came stopped, stop went through the roof, and suddenly it was worth much more than a lot of established companies. it wasn't justified on the fundamentals. it was what became known as a medium stock and, and trump media and technology or truth social is best understood in that way. this is from what we can understand, at least this point kind of a political stock. maybe the only political stops and the people who are fans of trump are buying this pocket, have been bidding it up. it is not based on the fundamentals, but ultimately,
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the stock in the company is really worth what people will pay for it. it's not necessarily a multiple of earnings or multiple of revenue. we don't necessarily know who the user basis. so for example, is the largest outside investor is a guy named jeff yas, but he is doing that through a big investment firm. he's a, he's a billionaire investor is got a big firm called us vamos. the holder there with the assumption is, this is mostly retail investors and it's probably true. it's a fairly small lot of stuff, but it's entirely possible their institutions in there that, that inside that this was a good thing to buy up if only because they believe that there are a bunch of retail folks. so we're gonna, we're gonna kind of. busy them for awhile because their supporters of trump, we just don't know, it's too early to really know. we'll have to wait a quarter or 2 for reporting. a florida governor, randa santas has signed into law bill restricting social media use for minors. the new to legislation vans social media accounts for those under 14 and mandates. parental consent for users age 14 and 15. several other states are considering
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similar measures. the santa says the law will protect miners, but he expects legal challenges. david greene is the civil liberties director. of the electronic frontier foundation, he says the bill is a threat. the free speech that isn't showing in the us constitution 0. there are 2 main 1st amendment arguments i expect that will be made. uh, one would be based on the 1st amendment rights of minors. to receive information and to communicate the social media platforms under us law miners do have 1st amendment rights and they have them even independent of their children. and so that's one argument that can be made. this law certainly does a bridge their rights. and i don't think the state would deny that the 2nd argument that could be made the 2nd free speech argument that could be made as well would be on behalf of adult users who, who believe that or who will find that this law will effectively require social
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media platforms to verify the age of users and will not allow for social media platforms to offer services anyone unless they know they are of sufficient age to do so. and so therefore will have to ask everyone for their age. and so adult users who wants to be able to use the sites without proving their identity or sending private information to these companies will have arguments also that the, that this law infringes their rights, even though the lawn doesn't title them. it doesn't restrict their ability to have accounts, but it does in effect create a burden on them to identify themselves and prove the rates to do so. a dietary supplement in japan has been recalled after being linked to the depths of 2 people . more than a 100 others have needed hospital treatment. the red east supplement was marketed as an alternative to drugs to reduce collateral. the manufacturer says it's investigating the possibility that the supplements may have been contaminated are and still
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a head on house as they are protesting against what they say our crew immigration was. we have the latest on the holding week,
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march and mexico. the of the army in the in moore is struggling with a recruitment problem. casualties in the war against rebel forces, desertion, and low morale have depleted the ranks mandatory. conscription is due to be re introduced next month, but many young men are choosing to join the resistance forces or flee the country instead. tony shang met some of those don't. during the draft and thailand's board, a town of my thoughts,
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it's really who watches from the opposite banks, the moisture of a young man, some of military age splash around in the water a well, the way the river divides thailand, m u m, and he crossed it illegally last week to escape the military draw financial on if i stayed to pick up my name along with the fact i was involved in the civil disobedience, we looked to consider to be a criminal. even if i receive a conscription that is, i don't think they would put me into military service, they will arrest and imprison me. in some areas, the draft lottery has already begun that many. don't want to leave the state to jones. in recent weeks, long queues outside and this is in young go, but legitimate visas onto an option. the most people in me, i'm a going to the most government connect, so made up of the elect to them. peace is wanting that tens of thousands or more
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will flee into neighboring countries getting in the door. these numbers are going to increase more rapidly because conscription has now started. now they are collecting data and are going to knock on people's doors in april and may have so many more people who try to avoid being taken. nobody wants to be a slave of the military when to mazda and forces are in desperate need of new personnel possession, low morale, and casualty is a taking a total and the ranks only fight to civil war on numerous fronts. they're all still quite a lot of people coming across into thailand for me. i'm up with these a tray. those people with special permits. nowadays, if you're an old re taurus, you need a special visa from the embassy. that is very all to get the crossing alone and porous border and thailand isn't a hard look guessing there is dangerous. that's what this mother did with her son
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who's just 1019 southern. these are all by natural. didn't a precious, no parents want their children to face dangerous of being conscripted? as our family is involved in political movements, they would have good. my son is a priority. so i decided to leave the country. now she and has some face and uncertain future. illegal immigrants with limited funds and no support, but they have no doubt. the alternative is was tony chung out to 0 on the time. yeah. and my boredom in southern mexico, thousands of migrants are heading toward the us border on what they call a holy week march. it's becoming an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. but well, wrap a little reports or the city of duck latuda in southern mexico. the starting point for new migrant care van, heading north toward the westport. we want to leave the temperature because to put you, let us turned into
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a large macon scale. this latest caravan is comprised of migrants and asylum seekers of various nationalities, including venezuelan, ecuadorian, and hunter. and many of them travelling with young children wherever we are going, it's empty to seek a better life. the truth is we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh it will be heading up was it's called the, the government tides does not take responsibility. yet the suffering of migration remains the same. take stations the robberies above all, not allowing them to get on buses. it seems criminal to me. criminal to say so many people, so many children working on the sunday. last month,
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the us border patrol reported more than $140000.00 migrant encounters. while that number is significantly lower than the nearly 250000 reported in december. the governments of mexico and the us are feeling the pressure of curbing migration as national elections near in both countries. when we have it up, a little al jazeera wildfires are spreading across mexico, scorching forests and 18 states. the country's forestry commission says more than 3000 hector's have been effected. the state of vera cruz is reportedly the hardest hit. it comes as a severe drought grips parts of mexico creating conditions that fuel the flames. the government into a has announced plans to increase lithium production. mining of the metal is vital for clean energy. it's used in electric car batteries and for storing solar and wind power. julia, along with argentina in bolivia, are considered to be a lithium triangle where governments expect to create a trillion dollars industry. and argentina is baffling, a record breaking
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a break of thing. a fever. the government reports more than a $120000.00 cases. neighboring brazil has 2000000 infections with around 700 deaths. puerto rico is also reporting an increase for the straining it's already overwhelmed. health care system. military offensive in south west columbia has killed at least 8 members of an armed rebel group. the central general staff for mc control the drug trafficking routes along the border with ecuador and venezuela. the group is accused of exploding the piece process to expand their influence and recruit new members. the colombian government suspended a ceasefire with the amc and 3 parts of the country because of renewed violence. a religious and right wing groups in croatia are ramping up. pressure of the ban, abortions vigils have been held outside clinics as well as protest marches by thousands of demonstrators. abortions have been legal in the country for more than 50 years, but doctors have the right to deny women forcing many to travel abroad. if you will
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be as large as bank says it's recovered nearly 80 percent of money illegally withdrawn by customers during a computer glitch the ever allowed users to take out more money than they had in their accounts. up to $14000000.00 were withdrawn or transferred from the commercial bank 2 weeks ago. bank managers say 15000 customers have voluntarily return the cash is the way the money will take and is not healthy. it's not good for society. the lesson is not a good one. i look at the remaining 178000000 barrels as a 178, b and b or it has to be returned. we will make sure that even those are always one bill with return the money. and torrential, rain and flooding has affected tens of thousands of people in mozambique. public transport has been suspended, electricity supplies, cuts and businesses closed. more rain is forecast. it follows storm filippo, which caused rivers and drainage systems to overflow
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a few weeks ago. that does it for me, so then yeah, i'll be back in just a moment with more of today's news on our join us the i've gotten around. no, says have family was one of the last to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows every way, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come for health services, a close to that comes off from the fact the lock destination transit can in the town to bring new coal says he was shots in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined, he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sea, denise would say nice, like neil,
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the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a, you know what we are receiving. we have lots of number of t 30100 that you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited . in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces a time stuff on an awesome, arrested. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to with every donation given. with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved the days you donated,
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we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together, we are changing the world one hawks, that's time the at least 12 palestinians are killed in rasa while israel continues to ignore calls by the un security council for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the venue is good to have you with us. this is elza 0 live from the also coming up as the law fire is a barrage of rocket center in northern israel after it is really strike kills 7


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